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Jon Stewart makes fun of Prop 2; also radio host seems to but emailed me it was meant as a joke

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Yeah, I have heard a few people in public forums make similar comments. I'm gay and I of course fully supported and voted for Prop 2 and voted no on Prop 8. It's outrageous to make a comparison and it devalues the suffering of animals. The fact that same sex couples had their right to marry wrongfully stripped away from them doesn't in any way mean that animals shouldn't have been given a slightly more humane existence. I really wish that people would not make that comparison because it mocks the whole idea of being kind to animals. It suggests that it was absurd to help animals while at the same time deny equal rights for same sex couples. The humane treatment of animals and equal rights for all people are BOTH important issues. I encourage everyone to contact the daily show and to speak up whenever anyone makes this unfair comparison.




Stephanie said:

Two things.   First I was listening to the radio last night and a promo for Thom Hartmann's radio show had him saying (to paraphrase):  What is wrong with people?  California passes a proposition denying gays the right to marry but yet chickens (said in an outraged way) are given rights?! 


Hartmann is very liberal (on Green 960 AM).  I wrote to him saying that though I was for gay marriage, there are other ways to express disgust that Prop 2 passed without trivializing the suffering of millions of animals and the threat to the people that eat these animals that factory farming causes.


I just got an email from Thom saying that he had been a vocal proponent of Prop 2 and had animal rights groups on the show.  He said he meant that as a joke that, he guessed, "fell flat".  I will be emailing him to say that yes, the comment doesn't send the message that he intended and thanking him for his support of Prop. 2.


Also last night's The Daily Show with Jon Stewart had Jon saying that "California denied gays the right to marry but passed a proposition guaranteeing that chickens would have enough 'leg room'. " 


 This got a big laugh from the audience.  I have always been a huge Jon Stewart/Daily Show fan and I am disappointed to the point of feeling sick.


I tried emailing the daily show, but you can't!  You can only contact them by snail mail, which I will be doing: 

Jon Stewart

c/o The Daily Show with Jon Stewart

733 11th Ave.

New York, NY 10019-5051


Hartmann's website points out that he gets over 500 emails a day so they suggest that you post your concerns/comments on their forum. 


 In order to do that you have to register.  I did that and basically cut and pasted my letter to Hartmann on the Forum.  It has a very generous message length.


The Daily Show also has a forum and you also have to register for that. 


 I don't think you get email from either unless you want to be notified when someone responds to your post. 


I registered for the Daily Show forum too, but it was disappointing.  Your message has to be 100 characters or less which is about 2 sentences.  I said as much as I could in 100 characters.


As I said above, Thom Hartmann just wrote me saying that he totally agreed with me.  I hope this means Green 960 will pull the promo which gives totally the opposite impression.  To contact Green 960 go to wwwDOTgreen960DOTcoAs I said above, Thom Hartma


Jon Stewart is, of course, hugely influential.  I hope he hears from a lot of people who don't appreciate him trivializing the suffering of millions of animals and threatens the health of people who do still eat meat. 


 **Feel free to post this wherever you want.**


Best to all (especially our heroes like Nora and Karin who did so very much to stop the suffering of millions of animals on factory farms),



**************AOL Search: Your one stop for directions, recipes and all other Holiday needs. Search Now. (http://pr.atwola.com/promoclk/100000075x1212792382x1200798498/aol?redir=http://searchblog.aol.com/2008/11/04/happy-holidays-from-aol-search/?ncid=emlcntussear00000001)

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Hi Everyone,


Two things. First I was listening to the radio last night and a promo for Thom Hartmann's radio show had him saying (to paraphrase): What is wrong with people? California passes a proposition denying gays the right to marry but yet chickens (said in an outraged way) are given rights?!


Hartmann is very liberal (on Green 960 AM). I wrote to him saying that though I was for gay marriage, there are other ways to express disgust that Prop 2 passed without trivializing the suffering of millions of animals and the threat to the people that eat these animals that factory farming causes.


I just got an email from Thom saying that he had been a vocal proponent of Prop 2 and had animal rights groups on the show. He said he meant that as a joke that, he guessed, " fell flat " . I will be emailing him to say that yes, the comment doesn't send the message that he intended and thanking him for his support of Prop. 2.


Also last night's The Daily Show with Jon Stewart had Jon saying that " California denied gays the right to marry but passed a proposition guaranteeing that chickens would have enough 'leg room'. "


This got a big laugh from the audience. I have always been a huge Jon Stewart/Daily Show fan and I am disappointed to the point of feeling sick.


I tried emailing the daily show, but you can't! You can only contact them by snail mail, which I will be doing:

Jon Stewart

c/o The Daily Show with Jon Stewart

733 11th Ave.

New York, NY 10019-5051


Hartmann's website points out that he gets over 500 emails a day so they suggest that you post your concerns/comments on their forum.


In order to do that you have to register. I did that and basically cut and pasted my letter to Hartmann on the Forum. It has a very generous message length.


The Daily Show also has a forum and you also have to register for that.


I don't think you get email from either unless you want to be notified when someone responds to your post.


I registered for the Daily Show forum too, but it was disappointing. Your message has to be 100 characters or less which is about 2 sentences. I said as much as I could in 100 characters.


As I said above, Thom Hartmann just wrote me saying that he totally agreed with me. I hope this means Green 960 will pull the promo which gives totally the opposite impression. To contact Green 960 go to wwwDOTgreen960DOTcom/html and click on Contact.


Jon Stewart is, of course, hugely influential. I hope he hears from a lot of people who don't appreciate him trivializing the suffering of millions of animals and threatens the health of people who do still eat meat.


**Feel free to post this wherever you want.**


Best to all (especially our heroes like Nora and Karin who did so very much to stop the suffering of millions of animals on factory farms),



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My friend and i just chatted about this yesterday:Friend: it is

interesting (as noted in the chronicle) that the rights of farm animals

won by a large margin - thus californians unanimously believe in the

rights of chickens, but not those of gays

me: i really dont think it's fair to make that comparison.gays have quite a few more rights than factory farm animals. we only voted to give them a few more inches in their cages - barely a " right "

if we were in a cage i'm assuming cali would have given us a few more inches too

at least i hope :)if pigs were allowed to marry one another, then id be a little more outraged.

-joelleOn Fri, Nov 7, 2008 at 3:43 PM, <wgjii wrote:





Yeah, I have heard a few people in public forums make similar comments. I'm gay and I of course fully supported and voted for Prop 2 and voted no on Prop 8. It's outrageous to make a comparison and it devalues the suffering of animals. The fact that same sex couples had their right to marry wrongfully stripped away from them doesn't in any way mean that animals shouldn't have been given a slightly more humane existence. I really wish that people would not make that comparison because it mocks the whole idea of being kind to animals. It suggests that it was absurd to help animals while at the same time deny equal rights for same sex couples. The humane treatment of animals and equal rights for all people are BOTH important issues. I encourage everyone to contact the daily show and to speak up whenever anyone makes this unfair comparison.




Stephanie said:

Two things. First I was listening to the radio last night and a promo for Thom Hartmann's radio show had him saying (to paraphrase): What is wrong with people? California passes a proposition denying gays the right to marry but yet chickens (said in an outraged way) are given rights?!


Hartmann is very liberal (on Green 960 AM). I wrote to him saying that though I was for gay marriage, there are other ways to express disgust that Prop 2 passed without trivializing the suffering of millions of animals and the threat to the people that eat these animals that factory farming causes.


I just got an email from Thom saying that he had been a vocal proponent of Prop 2 and had animal rights groups on the show. He said he meant that as a joke that, he guessed, " fell flat " . I will be emailing him to say that yes, the comment doesn't send the message that he intended and thanking him for his support of Prop. 2.


Also last night's The Daily Show with Jon Stewart had Jon saying that " California denied gays the right to marry but passed a proposition guaranteeing that chickens would have enough 'leg room'. "


This got a big laugh from the audience. I have always been a huge Jon Stewart/Daily Show fan and I am disappointed to the point of feeling sick.


I tried emailing the daily show, but you can't! You can only contact them by snail mail, which I will be doing:

Jon Stewart

c/o The Daily Show with Jon Stewart

733 11th Ave.

New York, NY 10019-5051


Hartmann's website points out that he gets over 500 emails a day so they suggest that you post your concerns/comments on their forum.


In order to do that you have to register. I did that and basically cut and pasted my letter to Hartmann on the Forum. It has a very generous message length.


The Daily Show also has a forum and you also have to register for that.


I don't think you get email from either unless you want to be notified when someone responds to your post.


I registered for the Daily Show forum too, but it was disappointing. Your message has to be 100 characters or less which is about 2 sentences. I said as much as I could in 100 characters.


As I said above, Thom Hartmann just wrote me saying that he totally agreed with me. I hope this means Green 960 will pull the promo which gives totally the opposite impression. To contact Green 960 go to wwwDOTgreen960DOTcoAs I said above, Thom Hartma



Jon Stewart is, of course, hugely influential. I hope he hears from a lot of people who don't appreciate him trivializing the suffering of millions of animals and threatens the health of people who do still eat meat.


**Feel free to post this wherever you want.**


Best to all (especially our heroes like Nora and Karin who did so very much to stop the suffering of millions of animals on factory farms),



**************AOL Search: Your one stop for directions, recipes and all other Holiday needs. Search Now. (http://pr.atwola.com/promoclk/100000075x1212792382x1200798498/aol?redir=http://searchblog.aol.com/2008/11/04/happy-holidays-from-aol-search/?ncid=emlcntussear00000001)

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This is what i posted on myspace regarding this:John Stewart from the daily show yesterday said this; " California denied gays the right to marry but passed a proposition guaranteeing that chickens would have enough 'leg room'

.. " Thom Hartmann, a 'green' radio host last night said this " What is wrong with people? California passes a proposition denying gays the right to marry but yet chickens (said in an outraged way) are given rights?! " A friend and i were instant messaging yesterday and she said.. " It is interesting (as noted in the chronicle) that the rights of farm animals won by a large margin - thus californians unanimously believe in the rights of chickens, but not those of gays "

I really don't think it's fair to make this comparison.. Gays have quite a few more rights than factory-farm animals. we only voted to give them a few more inches in their cages - barely a " right " .

Regarding proposition 8, I am stunned, outraged, and depressed that in the state seen by many as the most liberal in this country, millions of people believe that some of us deserve rights that others don't. I deserve to be treated equally. I deserve my love to be recognized and validated by my community if i so choose. I deserve to visit the love of my life in a hospital, god-forbid, if she isn't well. I am more aware now of how much work needs to be done in order for my existence to be seen by others as a life that is as worthy as theirs', and for future generations to live and love freely, and i am planning to become more involved in the pursuit of this justice and right in any way i can.

But please, there are other ways to express disgust that Prop 8 passed (and please do express in every way that you can think of) without trivializing the suffering of millions of animals. Please don't downplay or neglect to see the importance and VICTORY of proposition 2. i am so proud that such a large percentage of people acknowledged that other beings deserve to be treated with more compassion even if it means that the cost of their food may increase a bit. This is a huge step! This is amazing. And this isn't a victory only for the animals. The more people are able to care about anything that is beyond themselves, the more compassionate they will become in their treatment of everything else. Its all connected. I think we are moving in the right direction. Gandhi thinks so.

" The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated " . Mahatma GandhiPropositions 8 passing, in my opinion, is not necessarily telltale of a regression, but simply a revelation of a buried truth. Homophobia runs deep and always has, and maybe we needed to hit a new low for it to all come out. Maybe people will start really talking about it now. Maybe people will really start fighting for it now. Maybe this is where real change can begin to occur

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I probably should't respond to this post because I'm probably going to make people angry. I'm not offended by either of the comments made by Thom Hartmann or Jon Stewart. Perhaps I would have had to watch it though. But to me, I think they are just pointing out the absurdities of people picking and determining the rights that they will " give " to any beings. I don't think anyone's blaming prop 2. But who knows, maybe i'm giving them more credit then they deserve.


But as a Black Lesbian, i find it absurd that someone would vote for Barack, but deny gay rights. And Yes, it is even absurd that someone would vote yes on prop 2 and yes on prop 8. If you do so, then you don't really understand what freedom means and that all human and animals beings are entitled to this right.



-- Until he extends the circle of his compassion to all living things, man will not himself find peace.---Albert Schweitzer, French philosopher, physician, and musician (Nobel 1952)


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