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seitan o'greatness & vegan 'carne' guisada!

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Hi Rose & All,

Rose, after reading your post, I got the " wickedest " craving to make

baked seitan, and to find a great recipe for carne guisada that I

could " veganize " !


First - let me say that the baked seitan came out EXACTLY as

described in the recipe, and that it was absolutely amazing :)

YUM! If anyone hasn't tried it yet, I strongly recommend you do!

The recipe is fast & easy, and so versatile!


Second, I made shaved BBQ seitan sandwiches on onion rolls last

night (mmm!), and the vegan 'carne' guisada this morning -

delicious!!!!!!!!!! I'm attaching the link for the recipe I used,

and here are several small changes I made:


1. Used 1 c. water instead of 3 c.

2. Used 1 can of organic diced tomatoes w/basil & garlic instead of

1 fresh tomato; and more peppers & onions!

3. Omitted the 2T vegetable oil & 2T flour, they weren't needed


I used 1/2 of the seitan roll I made in this recipe, chopped &

lightly sauteed in a small amount of veggie broth (but you don't

need to saute it first, you can use it 'as is' in this recipe - and

you can use as much or as little as you like- esp. if you add extra

veggies!) http://www.recipezaar.com/80408


Both recipes are extremely easy, and I highly recommend them - just

yummy, yummy, yummy! HUGE thanks to Rose for inspiring me to create

this weekend - my tummy will be forever grateful!! I hope you all

enjoy ---



, Rose Contreras <rose



> Hi,

> I made my first batch of seitan last week. I am a new vegan, and I

can't say I was impressed with the rubbery texture of the seitan. I

used the VWG and my vegetable broth was wonderful and rich in

flavor. I used the seitan in making a traditional Mexican dish that

I grew up with called " carne guisada " which is Mexican-style beef

tips in a spicy gravy. I just substituted the seitan. I am still

trying to adjust my taste buds to some of the vegan products and

recipes, and I know it's probably a mind set. However, just days

after I made my batch of boiled seitan, I discovered a new way to

cook seitan not boiling it. After some research, I discovered that

this new method is making the rounds in a big way all across the

vegan-related internet. Instead of cutting up the seitan dough and

boiling it, you shape it into a roll, wrap it in foil, and bake it

for 90 minutes. If you do a google search on " seitan o'greatness "

you will find this mentioned in blog

> after vegan blog. It originated at the Post Punk Kitchen forum,

and you can find directions and step-by-step pictures there:


> http://www.postpunkkitchen.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=15959 & p=1


> Now THIS is a seitan I can get used to. I much prefer the texture

to that of boiled seitan. It slices up well and has a better

flavor, I think. I made this version and cut it up into chunks,

sauteed it with onions and peppers and garlic with a little basil

and chopped tomatoes and served it over soybean pasta. OMG, it was



> Have a great day!

> Rose in San Antonio


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How many servings do you get with your changes...just one? TIA



, " chefsherilazar "

<chefsherilazar wrote: I'm attaching the link for the recipe I


> and here are several small changes I made:


> 1. Used 1 c. water instead of 3 c.

> 2. Used 1 can of organic diced tomatoes w/basil & garlic instead of

> 1 fresh tomato; and more peppers & onions!

> 3. Omitted the 2T vegetable oil & 2T flour, they weren't needed


> I used 1/2 of the seitan roll I made in this recipe, chopped &

> lightly sauteed in a small amount of veggie broth (but you don't

> need to saute it first, you can use it 'as is' in this recipe - and

> you can use as much or as little as you like- esp. if you add extra

> veggies!) http://www.recipezaar.com/80408

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