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Vit B12

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> I heard that vegetarian people have problems getting Vit B12, since

> it

> is in meat. I also heard that vitiams did not give you a good mix.

> Since I am new, I don't know enough about it. There has to be a way

> other then meat or shots. Please let me know.


Of course there's a way. I don't know what you mean by a 'good mix' of B12,

but A *good* supplement (if you like the idea) is often recommended. Many of

us also use nutritional yeast in our food preparation (not Brewers' yeast, not

baking yeast) - it's healthy and good and has B12 and a little is all you need

for your supply - and it also imparts a 'cheesy' flavour which is an added

bonus for vegans. Some of us also enjoy a yeast extract spread now and then

or all the time LOL - Marmite and Vegemite are two well-known brands. It's an

acquired taste, I admit, but be careful in trying it - once 'hooked' it's as bad


chocolate for wanting more - except that it doesn't have the calories, of course



Otherwise, why not have a look in our Links under Health, Nutrition and

Fitness - oh hey, I'll do it for you. Here are some. There are lots of others

aroound too, of course, but these will give a start:







Funny, people are always finding 'reasons' why other people should not be

vegetarians or vegans, aren't they. And they're so often so-called 'health'

reasons. Funny, that, since vegetarians - especially vegans - live longer than

the rest of the world population.


Good luck - you're onto a good thing. Don't let others spoil it for you with

worries like this!


Best love,



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Hi Dusty. Not sure if someone else has already answered, so I will try.


I'm new at this, too. Been a vegeterian for over a month now, trying to be a

vegan, but struggling.


B12 can be found in multivitamins, enriched soy milk, whole grain wheat

products, etc. We don't need a lot, but we do need it. Also, from what I've

read, because I used to eat meat, I do have a supply. But I need to be careful

of my little ones, since they have never eaten meat (they are only 5 1/2 months



Good luck. By the way, I've read a couple of books - Becoming a vegeterian and

a cookbook, Vegan Planet. Both books have what we should eat for nutrients.




dusty06282000 <dusty06282000 wrote:

Hi everybody


I heard that vegetarian people have problems getting Vit B12, since


is in meat. I also heard that vitiams did not give you a good mix.

Since I am new, I don't know enough about it. There has to be a way

other then meat or shots. Please let me know.


Thanks for your info.








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I think a good way is with a lozenge (under the tongue) for B12


I also have heard that comfrey has B12, but since it also has allantoin, it

should be used frugally. Maybe best made fresh as a sun tea. Can also be used

on the face after a thorough cleansing to stimulate new skin growth.


Forget those pills. Our medicine and nutrients is in our food.


Dr C




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In a message dated 8/15/2005 7:23:54 PM Central Daylight Time,

veggiehound writes:

LOL Meanwhile, no harm in Vit

B12 supplements.

I have been a veggie for many years and never been anemic. Of course, with

men it is easier. I've known Brahmins who have eaten no meat in their family

for a thousand years and they are perfectly healthy.


We only need a small amount of B12 and if you eat whole grains there will be

particles of insec t bodies and eggs in it which will provide all you need

without meat


The problem with supplements is we become dependent on them. Try living your

life without any synthetics and especially any pills.


Dr C




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Yhank you for your information I really appreciate it.



Jennifer <jj_73molly wrote:

Hi Dusty. Not sure if someone else has already answered, so I will try.


I'm new at this, too. Been a vegeterian for over a month now, trying to be a

vegan, but struggling.


B12 can be found in multivitamins, enriched soy milk, whole grain wheat

products, etc. We don't need a lot, but we do need it. Also, from what I've

read, because I used to eat meat, I do have a supply. But I need to be careful

of my little ones, since they have never eaten meat (they are only 5 1/2 months



Good luck. By the way, I've read a couple of books - Becoming a vegeterian and

a cookbook, Vegan Planet. Both books have what we should eat for nutrients.




dusty06282000 <dusty06282000 wrote:

Hi everybody


I heard that vegetarian people have problems getting Vit B12, since


is in meat. I also heard that vitiams did not give you a good mix.

Since I am new, I don't know enough about it. There has to be a way

other then meat or shots. Please let me know.


Thanks for your info.








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> Forget those pills. Our medicine and nutrients is in our food.


LOL But only if we eat the right foods, right? LOL Meanwhile, no harm in Vit

B12 supplements.


Best, Pat

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Thanks - your input and opinion is appreciated. And of course a healthy diet is

the best way, not relying on supplements. Nevertheless, some people require

therapy with B12 and/or other supplements for medical reasons not

connected with diet, and vegan supplements, I repeat, do no harm. No harm,

get it? LOL


Btw, doctor of what??


Best, Pat

> We only need a small amount of B12 . . .

> The problem with supplements is we become dependent on them. Try

living your

> life without any synthetics and especially any pills.


> Dr C

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hi all, I dont post much here, I mainly read and learn from you all but I

wanted to just mention that I did become severly B-12 deficient, enough that I

needed injections for 6 months to get me back to where I needed to be. Now I

maintain with supplements. So just have your B-12 levels checked now and

then, if they start getting low then add a supplement.






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Thanks for your help



bfriend111 wrote:

In a message dated 8/15/2005 7:23:54 PM Central Daylight Time,

veggiehound writes:

LOL Meanwhile, no harm in Vit

B12 supplements.

I have been a veggie for many years and never been anemic. Of course, with

men it is easier. I've known Brahmins who have eaten no meat in their family

for a thousand years and they are perfectly healthy.


We only need a small amount of B12 and if you eat whole grains there will be

particles of insec t bodies and eggs in it which will provide all you need

without meat


The problem with supplements is we become dependent on them. Try living your

life without any synthetics and especially any pills.


Dr C




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Hi - meant to answer this yesterday but . . .


Nice to hear from you again - missed ya! - and yes, some people do find that

their physicians need to prescribe injections and supplements in some

special cases, such as yours. My own mother, for eg., is in that situation -


you, she's not a vegetarian and wouldn't be one ;=) Can't blame the diet for

that one!


I think the point our other member (Dr C) was making was that we shouldn't

rely on supplements *instead* of a properly balanced diet. If not, then that's a

point I have made and others have made over the years here on this list.

However, 'supplement' can be interpreted in many ways. You can supplement

your diet with red star nutritonal yeast for culinary/taste reasons (love that

cheesy flavour!) and have the benefit of Vit B12 to boot. Likewise Vegemite or

Marmite for those who like it. The former, nutritional yeast, isn't usually on


shopping list of your average omnivore - although the yeast extract spread

may be.


Now I'm not for a minute suggesting you shouldn't be following your doctor's

orders here in taking B12 in pill form - or injections of it - ya know? If ya


have it ya gotta have it. I'm just rattling on in general (or maybe specific


about what I personally mean by supplements and taking supplements. Some

people feel more or less strongly about them, but the argument is not specific

to vegetarianism. Some people advocate vitamin pills as backup on a regular

basis, some are opposed to anything so unnatural and, in their view,

unnecessary. I'd hope that there was, on this list, room for both extremes (as

long as it didn't get too heated!) as well as a more moderate view on this list.


So thanks very much for writing. don't hide - come out and play!


Best love, pat

, Daisy5dee@a... wrote:

> hi all, I dont post much here, I mainly read and learn from you all but I

> wanted to just mention that I did become severly B-12 deficient, enough

that I

> needed injections for 6 months to get me back to where I needed to be.

Now I

> maintain with supplements. So just have your B-12 levels checked now and

> then, if they start getting low then add a supplement.


> Jane




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>>>>> We only need a small amount of B12 and if you eat whole grains

there will be particles of insect bodies and eggs in it which will

provide all you need without meat




Oh dear, as a long-time vegetarian (over 35 years) who finds herself

heading inexorably towards veganism, I'm not sure that I shall ever be

able to face a plate of brown rice again. On the other hand, as I have

never been anaemic or deficient in B12, it can't have done me any harm

over the years, it's just that I'd rather not have known..






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so what happens when you do not get enough b12?


--- Christie O'Connor

<christieoconnor wrote:


> >>>>> We only need a small amount of B12 and if you

> eat whole grains

> there will be particles of insect bodies and eggs in

> it which will

> provide all you need without meat




> Oh dear, as a long-time vegetarian (over 35 years)

> who finds herself

> heading inexorably towards veganism, I'm not sure

> that I shall ever be

> able to face a plate of brown rice again. On the

> other hand, as I have

> never been anaemic or deficient in B12, it can't

> have done me any harm

> over the years, it's just that I'd rather not have

> known..





> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]











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