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Non-fat Cookie Recipes

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Okay... I've been a little " ranty " recently, but possibly (hopefully?) with good

cause. Here's the opening to my latest blog post:


" How many people would use a recipe that starts out: put 1,600 calories of 100%

fat into a bowl... that's what you'd be doing if you are using 1 cup of Earth

Balance to begin a vegan " Chocolate Chip Cookie " recipe as recently posted on

someone else's vegan blog. That's a whole day's worth of calories right there,

and all those calories are from fat. "


Anyway, I posted links to many non- and almost non-fat cookies recipes therein.

I'm hoping people (vegans?) take it seriously and realize that " no added fat "

has been scientifically proven to be healthier in the long run, reducing the

risk of heart disease and diabetes (and, as believed, facilitating reversal of



Yarrghh..... FYI, Mark


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Mark Sutton wrote:

> Okay... I've been a little " ranty " recently, but possibly

> (hopefully?) with good cause. Here's the opening to my latest blog

> post:


> " How many people would use a recipe that starts out: put 1,600

> calories of 100% fat into a bowl... that's what you'd be doing if you

> are using 1 cup of Earth Balance to begin a vegan " Chocolate Chip

> Cookie " recipe as recently posted on someone else's vegan blog.

> That's a whole day's worth of calories right there, and all those

> calories are from fat. "


> Anyway, I posted links to many non- and almost non-fat cookies

> recipes therein. I'm hoping people (vegans?) take it seriously and

> realize that " no added fat " has been scientifically proven to be

> healthier in the long run, reducing the risk of heart disease and

> diabetes (and, as believed, facilitating reversal of same).


Here's my rant in response, worth what you paid for it. Note on tone:

I'm not angry or saying that you shouldn't post what you want. You have

your hot buttons and I have mine. That said:


I believe in joy. I believe in letting people find their joy where they

find it. I think if people find joy in buttery cookies, they should be

allowed to have buttery cookies without me looking over their shoulders

and condemning them. I believe that the stress of facing the Diet

Police every time you want to eat a fat gram is bad for your health, so

I'm not doing anyone any favors when I scrutinize what they eat.


Treats are called that for a reason -- they're not usually things people

eat every day, all the time, and not just because they're " bad for you " ,

but because most people don't *want* to eat cookies all the time. If

you went on an all-buttery-cookies-all-the-time diet, and you were not

allowed anything else, I guarantee you those cookies would get old fast.


You know how we sometimes have posts here where some new vegan is saying

" People keep telling me I need meat to get my protein! " and we tell them

to just keep eating what they know is right for them, and never mind

what other people think? Well, hey, I don't want to be that diet cop in

the other direction. Other adults don't need me shaming them into eating

what I think is good for them. They're not stupid, and being treated

like they are is, I believe, counterproductive.


People who turn themselves into the dietary conscience of other people

annoy the living shit out of me. I have been vegetarian for a total of

more than half my life, and I've never seen the point in advocating

compassion and health, then turning around and beating people about the

head and shoulders with shame and condescension.


There. I feel better now.



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Rant taken, Mark. It is sometimes frustrating seeing people put things that you know are not good for them into their bodies. The fact is, though that people are going to do what they want and no amount of ranting is going to change that. Gentle coaxing seems to be a good angle to take but I can see where you would feel comfortable expressing your opinions with this group. If not here, where? It's food for thought.


The thing is, though you are assuming that one batch of homemade chocolate chip cookies you refer to made with the one cup of Earth Balance is being eaten by one person in one day. Most cookie recipes I use make 5 - 7 dozen cookies and I definitely don't eat all of them myself or even in one day. So, the 1600 calories found in that one cup of Earth Balance is distributed between approximately 60 and 84 cookies. That significantly reduces the fat calories to about 19 - 26 per cookie. Still a hefty amount for one cookie but I guess each of us has to decide where we want our calories coming from in any given day/week/month, whatever. Me? Though I really am not much of a sweet eater, I look forward to trying the recipes you posted. I know, though that there will be times when I will want a really crispy cookie instead of the soft and/or cake like cookie that most fat free recipes seem to produce and I will indulge in my tried and try recipes that can deliver this result. The good thing is that like "Dippity Doo" (I really am dating myself, aren't I?), "a little dab'll do me" and since I don't eat much fat to begin with, my body doesn't want much and I stop after a couple.


God's Peace,




Mark Sutton

Monday, April 28, 2008 6:58 PM

Non-fat Cookie Recipes



Okay... I've been a little "ranty" recently, but possibly (hopefully?) with good cause. Here's the opening to my latest blog post:"How many people would use a recipe that starts out: put 1,600 calories of 100% fat into a bowl... that's what you'd be doing if you are using 1 cup of Earth Balance to begin a vegan "Chocolate Chip Cookie" recipe as recently posted on someone else's vegan blog. That's a whole day's worth of calories right there, and all those calories are from fat."Anyway, I posted links to many non- and almost non-fat cookies recipes therein. I'm hoping people (vegans?) take it seriously and realize that "no added fat" has been scientifically proven to be healthier in the long run, reducing the risk of heart disease and diabetes (and, as believed, facilitating reversal of same).Yarrghh..... FYI, Markhttp://www.soulveggie.com

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On 4/28/08, Gayle <dilemma5 wrote:


> The thing is, though you are assuming that one batch of

> homemade chocolate chip cookies you refer to made with

> the one cup of Earth Balance is being eaten by one person in one day.


The main reason I don't make cookies or cupcakes is because I *will*

eat the whole batch in one day. My self control goes out the window. I

mitigate it somewhat by making small batches. I have a recipe that

makes 8 cupcakes, for example. It's still way more than I should eat,

but at least it's not 24 cupcakes. I'm the same way with muffins, too,

by the way. The only baking I can do that I can just have one slice of

and be happy until tomorrow is my dark rye bread.


I rarely overeat on other foods (I do sometimes, but very rarely and

then usually only when I let myself get too hungry before eating) but

there are some foods that just trip that trigger for me.


> The good thing is that like " Dippity Doo " (I really am dating myself, aren't



If you are, then you're dating me, too. Though I never used it for the

prescribed purpose. I used to slather it on my wet hair before getting

in the swimming pool because it kept the chlorine out of my hair. :-)


> " a little dab'll do me " and since I don't eat much fat to begin with, my

> body doesn't want much and I stop after a couple.


I wish my body worked that way! I'm way low fat and have been since

early January, but I made some corn muffins and suddenly I turned into

the Giant Hog Beast and ate them all when I should have eaten two. The

only difference between them and the cornbread topping on my pinto

bean tamale casserole was fat content. I can't help wondering if I'd

had a low fat recipe for corn muffins if I might not have had no

problems at all with eating two and stopping.



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On 4/28/08, shenoa <shenoa wrote:


> Thanks, Mark. It's good to be reminded that " vegan " does not

> necessarily mean " no fat " .


I can't even really use other vegan lists or groups - at least not for

recipes (they're great for making friends and general vegan support) -

because 90% of what gets posted on general vegan recipe lists and

groups is too high in fat for me to eat on my medical diet!


I get the impression from looking at the general vegan world (at least

online) that most vegans eat an awful lot of very fatty foods. Don't

get me wrong: if it works for them, more power to them! But it's

frustrating for someone like me (who is limited to no more than 30

grams per day as per Dr. Barnard's program.) Just a couple of days

ago, some vegans I met online were asking me to come join their recipe

forum and I had to politely decline because I knew already (based on

multiple past experiences) that it would be an exercise in frustration

for me.


I pretty much stick here and on the PCRM forum as far as recipes go.

You guys are real life-savers for me and I'm so glad you're all here.



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Sparrow R Jones wrote:

> On 4/28/08, shenoa <shenoa wrote:

> > Thanks, Mark. It's good to be reminded that " vegan " does not

> > necessarily mean " no fat " .


> I can't even really use other vegan lists or groups - at least not

> for recipes (they're great for making friends and general vegan

> support) - because 90% of what gets posted on general vegan recipe

> lists and groups is too high in fat for me to eat on my medical diet!


Yeah. You know, I gave away my Ornish books, because when I go looking

for a fat-free recipe, it really bugs me to have to navigate around egg

whites and nonfat dairy products.



> I pretty much stick here and on the PCRM forum as far as recipes go.

> You guys are real life-savers for me and I'm so glad you're all here.



Me, too, my occasional irritation notwithstanding.



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