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hormones question

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I have a question y'all might be able to help me with.  I had a hysterectomy 6 or 7 years ago, and my doctor's had me on hormones (premarin) ever since. I've tried a couple of times to stop taking them, but the hot flashes are just beyond uncomfortable. I'm still relatively young, and the thought of taking them for who knows how long isn't a happy thought. Any suggestions?




-- " If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away. " --Henry David Thoreau

Visit my blog at http://chauceriangirl.wordpress.com/

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I feel for you as I went thru what you are going thru for many years.By taking premarin - aptly called "the horse pee treatment"you are increasing your chances of breast cancer immensely.You should read the attached and talk to your doctor about synthetic hormone replacement which is not derived from mares being mistreated til sent to slaughter in order for Wyeth Labs to take in billions of dollars. The problem is that synthetic hormones also have their inherent risks - if you google "estrace" you can read about one of them. I ended up "sucking it up" and going cold turkey since breast cancer runs in our family. Eventually you will be free of it all - some comfort! ! ! Thank Goodness I had an understanding husband............Patricia Squyres

(714) 299-6468

(714) 974-7055 Fax--- On Mon, 10/19/09, Faith Stencel <chauceriangirl wrote:Faith Stencel <chauceriangirl hormones question Date: Monday, October 19, 2009, 1:35 PM



I have a question y'all might be able to help me with. I had a hysterectomy 6 or 7 years ago, and my doctor's had me on hormones (premarin) ever since. I've tried a couple of times to stop taking them, but the hot flashes are just beyond uncomfortable. I'm still relatively young, and the thought of taking them for who knows how long isn't a happy thought. Any suggestions?




-- "If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away." --Henry David Thoreau

Visit my blog at http://chauceriangi rl.wordpress. com/



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This was my first thought too - but then, I haven't yet gone thru menopause and I have no idea how debilitating severe hot flushes can be. I try not to be judgmental when it's a situation I don't personally have experience of.But in that situation myself, I;d be investigating alternative remedies. There must be a tonne of info on the internet... some of it might even be true!!Best wishesaliceOn 20/10/2009, at 10:20 AM, spence wrote: I agree with you Patricia. Most of us vegans are so because we do not want to be a part of something dieing or being tortured to provide us food. If you do the research, how the get the horse urine is pure torture. I would rather have hot flashes then to think I was a part of putting a horse through that and having her baby taken away, and usually slaughtered because there are not enough homes for them. Find another solution. Maybe another doctor..

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i'd already decided to fire my doctor, actually. i've been thinking about it for a couple of  months, since when i told him that i was now vegan he didn't know what that was. when i said that means no meat, dairy, or eggs, his first question was, " how do you get your protein? " :rolleyes  how can my doctor be that woefully uneducated?  when i told him i eat tofu, whole grains, beans, etc., he insisted that i add a handful of nuts every day. of course, i need to lose some weight, so i don't really think nuts are the best thing for me, and definitely not a handful every day.


there's more to my decision than that, of course. i spent some time this afternoon reading the archives of dr. mcdougall's newsletter, and was really impressed with what i read. i came across one where he was discussing annual physicals and well woman exams, and the things he said in that article were exactly the things i'd been thinking. my doctor insists he knows what's best and doesn't seem to pay as much attention as he used to when i tell him what's going on with my body. and who better to know what's going on with my body than me?


there's a history of breast cancer in my family and i've already had one lumpectomy (benign), one of the reasons i don't want to take the hormones anymore. and i have done some research on alternatives, but was hoping for some first-hand experiences. 





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Good for you Faith! Doctors continually amaze me. We have to do so much of their jobs for themLOL.You can email Dr McDougall and he will reply if you have specific questions. I have never attended on of his sessions but have read most of his information and have a friend who is a die-hard McDougaller and has gone to almost all of his sessions. With his information, along with the other physicians with similar research/diets, you will have the information you need, i.e. Furhman, Esselstyn.Good luck. I also think have a pedometer on all the time makes one very conscientious s of getting in their 10,000 steps a day, as exercise is the other key ingredient to good health and weight loss.Maybe Dr McDougall can provide a reference for you??Faith Stencel <chauceriangirl Sent: Mon, October 19, 2009 4:35:24 PMRe: hormones question i'd already decided to fire my doctor, actually.

i've been thinking about it for a couple of months, since when i told him that i was now vegan he didn't know what that was. when i said that means no meat, dairy, or eggs, his first question was, "how do you get your protein?" :rolleyes how can my doctor be that woefully uneducated? when i told him i eat tofu, whole grains, beans, etc., he insisted that i add a handful of nuts every day. of course, i need to lose some weight, so i don't really think nuts are the best thing for me, and definitely not a handful every day. there's more to my decision than that, of course. i spent some time this afternoon reading the archives of dr. mcdougall's newsletter, and was really impressed with what i read. i came across one where he was discussing annual physicals and well woman exams, and the things he said in that article were exactly the things i'd been thinking. my doctor insists he knows what's best and doesn't

seem to pay as much attention as he used to when i tell him what's going on with my body. and who better to know what's going on with my body than me? there's a history of breast cancer in my family and i've already had one lumpectomy (benign), one of the reasons i don't want to take the hormones anymore. and i have done some research on alternatives, but was hoping for some first-hand experiences. thanks!! faith

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I didn’t want to take hormones for a

lot of reasons. I used Remifemin for about 8 months with about 95% reduction

in hot flashes. (http://www.remifemin.net/


Then, for financial reasons, I switched to

straight black cohosh and had about 80% success rate. I was able to stop

taking them after 2 years. I feel great now. Good luck to you.








On Behalf Of Alice Leonard

Monday, October 19, 2009

5:26 PM



hormones question





This was my first thought too - but then, I

haven't yet gone thru menopause and I have no idea how debilitating severe hot

flushes can be. I try not to be judgmental when it's a situation I don't

personally have experience of.


But in that situation myself, I;d be investigating alternative

remedies. There must be a tonne of info on the internet... some of it might

even be true!!


Best wishes








On 20/10/2009, at 10:20 AM, spence wrote:











I agree with you Patricia. Most of us vegans are so

because we do not want to be a part of something dieing or being tortured t! o

provid e us food. If you do the research, how the get the horse urine is

pure torture. I would rather have hot flashes then to think I was a part

of putting a horse through that and having her baby taken away, and usually

slaughtered because there are not enough homes for them. Find another

solution. Maybe another doctor.











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Yes - I forgot about this - I took it also with much success. Remifemin has a good track record and a reputable company behind it. Beats walking around with a fan..........:>}One caution - If you take the version with the St John's wort included be sure to let your new doctor know if planning any surgery cause this herb can interfere with blood clotting/ medication/intensify sun exposure - though it also helped me with the depression that comes with menopausal symptoms. Patricia Squyres

(714) 299-6468

(714) 974-7055 Fax--- On Mon, 10/19/09, Judy Goldsmith <judyjtg wrote:Judy Goldsmith <judyjtgRE: hormones question Date: Monday, October 19, 2009, 4:52 PM





Alice, I didn’t want to take hormones for a

lot of reasons. I used Remifemin for about 8 months with about 95% reduction

in hot flashes. (http://www.remifemi n.net/

) Then, for financial reasons, I switched to

straight black cohosh and had about 80% success rate. I was able to stop

taking them after 2 years. I feel great now. Good luck to you. Judy




[ ] On Behalf Of Alice Leonard

Monday, October 19, 2009

5:26 PM



hormones question


This was my first thought too - but then, I

haven't yet gone thru menopause and I have no idea how debilitating severe hot

flushes can be. I try not to be judgmental when it's a situation I don't

personally have experience of.

But in that situation myself, I;d be investigating alternative

remedies. There must be a tonne of info on the internet... some of it might

even be true!!

Best wishes




On 20/10/2009, at 10:20 AM, spence wrote:






I agree with you Patricia. Most of us vegans are so

because we do not want to be a part of something dieing or being tortured t! o

provid e us food. If you do the research, how the get the horse urine is

pure torture. I would rather have hot flashes then to think I was a part

of putting a horse through that and having her baby taken away, and usually

slaughtered because there are not enough homes for them. Find another

solution. Maybe another doctor.







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I fired my doctor too-all he wanted to do was pump me full of drugs. So I found a new doctor, one who wants to find the cause of things, not just cover it up with a band aid. I have been getting severe hemiplegic migraines , pretty much my whole life, and all any doctor has wanted to do was give me drugs. That doesn't solve anything-so I put my foot down and said no more. I found a doctor in Draper, UT who thinks outside the box. It's called Integrative health, where principles from both traditional medicine and alternate therapies are used to find the source of health problems, and many cases, they are eliminated, without the use of drugs.If you want to read about this doctor, his name is Hugo Rodier, www.hugorodier.com People come from all over to see him (he isn't particularly close to my home, but close enough to see him

about fixing my ailment). A friend of mine referred me to him-she had been suffering from osteoporosis for at least a decade, taking drugs for it, and in the two years since she started seeing him, it has completely reversed itself, without drugs. I think that there should be more doctors like Rodier :) I'm sure that if osteoporosis can be reversed without the use of drugs, so can a lifetime of being afflicted with migraines and cancer can be averted without the use of additional hormones. Rodier has put me on a detox diet with a exercise regime for 4-6 weeks. We will evaluate how I am doing after 4 weeks and go from there. I've been on this detox diet for almost 2 weeks now, so he can find the

cause of my migraines and not just ease

the symptoms like the other guy wants to do.The first two weeks really suck, especially as a vegan (not giving the vegan part up). Basically the veganized version of this diet is a tofu scramble mixed with 1/2 c veggies or a couple of TVP sausage-esque patties in the morning for breakfast, lots of gross protein shakes, and as many nuts & seeds as I can stomach (but no peanuts allowed, as they are technically legumes. Aren't soybeans legumes too? I guess he was more concerned about protein levels, so he allowed those). I can eat as many veggies as I want in any form (Big salads are encouraged), except potatoes (though sweet potatoes are allowed). No fruit or grains (including corn) for the first two weeks (VERY hard!). Lemons & limes are always allowed. Also allowed are tomatoes and avocados (technically fruits, but they are way lower on the glycemic index than other fruits). On week 2 I can add

stone fruits, berries, apples, & pomegranate, but no bananas (yet). Still no grains on the 2nd week. Healthy oils like coconut, olive & grapeseed are allowed in moderation (I know, this is taboo on this list-I am just stating what is allowed...)Even though I am eating a ton of nuts and avocado and even some oil in my diet, I have lost 2 pounds the first week on this detox diet. It wasn't really my goal to lose weight, but it's a nice benefit :) This is also in addition to a regular exercise regime-I had been using the elliptical and walking a lot and this week I am adding Yoga and pilates to that, so that helps a lot. I think your body needs *SOME* fat in order to function correctly. It doesn't have to be added fat like oils and margarine & such, but nuts and avocado and coconut are OK if you eat them in a more pure form (raw is always good - over-processed foods really aren't good for the body or the

environment)I have had to be very creative in my menu planning these last 2 weeks - stuff I don't generally eat a lot of because my husband doesn't like a lot of veggies (broccoli & any squash in particular) and I would prefer not to have to make 2 separate meals, but have not been able to avoid this entirely. Been making a lot of soups lately for dinner and also making things like lettuce wraps (using almond butter to make it stick together better) for more on the go snacking. And lots & lots of raw almonds...--- On Mon, 10/19/09, Faith Stencel <chauceriangirl wrote:Faith Stencel <chauceriangirlRe: hormones question Date: Monday, October 19, 2009, 5:35




i'd already decided to fire my doctor, actually. i've been thinking about it for a couple of months, since when i told him that i was now vegan he didn't know what that was. when i said that means no meat, dairy, or eggs, his first question was, "how do you get your protein?" :rolleyes how can my doctor be that woefully uneducated? when i told him i eat tofu, whole grains, beans, etc., he insisted that i add a handful of nuts every day. of course, i need to lose some weight, so i don't really think nuts are the best thing for me, and definitely not a handful every day.


there's more to my decision than that, of course. i spent some time this afternoon reading the archives of dr. mcdougall's newsletter, and was really impressed with what i read. i came across one where he was discussing annual physicals and well woman exams, and the things he said in that article were exactly the things i'd been thinking. my doctor insists he knows what's best and doesn't seem to pay as much attention as he used to when i tell him what's going on with my body. and who better to know what's going on with my body than me?


there's a history of breast cancer in my family and i've already had one lumpectomy (benign), one of the reasons i don't want to take the hormones anymore. and i have done some research on alternatives, but was hoping for some first-hand experiences.





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I was plagued by monster life altering headaches from childhood until 4 years ago when as a 25 year vegetarian, I quit dairy and eggs (with all the hormones, pesticide residue, mucus and yuk) and became a full vegan. Now if I have a headache a month it is usually because I didn't eat on a normal schedule or had too much or too little caffeine or red wine. So your headaches could have come from some food item that you are allergic or sensitive to. As a gluten free vegan, stopping the wheat, barley, rye, semolina, spelt, and such--which also cut down on empty carbs/sugary foods, stopped my stomach issues, high back aches and helped me drop excess weight I had been holding all thru menopause years. As much as it is an inconvenience, I feel so much better.You may find that after the

detox, you don't want to go back to eating as you did before. It is difficult to get a diagnosis of food sensitivities - can take years-- but by process of elimination and then adding back one at a time you may find what has been causing the headaches all along and you will be a renewed you!! They usually start with the top allergens of fish and shell fish, wheat, soy, egg, dairy, peanuts, and tree nuts - you have already eliminated 4 of these as a vegan!Good luck to you.Patricia Squyres

(714) 299-6468

(714) 974-7055 Fax--- On Mon, 10/19/09, Jenn <batmanusdmychina wrote:Jenn <batmanusdmychinaRe: hormones question Date: Monday, October 19, 2009, 6:44 PM



I fired my doctor too-all he wanted to do was pump me full of drugs. So I found a new doctor, one who wants to find the cause of things, not just cover it up with a band aid. I have been getting severe hemiplegic migraines , pretty much my whole life, and all any doctor has wanted to do was give me drugs. That doesn't solve anything-so I put my foot down and said no more. I found a doctor in Draper, UT who thinks outside the box. It's called Integrative health, where principles from both traditional medicine and alternate therapies are used to find the source of health problems, and many cases, they are eliminated, without the

use of drugs.If you want to read about this doctor, his name is Hugo Rodier, www.hugorodier. com People come from all over to see him (he isn't particularly close to my home, but close enough to see him

about fixing my ailment). A friend of mine referred me to him-she had been suffering from osteoporosis for at least a decade, taking drugs for it, and in the two years since she started seeing him, it has completely reversed itself, without drugs. I think that there should be more doctors like Rodier :) I'm sure that if osteoporosis can be reversed without the use of drugs, so can a lifetime of being afflicted with migraines and cancer can be averted without the use of additional hormones. Rodier has put me on a detox diet with a exercise regime for 4-6 weeks. We will evaluate how I am doing after 4 weeks and go from there. I've been on this detox diet for almost 2 weeks now, so he can find the

cause of my migraines and not just ease

the symptoms like the other guy wants to do.The first two weeks really suck, especially as a vegan (not giving the vegan part up). Basically the veganized version of this diet is a tofu scramble mixed with 1/2 c veggies or a couple of TVP sausage-esque patties in the morning for breakfast, lots of gross protein shakes, and as many nuts & seeds as I can stomach (but no peanuts allowed, as they are technically legumes. Aren't soybeans legumes too? I guess he was more concerned about protein levels, so he allowed those). I can eat as many veggies as I want in any form (Big salads are encouraged), except potatoes (though sweet potatoes are allowed). No fruit or grains (including corn) for the first two weeks (VERY hard!). Lemons & limes are always allowed. Also allowed are tomatoes and avocados (technically fruits, but they are way lower on the glycemic index than other fruits). On week 2 I can add

stone fruits, berries, apples, & pomegranate, but no bananas (yet). Still no grains on the 2nd week. Healthy oils like coconut, olive & grapeseed are allowed in moderation (I know, this is taboo on this list-I am just stating what is allowed...)Even though I am eating a ton of nuts and avocado and even some oil in my diet, I have lost 2 pounds the first week on this detox diet. It wasn't really my goal to lose weight, but it's a nice benefit :) This is also in addition to a regular exercise regime-I had been using the elliptical and walking a lot and this week I am adding Yoga and pilates to that, so that helps a lot. I think your body needs *SOME* fat in order to function correctly. It doesn't have to be added fat like oils and margarine & such, but nuts and avocado and coconut are OK if you eat them in a more pure form (raw is always good - over-processed foods really aren't good for the body or the

environment)I have had to be very creative in my menu planning these last 2 weeks - stuff I don't generally eat a lot of because my husband doesn't like a lot of veggies (broccoli & any squash in particular) and I would prefer not to have to make 2 separate meals, but have not been able to avoid this entirely. Been making a lot of soups lately for dinner and also making things like lettuce wraps (using almond butter to make it stick together better) for more on the go snacking. And lots & lots of raw almonds...--- On Mon, 10/19/09, Faith Stencel <chauceriangirl@ gmail.com> wrote:Faith Stencel <chauceriangirl@ gmail.com>Re: hormones questionMonday, October 19, 2009, 5:35




i'd already decided to fire my doctor, actually. i've been thinking about it for a couple of months, since when i told him that i was now vegan he didn't know what that was. when i said that means no meat, dairy, or eggs, his first question was, "how do you get your protein?" :rolleyes how can my doctor be that woefully uneducated? when i told him i eat tofu, whole grains, beans, etc., he insisted that i add a handful of nuts every day. of course, i need to lose some weight, so i don't really think nuts are the best thing for me, and definitely not a handful every day.


there's more to my decision than that, of course. i spent some time this afternoon reading the archives of dr. mcdougall's newsletter, and was really impressed with what i read. i came across one where he was discussing annual physicals and well woman exams, and the things he said in that article were exactly the things i'd been thinking. my doctor insists he knows what's best and doesn't seem to pay as much attention as he used to when i tell him what's going on with my body. and who better to know what's going on with my body than me?


there's a history of breast cancer in my family and i've already had one lumpectomy (benign), one of the reasons i don't want to take the hormones anymore. and i have done some research on alternatives, but was hoping for some first-hand experiences.





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Besides the animal torture issue, the synthetic hormones in HRT are known to cause breast cancer and heart disease.


Black cohosh is a safe, non-estrogenic alternative for those menopausal women who're having problems.



Olwen )O(

--- On Mon, 10/19/09, spence <spenc5 wrote:

spence <spenc5Re: hormones question Received: Monday, October 19, 2009, 5:20 PM




I agree with you Patricia. Most of us vegans are so because we do not want to be a part of something dieing or being tortured to provide us food. If you do the research, how the get the horse urine is pure torture. I would rather have hot flashes then to think I was a part of putting a horse through that and having her baby taken away, and usually slaughtered because there are not enough homes for them. Find another solution. Maybe another doctor.




Patricia A Squyres <p.squyres Sent: Mon, October 19, 2009 2:02:25 PMRe: hormones question [1 Attachment]

[Attachment(s) from Patricia A Squyres included below]






I feel for you as I went thru what you are going thru for many years.By taking premarin - aptly called "the horse pee treatment"you are increasing your chances of breast cancer immensely.You should read the attached and talk to your doctor about synthetic hormone replacement which is not derived from mares being mistreated til sent to slaughter in order for Wyeth Labs to take in billions of dollars. The problem is that synthetic hormones also have their inherent risks - if you google "estrace" you can read about one of them. I ended up "sucking it up" and going cold turkey since breast cancer runs in our family. Eventually you will be free of it all - some comfort! ! ! Thank Goodness I had an understanding husband............Patricia Squyres(714) 299-6468(714) 974-7055 Fax--- On Mon, 10/19/09, Faith Stencel <chauceriangirl wrote:

Faith Stencel <chauceriangirl hormones question Date: Monday, October 19, 2009, 1:35 PM


I have a question y'all might be able to help me with. I had a hysterectomy 6 or 7 years ago, and my doctor's had me on hormones (premarin) ever since. I've tried a couple of times to stop taking them, but the hot flashes are just beyond uncomfortable. I'm still relatively young, and the thought of taking them for who knows how long isn't a happy thought. Any suggestions?




-- "If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away." --Henry David Thoreau Visit my blog at http://chauceriangi rl.wordpress. com/

Attachment(s) from Patricia A Squyres

1 of 1 File(s)








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Dear Faith,

I'm a N.D. and perhaps, I can help with this.

Firstly, many women going through menopausal symptoms are magnesium defilement

and the magnesium in almonds, for instance is a great for the aches and pains

and muscle tightness associated with menopause.

There are innumerable remedies that also help with " hot flashes " - Black Cohosh,

the Chinese medicine Two or Three Immortals, and the homeopathic remedy Lachesis

(which I took to relieve mine several years ago). Avoiding excessive amounts of

simple carbs or simple sugars, including tropical fruit,and alcohol can help

with hot flashes since these foods tend to raise blood sugar levels and trigger

a flash.

Many of my patients who come off of Premarin do suffer badly from menopausal

symptoms since the body has been supplemented with estrogen. Often small amounts

of Natural (vegetable source)Progesterone Cream can relieve these quickly, as

well, but discuss the dosage with your N.D.

Please have a licensed N.D. or integrative medical practitioner (M.D.) help you

with these suggestions.




, Faith Stencel <chauceriangirl wrote:


> i'd already decided to fire my doctor, actually. i've been thinking about it

> for a couple of months, since when i told him that i was now vegan he

> didn't know what that was. when i said that means no meat, dairy, or eggs,

> his first question was, " how do you get your protein? " :rolleyes how can my

> doctor be that woefully uneducated? when i told him i eat tofu, whole

> grains, beans, etc., he insisted that i add a handful of nuts every day. of

> course, i need to lose some weight, so i don't really think nuts are the

> best thing for me, and definitely not a handful every day.


> there's more to my decision than that, of course. i spent some time this

> afternoon reading the archives of dr. mcdougall's newsletter, and was really

> impressed with what i read. i came across one where he was discussing annual

> physicals and well woman exams, and the things he said in that article were

> exactly the things i'd been thinking. my doctor insists he knows what's best

> and doesn't seem to pay as much attention as he used to when i tell him

> what's going on with my body. and who better to know what's going on with my

> body than me?


> there's a history of breast cancer in my family and i've already had one

> lumpectomy (benign), one of the reasons i don't want to take the hormones

> anymore. and i have done some research on alternatives, but was hoping for

> some first-hand experiences.


> thanks!!


> faith


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ME TOO! I used to have headaches that would last for a minimum of 3 days. Couldn't think, sick to my stomach...just debilitating.I was vegetarian for years, and back in March I learned I had high blood pressure. I did not want to take medication and took the final step of going vegan and increased my exercise a lot. I have not had a headache since, except like you say once in a great while maybe when I overused red wine, and my blood pressure is within normal ranges now. Whooooohoooooo.Cheese/dairy is very, very bad.Patricia A Squyres <p.squyres Sent: Mon, October 19, 2009 7:13:28 PMRe: hormones question I was plagued

by monster life altering headaches from childhood until 4 years ago when as a 25 year vegetarian, I quit dairy and eggs (with all the hormones, pesticide residue, mucus and yuk) and became a full vegan. Now if I have a headache a month it is usually because I didn't eat on a normal schedule or had too much or too little caffeine or red wine. So your headaches could have come from some food item that you are allergic or sensitive to. As a gluten free vegan, stopping the wheat, barley, rye, semolina, spelt, and such--which also cut down on empty carbs/sugary foods, stopped my stomach issues, high back aches and helped me drop excess weight I had been holding all thru menopause years. As much as it is an inconvenience, I feel so much better.You may find that after the detox, you don't want to go back to eating as you did before. It is difficult to get a

diagnosis of food sensitivities - can take years-- but by process of elimination and then adding back one at a time you may find what has been causing the headaches all along and you will be a renewed you!! They usually start with the top allergens of fish and shell fish, wheat, soy, egg, dairy, peanuts, and tree nuts - you have already eliminated 4 of these as a vegan!Good luck to you.Patricia Squyres (714) 299-6468 (714) 974-7055 Fax--- On Mon, 10/19/09, Jenn <batmanusdmychina wrote:Jenn <batmanusdmychinaRe: hormones question Date: Monday, October 19, 2009, 6:44 PM I fired my doctor too-all he wanted to do was pump me full of drugs. So I found a new doctor, one who wants to find the cause of things, not just cover it up with a band aid. I have been getting severe hemiplegic migraines , pretty much my whole life, and all any doctor has wanted to do was give me drugs. That doesn't solve anything-so I put my foot down and said no more. I found a doctor in Draper, UT who thinks outside the box. It's called Integrative health, where principles from both traditional medicine and alternate therapies are used to find the source of health problems, and many cases, they are eliminated, without the use of drugs.If you want to

read about this doctor, his name is Hugo Rodier, www.hugorodier. com People come from all over to see him (he isn't particularly close to my home, but close enough to see him about fixing my ailment). A friend of mine referred me to him-she had been suffering from osteoporosis for at least a decade, taking drugs for it, and in the two years since she started seeing him, it has completely reversed itself, without drugs. I think that there should be more doctors like Rodier :) I'm sure that if osteoporosis can be reversed without the use of drugs, so can a lifetime of being afflicted with migraines and cancer can be averted without the use of additional hormones. Rodier has put me on a detox diet with a exercise regime for 4-6 weeks. We will evaluate how I am doing after 4 weeks and go from there. I've been on this detox diet for almost 2 weeks now, so he can find the cause of my migraines and not just

ease the symptoms like the other guy wants to do.The first two weeks really suck, especially as a vegan (not giving the vegan part up). Basically the veganized version of this diet is a tofu scramble mixed with 1/2 c veggies or a couple of TVP sausage-esque patties in the morning for breakfast, lots of gross protein shakes, and as many nuts & seeds as I can stomach (but no peanuts allowed, as they are technically legumes. Aren't soybeans legumes too? I guess he was more concerned about protein levels, so he allowed those). I can eat as many veggies as I want in any form (Big salads are encouraged), except potatoes (though sweet potatoes are allowed). No fruit or grains (including corn) for the first two weeks (VERY hard!). Lemons & limes are always allowed. Also allowed are tomatoes and avocados (technically fruits, but they are way lower on the glycemic index than other fruits). On week 2 I can

add stone fruits, berries, apples, & pomegranate, but no bananas (yet). Still no grains on the 2nd week. Healthy oils like coconut, olive & grapeseed are allowed in moderation (I know, this is taboo on this list-I am just stating what is allowed...)Even though I am eating a ton of nuts and avocado and even some oil in my diet, I have lost 2 pounds the first week on this detox diet. It wasn't really my goal to lose weight, but it's a nice benefit :) This is also in addition to a regular exercise regime-I had been using the elliptical and walking a lot and this week I am adding Yoga and pilates to that, so that helps a lot. I think your body needs *SOME* fat in order to function correctly. It doesn't have to be added fat like oils and margarine & such, but nuts and avocado and coconut are OK if you eat them in a more pure form (raw is always good - over-processed foods really aren't good for the body or the environment)I have had to be very creative in my menu planning these last 2 weeks - stuff I don't generally eat a lot of because my husband doesn't like a lot of veggies (broccoli & any squash in particular) and I would prefer not to have to make 2 separate meals, but have not been able to avoid this entirely. Been making a lot of soups lately for dinner and also making things like lettuce wraps (using almond butter to make it stick together better) for more on the go snacking. And lots & lots of raw almonds...--- On Mon, 10/19/09, Faith Stencel <chauceriangirl@ gmail.com> wrote:Faith Stencel <chauceriangirl@ gmail.com>Re: hormones questionMonday, October 19, 2009,

5:35 PM i'd already decided to fire my doctor, actually. i've been thinking about it for a couple of months, since when i told him that i was now vegan he didn't know what that was. when i said that means no meat, dairy, or eggs, his first question was, "how do you get your protein?" :rolleyes how can my doctor be that woefully uneducated? when i told him i eat tofu, whole grains, beans, etc., he insisted that i add a handful of nuts every day. of course, i need to lose some weight, so i don't really think nuts are the best thing for me, and definitely not a handful every day. there's more to my decision than that, of course. i spent some time this afternoon reading the archives of dr. mcdougall's newsletter, and was really impressed with what i read. i came across one where he was discussing

annual physicals and well woman exams, and the things he said in that article were exactly the things i'd been thinking. my doctor insists he knows what's best and doesn't seem to pay as much attention as he used to when i tell him what's going on with my body. and who better to know what's going on with my body than me? there's a history of breast cancer in my family and i've already had one lumpectomy (benign), one of the reasons i don't want to take the hormones anymore. and i have done some research on alternatives, but was hoping for some first-hand experiences. thanks!! faith

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amen billions are spent by us, taxpayers, to underwrite the dairy industry which pollutes our air ans sickens our kids. The children that are autistic, hyper, sick all the time, could be cured if they dropped dairy from their diets along with all the wheat/gluten products out there. Wheat is contaminated with atleast 13 chemicals and pesticides. I could go on and on. So sad.Patricia Squyres

(714) 299-6468

(714) 974-7055 Fax--- On Tue, 10/20/09, spence <spenc5 wrote:spence <spenc5Re: hormones question Date: Tuesday, October 20, 2009, 8:33 AM



ME TOO! I used to have headaches that would last for a minimum of 3 days. Couldn't think, sick to my stomach...just debilitating.I was vegetarian for years, and back in March I learned I had high blood pressure. I did not want to take medication and took the final step of going vegan and increased my exercise a lot. I have not had a headache since, except like you say once in a great while maybe when I overused red wine, and my blood pressure is within normal ranges now. Whooooohoooooo.Cheese/dairy is very, very bad.

Patricia A Squyres <p.squyres >Mon, October 19, 2009 7:13:28 PMRe: hormones question I was plagued

by monster life altering headaches from childhood until 4 years ago when as a 25 year vegetarian, I quit dairy and eggs (with all the hormones, pesticide residue, mucus and yuk) and became a full vegan. Now if I have a headache a month it is usually because I didn't eat on a normal schedule or had too much or too little caffeine or red wine. So your headaches could have come from some food item that you are allergic or sensitive to. As a gluten free vegan, stopping the wheat, barley, rye, semolina, spelt, and such--which also cut down on empty carbs/sugary foods, stopped my stomach issues, high back aches and helped me drop excess weight I had been holding all thru menopause years. As much as it is an inconvenience, I feel so much better.You may find that after the detox, you don't want to go back to eating as you did before. It is difficult to get a

diagnosis of food sensitivities - can take years-- but by process of elimination and then adding back one at a time you may find what has been causing the headaches all along and you will be a renewed you!! They usually start with the top allergens of fish and shell fish, wheat, soy, egg, dairy, peanuts, and tree nuts - you have already eliminated 4 of these as a vegan!Good luck to you.Patricia Squyres (714) 299-6468 (714) 974-7055 Fax--- On Mon, 10/19/09, Jenn <batmanusdmychina@ > wrote:Jenn <batmanusdmychina@ >Re: hormones questionMonday, October 19, 2009, 6:44 PM I fired my doctor too-all he wanted to do was pump me full of drugs. So I found a new doctor, one who wants to find the cause of things, not just cover it up with a band aid. I have been getting severe hemiplegic migraines , pretty much my whole life, and all any doctor has wanted to do was give me drugs. That doesn't solve anything-so I put my foot down and said no more. I found a doctor in Draper, UT who thinks outside the box. It's called Integrative health, where principles from both traditional medicine and alternate therapies are used to find the source of health problems, and many cases, they are eliminated, without the use of drugs.If you want to

read about this doctor, his name is Hugo Rodier, www.hugorodier. com People come from all over to see him (he isn't particularly close to my home, but close enough to see him about fixing my ailment). A friend of mine referred me to him-she had been suffering from osteoporosis for at least a decade, taking drugs for it, and in the two years since she started seeing him, it has completely reversed itself, without drugs. I think that there should be more doctors like Rodier :) I'm sure that if osteoporosis can be reversed without the use of drugs, so can a lifetime of being afflicted with migraines and cancer can be averted without the use of additional hormones. Rodier has put me on a detox diet with a exercise regime for 4-6 weeks. We will evaluate how I am doing after 4 weeks and go from there. I've been on this detox diet for almost 2 weeks now, so he can find the cause of my migraines and not just

ease the symptoms like the other guy wants to do.The first two weeks really suck, especially as a vegan (not giving the vegan part up). Basically the veganized version of this diet is a tofu scramble mixed with 1/2 c veggies or a couple of TVP sausage-esque patties in the morning for breakfast, lots of gross protein shakes, and as many nuts & seeds as I can stomach (but no peanuts allowed, as they are technically legumes. Aren't soybeans legumes too? I guess he was more concerned about protein levels, so he allowed those). I can eat as many veggies as I want in any form (Big salads are encouraged), except potatoes (though sweet potatoes are allowed). No fruit or grains (including corn) for the first two weeks (VERY hard!). Lemons & limes are always allowed. Also allowed are tomatoes and avocados (technically fruits, but they are way lower on the glycemic index than other fruits). On week 2 I can

add stone fruits, berries, apples, & pomegranate, but no bananas (yet). Still no grains on the 2nd week. Healthy oils like coconut, olive & grapeseed are allowed in moderation (I know, this is taboo on this list-I am just stating what is allowed...)Even though I am eating a ton of nuts and avocado and even some oil in my diet, I have lost 2 pounds the first week on this detox diet. It wasn't really my goal to lose weight, but it's a nice benefit :) This is also in addition to a regular exercise regime-I had been using the elliptical and walking a lot and this week I am adding Yoga and pilates to that, so that helps a lot. I think your body needs *SOME* fat in order to function correctly. It doesn't have to be added fat like oils and margarine & such, but nuts and avocado and coconut are OK if you eat them in a more pure form (raw is always good - over-processed foods really aren't good for the body or the environment)I have had to be very creative in my menu planning these last 2 weeks - stuff I don't generally eat a lot of because my husband doesn't like a lot of veggies (broccoli & any squash in particular) and I would prefer not to have to make 2 separate meals, but have not been able to avoid this entirely. Been making a lot of soups lately for dinner and also making things like lettuce wraps (using almond butter to make it stick together better) for more on the go snacking. And lots & lots of raw almonds...--- On Mon, 10/19/09, Faith Stencel <chauceriangirl@ gmail.com> wrote:Faith Stencel <chauceriangirl@ gmail.com>Re: hormones questionMonday,

October 19, 2009,

5:35 PM i'd already decided to fire my doctor, actually. i've been thinking about it for a couple of months, since when i told him that i was now vegan he didn't know what that was. when i said that means no meat, dairy, or eggs, his first question was, "how do you get your protein?" :rolleyes how can my doctor be that woefully uneducated? when i told him i eat tofu, whole grains, beans, etc., he insisted that i add a handful of nuts every day. of course, i need to lose some weight, so i don't really think nuts are the best thing for me, and definitely not a handful every day. there's more to my decision than that, of course. i spent some time this afternoon reading the archives of dr. mcdougall's newsletter, and was really impressed with what i read. i came across one where he was discussing

annual physicals and well woman exams, and the things he said in that article were exactly the things i'd been thinking. my doctor insists he knows what's best and doesn't seem to pay as much attention as he used to when i tell him what's going on with my body. and who better to know what's going on with my body than me? there's a history of breast cancer in my family and i've already had one lumpectomy (benign), one of the reasons i don't want to take the hormones anymore. and i have done some research on alternatives, but was hoping for some first-hand experiences. thanks!! faith

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