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Congratulations on making the changes in your life. When I became a

vegitarian my husband wasn't thrilled with the idea so said I could

cook meatless one night a week. I made eggplant parmesan the first

night and converted him. He eats meat when he eats out, but at home

I have no trouble. He looks forward to dinner every night because

of the wide variety of wonderful vegetarian dishes. My daughter

and grandkids tease me about my great big, everything in it salads

and call it my :weeds and seeds " , but they eat it with relish, too.






-- In , Dena <freespirit_5150



> Hello everyone. I'm new to the group and new to vegetarianism as

well. I've made a couple of half-hearted attempts at cutting meat

out of my life in recent years; however, after reading about

unlabeled " cloned meat " hitting the shelves at grocery stores, I

feel much more serious about making the change now. My hubby is

a " meat and potatoes " guy, so this will definitely be interesting.

My two kids are pretty open to vegetarianism, but not fully

convinced yet. :)


> I've really enjoyed the recipes and tips that have come through so

far! Thanks!


> namaste,

> Dena in Florida



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Generally speaking, calorie counting is the way to go. However, one

really needs to eat what is best for them. that usually entails a one

on one conference.




, " Susan Martin "

<oldeworld wrote:


> My name is Susan, I am 45 and live in Virginia with my husband and 2

dachshunds. I just joined the group today because I truly want to

change my lifestyle and just don't know how to go about it.


> I have been a meat eater my whole life. At a point in my life I

preferred fish to red meat. Whenever I would smell a hamburger

cooking, I literally thought it smelled like burning flesh and it

turned my stomach. Then I went on the Curves diet and lost 20 lbs. by

eating low-carb, high protein, but have since gained it all back and

more. My husband thinks I should just eat meat and nothing else, there

is even a website that promotes this, but how healthy is that?


> I really think vegetarian eating is the way to go, but I don't know

how to start. I need to lose about 65 pounds so how do I start eating

healthy so that I lose weight? I really think I could go meatless cold

turkey (no pun intended) but I need to know what I should eat and how

much of it. I understand meatless includes no fish, poultry, or meat

of any kind.


> I would appreciate some pointers.


> Thank you

> Susan





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Welcome Susan!


I know you will enjoy the group, everyone is very nice and

helpfull. The recipe files are full of great meal ideas.

You may not be familiar with all the ingredients, so feel

free to ask questions, there is always someone willing to help.


I recently found this website with nutritional info and a

food dictionary. It has descriptions of many food items





If the link doesn't work try: http://tinyurl.com/owg9r


Enjoy your new diet. Don't be afraid to experament with new

foods, and if you make something really yummy post the recipe

for us to try!








, " Susan Martin "

<oldeworld wrote:


My name is Susan, I am 45 and live in Virginia with my

husband and 2 dachshunds. I just joined the group today

because I truly want to change my lifestyle and just

don't know how to go about it.


I have been a meat eater my whole life. At a point in my

life I preferred fish to red meat. Whenever I would smell

a hamburger cooking, I literally thought it smelled like

burning flesh and it turned my stomach. Then I went on

the Curves diet and lost 20 lbs. by eating low-carb, high

protein, but have since gained it all back and more. My

husband thinks I should just eat meat and nothing else,

there is even a website that promotes this, but how healthy

is that?


I really think vegetarian eating is the way to go, but I

don't know how to start. I need to lose about 65 pounds

so how do I start eating healthy so that I lose weight?

I really think I could go meatless cold turkey (no pun

intended) but I need to know what I should eat and how

much of it. I understand meatless includes no fish,

poultry, or meat of any kind.


I would appreciate some pointers.


Thank you


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Thanks for the link to the food dictionary. I know I have a lot to learn and to

cleanse my body from years of bad habit eating. I plan on trying new recipes and

if I find ones that are good (some can be not so good), I will post.




Re: Intro

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You sound like me. I'm on an anti-inflammatory diet

right now, and I can't eat the things you wrote















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You are such a wonderful mother to have supported your daughter like this!




Donna Magee

Sunday, March 11, 2007 9:47 PM




Hi I am older than 50, live in CT and am vegetarian because of my

daughter. About 20 years ago she decided as a child to be vegetarian

but she did not want to do this alone. I joined her because in my

heart I knew she was doing the correct thing. Her brother joined us a

few years later. My husband eats meat but is very happy with veggie

meals. She is now vegan, I am ovo-lacto as is my son. I do a lot with

pro biotic-fermented organic dairy etc. its been an interesting trip.

My mother was convinced I was killing my child by letting this

happen. St Patricks Day is coming, we are Irish and we make two

separate meals. it works for us. Donna






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Howdy to you Wendywoo and welcome,

Feeling AOK here in Colorado USA.

Spring is in the air here in the shadow of the Rocky Mountains.

The birds are singin' up a storm' and a little rain is in the forecast

which is a sure sign of spring here in the Southwest.

The Crocus is in bloom and a friend tells me that her Tulips are in

bloom. I love to cook Vegetarian meals in the winter but in the summer

like you I eat mostly raw fruits and veggies.

There are some great hummus and dip recipes in the files..Check them

out and enjoy.

Sending smiles and hugs your way

Deanna (a fellow foodie)



-- In , " Cahermuckee " <cahermuckee



> Just sliding in the door to say hello to everyone and hope you are

all feeling 'not so bad' as we say here in Ireland.


> Yes I am a foodie. My name is Wendywoo and I have some experience of

veggie food having, for some few years been a Raw Diet aficionado. Not

so much cooking though.

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Thanks Jen



On 12 Mar 2007, at 10:54 am, <j.steward

<j.steward wrote:




You are such a wonderful mother to have supported your daughter like




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  • 4 weeks later...
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Hi Adriana



Welcome to the group.


We are a little quieter than usual here at present, due to some of our

chattier members being on holiday, and also the Easter break. Our topics of

discussion have been fairly diverse. If you want to start a thread, please






" Adriana " <peaceofferings


Monday, April 09, 2007 8:08 PM




> Hi all, I just joined the group, and I'm looking forward to joining in

> the conversation.


> I live in beautiful Sedona, Arizona. It's an interesting combination

> of mystical beauty and a booming tourist trade. I have been here for

> quite a few years, and still each day as I drive through the

> awe-inspiring red rocks I am amazed at them anew.


> The group description says " This group is intended for vegans to chat

> about anything and everything " so I will be interested to see what we

> talk about!



> Adriana



> To send an email to -


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Hi Adriana, Welcome from sunny South Wales. Do you get out amongst the lovely scenery much? I am off work this week and have been out on my bike every morning so far ( my old legs aint what they used to be!) the weather has been lovely and going out around 8 oclock in the morning, its lovely just to hear the birds with hardly anyone else around. See we do talk about anything! Feel free.......... The Valley Vegan..............Adriana <peaceofferings wrote: Hi all, I just joined the group, and I'm looking forward to joining inthe conversation.I live in beautiful Sedona, Arizona. It's an interesting combinationof mystical beauty and a booming tourist trade. I have been here forquite a few years, and still each day as I drive through theawe-inspiring red rocks I am amazed at them anew.The group description says "This group is intended for vegans to chatabout anything and everything" so I will be interested to see what wetalk about!AdrianaPeter H


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Hi AdrianaWelcome to the group. We do indeed talk about just about anything - even occassionally vegan related things... so feel free to bring up anything you'd like to talk about, or join in with anything you like. BBPeterOn 09/04/07, Adriana <peaceofferings wrote:

Hi all, I just joined the group, and I'm looking forward to joining inthe conversation.I live in beautiful Sedona, Arizona. It's an interesting combinationof mystical beauty and a booming tourist trade. I have been here for

quite a few years, and still each day as I drive through theawe-inspiring red rocks I am amazed at them anew.The group description says " This group is intended for vegans to chatabout anything and everything " so I will be interested to see what we

talk about!AdrianaTo send an email to -

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LOL Peter - are you talking about me :-)


Personal query - did you receive Colin's text last night?





Peter Kebbell

Tuesday, April 10, 2007 9:12 AM

Re: Intro

Hi Peter>( my old legs aint what they used to be!)"My ears are gnarled, my legs are grey..."BBPeter

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....this great, big, juicy melon behind The Valley Vegan...............Peter Kebbell <metalscarab wrote: Hi Peter>( my old legs aint what they used to be!)"My ears are gnarled, my legs are grey..."BBPeterPeter H


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Hi Peter --


Yes, I am constantly out in the scenery! Just driving around the area

is like a mini-vacation each time - even driving around running

errands is a time to marvel at the red rock beauty. And this time of

year, when it's not too hot yet, is my favorite.




Vegetarian and Vegan Tees







On 4/9/07, peter VV <swpgh01 wrote:


> Hi Adriana,

> Welcome from sunny South Wales. Do you get out amongst the lovely scenery

much? I am off work this week and have been out on my bike every morning so far

( my old legs aint what they used to be!) the weather has been lovely and going

out around 8 oclock in the morning, its lovely just to hear the birds with

hardly anyone else around.

> See we do talk about anything!

> Feel free..........


> The Valley Vegan..............



> Adriana <peaceofferings wrote:




> Hi all, I just joined the group, and I'm looking forward to joining in

> the conversation.


> I live in beautiful Sedona, Arizona. It's an interesting combination

> of mystical beauty and a booming tourist trade. I have been here for

> quite a few years, and still each day as I drive through the

> awe-inspiring red rocks I am amazed at them anew.


> The group description says " This group is intended for vegans to chat

> about anything and everything " so I will be interested to see what we

> talk about!


> Adriana





> Peter H

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Hi Peter, thanks for the welcome.


I'll put on my thinking cap and see if anything comes up to toss in

here. Or I might just hang around a while and see what others have to



Nice to be here!




Vegetarian and Vegan Tees






On 4/10/07, Peter Kebbell <metalscarab wrote:

> Hi Adriana


> Welcome to the group. We do indeed talk about just about anything - even

occassionally vegan related things... so feel free to bring up anything you'd

like to talk about, or join in with anything you like.


> BB

> Peter




> On 09/04/07, Adriana <peaceofferings wrote:

> >

> > Hi all, I just joined the group, and I'm looking forward to joining in

> > the conversation.

> >

> > I live in beautiful Sedona, Arizona. It's an interesting combination

> > of mystical beauty and a booming tourist trade. I have been here for

> > quite a few years, and still each day as I drive through the

> > awe-inspiring red rocks I am amazed at them anew.

> >

> > The group description says " This group is intended for vegans to chat

> > about anything and everything " so I will be interested to see what we

> > talk about!

> >

> >

> > Adriana

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Hi Adriana, Do you know much about the history of the area and the indian tribes? The Valley Vegan...........Adriana <peaceofferings wrote: Hi Peter --Yes, I am constantly out in the scenery! Just driving around the areais like a mini-vacation each time - even driving around runningerrands is a time to marvel at the red rock beauty. And this time ofyear, when it's not too hot yet, is my favorite.AdrianaVegetarian and Vegan

Teeshttp://www.cafepress.com/riversofspirit/2592671On 4/9/07, peter VV <swpgh01 (AT) talk21 (DOT) com> wrote:>> Hi Adriana,> Welcome from sunny South Wales. Do you get out amongst the lovely scenery much? I am off work this week and have been out on my bike every morning so far ( my old legs aint what they used to be!) the weather has been lovely and going out around 8 oclock in the morning, its lovely just to hear the birds with hardly anyone else around.> See we do talk about anything!> Feel free..........>> The Valley Vegan..............>>> Adriana <peaceofferings > wrote:>>>> Hi all, I just joined the group, and I'm looking forward to joining in> the

conversation.>> I live in beautiful Sedona, Arizona. It's an interesting combination> of mystical beauty and a booming tourist trade. I have been here for> quite a few years, and still each day as I drive through the> awe-inspiring red rocks I am amazed at them anew.>> The group description says "This group is intended for vegans to chat> about anything and everything" so I will be interested to see what we> talk about!>> Adriana>>>>> Peter HPeter H


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Hi Peter -


Shame on me, no I don't know a lot about the history. I have seen a

couple of videos that gave some information, but I don't really

remember any of it. I guess I'm too caught up in the present,

drinking in the beauty of the place!




Vegetarian and Vegan Tees







On 4/10/07, peter VV <swpgh01 wrote:


> Hi Adriana,

> Do you know much about the history of the area and the indian tribes?



> The Valley Vegan...........


> Adriana <peaceofferings wrote:



> Hi Peter --


> Yes, I am constantly out in the scenery! Just driving around the area

> is like a mini-vacation each time - even driving around running

> errands is a time to marvel at the red rock beauty. And this time of

> year, when it's not too hot yet, is my favorite.


> Adriana

> Vegetarian and Vegan Tees

> http://www.cafepress.com/riversofspirit/2592671


> On 4/9/07, peter VV <swpgh01 wrote:

> >

> > Hi Adriana,

> > Welcome from sunny South Wales. Do you get out amongst the lovely scenery

much? I am off work this week and have been out on my bike every morning so far

( my old legs aint what they used to be!) the weather has been lovely and going

out around 8 oclock in the morning, its lovely just to hear the birds with

hardly anyone else around.

> > See we do talk about anything!

> > Feel free..........

> >

> > The Valley Vegan..............

> >

> >

> > Adriana <peaceofferings wrote:

> >

> >

> >

> > Hi all, I just joined the group, and I'm looking forward to joining in

> > the conversation.

> >

> > I live in beautiful Sedona, Arizona. It's an interesting combination

> > of mystical beauty and a booming tourist trade. I have been here for

> > quite a few years, and still each day as I drive through the

> > awe-inspiring red rocks I am amazed at them anew.

> >

> > The group description says " This group is intended for vegans to chat

> > about anything and everything " so I will be interested to see what we

> > talk about!

> >

> > Adriana

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Peter H

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Welcome Vera, You will love the recipies you get here and make some

friends, besides.

Katie in Alaska






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Sheila, welcome to the group. If you will go to the group page, click on

files, click on recipes, you will find more than you can imagine and lots of

different ways to fix various vegetables, with and without soy products.


Marilyn Daub


Vanceburg, KY

My Cats Knead Me!!



Friday, May 18, 2007 11:35 AM




My name is Sheila and I live in California. The reason I joined this


is because I had a doctor’s appointment yesterday and told him I wanted to

change my eating habits. I asked him about adopting a vegetarian way of


and this is what he had to say, “We are not designed to be meat eaters and


bodies were meant to digest fruits and vegetables,†So ... I want to make

the transition from being an omnivore to a herbivore. I'm not sure how

rigid I

want to be about being a vegetarian but I know I have to assume a more

healthy eating pattern. I am hoping to get some good ideas and recipes







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At 6:16 PM -0700 5/21/07, Kris wrote:

I already have a question

for the group. I have noticed over the last week or so changes in my

moods ( are a bit erratic ), my energy levels ( Im full of energy

early in the morning and need a nap by 11am), and digestive issues

that I wont subject anyone to the details of! LOL! I am being careful

to eat a variety of healthy fruits, veggies, grains, and legumes, and

I am taking a vegan vitamin supplement that I have been taking now for

well over a year. Any thoughts on why I may be feeling so strange?








If you have radically changed the foods you're eating, your body

may be adjusting to the new foods. It takes different enzymes to

digest different types of foods, for instance, and it may take your

system a few days to get used to producing enough of the required

enzymes for the new foods.


The energy thing almost sounds like a sugar or caffeine burst in

the morning. Or your body may be reacting to some combination of foods

that is unfamiliar. I'd suggest trying a different breakfast, perhaps

without sugar or fruit juice or caffeine.


Taking a wild guess here: Moods are regulated by hormones, which

are affected by the fat content in the diet, to some extent. If you

have drastically changed your intake of fats, it's possible that your

body is trying to readjust.

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greetings and welcome Kris

as for your "reactions", methinks that any drastic change you make to what yer body is use to is going t o cause a variety of reactions/symptoms/effects.

i don't know if you were vegetarian before,or just went cold tofu into veganland, but, your body gets use to the highs and lows of processed meats and such, the effects of dairy, etc..

maybe you need to change your eating habits if it continues?

more frequent small meals?




Kris May 21, 2007 9:16 PM intro






Hi everyone! My name is Kris and I am a new vegan. I made the decision to become vegan because some issues with my health have reached a point where I need drastic change. After much reading and soul searching this I know is the right choice for me. I am blessed that my husband is very supportive and my son is an adventerous eatter so getting him to try new things is rather easy. I already have a question for the group. I have noticed over the last week or so changes in my moods ( are a bit erratic ), my energy levels ( Im full of energy early in the morning and need a nap by 11am), and digestive issues that I wont subject anyone to the details of! LOL! I am being careful to eat a variety of healthy fruits, veggies, grains, and legumes, and I am taking a vegan vitamin supplement that I have been taking now for well over a year. Any thoughts on why I may be feeling so strange? Thanks! -Kris :o)


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“The Earth is not dying - she is being killed. And those who are killing her have names and addresses.†— Utah Phillips

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Hi Kris, And welcome. Any dramatic changein diet will take a while for the body to adapt, but it will level out if you are eating sensibly. If you never had a lot of fibre in your diet before, then your body would have been working harder to digest food than it should, so suddenly giving it the right things will obviously take a while to adjust. Try eating smaller meals, but more often. I would think that you will have more energy than before, but if you are experiancing highs and lows then maybe you need to think about sugar intake/carbohydrate intake. If we can help with anything just ask, there are some knowledgable people on here! The Valley Vegan...........Kris <goinggreen_berg wrote: Hi everyone! My name is Kris and I am a new vegan. I made the decision to become vegan because some issues with my health have reached a point where I need drastic change. After much reading and soul searching this I know is the right choice for me. I am blessed that my husband is very supportive and my son is an adventerous eatter so getting him to try new things is rather easy. I already have a question for the group. I have noticed over the last week or so changes in my moods ( are a bit erratic ), my

energy levels ( Im full of energy early in the morning and need a nap by 11am), and digestive issues that I wont subject anyone to the details of! LOL! I am being careful to eat a variety of healthy fruits, veggies, grains, and legumes, and I am taking a vegan vitamin supplement that I have been taking now for well over a year. Any thoughts on why I may be feeling so strange? Thanks! -Kris :o) Luggage? GPS? Comic books? Check out fitting gifts for grads at Search. Peter H


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Well, here I am. I have diabetes, and a life threatening pulmonary

disease. My additude is a good one. Staying upbeat is important to

me. Learning is great also. I want to learn about vegetarianism. I

have various reasons for wanting to adopt this lifestyle. Although I

turn 60 this year, it is important to keep learning about everything.

Thanks in advance for your help.


sharon and the cockatiel from RI

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