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Canker Sores - New Vegetarian

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I became a vegetarian January 1. So far so good, but lately I have developed a couple of horrible canker sores that are not going away! Is that because of a lack of some nutrient that I am getting, or maybe too much fruit and vegetables? Anyone else have problems with this after becoming a vegetarian? Thanks! - Sally

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Sally, I too had the same problem. I saw the doc about it and she said it could be caused from Iron, B-12, Folic Acid, or Zinc. They did a blood test, and mine come out to be B-12 deficient. Although I was taking a daily B-12 supplement. They upped the amount and I haven't had trouble since. This all happened in Dec. Tiffany Sally Myers <raytownsal2 Sent: Fri, February 19, 2010 2:20:24 PM Canker Sores - New Vegetarian



I became a vegetarian January 1. So far so good, but lately I have developed a couple of horrible canker sores that are not going away! Is that because of a lack of some nutrient that I am getting, or maybe too much fruit and vegetables? Anyone else have problems with this after becoming a vegetarian? Thanks! - Sally

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What others have said is true, but ARE you eating lots of fruit and not brushing your teeth 3 times/day?On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 6:20 PM, Sally Myers <raytownsal2 wrote:







I became a vegetarian January 1.  So far so good, but lately I have developed a couple of horrible canker sores that are not going away!  Is that because of a lack of some nutrient that I am getting, or maybe too much fruit and vegetables?  Anyone else have problems with this after becoming a vegetarian?  Thanks! - Sally

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