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re: Trader Joe's Soy Chorizo

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" The nutrition stats, while better than regular chorizo, are still not great.

Each 70 gram serving of Trader Joe's Soy Chorizo (about 1/5th of the package),

provides 140 calories, 10 grams of total fat of which 1.5 grams of saturated fat

(15% and 8% of the daily value respectively), 700 mg sodium (29% of the daily

value), 9 grams of protein and 8 grams of carbohydrates which includes 4 grams

of fiber (16% of the DV) and 2 grams of sugar "





Remember, Ornish and Esselstyn recommend 14 to 24 grams of fat per day, total.

One serving of the chorizo is 10 grams of fat. The sodium's pretty high, too.


FYI, Mark

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Thanks, Mark, for the info.


I've been following Rip Esselstyn's plant-based program for over a year now and

had I taken the time to closely read the stats for this product, I wouldn't have

placed it in my cart. I was surely reading labels there...but there were a

couple of products I just threw into the cart once I found them.


Some folks kindly shared their favorite Trader Joe's products with me (not all

folks from this site), but once I located some of the products at the store many

of those products contained way too much fat. For instance, the Trader Joe

hummus...didn't buy. Another product I threw into my cart and when I got home

and read the label closely, high fat...was their almond granola. I should have

known better with that one...I've yet to find a store bought granola that's low

to no fat. Someday I'll just try making my own!


Fortunately, this doesn't happen as often with me these days (bringing stuff

home and finding the item has too much fat in it..especially saturated,

cholesterol and/or trans...we normally eat only those things that say " 0 " on the

big three) - but on a trip like this where my girls and I were squeezing in the

Trader Joe's store at the end of the day following shopping at Columbus' huge

Easton Marketplace, (i.e., every store imaginable there and we went in and out

of many of them), I was not especially diligent.


Thanks again, Mark! This is one of the things I love about forums/discussion

boards. They can be educational!

Judy in Ohio


P.S. We always have to be alert, don't we, with the reading of labels?

Especially what you just mentioned, noting the serving sizes for, in this case -

as is often the case - the serving size is small and one is likely to eat more

than one serving, doubling the fat intake to a day's worth of fat in one dish at

one meal!

A person can easily use their entire day's worth of fat in one dish.


And honestly? I do need to be more " present " in my thinking about fat intake in

every product I cook with or eat. I've lost a large chunk of weight since I've

been eating plant-based/vegan, but it could and should be more, so I really do

need to look more closely at the fat in every item and every serving size. This

includes the occasional homemade/baked sweets. Assess and adjust, assess and

adjust! :-)


It really is a wonderful new way of life. My hubby and I went through a

McDonald's drive through this a.m. to get some coffee and we were discussing how

we hadn't eaten that type of food in 14 months and didn't miss it one bit!


Another perk? Our daughter and her family (both married daughters now) now are

eating plant-based too and reaping the results of it...lowered cholesterol,

getting off meds, dropping weight, looking and feeling better. And the

son-in-law is starting a health oriented program for his colleagues at the fire

station where he volunteers. This is contagious! He and my daughter are in WV

this weekend. He put on Facebook that the two of them got up early and went

jogging together. I can't begin to tell you what it means to me to know the two

of them (and the grandchildren too), with the lifestyle changes they have

made/are making, will be living longer, more abundant lives!


You folks at fat free vegan have a part in this. I've pretty much been a lurker,

a learning lurker, applying much of what I'm learning and cooking many of the

recipes you've shared. And...I've passed a lot of this info along to my daughter

and her family in past months and they are reaping the benefits too! Thank you!



, Mark Sutton <msutton wrote:


> " The nutrition stats, while better than regular chorizo, are still not great.

Each 70 gram serving of Trader Joe's Soy Chorizo (about 1/5th of the package),

provides 140 calories, 10 grams of total fat of which 1.5 grams of saturated fat

(15% and 8% of the daily value respectively), 700 mg sodium (29% of the daily

value), 9 grams of protein and 8 grams of carbohydrates which includes 4 grams

of fiber (16% of the DV) and 2 grams of sugar "



> http://www.iateapie.net/reviews/archives/2009/09/trader_joes_soy.php


> Remember, Ornish and Esselstyn recommend 14 to 24 grams of fat per day, total.

One serving of the chorizo is 10 grams of fat. The sodium's pretty high, too.


> FYI, Mark


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That's a wonderful story!

On 8/05/2010, at 8:02 AM, jdg682 wrote:It really is a wonderful new way of life. My hubby and I went through a McDonald's drive through this a.m. to get some coffee and we were discussing how we hadn't eaten that type of food in 14 months and didn't miss it one bit! Another perk? Our daughter and her family (both married daughters now) now are eating plant-based too and reaping the results of it...lowered cholesterol, getting off meds, dropping weight, looking and feeling better. And the son-in-law is starting a health oriented program for his colleagues at the fire station where he volunteers. This is contagious! He and my daughter are in WV this weekend. He put on Facebook that the two of them got up early and went jogging together. I can't begin to tell you what it means to me to know the two of them (and the grandchildren too), with the lifestyle changes they have made/are making, will be living longer, more abundant lives!You folks at fat free vegan have a part in this. I've pretty much been a lurker, a learning lurker, applying much of what I'm learning and cooking many of the recipes you've shared. And...I've passed a lot of this info along to my daughter and her family in past months and they are reaping the benefits too! Thank you!

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