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Today for you 34 new articles about earth's trees! (247th edition)

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--British Columbia: 1) FSC gets the cut out for big bucks, 2) Coastal

Forest Plan,

--US Pacific Northwest: 3) Exposing the corruption that won't protect

Marbled Murrelet

--Washington: 4) Yakama Nation is joining an innovative restoration partnership

--California: 5) Nanning Creek treesitters, 6) Wildfire reflections,

7) Bioneers,

--Montana: 8) Save the Wild Swan!

--New York: 9) Logging for a place to put the dirt

--Maine: 10) Diversifying logging economy, 11) Timber thief pleads guilty,

--USA: 12) Cutting firefighting funds again and again

--UK: 13) Explorer scouts learn to log and plant

--Sweden: 14) Loggers brag about all the forests they've saved

--Malta: 15) Plants and Shrubs attacked

--Syria: 16) Israel felling cherry trees and I wonder if they'll lie about it?

--Africa: 17) World's poorest continent

--Liberia: 18) President talks to Bush about climate change

--Uganda: 19) logging caused infectious parasites, 20) Echuya forest reserve

--Kenya: 21) Rampant destruction of Embobut forest

--Brazil: 22) Deserts and slavery for luxury homes, 23) 222,000 acres

given to big oil, 24) Institute for Space Research, 25) Save the

forest with the power of collective healing,

--India: 26) Massive weeding operation, 27) Manas National Park,

--Bhutan: 28) Committee will fix prices for final sawn timber

--Philippines: 29) Confiscated wood is rotting amid complaining

--Japan: 30) Deforestation protesters have reportedly raised ¥73

--Malaysia: 31) Premier nature adventure destination

--Papua: 32) 252 different tribes: " Don't cut down our Trees "

--Indonesia: 33) An incentivized program to better manage forest emissions

--World-wide: 34) 1/3 of all primates in danger of extinction!


British Columbia:


1) Harvesting and selling timber according to Forest Stewardship

Council standards is benefiting a First Nations-owned logging company,

says an Ecotrust Canada spokesman.

Mike Vitt, a forestry program manager for Ecotrust Canada, told the

Clayoquot Sound Central Region Board last week that Iisaak Forest

Products should have a record year in terms of profitability, and the

company is now selling timber into Port Alberni, Parksville and

Vancouver. He said one of the largest Dutch importers of FSC certified

wood will also be in town. " There's no doubt in my mind we're getting

tremendous value from FSC, " he said. " We're getting so much demand out

of it we can pick and chose our customers. Ecotrust is a non-profit

organization that according to its website believes a sustainable

economy should improve social and environmental conditions. FSC

certification ensures forests are managed in a socially and

environmentally responsible manner. Last year, Ecotrust began managing

Iisaak, a logging company owned by the five Central Region First

Nations: – Tla-o-qui-aht, Ahousaht, Ucluelet, Hesquiaht and Toquaht.

The company controls 87,393 hectares of land in Tree Farm License 57,

located in Clayoquot Sound. Vitt said Iisaak employs about 42 people

in full-time jobs and the company will harvest about 85,000 cubic

metres of fiber this year. Vitt said the company wasn't exporting raw

logs at this time. " I don't want to say never, " he added, noting,

however, that Iisaak is trying to leverage its FSC certification.




2) We've gotten word that the BC Liberal government will likely be

releasing their Coastal Forest Industry Plan early next week. The plan

will have the broad outlines on what they intend to do with our

coastal old-growth forests. Sometime afterwards, they will release a

Coastal Old-Growth Strategy that will have more details. It's VITAL

that you flood the BC government at this point with letters and phone

calls to let them know that for Vancouver Island and the Lower

Mainland, where 75% of the original productive old-growth forests have

already been logged (including over 90% of the valley bottoms with the

largest trees), whether you want the BC government to:1) Enact

concrete timelines and targets to reduce and quickly end old-growth

logging on Vancouver Island and the Lower Mainland where old-growth

forests are now scarce. 2) Ensure that our second-growth forests are

logged sustainably instead. 3) Ban raw log exports from private and

public lands. - Many of you have already received government responses

to your previous letters, in which the Campbell government is

rationalizing the liquidation of our last old-growth forests on

Vancouver Island by stating that plenty of old-growth is already

protected. Please WRITE BACK! You might want to point out that only 6%

of Vancouver Island's productive forests (old-growth and

second-growth) are protected in parks. Another couple percent are

under tenuous protection in Wildlife Habitat Areas (WHA) and

Old-Growth Management Areas (OGMA) which often are placed inside

already protected areas or in marginal, low productivity forests with

smaller trees. In addition, these WHA's and OGMA's don't show up on

any publicly available maps, and in fact, almost nobody knows where

they are except timber companies and a few bureaucrats - and they can

easily disappear through executive decisions by Minister of Forests

Rich Coleman and the Cabinet. http://www.wcwcvictoria.org


US Pacific Northwest:


3) On October 2, we received a pile of documents that were released as

a result of an Earthjustice Freedom of Information Act request that

sought to ferret out what role, if any, Julie MacDonald and other

political appointees had played in the writing of a " status review " of

the murrelet. The review was conducted as a result of a timber

industry lawsuit whose ultimate goal was to strip Endangered Species

Act protection from the murrelet. The final version of the review

contradicted most scientific studies in concluding that the murrelets

in Washington, Oregon, and California, now protected by the Endangered

Species Act, did not deserve that protection because there are more

numerous murrelets in British Columbia and Alaska, and a 2004 Canadian

law would help with murrelet conservation. The day before the final

status review was released, FWS changed its " yes " to a " no " on the

question " Does the original listing meet the DPS policy with regards

to the Discreteness and Significance elements of the DPS policy? " In

other words, where agency scientists had determined that the murrelets

in the Northwest are a " distinct population segment, " that finding was

turned on its head at the last minute. Kristen Boyles immediately

wrote to demand that the FWS withdraw the status review and

investigate Ms. MacDonald's role in the murrelet matter. We'll let you

know what happens. It is hardly news that Bush administration

officials have avoided, evaded, flouted, and violated environmental

laws relentlessly for nearly seven years. What's worth noting is that

the practice continues even in the face of overwhelming public

disapproval. And no one yet knows the full extent of this corruption

of law and science. We'll be cleaning up messes well into the next

administration no matter who the next president may be.





4) The Yakama Nation is joining an innovative partnership focused on

restoring the health, natural structure, and productivity of forests

and shrub-steppe in south central Washington. The Tapash Sustainable

Forests Collaborative was established in May 2006 by The Nature

Conservancy, US Forest Service, and Washington's Department of Fish

and Wildlife (WDFW) and Department of Natural Resources. The purpose

was to encourage greater cooperation and coordination among these

major landowners on issues ranging from forest health to recreation.

Lavina Washines, the chairwoman of the Yakama Nation Tribal Council,

signed the partnership's Memorandum of Understanding earlier this week

at the nation's headquarters in Toppenish. Representatives of the

other agencies signed the memorandum today at the Society of American

Foresters conference being held in Portland. The collaborative

provides a way for its members to plan and work together. With the

Yakama Nation's involvement, the group will be focusing on forest

management across about 2 million acres in Kittitas and Yakima

counties. " This partnership is another example of our commitment to

address forest health challenges in eastern Washington, " said Doug

Sutherland, state commissioner of public lands. " The issue crosses all

ownership boundaries and must be addressed on a landscape-wide basis.

The Yakama Nation has been a leader in addressing forest health

issues. We're honored to be working with them in this effort. " One

early project for the collaborative is planning for prescribed fires

across ownership boundaries. Prescribed fires are an important tool

for creating healthy forests, and can help to avert catastrophic

forest fires by clearing out underbrush that will fuel major fires.







5) When the Tree Biosafety and Genomics Research Cooperative at Oregon

State University was still known as The Tree Genetic Engineering

Research Cooperative, they publicized their work with " Roundup®

resistant " trees. Aside from the obvious involvement of Monsanto on

this project, Weyerhaeuser also helps fund the tree lab at OSU. The

old TGERC Web site still has information posted about their hundreds

of lines of transgenic trees that " have demonstrated high levels of

tolerance and no detectable growth loss after multiple Roundup®

applications…[and others]…that contain a synthetic gene from the cry3a

strain of Bacillus thuringiensis…showed strong resistance to the

cottonwood leaf beetle…and enhanced growth rate. " Here is where forest

products companies end their tale and the anti-modification advocates

pick it up. While the most inflammatory propaganda from this camp will

go on about " frankenforests " of genetically modified trees that will

devastate native forests and change the entire notion of what the

natural world is, there are more reasoned arguments that intelligently

refute the economic and humanitarian claims of corporations. The

coherent core of these counter-claims takes a step back and looks not

only at the trees and how they fall into the saws and pulps of our

economic cycles, but how they stand as organisms within a larger cycle

of plant and animal organisms in the places we call our forests. In

their publication, " Genetically Modified Trees: The ultimate threat to

forests, " the Friends of the Earth argue that the reason we should not

genetically modify our trees, and thus our forests, is because we are

not the only creatures who value trees. Insects, birds, and animals do

not acknowledge property and national forest boundaries. They will eat

or use whatever tree they happen to encounter and, for example, a tree

with insecticide properties could pollinate across boundary lines,

impact insect populations and disrupt an entire food chain. This

possibility of broad pollination raises a darker part of the issue:

property. If, in two or three generations, forest life contains

modified genes through cross-pollination, will the companies give up

their ownership of that modified gene, or will we, the people, have to

give up the trees that make up our forests? We should not allow for

that possibility. We should resist technological determinism when

discussing whether or not we should modify organisms' genes, because

giving in to its apparent inevitability will allow the genetic

composition and fate of our world, and eventually our bodies, to be

established by corporations' economic concerns.









6) In the Nanning Creek watershed, a tributary of the beleaguered Eel

River ( California 's third largest river), a small group of

passionate young tree sitters have ascended fifty of the last

remaining privately owned ancient redwood trees. One of these is a

grandfather tree they've named Spooner. These trees—including the

nearly 300-foot-tall Spooner tree--are slated for harvest. PL calls

Nanning Creek's timber harvest plan " Bonanza " for the large profit the

dying company will make. There are 200 acres of old growth in Nanning

Creek that need protection. No, there's less than that. Ancient trees

have already been felled to the background of an icepick-in-ear

serenade of chainsaws. Tree-sitting youth perched high in old-growth

limbs on strung-together webs of truck rope (dream catchers) and

sturdy platforms strive to protect this vanishing rainforest. Some

have been arrested, but they have not yet been harmed. It is still

against the law in California to kill forest trespassers, which is

what PL would be doing if they cut down these occupied redwoods that

have young people in or around them. Sadly, it has happened in recent

years—you can Google David Chain " Gypsy " to learn about one such

tragic death. High up in this leafy canopy these twenty-somethings are

witnesses to the falling of trees more than a thousand years in age.

These tree sitters do not need to put their ears to the ground to hear

the thud of destruction. Each nearby fall shakes their treetop

platforms. Their tree village has been twice raided and dismantled by

spike-booted loggers who know that their own livelihoods are tied to

these trees. The loggers are aware that like these ancient trees their

jobs are scheduled to be cut up and shipped out of the region. Most

recognize that the unsustainable practices of their employer have

endangered their financial future. Still, there's this month's rent to

be paid, youngsters to clothe, and fast food to be eaten. So off to

work they go. Not surprisingly, no one has come forward from PL to

argue that this primordial forest must not be cut. They want to keep

their jobs as long as possible. The nearby communities of forest

activists, on the other hand, have been surprisingly quiet on all

matters concerning Nanning Creek. It seems their thirst for saving old

growth was quenched after the purchase of the Headwaters Forest (less

than thirty miles from Nanning Creek). These local nature lovers'

silence is punctuated by the thuds of those ancient trees they've

sacrificed. Nor have the forest defense legends of the early 1990s or

the campus-touring eco-celebrities publicly spoken the words " Nanning

Creek. " Maybe they would all show up if there were more cameras in the

shadowy mist of Nanning Creek. Or maybe they'd speak up if someone

especially attractive, articulate, and well cellphoned was sitting in

one of those ill-fated trees. Or maybe--okay, okay, we don't seriously

believe that these former eco-crusaders are so shallow and sold out.

They're just, um… retired? http://humboldtforestdefense.blogspot.com


7) As Californians sift through the cinders of this week's deadly

wildfires, there is a growing consensus that the state's war against

such disasters — as it is currently being fought — cannot be won.

" California has lost 1.5 million acres in the last four years, " said

Richard A. Minnich, a professor of earth sciences who teaches fire

ecology at the University of California, Riverside. " When do we

declare the policy a failure? " Fire-management experts like Professor

Minnich, who has compared fire histories in San Diego County and Baja

California in Mexico, say the message is clear: Mexico has smaller

fires that burn out naturally, regularly clearing out combustible

underbrush and causing relatively little destruction because the cycle

is still natural. California has giant ones because its longtime

policies of fire suppression — in which the government has kept fires

from their normal cycle — has created huge pockets of fuel that erupt

into conflagrations that must be fought. " We're on all year round, "

said Brett Chapman, a firefighter with the United States Forest

Service who worked 15-hour shifts this week in the Lake Arrowhead area

east of Los Angeles. The main problem is that many in California are

ruggedly obstinate about the choice they have made to live with the

constant threat of fire. Even state officials who are interested in

change concede it could take a decade — and more catastrophic

wildfires — before it happens. " If you're going to live in paradise, "

said Randall Holloman, a bar and restaurant owner in Cedar Glen, which

is in an area that has burned twice in four years, " you're going to

have to deal. " In San Diego County, which has borne the brunt of the

recent fires, three out of four homes built since 1990 are in the

dangerous zone where open spaces and housing meet. These are the most

vulnerable and exposed places in fire season because wildfires by and

large start in national forests, recreation areas and other publicly

owned lands. About half of the land in San Diego County is publicly

owned, much of it in the Cleveland National Forest.



8) The annual Bioneers conference has a reputation for creative and

deep thinking about sustainability and the environment, but during all

my years as an environmental activist, I never managed to attend. On

October 19-21, I finally made it to the conference in San Rafael,

California. In 1990, I was working as a signature-gathering

coordinator for a California forestry initiative that would have ended

clear-cutting in California forests. I organized volunteers to hit the

streets with petitions throughout the East Bay, and not just the

street corners in Berkeley where signatures were as easy to gather as

apples on the ground. Looking toward the election in the fall, I

recruited the two housewives in working-class Freemont who would staff

a table at the mall on Saturday, and the lone environmentalist in

conservative Concord. But one day, at my table in Oakland, I was

approached by an elderly black man with anger in his eyes. " What are

you doing, worrying about trees, " he said, " when black people are

still dying on the streets. " The civil rights movement wasn't

finished, he told me, and he couldn't understand why liberal whites

had given up and turned their attention to frivolous things like

trees. I had no idea how to respond, but later, a middle-aged black

woman came by my table and told me how important it was to save

forests. She shared her memories of her Louisiana home and the forests

she had known there. A few weeks later, on Earth Day, we were invited

to bring our petition to a church in the refinery town of Richmond,

where the Rev. Jesse Jackson would speak. Jackson's beautiful sermon

wove together concern for the Earth, civil rights and justice.

Afterwards, young black children came up to my table, where I had a

picture of the redwoods, and asked me where that was. " Is that in

Africa? Are there monkeys? Can I go there? " These children had never

seen a redwood, even though the nearest grove stood barely a dozen

miles away, just over the bridge, in Marin County. I wanted to do

something about that, but I never did. At the Bioneers conference, I

heard from courageous people who have moved mountains to make the

connection between environmentalism and civil rights. Van Jones, of

the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights, is spearheading what he calls

" social uplift " environmentalism. His Green for All campaign promotes

training of inner city workers for green collar environmental jobs.







9) It is easy to look at the Swan Mountains and take them for granted.

Or to assume they will remain pristine for our children and

grandchildren. But there have long been forces at work to destroy the

wilderness qualities of the Swan Range and, fortunately, people

working even harder to preserve those qualities. Jewel Basin didn't

become a non-motorized hiking area by accident. Cliff Merritt, now 88

and living near Hamilton, Montana, helped secure Congressional

Wilderness protection for many areas in Montana in 1964, including the

Bob Marshall Wilderness, and helped form the Montana Wilderness

Association to advocate for more Wilderness in Montana. He and many

other Flathead Valley residents, like Loren Kreck, Jack Whitney and

Elmer Sprunger, then worked on getting Jewel Basin designated

Wilderness, accomplishing a first step by stopping motorcycles from

trashing Jewel Basin's high alpine meadows via its designation as the

Jewel Basin Hiking Area in 1970. But the work of securing more

permanent protection for Jewel Basin and the rest of the Swan Crest as

Congressionally protected Wilderness continues. Many folks don't

realize that administrative protection like that afforded Jewel Basin

can be withdrawn at the stroke of a Forest Service official's fickle

pen. True Wilderness designations, however, can only be changed by an

act of Congress. Swan View Coalition, a local conservation group, took

the Forest Service to court and won the removal of illegally cut

trails and bridges in Krause and Lost Johnny Basins. They had been

constructed illegally in an attempt to create a motorized trans-Swan

Crest route and to extend snowmobile access well into spring, long

after natural snow bridges have collapsed and mother grizzly bears

with new cubs have emerged from their winter dens but cannot yet flee

motorized vehicles. http://lakeshorecountryjournal.com/



New York:


9) No serious environmental damage was done when the school district's

top maintenance official cut down at least 69 trees in a heavily

wooded corner of the White Plains High School grounds, then dumped 50

truckloads of fill over the stumps to smooth the way for a new playing

field, a consultant told school officials this week. Lynch, who earns

$112,752 annually, said earlier that he is " not at liberty to discuss

any aspect of " the episode. Schools Superintendent Tim Connors said

Lynch cleared the trees so he could store fill from the ongoing

reconstruction of the football field at the high school, then use the

fill at a later date to build the softball field. In his report to the

school board, Watson said the fill was free of contaminants. The

August clear-cut caused an uproar in an adjoining neighborhood and at

the district's headquarters a few miles away, where officials said

buildings and grounds chief Mike Lynch acted on his own. The

consultant, Glennon Watson of Cold Spring, told the White Plains Board

of Education that the environmental damage can be repaired by

implementing a restoration plan the board already is considering,

though he recommended planting four more trees than the 51 the plan

suggests. Watson also warned that some of the smaller oaks and maples

called for in the restoration plan would be easily vandalized, and he

suggested those trees should be at least 4 inches in diameter at

breast height. Watson also said clear-cutting the one-acre lot without

first studying the environmental impact " probably violated " state

environmental laws. Another environmental law now will require the

district to develop a plan to contain stormwater runoff from the site

before it begins replanting the trees, he said. In all, consultant

reports and the replanting are expected to cost the school district

$70,000. Neighbors along Havilands Lane, who now have a view of the

high school where last summer they saw only trees, said the plan isn't

enough but may be the best they can get. " They didn't give the folks

who are now viewing the high school the complete screening they'd

like, " said Alan Teck, a Havilands Lane resident who also is a former

president of Concerned Citizens for Open Space, a local environmental






10) Given that we live in the most heavily forested state in the

country, it's obvious why so many Mainers have made their living off

those forests. From the lumberjacks, trappers, spruce gum purveyors

and paper barons of the past to today's woodlot owners, Maine Guides

and mill workers, our forests have supported the livelihoods of many.

Maine's woods have yielded their bounty, and Maine's pockets have been

lined with the proceeds. Trees (their pulp and the lumber made from

them) and surrounding wildlife have been the focus of generations of

commercial activity. Now, though, some entrepreneurial folks are

considering the commercial potential of a different kind of forest

product: Birch bark, moss, lichen, herbs, wild mushrooms, vines and

shrubs, as well as roots, twigs and branches. Already, the state's

wreath industry has provided a successful example of how to use

non-traditional forest products to fill a growing market. Now, these

other possibilities are providing focus for those eager to find other

ways to make money from the woods. Decoraters, it seems, love birch

bark wallpaper and pussy willow bouquets. Pharmaceutical companies are

researching the health-enhancing potential of spruce gum. (Surely,

anything that tastes that bad must be good for you.) Landscaping

nurseries like the old rocks found in crumbling walls deep in the

woods. Fancy chefs in New York City and San Francisco are discovering

the potential of wild Maine foods, including the earthy mushrooms

found on the forest floor. That's all for the good, with one big

exception. This state has a long history of allowing newly discovered

natural resources to be punishingly exploited almost to the brink of

extinction, with attendant damage to other species that depend on

them. http://morningsentinel.mainetoday.com/view/columns/4409334.html


11) A man from Seboeis Plantation pleaded guilty Friday to not paying

a landowner for timber he harvested from the landowner's property in

Dedham, according to law enforcement officials. John Buck, 35, had

signed a contract to harvest trees from land owned by John Darty of

New Smyrna, Fla., the Maine Forest Service wrote Friday in a prepared

release. Buck, however, did not pay Darty for three loads of trees he

took to log yards in Bucksport and Hermon, the statement indicated.

Ranger John Cousins used delivery documents at the log yards to

determine that the landowner never was paid for the three loads, which

the yards received in March and April. The value of the three loads

was more than $1,500, according to the forest service. District Ranger

Jeff Currier said Friday that Buck will not get any jail time, but was

ordered in Ellsworth District Court to pay a $1,000 fine. Buck already

has reimbursed Darty for the trees, he said. Currier said a new law

passed by the Legislature in 2006 makes it easier for the forest

service to pursue and help resolve these types of cases. Loggers have

a maximum time frame of 45 days in which they must pay landowners for

the wood they harvest. Previously, there was no such time frame, he

said. " By having this law, forest rangers can investigate cases,

request prosecution at the District Court level, and collect

restitution for landowners upon conviction in a relatively short

period of time, " Currier stated in the release.

http://bangornews.com/news/t/hancock.aspx?articleid=155826 & zoneid=178




12) During Bush's first year in office, the Forest Service's State

Fire Assistance program for wildland fire management was funded at

approximately $56 million per year. But the President's budget

proposal for 2008 only requests $35 million from Congress, an 18% cut

from what it spent in the current year, already well below the earlier

levels. Assistance to volunteer firefighting forces increased to a

level of about $12 million during 2007, but only after Congressional

intervention. At first, the Forest Service had requested only $7.8

million. After the budget mushroomed to the higher level, the

administration proposed a 38% cut for next year, reducing the budget

to help volunteer firefighters to $8 million, less than the level it

was funded at in 2001. A senior Senate staffer who works on land

management issues explained why the budget cuts hindered wildfire

preparedness. " When the National Fire Plan came out in 2000, a main

emphasis was on local preparedness through a significant infusion of

grants for more local firefighting equipment, " the aide explained to

the Huffington Post. " A significant amount of that money has

disappeared as a result of the administration's budget policies. You

can have lots of funding going into big federal accounts, but local

fire departments get to the fire first, and they carry a lot of the

load, particularly when fires are not burning on federal lands. From

what I've heard in the news, there has been concern about the local

fire departments' preparedness in the areas the fires have burned, and

that is the situation those grants are targeted at. " Forest Service

staff did not respond to requests for comment on why the budgets were

cut. In addition to the budget cuts, a significant change in policy

across the Bush administration made it more difficult to call up

federal Forest Service firefighters in crisis situations like the one

that destroyed so many homes in southern California. The White House's

insistence on the outsourcing of government services has been

vigorously applied to the Forest Service. A lone, obscure sentence

within the Office of Management and Budget's explanation of the Fiscal

Year 2008 budget request for the Forest Service hints at the reasoning

for this policy.





13) An army of 200 Explorer Scouts from west Lancashire have given an

ancient Lake District wood a new lease of life in a conservation

challenge held last weekend. Great Tower Wood, on the eastern shore of

Windermere was donated to the Scout Association by Lord Wakefield 71

years ago for camping, recreation and educational use. The forest is

managed by the Lowther Forestry Group with support from the Forestry

Commission, but is also dependent on the Scouts to maintain its

natural ecological diversity. As part of the Scouts 2007 centenary

celebrations and annual Environment Weekend, the youngsters planted

1,000 native Hazel tree saplings over 100 hectares of land at Great

Tower Wood. The group also helped to trim and fell unwanted trees and

build a traditional charcoal burning stack. A team of Lowther

foresters were on hand throughout the weekend to help and advise. Pete

Sturgess, principal officer, for the West Lancashire Scouts, said:

" We're really grateful to the Lowther Forestry Group and the Forestry

Commission for their support with looking after the wood. " The Scouts

get a lot out of the site, so it's been a nice way for them to offer

something back. " Peter Fox, woodland officer for the Forestry

Commission in the area, said: " The Scouts really did rise to the

conservation challenge and well-deserved sense of achievement from all

their hard work. Their work will ensure that Scouts will be able to

enjoy the site for years to come. " The saplings were donated by the

Woodland Trust, as part of their Trees For All campaign.





14) Some 3000 square miles of Swedish forests are to be protected from

development. Sveaskog, a public forest management company, says that

the move almost doubles the land it has set aside to protect

environmental diversity. According to a press release, the move is a

result of three years of analysis.

http://www.sr.se/cgi-bin/international/nyhetssidor/artikel.asp?nyheter=1 & program\

id=2054 & Artikel=





15) Last May, in an act of vengeful vandalism, committed by people as

yet unknown - fingers can, and have, been pointed but in a country

where the rule of rule is practised, one ought to wait until

investigations and then justice take their course - 3,000 trees and

shrubs were destroyed. In the words of the outstandingly dedicated and

courageous forest ranger in charge of Foresta 2000, Ray Vella, who

just recently was slightly injured in the face after being shot by an

unknown person carrying a shotgun, " Shrubs had been beaten down with

hoes; trees sawed off. This was a malicious and methodical attack on

65 tumoli of land which, in financial terms, set the project back some

Lm30,000. This was money donated by the public at large, by schools

(one school had planted 120 trees), by the Corpo Forestale dello

Stato, by BirdLife Malta and from tax payers' money " . The public

reaction to this outrage was immediate. Within a short period, well

over Lm45,000 had been collected in public donations, with leading

banks and commercial firms in Malta generously showing the way. The

Foresta 2000 project, which was conceived by BirdLife as their gift to

Malta to celebrate the new millennium, will live on. Although the

outrageous damage of five months ago has set the project back by three

years, this weekend, with many volunteers descending on the Foresta

2000 site to plant 9,000 trees and shrubs to replace, three-fold,

those mindlessly destroyed or damaged, a new injection of commitment

to afforestation in Malta will be achieved. Just as the vicious act of

vandalism perpetrated at Mnajdra six years ago galvanised public

opinion and the government into doing something to save our cultural

heritage, so the wanton destruction at Foresta 2000 may be seen as a

turning point in public perceptions.





16) Syria filed a complaint Friday with U.N. Secretary General Ban

Ki-Moon protesting Israel's chopping down of trees in the occupied

Golan Heights to harass farmers, the state-run news agency SANA said.

The felling of cherry trees in Majdal Shams village was " a flagrant

violation of international law and humanitarian law, " said Syrian

officials quoted by the report. It did not say when the incident

happened. The SANA article said the cutting of trees aimed to put

pressure on Syrian villagers in order to force them to leave their

land and it called the United Nations to pressure Israel to stop

" these illegitimate and inhuman practices. " Israel has been occupying

the strategic Golan Heights since the 1967 Mideast war and Syria been

demanding a full Israeli withdrawal from the plateau. Peace talks

between Israel and Syria have been stalled since 2000, and last week

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert was reported to be considering

renewed contacts. Israeli defense officials said the army has decided

to move an upcoming military exercise off the disputed Golan Heights

to avoid further heightening tensions with Syria. The situation

between the two neighbors has been tense since Israeli warplanes on

Sept. 6 struck a target in Syria, which Western news media have

described as some sort of nuclear facility linked to North Korea.

Syria strongly denied the target was a nuclear facility saying that

only an unused military building was hit.






17) The fact that Lake Victoria, Lake Chad and some parts of River

Nile are gradually drying up due to global warming is alarming. This

is because millions of lives in the world`s poorest continent, which

relies on the natural resources, are consequently put in jeopardy.

Babagana Ahmadu, the African Union`s Director of Rural Economy and

Agriculture said recently in South Africa that the water bodies are

gradually drying up the due to warmer temperatures. But has the world

done enough to check the menace whose dire consequences are largely

felt by the poor? The answer is absolutely no. Actually, if promises

and endless conferences on environment were anything to go by, then

the Earth could be the cleanest and safest place to live in today.

However, most of these have proved to be big loads of hot air that

drain resources and waste much time while the state of environment

continues to deteriorate by day. Everyday there are sensitization

conferences, seminars or workshops at the end of which delegates would

come up with a pile of resolutions for 'addressing' environmental

issues. Funny enough, the next follow up meetings could be convened

even before any of the resolutions are worked upon. The irony is that

sometimes such activities, that most of the time are held in five star

hotels out of donor funds, contribute more to environmental

degradation rather than fighting it.

or instance, the Climate Change Conference in Nairobi late last year

might have contributed more to global warming rather than checking it.

The planes that ferried over 6,000 delegates from the world over

emitted so much carbon dioxide (Co2) and other toxic gases into the

sky in a very short period of time than any other single activity.





18) As Liberian President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf met US President

George Bush at the White House last week, an expert from Liberia's

Forestry Development Authority was across the river in a hi-tech

laboratory, working on his country's potential involvement in a global

strategy to confront climate change. Augustine Johnson has been

looking at ways to map and assess Liberia's remaining tropical forest

and the carbon it stores. If all goes according to plan, that carbon

and the forest's ability to store it will become a valuable economic

asset capable of bringing new revenue to the African country in

desperate need of help to recover from civil war. The forests are

already a valuable environmental asset for the whole planet. Fifteen

years have passed since Liberia and the US were among 190 countries

that signed the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

(UNFCCC) at the Rio Earth Summit. Since then, Liberia has emerged from

its long civil conflict, but economic recovery and widespread

unemployment remain daunting challenges. Climate change poses another

major threat to Liberia and other developing countries. The

anticipated impacts, such as rising sea levels and more severe

droughts, will cause the most harm to the world's poorest people

living in nations that lack the resources to help them adapt.






19) This is the first study to look at how forest fragmentation

increases the burden of infectious parasites on animals already

stressed by disturbances to their habitat. The study, of

black-and-white colobus monkeys and red colobus monkeys in tropical

forests in western Uganda, appears in the American Journal of

Primatology. Once dominated by vast forests, Uganda now has less than

one-twentieth of its original forest cover. According to the World

Resources Institute, its tropical forests are being logged and

converted to agricultural land at a rate that outpaces sub-Saharan

Africa as a whole. Small tracts remain, however, hemmed in by pastures

and croplands. Many of the species that thrived in the original

forests are struggling to survive in these parcels, which can be as

small as one hectare in size. " In Uganda, just looking at the

primates, it's one of the most biodiverse places on the earth, " said

professor of pathobiology Thomas Gillespie, principal investigator on

the study. " You've got 12 to 13 species of primates in a core

undisturbed forest. But if you go into these forest fragments, you'll

find only three or four species of primates. Populations of

black-and-white colobus monkeys appear to be stable in the Ugandan

forest remnants, while their cousins, the red colobus monkeys, are in

decline. Gillespie and his colleague, Colin Chapman, of McGill

University in Montreal, surveyed 20 forest fragments near the western

boundary of Kibale National Park, in western Uganda. They compared the

abundance, variety and density of potentially harmful parasites in

these fragments to the undisturbed " core forest " of the park. The

researchers followed the monkeys for four years, collecting data on

how far the animals ranged, what they ate and which parasites were

infecting them. In those four years, red colobus populations in forest

fragments declined 20 percent, whereas populations of black-and-white

colobus monkeys remained relatively stable. Both species maintained

stable populations in the undisturbed forest. Scientists have

struggled to explain why closely related animals, like these two

species of monkeys, can fare so differently in forest fragments. The

answer, Gillespie said, lies in a complex interplay of factors, with

parasites and nutrition playing key roles.



20) The Bufundi Sub-county local council speaker, accused the Rwandese

for the increased deforestation of bamboo trees in Echuya forest

reserve. The forest is located on the Kabale-Kisoro road. Mr Enock

Byarugaba, was speaking at a function organised by Nature Uganda at

Kacerere Church of Uganda on Tuesday. Mr Byarugaba told the

authorities that more than three quarters of the bamboo trees in

Echuya forest have been cut down by Rwandans who illegally cross into

Uganda through Kashasha parish in Bufundi Sub-county at night. " A

comprehensive strategy should be put in place to protect bamboo trees

not only for the sake of saving the environment but also for the

future generation to see, " he said. National Forest Authority

officials signed a CFM agreement with the local people in the

sub-counties of Bufundi and Muko in order to protect the bamboo trees

in Echuya forest from extinction. The NFA officer in charge of Echuya

forest, Ms Scovia Chekprui, assured the locals the CFM committees

shall help in conserving the bamboo trees and Echuya forest in

general. http://allafrica.com/stories/200710241142.html




21) Rampant destruction of Embobut forest in Marakwet District is

quite alarming. A lasting solution must be found by the Government

before the situation gets out of hand. For the last five years, a lot

has been said and written on the forest's plunder, but government

officials have been tight-lipped on the issue. Outcry by the residents

of the dry Kerio Valley has borne no fruits either. The situation is

further worsened by the local chiefs and their assistants, who have

taken advantage of the people's ignorance to allocate themselves parts

of the forest land and engage in illegal logging of endangered tree

species. Culturally, Embobut forest is a sacred place, a source of

medicinal herbs, totemic symbols and animals, rivers and other

resources. For many clans, the destruction of this forest is a

catastrophe with serious consequences . LOKAPEL WERO NG'INIOT, Tot,

Marakwet District.

http://www.nationmedia.com/dailynation/nmgcontententry.asp?category_id=23 & newsid\





22) Do you have Brazilian teakwood floors in your luxury home? How

about Brazilian cherry cabinets? Any Brazilian mahogany items? Well, I

certainly hope you are enjoying them. They might have come to you at a

huge cost… well beyond what you paid for them. There is a good chance

that that those exotic hardwoods were harvested by slave labor.

Perhaps they were even harvested by child slave labor. But the cost

for these materials goes even beyond its toll on slaves or your

pocketbook. On average, your Brazilian teakwood floor eliminated 7.5

acres of irreplaceable Amazonian rain forest. But Brazilian hardwood

floors look great.





23) In a controversial measure Sept. 21, President Luiz Inácio Lula da

Silva put 90,000 hectares (222,000 acres) of the 200,000-hectare

(494,000 acres) Jamari National Forest in the northeastern state of

Rondônia, for sale. The Environment Ministry said the decision aims to

stop illegal logging by legalizing and monitoring the activity.

Environmental authorities explained that this area could be used for

logging, as well as fruit farming and oil seed production. Ecological

tourism is another industry possibility. The Environment Ministry and

Brazilian Forestry Service say that social benefit, efficiency and

environmental impact will also be taken into consideration with these

projects. The area consists of three lots of 45,000, 30,000 and 15,000

hectares (111,000, 74,000 and 37,000 acres) apiece. Only Brazilian

companies can bid. The three winners will sign concession contracts

for three to 40 years. Critics of the project say it amounts to a

" privatization " of the Amazon and will do nothing to stop


http://www.latinamericapress.org/article.asp?lanCode=1 & artCode=5362



24) The Brazilian National Institute for Space Research (INPE) has

placed a contract for a third year with DMC International Imaging

Ltd., (DMCii) to acquire high-resolution satellite images of the

entire 5 million square kilometres of the Amazon rainforest. Since

2004 INPE's programme to monitor deforestation has dramatically

reduced the rate of logging from 27,000 sq.km. per year to about

10,000 sq.km. in 2007. In order to rapidly identify areas of cover

change, DMCii is contracted to provide three repeat coverages in 2007

(June-July, July-August, September-October). In 2005, and again in

2006, DMC imaged the whole Amazon Basin in 6 weeks to provide Brazil

with vital information to help monitor deforestation and combat

illegal logging. DMC imagery is provided by the five-satellite

international Disaster Monitoring Constellation (DMC). The DMC small

satellites, built by Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd (SSTL), use wide

area cameras to capture the high-resolution images. The latest

satellite, built for China, was launched into the DMC on 27 October

2005. Two new DMC satellites will be launched in 2008 and a third in

2009. Speaking at the Royal Society in London, 25th October, Dr.

Gilberto Camâra, Director General of INPE said, " The DMC data is an

important affordable contribution to our assessment of deforestation

of the Amazon rainforest. The constellation is able to rapidly acquire

and deliver high quality imagery so that we have up-to-date

information to focus our efforts. It is our intention to develop a

long term relationship with DMC " Paul Stephens, Marketing Director,

DMCii said, " The increasing amount of DMC imagery required by INPE

since 2005 demonstrates the value of rapid revisit imaging. When the

new DMC satellites launch in 2008, these will add considerably to

INPE's ability to monitor and combat changes in the rainforest and

their consequences for both the local people and the global climate. "

http://www.ballard.co.uk/press_releases/company_releases.aspx?lang=English(uk) & s\



25) A THERAPIST is calling on local firms to save the Amazon

Rainforest through the power of collective healing. Bob Murphy, a

complementary therapist in Weymouth, believes healing hands can do the

world of good by paying for a chunk of rainforest that will be

preserved forever. Mr Murphy, 55, has built a website and is inviting

therapy companies to to it and be listed on a database. He

said: " The Amazon Rainforest is a long way away but we need to stop it

from being destroyed. " We need the Amazon for the air we breathe and

it is being cut down at an alarming rate. " We're asking people to help

us stop deforestation and keep the rainforest in its original state.

It's not about owning the rainforest, it's about buying it to keep it

preserved. " The Leamington Road resident is also appealing for

businesses and individuals to make donations through the site. He

wants to secure several hundred acres of land, which will be bought

through the national Cool Earth campaign. Mr Murphy hopes the

fundraising will gather pace in the build-up to a charity day next

year, which will offer people the chance to try complementary therapy

techniques. World Healing Day, to be held in Weymouth, will let people

try out a range of therapies including reiki, hypnotherapy and

re-connection healing. Mr Murphy said: " People can have a go at lots

of different things including hand massage and metamorphic therapy,

which builds up the energy in your body. "





26) The park management has carried out a massive weeding operation

here with active support from the local villagers. Over 6 sq km area

of the 29 sq km park -- a World Heritage site and Ramsar Convention

wetland -- is now free from Prosopis juliflora, a tree species which

had spread not only in the 11 sq km wooded area but also to the

grasslands, taking advantage of the changes in the eco system in the

wake of recurrent droughts. The inhabitants of as many as 15 villages

in the park neighbourhood are happy. " This kind of removal of Prosopis

juliflora has been unparalleled anywhere in the country. The activity

has brought incredible goodwill to the park from the local villagers

besides helping the native vegetation to come up, " said seasoned

conservationist and Keoladeo-watcher Harsh Vardhan after a recent

visit to the sanctuary. There was nothing the park management could

have done about missing water which was to come either from good rains

during the monsoon or from the Panchana dam situated in the

neighbouring Karauli district. As the State Government, afraid of the

reaction from the farmers in the downstream area of the Panchana,

refused to listen to the desperate appeals for release of water from

the environmentalists and the park officials, there was nothing much

to do -- or so it seemed. " In the 1980s, the water supply to the park

started getting reduced. Taking advantage of the dry conditions,

Prosopis juliflora started spreading. Within a span of a few years it

not only took over the entire woodland but also infiltrated the unique

grassland. Even the wetland, spread over 11 sq km, got engulfed with

this weed, " says P. S. Somashekhar, Conservator, Forests.



27) Manas National Park (26º48'N, 91º04'E) is a World Heritage Site

located on the borders of the Indo-Gangetic and Indo-Malayan

biogeographical realms which give it great natural diversity. It lies

on a gentle alluvial slope in the foothills of the Himalayas, where

wooded hills give way to grasslands and tropical forest and is home to

a great variety of wildlife, including many endangered species such as

the tiger, the pygmy hog, and the Indian rhinoceros and elephant. The

Committee included this site on the List of World Heritage in Danger

in 1992, after it had been invaded by militants of the Bodo tribe

seeking political redress. Its infrastructure suffered great damage

from 1988 to 1993, and political instability between 1990 and 1996 led

to the destruction of hundreds of trees and animals, including some

50% of the Park's rhinoceros and 30% of its tigers. The damage to the

sanctuary, estimated at more than two million US dollars, was

confirmed by a joint monitoring mission of the Government of India

with the UNESCO World Heritage Committee in January 1997. Listing by

the Committee influenced the governments of India and the state of

Assam to draw up, with the Park authorities, a $US2.35 million

rehabilitation plan. Implementation began in 1997 and is progressing

satisfactorily. Security in and around Manas has improved, but the

threat of insurgency still prevails in the state and militants often

cross the Park. Nevertheless, relations with local villagers appear to

be improving. A Wildlife Habitat Council (WHC)/World Conservation

Union (IUCN) mission visited the site in early 2002 with the

additional aim of promoting the nomination of the adjacent Royal Manas

National Park in Bhutan as a World Heritage site in order to improve

the protection of the Manas ecosystem on both sides of the

international border.





28) To regulate the price of sawn timber, starting January 1, 2008,

the NRDC will for all grades and species of logs and fix the reserve

price for log auctions for different divisions and classes of timber

across the country. The natural resource pricing committee will fix

prices for final sawn timber for all sawmills and wood-based

industries under different NRDC divisions across the country from

January 1, 2008. This price will be variable across divisions but

prices are expected to come down. For example, the price of sawn

timber of the widely used conifer species is likely fall to about half

the present price of Nu 450 per cft. The Department of Forests and the

Department of Trade will monitor sawn timber prices and, in the event

of a breach of government rates, defaulters will not be permitted to

participate in further log auctions. The Ministry of Agriculture will

develop a more effective system to meet the demand, while ensuring the

present large-scale misappropriation of timber is stopped. The

ministry will also review the prevailing system of direct allotment of

timber to certain agencies and find efficient means of ensuring an

adequate supply of timber in the market while safeguarding the

Constitutional requirements of minimum forest cover.

http://www.kuenselonline.com/modules.php?name=News & file=article & sid=9300




29) An estimated 4,811 cubic meters (about 2 million board feet) of

illegally cut forest products were confiscated by the Department of

Environment and Natural Resources in northern and central parts of

Quezon province from year 2000 to August 2007, according to an

inventory conducted by a national environmentalist group. However, at

least 1,646 cubic meters (697,535 board feet) of the seized logs and

lumber were left rotting and rendered useless in government impounding

areas. " The sight of million of pesos worth of forest products just

left rotting is abominable. It's government resources gone wasted. The

government should change the process of forfeiture and disposition of

seized items to stop this absurdity, " Jay Lim, program officer of

Tanggol Kalikasan (TK)-Southern Tagalog, an environment legal defense

center based in this city, told the Philippine Daily Inquirer

Wednesday. Lim also disclosed that during the more than six years of

anti-illegal logging operations, only nine persons had been hauled in

jails but were later released after posting bail. " This only shows the

rampant illegal logging in Quezon and the government inadequate

response to combat the situation even in the apprehension of

suspects, " he said.






Hayao Miyazaki and a group of deforestation protesters have reportedly

raised ¥73 million (about US $630,000) for the city of Higashimurayama

in an attempt to preserve part of a local forest, dubbed " Totoro's

Forest. " The renowned Hayao Miyazaki joined protesters in a successful

attempt to stop the removal of a .37 acre patch of trees near the

Fuchi no Mori forest. Tokyo development companies said today they

would halt plans to commercially develop that land. The surrounding

forest is known as the scenery that inspired Miyazaki's My Neighbor

Totoro film. Miyazaki is the chairman for the Preservation of Fuchi no

Mori council.





31) SABAH is Malaysia's premier nature adventure destination situated

in the northern tip of Borneo Island, the third largest island in the

world. Sabah is popular for its wildlife conservation attractions,

rain forest, surrounding nature and islands, beach resorts, tropical

white sandy beaches, crystal clear water, and its warm and friendly

people. If you are thinking of visiting Borneo, these places of

interest and activities will whet your appetite! Mount Kinabalu: --

Let me begin with my favorite place and definitely not to be missed if

you are visiting Borneo, Mt. Kinabalu (4,093m). It is the summit of

Borneo and the tallest mountain in South East Asia. This mountain is

sacred to the locals. Thousands from around the world have trekked to

its peak. At the feet of this mountain is Kinabalu National Park, a

botanical paradise where rare plants are found: rare orchids,

nepenthes pitcher plants and the rafflesia, the largest flower in the

world. --Sepilok Orang Utan Rehabilitation Centre: If you haven't

heard yet, the most popular native of Borneo is the Orang Utan. The

world-famous Sepilok Rehabilitation Centre enables visitors to come in

close contact with these amazing animals. This sanctuary allows

visitors to witness an exciting conservation programme in action. Set

in 43 square km of beautiful rainforest, the sanctuary helps once

captive Orang Utans learn to fend for themselves in the wild. -- Danum

Valley Rain Forest: If nature is close to your heart, then this next

destination I am going to introduce you is a must visit, Danum Valley.

Danum Valley is nestled deep in the rain forest of Borneo where nature

is at its most pristine. As you travel deeper and deeper into the

jungle, you will suddenly come across a magical paradise of the Borneo

Rainforest Lodge (BRL), erected overlooking the magnificent setting of

the Segama River and flanked by tall hill ranges. BRL is an impressive

resort, designed by naturalists and built on stilts using traditional

timber materials, and has the comfort of a 3-Star Hotel. I totally

recommend Danum Valley to those who yearn to see wildlife in a

primeval Borneo rainforest - the rare Sumatran rhino, proboscis

monkeys, Orang Utan, elephants and over 275 species of birds.





32) The central government, investors in palm oil plantations and

timber companies need to know that deforestation is and will be

rejected by indigenous Papuans from 252 different tribes living in the

western half of the island of New Guinea. If the Papuans were

consulted, they would say: " Don't cut down our trees. " Under

Soeharto's regime, Papuans protesting against the destruction of their

ancestral forests by government-authorized companies were simply

accused of being separatists or against national development.

Protesters were always silenced violently by the military and police,

who seemed to love protecting timber companies. However, the 2001 law

on special autonomy for Papua province gives more freedom for Papuans

to raise their voices. Papuans, then, have begun to protest against

deforestation within their ancestral forests. The latest example of

the rejection of deforestation was demonstrated in September 2007 by

indigenous Papuans of the Wate tribe in Nabire regency (Cenderawasih

Pos, Sept. 20, 2007). It was reported members of the Wate tribe

strongly opposed a plan by PT Harvest Raya, in collaboration with PT

Jati Dharma Indah, to clear thousands of hectares of their ancestral

forest to make way for palm oil plantations. The protesters have

demanded the local government of Nabire regency revoke the permission

already given to the companies. The Papuans' rejection of

deforestation raises some questions. Why do indigenous Papuans

courageously reject deforestation? Is the rejection a reflection of

what the central government calls " Papuan separatism " ? Is it a

manifestation of being anti-government or anti-development, the

accusations made by the central government in Jakarta for more than

four decades? Is it sign of not wanting to better their future? The

reasons behind the rejection are related to their culture. Their

rejection is rooted in and guided by the life-giving values of local

culture. Papuans never see their virgin forests simply as a sea of

trees that can be cut down in order to make millions of dollars.





33) In front of 40 international parties in Bogor on Thursday,

Indonesia tabled a new pilot project that would see developing

countries adopt REDD - an incentivized program to better manage forest

emissions. REDD (Reducing emissions from deforestation in developing

nations) is an alternative to Kyoto Protocol's clean development

mechanism (CDM) and would see forested countries reap more financial

benefits by remanaging their forestry sector. Many forested countries

have not been able to adopt Kyoto's CDM into their forestry sector,

which was one the main incentives behind the development of REDD. The

government said it would select four forests from across the country

to pilot the project, which involves financial incentives for better

managing forestry activities. Senior advisor on partnership affairs at

the forestry ministry Sunaryo said, " We will select (the) forests for

the project and hopefully we can show them to the world in Bali, "

Sunaryo said. " We hope the Bali meeting can adopt the concept, " he

said. The four forest projects would be located in South Kalimantan,

South Sulawesi, North Sumatra and Southeast Sulawesi. Included in the

proposal is the Heart of Borneo, a total of 220,000 square kilometers

of equatorial rainforest encompassing Brunei, Malaysia and Indonesia

on Kalimantan island. Bali is set to host the United Nations Framework

Convention on Climate Change Conference from Dec. 3 to 14.






34) Almost a third of the world's primates are in danger of extinction

because of destruction of their habitats, a report by conservation

groups has warned. The report says many apes, monkeys and other

primates are being driven from the forests where they live or killed

to make food and medicines. The research is being presented at the

International Primatological Society (IPS) on the Chinese island of

Hainan. It was compiled by a team of 60 experts led by the World

Conservation Union. The report focuses on the fate of the world's 25

most endangered primate species, which are threatened by a depressing

list of problems. The authors say all the surviving members of these

species combined would fit in a single football stadium. Of particular

concern are the Hainan gibbon from China and Miss Waldron's red

colobus monkey from Ivory Coast, both of which have only a few

surviving creatures left in the wild. The report says the threat to

primates is worst in Asia where tropical forests are being destroyed

and many monkeys are being hunted or traded as pets. It also argues

that climate change is making some species more vulnerable. Scientists

have been warning for decades about the growing human threat to animal

species around the world, but this study says we should be especially

concerned about primates because they are the closest living relatives

of humans. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/7063139.stm

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