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--British Columbia: 1) Caribou agreement, 2) Coastal Forest Plan

failings, 3) Economics,

--Oregon: 4) Western Oregon Plan Revision, 5) Mt. Hood NF travel plan,

--California: 6) Stopping Maxxam's plans, 7) SPI sell out, 8)

Old-growth forest genetics?

--Vermont: 9) An ecologically wounded and scarred landscape

--New York: 10) Conservation logs the heart of the Adirondacks

--USA: 11) Congress's sign on letter for planning rules, 12) Selling

forestland for profit, 13) Ban logging on public lands,

--Canada: 14) Big timber's carbon-credit fiasco, 15) Emissions in

Boreal is fire-based,

--UK: 16) Save Sherwood forest, buy a lottery ticket

--Poland: 17) 5th Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe

--Peru: 18) Malaria running rampant again due to logging and climate change

--Brazil: 19) Norway to spend $24 Million on forest conservation

--Nepal: 20) Deforestation in Kalika Community Forest in Jhalari

--India: 21) Bauxite in Sacred Niyamgiri hills in Orissa

--Kashmir: 22) Our duty to check deforestation

--Taiwan: 23) International Workshop on Global Environmental Governance

--SE Asia: 24) Ag expansion main cause of Mangrove loss

--Papua New Guinea: 25) Forestry development at a crossroads

--Sumatra: 26) Restoring peatland forests, 27) Something wrong with FSC?

--Malaysia: 28) Bakun dam's water catchments being deforested

--Indonesia: 20) Eco groups demonstrators perform skit, 30)

Diversification events, 31) Ecolabelling Institute,

--New Zealand: 32) Maori blockade Metahi Valley Road

--Australia: 33) Clearing Native trees makes droughts hotter, 34)

Australian Rainforest Foundation, 35) Former premier Bob Carr has

returned to speak for the trees,



British Columbia:


1) About the New Caribou agreement: If I were you, I wouldn't pop the

champagne corks just yet. It appears that you only have commitments

for broad, general PROMISES of what this Government says it will

do....which we all know does not have a stellar record of doing what

it says it will do...or, has an even better record of morphing

promises into bad realities never before imagined. You must know you

really have NOTHING because the details are yet to come. And, having

spent most of my environmental career on saving caribou habitat (about

140,000 ha) all since 1991, I know that you really don't have ANYTHING

until the details are written on paper and signed by all. Is there no

commitment for a transparent process in the developing of the nuts and

bolts of the plan? All of you had better dust off your Prayer Beads

because there is no guarantee that any of YOU will be included or even

have a VOTE as to what gets written in the final draft. Yet,

Government already has your name, group and approval to use how it

sees fit, throughout the process, for all those sound bytes on Global

News and that final draft signing photo op. It really doesnt appear

that any of you know anything more specific than whats stated in the

key items. Isnt that something like signing on to a document such as a

LRMP, celebrating the fact that there is going to be a LRMP document

and how wonderful its going to be without ever having worked out the

details, without facing the snowmobilers, the hunters, the timber

interests, the trappers, the skiers, the ATVers, and more important,

before the Govt has fessed up to what it WONT be putting in the final

draft? –--Judy Stratton


2) The forest industry supports the plan, which promises regulatory

changes to promote an efficient sawmilling industry around

second-growth timber and an old-growth industry focusing on

higher-valued products. But the plan contains nothing to protect

B.C.'s forest dependent communities or old-growth forests said

critics, who wondered why it took Forests Minister Rich Coleman two

years to develop it. Coleman told the Vancouver Sun editorial board

last May that the plan would lead to a reduction in old-growth

harvesting. But Ken Wu of the Western Canada Wilderness Committee

described the plan Monday as being " as brown as a clear-cut. " " They

haven't made any new commitments to put restrictions on old-growth

harvesting, all they are going to do is ramp up second-growth

harvesting, " Wu said. Coleman said he wouldn't be surprised to see log

exports from Crown lands cut in half once the new rates come into

effect. " No other government has ever had, for lack of a better

description, a temerity to say let's step up and do something

different, " Coleman said. New Democrat forests critic Bob Simpson said

the raw log tax applies only in the southern portion of the coast,

where much of the harvesting is on private land. " The minister once

again proves he does not have a clue what he is talking about when it

comes to forestry in this province, " Simpson added. The Coastal Forest

Action Plan is a 10-page document that lays out in general terms the

blueprint to develop two very different forest industries on the

coast: 1) An old-growth harvesting sector north of Vancouver Island

where eco-system-based management governs logging practices with the

wood going to value-added manufacturers who can afford the

higher-priced timber. 2) A second-growth harvesting sector, on

Vancouver Island and adjacent mainland where intensive forest

management and shorter harvesting rotations would provide low-cost

logs to new lumber mills. - It also includes a commitment to enhance

the competitiveness of the coastal industry through strategies to

reduce harvesting costs and increase the value of hemlock and balsam,

which accounts for 60 per cent of the timber on Crown lands.





3) The weak housing market in the United States and the high value of

the Canadian dollar could eventually lead to less logging activity on

the islands, but not for now. That's the view of Duncan Kerr, chief

operating officer at Western Forest Products, which operates the

largest Tree Farm Licence on Haida Gwaii. " In the very short term,

there's won't be much of an effect at all, " Mr. Kerr said. However, he

said that the company is facing an entirely " new world " than the one

it was in before the United Steelworkers strike began in July. The

Steelworkers returned to work last week, under very different market

conditions. The Canadian dollar is at a 33-year-high, housing starts

have plunged in the US, and construction lumber is selling at a low

price, Mr. Kerr said. But for now, WFP will be logging at a normal

pace, trying to resupply customers whose orders went unfilled during

the three-month strike, and replenishing its inventories, as well as

preparing for the traditional mid-winter slowdown. In the long term,

the company will have to find new markets or manufacture new products,

Mr. Kerr said. " The impact, if we do run into issues, will be early in

the new year, " he said. Meanwhile, in Sandspit, Teal Jones Group

forester Bryan Fraser said the company will be concentrating on timber

sales in the Port Clements area as the loggers head back to work.

Operations in Sandspit won't be starting up for now while Teal Jones

harvests those timber sales. The high value of the Canadian dollar is

not good for the entire forest industry across the province, he said.

For Teal Jones operations on the islands, however, the impact will not

be felt for now. " That will not affect operations here because the

strike has put us so far behind our production schedule for the year, "

Mr. Fraser said. " We'll be operating as much as we can. "





4) They're not much, as Douglas firs go. This little patch on U.S.

Bureau of Land Management forest in the Coast Range west of Lorane is

young — 10-year-old trees in a section that was logged from 1996 to

1998 and then replanted. But this is no standard clear-cut.

Interspersed among the saplings are bigger, older trees, eight to 12

per acre, that were left behind to create a more structurally complex

stand than the dense single-age trees on nearby privately owned

timberlands. Because of the older trees, this neck of BLM woods has

the potential to become suitable habitat for old-growth-loving

northern spotted owls more quickly than if all the trees had been cut,

said Richard Hardt, a BLM forest ecologist. Yet the BLM soon may move

away from this type of compromise between logging and wildlife

habitat. In its new Western Oregon forest management strategy, in

draft form and expected to be finalized by December 2008, the BLM

calls for clear-cutting — leaving no live trees behind in areas

designated for timber harvest. Hardt was on the team that developed

the Western Oregon Plan Revision that could almost triple logging in

coming years on the BLM's 2.2 million acres. The forests can handle

that increase, Hardt said. " We're not mortgaging the future at all by

doing this, " he said. " We've modeled it out for 400 years. "


9 & sid=1 & fid=1


5) Aside from Halloween, the most important thing happening this week

is the travel plan comment deadline! Make sure you let the Forest

Service know by Thursday, November 1st that you value quiet recreation

opportunities, improved salmon and wildlife habitat, and clean

drinking watersheds. The Forest Service's current approach to travel

planning is ignoring these larger issues and only focusing on creating

six new areas for ATVers, motorbikers and off-road vehicle users

totaling 50,000 acres or 4.5% of the forest! For the past few months,

Bark has worked with a coalition and diverse group of concerned

citizens to start creating a vision that will lead to a future for Mt.

Hood National Forest that balances long-term ecosystem health with

diverse opportunities for world-class recreation. The best way to

achieve this vision is for the Forest Service to include an

alternative proposal that simultaneously addresses the impacts of

off-highway vehicle (OHV) use AND the crumbling road system on

ecosystem health and all recreation access. Send a letter to the

Forest Service and let them know that you care about the future of the

forest go to Bark's travel plan campaign:






6) On October 9th the Humboldt County Board of Supervisors voted 4-1

to impose a temporary 45-day suspension on residential development on

Timber Production Zoned (TPZ) lands, as an urgent response to Maxxam's

plans to develop 22,000 acres of Pacific Lumber's timberland into

private 'kingdoms' with trophy homes, golf courses and a lodge. Maxxam

was able to propose its project specifically because of Humboldt

County's historically lax interpretation of State law regarding

residential development on TPZ lands. The interim suspension had a

dramatic effect on the bankruptcy court in Texas, clearly

communicating that Maxxam's plan was not in the interest of the local

community. Now the Supervisors are seeking to restore people's

property rights, but in a way that is consistent with State law. The

Supervisors have directed staff to bring forward an ordinance that

would require either an administrative permit or a Conditional Use

Permit for homesite development on TPZ lands. Under the policies being

proposed, anyone with legitimate needs to build a house on their

timberland would be able to get an over-the-counter administrative

permit with a minimum of hassle, and no discretionary review. Anyone

whose proposal does not meet the defined terms for the administrative

permit would still be able to seek a Conditional Use Permi at the

discretion of the Board of Supervisors. This approach would weed out

the speculators and 'bad actors,' with a minimum of inconvenience to

those with legitimate needs. If approved, the new ordinance would not

take effect for 30 days. The interim suspension will expire on

November 22nd, meaning that there could be a gap of up to a month

which would allow Maxxam to move its plan forward, and would allow a

filing frenzy by speculators who would take advantage of the County's

lax policies. To prevent this from happening, the Supervisors will

need another 4/5 vote to extend the interim suspension, just until the

new TPZ ordinance takes effect. http://northcoastwaternetwork.org/


7) Thousands of acres of forest throughout the Sierra Nevada will go

to the highest bidder next month in an auction that has become a

regular occurrence for Sierra Pacific Industries, California's largest

private landowner. Among the nearly 5,000 acres the logging company

has put up for sale this year is a 338-acre tract of Nevada County

land along the upper reaches of the South Yuba River west of Truckee.

Other parcels include properties near the Feather River north of

Sierra Valley. The properties represent a minute fraction of the

timber company's 1.7 million acres of ownership in the state. The

company said it chose the parcels because they don't fit into the

logging giant's future plans. " We have a series of these properties

that are isolated, " said company spokesman Mark Pawlicki. " They don't

sit near where our mills are. " The Nevada County property is close to

recreation and far removed from other timber land, said Pawlicki,

making it a natural candidate for the auction block. And, despite a

variable California real estate market, auctioneers say demand for the

fairly remote, wild and undeveloped land is still high. John

Rosenthal, the president of Realty Marketing Northwest, a Portland,

Oregon-based company that has handled property auctions for Sierra

Pacific Industries over the last 16 years, said he expects multiple

bids to come in by the Nov. 14 deadline, promising a competitive price

for the land. " There's still a strong demand for rural properties, "

Rosenthal said. The collection of 18 California properties for sale

run up and down the spine of the Sierra Nevada mountain range as well

as on the North Coast — from Tuolomne County in the south to Trinity

County in the north. " This is probably one of the larger [auctions]

we've offered in terms of number of tracts, " Rosenthal said. All but

one of the properties are designated as " Timber Production Zone " — a

zoning that exempts timber harvesters from paying taxes on the

property's real estate potential while it is used for logging. It

typically takes 10 years to convert a property from " Timber Production

Zone " to another zoning, without paying back taxes — a conversion that

a county's board of supervisors must approve. Rosenthal said the

properties generate interest from people who want to extract the

timber, and also from " someone who has made money in the stock market

and wants to put it into some dirt. "



8) David Millarch, co-founder of the Champion Tree Project, said: " We

can rebuild our old-growth forests when we use old-growth forest

genetics. " The group will grow the cloned trees until they reach two

to three feet in height, then plant them in various locations in

California's coastal region. The group will ensure genetic diversity

by planting new growth with 80% seedlings and 20% clones. The group

will create the clones by sending climbers high into the trees. The

climbers will collect tissue samples from the tips of branches, then

ship the samples to a lab where they will be raised using one of four

different growth techniques. Some have questioned whether cloning is

the proper method to restore the forests. Ruskin Hartley, executive

director of Save the Redwoods in San Francisco, says that the group's

methods are unnecessary and inappropriate. Hartley believes cloning

could muddy the gene pool due to regional differences in the species.

He also points out that the forests naturally reproduce using clones

already, and that many of the forests damaged by logging are now

beginning to show naturally grown young redwoods. According to

Hartley, " The only way that you can really go about restoring the

ancient forest is waiting a really long time—that's the essence of the

oldness of these forests. " http://www.environmentalgraffiti.com/?p=399




9) Despite the continuous forest cover, when I walk through these New

England woodlands, I see an ecologically wounded and scarred

landscape. One obvious difference is a loss of structural diversity

that is characteristic of unlogged forests. In Vermont's relatively

young forest stands there is an obvious deficiency of big trees. In

pre-settlement forests, disturbance was rare, and usually consisted of

the death and/or toppling of individual tree or small groups of trees.

Even the clearing of forests by Native Americans was concentrated in

small patches near their villages. As a consequence the vast majority

of forested stands had older trees. The trees that dominate Vermont's

forests today are mere sticks and ghosts of the past glory. Ironically

the largest individual trees I see in Vermont and elsewhere in New

England now grace the yards of old farm houses or urban parks where

logging and/or farming hasn't occurred for centuries. Other

indications of a sick, though perhaps not mortally wounded landscape,

includes the lack of big old snags in the forest, limited numbers of

large fallen logs on the forest floor, reduced micro topo relief

created when large tree root wads have been pulled from the ground

when trees fall in storms to create a pit and mound topography, and a

general shortage of big logs in streams. Most Vermonters now believe

that their forests are " recovered " . In fact, some are worried that the

forests are declining in health. I recently attended one public

meeting convened to discuss the future of the state's woodlands where

person after person advocated more management of the forests. Finally

one man stood up and began to express his views. He started by

asserting that Vermont's forests were facing an " old growth crisis " .

Ah, I thought to myself, finally someone who understands the real

problem. But he disappointed me when he went on to rant that the real

problem with Vermont's forests is that the trees were getting too old.

Too many trees, he said, were " overmature " and " decadent " .




New York:


10) Late in the year, when the campers are gone but the hunters have

not yet arrived, timber trucks rule Boreas Road in the heart of the

Adirondacks, barging through the morning mists with 70,000 pounds of

fresh-cut fir and spruce strapped to their backs. " That's one of

ours, " said Michael T. Carr, a 44-year-old bear of a man driving a

green S.U.V. headed west on Boreas Road as one of the timber trucks

barreled eastward. That is a jarring statement coming from Mr. Carr,

who is not a lumber man, or paper company executive, but executive

director of the Adirondack chapter of the Nature Conservancy, one of

the world's biggest environmental groups and, since June, the owner of

161,000 acres of highly prized Adirondack wild lands. The conservancy

entered the timber business when it purchased the land from Finch,

Pruyn & Company, which had held it since the Civil War. As part of

that $110 million deal, the conservancy agreed to continue logging to

supply wood to the Finch Paper mill in Glens Falls, N.Y., for the next

20 years. The Finch, Pruyn (pronounced Prine) lands, considered the

last remaining large privately owned parcels in Adirondack Park, are

an ecological marvel, containing 144 miles of river, 70 lakes and

ponds, more than 80 mountains and a vast unbroken wilderness that only

loggers and a few hunters have ever seen. The property also contains

unmatched natural features like the blue ledges of the Hudson River

Gorge, OK Slip Falls and Boreas Pond, with its stunning views of the

Adirondack high peaks, which naturalists have dreamed of protecting

for decades. Environmentalists cheered when the conservancy swooped in

to buy the Finch holdings, but a stark reality is now setting in. Not

all 161,000 acres will be preserved as public wilderness. The terms of

the pulp supply agreement are confidential, but foresters with

knowledge of the deal said the conservancy could cut at least 65,000

tons of pulpwood trees a year for the mill — which is about 15 percent

less than Finch cut in the Adirondacks last year. In addition, maples

and other hardwoods could be cut under strict certified forest

management guidelines. The conservancy expects eventually to sell much

of the land to the state. But to pay the enormous debt it incurred and

the $1 million in annual property taxes, the group will, in the near

term, have to sell some portion of the property to private owners.

While those buyers will not be allowed to build on the land, they will

be able to keep out the

public.http://www.nytimes.com/2007/10/29/nyregion/29adirondacks.html?_r=1 & ref=ny\

region & oref=sl





11) On October 19, sixty-eight Members of the US House of

Representatives sent a letter to Undersecretary Mark Rey expressing

their serious concerns with the 2007 proposed National Forest Service

Land Management Planning Rule and asked that the proposed rule be

withdrawn. The forest planning rule would determine how the 155

national forests and 20 national grasslands develop their individual

forest plans to manage activities ranging from habitat protection to

recreation and logging. At the heart of the Representatives'

objections was the premise that the individual plans of each national

forest ought to be subject to the National Environmental Policy Act

(NEPA) requirements, which would ensure that the public has a say in

the way our national lands are managed. The letter states, " the public

involvement and environmental analysis requirements of NEPA are

critical to providing balanced use of our federal forest lands. " Thank

You Calls Needed Click here



nt%20Planning%20Rule%20Letter.pdf to see if your Member of Congress

signed on to this important letter opposing the Bush administration's

proposed forest planning regulations. If so, please call your

Representative and thank him or her for signing on to the letter

supporting strong national forest planning. You can reach your Member

of Congress at 202-224-3121.




12) The panel, " Identifying Investment Opportunities and Increasing

Returns in U.S. Timber Investments, " will be held on Monday, Oct. 29,

9:45 AM, as part of the 3rd Timberland Investing World Summit being

held this week at the Westin New York at Times Square. The white

paper, " Positive Dynamics for U.S. Timberland Investing, " is available

to the public from Forestweb at no charge. According to panel

moderator and white paper author Reid Carter, managing partner of

Brookfield Asset Management, " There is a projected capital inflow of

more than $4 billion into the timberlands asset class in the next

three to five years, representing a ten percent increase in the

$35-$40 billion currently invested in that class. Impetus for

timberland investments is occurring despite dramatic declines in U.S.

housing starts, which suggests that investors are looking at the

long-term value. Timberland investments preserve capital while acting

as an inflation hedge, and provide long-term, predicable and

sustainable cash flows. " Monday''s panel will address historical

cycles and patterns in U.S. timber markets, sourcing fair value

opportunities for pooled and commingled funds in a seller''s market,

due diligence for investments in a changing market, and balancing long

and short-term investment expectations. Panelists include Thomas

Urban, president and CEO, Cellfor; Chris Zinkhan, managing director,

The Forestland Group; Dick Molpus, president, Molpus Woodland Group;

and Mike Clutter, dean, The Warnell School of Forestry and Natural

Resources, University of Georgia. Carter leads the Timberlands

Investment Management Organization for Brookfield Asset Management,

one of North America''s largest Timber Investment Management

Organizations (TIMO), with 2.5 million acres of high quality

timberlands in North and South America representing assets in excess

of $3 billion. The Carter white paper, " Positive Dynamics for U.S.

Timberlands Investing, " is available at http://www.forestweb.com -




13) For my prospectus I will argue that with all of the environmental

problems happening today that logging in the national forests should

be banned. I plan to research the information provided by the National

Forest service and also the opposite view of the logging companies. I

plan on showing that the benefits of preserving or even expanding our

national forests far outweigh the rewards. With pollution at an all

time high and threats of global warming on the rise the need for

national forest is huge. Carbon Dioxide is the main cause of global

warming and the natural plant material that grows in theses national

forests uses carbon dioxide to grow, they will suck up this harmful

gas and help reduce the green house effect. Most people have gone to

or enjoyed one of the national parks in America. If logging is allowed

in these forests it will not only effect air quality but water and

soil quality. All are factors in the US's environmental health. The

national parks have been a symbol of America's beauty for years

harvesting wood from them to turn a profit would be a crime. There are

millions of people who go out ad enjoy nature every year in the

national forests and by logging them you significantly decrease their

beauty. Logging is not a short-term process; trees that are old enough

to produce wood have to be almost 50 years old before they are any

good. Assuming that the logging company re-plants trees it will take

almost half a century to get it back to the way it was before. Logging

companies argue that by properly logging the forests it can help

prevent forest fires by lessening the availability of wood to burn.

This is a very useful tool and can help preserve many fires but some

argue that by doing this they are stopping nature's process. With

forest fire comes rebirth and can actually be very beneficial to a

forest. Forest fires leave rich nutrients on the ground and allow for

overgrown forests to be rejuvenated. But with logging it leaves behind

old roads and marks of civilization in a place that was once wild. I

will be writing this paper as a web site aimed at getting support for

the prevention of logging in national forests.





14) " We're not planning to do it by paying someone else to give us

permission to pollute. So we're not buying offsets by asking some guy

in Ecuador to plant a tree for us or trying to hide the carbon dioxide

in a hole in the ground. . . . We're actually going to be carbon

neutral intrinsic to our industry. " But despite the challenges of

going further, Lazar said the industry wants to do more since it's the

right thing to do. " Our view is if you wait for regulation, you're

just never going to get the job done, " he said. " All governments --

Liberals, Conservatives, provincial governments -- have been making

aggressive noises about this stuff for 15 years, while we've been

making reductions. " The industry is sometimes criticized by

environmental groups that have questioned whether some logging

practices are destroying Canadian forests, but it has formed a new

partnership with the World Wildlife Fund Canada to help it achieve its

new climate change goal. Lorne Johnson, the Ottawa bureau director for

WWF Canada, said his group is endorsing the new industry initiative,

calling it the first announcement of its kind for an entire sector.

But he stressed that the new partnership wasn't an endorsement of

unsustainable logging practices. " What we're talking about are the

emissions from manufacturing, the emissions from the products that end

up in landfills, from transportation, etc. from the sector, " he said.

" Of course, some people in the public may think [we're saying that]

they're all green and everything's good. That would be unfortunate to

reach that conclusion. We're not making that claim. What we're saying

is they are making a leadership commitment on greenhouse gas emissions

and climate change as a sector and we're supporting it. " Johnson said

he doesn't expect an industry such as the energy-intensive oilsands

industry in Alberta to eliminate their carbon footprint by 2015, but

he believes they should follow the forest products companies by

stretching to meet targets beyond their comfort zone.





15) Forest ecologists at the University of Wisconsin-Madison are

studying how environmental factors such as forest fires and climate

influence carbon levels in this forest system. In the new study, Gower

and his colleagues used a computer model to simulate the carbon

balance of one million square kilometers of the Canadian forest over

the past 60 years, to determine the relative impacts of climate and

disturbance by wildfire. The group found that the effects of carbon

dioxide and climate - temperature and precipitation - varied from year

to year but generally balanced out over time and area. Instead, forest

fires during the 60-year period had the greatest direct impact on

carbon emissions from the system. " Climate change is what's causing

the fire changes. They're very tightly coupled systems. " The

researchers believe that fires shift the carbon balance in multiple

ways. Burning organic matter quickly releases large amounts of carbon

dioxide. After a fire, loss of the forest canopy can allow more sun to

reach and warm the ground, which may speed decomposition and carbon

dioxide emission from the soil. If the soil warms enough to melt

underlying permafrost, even more stored carbon may be unleashed. A

trend toward hotter and drier conditions is likely to exacerbate the

effects of fire by increasing the frequency, intensity, and size of

burns. " All it takes is a low snowpack year and a dry summer, " Gower

says. " With a few lightning strikes, it's a tinderbox. " Historically,

scientists believe the boreal forest has acted as a carbon sink,

absorbing more atmospheric carbon dioxide than it releases, Gower

says. Their model now suggests that, over recent decades, the forest

has become a smaller sink and may actually be shifting toward becoming

a carbon source. " The soil is the major source, the plants are the

major sink, and how those two interplay over the life of a stand

really determines whether the boreal forest is a sink or a source of

carbon, " he says. http://www.physorg.com/news113059204.html




16) Even Hollywood actor Brian Blessed is backing the campaign for the

ancient woodland - the home of Robin Hood - to win the Big Lottery

Fund windfall. The forest is home to Europe's largest collection of

ancient oaks, some of which are thought to have stood for about 1,000

years. And it is considered as unique and ecologically important as

the rainforests because it is home to several endangered species which

are found only in this kind of rare habitat. But it is currently under

threat and at the current rate of loss, the ancient oaks could be lost

forever by 2050. However, the project Sherwood: The Living Legend aims

to protect and revitalise the forest for future generations over

hundreds of years to come. The development is expected to generate

£20m a year for the local economy and create 700 jobs. It would see

250,000 trees planted over an area the size of 400 football pitches.

Pockets of woodland, heathland and wetland across the county would be

reattached to bring the forest back to its former glory. It would also

create better access to 250km of walking, riding and cycling routes -

95km of which will be new - and establish community schemes

celebrating the links of 50 local villages to the forest. It will also

build an iconic 60ft-tall tree-like visitor centre with interactive

educational facilities, treetop walkways and a restaurant overlooking

the canopy.

http://www.thisisnottingham.co.uk/displayNode.jsp?nodeId=253122 & command=newPage




17) " Polish Market " talks to Professor Jan Szyszko, Minister for the

Environment, about forest management in Poland. Q: Poland is the host

of the 5th Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in

Europe. What are the aims of the conference and what hopes do you

attach to the debate of government ministers who will visit Warsaw? A:

For me as a forester it is very important that such an important

conference takes place in Poland. It is an expression of respect for

the work of generations of Polish foresters, and for the principles of

forest management applied in Poland. Polish forestry management is

regarded as a model by a number of countries, which make use of Polish

experiences of how to sustain the quality of forests and their

biodiversity, while at the same time maintaining high levels of

production of top-quality timber. The main focus of the conference is

the role of forests in the world's balanced economic development,

given the growing demand for energy from renewable sources and

counteracting adverse climate change. Shortages of drinking water and

water quality will also be given attention. In general, the idea is to

highlight the role of forests in shaping the living conditions of

contemporary societies and their influence on the future of the

planet. Poland is an active player in world politics in this respect,

because it can rely on its vast experience and knowledge.

http://www.polishmarket.com.pl/index.php?p=/current_issue/ & a=15357




18) " I feel bad, very bad, pain all over my body, fever, high fever,

shudders, " he says. " I have malaria; this is the 17th time so far. I

don't know what to do any more. " The mosquito-borne illness has

returned to the many villages only accessible by boat in the Peruvian

Amazon, inflicting on the inhabitants days of fever, permanent anaemia

and - in the worst cases - death. In Peru, malaria was almost

eradicated 40 years ago, but this year 64,000 cases have been

registered in the country, half in the Amazon region. It is thought

there are many more unregistered cases deep within the massive and

humid rainforest, where health authorities find it almost impossible

to gain access. Climate change and deforestation are behind the return

of malaria in the Peruvian Amazon. Off-season rain is altering the

pattern of mosquito development, leaving puddles containing the lethal

larvae in areas where malaria had been nonexistent. And deforestation

is having a similar effect, forcing the mosquito to move to new areas

and spreading the disease to places where people are not aware of the

disease, where villagers lack the means to get hold of mosquito nets

and preventive medicines, and where health authorities have no

presence. " Every time we fight the mosquito, we feel we are fighting

against a much more evolved and adaptable one, one that can easily

migrate to areas that were clean of malaria before and that are very

hard to access, " said Mr Pacheco.





19) Norway said Tuesday it would donate 130 million kroner (17 million

euros, 24 million dollars) to help protect the Amazon rainforest, the

deforestation of which is leading to rising greenhouse gas emissions.

Norwegian Environment and Development Aid Minister Erik Solheim

announced the donation, to be paid over three years, following talks

in Oslo with his Brazilian counterpart Marina Silva. " The felling and

burning of tropical forests is a significant cause of greenhouse

gases, " Solheim said in a statement. " The actions necessary to put an

end to deforestation will be an important theme during the upcoming

climate talks in Bali in December, " he added. Deforestation currently

accounts for 20 percent of global carbon dioxide emissions. The Bali

conference, to be held from December 3 to 14, is tasked with setting a

negotiation roadmap for a new deal on deepening emissions cuts when

commitments run out under the Kyoto Protocol in 2012. Norway will

contribute 60 million kroner to two projects run by the United Nations

Development Programme (UNDP), and an additional 70 million kroner to a

special rain forest fund. According to Brazilian authorities, 27,429

square kilometers of Amazon rain forest were destroyed between August

2003 and July 2004.





20) The deforestation taking place in the name of landless people in

Kalika Community Forest in Jhalari VDC of Kanchanpur district for the

past one year, has not stopped yet. Locals of Jhalari, Dekhatabhuli

and Krishnapur, have intensified cutting down trees saying themselves

as landless people, said Members of the Community Forest. Five hundred

huts have been constructed after cutting down trees in 700 hectares of

forest area belonging to the community forest and national forest.

Locals are cutting down trees with the help of workers, said Harka

Bahadur Air, Secretary of Kalika Community Forest. After cutting down

trees, with the help of smugglers, the trees are being exported to

India, locals said. Some people, who are involved in the deforestation

also possess land ownership certificate distributed by the Commission

for Landless. However, the place has not been mentioned in the

certificates. District Survey Office informed that the office does not

have the maps of the land mentioned in the certificates. Some persons

are also selling the land by photocopying the certificates, said Dilli

Bahadur Chaudhari, Chairman of the Community Forest. Warrants have

been issued to arrest 15 persons, who are involved in the

deforestation, said Devesh Mani Tripathi, an officer of the District

Forest Office. Although the warrants have been issued, none have been

arrested yet. The district-based seven parties have decided to cancel

the land ownership certificates, said Members of the Community Forest.





21) India's Supreme Court set new conditions on Britain's Vedanta

Resources and its Indian unit on Friday before allowing it to mine

bauxite in sacred, forested hills in the east of the country. Vedanta

wants to dig open-cast mines in the Niyamgiri hills in Orissa state to

feed an alumina refinery it has already built in the area, as part of

an US$800 million project expected initially to produce 1 million

tonnes of alumina per year. At an earlier hearing, Vedanta had

promised to invest 1.12 billion rupees (US$28.4 million) to develop

the poor region, but a three-judge bench said it wanted this

commitment to be made by the firm's Indian unit, Sterlite Industries.

" What is Vedanta?, " the bench said. " Vedanta is not listed in India.

So let Sterlite give an undertaking. " Thousands of tribal people say

the mine will destroy hills they consider sacred, force them from

their homes and destroy their livelihoods, which are based on farming

millet, hunting and collecting fruits and spices from the forests.

Environmentalists say the open-cast mine would also wreck the rich

biodiversity of the remote hills and disrupt key water sources that

supply springs and streams in the area and feed two rivers that

irrigate large areas of farmland. The court asked Sterlite to pay five

percent of its annual profits from mining throughout India to the

state government to be ploughed into developing the region. It also

asked the company to deposit 500 million rupees with the state

government, and specify how many local people would be employed in the

project. http://forests.org/articles/reader.asp?linkid=86857




22) Minister for Agriculture and Cooperatives Abdul Aziz Zargar has

said that rapid degradation of forests had caused environmental hazard

and recession of water resources. He was speaking at a 3-day

conference on Environmental and Livelihood Security through Resources

Management of northern states held at Chandigarh Monday. The

conference was inaugurated by Minister of Agriculture Government of

Punjab Sucha Singh Longah and attended by Agriculture Minister of six

northern states, President Indian Agriculture Soil and Water

Conservation, Dehradoon and scientists from various parts of the

country. Zargar said Jammu and Kashmir had become a victim of

un-realistic exploitation of natural resources particularly forest

wealth during turmoil. He said standing trees in most of the forest

compartments had been cut by unscrupulous person and smugglers causing

environmental imbalance in the region. The Minister said that rise in

temperature due to deforestation had affected glacier wealth leading

to less availability of water for agriculture purposes causing

reduction of food grain production in the state. He said it is our

duty to check deforestation as it is the main cause of environmental

hazard and scarcity of water. He said our government had taken several

steps to save the forests and ensure livelihood security to the common

masses. He said non-availability of water to the agriculture fields

had reduced our agriculture production which had affected the economy

of farmers.

http://www.greaterkashmir.com/full_story.asp?Date=30_10_2007 & ItemID=19 & cat=21




23) Several academics called Monday for significant action to be taken

in Taiwan in terms of environmental protection, urging the public to

" establish a new relationship with the forests. " The academics made

the appeal on the first day of a two-day 2007 International Workshop

on Global Environmental Governance being held at the Transworld

Institute of Technology in Yunlin, southern Taiwan. Chang Tze-chien

and Chen Tai-an, both professors at the institute, have initiated an

action plan to protect rainforests in Indonesia and organized the

conference to call international attention to the excessive

deforestation taking place in Southeast Asia. Chang said they are

promoting international cooperation in this regard and are planning

concrete actions. Cheng Hsien-yiou, dean of the College of

Environmental Sciences and Ecology at the National University of

Tainan, southern Taiwan, stressed that governments, businesses and

regular citizens around the world have paid a heavy price for the

blind and excessive development that has occurred at the expense of

forests. He called for the establishment of a new relationship between

people and the forests to break the " impasse that exists between

humanity and nature. " Cheng suggested that countries around the world

put the brakes on excessive deforestation and over-consumption, devote

more resources to the study of forests, and encourage members of local

communities to participate in forest administration and the

establishment of the rule of law. The conference is focusing on global

experience sharing on environmental administration, with several

reports being released on the situation of the forests in Sumatra,

Indonesia, the preservation of endangered species of birds, the

possibility of Taiwan-Indonesia technology cooperation in organic

agriculture, as well as green consumption.

http://www.taiwanheadlines.gov.tw/ct.asp?xItem=93061 & CtNode=39


SE Asia:


24) Agricultural expansion rather than shrimp farming is the major

factor responsible for the destruction of tropical mangrove forests in

the tsunami-impacted regions of Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand,

Myanmar, Bangladesh, India, and Sri Lanka, according to a new study

published in the Journal of Biogeography. Giri and other researchers

used more than 750 Landsat satellite images to identify the remaining

mangrove forests of the region, to quantify the rates and causes of

change from 1975 to 2005, and to identify deforestation 'hot spots,'.

Landsat is the world's longest continuously acquired collection of

space-based land remote sensing data. The study found that the major

factors responsible for mangrove deforestation in the study area

include agriculture encroachment (81%), aquaculture (12%), and urban

development (2%). However, shrimp farming is on the rise in Indonesia

and Thailand. Time-series analysis of historical data from the Landsat

archive also suggests that the tsunami-impacted region lost 12% of the

mangrove forests from 1975 to 2005, much lower than estimated mangrove

loss in Asia, which ranges from 25 to 50%. According to Giri and the

other researchers, mangrove loss varies according to country and time

period. Their study found that the annual rate of deforestation was

highest in Burma (~1%) and lowest in Sri Lanka (0.1%) from 1975 to

2005. In contrast, mangrove forests in India and Bangladesh remained

unchanged or gained a small percentage during the period. Similarly,

net deforestation peaked at 137,000 ha during 1990-2000, increasing

from 97,000 ha during 1975-1990 and declining to 14,000 ha during

2000-2005. Data and information generated from this study can be used

to identify potential rehabilitation sites, set conservation

priorities, and quantify the role of mangrove forests in saving lives

and property from natural disasters such as the Asian tsunami.



Papua New Guinea:



25) PAPUA New Guinea's approach towards forestry development is at the

crossroads unless foresters adjust themselves to the changing trends

in the domestic and global timber trade and climate change. National

Forest Service division manager field services Ben Taupa sounded this

warning yesterday at the opening of the PNG Forest Authority New

Guinea Islands regional workshop in Kokopo, East New Britain. He said

given the changing trends in the domestic and global timber trade and

climate change, the way foresters were approaching forestry

development in PNG would need to change. " Trading of forest products

in the last 50 years will not be the same in the next 50 years and

foresters must accustom themselves with these changing trends and

initiate changes in our forest policies, legislation, standards and

practices. " Mr Taupa said foresters must be sensitive to the changing

behaviours of landowners, the environmental issues and impacts that

arise as a result of timber harvesting. Landowners are better aware

and educated than in the last 40 to 50 years. " In recent times, the

forestry sector had come under very heavy scrutiny by non-governmental

organisations and international friends. They claim most if not all

the logging operations in PNG were illegal, " he said. Mr Taupa said

last year, the Forest Authority, with the assistance of the

International Timber Trading Organisation, held a seminar to clarify

the question of legality because of the regional and international

negative perception of PNG's forestry sector. He said internationally,

the timber markets and trade were changing in response to customers

needs and climatic change. This could be seen in the trends with

traditional log markets like Japan and South Korea, which were now low

takers of PNG logs. He said the 2007-2012 corporate plan that was

recently launched by the Forestry Minister was for the PNGFA to be in

tune with the changing Government development policies and

aspirations. Mr Taupa said in response the National Government's

2005-2010 MTDS to improve the economy, the Forest Authority had

committed to 10 impact projects which to date, had signed eight.





26) Our volunteers and local forest communities have halted the

destruction of an area of swamp forest in Sumatra, Indonesia. They are

building five dams across three-metre deep canals used in logging and

draining peatland for conversion into a commercial palm oil

plantation. Destroying the forest there would not only breach

Indonesian regulations for forest protection, and an Indonesia's

Presidential decree, but would also lead to the release of large

quantities of greenhouse gases. Thick layers of peat underlie most of

Indonesia's swamp forest. Over time, the peat layer has locked up

millions of tonnes of carbon. Once forests are cleared, peat swamps

are drained and decompose to release the stored carbon as carbon

dioxide. Forests are often also burned, prior to the planting of palm

oil saplings, further compounding the climate problem. Such is the

scale of forest destruction across Indonesia that the huge amounts of

greenhouse gases being emitted have made the country into the world's

third largest climate polluter, behind the US and China.



27) " If they [APP] can get an FSC accreditation, there must be

something wrong with the system, " Nazir Foead, director of the

Indonesian-species program at the Geneva-based World Wildlife Fund,

told The Wall Street Journal. SGS, the auditor paid by APP to win

certification for the eco-label, claims that the moves will hurt the

FSC's client base. An inquiry by The Wall Street Journal prompted the

Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), an environmental body that runs a

widely accepted " green " labeling system for forestry products, to

effectively revoke certification for a Singapore-based Asia Pulp &

Paper Co. (APP) project on the Indonesian island of Sumatra. The

admission by the FSC, which has come under fire of late from

environmentalists for relaxing its certification standards to the

point at which APP could qualify for the eco-label despite a poor

environmental record, threatens to undermine the credibility of its

labeling scheme. " Companies are free-riding on our name, " Andre de

Freitas, head of operations at the FSC, told The Wall Street Journal.

" I feel bad about it. " Environmentalists charge that APP has destroyed

a Delaware-size area of Sumatran rainforest that provides critical

habitat for endangered orangutans, tigers and elephants. Several large

paper purchasers, including Ricoh and Office Depot, canceled contracts

with APP after word leaked about their activities on Sumatra. APP has

disputed the accusations. In response to inquiries from the newspaper,

the FSC this month proposed stricter rules for certification. The

regulations would ban any company known to be destroying rainforests

or engaging in illegal logging from using the FSC's label.





28) While the tussle for the energy continues, one concern has been

ignored: the power-generating potential of the RM8bil hydroelectric

facility. Sahabat Alam Malaysia (SAM) warned that Bakun's viability

has been compromised as its catchment has degraded substantially. Some

320,000ha of forest has been carved out for oil palm and forest

plantations, potentially accelerating siltation of the Balui river

basin and jeopardising the dam capacity. Penang-based SAM revealed in

June that the state had issued three plantation licences within the

catchment between 1999 and 2002, and Environmental Impact Assessment

(EIA) reports for the projects were approved between 2000 and 2003.

One licensee, Shin Yang Forest Plantation (155,930ha), has begun

planting oil palm. The other two, Bahau-Linau Forest Plantation

(108,235ha) and Merirai-Balui Forest Plantation (55,860ha), are owned

by RH Forest Corporation, a subsidiary of logging giant Rimbunan

Hijau, and will establish pulp and wood tree monocultures. " This is

clearly in breach of prudent land-use policy within the catchment

area, as recommended by the Bakun EIA. We have written to relevant

authorities on this matter but have not gotten an answer, " said SAM

council member Mohideen Abdul Kader. He added that the government has

broken its promise to gazette 1.5million ha of the catchment to ensure

the feasibility of the dam.The Bakun EIA recommended controlled

logging to reduce sediment from reaching the reservoir and to secure

unpolluted water for the turbines. A source familiar with the dam

development cautioned that with changing rainfall patterns linked to

global warming, there might not be enough water during dry seasons to

maintain the volume for electricity generation. .

http://thestar.com.my/lifestyle/story.asp?file=/2007/10/30/lifefocus/19134807 & se\





29) Indonesian environmental groups on Sunday performed a skit

depicting disappearing rainforests and Sumatran tigers, and urged

Taiwanese to do their bit to protect the rainforests and help save

endangered species from extinction. Sumatra environmental activist

Bhiksu Nyanaprathama told a press conference at the Tien Cultural

Foundation in Taipei that, " rainforests host the world's most

extensive planetary gene pool, " adding that, " they are also crucial

for regulating weather. " Losing vast tracts of rainforest will lead to

a decrease in genetic diversity, which will in turn increase the rate

of extinction of all life on Earth, he warned. The group is asking

Taiwan to commit technology and human resources for their cause.

Indonesia is home to the third largest rainforest in the world, but it

is losing the equivalent of 10 football fields per minute because of

global warming and extensive logging, Nyanaprathama said, adding that

the country is also losing 30 to 40 Sumatran tigers per year. At this

rate, Sumatra tigers will be extinct within the next 10 years, he

said. Rainforests are characterized as having annual rainfalls between

1,750mm to 2,000mm. The largest tropical rainforests are found in

Central and South America, equatorial Africa and Southeast Asia.

Nyanaprathama, founder and chairman of the Bodhicitta Mandala

Foundation (BMF), is on a campaign to save a 4,000 hectare rainforest

in Sandean, in the south of Sumatra.

http://www.taiwanheadlines.gov.tw/ct.asp?xItem=92842 & CtNode=39


30) Any economic plan regarding avoided deforestation must consider

the diversification effects of avoided deforestation and its ability

to mitigate risk while improving returns for the country's economy. At

this point, for this article, I will define avoided deforestation as

an energy product that functions as a proxy for the following

equation: Growth in GDP yields growth in energy yields growth in

carbon emissions. The limiting factor is the carbon emissions which

need to decrease over time to prevent the most damaging effects of

global warming, such as Indonesia losing more than 2,000 islands plus

drought and disease. Thus we need to mitigate and adapt to

anthropogenic global warming increases, so markets will seek out

carbon sinks that can function as an effective hedge to increasing use

of carbon-based fuels. Everyone wants gross domestic product to grow.

Everyone needs more energy to drive the GDP growth of their local

economies. Indonesia's natural environment contains one of the

wealthiest and least explored possible global hedges, which is the

means to protect against a financial loss. This is avoided

deforestation. http://www.thejakartapost.com/misc/PrinterFriendly.asp


31) The Indonesian Ecolabelling Institute (LEI) said it was working

toward better managing the increased demand for ecolabel-certified

timber products from Indonesia. Indonesia's furniture and handicraft

group (Asmindo) and furniture maker PT Setyamitra agreed on the

weekend via a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to work together with

LEI. By signing the MOU, all groups have committed to preserve the

environment, market products made from certified forests and to

improve the quality of timber products using available new

technologies. LEI said it would ensure Setyamitra would supply

high-quality seedlings for reforestation programs and would use modern

wood-turning technologies. " The MOU shows our commitment to boosting

the growth of certified community forests, " LEI executive director

Taufiq Alimi said in a press statement. " We are confident this

cooperation and a certification program on community forests will mean

we are able to protect community forests, improve the community's

welfare and improve our furniture exports, " Taufiq said. LEI had also

helped find enterprises in Wonogiri, Central Java, to partner

Setyamitra in its new focus on ecolabel-certified, export-quality

products, he said. The furniture company said it would open a

marketing office in Yogyakarta and a furniture outlet in Kemang, South

Jakarta. Asmindo chairman Ambar Tjahjono said his association had been

interested in Setyamitra's green program because it was committed to

use timber from well-managed industrial forests. " We want all

furniture companies and those using forest products as raw materials

to follow Setyamitra's example in preserving the environment and

rejecting the use of illegal logging, " he said. Alimi said Indonesia's

forested areas had declined to 90 million hectares. He said only 1.1

million hectares were managed in accordance with the sustainable

development program. " We expect to certify community forests along the

southern part of Java, " he said. " And we are pushing certification for

customary forests in Sui Utik village, Kapuas Hulu in West Kalimantan.

" There are some major forestry firms currently in the process of

certification. " Hopefully, some 3 million hectares of forest will get

LEI certification by 2009 " , he said.



New Zealand:


32) Eastern Bay of Plenty Maori have declared the Metahi Valley Road

into the Ureweras is closed to the public. It is partly a fight over

ownership of the land with a logging company. Beyond the road are

camping grounds at Te Urewera National Park and a multi-million dollar

forestry block, but from the day after tomorrow, it's strictly off

limits. Tuhoe hapu Omuriwaka say Matahi Valley Road will be blocked to

all except residents, emergency services and authorised possum

hunters. They have done it before to protest their claim to the land,

but this time it is a pointed response to the recent police raids.

''There is a national emergency going on here there's terrorist up in

the hills so we want to safeguard the public over the Christmas

holidays so there's no danger to them,'' Omuriwaka spokesman Riki

Orupe told 3 News. Omuriwaka own a stretch of land along Matahi Valley

Road. The problem is, a 300 metre public road runs through that land.

Whakatane Mayor Colin Holmes says the hapu wants to use it as

leverage. ''We have consistently said we will either buy that piece of

land or we'll pay for an easement or something like that but in actual

fact they don't want a solution.'' The council says the roadblock is a

major blow to development in the region. The Matariki Forestry

Consortium, part-owned by American timber giant Rayonier, has

postponed harvesting logs indefinitely. Police are meeting with

Omuriwaka this week to see if they can find a way forward acceptable

to all. http://www.tv3.co.nz/News/Story/tabid/209/articleID/38046/Default.aspx




33) Extensive clearing of native trees is making Australian droughts

hotter and is an under-recognised factor in climate change, research

shows. The study by researchers from the University of Queensland and

Queensland's Department of Natural Resources and Water shows that land

clearing made the 2002-3 drought in eastern Australia 2°C hotter. The

research, published online in the journal Geophysical Research

Letters, also found average summer rainfall has decreased by between

4-12% in eastern Australia and by 4-8% in southwest Western Australia

because of land clearing. These are historically the regions in

Australia that have been most extensively cleared of native

vegetation. Dr Clive McAlpine, of the university's Centre for Remote

Sensing and Spatial Information Science, says about 13% of the

Australian continent has been cleared of native vegetation since

European settlement in 1788. However, in many agricultural areas in

eastern Australia and southwest Western Australia more than 90% of

native vegetation has been cleared. " This study is showing Australian

climate is sensitive to land clearing, " he says. " And our findings

highlight that it is too simplistic to attribute climate change purely

to greenhouse gases. " Protection and restoration of Australia's native

vegetation needs to be a critical consideration in mitigating climate

change. " http://abc.net.au/science/news/stories/2007/2073363.htm


34) The Australian Rainforest Foundation - which uses state and

commonwealth grants to buy and preserve privately owned blocks in the

region - is seeking $1.3 million in compensation to hand over

" high-conservation " land to the neighbouring Daintree National Park.

Queensland Environment Minister Andrew McNamara yesterday said the ARF

should just give the land to the national park instead of attempting

to " double dip " into taxpayer monies to improve its bottom line. " The

foundation now wants taxpayers to pay again for the same properties

through this immoral compensation claim, " he told The Australian.

" This makes a joke of the Australian Rainforest Foundation's purported

conservation philosophy, and puts at risk protection of Daintree

rainforest. " The land, neighbouring the World Heritage-listed national

park, is among more than 800 titles opened up for tourism and housing

in the 1970s. Since 2002, the ARF has received more than $6 million in

state and commonwealth funds to buy 171ha of land in the Daintree

region. The ARF operates under a " revolving land " funding agreement,

in which it buys and then merges neighbouring freehold blocks, with

the aim of cutting development by reducing the number of owners and

putting conservation covenants on the consolidated titles.



35) FORMER premier Bob Carr has returned from the political wilderness

to protect his environmental legacy by helping to save forests in the

state's southeast from logging. Mr Carr this week went bushwalking

with environmental activists from The Wilderness Society (TWS) through

the forests of Deua National Park and Dampier State Forest near Moruya

on the NSW South Coast. Hugely proud of the 350 national parks

gazetted during his 10-year tenure as premier, Mr Carr has agreed to

help TWS protect 18,000ha of " icon " forests he, as premier, closed to

logging. The areas have now begun to be cleared under Premier Morris

Iemma's leadership. Mr Carr, accompanied on the walk by The Daily

Telegraph, would not directly criticise his successor's environmental

credentials, but is set to help TWS in its mission. " (I'll) consider

their submission and, if convinced, will take it to the State

Government, " he said during the walk. He also admitted he did not want

to see his work saving important bushland undone. " No, I don't, " he

said. The move is a slap in the face for Mr Iemma, who is under fire

over pitiful public hospital conditions and for going soft on minor

crime. Prior to the 2003 NSW election, Mr Carr placed an informal

moratorium on logging across 24,000ha of old growth and high

conservation-value forests in the southeast. In 2004, he agreed to

protect 6000ha of that at Monga, Murramarang and Deua. Now TWS wants

the remaining 18,000ha safeguarded, but 13 of the 66 compartments

encompassing the forest areas have this year been placed on the

logging schedule.


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