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USA and Israel prepare wars and nuclear attacks against Iran and other countries.

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The Bush Administration and Israel prepare a war and nuclear attacks against Iran and other countries. Evidences show that the United States and Israel already launched a small nuclear bomb against Syria.



As well as it happen with Iraq in 2002 and 2003, the Bush Administration and Israel prepare a dossier of false evidences and lies, planning a set of secret plans (black operations) to provoke Iran and to them for terrorist attacks using forged evidences, to try to justify a new war against Iran with the support of the international community.


Latest news during 2007, state that the U.S. already has a small army of special forces inside Iran and also that the U.S. is funding terrorist groups to sow chaos in Iran.


To prove how serious and dangerous the Bush Administration is, in September 6 of 2007, fighter jets from the US and Israeli air force launched a *nuclear* bunker buster bomb (of about 5 kilotons) against a building in Syria suspected of being a nuclear facility, that completely destroyed the whole site. The US and Israel do not comment the attack, Syrian authorities denied it, but satellite photos published by "The New York Times" journal, proved the attack happen and the site was completely destroyed by a massive explosion. (More information here: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article18652.htm )



The plans for an attack on Iran has long been planned by neo-conservative radical members of the Bush Administration back in the 90's. The plans include attacking Iraq, Syria and many other countries around the world, as a way to secure energy control and other political and military strategical issues. Part of those plans are publicly exposed on the "Bush Doctrine" in the "The Project for a New American Century" at: http://www.newamericancentury.org/RebuildingAmericasDefenses.pdf . Basically, those plans reveal the strong wishes of the Bush Administration to build a much more powerful United States, that seek to dominate the whole world at all levels, even if it means to build a world war.


It is now more clear then ever before, that the Bush Administration and even the Israeli government, are filled with insane and extremist individuals that wont stop at nothing to do what they planned, including using nuclear weapons. Protest against the use of force, against the war, the killing of thousands of innocent people and many other Human Rights violations. Send an email or letter to the US government at the White House or the Israeli government.















September 2007 - The United States makes the first nuclear attack since World War 2

REPORT - US Air Force bombed Syria with a nuclear tatical weapon


11/02/07 "JPost" - The September 6 raid over Syria was carried out by the US Air Force, the Al-Jazeera Web site reported Friday. The Web site quoted Israeli and Arab sources as saying that two strategic US jets armed with tactical nuclear weapons carried out an attack on a nuclear site under construction. The sources were quoted as saying that Israeli F-15 and F-16 jets provided cover for the US planes. The sources added that each US plane carried one tactical nuclear weapon and that the site was hit by one bomb and was totally destroyed. (...)


More information here: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article18652.htm

These satellite images show a building in a site where Syria allegedly built a nuclear reactor in August, left, and recently. The building in the center of the image has vanished completely. Photo: Courtesy ISIS




Revealed: Israel Plans Nuclear Strike on Iran


By Uzi Mahnaimi, New York and Sarah Baxter, Washington - ISRAEL has drawn up secret plans to destroy Iran's uranium enrichment facilities with tactical nuclear weapons. Know the full story at:http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article18688.htm



U.S. Says Attack Plans for Iran Ready


By Associated Press - Among the possible targets, in addition to nuclear installations like the centrifuge plant at Natanz: Iran's ballistic missile sites, Republican Guard bases, and naval warfare assets that Tehran could use in a retaliatory closure of the Straits of Hormuz, a vital artery for the flow of Gulf oil. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article18689.htm



U.S. Staging Nukes for Iran?


By Larry Johnson - Why the hubbub over a B-52 taking off from a B-52 base in Minot, North Dakota and subsequently landing at a B-52 base in Barksdale, Louisiana? That's like getting excited if you see postal worker in uniform walking out of a post office. And how does someone watching a B-52 land identify the cruise missiles as nukes? It just does not make sense. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article18325.htm




U.S. Plan Envisioned Nuking Iran, Syria, Libya


Despite years of denials, a secret planning document issued by the U.S. military's nuclear-weapons command in 2003 ordered preparations for nuclear strikes on countries seeking to acquire weapons of mass destruction, including Iran, Saddam Hussein-era Iraq, Libya and Syria.





Experts: No Evidence of Iranian Nuclear Weapons Program

Jonathan Landay - Despite President Bush's claims that Iran is pursuing nuclear weapons that could trigger "World War III," experts in and out of government say there's no conclusive evidence that Tehran has an active nuclear-weapons program.





US 'Iran Attack Plans' Revealedhttp://www.commondreams.org/headlines07/0220-04.htm



Target Tehran: Washington Sets Stage for a New Confrontationhttp://www.commondreams.org/headlines07/0212-02.htm














Neocon Imperialism, 9/11, and the Attacks on Afghanistan and IraqBy David Ray Griffin - My purpose in publishing this essay is to introduce a perspective, relevant to the debates about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the impeachment of President Bush and Vice President Cheney, that thus far has not been part of the public discussion. A must read: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article17194.htm





Iran: The War Begins

By John Pilger - As opposition grows in America to the failed Iraq adventure, the Bush administration is preparing public opinion for an attack on Iran, its latest target. http://www.ichblog.eu/content/view/300/2/




'10,000 would die' in A-plant attack on Iran

By Thomas Harding - More than 100 American bombers, many based on carriers in the Gulf, would take part in a huge simultaneous surprise air attack on 20 key nuclear and military facilities, the report says. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article11890.htm




"Theater Iran Near Term" (TIRANNT)

By Michel Chossudovsky - Code named by US military planners as TIRANNT, "Theater Iran Near Term" has identified several thousand targets inside Iran as part of a "Shock and Awe" Blitzkrieg, which is now in the final planning stages. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article17154.htm



Bush Is Hiding the Ball on IranBy Robert Parry - George W. Bush is again guiding the nation toward a preemptive war - this time with Iran - without allowing anything like a full debate of the underlying facts, probable consequences of the conflict or peaceful alternatives. http://www.ichblog.eu/content/view/298/2/




U.S. General: No Evidence of Iran Giving Arms to IraqisBy CHRIS BRUMMITT, Associated Press - A top U.S. general said today there was no evidence the Iranian government was supplying Iraqi insurgents with highly lethal roadside bombs, apparently contradicting claims by other U.S. military and administration officials. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article17046.htm


Blame it on Iran!5 Minute Video - Keith Obermann speaks with Prof. Juan Cole about U.S. attempts to blame Iran for the disaster in Iraq. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article17047.htm



Israel Seeks All Clear for Iran Air StrikeBy Con Coughlin in Tel Aviv - Israel is negotiating with the United States for permission to fly over Iraq as part of a plan to attack Iran's nuclear facilities, The Daily Telegraph can reveal. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article17166.htm



US Funds Terror Groups to Sow Chaos in IranBy William Lowther in Washington DC and Colin Freeman - America is secretly funding militant ethnic separatist groups in Iran in an attempt to pile pressure on the Islamic regime to give up its nuclear programme. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article17170.htm



Wake Up! The Next War Is ComingBy Ray McGovern - Senator Rockefeller? Stop the war against Iran before it starts. You are chair of the intelligence committee. You don't have to be stonewalled, as previous chair Senator Bob Graham was in September 2002. Yes, he voted against the war in Iraq because he knew of the games being played with the intelligence. But he failed to play a leadership role; he didn't tell his 99 colleagues they were being diddled. It's time for some leadership. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article17041.htm

War On Iran - It's Not About DemocracyBy Ron Jacobs - As I write, indications are that there are US Special Forces engaged in operations in Iran. Rumors name the province of Khuzestan as the locale for these operations. They are probably being helped by various exiles who are either current or former members of organizations that believe the ends justify the means and are therefore willing to help the enemy in Washington to overthrow the mullahs. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article17040.htm

New York Times Falls for Bogus Iran Weapons Charges By Juan Cole - The unnamed sources at the Pentagon are reduced to implying that Iran is giving sophisticated bombs to its sworn enemies and the very groups that are killing its Shiite Iraqi allies every day. Get real! http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article17036.htm



Why The Surge Will Push Us Into a War With Iran By Mike Whitney - No one has done more to expand Iran's power in the region than George Bush. He routed the Taliban in Afghanistan in 2001 and then toppled Saddam and the Ba'athist Party in 2003. Both of these were the traditional enemies of the Islamic Republic. Now Bush has installed Iranian-backed warlords in the Green Zone and delivered the country to the Shiites. http://www.ichblog.eu/content/view/315/2/



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