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-- Please cross-post widely -- Dear Friends: Sealing towns in Newfoundland-Labrador and Quebec's Magdalen Islands [responsible for the GREATEST percentage of the yearly Harp seal carnage] cater to TOURISTS when they aren't beating babies to death--they need to HEAR FROM YOU! They must understand that you WILL NOT patronize their businesses until THEY support a PERMANENT END to the annual, Canadian Harp seal slaughter! In March, pristine ice floes will once again, ooze rivers of blood. Cowards will descend on helpless newborn pups in a psychopathic rampage of bludgeoning, shooting and skinning babies alive. A savage history of massive bloodletting will continue as the ghosts of millions upon millions of

slaughtered seals pay silent vigil to one of the most evil, vicious and shameful displays of humanity at its lowest. Even more blasphemously--100s of thousands of seal pelts have been, and ARE routinely STOCKPILED in warehouses [in both Canada & Norway], then BURNED or BURIED in landfills, because such an orgy of death [over 1.25 million lives in the last 3 years, alone] represents far more supply than demand! This obscene practice continues while taxpayers foot the bill for this ongoing atrocity. BABIES--TORTURED AND KILLED FOR NOTHING. Their lives and precious remains destroyed like garbage. All this, so approximately 3,000 individuals can walk away with government subsidized WELFARE CHECKS. Proud of the fact they EARN their money while splattering the brains of helpless, wide-eyed infants across the ice, as Mothers' look on, wailing in horror. YOU CAN STOP IT!! FIRST Please urge family, friends and others NOT TO PURCHASE ANY SEAFOOD--EVER! Sealers worldwide, make their living [when they're not murdering seals] as commercial fishers. Every bite of crab; every morsel of shrimp; every mouthful of lobster, is dripping with the sacrificial blood of seals, whales, and dolphins--ALL MASSACRED BY THE COMMERCIAL FISHING INDUSTRY. EACH and EVERY time seafood is purchased at a restaurant, store, school cafeteria, etc. this money goes DIRECTLY into the blood-soaked hands of the commercial fishing industry--THE BUTCHERS behind the

massive, global slaughter of marine mammals; the destruction of seabirds and the ongoing collapse of multiple fish, marine species and eco-systems! PLEASE--DO NOT SUPPORT THEM! DUMP SEAFOOD FROM YOUR DIET--PERMANENTLY. Educate friends, relatives, and others to the connection seafood consumption has to the escalating annihilation occurring within our oceans--AND ASK THEM TO DO THE SAME! SECOND Please email the MAYORS [of sealing towns] and the Canadian TOURISM boards listed below. More progress has been made by contacting the individuals most DIRECTLY INVOLVED in Canada's seal slaughter when informing them of a tourism/seafood boycott, than has been gained by appealing to provincial or national government officials which continue to ignore and defy public opinion. [see article]

http://www.cbc.ca/canada/prince-edward-island/story/2007/02/22/seal-dfo.htmlAfter all, who has more to lose? Sealing towns have ECONOMIES...they rely on tourism in the summer months and fishing in the winter. Sealing represents less than 3% of a fisher/sealer's income. SEALERS WILL NOT STARVE IF THE COMMERCIAL SEAL HUNT ENDS! They continue to repeatedly refuse offers to buy back their sealing licenses and have even rejected opportunities for fully-funded job skills training. Sealers' have OTHER EMPLOYMENT OPTIONS; job opportunities in the fields of hydro-electricity; oil and gas exploration and eco-tourism exist in sealing provinces. Sealers kill because they WANT TO--not because they need to! Please demand sealers join the 21st Century! MAYORS of SEALING TOWNS in NEWFOUNDLAND-LABRADOR~BONAVISTA~ Mayor: Betty

Fitzgerald Email: town.bonavista ~FOGO ISLAND~ Mayor: Andrew Shea Email: info ~ST. JOHN'S~ Mayor: Andy Wells Email: andywells ~GANDER~ Mayor: Claude Elliot Email: info TOURISM BOARDS NEWFOUNDLAND-LABRADOR TOURIST BUREAU Email: tourisminfo TOURISM ST. JOHN'S Email: tourism QUEBEC TOURISM BOARD Email: cae MAGDALEN ISLANDS TOURISM Email: info ........................................................................................... A Newfoundland and Labrador business won't sell a children's book by a St. John's author because it has an anti-sealing message. Littleseal by Morgan Pumphrey tells the story of a harp seal and its first few weeks of life. The president of Downhome Inc., Grant Young, has no qualms about the decision not to sell Littleseal through the company's website or St. John's store. "We're pro-sealing and this is an anti-sealing book. Maybe some people could call it censorship, but we call it standing by our beliefs," he said. "The book humanized seals and demonized sealers, and that's not in our interests as a company." Downhome sells Newfoundland and Labrador products and crafts, including books from local authors. Pumphrey said she'll try to sell her book on the mainland, starting with anti-sealing protest groups. "I know an awful lot of people up there are against the seal hunt," she said. Pumphrey said she wants to use profits from the book to work with the International Fund for Animal Welfare to encourage eco-tourism. PROTEST BY CONTACTING: http://www.shopdownhome.com/contact.html President of Downhome Inc.-- Grant Young grant NOTE: Emails with anti-sealing messages in the subject line will be automatically deleted by this company--please be creative, i.e., "Book Inquiry", etc.Mr. Young needs to know that his online business will suffer economic losses until he adopts a humane attitude and rejects sealing! The concept of 'animal rights' values the simple premise that ALL living creatures have a "right" to be allowed to live their lives as originally intended; without victimization--free from brutality. It is a right that EVERY being strives for.~Brennan Browne~

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