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WARNING - Baby formula and baby bottles contains dangerous chemicals.

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:: Baby formula and baby bottles contains dangerous chemicals ::Help stop the use of those dangerous chemicals (see below)Use breast milk and other natural and healthy methodshttp://www.babystoxicbottle.org | http://www.care2.com/greenliving/baby-formula-alert.html

Kick the can - Baby formula contains dangerous chemicals:






While the benefits of breast milk over baby formula are old news, some important new research indicates that additional dangers may lurk in every can of baby formula on the market.

In a recent report by the Environmental Working Group (EWG), a consumer health advocacy group, tests performed on liquid baby formulas found that they all contained bisphenol A (BPA). This leaching, hormone-mimicking chemical is used by all major baby formula manufacturers in the linings of the metal cans in which baby formula is sold.

BPA has been found to cause hyperactivity, reproductive abnormalities and pediatric brain cancer in lab animals. Increasingly, scientists suspect that BPA might be linked to several medical problems in humans, including breast and testicular cancer.

Because of smaller can sizes and because liquid formula is less diluted with water, the study concluded that liquid formulas have as much as 20 times higher potential to leach BPA than their powdered counterparts. Because the FDA has not banned BPA, it appears there are no immediate plans to change the packaging of liquid baby formula.

SIMPLE SOLUTION: I know how intimidating breastfeeding can be. Panic-stricken and afraid my screaming firstborn was starving when we first brought her home from the hospital, my husband filled a bottle with the baby formula that had unexpectedly arrived in our mailbox weeks before. It took the next six weeks or so for me to regain confidence that nursing my baby would be sufficient. But I did and was able to nurse her for two years. Breast is still best; seek help from a lactation consultant if you are having a hard time making it work for you and your baby.

If you choose to or must feed your infant formula, reduce your infant’s BPA exposure by using powdered formula. To further minimize the leaching of BPA into formula or breast milk, use glass baby bottles, instead of hard plastic ones marked with the number 7 or the letters PC. Warm bottles in a bowl of hot water. Microwaving or boiling bottles on the stove can weather bottles, increasing chemical leaching into the formula.

Terri Hall-Jackson lives in the Hudson Valley with her husband and two young children. In addition to writing, Terri works with public television and radio stations/networks in the area of new media and leads workshops on authentic and empowered living.

By Terri-Hall Jackson, contributing writer to Care2’s Green Livinghttp://www.care2.com/greenliving/baby-formula-alert.html

Take action - Baby bottles contains dangerous chemicals:

Did you know many baby bottles contain an unnecessary toxic chemical even though safer products are available? Visit http://www.babystoxicbottle.org to learn more, and to help prevent harmful baby bottles from being made by signing the petition for toxic-free baby bottles.A recent CHEJ co-authored report, Baby's Toxic Bottle: Bisphenol A Leaching from Popular Baby Bottles, found many baby bottles leach the chemical bisphenol A when heated. Recent scientific studies show it may have adverse health effects: breast and prostate cancer, thyroid disease, early puberty in girls, attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, diabetes, and obesity.Join parents from across the country standing up for our children's health and safer products. Help us send a message to leading manufacturers of baby bottles that toxic chemicals like BPA don't belong in baby bottles.Visit http://www.babystoxicbottle.org to learn more and sign the petition for toxic-free baby bottles. Sincerely, Michael Schade, PVC Campaign Coordinator. Center for Health, Environment and JusticePS - After you sign the petition, be sure to help spread the word by telling your friends and family.Thanks for adding your voice to those who care enough to make a difference by taking action.



This message is brought to you by the Center for Health, Environment and Justice. For more information visit the CHEJ homepage at www.chej.org.

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