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Have millions of seals died in vain? NOT if you boycott Eastern Canada!!

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*** PLEASE CROSS POST THIS ALERT EVERYWHERE ***Compassionate Friends:In order to strike a successful deathblow to the sealing industry in Eastern Canada, an intensely FOCUSED and continuously SUSTAINED boycott is essential. It must target the RIGHT individuals to be effective; it must hold fast and STAY LONG; regardless of the SEASON or however many more it may take for Eastern Canada to finally surrender its centuries-old brutality against seals. Just as a laser beam's focus has incredible power when concentrated on ONE target, this boycott must NEVER waiver in its purpose.When sealing is over THIS year, an EAST COAST BOYCOTT must continue to BURN; stoking an INCREASINGLY "HOT" FIRE UNDER CANADIAN SEALERS!Last year an extremely clever anti-sealing campaign was launched. It targeted SMALL businesses in

Eastern Canadian sealing towns, for boycotts. The idea was to concentrate on those businesses MOST ECONOMICALLY VULNERABLE during TOURISM season. [Restaurants, B & B's, motels, car, boat and bike rentals, sightseeing companies, etc.] Within DAYS of being notified of the boycott via email, local [sealer town] merchants were PANICKING! They promptly called the media to discuss concerns over losing their livelihoods. These small businesses were receiving boycott emails from AROUND THE WORLD!!http://www.cbc.ca/canada/prince-edward-island/story/2007/02/22/seal-dfo.html~ DIRECT QUOTE FROM A PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND MEDIA RELEASE ~"Every news byline or sign-off from the Island during the annual seal hunt hurts the provincial economy...some COMPANIES REFUSE TO BUY [OUR] PRODUCTS...WE'VE HAD RESPONSES FROM PEOPLE AROUND THE WORLD SAYING THEY REFUSE TO COME TO

P.E.I. DURING TOURISM SEASON..." [ PEI KILLS APPROX. 1,800 SOULS YEARLY! ]It quickly became obvious by such responses, that concentrating an ALL-INCLUSIVE BOYCOTT, i.e., tourism, goods & services, internet commerce, etc. FOCUSED STRICTLY ON EASTERN CANADA, is KEY to persuading sealing provinces to denounce the seal 'hunt' permanently!The initial goal is to convince individual merchants NOT DIRECTLY INVOLVED IN SEALING [but who support pro-sealing views] that if sealing continues, these small businesses could lose THEIR livelihoods. It would be up to THEM to persuade their sealer friends and relatives that a continued 'hunt' would mean

economic disaster for them ALL.NOTE: Clannish and stubborn, Canadian sealers will NEVER listen to outsiders; it will take their OWN neighbors and friends who are being penalized economically due to the 'hunt', to convince them to put down their clubs and rifles for good. YOU CAN HELP CONTINUE THIS SUCCESSFUL CAMPAIGN -- HERE'S HOW!!BY TARGETING THE "RIGHT" PEOPLE FOR BOYCOTT!This means directing YOUR EMAILS to those who actually have a personal stake in stopping the slaughter; those WHO WILL BE THE MOST AFFECTED BY AN ECONOMIC BOYCOTT!! NOT rich government bigwigs who have NO TIES to Eastern Canada's

LOCAL ECONOMY!* NOT PRIME MINISTER HARPER* NOT FISHERIES MINISTER LOYOLA HEARN* NOT NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADOR PREMIER [and multi-millionaire] DANNY WILLIAMS* NOT PROVINCES OUTSIDE OF *EASTERN* CANADASO WHO ARE THE "RIGHT" PEOPLE TO TARGET?*** LOCAL OFFICIALS IN SEALING TOWNS MUST KNOW ABOUT THE BOYCOTT! ***They will be FORCED to hold town meetings with their pro-sealing constituents; forced to seriously consider accepting free job training and lucrative positions in offshore oil development spurred by Hibernia, Terra Nova and other companies thriving in their region. They must re-think generous offers made to them to BUY BACK their sealing licenses; they must consider building eco-tourism as a viable industry in their provinces.WHY? BECAUSE

IF THEY DON'T THIS IS THE ALTERNATIVE:When tourism drys up; when no one will buy products or services from Eastern Canadian companies; when East Coast internet businesses suffer and wither--because of the selfish bloodlust of a few--ultimately, SEALERS WILL BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE [by non-sealing businesses] FOR EASTERN CANADA'S ECONOMIC WOES!Therefore, these PARTICULAR mayors and council people are ESSENTIAL targets for boycott emails! ~SEALING TOWN OFFICIALS ~ST. JOHN'SMayor: Dennis O'keefeEMAIL: dokeefeBONAVISTAMayor: Betty FitzgeraldEMAIL: town.bonavistaFOGO ISLANDMayor: Andrew SheaEMAIL: infoGANDERMayor: Claude ElliotEMAIL: info (AT) gandercanada (DOT) comCouncilor: Allan ScottEMAIL: allanscottCouncilor: Carl SmithEMAIL:

emsmith OR carl*** EASTERN CANADA TOURISM BOARDS MUST KNOW ABOUT THE BOYCOTT! ***Rest assured that every single email received is IMPORTANT to them. Boycott emails are SERIOUS STUFF. Tourism Boards track TRENDS! When they receive thousands of boycott emails; consistently and over extended periods, [that's why we must continue to send emails daily UNTIL the hunt ends] this sets off ALARMS! These statistics are reported to the regional/provincial governments, who in turn, MUST ADJUST THEIR PUBLIC POLICIES--say bye-bye to sealing![ Or, if sealing continues, hello to poverty! ]NOTE:The tourism boards listed here represent those provinces responsible for the LARGEST portion of the seal slaughter. IT IS CRUCIAL THAT THEY CONTINUE RECEIVING DAILY BOYCOTT EMAILS--FAXES--PHONE CALLS--UNTIL SEALING IS OUTLAWED!!-- NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADOR TOURISM --TOLL FREE: 800-563-6353 (Canada and USA)TEL.: 709-729-2830; FAX: 709-729-0057EMAIL: tourisminfo-- TOURISM QUEBEC --FAX: 1-514-864-3838E-MAIL: info-- NOVA SCOTIA TOURISM --TOLL FREE in North America:1-800-565-0000; FAX: 902-424-2668EMAIL: explore*** THE EUROPEAN UNION MUST KNOW ABOUT THE EASTERN CANADIAN BOYCOTT! ***Specifically, Stavros Dimas, EU COMMISSIONER FOR THE ENVIRONMENT, who is drafting a report on sealing to be presented before the EUROPEAN UNION in June, 2008. IT IS CRITICAL that he receive thousands of your boycott emails!!HE IS THE MAN WITH THE POWER! Your emails to him can literally make

the difference between whether the EU officially bans seal imports for good or not!* WHEN YOU SEND PROTEST EMAILS TO EASTERN CANADA DON'T FORGET TO CC: THEM TO COMMISSIONER DIMAS! *STAVROS DIMAS: EU Commissioner For EnvironmentEMAIL: stavros.dimas PLEASE REALIZE THAT A BOYCOTT TARGETING THE WRONG INDIVIDUALS IS DOOMED TO FAIL!!Now that we have the correct targets, it's up to YOU to STAY INVOLVED AND SPREAD THE WORD! Email these folks OFTEN! Never let up UNTIL our goal is met and SEALING IN EASTERN CANADA IS OUTLAWED!EMAIL

BLOCK:dokeefe,town.bonavista,info,info,allanscott,emsmith,carl,tourisminfo,info,explore,stavros.dimas~ SAMPLE LETTER FOR EMAILS ~[Please vary the wording to make it your own]Sirs:While the DFO continues to state that sealing revenues bring 50 million+ to Eastern Canada, the economic losses resulting from a long-termboycott of Canada's East Coast may will be in the BILLIONS in thenot-too-distant future. Most educated individuals understand that thesealing industry survives by subsidies--carried on the taxpaying backsof the many, for the benefit of the very few.I will not be visiting Eastern Canada until sealing has ended and ispermanently OUTLAWED. In fact, I refuse to buy ANY goods/services fromyour region, including those from the

internet.I'll be spreading the word far and wide, to friends, family, businessassociates, religious and civic groups and anyone else who will listen;imploring them to boycott Eastern Canada until the knuckle-draggingbrutality of this obscene orgy of death is history.SincerelyFull name & Country~ REVIEWING OUR GOALS FOR A SUCCESSFUL BOYCOTT ~A) 100s of thousands--hopefully millions of YOU must get involved in an all-out email campaign which targets ONLY EASTERN CANADA for boycott. The focus must NOT shift away from the sealing provinces or the campaign WILL NOT SUCCEED! [boycotting ALL of Canada severely DILUTES the effectiveness of bringing economic pain to those who are truly guilty!]B) As the ONLY spokesperson for the seals, you must be RELENTLESS AND CONSISTENT in CONTINUING TO EMAIL OUR BOYCOTT TARGETS. Remember to keep those emails coming several times a week until the slaughter ENDS permanently and is OUTLAWED. Be sure to CC ALL emails to Commissioner Stavros Dimas of the EU. [use the email block.]C) When Canada is successfully shut out of the European market, China will be their ONLY substantial hope for exporting seal products. The majority of seal by-products: trinkets, oils and penises used in Chinese medicines are exported from Newfoundland-Labrador and Quebec. If you'd like to involve yourself in a boycott of Chinese goods, go here to see how you can make a difference: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/395884823*** PLEASE CROSS POST THIS ALERT

EVERYWHERE ***The concept of 'animal rights' values the simple premise that ALL living creatures have a "right" to be allowed to live their lives without victimization--free from brutality. It is a right that EVERY being strives for.~Brennan Browne~"Humanely" slaughtered 'meat', is an obscene lie invented and perpetuated by people who are too lazy, selfish and cruel to change their dietary habits. Forcibly denying a creature its right to life, love and companionship can NEVER be humane.~Brennan Browne~

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