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Cornwall's Voice For Animals <cvfa.uk wrote: "Alert from CVFA" <animalsadvocates >"Cornwall's Voice For Animals" <cvfa.ukTue, 20 May 2008 10:41:35 +0100[AnimalsNeedUsNow] FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - PLEASE SEND EVERYWHERE OUR HORSES HAVE ONLY YOUR VOICE, SPEAK OUT FOR THEM! Demo at the Mexico Embassy, Washington DC PROTEST HORRIFIC CRUELTY TO OUR HORSES IN MEXICO FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Demonstration at the Mexican Embassy 1911 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington DC - May 20th, 2008, from 11:00 - 1:00pm - CONTACT: Valerie Davidkova: valdavid57 (AT) hotmail (DOT) com; (917) 539 4995Rosa Close, antifursociety (AT) msn (DOT) com PROTEST AGAINST SADISTIC KILLING OF HORSES IN MEXICO's SAN BERNABEDEMONSTRATION AT THE MEXICAN

EMBASSY- WEDNESDAY, MAY 20TH, 20081911 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington D.C., from 11:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. (Washington D.C.)- On Wednesday, May 20th, 2008, compassionate citizens in 5 cities per details below, will gather in front of Mexico's embassy or other Mexican gov't offices, to protest the extreme brutality used in slaughtering horses in Mexico, and in particular the Market of San Bernabe. Horse meat in Mexico is repulsively tortured: Pet horses, young, old, sick, healthy, stolen, pregnant mares...None is sacred! Most people do not know the torture inflicted upon these intelligent creatures which have long served man. It is the ultimate betrayal to those which so trusted and served us. San Bernabe, is the place that makes a mockery out of mankind, and one that brings shame to Mexico. U.S. horses are free from slaughter in this country since the closure of the

last 2 slaughterhouses, but they are now barbarically slaughtered in Mexico. Because a ban to transport live horses from the U.S. to Canada and Mexico for the purpose of slaughter is still pending, our horses are moving rapidly over the borders. It is imperative for U.S. citizens to lobby for immediate enactment of the AHSPA, and support efforts in border states to stop transport of slaughter-bound equines. "A brief description of the horse slaughter in Mexico's San Bernabe: "The American mare swung her head frantically when the door to the kill box shut, trapping her inside. A worker jabbed her in the back with a small knife seven, eight, nine times. Eyes wild, she lowered her head and raised it as the blade punctured her body around the withers, again and again. At the 10th jab, she fell to the floor of this Mexican slaughterhouse, bloodied and paralyzed but not yet dead. She would lie there two minutes before being hoisted upside

down from a chained rear leg so her throat could be slit and she could bleed to death." Additionally, our horses can travel up to 72 hours without food or water, many dying in the horrific conditions of the transportation. For more information, please check the link below and watch the videos which describe the suffering Mexican and U.S. horses endure before becoming delicacies, overseas. Simultaneous protests will be help in 4 other locations, including Mexico by ASPADEM which has long been working to stop the barbarian killings of San Bernabe Market. Their efforts are greatly supported by the Mexican reknowned veterinarian, Dr. Horacio Chavira who has been working for the last 15 years to end the suffering, all ignored by the Mexican government. Houston, Texasby Kerri Miller:kerrimilam Los Angeles, Ca.byAudrey:audreyd1 (AT) cox (DOT) netABROAD:Edinburg, ScotlandbyVarda:varda.mehrotra Mexico City, Mexico: Dr. Horacio Chavira for ASPADEM**available at his

office on Tuesday May 20, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Phone No. (5255) 5622 5979 - Afterwards he will be available at his cell (52 1 55) 4145 2564 as he is joining the protest by the Commission at 6:00 p.m. Emails: hocha_1962 .mx, dsilphunam .mx, apademexico ANTI-FUR SOCIETY AGAINST HORSE SLAUGHTER IF YOU MISSED OUR LAST INFORMATIVE HORSE NEWSLETTER, HERE'S ITS SUMMARY: Lack of compassion can be bad for your health!The "Veterinarians for Equine Welfare" has this to say about pet horses on your dinner plate:"Horses, unlike traditional food animals in the United States, are not raised or medicated during their lifetime with the intent of one day becoming human food. Because no American horse is ever "intended" for the human food chain, often times horses throughout their lives will have received medications that are banned for use ever during the life of food animals. Click here for list of drugs prohibited for use in horses slaughtered for human consumption.

Additionally, medications which are FDA approved for use in traditional food animals come with very specific withdrawal schedules printed on the packaging, whereas, the very same medications, for example-- dewormers, when purchased for horses do not include the requisite food animal" withdrawal schedule, but simply state "NOT FOR USE IN HORSES INTENDED FOR FOOD". LEARN MORE: http://www.vetsforequinewelfare.org/medications.php You may not know that your horse meat is also repulsively tortured: Pet horses, young, old, sick, healthy, stolen, pregnant mares...None is sacred! U.S. horses are free from slaughter in this country since the closure of the last 2 slaughterhouses, but they are now barbarically slaughtered in

Mexico. Since a ban to transport live horses from the U.S. to Canada and Mexico for the purpose of slaughter is still pending, our horses are moving rapidly over the borders. It is imperative for U.S. citizens to lobby for immediate enactment of the AHSPA, and support efforts in border states to stop transport of slaughter-bound equines.Be it an American or Mexican horse, what matters is the sadistic method used to slaughter these intelligent animals. A brief description of the horse slaughter: "The American mare swung her head frantically when the door to the kill box shut, trapping her inside. A worker jabbed her in the back with a small knife seven, eight, nine times. Eyes wild, she lowered her head and raised it as the blade punctured her body around the withers, again and again. At the 10th jab, she fell to the floor of this Mexican slaughterhouse, bloodied and paralyzed but not yet dead. She would lie there

two minutes before being hoisted upside down from a chained rear leg so her throat could be slit and she could bleed to death. The mare was one of nearly 30,000 American horses shipped to Mexican processing plants this year" LEARN MORE: www.antifursociety.org/HORSE_SLAUGHTER.htmlSAN BERNABE! TAKE A LOOK & DECIDE FOR YOURSELF! Most citizens around the world, including those who eat horse meat, have no idea about the torture inflicted upon these magnificent creatures which have long served man. It is the ultimate betrayal to those which so trusted and served us. San Bernabe, is the place that makes a mockery out of humankind, and one that brings shame to

Mexico.DONKEYS, MULES AND HORSES...WHAT DO THEY RECEIVE IN RETURN FROM THE MEXICAN PEOPLE FOR THEIR ENDLESS WORK AND DEVOTION?By Commission of APASDEM for the San Bernabé Market Asociaciones Protectoras de Animales de MéxicoMany of them, can be found at the San Bernabe Market, which is located in Almoloya de Juarez, in the State of Mexico.Almoloya de Juárez is a small "town", with a population of around 135,000 people. The State of Mexico holds 25% of the population in Mexico (country), that is why it is one of the most important and powerful states of the Mexican Republic. Taking advantage of its natural resources, such as rivers, forests, typical gastronomy, the Government of the State of Mexico, is launching tourism campaigns, would you like to visit this State? The start

by going to the San Bernabe Market, where, you can buy typical food, vegetables, among other things. It is is a very well known place of reunion for the Almoloya de Juarez inhabitants and for the livestock farmers, who by they way every Monday sell, torture and slaughter hundreds of horses, mules and donkeys. They are butchered in the worst possible manners. "Images that unmistakably reveal the dimensions of the problem at the San Bernabe Market are found at: NOTE:Our website http://www.apasdemexico.org/ is down we are trying to solve this problem. In the meantime: http://crueladadsanbernabe.blogspot.com/ In

Mexico, donkey is considered "poor people's horse," therefore, less protected than horses and mules, although donkeys are the core of the economy for lots of peasant communities. For centuries, donkeys and mules have been part of the Mexican culture and local traditions, but in spite of that they are horribly treated and exploited as one can see on the photos displayed on links herewith. Donkeys can survive under extreme temperatures, minimum food and water. Most of them work long hours with no day off. They are not permitted to graze in meadows, cows have this privilege. Most of the donkeys have to find their food on the roadside which is very scarce. Since 80% of the Mexican territory is mountainous and craggy, the donkeys are by far the working animals that go through this territory. As for the mules, they have the same sad life that almost any animal experiences in Mexico. APASDEM has received

hundreds of cruelty reports all over the country, asking to help our donkeys and mules.There are only two official slaughterhouses for horses in Mexico, controlled by the Secretariat of Agriculture and Livestock (SAGARPA), in Fresnillo, State of Zacatecas and Jerez, State of Zacatecas. In these slaughterhouses the animals die less violently. But in clandesine slaughterhouses, all over Mexico, donkeys, mules and horses are killed by hitting them on their heads with a hammer. The cruelty to animals, in the San Bernabé Market is a sign of what is also happening in the States of Michoacán and Guanajuato. In a rodeo, around 15 horses are put together before a bull. While riding the horses, the "players" try to throw a knot to the bull's neck, scaring and forcing him to attack the horses. it is pure butchery: No blood. No excitement. Sadly this is happening in

MEXICO!SEND THIS LETTER TO MEXICO'S PRESIDENT:President Felipe Calderon HinojosaUnited Mexican StatesDear President Calderon:It is with extreme repulsion and sadness that I saw photos and videos of how slaughter is performed in horse slaughter "plants" of San Barnabe. Old horses, young, healthy, sick, pregnant mares...none escape the inhumane, indeed barbarian deaths at the hands of cold hearted butchers. It seems that in your country there is an extreme lack of humanity!Dear Mr. President, however much in need of income the people of San Bernabe might be, nothing in this world can justify so much barbarianism and pain inflicted on defenseless animals. Horses, after a life of service to their owners, are discarded in San Bernabe to meet with unspeakable deaths. In the third Millenium, such

barbarianism is no longer acceptable in any civilized society.Europeans are the main consumers of horse meat, but they surely are not aware of the horse slaughter monstrosity and lack of hygiene of San Barnabe. It is imperative that the European Parliament, and their public become aware of how tortured their meat was since there are still people in this world with a minimum of human decency.San Bernabe is giving Mexico a very bad reputation in the international community. Please be informed that I will not be visiting Mexico until horse slaughter is banned, nor will I be purchasing any products made in Mexico. This information has been sent worldwide to friends, family and groups that I participate. They in turn, are also sending this information to their friends, relatives and internet groups.Please do the moral thing and stop this barbarism.Sincerely,Name & Last nameCountry & cityTo send this letter to Mexico's President: CLICK HERE TO TAKE ACTION! The Anti-Fur Society • P.O.Box 87 • West Friendship • MD • 21794 Subscribe Un Preferences Send to a Friend My Newsletter Builder Report Spam http://pets.Fortheanimals7/join http://www.myspace.com/fortheanimals7

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