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Today for you 34 new articles about earth's trees! (343rd edition)

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--British Columbia: 1) Unique interior cedar-hemlock rainforests

threatened, 2) Less rules, more exploitation for big timber, 3) BC

gives up on Caribou protection, 4) Burns Lake community forest, 5)

Weyco turns sawmill into housing,

--Oregon: 6) Wholistic foresters?

--California: 7) Destroying Sierra Nevada to save it doesn't fly in court

--Montana: 8) Mark Rey preaches to local logger choir, 9) Stimpson

shuts downs mill,

--Oklahoma: 10) State and Weyco on land access permits

--Louisiana: 11) Little is sued by Red Neck Timber Co.

--Kentucky: 12) Mountain top name the roads after themselves

--Florida: 13) Cutting all the big trees in Starkey Preserve, 14)

Clearcuts save species?

--USA: 15) S. 2593, 16) Green lining to real-estate cloud, 17) Who's

buying forest land?

--Canada: 18) Overview of mining claims, 19) Oil sands symbolizes deforestation,

--South Africa: 20) Family and Chief get harsh sentence for Yellowwood theft

--Venezuela: 21) They shut the door to new gold projects

--Latin America: 22) News + 6 best ecotour groups, 23) Why she helps

forest people,

--Brazil: 24) New environment minister: Carlos Minc, 25) Who will

steal Brazil first?

--Chile: 26) Volcano threatens nature preserve

--India: 27) Save trees by lifting ban on new natural gas connections

--Cambodia: 28) China to build great walls of never ending dams

--Malaysia: 29) Danum Valley Field Centre in Sabah,

--Indonesia: 30) Another illegal logger acquitted on all charges

--Tropical Forests: 31) Will REDD really work?

--World-wide: 32) Forests and the Biodiversity Convention, 33) Forest

destruction costs us $3.1 Trillion per year,



British Columbia:


1) A Forest Practices Board investigation into a public complaint

about government's management of unique interior cedar-hemlock

rainforests southeast of Prince George has found that the long-term

preservation of rare forest sites is at risk. " Some of these forest

stands contain trees that are more than 1,000 years old. These same

stands are favoured for logging, which compounds the risk of losing

their contribution to biodiversity, " said board chair Bruce Fraser.

" Government's current legal requirements to protect old-growth and

biodiversity in this area can be met without preserving any trees

older than 140 years. There are very few of these ancient forest sites

remaining and they need protection. " The board is recommending that

government develop an overall stewardship strategy to ensure high

biodiversity values, such as ancient trees and rare lichens, are

conserved in the inland rainforest, and that government use its

existing regulatory tools to restrict logging of these sites while

such a strategy is being developed.University of Northern British

Columbia (UNBC) researchers recently discovered lichens in the

canopies of these trees that are not known to occur anywhere else in

the world. http://www.fpb.gov.bc.ca



2) VICTORIA - The 90-day forestry regulatory review has identified

four major steps that will enable government to immediately cut red

tape to help the forest industry, Forests and Range Minister Rich

Coleman announced today. " Government has made substantive changes to

the forest regulations and policy since 2001 to increase

competitiveness in the forest sector, " said Coleman. " We will continue

to look for ways to help our forest industry, both short-term and

long-term. " Examples of actions that will be implemented immediately

are: 1) Establishing defined faster approval times for cutting permits

and road permits 2) Ensuring all forest districts can accept and

approve digital only files of plans and permits 3) Recognizing new

Ecosystem Based Management costs incurred by the coastal industry in

stumpage rates. http://www.gov.bc.ca


3) Six months after the B.C. government announced an ambitious plan to

protect herds of endangered mountain caribou, the project has bogged

down in complex negotiations and is far behind schedule, according to

an audit commissioned by 10 environmental groups. Most of the aspects

of the caribou plan were supposed to be in place by early spring, but

many deadlines have passed and work remains incomplete, the audit

found. Candace Batycki, a spokesperson for the coalition of

environmental groups, said the finding is worrying because some

caribou herds have declined since the plan was formulated last year.

" The audit shows that a growing number of shortcuts and setbacks are

threatening the recovery of mountain caribou, with some herds worse

off than before, " said Ms. Batycki. She said there have been budget

shortfalls, poor communication between federal and provincial

governments, and calculation errors that have shortchanged the amount

of land that was to be set aside. Ms. Batycki said one protected area

in the Cariboo-Chilcotin region is 23,000 hectares - or 48 per cent -

smaller than was planned. She said it's hoped the audit will spur the

government to put more effort into making sure the caribou recovery

plan is fully implemented. " The ink is barely dry [on the plan] and

we're seeing the government waver in its commitments to caribou, " said

John Bergenske of Wildsight, which joined with ForestEthics, BC

Nature, Sierra Club of Canada and other groups to fund the audit.



4) The hauling distances associated with getting wood waste out of the

bush create expenses that are, so far, the big stumbling block to

wood-fuelled bioenergy thriving in B.C. But Schroff says there's no

choice but to experiment. " We don't know what the winning techniques

are, but we know we have to do something...it's just trying to learn

our way through it, " he says. Burns Lake, population 2,000, is worth

watching as an example of what a difference local management of

forests can make, because it is surrounded by the largest " community

forest " in the province. At 85,000 hectares, the Burns Lake community

forest has more than tripled in area since it was created in 1998.

That was the year the province introduced its community forest pilot

program. Right now, a local contractor is at work in the Burns Lake

forest just south of Decker Lake, grinding up roadside piles of

timber. The resulting chips are trucked to a pellet plant 80

kilometres away in Houston. " This will extend our ability to go in and

recover value and get those stands back into production, " says

Schroff. " But our internal calculations suggest in three to seven

years we would have a significant drop in what we're doing here " as

the beetle-killed wood diminishes. " And, really, " says Schroff, " our

land can produce a lot higher value material rather than raw fuel. "

The program, which has grown and changed over the past decade, grants

area-based tenure to communities and First Nations, allowing them to

harvest and manage forests for community economic and environmental

benefit. Or would it be more sustainable to find ways to add value to

logs through milling and manufacturing? " But our internal calculations

suggest in three to seven years we would have a significant drop in

what we're doing here " as the beetle-killed wood diminishes. " And,

really, " says Schroff, " our land can produce a lot higher value

material rather than raw fuel. " Some of the highest value products are

lumber products like wood siding, panelling and moulding -- basically,

" anything that is not a smoothly planed rectangle, " says Russ Cameron,

president of the Independent Lumber Remanufacturer's Association. The

association represents 82 small companies, anywhere from 10 to 100

employees, across the province. Five years ago, membership was 120

strong. " Our guys have taken a beating, " says Cameron, noting that 83

former members have since gone out of business. Cameron says the group

was averaging $2.5 billion in sales in 2003, which has decreased about

30 per cent.

http://thetyee.ca/News/2008/05/13/TimberTowns/?utm_source=mondayheadlines & utm_me\

dium=email & utm_c



5) As the logging industry fades from the economic scene, forest giant

Weyerhaeuser has capitalized on its 600-acre site near the town.

" Weyerhaeuser is developing their former logging site into housing, "

said Lyons. " But the great thing is that they offered the lots to the

local residents at a discount before opening them up to the general

public. " Lyons says the new residents will bring new businesses. " We

are attracting some young entrepreneurial types to town, " said Lyons.

" And the clothing and other items in their shops are definitely

needed. " For a tourist town, though, the lack of dining establishments

could be a deterrent. Gray says that he'd like to see some young

couples come to town and, as partners, create those restaurants. " We

also want to have young families here to support our schools, " he

said. " But, as housing prices rise, it makes it more difficult for

them. " Two key factors keep Ucluelet from being a West Coast tourist

mecca: the long, slow highway from Port Alberni, and the deficiencies

of the airport. " Our airport is an ex-WWII landing strip, " said Lyon.

" It is really long and could handle fairly big planes if we had an

instrument landing system. That way, people could fly in from Victoria

or Seattle for the weekend. "

http://web.bcnewsgroup.com/portals-code/list.cgi?paper=120 & cat=23 & id=1219791 & mor\





6) Reacting to the excesses of industrial manipulation, wholistic

foresters attempt to manage the woods according to the basic

ecological principles of balance and diversity. Instead of simplifying

the ecosystem by eliminating unwanted elements, they prefer to utilize

all elements to the best advantage of the entire forest. Like

industrial tree farmers, they are interested in the production of

timber. Unlike industrial tree farmers, they treat the forest as a

complex, interdependent system with a life of its own. But how can you

make it work out in practice? If you're like most would-be foresters,

you will probably be starting with land that has already been abused.

If you want to grow decent timber wholistically, you will first have

to make sure your soil is not going to wash away. Erosion is a most

serious enemy, but it can be stopped. You can build check dams in the

gullies to slow down the flow of water that undercuts the topsoil. You

can build retaining walls of live brush (called contour wattles ) on

the hillsides to keep those slopes from sliding away. And you can also

plant a cover crop of quick-rooting, pioneer vegetation to help hold

the soil in place. Wholistic forester Gerald Myers—who descends from

several generations of loggers—lives in one of the fastest—eroding and

most severely damaged watersheds in the country. Yet he is convinced

he can grow timber on his land: Three or four years ago, I started

daydreaming about taking this damaged environment and trying to put it

back together. That was the first time I started thinking

wholistically about this 19-square-mile watershed I live in. I decided

to create a labor-intensive environmental repair project that would

take the out-of-work rural poor (which we have a lot of) and the

damaged woods, and put them together. One of the interesting things

about this wholistic approach is that—when you look at the whole

site—you find that a lot of the work fits together. For example, in

timber-stand improvement you generate a lot of waste material, and

that can be used for erosion control, in contour wattles and check








7) When it adopted the 2004 Framework, the Forest Service acknowledged

that logging large trees does not reduce the risk of wildfire, but it

claimed that such logging was necessary to finance the removal of

smaller trees and brush. Quite literally, the 2004 Framework lost

sight of the forest for the trees. Our clients argued, and the Ninth

Circuit agreed, that the Forest Service's failure to consider any

alternative options for financing fuel reduction activities violated

the National Environmental Policy Act. Accordingly, the Ninth Circuit

enjoined the Forest Service from carrying out aspects of three logging

projects - totaling 12,000 acres - in the northern Sierra Nevada that

implement the 2004 Framework and would be inconsistent with the 2001

Framework. In our view, the Ninth Circuit's repudiation of the 2004

Framework is an important legal victory that should shift the Forest

Service's attention away from the last big trees in the backcountry

and back to the important fuel reduction activities that are needed

around Sierra communities. "






8) In a broad-ranging address Saturday to the Montana Logging

Association stretching from the farm bill to the next president, U.S.

Undersecretary of Agriculture Mark Rey said better forestry management

is helping slow the escalating costs of suppressing wildfires.He said

firefighting accounted for about 14 percent of the U.S. Forest Service

budget in the 1970s, and accelerated to about 50 percent today. Rey

addressed a group of about 120 people, representing an industry

particularly hard hit in recent years. Ken Swanstrom, president of the

580-member Montana Logging Association, said these have been

" desperate times " for loggers and sawmills, given the sluggish housing

market and low timber prices. " Three months without work is a long

time. This is pretty severe economically, " he said. " Usually, it is

weather-related. " Alternatively serious and lighthearted in his

30-minute talk, Rey described a quiet moment after receiving a call in

October 2001 from the White House to serve in President Bush's

administration. He said he contemplated his " quality time " with the

Secret Service who would be part of his life in his new job, and then

quickly sent up a prayer. Rey, a former timber industry lobbyist, has

visited Missoula five times recently. Those visits included court

appearance over the Forest Service's use of fire retardants and

discussions over access to Plum Creek Timber Co. properties. " I like

coming to Missoula because I have interesting times, " he said.



9) Stimson officials cite the slumping housing market, foreign

competition and availability of timber as reasons for their decision.

Sue Tollefson is pondering her next step after Stimson Lumber Co.

indefinitely closes its Bonner plant in the next few days, ending 122

years of logging operations. After 14 years at the sawmill, she's

considering a career as a radiology technician. " It's scary because

it's a whole different direction, " said Tollefson, 52. " But it's also

an opportunity to advance. " Production supervisor Richard Anthony has

been at the Bonner plant for 38 years. He planned to talk with a

career counselor after listening to brief overviews of available

programs during a recent information session for Stimson workers at

the University of Montana's College of Technology. The Bonner mill's

heyday was in the early 1980s, when it employed nearly 1,000 workers.

Stimson, a privately held forest products company based in Portland,

Ore., bought the mill from Champion International in 1993. Stimson

owns about 400,000 acres of timberland and has assets and operations

in Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington. While millworkers scramble

to figure out their next step, several related businesses have

readjusted their prospects, too. Dyrk Krueger, who runs a small

logging outfit from Corvallis, said without the Bonner mill, he'll

have to deliver to mills farther away in St. Regis, Deer Lodge and

elsewhere. But that means taking a hit with higher fuel costs. " I

don't want to make it sound like that logging in the Bitterroot is

economically impossible, but it is hitting home now, " Krueger said. " I

don't know what we're going to do, honestly. We're small, we're

flexible and we will make it, but it is not easy. " Scott Kuehn is one

of two foresters recently laid off by Stimson, where he's worked for

the past 3 1/2 years buying timber from private and public lands.

After several jobs with timber companies in the region, he landed a

position last week as a procurement forester at Tricon Timber in St.

Regis. http://www.missoulian.com/articles/2008/05/19/news/local/znews01.txt




10) Richard Hatcher, assistant director of the wildlife department,

said both the department and Weyerhaeuser remain dedicated to

enhancing fish and wildlife resources, and hope to continue to provide

quality public recreation in that country. " This remains a very large,

contiguous area that will allow us to focus our resources and

management efforts, " he said. " Every dollar brought in from land

access permits will go right back into that area, whether to help pay

for the lease or manage the property. " The public will continue to have

access to some 75,000 acres of land in nearby Honobia Creek WMA, and

the department says about 15,000 people have been purchasing access

permits since they went into effect several years ago. " This new

agreement was certainly better for the department, and the average

citizen, than completely losing access to most of that country, " said

M. David Riggs of Sand Springs, who is chairman of the Wildlife

Conservation Commission. " It's just a fact that more and more of that

country -- and many other areas of our state -- are going into private

leases to big corporations or very wealthy individuals. " There are

several other rules and regulations that will be part of the new

agreement, including a very controversial law that will prohibit ATV

use on Three Rivers except during deer hunting season and only by

licensed deer hunters. Recreational riding will be completely

prohibited on that area, but access to Honobia Creek will remain as








11) Little told The Town Talk, " I don't have a logging business. I'm

not in the logging business. " But J.D. Rudd, owner of Red Neck Timber

Co., has sued Little claiming that he is owed $4,929.36 by Little

Enterprises Inc. for timber that was cut and hauled off of a tract of

land belonging to the U.S. Forest Service. The commercial database on

the secretary of state's Web site shows Little Enterprises Inc. is an

active corporation domiciled at 8784 La. Highway 501, Winnfield. A.D.

Little and his wife, Kelly C. Little, of that same Winnfield address

are listed as president and secretary/treasurer, respectively, of

Little Enterprises. A.D. Little is also listed as a director.

According to the lawsuit, Red Neck Timber contracted to harvest timber

from 60 acres of Forest Service land Jan. 1, 2005, with a requirement

that the harvesting be completed by Sept. 15, 2005. Rudd claims that

he had to contract with others, including Little Enterprises, to

complete the Forest Service job because he became ill and was

hospitalized in the spring and summer of that year. The lawsuit claims

Little did not live up to the conditions in the contract with Red Neck

and paid Rudd less than the agreed-upon split. The lawsuit seeks

$4,929.36 allegedly owed to Rudd and attorney's fees from Little and

from Little Enterprises.






12) The road slicing through the thickly forested hills of eastern

Kentucky used to be called the Daniel Boone Parkway. It was named for

the controversial American folk hero who fought his way across Indian

country to settle a state where many of his descendants still live.

That was before the coal industry began blowing up the Appalachian

Mountains as a cheap way of getting at the black stuff below,

behaviour decried by the environmental group Appalachian Voices as

" one of the greatest human rights and environmental tragedies in

America's recent history " . Daniel Boone's road is now the Hal Rogers

Parkway, named after one of the Kentucky coal industry's closest

friends in Washington, a Republican Congressman of 34 years. It passes

through a mountain range older than the Himalayas and is blanketed in

broadleaf forests rivalled only by the Amazon basin in its

biodiversity. But the canopy of trees which lines the parkway as it

rises from the bluegrass horse country to the mountains is a trompe

l'oeil. The lush forest gives way to scraggly trees along the

ridge-line, and behind those trees is evidence of unspeakable

ecological violence. In a process known as mountaintop removal an

upland moonscape is being created, which is incapable of regenerating

trees. As far as the eye can see, the land is grey and pockmarked with

huge black lakes, filled with toxic coal slurry. The devastation being

wrought on Appalachia is best appreciated from the air. An

organisation called Southwinds offers people an eagle-eye view of the

carnage, not readily appreciated from the road. Another way to see

what's going on behind the ridge-line is to take a Google Earth

virtual tour of an online memorial to the 470 mountains blown up and

levelled in recent years. The act of destroying a million-year-old

mountain has several distinct stages. First it is earmarked for

removal and the hardwood forest cover, containing over 500 species of

tree per acre in this region, is bulldozed away. The trees are

typically burnt rather than logged, because mining companies are not

in the lumber business. Then topsoil is scraped away and high

explosives laid in the sandstone. Thousands of blasts go off across

the region every day, blowing up what the mining industry calls

" overburden " .






13) A three-year project to restore 951 acres of the Jay B. Starkey

Wilderness Preserve should be under way by the end of this week,

according to the Southwest Florida Water Management District. Sand

pines have taken over much of the uplands acreage because of the lack

of fire, which naturally maintains the quality of a habitat. In

addition, decades of vegetative debris have built up, leaving the area

at risk for raging wildfires. The tall pines will be removed and sold

to pay for the restoration. By reintroducing controlled burns, the

forest floor will be returned to a more natural state, resulting in

more grasses and wildflowers, the agency said. Those plants and acorns

will provide food for wildlife that normally would live in such

uplands habitats. The restoration also will allow for shrubby oaks and

larger turkey oaks to again become the dominant canopy. " This project

will not only restore the health of the habitats, it will also enhance

the fire protection of the surrounding residential communities, " said

Will Van Gelder, district senior land management specialist. The

project will be conducted over three years in phases, with all of the

work happening south of the paved recreation trail, leaving the

overwhelming majority of the park available for recreation. The first

two phases will take place west of the power lines, while the last

phase will be east of the power lines. The first phase involves

logging an area near the Aristida subdivision. A remote hiking trail

and the entire equestrian path will be closed during portions of the

project. While the horse path is off limits, riders will be redirected

to the Serenova entrance off State Road 52.



14) OCALA - It is not uncommon to see logging trucks hauling freshly

cut sand pine trees out of the Ocala National Forest all year long.

What most people don't see is the aftermath. A timber operation can

leave an area looking desolate, like the patch of forest along Forest

Road 77 that was logged in mid-April. By harvesting the timber, the

Forest Service protects the resource, generates funds and provides a

useful product, but that's not the main reason. " This provides habitat

for the world's largest population of scrub jays and scrub lizards, "

Record said. " Pretty much what drives our timber program any more is

the scrub jay. " The endangered bird lives in young sand pines that

grow low to the ground, trees that generally are less than 15 years

old. " Right after we cut it, it provides forage, food for them, "

Record said. Each year, about 2,500 acres of sand pine trees are

harvested in the Ocala National Forest. With roughly 120 to 200 trees

an acre, that amounts to about 400,000 to 500,000 trees a year. " That

is less than 1 percent of the total number of trees in the Ocala

National Forest, " Record said. " This is the largest sand pine forest

in the world. " Cutting the trees actually mimics what would happen in

nature, he said. Sand pines live about 80 years, and aged trees are

toppled by winds. Often, the trees are struck by lightning, which

causes wildfires that burn acres of forest and can endanger private

homes and property. This year, the Forest Service will conduct six

timber sales totaling about 2,000 acres. " There's talk we may up that

to 4,000, which is still below our allowable cut, " Record said. " We

never harvest more in a year than what is generated by new growth. "





15) Overaggressive fire suppression, poor forest management, and

development have impaired forest landscapes across the country.

Senator Jeff Bingaman (D-NM), the lead sponsor of S. 2593 and Chairman

of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, says the bill

will lead to an overall reduction of wildfire management costs by

focusing funding on collaborative and science-based forest landscape

restoration program that would prioritize and fund ecological

restoration treatments for forest landscapes. The bill maintains all

existing environmental laws such as the National Environmental

Protection Act (NEPA), the Endangered Species Act (ESA), and the 2001

Roadless Rule. American Lands Alliance worked closely with the

drafters of the legislation and was able to secure ecological

safeguards, including framing the bill in the context of ecological

restoration as opposed to just thinning and requiring scientific

review. In addition, American Lands was able to secure language that

ensures road decommissioning and promotes watershed health. The

legislation includes a prohibition on building permanent roads and

requires that funds for any temporary roads be included in the project

to ensure their removal. The purpose statement includes the role of

reestablishing natural fire regimes as a means to help reduce wildfire

management costs. Finally, American Lands was able to persuade the

sponsors of the bill to remove a loophole that would have allowed

agencies to implement outdated forest plans that would have allowed

the logging of old growth. This revision also eliminated the exemption

for logging matrix forests covered under the Northwest Forest Plan.



16) There's a green lining to the real-estate cloud: Trust for Public

Land, a San Francisco nonprofit group that specializes in buying land

for conservation. Now, U.S. property owners from Massachusetts to

Hawaii are flocking to it. One of the latest examples involves a

five-mile stretch of Hawaiian beach. Last summer, a unit of Los

Angeles-based Oaktree Capital Management LP was negotiating with a

hotel chain to build a mega-resort development along Oahu's fabled

North Shore. Its plan for as many as five new hotels with up to 3,500

rooms and condominium units had been one of the most intensely opposed

in Hawaii in years. But a deal to develop the 858-acre property, which

includes the well-known Turtle Bay Resort, languished. Last June, the

company missed a $687,500 payment on a $283 million loan it obtained

in 2005 from a group of lenders headed by a unit of Credit Suisse

Group, according to court records. Hawaii Gov. Linda Lingle asked

groups including the Trust and local conservation group North Shore

Community Land Trust to help protect the undeveloped land and to find

a buyer for the adjacent Turtle Bay Resort. Oaktree representatives

contacted her office within days after her announcement saying they

wanted to talk. " They need to get out of that property, " she said. " We

would like to see it preserved. " In Portland, Ore., a developer that

had approval to build 65 homes on a 27-acre parcel agreed in February

to sell it for $4 million, a 20% discount to the land's appraised

value before the housing market softened. In Groton, Mass., the Trust

last July paid $19.4 million to preserve a 360-acre farm that was

owned by a developer who abandoned plans to build 130 homes as housing

there also slumped. In rural Minnesota, thousands of former Camp Fire

girls rallied to stop a 71-acre camp from being turned over for

development. The property had operated as a Camp Fire camp for 77

years until being closed two years ago. But last August the developer

failed to secure $5 million in financing, say officials of Camp Fire

USA's Minnesota Council. They have since begun negotiations to sell

the property for $3.8 million to the Trust, which proposes to convert

it into a regional park, says Andrea Platt Dwyer, chief executive

officer of the Minnesota Council.



17) Since mid-2006, pine sawmills have been closing across the South

and prices for pine lumber and saw timber have been dropping. Now

skyrocketing timberland prices have some people scratching their heads

and mentioning the " bubble " word. On April 1, 900,000 acres of

timberland in Arkansas, Louisiana and Texas changed hands for $1.71

billion. Just 17 months earlier, the same land had sold for $1.19

billion. One simple explanation for growing timberland values is

supply and demand, Clutter said. " There's $10 [billion] or $12 billion

looking to find a home invested in timberland, and there's not

anywhere near that much [land] available, " he said. Most U.S.

forest-products companies have sold their strategic timberlands. Only

Federal Way, Wash.-based Weyerhaeuser Co. still has major U.S.

timberland holdings, about 6.5 million acres. The buyers have tended

to be large, tax-exempt entities like pension funds, foundations, and

college and university endowments, which wanted to diversify their

long-term investments. More recently, foreigners have been attracted

to U.S. timberland investments because of the weak U.S. dollar. In the

most recent transaction, TimberStar Southwest, a Shreveport-based real

estate investment trust, sold the timberland to third-party investors

of the Hancock Timber Resource Group for an average price of $1,900

per acre. Boston-based Hancock is a timberland investment management

organization. On Oct. 31, 2006, Timber-Star had bought the same land

from International Paper Co. forroughly $1,322 per acre. The

timberland increased in value by more than 43 percent, despite recent

dismal trends in the wood-products industry prompted by slumping

demand for housing and chaos in mortgage markets. This Arkansas

timberland, which has been " managed for intensive timber production by

industrial timber companies for many decades, " is of especially high

quality, Ballard said. " These lands have very good road systems,

well-managed timber stands with balanced age diversity and steady

timber harvest potential, " he said. The opportunity to buy such land

" does not come around very often, " Ballard said. Pat DuBose, a

principal with Little Rock-based Davis DuBose Forestry & Real Estate

Consultants PLLC, said he is bullish on timberland because the U.S.

housing market eventually will recover. " Patient money realizes that

the [timberland] prices we have today, while they may be high, will

not be considered high 10 to 15 years from now, but cheap, " DuBose

said. http://www.nwanews.com/adg/Business/226151/





18) OTTAWA - A report and set of maps released today offer a first

time overview of the extent to which mining claims staked under an

outdated free entry system conflict with Aboriginal rights, private

landowners, conservation, wildlife, and other values in Canada's

Boreal Forest. The report calls for modernizing the mining law. Over a

half-million sq km of mineral claims are currently staked across

Canada's Boreal Forest under a " free entry " tenure system implemented

150 years ago during the Klondike gold rush era. Under the free entry

system, mineral rights are acquired automatically without

consideration of other land-use priorities or the prior and informed

consent of affected Aboriginal people. Ten per cent of Canada's vast

Boreal Forest is staked for mining. " We are living in the 21st century

with a mining law that dates back to the colonial era. It needs to be

reformed, " noted Larry Innes of the Canadian Boreal Initiative,

" Social and environmental objectives - such as resolving Aboriginal

land claims and ensuring conservation planning before

development--should take precedence but under the current system,

mineral rights are given first priority. " The maps released today show

potential conflicts over vast regions of Canada, including areas where

mineral exploration overlaps with unsettled Aboriginal land claims;

mineral claims which encroach on proposed protected areas; and regions

where intensive exploration is occurring within threatened woodland

caribou habitat. The report offers case studies of British Columbia,

Ontario, and Quebec to illustrate the rising conflicts fuelled by

booming investments in mineral exploration and the outdated free entry

mining system.



19) With the oilsands now symbolizing deforestation, climate change

and corporate greed, the Alberta energy industry is up against a

growing network of green activists. In 1949, when the Athabasca

oilsands were still a two-bit experiment, J. Howard Pew, chairman of

Philadelphia-based Sun Oil Co., summoned to his office the new head of

his Alberta operation. He picked up a thick file labelled Athabasca

Tar Sands and showed it to George Dunlap. " I believe the tar sands

will, some day, be of great significance to the needs for petroleum in

North America, " the patriarch said, according to reports at the time

relayed by historian Earle Gray in his book, The Great Canadian Oil

Patch. " I want you to be sure that Sun Oil always has a significant

position in the Athabasca tar sands area, " Mr. Pew said. Seattle-based

Steve Kallick, manager of the Boreal conservation pro-gram of the Pew

Environment Group, said when he travels to Alberta he is quickly

reminded about Mr. Pew's role in starting the oilsands industry and

asked to justify his group's antioilsands stance. His response is that

no one, not even Mr. Pew, could have imagined the level of activity

under way in Alberta and its impact on the Canadian Boreal Forest,

whose conservation is one of the top causes embraced by his charity.

" The tar sands pioneers, including the members of the Pew family who

were part of Sunoco or Suncor companies, were trying to figure out to

extract oil from the tar sands economically, " he said. " Now that we

are talking about expansion over a gigantic area of Alberta, the size

of Florida … all of a sudden these environmental issues that have

never been addressed are becoming a real significant problem. "



South Africa:


20) A family and a local chief who struck a fraudulent deal to chop

down a yellowwood forest have been sentenced to hefty jail terms in a

precedent-setting environmental court case. Conservation officials

were greeted with a scene of devastation at the Gongqo-Gongqo State

For est in Um- zimkulu, where 89 trees aged 300 to 400 years old were

illegally felled in late 2001. The incident angered the then Minister

of Water Affairs and Forestry, Ronnie Kasrils, who said the forest,

which now falls within KwaZulu-Natal, could not be restored in a

lifetime. Now, almost seven years later, Clive Terblanche and sons

Morné and Pierre from Mooi River in KwaZulu-Natal, and three members

of the Malenge Tribal Authority, have been convicted of fraud and

contravening the National Forests Act by the High Court sitting in Um-

zimkulu. KwaZulu-Natal Wildlife investigations officer Rod Potter said

fraudulent documents were drawn up to purchase the forest, a habitat

of the endangered Cape parrot, from the tribal authority for R15000 —

although only R10000 changed hands. The plan went awry when

conservators discovered illicit yellowwood being transported to a

sawmill by truck and train. Potter said the chopped logs were valued

at R389000 but potentially worth R6-million to R7-million once they

were sawn into planks. The Terblanche family, Chief Wilson Ntlabathi,

tribal authority secretary Eric Sithole and treasurer Siphiwe Satywa

were sentenced to eight years for fraud, three years of which were

suspended for five years. Terblanche and his sons received an

additional three-year sentence for offences under the National Forests

Act related to the cutting down of indigenous protected trees in a

natural forest. " Forests have this huge role to play in reducing

climate change as a result of greenhouse gasses, " said Potter. " We

wanted to set an example of enforcement and prosecution in this case

, " he said. The state is to appeal to the Supreme Court of Appeal to

increase the sentences. The six men are appealing against their

conviction and sentences.




21) Mineral-laden Venezuela on Thursday shut the door to new gold

projects and threatened other mining and logging concessions in a step

by leftist President Hugo Chavez to tighten control of natural

resources. Environment Minister Yuviri Ortega said the South American

country will not give permits for any open-pit mines and will not

allow companies to look for gold in its vast Imataca Forest Reserve.

" Venezuela will deny environmental permits for the open-pit mine

exploitation, " Ortega told Reuters in an interview. " Neither private

or public companies will for now explore Imataca's gold. " Citing

ecological damage, Ortega said the government was also revising all

its mining and timber concessions. OPEC member Venezuela is one of the

world's top oil exporters. With its coffers bulging from record crude

prices, it feels it does not need to risk further harming its

environment with more mining and logging. " For the moment we do not

need to exploit these minerals; as the president says, we don't need

diamonds or gold, or coal, " she said, but did not give further

details. Much of the Caribbean state remains largely unpopulated and

it houses diverse eco-systems including a significant chunk of the

Amazon rain forest. The ban on mining in the 9 million acre (3.8

million hectare) Imataca reserve and the end to permits for open pits

was a blow to Crystallex and Gold Reserve. The Canadian companies have

long been seeking environmental permits to exploit their concessions

in the reserve. Chavez last year launched a nationalization drive,

increasing state control over the country's oil industry. The U.S

critic has since taken over key sectors of the economy including

electricity, telecoms, cement and steel companies. He has been

especially tough on foreign companies but typically pays a fair price

for nationalized assets.




Latin America:


22) Last week, Peru announced the creation of its first Environment

Ministry, dedicated to protecting the nation's Amazon rainforest;

while the Brazilian government stepped up its " Arc of fire " operation

against illegal logging and deforestation. All good stuff, on paper,

but the resignation of Brazil's Amazon Minister (Marina Silva), citing

" difficulties in implementing the government's environmental agenda " ,

reminds us that striking a balance between economic development and

environmental protection continues to be a struggle. But responsible

tourism and community-led conservation initiatives do offer some hope

for the future. 1) POSADA AMAZONAS, Puerto Maldonado – PERU- After 20

years the lodge will be given over completely to the community; having

been fully trained to run the lodge in guiding, cooking, accounts,

finance and marketing. 60% of all income goes back to the community to

fund education, health-care initiatives and protect the surrounding

rainforest (10,000 hectares achieved) and its wildlife. 2) HUAORANI

LODGE, Napo River – ECUADOR - A fantastic lodge with both community

and conservation benefit, in a region which was threatened by oil

companies. 3) SURAMA VILLAGE, Pacaraima savannah – GUYANA - In an

attempt to stem the exodus of villagers to the capital, Surama's

" Macushi " villagers, backed by local operator Wilderness Explorers,

built a rustic lodge and hammock camp to offer hiking and dug-out

canoe tours in the surrounding jungle. 4) PUNTA ISLITA, Nicoya

Peninsula – COSTA RICA – Set in the middle of a 50-acre private

tropical dry forest reserve, all produce is locally sourced and over

85% of staff are from the local villages. There are 32 luxurious

rooms, suites and villas, 5) " VOLUNTARY ADVENTURE PROJECTS " – PERU,

BRAZIL & PANAMA - These projects give travellers the chance to

volunteer their time as a much-needed " extra pair of hands " -

assisting local conservation NGO's with field studies and lab

research. 6) " COMMUNITY JOURNEYS " – PERU & CHILE - Where possible, you

stay with local communities (in family homestays) rather than hotels,

and are invited to participate in their daily lives - learning how

they weave, cook, farm etc and helping out with their daily tasks.




23) Developing countries rely on their resources for development by

definition; hence isolating and protecting these resources was a

futile attempt. Corrupt systems and the cunning ways of the big

players in the oil, logging and mining industries found ways into the

parks. As to indigenous people of the forest; they were tired of the

philosophies of the west. They needed no one to teach them how to

protect the forest. They did that for many millennia. It is important

to stress the importance of indigenous people in the preservation of

the Amazon. Sustainable development as a strategy is based on the

understanding that a living ecosystem can produce greater economic

value than the exploitation of non-renewable resources - that

enlightenment that came in the mid-90s made a huge difference since

conservation start making sense. We've seen green consumerism before

in the last decades yet these days with the realities of global

warming and its palpable peril to the planet and to the human race - I

tend and hope that what we are experiencing is not a trend but an

awakening. Q: How did you get involved in forest conservation? Was it

a result of your experiences in the Amazon? A: Yes. I have returned to

the Amazon to thank the people that were involved in my rescue and

upon meeting them I realised that their life is in danger. They have

asked for my help on a community-based initiation of a tourism

project. Both of us weren't familiar with the term ecotourism at the

time. I had no knowledge of conservation at all. However, I was in awe

of their bravery and determination and decided to support it actively

by moving to the Amazon and dedicating myself fully and totally in the

project. I have learned a lot from the community but also delved into

a deep research and soon became familiar with all major players, NGOs,

government agencies, policy makers, ethno-botanists, etc. After the

experience in the Amazon I have tried to go back to 'normal' life

within the context of my upbringing and my society. To my distress and

dismay I did not belong anymore. I was haunted by existential

questions about life and the big picture, who am I and what am I doing









24) Brazil's newly appointed environment minister, Carlos Minc, is

pushing to have the military patrol nature reserves in the Amazon and

elsewhere, according to comments published Monday. Minc, who was named

to the important ministry following the surprise resignation of his

highly regarded predecessor Marina Silva last week, said he would put

the proposal to President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. " I am going to

propose the creation of patrols or movements by army regiments to

watch over the big parks and reserves, " he was quoted as saying in

several media. Brazil has around 300 nature parks and reserves, most

of them located in the vast Amazon forest, which is under threat from

illegal loggers and ranchers. Minc, 50, was previously in charge of

the environment for the state of Rio de Janeiro, during which he built

a reputation as a " guardian angel " of the environment Greenpeace, and

an " enemy of development " for large agricultural interests. He has

large shoes to fill in taking over his new portfolio. Silva, the

daughter of a rubber plantation owner, was a staunch defender of the

environment during her tenure. She was said to have resigned in

frustration over differences with other ministers more interested in

economic development than eco-protection, and with Lula's focus on

developing biofuel crops.





25) For as long as most can remember, Brazil has gazed nervously at

maps of the vast, mostly uninhabited territory of the Amazon rain

forest. In the 1960s and '70s, generals here saw the colonization of

the Brazilian Amazon, which is half the size of Europe, as a national

security priority. Ocupar para não entregar — " occupy it to avoid

surrendering it " — was the slogan of the day. Highways were built, and

Brazilians were offered incentives to conquer the land in the Amazon

and transform it in the name of development. There was more behind the

nervousness than idle conspiracy theory. Even then, such a unique and

vast repository of riches stirred imaginations worldwide. Herman Kahn,

the military strategist and futurist, pushed the idea of establishing

a freshwater lake in the Amazon to transform the area into a center of

agricultural production. Now, with the world focusing on the promises

of biodiversity and the perils of global warming, a chorus of

international leaders have ever more openly declared the Amazon part

of a patrimony far larger than that of the nations that share its

territory. " Contrary to what Brazilians think, the Amazon is not their

property, it belongs to all of us, " Al Gore, then a senator, said in

1989. Such comments are not taken lightly here. In fact, they have

reignited old attitudes of territorial protectionism and watchfulness

for undercover foreign invaders (now including bioprospectors). The

government of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva is pushing a law

that would restrict access to the rain forest, requiring foreigners

and Brazilians alike to obtain a special permit to enter it. Brazilian

officials say it would separate bad non-governmental organizations

from good ones, and deter so-called " biopirates " — those who want to

patent unique substances discovered in the forest. " The Amazon is

ours, " Justice Secretary Romeu Tuma Jr. said in an interview. " We want

to know who is going there and what they are going to do. It's a

question of national sovereignty. " But José Goldemberg, a former

environmental secretary for the state of São Paulo, echoed many

environmentalists in calling the strategy " paranoid, " and evoked the

way the cold war Kremlin sealed off whole areas from prying eyes. " If

you try to control it, this will end up like the Soviet Union, " he


http://www.nytimes.com/2008/05/18/weekinreview/18barrionuevo.html?_r=1 & ref=weeki\

nreview & oref=slo





26) The Chaiten volcano sits on the southern edge of Pumalin Park, a

300,000-hectare (740,000-acre) site created by the Tompkinses to

preserve a swath of Patagonia said. ``If it gets worse, it could

hammer in a big way the infrastructure we've built, and wipe out

forests that'll take thousands of years to return, ''said Kristine

Tompkins. The eruption, which started May 2, has spewed windblown ash

east across the Andes as far as Buenos Aires, almost 1,500 kilometers

away, and forced the evacuation of more than 4,000 people living

within a 30-kilometer radius of the mountain. A 3,000-year-old

hardwood forest of evergreen Alerce trees has been spared so far.

About 90 percent of the now-evacuated town of Chaiten is flooded,

Chile's national emergency office said on May 15. Residents probably

won't be able to return for at least three months, Chilean Defense

Minister Jose Goni said the same day. In an interview with Bloomberg

News last year, Tompkins, now 65, recounted the steps that led him to

Chile. He said he first visited Patagonia, a vast expanse of

mountains, rivers and grasslands at the southern tip of South America,

in the 1960s. A climbing buddy with him on that trip later started

Patagonia Inc., the outdoor-apparel company where his present wife

once served as chief executive officer. Tompkins himself went on to

found and sell outdoor-gear maker North Face in the 1960s. In 1968, he

started fashion company Esprit Holdings Ltd. with his first wife. He

gave up his Esprit holdings for $200 million in 1989. Two years later,

he sold his Ferrari and Amish-quilt collection and moved to an

isolated cabin in Chile to work fulltime on conservation. He married

Kristine, a long-time friend, in 1993. They say they have spent $200

million to acquire and preserve 810,000 hectares of land in Chile and

neighboring Argentina. Pumalin, which spans the country from Argentina

on the east to the Pacific Ocean on the west, is the showcase of their

holdings. Its self-guided trails, rustically luxurious cabins and

elegant visitors' center draw 7,000 visitors a year. In 2005, the

Chilean government granted the park the status of a nature sanctuary.

Since the eruption, the Tompkinses have relocated 75 people who live

and work in the reserve. Kristine Tompkins said flyovers showed that

flooded, debris-filled rivers threatened to wipe out livestock on

several farms that they own contiguous to the park, which is owned by

a foundation established by the couple.

http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601109 & sid=aquTD01h_hcg & refer=home#




27) The Majority population of Himachal Pradesh has requested the

Central government not to impose ban on the release of new gas

connections in the state, so that the consumers do not face any

difficulty in meeting their fuel requirements for cooking purposes.

This request has been made in the wake of the ban imposed by the

Government of India on the release of new gas connections throughout

the country. The gas consumption in the state is only seven kg per

month per consumer, which is very less compared to the neighbouring

states of Punjab and Haryana, where it is 12 and 11 kg per month

respectively. All India average of gas consumption is 10.5 kg per

month. There is a total ban on felling of trees in the state, and use

of fuel wood is being discouraged for cooking purposes for protecting

forests. Banning the release of new gas connections would compel

people to use fuel wood, which would result in degradation of forest

wealth. http://india.merinews.com/catFull.jsp?articleID=134200




28) The Southeast Asian country will open nine dams of various sizes

between 2010 and 2019 to generate 1,942 megawatts of power, according

to a government report to parliament obtained by AFP. At least four of

the dams will be backed by China. The US-based International Rivers

Network last year said that two Chinese-funded hydroelectric dams

already under construction threatened to flood huge swathes of

Cambodia's protected forests. The group said the Kamchay and Stung

Atay dams, unchecked by public scrutiny, will wreak havoc on local

communities and slow development. The new government report said the

Kamchay hydropower plant will open in 2010, while Stung Atay

hydroelectric dam will open in 2012. " By 2020, all villages will have

electric power. (And) by 2030, at least 70 percent of the families

countrywide will have electricity use, " the report said. The

government also plans to build nine coal-powered plants between 2011

and 2020, the report said. Only some 20 percent of Cambodian

households currently have access to electricity. Spiralling utility

prices, driven by this lack of supply, are a major obstacle to

attracting foreign investment, and the government has struggled to

find a way to bring down the cost of power.






29) Danum Valley Field Centre in Sabah - Perched high on treetops were

parties of Green Imperial Pigeons and on subsequent days, we caught

sight of a White-fronted Falconet and a Bat Hawk. The Buffy Fish Owl

and Brown Wood Owl called every night. In Danum Valley, a total of 328

bird species have been recorded, including 42 Bornean endemics. We

were delighted to finally see one of these rare endemics, the queer

looking Borneon Bristlehead. Despite the rainy weather, we saw a total

of 60 species of birds during our six-day stay, a decent haul indeed.

The valley in eastern Sabah is not only a haven for birdwatchers, it

is also noted for having one of the most complex eco-systems in the

world. It is located within 438sq km of lush virgin tropical

rainforest which hides many of nature's wonders not often seen by the

human eye. As for snakes, Danum Valley has recorded 72 species of

reptiles. We had close encounters with two highly venomous snakes. A

Dog-toothed Cat Snake was seen slumbering beside a house swift's nest

on a ceiling ledge of the Education Centre's porch. It had apparently

just feasted either on the chicks or the eggs in the nest and was

sleeping after its hearty meal! Then we came upon a road kill, a

Banded Malayan Coral snake. We could still see the beautiful black and

white banded belly and its diagnostic red tail. My thoughts at that

moment were that it would make a very pretty necklace or bracelet!

Other rainforest denizens we came across were tree frogs, owls, giant

centipedes, scorpions and many strange patterned beetles, moths and

butterflies. Even as we observed a large monitor lizard swimming in

the Pallum River, we were distracted by a graceful Wood Nymph

butterfly and a rufous Raffle's Malkoha rustling on the branches

overhead. It gladdens my heart to know that Danum Valley is protected

for future generations to still enjoy all of its biodiversity in years

to come. the centre's excellent facilities have attracted local and

overseas scientists to generate, to date, more than 300 scientific

studies and documentaries. From 1992, extensive forest restoration

works and enrichment planting of degraded forests with indigenous

species have been undertaken in logged areas of the forests in Danum

Valley. In 1996, the surrounding jungles were gazetted as a Protection

(Class One) Forest Reserve. Logging and other commercial exploitative

activities were banned. Danum Valley Field Centre manager, Jimmy Omar,

proudly proclaimed that all logging officially stopped on August 31,







30) Another timber company director pursued in a police crackdown on

illegal logging in Riau province was acquitted of all charges by

judges in the Pelalawan District Court last week. Managing director of

PT Karunia Alam Riau (KAR), Ana Marningsih, had been accused of

acquiring timber from a protected forest without the appropriate

license. " We did our best to prove her guilty and demand a sentence of

three years in prison, but the panel of judges held a different

opinion and believed she wasn't at fault, " Riau High Court spokesman

Darbin Pasaribu told The Jakarta Post on Thursday. Riau Police raided

PT KAR's property in Sikijang Mati village in Bandar Sikijang

district, Pelalawan, on Jan. 23 last year. Police found processed and

sawn timber of the acasia variety stored without the required timber

documents. " Ana, as director of the company, was charged with

violating Law No. 41/1999 on forestry for misappropriating forest

resources without a license, " Darbin said. Presiding judge of the

Pelalawan District Court, Samsuddin, acquitted Ana of all charges on

May 7, and said the timber found by police had originated from a

community-based forest, not a preserved forest. Prosecutors have

appealed against the ruling, arguing that Ana had broken the law

regardless of what type of forest the timber had been taken from,

Darbin said. Law No. 41/1999 defines forest as both state-owned and

traditional forests, he said. " Even though the timber had been taken

from a community forest, it should have come with documents. That's

the basis of the law, " he said.



Tropical Forests:


31) " Past efforts to save tropical forests have relied on voluntary

funding, and this simply has not been enough to properly value all of

the benefits tropical forest provide, or to make their protection a

competitive option compared to their destruction, " Johns explains.

" REDD offers us the chance to put a monetary value on standing

forests, and could give developing countries a way to contribute more

substantially to the goals of global emissions reduction, while at the

same time protecting their forest resources and investing in

forest-related sustainable development for their forest-dependent

communities. While REDD has attracted a lot of interest among

policymakers, environmentalists, indigenous rights' groups, and the

investment community, Johns says that implementation still faces a

number of challenges including the " readiness " of developing countries

and the commitment of developed governments. " Many of the developing

countries most likely to join a REDD regime currently have limited

capacity to monitor and account for changes in deforestation rates and

emissions, and many also do not have processes in place to support a

participatory process that will incorporate the many stakeholders

impacted by a REDD program, " she said. " Creating the infrastructure to

support REDD programs long-term and to address the rights and roles of

all relevant stakeholders impacted by a REDD program is a huge

challenge, and can only be met through significant commitments by both

developed and developing countries; developed countries must provide

financial support, technology transfer, and knowledge and experience

transfer, while developing countries will need to commit through

sustained political will to address issues of land tenure and

traditional rights, as well as incorporate REDD into long-term

planning. " A well-designed REDD framework could support the

recognition of the role of indigenous peoples and forest communities

in forest protection, but this goal must be incorporated in the design

of national REDD programs, to insure that REDD does not provide an

incentive to bypass the rights of these traditional forest stewards.





32) Global Forest Coalition released a major report, " Forests and the

Biodiversity Convention, " at the Convention on Biological Diversity

today. This report contains the summaries and research undertaken in

22 countries by independent country monitors to examine whether or not

Parties are implementing the decisions made through the CBD Programme

of Work (POW) of Forest Biological Diversity. The civil society groups

from the 22 countries who elaborated the reports presented at their

findings at a press conference this morning. The Coordinator of the

report and Chairperson of the Global Forest Coalition, Dr. Miguel

Lovera said, " Even though isolated actions have been taken by some

governments, they fall short of complying with the CBD/POW which

mandates that forests be regarded as ecosystems and not as mere

resources. " He continued, " The consequences of this are that forest

species are being lost at a rate of more than 100 a day and huge areas

of forests are being lost, such as in the Amazon, Congo Basin and

throughout the earth. To make things worse, governments and

corporations are obsessed with promoting false solutions to climate

change, like relying on agrofuels and genetically engineered trees to

replace oil. Reports on CBD/POWs implementation primarily refer to

ongoing activities that have started well before 2002. New activities

are either lacking or insufficient. So what are they doing? " Many

countries omitted implementing the CBD/POW for diverse reasons, but

one outstanding example is the lack of political will as exemplified

by Brazil. Hubertus Samangun, Director of ICTI, Tanimbar, Indonesia,

Southeast Asia Regional Coordinator of the International Alliance of

Indigenous and Tribal Peoples of the Tropical Forests explained, " The

Indonesian government is cutting down millions of hectares of forests

and replacing them with palm oil plantations. " Agrofuel expansion and

the expansion of large-scale monocultures for both agrofuels and other

agro-industrial purposes, bad forest governance and the lack of a

proper definition of forests were identified as some of the main

causes of forest loss in the 22 countries monitored. The report

concludes that there have been some clear success-stories of forest

conservation, especially on indigenous lands and territories, but

indigenous peoples are still not able to participate in national and

international forest policies. contact


33) The destruction of flora and fauna is costing the world two

trillion euros (3.1 trillion dollars) a year, or six percent of its

overall gross national product, according to a report trailed by

German news weekly Der Spiegel. The European Union and German

environment ministry-led research, entitled " The Economics of

Ecosystems and Biodiversity, " will be presented on Monday at the ninth

conference of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity in Bonn. In

its edition out Monday, Der Spiegel will present extracts from the

paper, with the study's lead author, Pavan Sukhdev, a senior figure

with Deutsche Bank in India, writing that " the world's poor bear the

brunt of the cost. " Der Spiegel also says that German Chancellor

Angela Merkel will announce a sharp increase in German funding to

combat deforestation in line with Norway, which ploughs 500 million

dollars annually into forest retention. Deforestation -- a huge factor

in species loss and global carbon emissions contributing to climate

change -- is a central theme of this year's conference in Bonn,

formerly the capital of West German. One in four mammal species, one

in eight among birds, a third of amphibian creatures and 70 percent of

all plant life made the most recent endangered list issued by another

UN agency, the World Conservation Union (WCU).


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