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13 ways to more effective online activism!

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13 ways to more effective online activism!

By Deane Rimerman -



1) Keep a fire in your belly! Online work can be very draining, stay

inspired! Computer time requires a counterbalance of rigorous physical

exercise. Also an artistic outlet seems to be the best kept secret of

the most talented activists.


2) Setup profiles on as many networking sites as possible. (ex: my

networking links: http://forestpolicyresearch.org/about-2/ ) It

doesn't take long to set up a profile and five minutes of friend

requesting every few days can rapidly build a large network of very

real live caring people. Once you set yourself up with lots of friends

and send an announcement to them all… That's when it only takes them

five seconds to spread your message to all their friends, and their

friends may even send the message to all their friends. These kinds of

networks are becoming very powerful.


3) Spend less time talking and emailing the day away. Your time is

precious! Focus it on making your campaign message more impressive,

more refined, more worthy of attention. Any material you've written

that is older than a couple weeks doesn't fly in cyber-reality. Fresh

off-the-cuff material that seems to come from a real human being is

what makes its way around the networks the most. Also when your

campaign /personality is continually unique and creative in ways that

people have never heard or scene before… That's when people start

paying attention and supporting your cause. In other words, if you

want to succeed you have to be prolific!


4) Web 2.0 is ever changing. Keep an eye out for trends and popular

sites in relation to your demographic. Try out social networking sites

when they get popular. Don't expect too much from 'em until you've

spent significant time growing your profile. The most valuable time

you can spend online for your campaign is in meeting new people and

getting them to accept your friend requests. Consider this a

discipline that - if your creative and passionate enough - pressures

you to refine and perfect your message, as well as your ability to

turn strangers into friends. (caution see #1)


5) Currently Myspace and Facebook are the primary tool you'll need to

use to grow your support base. Send messages, post bulletins, etc.

Keep all your profiles alive and fresh! Change photos often. Use all

the major tools to be everpresent in your friends online lives. (Note:

A wilderness group in BC recently used recurring facebook messages to

organize a rally with more than a 1000 people. It was the largest BC

forest protection rally

http://www.wildernesscommitteevictoria.org/gallery_af_rally.php in

more than a decade.)


6) Set up alternative myspace and facebook accounts where you can try

out social networking software like: friendtools.net which does mass

friend requests, as well as mass comment postings. Sometimes if you

aren't careful using this kinds of automated social networking

software means you are seen as a spammer and your account will be

deleted without due process. Also there's new software like OnePage

and Sociogami that seeks to integrate all of your online profiles into

one interface. Easier said than done thus far…


7) Your communications need to occur in all 5 formats: Text, Image,

Sound, Video, and most important: in-person in the real world. Each

person your trying to reach has a preference for one of these five.

Ideally your in-person in-the-real-world format is the foundation on

which you will build your other four formats. (Note: Your campaign is

at its best if it is not solely in front of a computer)


8) Video and TV is the primary preferred format of your audience. How

many times have you heard someone say: " I got your email, but I

haven't had time to read it yet? " As environmental and social justice

activists we too often are the ones who don't own a TV or don't want

to spend time watching DVDs. That's great, I'm the same way, but 90%

of the people around you find great value in watching their TV

screens. So put together a slideshow / video / web-cam with windows

movie maker software, or some other kind of more ethical harder to use

software. Then load this video to your You-tube profile. Then

You-Tube has a new function that let's you announce your new video by

sending a message to all of your myspace and facebook friends. See

where we're going with this?


9) Know how an internet marketer gets to the top of a googlesearch

engine these days? They make a video about their product, then they

load it to U-Tube, as well as a variety of other video watching sites.

They also use an mass video uploader http://www.videoandclips.com/

software. Then they take the links to all those sites that their video

was uploaded to and send them thru their social networks / social

bookmarking sites.


10) Create original interesting material in all 5 formats every ten

business days. Activist campaigns that succeed online today are the

ones that provide updated ever-changing quality content that's

personal in the same way a friend is personal. When it comes to online

activism: novelty and newness is what keeps people interested! Nobody

reads tired, dull message when something completely new and

fascinating is just one click away.


11) So who's really getting your message? The nature of the internet

is that you can find detailed analysis of your traffic. As part 2 of

the megalithic Stomper release there is now Site Seer

http://www.stompernet.net/goingnatural3/ , which gives you the ability

to graphicly interpret which of your publicity stunts / presentations

was effective and why, and to whom. This data is also essential to

your fundraising program. A popular article about 28 different ways to

generate revenue with your websites / weblogs has been analysed here





12) Approach your online endeavors with a sense of history. Learn a

sense of perspective for what the printing press / internet has done

for society. Understand the ways it's development into web 2.0 allows

it's concept to grow and change. The best 5 minute video about this

can be seen here http://video.stumbleupon.com/#p=vowb3nos3o . Also I

wrote the first of three brief histories of the subject which can be

viewed here http://forestpolicyresearch.org/history-of-the-printed-word/



13) Know that your best online workbench to test networking machines

is wordpress.ORG Most weblog server accounts are not controlled by the

bloggers themselves. But with wordpress.org you host your own blog on

your own server. It keeps you in controlof your content! Also

self-hosting a wordpresss.org blog allows you to choose from 1,000s of

plugins, many of which can automate the complex ways in which you can

meaningfuly onnect with your readers. To learn more visit the folks at

Becomeablogger.com http://becomeablogger.com/ .


Lastly, I'd like to thank the folks with Become a Blogger as they are

they are the ones who initially inspired me to do this research. You

can learn more about how I was inspired at:


Be well, Deane


Below is an up-to-date list of links where my online forest activist

analytics and artistics can be experienced.


Network with me @ my Profile sites:

Myspace http://www.myspace.com/olyecology

Facebook http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=645746985

Tribe http://people.tribe.net/deane

Friendster http://profiles.friendster.com/3706548

LinkedIn http://www.linkedin.com/pub/5/b31/125

Tagged http://www.tagged.com/forestpolicyresearch

Care2 care2.com/olyecology

Development Crossing http://www.developmentcrossing.com/profile/DeaneRimerman

Bebo http://www.bebo.com/Profile.jsp?MemberId=6749756620


Network with me @ my Bookmarking sites:

Technorati http://www.technorati.com/people/technorati/ForestPolicyResearch

StumbleUpon http://peacefromtrees.stumbleupon.com/

Digg http://digg.com/users/denaetr

Del.icio.us http://del.icio.us/ForestPolicyResearch

Network / RSS with my Blogs:

Earth's Tree News http://olyecology.livejournal.com/

Forest Policy Research http://forestpolicyresearch.org/


Keep an eye on my media:

YouTube http://www.youtube.com/user/peacefromtrees

Nature Photos http://s176.photobucket.com/albums/w166/peacefromtrees/

People photos http://www.flickr.com/photos/26766130@N05/

Singing http://www.myspace.com/olyecology

Photo-Poems http://www.peacefromtrees.org/

WetPaint http://olyecology.wetpaint.com/?t=anon

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