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Today for you 37 new articles about earth's trees! (345th edition)

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--British Columbia: 1) GBR is being destroyed and no one's stopping 'em, 2)

Lodgepole pine policy maximizes carbon emissions, 3) Bring down

Coleman, 4) Slowdown in third-party cutting, 5) Nothing yet done to

stop carbou extinction, 6) 10,000 square kilometers of new protected

areas, 7) Taser Coleman! 8) Coleman cont. 9) 1,000 people rally to

regain jobs that'll never return, 10) Industry created the Pine Beetle



--California: 11) Motorised recreation wants roadless areas kept open,

12) After 7 years Sierra Pacific wins eco-challenge in state supreme

court, 13) cold weather killed trees mistaken for Sudden Oak Death,

14) Six Heritage trees to be cut via school exemption,


--Canada: 15) Three first Nations demand sovereignty from mining

policy, 16) Norfolk residents given rare species checklist, 17) Grassy

Narrows moratorium is a sham, 18) Don't use the boreal, use wheat! 19)

Poplar River First Nation defends land from loggers and miners, Tembec

delays harvest till next fall,


--Germany: 21) Fight biopiracy, 22) Women from the Orange Bloc, 23)

Via Campesina protest, 24) Biodiversity is fundamental to human life,

25) Chopping down GE trees,


--Australia: 26) New Tassie premier, new style of clever & kind

double-speak, 27) Greens say new premier won't make any changes in the

near future, 28) Money to stop logging in other countries, but not at

home, 29) 10,000 new Tassie hectares to be destroyed after Brown's

lawsuit fails, 30) Plantations produce 2/3rds of the wood supply, 31)

I put him out of business, now we're friends, 32) Protections in

Victoria means increased logging in NSW, 33) Forest destruction as

union pacifiers and political bribes, New Zealand welcomes Tassie

premier, 34) $2 billion pulp mill is dead, 35) Forest and Wood

Products Stats, 36) FSC criticises guidelines?


--World-wide: 37) World Bank is a major driver of deforestation



British Columbia:


1) Western Forest Products is now blasting roads into Ellerslie,

Ingram, Mooto and Western lakes. This complex of large lake systems

remain one of the largest, intact, contiguous low elevation

rainforests left on the mainland coast. It is why, just a few years

ago, front line blockades, threats of cancelled softwood lumber

contracts and a host of other campaign related activities successfully

stopped this road. This logging plan has little to do with EBM. The

vast clearcuts and associated roads will merely keep WFP afloat in red

cedar for a few more years. It is truly heartbreaking to see this

happening with no opposition. -- Ian McAllister


2) The B.C government is advertising license opportunities to log and

burn 4.4 million cubic metres of lodgepole pine and other species each

year for a 20 year period to create of electricity. Not only will this

be a major assault on biodiversity by clearcutting 44,000 hectares of

forest each year, it will introduce 3,168,000 tonnes of CO2 into the

skies above B.C. annually, about twice as much CO2 emission as the

population of Chilliwack. This is a dramatic step backwards for a

province which is trying to lead the way with tough targets for the

reduction of green house gas emissions by 2020. These licences

offerings come at a time when the overwhelming consensus of world

scientists is that global warming beyond 2 degrees C will cause

species extinction rates to soar above 30% globally and be

catastrophic for human populations. To avoid overshooting this 2

degrees C threshold, we must start reducing carbon dioxide (CO2)

emissions immediately to 65% below current levels by 2050. The B.C

government has reacted to this situation with good policy in terms of

CO2 emission reduction targets of 33% below current levels by 2016 and

80% below current levels by 2050. In fact, the policy calls for all

new electrical generation facilities to have zero net green house gas

emissions. This is an ambitious, well intentioned CO2 reduction plan

which needs to be given full support. However, a closer look reveals a

massive flaw in part of the policy initiative. The B.C. government's

new green energy strategy intends to licence a significant number of

industrial " Biofuel " facilities designed to burn forests to create

bioenergy, particularly electricity. The rationale is to reduce CO2

emissions by shifting from fossil fuels to trees. As well, this new

policy claims it will rehabilitate the beetle-altered forest, create

jobs, and help the B.C. government achieve its CO2 emission reduction

targets. This whole plan rests on the government's assertion that

carbon released when trees are burned does not contribute to global

warming because newly planted trees will pull that carbon back out of

the air as they regrow to replace the ones burned. This idea

originated in the tropics where life cycles can be measured in ten or

fifteen years for fast-growing plants like switch grass and other

short rotation woody crops. http://chilcotin.wordpress.com


3) The Steelworkers have demanded it, and so have the NDP. It is now

time for Dogwood Initiative and our supporters to publicly demand

Forest Minister, Rich Coleman's resignation. It's time to find a

Forest Minister who offers real solutions for the forest industry.

Early next week petitions for Coleman's resignation will be officially

submitted to the provincial liberal party in a legislative session. If

you haven't already signed the petition asking for Rich Coleman's

resignation do so now at bc4sale.org, and forward this e-mail to a

friend. If you want your name and comments to be submitted please sign

on no later than Sunday May 25th at 5:00pm. (If you miss the deadline,

you can still sign and we will send those signatures at a later date).

We are up to 900 signatures, and we are aiming for at least 1200 to

submit! Maurita


4) With the Prince Albert Pulp Mill continuing to sit idle, activity

has also slowed in the provincial forest where mill owner Domtar has

timber rights. Domtar vice-president Michel Rathier said in a recent

interview there has been a slowdown in third-party cutting in the area

under the Prince Albert forest management agreement (FMA). As well,

there will be no tree-planting activities in the FMA this year because

the company was caught up on its reforestation requirements last year.

Tree-planting will continue next year, he said. " We harvested much

less so we're due to plant much less, " said Rathier by telephone from

Montreal. Talks are continuing between Domtar and the Saskatchewan

Party government over reopening the mill, which was closed by former

owner Weyerhaeuser in 2006. However, few details are forthcoming from

either side.





5) There has been no real progress in efforts to save the southern

mountain caribou in B.C., according to a longtime wildlife biologist.

Even though the B.C. government announced a caribou recovery plan last

October, the animals are facing extinction, says Dr. Lee Harding,

formerly with Environment Canada. Harding was hired by the

environmental group ForestEthics to evaluate the progress of the first

six months of the new government recovery plan. He found that while

many teams of experts and stakeholders are working to find a way to

protect the remaining herds, once again, government action is not

living up to promises. " We have had three different recovery plans

developed for these caribou in the last 20 years and there still has

yet to be any substantial action to actually protect the caribou, "

said Harding on Tuesday in Coquitlam. Government constraints on

habitat protection and upcoming agreements with recreation groups

spell doom for the remaining animals, said Harding, because the

caribou are dependent on the same old growth forests favoured by

loggers, and they can't survive disturbances that come with

snowmobilers and heli-ski operators. " I can imagine all of them going

extinct in a few decades, and more than half of the populations going

extinct very soon, " said Harding. There are just an estimated 1,900

southern mountain caribou left in B.C., down from approximately 5,000

about 20 years ago, said Harding. The remaining population is spread

out among 11 herds. However, three herds are so small that the

government is making no efforts to save them, according to Harding.




6) The B.C. government has added almost one million hectares or 10,000

square kilometres, to B.C.'s parks and protected areas with

legislation introduced last week. The Bill 38 includes the Sea to Sky

Land and Resource Management Plan, which incorporates First Nations

land use plans by the Squamish, Lil'wat and In-SHUCK-ch Nations. In

total, the number of conservancies in the province will double to 135

through the legislation, and 11 new Class A parks are being created,

to bring the total to 604. According to Environment Minister Barry

Penner, the Liberals have protected more than 1.8 million hectares of

land since 2001 by establishing 57 new parks, 135 conservancies, one

ecological reserve and eight protected areas, while also expanding 50

parks and six ecological reserves. In total, 13.5 million hectares of

B.C. are now protected, or more than 14 per cent of the land base —

more than any other province in Canada.

http://www.piquenewsmagazine.com/pique/index.php?cat=C_News & content=Protected+ar\



7) Tasering Forests Minister Rich Coleman won't help. That, according

to Coleman, was one of the suggestions tossed out by NDP hecklers last

week as they devoted yet another chunk of their daily question period

to calling for his head. The crisis in the forest industry is his

fault, along with Premier Gordon Campbell, they shouted, as the two

parties traded blame over the continuing wave of mill closures and

layoffs across B.C. Coleman is taking time away from the legislature's

posturing this week to join his forestry roundtable, where industry,

union, aboriginal and government representatives are looking for a way

out of the woods. http://www.bclocalnews.com/opinion/19159299.html


8) Three reasons why Coleman must go! 1) Coleman?s forest policies

have taken control of our valued forests and recreation grounds and

given them over to corporations, including international ?asset

management? companies. A clear example of this is Coleman?s decision

to delete 28000 ha from Western Forest Products Tree Farm Licences,

some of which has been conditional sold to developers. 2) His policies

have left the forest industry vulnerable to predictable cyclical

market downturns and have lead to mill closures and layoffs in the

forest sector. Over 10 000 jobs have been lost?in the last?year?and

his government contiues to perpetuate these problems through support

for raw log exports, and other trade liberalization schemes. 3) His

Coastal Forest Action Plan will further jeopardize the long term

viability of our forests and forestry sector.His plan calls for the

continued liquidation of old growth and shorter harvest rotations,

leading to ?smaller trees and lower quality wood.





9) On Friday United Steelworkers (USW) Wood Council Chair Bob Matters

spoke at a gathering of over 1,000 people rallying to save forest

industry jobs in this northern Interior community, joining a list of

some 20 speakers which included BC NDP leader Carole James, NDP Forest

Critic Bob Simpson, CEP National President Dave Coles, PPWC President

Jim King, USW Local 1-424 executive board members Alf Wilkins, USW

Local 1-424 forest worker transition representative Terry Tate, and

others. The crowd, which represented nearly 25 per cent of the

community's population, marshaled near the union hall in town and

proceeded down Mackenzie Boulevard to Centennial Drive and towards the

rally site in the Alexander Mackenzie mall parking lot. Matters said

the BC government must intervene to re-establish an office with the

powers of the former Jobs Protection Commissioner, which it abolished

after taking power in 2001. He recounted how jobs at the former Evans

Plywood plant in Golden (now Louisiana Pacific LVL) were saved in the

mid-90s when the commissioner worked with an investor, the government,

the community, and with workers and their union to save the mill and

community. Matters also took aim at Pat Bell, the MLA for

Prince-George North and Minister of Agriculture and Lands, who said

that logs are not being exported from the community while sawmill and

pulp operations are down. Matters said that workers and the union are

going to hold the government accountable on that issue now and into

the future. Steelworker Alfr Wilkins read out a locally developed list

of 11 demands, which include tying timber to jobs in Mackenzie and

restricting log exports out of the area.




10) The BC public lost a $30 plus billion investment in ridiculously

irresilient lodgepole pine silviculture and no one is pointing a

finger at our forest industry's self serving psuedo science largely

because trusted scientists like David Suzuki are providing comfort and

cover to the forest industry because they like the idea of hanging

this huge economic consequence as a foreshadowing of climate change.

For sure, climate change is going to trash the resource economy but

why pretend that this particular MPB catastrophe is the result of

climate change? Where is your commitment to honesty and scientific

rigour. The build-up of available beetle food in the lodgepole pine

forests courted disasterous linked and cascading epidemic mode

outbreaks. At some points in the last 20 or so years, the catastrophe

became inevitable and the irreversible. The climate could have chilled

significantly and the MPB catastrophe would still occur. There is

absolutely no need to blame climate change unless you think delaying

it a year or two might make a big difference. The fact is that the

fuse was lit on the MPB bomb and anyone who was banking on cold

winters putting and end to its smouldering was simply building a safe

haven in a swiss bank account. Why would Suzuki get sucked into

pretending that the MPB catastrophe is a consequence of climate

change? StumpsDon'tLie





11) " Once again, the motorized recreation community have little choice

but to respond to attempts to close treasured access to historical

roads in these 'roadless' areas, " said Don Spuhler, Cal4 President.

The California Association of Four Wheel Drive Clubs led a coalition

of recreational access groups seeking to enter the latest lawsuit

challenging motorized recreation in California. The lawsuit was filed

by the California Attorney General's Office on behalf of the

California Resources Agency, the California Department of Forestry and

Fire Protection and the People of the State of California. It was

filed against the U.S. Forest Service's " forest plans " for the

Angeles, Los Padres, Cleveland and San Bernardino National Forests in

southern California. The State contends the Forest Plans fail both to

comply with various federal laws and to properly " harmonize " the

State's input on " roadless area " management with the long-range

federal planning vision. The Recreation Groups filed a motion to

intervene on May 15th in U.S. District Court for the Northern District

of California (Case No. C 08-1185-MHP). The groups petitioning the

court include the California Association of Four Wheel Drive Clubs,

American Motorcyclist Association District 36, California Enduro

Riders Association, and the BlueRibbon Coalition.




12) After seven years of litigation, the California State Supreme

Court released a decision today that directly affects clearcut logging

plans by Sierra Pacific Industries (SPI) in the Sierra Nevada region.

The Court's decision favored the lumber company in its claim that it

does not need to do a more thorough job of assessing the cumulative

impacts of clearcuts on wildlife across its vast timberlands in the

State. Rather than ruling on the merits of whether or not clearcuts

were harmful to wildlife or whether herbicide spraying caused

environmental damage, the Court narrowly focused on technical points

concerning adequacy of review. --Jodi Frediani, Chair, Forestry Task

Force Santa Cruz Group, Ventana Chapter, Sierra Club JodiFredi

The California Supreme Court in San Francisco rejected environmental

challenges to a timber company's plans to harvest trees on about 1,400

acres of private land in Tuolumne County. Two conservation groups

contended that timber harvest plans developed by Sierra Pacific

Industries didn't adequately consider the broad impact on two wildlife

species, the California spotted owl and a small mammal called the

Pacific fisher. The California spotted owl is not listed as an

endangered species, but is a cousin of the northern spotted owl, which

is federally listed as a threatened species. The Pacific fisher is

classified as a species of concern. Sierra Pacific Industries plans to

harvest pine, fir and black oak trees on the land by clear-cutting

most of the trees on the land and then replanting the forests. The

procedure of logging most trees in an area at the same time is known

as " even-aged " management. The high court unanimously ruled that the

plans did adequately consider the impact on the Sierra Nevada region

before concluding the two species wouldn't be harmed. John Buckley,

executive director of the Central Sierra Environmental Resource

Center, said his group is considering whether there are additional

legal challenges to be resolved by a state appeals court. Buckley said

his organization believes the ruling focused on a narrow procedural

issue and failed to evaluate " whether clear-cutting has a significant

impact " on wildlife.




13) Dead oak trees killed by a fast-spreading microbe have become an

all-too-common sight across Northern California. But a University of

California, Berkeley scientist says many oaks in the Sierra foothills

and along the North Coast have been left leafless this spring because

of a cold snap, not disease. Oak expert Douglas McCreary said most

trees should recover after several nights of cold temperatures hit

when many were just starting to leaf out. He said landowners should

not assume the leafless trees are dead and cut them down. The ruthless

spread of sudden oak death has killed more than one million trees and

left 14 California counties under quarantine.



14) This summer, most likely mid- to late-June, six heritage trees at

Oak Knoll School in Menlo Park will be destroyed. During the span of

one-hundred fifty to four-hundred fifty years their roots have hugged

the earth and through them sent nourishment up through massive trunks

into far-reaching branches and leaves. In turn, the canopies of these

trees – four oaks, a pine, and Joshua tree have provided shelter and

food for a myriad of birds, and squirrels. For the many children who

have played there, they have provided shelter from the sun and rain,

and for all of us, beauty. Soon, these mighty oxygen-producing trees

will be gone, and for four of those trees a grassy soccer field, with

demands for water, will be their replacement. During the twenty-four

years I taught at this school, the trees were always a delight for

scavenger hunts, bird identification, and in the fall observation of

the gathering of acorns pounded into the oaks' individually drilled

holes carved out perfectly by Acorn Woodpeckers. In the spring there

was always the joy of watching birds carrying material to nests, and

it would be impossible to count the many times baby birds,

accidentally fallen from their nests, were brought into my classroom

for rescue. I agree with Kent Steffens, Director of Public Works for

Menlo Park, when he stated in a letter to the Menlo Park City School

District (MPCSD), " The School District is encouraged to use every

reasonable effort to preserve heritage-sized trees at Oak Knoll

School. " To do so, in planning for new additional buildings, a soccer

field, and parking lots at Oak Knoll School, the school board could

have made the decision to adopt the Menlo Park Heritage Tree

Ordinance, thereby saving the trees and planning around them. Instead,

they chose to exempt itself from that city ordinance. In addition, the

Board could have chosen a full-blown non-partial Environmental Impact

Report, as they did at Encinal School. They chose otherwise. What the

Board did choose was to adopt the Negative Declaration Report, and

voted for its passage the evening of May 8th, 2008, which states in

part that there will be no negative impact resulting from disposal of

the six heritage trees.

http://www.almanacnews.com/square/index.php?i=3 & t=1451




15) Three First Nations will be calling on the province today to

respect their right to say NO to mineral exploration and logging on

their lands at a rally at Queen's Park. The rally, scheduled to begin

at 5pm with a press conference at 4:30pm, is an event of

Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug (KI), Ardoch Algonquins and Grassy

Narrows. It is supported by over 25 environmental, social justice,

student, faith, and union groups from across the province and Canada.

Masters of Ceremony will be Thomas King, celebrated author and Cathy

Jones, actor, writer and comedian from CBC Television's This Hour has

22 Minutes. Signifying the importance of the issue to Aboriginal

rights and sovereignty, former National Chief Ovide Mercredi of the

Assembly of First Nations will address the rally. A letter from Mr.

Robert Kennedy Jr. to Premier McGuinty will also be read at the rally.

In the letter, Mr. Kennedy asks that the Premier reform Ontario's

outdated mining rules and do whatever possible to halt ongoing

drilling on traditional lands of jailed First Nations' leaders. " We

never surrendered our traditional lands and we never agreed to be

bound by the reserve. We will never give up our duty to protect our

traditional lands that we use for hunting and fishing, " said KI

Counsellor Sam MacKay from jail in Thunder Bay. He and five others

known as the KI Six are being detained after being found in contempt

of court for peacefully opposing mineral exploration on their

traditional lands 600km north of Thunder Bay in the Boreal Forest.



16) Rural residents in Norfolk will be given a checklist of rare

species to watch for as part of a conservation effort across the

Carolinian region. The package, which will go to about 11,000

households and farms, includes information on environmental groups

that can be contacted to find out how to carry out individual

conservation projects. The idea is to increase awareness of Ontario's

Carolinian region, a stretch of land in southern Ontario that is home

to plants and animals found nowhere else in Canada. The Carolinian

region includes everything south of a line running from Sarnia to

Toronto, an area with a climate warm enough to support such species as

tulip trees and flying squirrels. A coalition of government and

non-government groups, known as the Carolinian Canada Coalition, is

organizing the checklist and will distribute it in seven counties

across the region. " A lot of people still don't know what it's all

about, " said Nikki May, project co-ordinator with Carolinian Canada

Coalition. " We want them to know about the national treasures that are

in their own county. " Norfolk residents will be asked to watch for the

red-headed woodpecker, barn owl, gray ratsnake, and the American

badger. Bernie Solymar, co-author of the factsheet, said that when

local residents were asked years ago to watch for the badger,

sightings soared. In two weeks, there were more reports of badgers

than in the 10 previous years combined, said Solymar, who spoke to a

group of environmentalists who gathered Thursday at Bird Studies

Canada to mark the kick-off of the Norfolk campaign. A growing number

of people, including snowmobilers, hikers and hunters, are using

Carolinian forests for recreational purposes, said Michelle Kanter,

executive director of the Carolinian coalition. " Everybody wants to

use them, " she said. " We need to engage them on how to take care of

the area. " http://www.brantfordexpositor.ca/ArticleDisplay.aspx?e=1039395


17) Grassy Narrows still wants a moratorium on logging so the forest

is protected until all the issues have been addressed, he said; but

instead, ''it's business as usual out there. ... To me, it looks as if

there's been an increase in harvesting.'' In an interview after the

signing of the MOU, Natural Resources Minister Donna Cansfield brushed

aside questions about the moratorium. ''We've moved forward,'' she

said, adding that she's focused on the work ahead. ''We'll have the

pilot up and running as we move forward to whatever the final

resolution is.'' Cansfield, accompanied by Fobister, flew over the

Whiskey Jack Forest May 12. Their reactions were very different.

Fobister said the forest looked ''terrible'' and he was shocked to see

very large clear-cuts and very small buffer zones, with little space

for animals. Cansfield said she was impressed by the protected spaces

known as marten cores - usually several thousand acres that the

ministry requires companies to set aside for pine marten (a type of

weasel prized for its fur) and other boreal forest animals that need

large, undisturbed tracts of mature conifer. In fact, the Whiskey Jack

Forest has an unusually low proportion of marten core - 3.7 percent,

according to a 2005 study by CPAWS Wildlands League. Ministry

guidelines call for 10 - 20 percent. Currently, according to the

minutes of an MNR team working on the 2009 - 19 forest management

plan, its estimated marten core will be a skimpy 5.9 percent in 2009,

and will slowly increase over 60 years to 8.5 percent. Despite this

projected shortfall, the company has been pushing the natural

resources ministry to allow it to cut in several protected areas.

Although ministry guidelines may permit selective cutting - no

clear-cutting - of up to 30 percent in marten cores, no such

harvesting was allowed under the 2004 - 09 Whiskey Jack Forest

Management Plan. But the marten cores are more accessible and will

save the company money, AbitibiBowater officials told the MNR team,

which is comprised of ministry staff, company representatives, local

citizens and aboriginal representatives. The company was unable to get

approval at the Kenora district level and in January the matter was

referred to regional director Al Willcocks in Thunder Bay. His

decision was to ''release'' an entire marten core for harvesting, in

the southern part of the Whiskey Jack Forest, outside of Grassy

Narrows traditional territory, committee minutes show.



18) Canadian Geographic is publishing its annual environment issue on

paper made from wheat, a first for a North American magazine. The

issue is being printed on sheets made with wheat straw — what's left

of wheat after the grain harvest. The magazine says adding

agricultural waste to pulp from trees could offer farmers a new source

of revenue and cut the demand for pulp from the continent's boreal

forests. The special issue is the result of a four-year project the

magazine's staff has been working on with Markets Initiative, a

Canadian environmental group devoted to the protection of the boreal

forest, the Alberta Research Council and the magazine's printer,

Dollco Printing. " We are all quite elated, " the magazine's

editor-in-chief, Rick Boychuk, said. " This has galvanized the whole

company. People are thrilled to be at the forefront of an initiative

of this nature. " The idea was the brainchild of Nicole Rycroft, a

committed environmentalist who works for Markets Initiative. " Canada's

forests are disappearing at an alarming rate and if we just look at

newsprint, for example, 100 million trees are logged every year in

Canada just to make newsprint, " Rycroft said. The wheat-straw pulp

used in the making of the issue was imported from China, where

papermakers have been using wheat and rice for centuries. But Rycroft

hopes to sell North America's pulp and paper industry on the idea that

magazine-grade paper can be made here from agricultural waste produced

by Canadian farmers. According to Canadian Geographic, Canadian

farmers annually produce an estimated 21 million tonnes of wheat

straw, which could be turned into eight million tonnes of pulp and

enough paper for 20 million magazines. That straw could be a new

source of revenue for farmers willing to bale and sell it to

pulp-and-paper companies. The magazine has been published by the Royal

Canadian Geographical Society continuously since 1930.



19) In 2004, residents of Poplar River First Nation convinced the

Manitoba Government to stop all mining and logging on their

traditional land, 600km northeast of Winnipeg, for the next five

years. Sophia Rabliauskas is a member of this community and at the

forefront of their struggle for full protection. She is now being

recognized for her tenacity with one of the province's highest awards,

the Order of Manitoba. " It feels great to be recognized, " Rabliauskas

says. " It's good because it gives the whole community of Poplar River

the support we need and it's also bringing a sense of pride to the

community and the people. " In 2002, Rabliauskas, along with several

other community members developed a comprehensive land protection and

management plan for their territory-a precedent setting accomplishment

among First Nations in the boreal. The plan outlines core elements for

the protection of the forests, such as respecting traditional

knowledge; benefiting from environmental analysis; developing economic

opportunities, including protection of traditional hunting, trapping

and fishing activities; and creating sustainable tourism

opportunities. " It's been a long process and the work continues to

protect the land, " she says. " We got temporary protection but what we

really need is full protection of this land, and we're busy

negotiating with the provincial government now to get that. "

Rabliauskas is working with other First Nations in the area to

safeguard an even larger section of the boreal forest and declare it a

UNESCO World Heritage Site. She hopes her work will be an inspiration

to other First nations who face similar challenges protecting their

land. Vast areas of Canada's boreal forest have been clear-cut by

logging companies and subject to invasive mining development. The

Boreal Forest Network reports that nearly 65 per cent of Canada's

boreal forests have been slated for long term clear-cut.

Environmentalists and residents fear that these boundless forests

could be the next target of the world's pulp and paper industry. Gaile

Whelan Enns, Manitoba Wildlands director, says Rabliauskas's

involvement in her community has to do with preserving the traditional

knowledge that has been passed down to her.



20) Tembec today announced that it will delay the resumption of

harvesting activities to late fall 2008 in the Northern Ontario West

Region. Today's decision will temporarily affect approximately 100

unionized and staff employees. " Relative to present and forecasted

market conditions, there is a sufficient supply of logs to meet

production requirements. Given the stockpiles already in mill yards

and in-bush inventories, we can delay the resumption of bush

operations in the Northern Ontario West Region until November. Normal

road construction and road maintenance work as well as reforestation

will continue during the summer, " said Mike Martel, Vice President,

Ontario Division of Tembec's Forest Products Group. " To minimize the

impact on our employees, we intend to start our harvesting early in

November for the Gordon Cosens Forest and a few weeks later in the

Hearst Forest. This harvesting suspension is another indication of the

serious state of lumber market conditions, driven primarily by the

dramatic fall in the number of housing starts in the United States and

the related impact on lumber demand and pricing. The continued high

value of the Canadian dollar against the US dollar as well as high

energy and wood costs further aggravates these conditions, " concluded

Dennis Rounsville, Executive Vice President and President of Tembec's

Forest Products Group. Management has met with employees to inform

them of the Company's decision.





21) Amongst the suits in the luxurious hotel hall, Sebastian Haji

immediately catches the eye. He is small, dark-skinned, and wears a

crown of feathers on his head. Sebastian is a Machineri Indian from

the Amazons region in Brazil, and he is in Bonn for serious business

with the suits. He is here to fight biopiracy. " Multinational

companies are stealing the knowledge and resources of Amazonian

people, and international institutions and our own government are just

looking at the thieves, " Sebastian told IPS. " And this robbery is

taking place despite international conventions and alleged legal

protection of our rights anchored even in the Brazilian constitution. "

Like many other representatives of indigenous peoples from around the

world, Sebastian is in Bonn for the UN conference on biodiversity May

19-30. The conference is taking place within the framework of the UN

Convention on Biological diversity (CBD), the international treaty

adopted at the Earth Summit in Rio in June 1992 to protect

biodiversity. The CBD's three main goals are conservation of

biological diversity, sustainable economic use of flora and fauna, and

the equitable sharing of benefits arising from genetic resources among

all countries. The last of these is a euphemism to describe the fight

against biopiracy. Biopiracy means, for example, how Amazonian

indigenous peoples might lose two of their traditional healing methods

to multinational companies.




22) Friday evening, 23 May 2008, women from the Orange Bloc surprised

the 'German Forestry Council Forest and Wood For a Future With Life of

Quality Get Together' at their side event in the museum. One by one,

during a cocktail and appetizer party on the museum's roof, women

stood on a chair and spoke out against monoculture timber plantations,

genetically engineered trees and cellulosic ethanol. Although a few of

the timber industry walked out, many others applauded and stayed on to

talk with the women and other members of the Orange Bloc. Besides the

Orange Bloc attendance at the gathering, the leading representatives

of the national and international forest and timber industries and

conference delegates attended the affair. The unofficial Orange Bloc

presentations came after classical music in the museum's first floor

and the very strange presentation by Prof. Dr. Gerd Wegener, full

professor at Holzforschung of the TU Munich. Dr. Wegner, as described

in the CBD side event announcement spoke on: " What ecological, social

and cultural dimensions the sustainable production and usage of wood

will have in the future. Thereby, nature and technique will undergo a

unique symbiosis: By means of modern technology, high performance

building materials and wood based products, natural fibers for the

paper and textile industry as well as sustainable energy sources, for

example, will develop from materialized solar energy from the forest. "

[translation: use genetic engineering and other synthetic biology

technologies to transform wood into agrofuels, plastics, chemicals and

other products.] Where will the Orange Bloc show up next? For photos

of this and other actions, please see




23) This afternoon activists from all over the world have hung a

banner, banged on teacups and handed out messages by Via Campesina

during the official celebrations of Biodiversity Day at the 9th

Conference of Parties (COP-9) of the UN convention on Biodiversity.

They did so at the end of a message by UN secretary general Ban Ki

Moon read by the Programme Officer of the Secretariat of the CBD to

the distinguished delegates of the Convention. The banners read " No

Agrodiversity Without Farmers " and " Nature for People Not for

Business " . The written message was brought to the attention of the

delegates by farmers' group Via Campesina, who were refused to be part

of the celebration ceremony just before biodiversity day. According to

Via Campesina as well as many other present at the convention small

famers are the key to both the solution to world hunger and the

safeguarding of the world's biodiversity. Via Campesina also warns

against corporate interests advocating for a new Green Revolution in

Africa as a strategy to increase productivity. Although they use

concepts such as " sustainability " , " participation " , and " biodiversity

management " , the production model is the same as that which has

created the present crisis and growing loss of biodiversity Small

farmers, though, have the ability to feed the world. Peasant

agriculture promotes food diversity, sustains traditional cultures and

does not burden the environment. Moreover, small-scale, local and

ecological production is an effective and immediate way of reducing

carbon emissions and cooling down the planet. After a few minutes the

banners were taken away by UN police officers and officials and the

people holding them were escorted out of the Maritim Hotel, and lost

their accreditation badges, which are required to participate in the

meetings.Members of Via Campesina were given a round of applause from

the delegates when they chanted " nature for people, not for business " .

Prior to the banner hanging action, members of Via Campesina and their

supporters disrupted an industry lunch where agro-industrialists were

congratulating each other for their excellent work at monopolizing the

seed supply and destroying agricultural biodiversity.




24) Biodiversity is fundamental to human life. It meets our material

and cultural needs and ensures the stability of ecosystems. Worldwide,

however, there is evidence of a dramatic demise in species diversity

which is primarily attributed to the way humans use the land and to

climate change. In order to understand the interactions between

environmental change, climate change and species loss better, it is

necessary to study the role of biodiversity in ecosystems more

closely. The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research

Foundation, DFG) is therefore not only funding projects on functional

biodiversity, but is also endeavouring to bolster research involved in

the debate on biodiversity - for example at the UN biodiversity

conference, which started in Bonn on 19 May. At the exhibition

" Millions of Ways of Life - Research for Biological Diversity " , where

German biodiversity research will present itself alongside the UN

conference, some DFG-funded projects will be among those presenting

the goals of this research: to measure, conserve and promote

sustainable use of species diversity. The " Biodiversity Exploratories "

for example, are studying near-natural ecosystems - forests, fields

and meadows - at three sites in Germany and are combining experimental

and observational studies. The " Jena Experiment " project, on the other

hand, is studying the function of biodiversity on the basis of

artificially created grassland systems in which individual factors can

be changed deliberately. A project based in Bayreuth, on the other

hand, is looking at the distribution of species in various elevation

zones of a mountainous region, focussing on the biodiversity on Mount

Kilimanjaro. http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/108444.php



25) A large number of activists today stopped and cut Genetically

Engineered frankentrees that attempted to invade a tree planting

ceremony outside of the meeting of the UN Convention on Biological

Diversity (CBD). " We came here to this event because this tree

planting ceremony is representative of corporate green-washing

initiatives pretending to protect biodiversity, " said Peter Gerhardt

of the German based group Robin Wood. " The tree planting ceremony is

symbolic of what industry is pushing--non-native, often invasive trees

for monoculture timber plantations. If industry has its way, in the

near future these will be genetically engineered (GE) trees for

production of second generation agrofuels or pulp and paper, " he

continued. The activists expressed concern about the refusal of the EU

and Brazil to ban GE trees. " These trees are simply too dangerous, not

only to forests, but also to local communities and Indigenous Peoples

who depend on forests for their existence, " stated Camila Moreno of

Terra de Direitos of Brazil. " Already forest dependent communities,

especially women, are threatened by monoculture timber plantations and

GE trees will mean more plantations and an even greater threat, "

stated Anne Petermann, of Global Justice Ecology Project, and the STOP

GE Trees Campaign. [1] " Imposing a ban on the release of genetically

engineered trees into the environment is the only sensible position,

which is supported by the entire African delegation plus numerous

Parties from Asia and Latin America. " The environmentalists also

expressed their concern about the One Billion Trees campaign of the UN

Environment Program. [2] " This campaign fails to inform people that

planting the wrong tree at the wrong place can be ecologically and

socially harmful " , stated Dr. Miguel Lovera, Chairperson of the Global

Forest Coalition. For photographs of this action and other events

during the CBD please go to:





26) New Tasmanian Premier David Bartlett has promised to lead a

revitalised " clever and kind " Government. Mr Bartlett was sworn in as

Premier after a tumultuous day in Tasmanian politics yesterday. At

11.30am an emotional Paul Lennon announced he would depart politics to

clear the way for " generational change " . " I want to make sure we are

building opportunities for the least advantaged in our community, that

we are looking after the children and the elderly and that every

Tasmanian shares in the social capital we are building on. " At

yesterday's press conference Mr Bartlett: 1) Pledged to take a " deeply

considered approach based on data, information and knowledge " on

forest policy and old-growth logging. 2) Said the Gunns pulp mill

would have to survive on its own merits, with the proponent and

financiers deciding its future. He said he had never met John Gay. 3)

Reaffirmed the Government's commitment to investigating the

establishment of an ethics commission.



27) The Tasmanian Greens today discovered that the new Premier does

not expect parameters around the forest industry to change any time

soon in relation to new forest protection measures and creation of

additional reserves in forests of high conservation value threatened

by logging. Greens Opposition Leader Peg Putt MP was critical that Mr

Bartlett reverted to ritualistic name-calling on forest policy despite

his early claim that he would abandon such tactics. " David Bartlett

made it plain that he will not be pushing for any addition to forest

protection as he looks towards the next state election, " Ms Putt said.

" So much for talk of changed parameters, it all turned into more of

the same hackneyed rhetoric and denigration of the Greens from a man

who is apparently unaware of our proposals for better value-adding to

alleviate pressure on special forests now destined for the chop.



28) AUSTRALIA will commit $4.5 million towards helping neighbouring

countries reduce deforestation. Climate Change Minister Penny Wong

said today that up to $3 million would go to the Indonesia-based

Centre for International Forestry Research. The other $1.5 million

would help non-government organisations work with developing countries

on large-scale pilot projects designed to reduce deforestation.

" Globally, there is a shortage of research on how to reduce

deforestation and Australia's support for the centre will help bridge

this gap and support international efforts to take action, " Senator

Wong said in a statement. The International Forest Carbon Initiative,

under which the money is given, builds on Australia's existing

commitments to reducing deforestation and has a particular focus on

countries in the region including Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. " In

Bali, the international community agreed that demonstration activities

were needed to show that activities to reduce deforestation could be

effective, long-lasting, support local economies, and reduce

greenhouse emissions, " Senator Wong said. " Australia is helping get

these activities up and running. "



29) LOGGING of 10,000ha in Tasmania's east was given the all-clear

yesterday after Greens leader Bob Brown lost a court bid to quarantine

the forest and protect the broad-toothed stag beetle, the swift parrot

and the Tasmanian wedged-tailed eagle. After losing the chance to take

the case to the High Court, Senator Brown blamed former prime minister

John Howard and Premier Paul Lennon for uniting to defeat him. A panel

of High Court judges in Melbourne ruled 2-1 in favour of Forestry

Tasmania by refusing to give Senator Brown leave to appeal against a

decision allowing the Wielangta State Forest, in Tasmania's east, to

be logged.


Australian Greens leader Bob Brown has vowed to continue fighting to

protect Australia's forests, despite facing an expensive legal defeat.

Last year's full court ruling overturned Senator Brown's 2006 victory

in the Federal Court, when a judge found that logging in the

south-east Tasmanian forest threatened some endangered species.

Senator Brown says the High Court did not award costs against him

yesterday, but he is still facing a $200,000 bill in relation to last

year's proceedings. " The money will be out of my pocket unless some

good samaritan comes along, " he said. " But I would sell everything I

owned and divest myself of every worldly good if it would save the

Wielangta forest, " he said.



30) A new report card shows Australia's forest plantations now produce

two-thirds of the nation's log supply and our forests and plantations

offset around 9% of our greenhouse emissions. Minister for

Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Tony Burke released the

five-yearly Australia's State of the Forests Report 2008 at a timber

mill in Bairnsdale, East Gippsland. The report is a comprehensive

snapshot of Australia's forests, from the tall forests and plantations

of Gippsland to the open forests and woodlands of northern and

interior Australia. Key findings include: 1) Australia's plantation

estate grew by 12% in the last five years and now produces two-thirds

of the nation's log supply; 2) Forestry and forest products industries

are now worth $19 billion annually (a real increase of 10%) and

support more than 120,000 direct jobs; 3)Other forest-related

industries underpin rural and regional economies, including honey

production, ecotourism and handicrafts; and 4)Since 2003, the area of

Australia's native forest in formal conservation reserves grew by

almost 1.5 million hectares to 23 million hectares, with additional

areas set aside through informal reserves.





31) Ten or 12 years ago, Roger Hardley wouldn't have been sitting out

on the verandah of the Forrest pub in the Otway Ranges. Wouldn't have

been game, he says: " They'd have lynched me. " The ardent

conservationist certainly wouldn't have been sharing roll-yer-owns,

coffee and yarns with John " Bluey " Andrew, a tree-faller who'd been

cutting and hauling sawlogs in the area all his adult life and still

has a passion for timber that he describes this way: " I just friggin'

love it. " Bluey hasn't cut a tree this year and on Friday the last of

the chainsaws, bulldozers and timber jinkers will fall silent as the

final licence to log native forests in the Otways runs out. It is the

end phase in a process started during the 2002 state election campaign

when premier Steve Bracks did a U-turn on long-standing Labor forestry

policy and announced he would end logging in the Otways and

woodchipping in the Wombat Forest. Today Roger is welcome at the pub

and he and Bluey are firm, if unlikely, friends. " The relationship is

a classic Australian mateship now, " he enthuses. " Bluey gives me a

chop-out on different things, I help him with others. We're just

quintessential Aussie mates. " Still, he admits, they are something of

an anomaly in that neck of the woods. " I mean, I put him out of

f---in' business and now we're the best of mates. "





32) The Wilderness Society fears the creation of national parks to

protect red gums in Victoria will increase logging in New South Wales.

The Victorian Environmental Assessment Council is proposing around

100,000 hectares of new parks be created to protect the forests. The

Wilderness Society will deliver more than 1,000 signed petitions to

the Premier's office at Lakemba in western Sydney today to call for a

similar move in NSW. A campaigner for the society, Peter Cooper, says

the NSW Government needs to create national parks along the Murray

River to protect the state's red gum forests. " With the Victorian

process there, we are concerned that's going to potentially push some

of the industry over into the NSW side and seriously compound the

problems, " he said. " We think that the area really urgently needs to

be assessed by the Government " . Mr Cooper says the forests stretch

from Balranald in the state's south-west to Moama and include the

world's largest remaining red gum forest. " The trees themselves are

very sick at the moment due to over-irrigation and climate change, " he

said. " In some areas, up to 75 per cent of trees are either stressed,

dead or dying. " This is being further compounded by the fact the NSW

Government is allowing patch felling to occur predominantly for

low-value products such as firewood, railway sleepers and fence

posts. " http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2008/05/27/2256674.htm



33) No matter what flavor of government has been in over the decades,

our forests have been and still are sacrificed as union pacifiers and

exchanged for political donations. The only thing that's being

'sustained' is the parties' submission to the logging industry. "

" What they didn't announce yesterday from the report is that Australia

has 10% less forests, 200,000 hectares less old growth and more

threatened species than was reported in the 2003 report. The report

also admits that about 1/3rd of these important conservation forests

left remaining are still allowed to be clearfelled for timber and

woodchips. Yet we're told this is sustainable. There are 1,290 forest

dependent species classed as nationally rare and endangered. But the

ALPs minister for forestry, Tony Burke, says he's happy to keep the

bulldozers knocking over Gippsland's native forests. There's been

absolutely no change to more sensitive management of our environment

since Ironbar Tuckey held the portfolio. Thousands of Gippsland voters

are extremely concerned about climate change, the loss of our

wildlife, the destruction of our native forests by logging and the

loss of water that results. But unfortunately these voters can't match

the political donations given by the large logging companies and

unions that seem to influence the ALP, Liberal and National's forest

policies. Tree growers in western Victoria are currently screaming out

for a thousand workers to help process their wood. If jobs were really

the concern, the CFMEU and the ALP would not support woodchipping but

be looking at mature plantations for providing secure employment.




34) OPEN LETTER to Paul Lennon, Premier of Tasmania -- Dear Premier

Lennon, Welcome to New Zealand on your climate change research trip.

You have stated that you want Tasmania to become a 'leader on climate

change action'.The best way for Tasmania to cut its carbon emissions

is to immediately protect its old growth forests from logging.

Forestry and land-use change constitute Tasmania's largest

contribution to climate change. The New Zealand Government protected

this country's publicly owned native forests eight years ago, with the

help of the Green Party. When we ended native forest logging, the

economy didn't spiral into decline and unemployment rates didn't go

through the roof, scenarios some predicted here then and being echoed

by your government and Tasmania's logging companies. Quite the

opposite – tourism has become our biggest export earner and the West

Coast of the South Island, the last bastion of native forest logging,

has had unemployment halve since the logging stopped. Not only that,

but immense national pride in these forests' protection has grown and

endures. We still haven't got it right. Far from it. The New Zealand

Government needs to take far bolder steps to tackle climate change,

and the Green Party will continue to push them to do so. But we hope

that if you take one thing away from this visit, it is a vision of

what can be achieved by protecting forests with high conservation and

carbon storage value, and the environmental and economic benefits that

can flow from such a policy. While your government continues to engage

in destructive logging practices that have been likened to those in

developing countries, Tasmania will never achieve your aspiration to

be a " leader on climate change action " .




35) Plans for Tasmania's controversial $2 billion pulp mill are dead,

say the Greens, following reports the ANZ bank will pull out of

funding the project. ANZ said today it had not yet made a decision on

whether to finance the Tamar Valley project planned by timber giant

Gunns Ltd. A report on the BusinessSpectator website today quoted

banking sources as saying ANZ will not provide funding for the project

because of tight credit conditions. An ANZ spokeswoman declined to

comment directly but referred to the bank's standing comment on the

issue, which was last updated in January. " The timing of our decision

is dependent on Gunns Ltd completing a number of steps and providing

us with further information to enable us to complete our ongoing

assessment of the mill, " the ANZ statement said. Gunns boss John Gay

also told ABC radio he knows of no decision on funding. However Greens

senator Christine Milne said the report was " a huge nail in the coffin

of the pulp mill project " . It signals the " demise " of the project, she

said. " ANZ owes it to the people of Australia to come out and make

clear what their position is, " she said. " Clearly what they are doing

is giving Gunns time to stitch up money from elsewhere before

announcing they are not funding it. " Senator Milne said ANZ had

recognised that it was detrimental for it to proceed with such a

project. Gunns would now have to scramble around for money from

elsewhere but it would meet exactly the same consumer resistance, she

said. " If they go to Macquarie Bank then Macquarie Bank also has a

consumer base, via the Macquarie Radio network, " she said. " Around

Australia listeners will be very angry, and Macquarie will face a

similar consumer backlash similar to ANZ's, " she said. Gunns today

declined to comment but Federal Environment Minister Peter Garrett

announced he had approved a plan to manage some of the environmental

impacts of the mill project. " This means construction of the

accommodation facility, located on the outskirts of George Town, can

now proceed, " Mr Garrett's statement said.



35) The forest plantation industry is booming, leading to a 10 per

cent increase in exports over the past financial year, ABARE says. The

Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics said

plantations, exports and the volume of logs harvested had all

increased over year to June 30 2007. ABARE's report, Australian Forest

and Wood Products Statistics, shows there was a five per cent increase

in 2007 of the total area of plantation in Australia. This had been

driven by continued investment in short rotation eucalyptus

plantations, the report said. " In 2007, the total plantation area

increased by 85,100 hectares, " it stated. The report said significant

investment in the plantation sector over the past 10 years was

beginning to show benefits, with a 10 per cent increase in total

forest product exports over the financial year. " This represents an

addition of $215 million to Australia's export earnings, " ABARE

executive director Phillip Glyde said. " This includes a 42 per cent

increase in the volume of sawnwood exports and a 13 per cent increase

in the value of woodchips exported. " Mr Glyde said the figures

underlined the strong position of Australia's forest industry.

Forestry Minister Tony Burke said the report showed Australia's forest

plantations now produced two-thirds of the nation's log supply and

that the forests and plantations now offset around nine per cent of

the country's greenhouse emissions. He said that the since 2003, the

area of Australia's native forest in formal conservation reserves grew

by almost 1.5 million hectares to 23 million hectares, with additional

areas set aside through informal reserves. Mr Burke said regions such

as Gippsland would be critical to a modern, vibrant for Australia's

forestry industry. " Victoria's forestry industry generates around $3

billion annually - or around 37 per cent of our national timber

industry - and accounts for almost 30 per cent of our total wood

exports, " he said. He said Australia still had a $2 billion trade

deficit in the trade of timber and forest products. " The Rudd

government is committed to working with the forestry industry to boost

global competitiveness and value-adding, " Mr Burke said.




36) The Forest Stewardship Council criticised the guidelines as too

broad and lacking detail but the CFMEU's National Secretary, Michael

O'Connor, believes ANZ has found a balance. " Clearly we all live in a

world where we want to get the balance right between social, economic

and environmental values, " he said. The policy's release comes as

timber company Gunns Limited waits for the ANZ to approve finance for

its proposed pulp mill in northern Tasmania. Australia's forestry

union has praised ANZ's new policy on investing in forestry and timber

processing projects. Under the policy, corporate clients will have to

meet the bank's standards in areas such as pollution prevention and

community consultation to receive financial backing. The policy

provides investment guidelines including minimum standards in areas

such as community consultation, pollution prevention and the use of

natural resources.





37) The World Bank is a major driver of deforestation and climate

change through its massive financing of monoculture tree plantations,

industrial logging, fossil-fuel extraction, and false solutions such

as large dams and carbon offsetting. The launch of its Forest Carbon

Partnership Facility at the UN climate negotiations last December was

met with fierce protest - the inclusion of forests in carbon markets

as offsets are set to undermine the land rights of indigenous peoples.

The claim that the World Bank has consulted widely is nonsense. The

World Bank funds were designed without developing country

participation and with the explicit intention of donor country

control. This week the global debt movement celebrated the 10th

anniversary of the Birmingham G8, at which a 70,000- strong protest

catapulted the global debt crisis into the mainstream. It is

particularly ironic, then, that Woolas and Thomas called campaigners'

concerns that concessional loans are being proposed as a means of

tackling climate change " outdated thinking " .The debt crisis hampers

the ability of poor countries to cope with climate change through the

lack of funds it leaves their governments. Climate change has been

driven by the rich world, but affects the developing world the most.

The UK emits 10 tonnes of carbon dioxide per person compared with 0.3

tonnes per person in countries such as Bangladesh. We owe far more to

the poor than the poor owe us. We need to cancel the debts of

developing countries and give grant aid, not loans, to help countries

adapt to the climate change we've caused.



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