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--UK: 1) Beauty spot turned to 4x4 race track by " vandals, " 2)

eco-group opposes 32 eco-houses, 3) New treetop walkway,

--Scotland: 4) Woodland stats

--Africa: 5) Millions of hectares will be turned to large scale

biofuel plantations

--Cameroon: 6) Citizen's get 8% of the forest and foreign countries get the rest

--Sierra Leone: 7) Timber export debates

--Congo: 8) European envoy visits forests slated for destruction

--Kenya: 9) Save Mau Complex forests, 10) More on Mau, 11) What's left

of Taita, 12) Import substitution, 13) Renewing a failed Samba system,

14) charcoal industry soon to be streamlined,

--Eritrea: 15) Replanting mangroves brings back fisheries,

--Columbia: 16) Environmental damage caused by cocaine use

--Brazil: 17) More at ease poring over satellite data, 18) Diagem

temporarily freezes its exploration activities, 19) Indigenous oppose

Altamira dam,

--India: 20) Satellite-linked fire alert system, 21) World's richest

bio-diversity hotspot loses its glory,

--Thailand: 22) Turning rice farmers into green desert farmers and

eucalyptus history

--Bangladesh: 23) Forests endangered and indigenous people tortured

for 'development'

--Vietnam: 24) People encroach on Central Highlands province in Kon Tum

--Papua New Guinea: 25) Save the Mangroves

--Philippines: 26) Legal logging is the real problem, 27) Five

bulldozers roaring like lost motorcycles in the forests,

--Solomon Islands: 28) Logging companies rob government, 29) Loggers whine,

--Indonesia: 30) Loggers traffic sex slaves

--New Zealand: 31) Government promises programs to help deforestation

crisis, 32) Alternative forest products: mushrooms,

--World-wide: 34) Society for Ecological Restoration International

releases report, 35) Monkey meat consumption limits natural

reforestation, 36) Risk assessment of invasive species,




1) THRILL-seeking 4x4 drivers have turned a popular Mole Valley beauty

spot into swampland, cutting down trees so they can illegally access

protected woodland. The off-roaders have churned up large areas of

earth on Ranmore Common and made it almost impossible for other

vehicles and pedestrians to use byways leading up to the woodland.

Residents and countryside groups are in outrage over the damage which

has been caused. Rob Onslow, who lives in Fetcham, said: " There's

beautiful woodland up there that's covered in bluebells. It really is

stunning and people come from miles to see them. " But the four-wheel

drivers have absolutely torn the woodland apart. It's absolutely

ruined. " The worst hit area is woodland off Drove Road and the byway

itself. " Vandals " Mr Onslow, 38, said it looked as if the 4x4 drivers

were using the area as an off-road course. He said: " It used to be

possible to take a child's buggy up Drove Road. Now it's just a

bombsite.The people who cause this kind of damage are simply vandals

in four-wheel drives. " They have nothing but contempt for our rural

woodland, which they use as a kind of playground. " As well as access

issues for those who want to use the road, there are also problems

with water holes, which have formed and flood on to neighbouring

farmland in heavy rain. A spokesman for Surrey County Council, which

is responsible for the upkeep of the byway, said 4x4s were entitled to

use the road. He added: " The county council do have the right to put a

Traffic Regulation Order in place but wants all residents to be able

to enjoy the countryside and would rather work with all parties for an

amicable solution. "




2) A protest group has been formed to oppose plans to build eco-houses

in an amenity woodland near Nairn. Locals claim proposals by the

Forestry Commission Scotland will mean the felling of up to 70 trees

in Kilnhill Wood, Lochloy. They say the plans for 32 houses and eight

chalets go against the local structure plan and will create an

" unacceptable increase " in traffic on Lochloy Road. The commission

lodged a planning application with Highland Council in February. The

protest group, known as Friends of Kilnhill Wood, has gathered 400

signatures for a petition against the development and has commissioned

an ecologist to look at the site, which they claim is home to various

animals and birds. Spokesman Terry Cowan, 41, of Maviston Steading,

Lochloy, said: " A lot of people use that wood for walking, cycling and

horse riding. It is an amenity woodland. " The Forestry Commission are

selling it as a 'new community' but it will be at the detriment of the

existing community. " Ecologist Gus Jones found evidence of bats,

badgers and red squirrels living in the wood, while owls and other

birds of prey are also thought to roost there. Mr Cowan said that with

the A96 corridor proposals due out soon, there were other more

suitable sites. The Green Party recently pledged their support for the

Kilnhill Wood development, saying it would give people the chance to

live and work in a woodland setting. They also called for more

emphasis on affordable housing and for an environmentally friendly way

of dealing with sewage.



3) A treetop walkway which takes visitors 60ft up into the canopy for

a close-up look at life among the leaves has been unveiled at Kew

Gardens. The £3 million steel structure, which runs for 650ft through

the Capability Brown woodland at the Royal Botanic Gardens aims to

help show the importance of trees to wildlife and the climate. It is

hoped it will be the highlight of Kew's summer festival celebrating

trees. The Xstrata Treetop Walkway includes a " Rhizotron " underground

exhibit to highlight the root-life of trees, follows on from the

success of a smaller temporary walkway at Kew several years ago. The

walkway will be open to the public from Saturday.




4) Scottish Woodlands manages more than 170,000 hectares of woodland,

valued in excess of £500m, for more than 1,500 clients. As well as

explaining the investment opportunities, however, Mann wants to see

the forestry industry recognised for its importance to the Scottish

economy. " With competing demands for land from food producers,

biofuels and the like, land value is rising and woodland is rising in

value too, " he said. " Our production in the UK only satisfies about

20% of our requirements, but we have the real opportunity to increase

that figure and even become self-sufficient. That would have a

knock-on effect for the economy. " A recent report showed that the

value of the forestry sector to the Scottish economy was nearly £1

billion, with about 20,000 jobs involved. It is estimated a developed

biomass industry in the UK would be almost 10 times as important as

the recycling industry in employment terms, with twice as many

employees as the air transport industry. Forestry Commission Scotland

is targeting sales of £320m of freehold forest per year to fund a

woodland creation programme, and private-sector investors are being

provided with incentives to plant 8,000 hectares for increased

production of commercial timber and as a climate change mitigation

measure. " There was a very good rationale behind this heavy tax

discounts of the 1970s and 1980s, " said Mann. " Britain was seriously

short of timber and it takes about 35 years to bring a woodland to

maturity. Incentive schemes remain but are geared differently. "







5) Africa is expected to produce a relatively small but still

substantial part of the global biofuel demand. Millions of hectares

will be turned into large scale biofuel plantations. This will hardly

take place in current agricultural areas. Especially natural areas of

wetlands and rainforest - the hotspots for biodiversity - are

vulnerable for this development. These are the main outcomes of the

study 'Biofuel production in Africa' (1), today presented by Wetlands

International at the Convention of Biological Diversity in Bonn. The

report describes the expected impact of biofuel production on African

wetlands and their values in 2020. Africa wide food production is not

directly at risk being pushed away by biofuel production. Although

millions of African hectares might be turned into biofuel production,

this will largely take place outside existing agricultural areas. The

African share of biofuel production for EU and North American and

upcoming Asian markets is expected to remain relatively modest in the

coming decades (an assumed 5% in 2020). Major consumer markets (US,

EU) will preferably support their own agricultural sector to produce

feedstocks for biofuels. Countries like Brazil will remain better

equipped to extend its biofuel production and to serve the world

markets with low production costs. A large and increasing share of

European and American agricultural production is turned into biofuels.

As a result, African food prices too will rise. This creates

opportunities for farmers but also jeopardizes the position of the

landless and urban poor when foodprices rise.






6) The trade union boss questioned why Cameroonians who are the owners

and custodians of the forest should control only 80,000 hectares. " How

can one explain that out of 620 forest exploiters operating in

Cameroon, 600 Cameroonian exploiters control only 8 per cent of the

forest whereas 20 foreign exploiters control the rest of the forest " ,

he wondered. Nkodo Dang stated that it is inconceivable that a

Cameroonian wanting to bury his or her family member lacks even wood

to make a coffin. It was also with consternation that Nkodo Dang and

his colleagues questioned the whole idea of forest certification

which, though reserved for the Cameroonian government, has witnessed a

gradual influence from foreign NGOs. The trade unionists are

particularly irked by the fact that the said report has failed to

carryout a comparative study of the situation and proceeded to mask

the realities of the Cameroonian forest. To the retired exploiter,

Nkodo Dang wondered why he could not make his report at the time he

was on the field. In other words, he said, if the system is bad, then

he must have contributed to it. Cameroon, according to Nkodo Dang, has

22.5 million hectares of forest of several categories: equatorial

forest, savannah forest, scrub and mangrove. But how come trouble

comes in only when it concerns the exploitation of equatorial forest?

This is the question, Nkodo Dang asked. Of the 600 tree species in

Cameroon, he said, only 30 are



Sierra Leone:


7) The lifting of the ban on logging which tends to suggest that while

cutting down logs and perhaps producing forest products, Sierra

Leoneans are not allowed to export timber. For some reason, some

Sierra Leoneans have argued that they make a living out of timber

export and have not viewed with favour the continuous ban on timber

export as they believe that the livelihood of some Sierra Leoneans is

threatened. Those who are in favour of continuing the timber export

ban believe that the export on forest products is a conservative move

that is designed to discourage excess logging. Excess logging itself

is blamed for the scarcity of water and even for the fast

disappearance of vast forests that one dotted the landscape of Sierra

Leone. Those who are in favour of lifting the ban on timber export may

not be aware that it is intended to encourage some sort of

conservation of our forests for posterity. It is common knowledge that

to deplete our forest is to invite future problems, including the

scarcity of water and the consequences of excessive deforestation

which terminates with desertification. Many parts of Sierra Leone are

already savannah, meaning that no big trees are expected to grow there

again and subsequently when grass disappears, then sand will surface.

The ban on timber export is therefore a sensible move to delay

desertification, enhance the availability of water and other

environmental advantages. It is also interesting to note that those

countries who are importing timbers andencouraging Sierra Leoneans to

export timbers through cash incentives have vast forest lands in their

countries which they are trying to conserve by encouraging the

importation of timber. One would wonder why countries with large

expanses of forest would prefer to import timber than cut down their

own trees?

http://forum.visitsierraleone.org/forum_posts.asp?TID=2757 & PID=31644#31644





8) The envoy from Europe can hardly believe his eyes. Butterflies the

size of dessert plates are fluttering around his nose. Orchids hang in

cascades from towering trees. Hornbills sail across the treetops. The

tropical air is filled with the saturated scent of growth and

proliferation. Biologists have already tracked down more than 10,000

plant and 400 mammal species in the Congo basin. These plants and

animals are part of the world's second-largest uninterrupted

rainforest, one of the planet's most potent carbon storage systems.

Indeed, it is for precisely this reason that Hans Schipulle, 63, is

tramping around in the wilderness near the Sangha River on a humid

morning in the Central African Republic. The envoy from Europe can

hardly believe his eyes. Butterflies the size of dessert plates are

fluttering around his nose. Orchids hang in cascades from towering

trees. Hornbills sail across the treetops. The tropical air is filled

with the saturated scent of growth and proliferation. Biologists have

already tracked down more than 10,000 plant and 400 mammal species in

the Congo basin. These plants and animals are part of the world's

second-largest uninterrupted rainforest, one of the planet's most

potent carbon storage systems. Indeed, it is for precisely this reason

that Hans Schipulle, 63, is tramping around in the wilderness near the

Sangha River on a humid morning in the Central African Republic.

Bayanga, a nearby village, is living proof of the traditional conflict

between protecting the environment and fighting poverty. Until

recently, its residents benefited from the destruction of the

rainforest. A sawmill in Bayanga provided employment for 370 people,

but the mill was shut down after Schipulle and his alliance presented

an urgent appeal to the government in the capital Bangui to prevent a

dubious logging company from being allowed to overexploit 4,520 square

kilometers (1,745 square miles) of forest.





9) The Government has sworn to act to save the Mau Complex forests.

Prime Minister Hon. Raila Odinga who chaired a meeting over the Mau

said the Government was treating the matter seriously and was

determined to come up with a solution. " We are concerned about the

situation in Mau and want to find a solution to the increased human

activity there, " the East African Standard quotes him. KFWG member and

UNEP Policy and Programme Officer, Mr Christian Lambrechts, gave a

presentation on the status of the forests and raised alarm over the

future of projects that depend on the Mau Complex. Read more on this

latest development here at the East African Standard online edition. A

copy of a report from an aerial survey of the Mau forest complex

authored by UNEP, KFWG and Ewaso Ngiro South Development Authority can

found on the KFWG website at this link:



an%2008.pdf -





10) As the Prime Minister, when Mr Raila Odinga visits the Mau Forest

Complex Tuesday, he will be hard put to make unpopular pronouncements,

but which will nevertheless safeguard the future of millions of

Kenyans, who depend on the environmental services offered by the Mau.

The flight Mr Odinga takes Tuesday will be over parts of the

400,000-hectare forest complex that are now reeling under widespread

invasion by illegal settlers, logging and destruction of indigenous

trees, hundreds of acres of forest land that are now converted into

cropland, encroachment by tea plantations and pockets of thick smoke

emanating from tens (if not hundreds) of charcoal burning kilns. Mr

Odinga is likely to relive a tour made by Environment and Natural

Resources minister John Michuki on May 8. The latter is said to have

been " horrified' by the destruction of this all-important

life-supporting natural system. It is believed that Mr Odinga's

interest and decision to tour the Mau was occasioned by prompting from

Michuki. Earlier, a combined team of conservationists from Unep, the

Kenya Forestry Working Group and the Ewaso Nyiro South Development

Authority had made a rapid aerial assessment, which unearthed the

" mayhem " wrought on the Mau forests. The team conducted the

surveillance trip on January 23, with the aim of ascertaining some

complaints made of increased forest destruction after the disputed

2007 December presidential elections. The team overflew a number of

forests that constitute the Mau Forest Complex -Maasai Mau, Ol

Pusimoru, Transmara and South West Mau. The team later prepared a

report, " Southern Mau Complex Forests Rapid Aerial Assessment " , that

paints a rather gloomy picture on the status of the forests.



11) I FIRST VISITED THE TAITA Hills a decade ago with James

Mwang'ombe, the programme co-ordinator of the Taita Hills Forests

Programme. Mwang'ombe was probably the best guide to have on the trip.

He grew up around the hills and his late father worked in the Tsavo.

As a toddler, Mwang'ombe even walked up to an elephant and touched it

and has lived to tell the tale. I was mesmerised because l had not

imagined such stunning, vivid landscapes. These were hills that we had

whizzed by since childhood, as we drove past Voi to Mombasa, just

standing there like most hills do, still and silent, carpeted in

green. But in the company of Mwang'ombe, driving up and down the

hills, all that changed — the hills came alive, the forests were full

of creatures you won't see anywhere else on earth, and as the evening

drew on, we were enveloped in a fine mist of white — and my love

affair with the mist mountains began. A decade later, I returned to

the hills. Standing by a church built a century ago on the steep slope

of the Bura Hill, I heard the dreaded sound of a power saw and turned

to see a group of local men standing around a gigantic fig tree not

less than five metres away. By the time I got there, the ancient tree

had come crashing to the ground. I was stunned. I asked them why they

had to cut the tree. " Because it was interfering with the powerline, "

said one of them. They could have easily trimmed the branches, I

thought, but when l asked what they would do with the huge old tree

now lying on the ground, the answer came in a chorus: " Charcoal! " In

my naivety, I had thought that nobody was cutting indigenous trees on

the Taitas any more. After all, the Taita Hills are biological

hotspots and the forests hold the treasures of the Taita community. It

was time to make contact with Mwang'ombe again to find out what the

status of the Taitas was. " It has been estimated that up to 98 per

cent of the forest has been lost in the past 200 years, " Mwang'ombe

explained. " However, the estimates between Independence in 1963 and

now vary from 20-50 per cent depending on the forest area. " He

continued: " For example, estimates put loss of indigenous forest cover

of Chawia at about 50 per cent, and that of Mbololo forest at 20 per

cent. In the past decade, forest cover loss has been quite minimal.

" However, there has been some destruction, especially through forest

fires like the ones that devastated Mwambirwa forest destroying about

300 hectares in 1997 and 2002. " The ban on timber harvesting from

government forests — imposed in the 1980s — also shifted the logging

from protected to non-protected areas.



12) In the late 1960s Kenya embarked on a production regime known as

import substitution. Under the scheme, the country was supposed crank

up manufacturing chiefly to save on foreign currency. Unfortunately,

the scheme failed as red tape starved the industries of imported

inputs and machinery. Later when Kenya switched to export promotion, a

Bretton Woods-driven liberalisation of the economy caught all

industries napping. Subsequently, all have become fair game for

competition from imports from Asia and other countries that channeled

practical efforts to promoting their manufacturing for export. ONE

IMPORT-SUBSTITUTION FIRM IS the Webuye-based pulp and paper

manufacturer Panafrican Paper Mills (PPM). Mooted in 1969, it began

operating in 1974 under the management of joint partner Orient Paper

of India. However, it has been on a drastic decline, as we report in

our business pages, and now needs massive corrective intervention from

its shareholders. The State a week ago injected Sh140 million to

stanch the cash flow crisis at the firm, in addition to lining up

several other incentives for the rescue. These include ceding 18,000

hectares of forest for 18 years to the firm and significantly reducing

royalties on tree-cutting. This is a godsend for the economy of

Webuye, which has wallowed in uncertainty since the firm's

three-decade forest lease expired. But we ask the government to

seriously rethink its joint venture with Orient. The first question it

should answer is whether it is still viable. In the coming years, we

will see mega-plants being built in China to take advantage of massive

afforestation programmes flood the world with cheap paper. Two, does

the firm have the capacity to reforest as it claims? How has it

performed in the past?

http://www.nationmedia.com/dailynation/nmgcontententry.asp?category_id=24 & newsid\



13) People living next to forests will be allowed to cultivate their

crops in the forests, akin to what was earlier called the shamba

(garden) system. Speaking at the Kenya Forestry Research Institute in

Muguga Wednesday, Forestry and Wildlife minister, Dr Noah Wekesa said

the reintroduction of the system is aimed at encouraging conservation

among the communities. Dr Wekesa said the system would be done in a

" controlled manner " to prevent further depletion of the area under

forest cover. " We are already doing this in some areas and I think it

is working well, " he said. Previously, environmentalists had opposed

the move, saying this might encourage illegal logging. Nobel Laureate

Wangari Maathai is on record saying the shamba system was not a good

idea, as it would be difficult to control the cutting down of trees.



14) The Sh30 billion charcoal industry will soon be streamlined to

ensure that part of its proceeds go to forest conservation efforts.

The Kenya Forest Services is pushing for streamlining of the industry

through new regulations governing production, transport and use. " This

is a big industry worth Sh30 billion and if only a small percentage of

this can go to conservation then it would do a lot, " said Kenya Forest

Services director, Mr David Mbugua. The industry also employs

thousands in production, transport, and in both wholesale and retail

trade. According to Mr Mbugua, the charcoal industry can no longer be

ignored due to its huge economic significance. " Whether we want to or

not, we cannot do away with charcoal since about 70 to 80 per cent of

Kenyans depend on charcoal and wood as a source of energy, " said Mr

Mbugua. Efforts to prohibit charcoal burning have in the past failed

mainly due to huge demand, lack of capacity by the relevant

authorities and collusion with charcoal burners. The new drive to

regulate the charcoal industry arose from the new Forest Act of 2005

which requires formulation of regulations on the production, transport

and use of charcoal. Once the regulations are in place, the private

sector will be able to invest more in development of the industry.

" People will now deal in it as a legal business and they will improve

on the technologies used in charcoal burning, " said Mr Mbugua. Current

charcoal making technologies are obsolete and have not been improved

leading to a lot of wastage of wood. Burning 10 tonnes of firewood

gives one tonne of charcoal, explained Mr Mbugua. According to the KFS

director, the new rules are at an advanced stage of formulation and

will soon be presented to the Forestry and Wildlife minister for

gazzettment. The rules outline how a percentage from every charcoal

bag will be charged. http://allafrica.com/stories/200805211045.html




15) Fisherman Ali Osman grins as he hauls a large emperor fish out of

the shallow Red Sea waters off Eritrea. Other fish flop on the sea's

flat surface as four young fishermen wade through the high tide to

take back an impressive haul to their village, Hirgigo. " If it wasn't

for the mangroves, there wouldn't be so many fish, " Ali says, pointing

at a thick tree line marking the border of desert and sea. The forest

of new mangrove trees has given fish, crabs and oysters vital shelter

to feed and breed in an area where there were previously only arid mud

flats. Marine life, and their human hunters, are not the only

beneficiaries of an eco-project in this Horn of Africa village that

has won global awards as a model for reducing poverty and feeding the

hungry. Led by US scientist and humanitarian Gordon Sato, the project

has transformed an area where fresh water is too scarce to support

conventional agriculture. Leaves from the trees - a million mangroves

grow in a 6km swathe from Hirgigo - provide fodder for livestock, so

villagers no longer have to trek into distant highlands to feed their

sheep and goats. The decade-old Manzanar project's low-tech,

self-sustaining cycle also provides ground fishmeal and dried mangrove

seeds to feed protein-hungry animals. Salih Mohamud, a 60-year-old

father of four, says while watching his livestock contentedly: " I was

given three sheep, now I have 15. I was a poor man, now I am rich. "

http://www.busrep.co.za/index.php?fSectionId= & fArticleId=4417619




16) The British and Colombian governments have launched a joint drive

to highlight the environmental damage caused by cocaine use. Colombian

vice-president Francisco Santos Calderon said taking it was seen as a

" victimless crime " in Europe but it was devastating his country. Some

2.2 million hectares of rainforest had been lost to cocaine production

over the last 20 years, he added. Home Office minister Vernon Coaker

said this was the " real price " of the drug. The two politicians were

joined at the launch of the Shared Responsibility campaign in London's

Trafalgar Square by Alex James, the former bassist with the pop group

Blur. Mr Calderon said: " We need to show the consequences - the

consequences to human beings and also the consequences to the

environment. " Cocaine consumption fuels exploitation, violence and

environmental damage in Colombia, the world's second most bio-diverse

country, he added. Drug barons were devastating the country's soils

and water sources by using harmful or banned pesticides, Mr Calderon

said. Mr Coaker said that although drug consumption was at an 11-year

low, cocaine was the only drug that had risen in use since 1998. He

said the campaign was " trying to put across the message that the real

price of cocaine is not what somebody pays on the street, and not only

what an individual does in the UK when they snort powder cocaine " . Mr

James, a former cocaine user who recently presented a BBC Panorama

documentary on the effects of the drug, backed the environmental focus

of the campaign. He said: " I don't know why we care more about monkeys

dying than people dying but we do. So this is a really intelligent way

of going about it. "





17) Gilberto Câmara, a scientist who leads Brazil's national space

agency, is more at ease poring over satellite data of the Amazon than

being thrust into the spotlight. But since January, Dr. Câmara has

been at the center of a political tug-of-war between scientists and

Brazil's powerful business interests. It started when he and his

fellow engineers released a report showing that deforestation of

Brazil's portion of the rainforest appeared to have shot up again

after two years of decline. Since then, Dr. Câmara, who leads the

National Institute for Space Research here, has found himself having

to defend his agency's findings against one of Brazil's richest and

most powerful men: Blairo Maggi, who is governor of the country's

largest agricultural state, Mato Grosso, and a business owner known as

the " Soybean King. " Governor Maggi was exercised enough by the report

— which led to harsh measures stifling business in his state — that he

asked for, and got, a meeting with the president, Luiz Inácio Lula da

Silva. The stakes could not be higher for Mr. da Silva. Stewardship of

the Amazon has always been a touchy subject, with many Brazilians

fearful that world powers would try to impose their standards on the

rainforest. But in recent years, the debate over the Amazon has

intensified, with many outside the country seeing an intact rainforest

as a key to controlling global warming. At the same time, Brazil's

economy has taken off — largely because of businesses that are

claiming more of the Amazon's land for crops and livestock, and more

of its trees for logging. The space agency has two systems for

measuring deforestation. A yearly satellite analysis called Prodes

measures deforested areas as small as about 15 acres, while a

lower-resolution system called Deter is designed to map areas greater

than about 60 acres in real-time, giving law enforcement information

to act quickly to stop further destruction. The controversy over the

space agency's figures have centered on the information provided by

Deter. In the past, Dr. Câmara said, the agency included mostly large

swaths of cleared land in its analysis. But environmental researchers

have been clamoring for years for satellite researchers to expand

monitoring to include areas thinned by logging and surface fires,

rather than just areas that have been clear cut. The agency uses the

term progressive degradation to refer to this systemic process of

forest degradation that has become increasingly common in the Amazon

in recent years. The agency began including it in its analysis in

2005, Dr. Câmara said.

http://www.nytimes.com/2008/05/25/world/americas/25amazon.html?_r=1 & ref=world & or\



18) Diagem Inc. temporarily froze its exploration activities in the

Juina Diamond Province of Mato Grosso, Brazil and has initiated

procedures to significantly reduce its Brazilian workforce until a

resolution to the embargo imposed by the Brazilian Federal

Environmental Agency ( " IBAMA " ) is reached. Diagem's legal counsel in

Brazil is confident that the IBAMA embargo can be nullified in a

relatively short period of time as the deforestation was not performed

by Diagem, but by other non-related parties prior to Diagem starting

its evaluation program. Diagem is also confident that it will

successfully contest an unjustified C$1.1 million fine that is

considered illegal, abusive and excessive in this context. The Company

is dedicating its financial and human resources to reversing the

embargo. However, during this mandated standby, the Company will

continue to comply with obligations to the government and other

stakeholders and to maintain its surface and mineral rights,

facilities and assets in good standing to the extent permitted by the

law. " The Chapadao Kimberlite Project has the potential to become a

major employer in the community and has the promise of a significant

return for the shareholders who have long supported the Company, "

commented Denis Francoeur, CEO of the Company. " The goal of the

Company is to rapidly resume evaluation work on the project, which is

undoubtedly in the best interest of the shareholders and the community

of Juina. Diagem plans to rehire the laid-off employees once the

embargo is lifted " .





19) The Amazonian city of Altamira played host to one of the more

uneven contests in recent Brazilian history this week, as a colourful

alliance of indigenous leaders gathered to take on the might of the

state power corporation and stop the construction of an immense

hydroelectric dam on a tributary of the Amazon. At stake are plans to

flood large areas of rainforest to make way for the huge Belo Monte

hydroelectric dam on the Xingu river. The government is pushing the

project as a sustainable energy solution, but critics complain the

environmental and social costs are too high. For people living beside

the river, the dam will bring an end to their way of life. Thousands

of homes will be submerged and changes in the local ecology will wipe

out the livelihoods of many more, killing their main food sources and

destroying their raw materials. For the 10,000 tribal indians of the

Xingu, whose lives have changed little since the arrival of Europeans

five centuries ago, this will be a devastating blow. " This is the

second time we are fighting this battle, " says Chief Bocaire, a young

leader of the Kayapo, one of more than 600 Indians from 35 ethnic

groups who gathered in record numbers in Altamira. For most it has

been an odyssey of several weeks, travelling in small boats to reach

the roads. " In 1989, our parents defeated a similar proposal with the

help of the international media. Now it is back. But we are ready to

fight again. This time we speak their language, and we are more

determined than ever, " says Chief Bocaire. With so much at stake,

tensions spilled over into violence this week when an engineer from

the power company Eletrobras was caught up in a melee with Indians

wielding machetes. Paulo Fernando Rezende had his shirt ripped from

him and was left with a deep cut to his shoulder. Nineteen years ago,

the Indians called on the support of the rock star Sting and the late

Body Shop founder Anita Roddick. Pictures of the pair alongside Chief

Raoni, with his lower lip distended by a traditional lip plate, sent

their message to the outside world. The reservoir will flood up to

6,140 square kilometres (2,371 square miles). Scientists say it will

cause a dramatic increase in greenhouse-gas emissions from the

decomposition of organic matter in the stagnant water of the

reservoir. http://www.commondreams.org/archive/2008/05/23/9155/




20) New Delhi: A satellite-linked fire alert system, developed by NASA

and currently on trial in Madhya Pradesh, is turning out to be an

effective tool in saving wildlife and bio-diversity from forest fires.

This computer programme, called Fire Alert and Message System (FAMS),

has been developed by NASA and the University of Maryland, US. With

the help of the alert system, in place since April 2007, forest

officials now respond to fire outbreaks faster. The reaction time has

been reduced to two hours from the earlier eight hours to even a

couple of days. Locating the place of fire in forest areas was

difficult, said a forest department official. Such delays can cause

major losses to Indian forests every year. A moderate Forest Survey of

India (FSI) estimate says that timber worth Rs 35 crore is lost in

fires in 63 million hectares of Indian forests every day, apart from

unaccounted damage to bio-diversity. But if figures from a UN study in

1987 are calculated on the present prices, the annual loss is

estimated to be around Rs 410 crores, says environment ministry

estimates. FSI data shows that 50 per cent of Indian forests are fire

prone. India's first system, a combination of satellite-based

detection of fire and a computer programme, sends an alert to the

nearest forest official whenever it detects a fire, reducing the

reaction time by several hours. The system processes remote sensing

data of active fire locations obtained through a satellite and then

sends alerts through SMSes and e-mails from the nearest beat guard to

the state's chief conservator of forests. The system also builds the

database of fire locations, which can be used to identify fire

sensitive zones scientifically and also to plan fire control strategy.



21) Right under the nose of three state governments -- Goa,

Maharashtra and Karnataka -- the world's richest bio-diversity hotspot

is fearing to lose its glory due to massive deforestation.

Environmentalists say that this thick forest in the Sahyadri range,

which is also home to several wildlife, has already lost two acres of

its forest to timber mafia and instances of forest fire. However, with

a view to protect the forest, they have also held several round of

talks with the villagers of Virdi, which has a cluster of 2,000

population in Maharashtra. " There is a need of a combined effort to

curb such mass scale deforestation in important areas of biodiversity

richness, but being private areas owned by villagers and given the

political or social influence, authorities can do little, especially

in a state like Maharashtra, whose entire Western Ghats have under

pressure for years and continue to reel under the demons of rapid

industrialisation and urban development, " said state's renowned

environmentalist Nirmal Kulkarni. Besides, it is also found that the

trees are cut just next to the village in the thick forest in the

Karnataka jurisdiction. Goa's state tree Mhadad (terminillia

grenalata) is also found in this stretch and is being robbed away by

timber lobby. Other tree species like Kinnal (terminillia panigulata)

are also facing the wrath, the environmentalists say.





22) The farmers produce more logs than Advance Agro can process, so

they sell them to the pole and fibreboard industries. The

eucalyptus-farming scheme has proven so successful that the company

contracted an additional 500,000 farmers since 2005. Some 300 schools

have also joined in, growing seedlings donated by Advance Agro in

school compounds and selling the trees when they mature. But things

were not always so green for eucalyptus farming and the pulp and paper

industry in Thailand, which have had a troubled history. In the late

80s and through the 90s, Thai villagers and activists marched against

expanding eucalyptus plantations which have taken over natural

forests, farms and settlements. Though not a scene typical of rural

padi farms in Thailand, it nevertheless is becoming commonplace as

more of such trees are sprouting up in the country's agriculture

sites. Some 1.5 million Thai farmers are growing eucalyptus trees on

empty spaces around their crops, under contract with Advance Agro

Public Company, maker of the Double A brand of office paper and

Thailand's biggest pulp and paper manufacturer. The farmers, scattered

over the central plains, south, north and north-east of the country,

nurture some 300 million eucalyptus trees to be used for paper-making.

In the village of Chiangtai in Chachoengsao province in eastern

Thailand, farmer Patchai Kanpawa first planted eucalyptus on unused

land in his 9ha rice fields four years ago and has since harvested

3,000 trees. While Kanpawa, 67, utilises rice field embankments for

his eucalyptus trees, other farmers grow them in bigger parcels of

land among their plots of rice, sugarcane, cassava, corn and other

crops. Such small-scale tree-farming is said to be less ecologically

damaging than vast industrial tree plantations. Kanpawa says

eucalyptus cultivation has not adversely affected his rice yields. He

cuts the trees when they reach a diameter of 6.5cm – the minimum for

pulp production. The first 1,000 trees felled earned him 100,000 bahts

(RM10,000). That drew the attention of other villagers and now, half

of the 150 families in Chiangtai, about an hour's drive from Bangkok,

are cultivating eucalyptus trees. Advance Agro processes the logs at

its two pulp and two paper mills in Thatoom in Prachinburi province,

east of Bangkok.

http://thestar.com.my/lifestyle/story.asp?file=/2008/5/27/lifefocus/21193971 & sec\





23) Environmentalists yesterday called on the government to stop the

encroachment of forest land in the name of industrialisation. They

during a press conference yesterday also demanded that the indigenous

people's land rights be established through an effective land

commission in Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) and the proper

implementation of the CHT peace treaty. Bangladesh Paribesh Andolon

(Bapa) organised the conference styled " Forests endangered, indigenous

people tortured in the name of development " at Dhaka Reporters Unity

to describe the current situation of the forests in danger. Speaking

at the conference, Bapa President Prof Muzaffer Ahmad said forests are

our national assets and the indigenous people have been conserving the

forests for decades but these forests are now on the verge of

destruction. He also said the forests and rivers of the country are

being ruined in the name of industrialisation. This is polluting the

environment and causing severe natural disasters. " Development should

be human and environment friendly but some non-government and business

organisations ignoring facts are destroying our common properties and

are also evicting indigenous people from their lands, " he said. The

lone mangrove forest of the country--the Sundarbans--is being

demolished to feed newspaper and hardboard factories in Khulna, he

said adding that lands are being taken over by expanding industries

and cultivable lands in the CHT area are losing fertility due to the

effluents discharged by industries. " We are not against

industrialisation but we do not want development that destroys our

forests, rivers and puts the indigenous people at risk, " he said,

adding, " Development is for the people… not for merely development and

we should not go for anything that goes against the greater interest

of the ethnic people. " Prof Muzaffer also said the ownership of lands

should be specified and the rights of the ethnic communities should be

protected. He stressed the importance of planting local species of

tress instead of opting for alien species to save the biodiversity of

the country. " The environment will be damaged and natural disasters

will be more destructive if we do not take steps to save our forests

and rivers, " he added. http://www.thedailystar.net/story.php?nid=37919




24) KON TUM — People in the Central Highlands province of Kon Tum are

increasingly encroaching on forest land to plant cassava, rubber and

coffee due to the crops' soaring prices, says Deputy Director of Kon

Tum Forestry Farm Nguyen Duc Chien. The forestry official spotlights

an alarming rise in illegal logging and forest encroachment, saying

that violators are using all sorts of tricks to get away with

illegally exploiting the forests. Chien says that people in Kon Tum

Province have infringed upon more than 4,400 ha of forest land, out of

the 16,000 ha of Kon Tum Forest managed by the province's forestry

farm. In the past five months alone, more than 550 ha of forest land

has been invaded by people from Kon Tum. Nguyen Khac Hien, deputy head

of the forest farm's Technical Department says the areas cleared of

trees are getting larger day by day. Today, this figure is more than

4,400 ha but tomorrow it may be 5,000 ha, says Hien. Among the worst

hit forests are those in Dak Kam Commune of Kon Tum Town and Ngoc Wang

Commune of Dak Ha District, says Hoang Trung Dung, an officer from the

farm. Rising prices for cassava, rubber and coffee have given locals

extra incentive to break the law. The price of raw cassava rose to

VND80,000 per 100kg from VND50,000, while dry cassava shot up to

VND130,000 per 100kg from VND80,000, says Lam Thi Minh Thuy, an

official from Kon Tum Province's Agriculture Department. Prices for

rubber and coffee are also rising, with rubber getting especially

pricey. Rubber prices rose to VND19,000 per kg, three times higher

than before, says Thuy. Farm officer Dung says loggers are using

tricks such as lighting forest fires at night, to get away with

cutting down trees and collecting timber illegally. In the daytime,

they plant cassava, rubber and coffee on the forest land which they

have just cleared, he says. But while farm officers are aware of

what's being done, Chien says he doesn't have enough staff to

adequately enforce the law. " We also lack the necessary technical

means and the farm has no right to punish the people who illegally

invade forest land and cut down trees, " said Chien.



Papua New Guinea:


25) Scientists are warning Papua New Guinea's mangrove forests will

disappear within 20 years unless moves are made now to protect them. A

marine biologist from the University of PNG, Thomas Maniwavie, says

the harvesting of mangrove forests has become an unsustainable

commercial industry. He says the increasing population and the rising

cost of cooking fuels like kerosene, has led to the increased burning

of mangrove forest wood. Dr Maniwavie, says if alternatives aren't

found then mangrove forests will be wiped out because of over

harvesting by 2028. " Firstly village women and elderly women were

picking up firewood, in small bundles for sustainable usage, then

switch to menfolk in fact chopping down trees, and then only within

the last five years menfolk have come along with chainsaws and with

chainsaws they've ripped down more trees than they're required, " he

said. " I'm quite fearful that if this rate continues we might end up

having no mangroves in the next twenty years or so. "





26) Environmentalist groups claimed legal, not illegal or even illegal

as it is easy to get papers nowadays as long as one have connections,

large-scale logging, small-scale mining and illegal mining operations

which had no permits or even have permits were major culprits in

deforestation. Two months ago, a mini-gold processing plant in

Rosario, Agusan del Sur whose pond tailings containing waste toxic

materials like cyanide, acids, mercury used in gold processing were

spilling over the streets, to farms and nearby houses were found to

have no single permit at all. And it has been operating for years

without environmental compliance certificate or ECC. Similar

operations are found in almost all gold rush areas in Caraga Region

were most if not all had no business, barangay permits at all

therefore cannot be monitored that if concerned government agencies

are monitoring. And wood processing plants who had no logging

concession at all which were pre-requisites in operating logging

business were allegedly buying illegally cut logs from illegal loggers

who allegedly paying protection money all the way to concerned

government agencies including law enforcers from NBI, CIDG, police and

military, selected media men particularly radio stations and to the

insurgents. Said revelations were exposed by three former workers of

well-known illegal logging operators who were relatives or closely

associated with political dynasty clans. The three who requested not

to be identified for fear of their lives in their tape recorded

revelations claimed the reason why illegal logging and mining are hard

to stop because " everybody is benefited from government men to the

insurgents operating in the area " . An Army colonel confirmed that

allegedly the New People's Army are getting its bulk of its

revolutionary taxes from illegal logging and mining activities in

Caraga Region. The expose' claimed from the area where logs are cut

and towed via Agusan River, there are more than twenty checkpoints.

They alleged that each checkpoints get protection money that varies

according to number of logs towed to Butuan City. The protection money

ranges from P1,000 to P20,000 allegedly collected by each checkpoint

located along Agusan River. http://www.mindanao.com/blog/?p=3713


27) LA TRINIDAD, BENGUET—Abraham Akilit, manager of the National

Irrigation Administration in the Cordillera Administrative Region, was

shocked to see five bulldozers roaring like lost motorcycles in the

forests. Akilit led a team to inspect the Mt. Ahin watershed in the

boundary of the provinces of Ifugao, Benguet and Mountain Province

last month. " Like in the other national parks, the bulldozers were

meant to clear the forest for vegetation, " Akilit said. Attracting

most attention are the Mt. Pulag National Park that straddles Benguet,

Ifugao and Nueva Vizcaya, and the Mt. Data National Park in Buguias,

Benguet, and in Bauko, Mountain Province. " Crucial sections of Mt.

Data and Mt. Pulag are becoming vegetable gardens. This is a sad

development, " Akilit said. At stake in these national parks are mossy

forests, the most critical portions of the country's forests, said

Manuel Pogeyed, Benguet's environment and natural resources officer.

" They provide the habitat of endangered species of plants and

animals. " Samuel Peñafiel, director of the Department of Environment

and Natural Resources in the Cordillera, agreed. " The mossy forests

act like a sponge. They hold water and organic matter which are

crucial to forest life and biodiversity. This is why mossy forests are

attractive to vegetation, " he said. Pulag, the highest peak in Luzon

and the second tallest mountain in the country, had been reported to

host 33 bird species and several mammals believed to be in danger of

becoming extinct, like the deer, longhaired fruit bat and the giant

bushy tailed cloud rat (Crateromys schadenbergi).





Solomon Islands:


28) Logging companies in the country have been accused of robbing the

government, the country, and resource owners of millions of dollars

over the past twenty years by manipulating the country's determined

price system for the export of round logs. A logger, who chose to

remain anonymous, says that he totally supports the recent upward

review by the Government of the determined export price for round

logs, describing it as " still very unfair on the country and the

resource owners. " In response to the threat by the logging companies

to withhold their log exports as a way to put pressure on the

government to reconsider its decision, the logger said the Government

must immediately investigate the administration of log exports by the

Forestry Department up until now. " If the Government carries out a

surprise audit of the way the Forestry Department has been

administering log exports, the Government would find massive

corruption of the export system initiated by logging companies in the

last twenty years, " the logger said. He stated that the corruption

involved both corrupting the Forestry Department and deliberate

manipulation of the system, enabling loggers to avoid paying for the

right level of export duties.



29) An ISABEL landowner says the Government's recent decision to

increase the determined price on logs is forcing loggers to stop their

operations. Konide landowner Cecil Evo said this yesterday. He said

this is already happening with logging companies operating on Isabel.

" One logging company has already cut down its staff and another, Green

Tree, halted discussions with resource owners, " he said. Mr Evo said

the move will also affect government revenue because the economy still

relies heavily on logging. The Government's decision to increase the

determined price was to ensure resources owners and the government get

a fair share of the revenue from logs.

http://solomonstarnews.com/index.php?option=com_content & task=view & id=1553 & change\

=71 & changeown=

78 & Itemid=26




30) The illegal logging destroying Indonesia's tropical forests is

fuelling another illicit trade: the trafficking of girls as sex

slaves. Girls as young as 13 are being lured from their homes with

promises of employment as waitresses or maids, and then pressed into

servicing loggers, their bosses and forestry officials deep within the

jungles of West Kalimantan, on Indonesia's side of Borneo island.

Maria, a child's rights activist, stumbled upon the jungle brothel

during a trip to West Kalimantan to rescue teenagers in illegal gold

mines The girls, many of them between 13 and 17, had been trafficked

from within West Kalimantan, or Indonesia's main island of Java, 920km

away, she said. " If they want to run, they're in the middle of the

forest, living beside a river, which is too deep and dangerous to

swim, " said Maria, who asked that her real name not be used for fear

of being tracked down by the traffickers. The girls were paid as

little as 300,000 rupiah per month (Dh118), and forced to live in

appalling conditions, she said. " They didn't even have simple houses;

they were living in huts or just tents made of plastic, with thatch

roofs. There were no facilities for them, " Maria said. With high

unemployment levels and low education, many village girls in Indonesia

jump at any offers to work overseas or in other cities, particularly

because salaries in foreign countries are higher. Last year about 4.3

million people, mostly women, left Indonesia for Malaysia, Hong Kong,

Taiwan, Singapore and the Middle East to work as maids or sometimes as

nurses, collectively bringing home US$13 billion.




New Zealand:


31) " We will be promoting international cooperation to reduce global

rates of deforestation and illegal logging to support action on

climate change, biodiversity and sustainable development, " said Jim

Anderton. International action will include the development of

financial mechanisms to assist developing countries to reduce

deforestation; commissioning research on further steps to address

international trade in illegally-logged wood and Ministerial-level

engagement with key consumer countries and those countries from which

there is a risk of export to New Zealand of illegally-logged wood. " We

will also be supporting efforts to have the threatened and commonly

illegally logged timber, kwila, listed under the Convention on

International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). A listing would

allow trade in this type of timber to be effectively monitored and

controlled internationally. " Jim Anderton said that verifying the

legality of wood products at the border was not straightforward and

even if documentation is supplied, verifying its authenticity is not

easy. Imposing a ban on illegal timber would be impractical and

ineffective if it was not backed up by reliable traceability and

verification systems involving exporting countries. For this reason we

need to develop cooperative mechanisms with our trading partners to

prevent illegally-logged wood being exported to New Zealand. Bilateral

agreements offer the best prospect, in the short term, of providing

practicable mechanisms to effectively identify and prevent illegal

wood from entering New Zealand. It is precisely these sorts of

bilateral mechanisms that I plan to discuss with counterparts in the

Asia-Pacific region over the next two months.



33) Juken New Zealand has come up with a new crop in its Gisborne

forests that might one day outstrip the value of its trees and

generate hundreds of new jobs in this district. It yesterday launched

First Light Mushrooms, a company owned by the Nakamoto family and run

by Sheldon Drummond, which is exporting gourmet forest mushrooms to

untapped markets in Asia and Europe. Together with Food and Crop New

Zealand, the company has been researching and trialling mushrooms all

over New Zealand for the past eight years. It led them back to this

district, which had the most friable rich volcanic soils, as well as

the rainfall and the climate best suited to forest mushrooms, Mr

Drummond told a gathering at the Marina Restaurant yesterday. The

project had been kept under wraps until it was commercial, he said. It

was now growing the first variety -- saffron milk cap mushrooms -- in

commercial quantities, he said. Six others, including Perigord black

truffles, bianchetto, shor, porcini, matsutake and burgundy would

follow over the next few years. Mr Drummond said the company was now

at the stage where things would start literally mushrooming. " At the

moment we are talking in kilograms, by next year we will be talking

tonnes and after that it will be tonnes per day, " he said. " Over the

next five to eight years we will be generating jobs in their

hundreds, " he said. One of the biggest challenges would be finding the

people -- growing mushrooms was a complex science.

http://www.gisborneherald.co.nz/Default.aspx?s=3 & s1=2 & id=9d077854722847178d4182c\





34) Society for Ecological Restoration International (SER) released

its May 2008 Briefing Note on the " Opportunities for Integrating

Ecological Restoration and Biological Conservation within the

Ecosystem Approach " at the Convention on Biological Diversity's Ninth

Conference of the Parties held in Bonn, Germany, May 19-30, 2008. The

SER Briefing Note states that the Ecosystem Approach, as developed by

the CBD and others, provides us with a comprehensive framework where

ecological restoration and biological conservation represent key

support beams. George Gann, SER's Chair, argues that " as habitat

destruction increases and the effects of climate change continue to

accelerate, conservation alone is no longer sufficient in protecting

the health and continuity of many species " . The Briefing Note calls

attention to the complementary roles of ecological restoration and

biological conservation, and their potential for integration within a

unified ecosystem approach. According to Keith Bowers, SER's Vice

Chair, " large-scale conservation planning is now taking into account

the important role of ecological restoration in preserving

biodiversity, whether it is restoring critical elements of the

landscape matrix or entire habitats from the ground up " . In the United

States, two statewide conservation plans have been built around

ecological restoration principles: the New Mexico Forest and Watershed

Health Plan and the Statewide Strategy for Restoring Arizona's

Forests. Ultimate success will depend on avoiding top-down approaches

by consulting with all stakeholders (e.g. private landowners,

indigenous peoples, and government agencies) from planning to

implementation and monitoring. According to Jim Harris, SER's Science

and Policy Working Group Chair, " there is an increasing awareness of

the fundamental interdependencies linking biodiversity and ecosystem

services however the precise relationships between the protecting

diversity and human well-being are not yet clearly understood or

quantified, and require further research and a precautionary

approach " . Collaborative efforts between those working in the fields

of restoration and conservation, specifically utilizing an integrated

ecosystem approach, will yield synergies needed to effectively deal

with the daunting challenges of preserving biodiversity while

simultaneously improving human livelihoods.






35) Monkeys are being slaughtered by the million every year to cater

to the rising demand for " bushmeat, " with dire consequences for the

tropical forests they roam in Africa, Asia and South America. The

commercialization of the practice - bushmeat fetches high prices in

cities like London - along with modern hunting methods, is devastating

monkey species, researchers told the UN biodiversity conference taking

place in the German city of Bonn. The monkeys play a key role in

spreading the seeds of certain trees, either because the seeds are

better able to germinate after being passed through the monkeys'

digestive systems, or because they are released from their hard pods

by the monkeys while foraging. The German-based conservation group Pro

Wildlife assembled 92 international researchers from the fields of

ecology, botany and anthropology to assess the impact of monkey

hunting and present their findings to the 5,000 delegates attending

the two-week conference. The results were alarming: in many cases

there are no laws against the hunting and in others the law is not

applied. Monkey meat used to be consumed by indigenous peoples in a

sustainable way, but now there is a lucrative trade in the meat,

Sandra Altherr, a Pro Wildlife biologist, says. " In many rainforest

regions, the larger monkey species have already disappeared, and the

hunters have ever smaller species in their sights, " Altherr says.

" These days they are even shooting squirrel monkeys, which have very

little meat on them, " she says. Squirrel monkeys, which range through

Central and South America generally weigh around a kilogram. According

to Pro Wildlife, recent research shows that in those regions of the

South American rain forests where monkey species have been

exterminated, certain tree species have little chance of survival.

" They help reforest the rain forests. If they are not there, the

surrounding ecosystem can get out of balance in the longer term, "

Altherr says.





36) A new report, entitled " A Risk Assessment of Invasive Alien

Species Promoted for Biofuels, " is calling on governments to carefully

weigh the risks posed by biofuel crops that stand a chance of becoming

invasive species against the perceived benefits. The report, authored

by the Global Invasive Species Program (GISP), identifies all the

crops being used or considered for future production and ranks them

according to the likelihood of their becoming invasive. According to

GISP, the damage wrought by invasive species worldwide incurs yearly

costs that top $1.4 trillion; the U.S. spends about $120 billion every

year to control the populations of over 800 invasive species.

Countries in Asia and Africa, in which so-called second generation

biofuel crops are being introduced, lack the necessary resources to

adequately contain invasive species. A plant like Arundo donax (the

giant reed), which has been proposed as a potential biofuel crop, is

already invasive in many regions of North and Central America. Not

only it is naturally flammable, but it also consumes large quantities

fo water -- roughly 2,000 liters per standing meter of growth. Or take

oil palm, for example: The African species, which has been recommended

for use as a source of biodiesel, has spread like wildfire in certain

parts of Brazil -- turning diverse forest habitats into homogeneous

fields of palms. While the report isn't intended to discourage all

biofuel production, it is meant to serve as a useful reference for

policymakers and businesses considering their use. It lists the

following as potential risk-mitigating strategies: 1) Risk assessments

- use of formal risk assessment protocols to evaluate the risk of

invasion 2) Benefit/cost analysis - presenting business plans that can

show real benefits before funds are made available 3) Selection of

native/low-risk species - creation of incentives for the use of

species that pose the lowest risk 4) Risk management - includes

monitoring and contingency planning, such as control measures when an

outbreak occurs.


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