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Fwd: Centcom -War Novartis Global Week of Action - Day 2

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****Cross Post Freely*****Note from WAR: Let's give this week long campaignagainst Novartis, a good solid week of effort. Many ofyou have written to us asking how you can be involvedin this campaign without an active local group in youreara. If you cannot travel to protests, this is howyou can lend your support. Take a few minutes to makesome contacts to reach Novartis. Remember that theactivists that are hitting the streets and protestingat various Novartis locations around the world needyour support. They

need you to get active. As U.S.Memorial Day comes to a close lets remember all of theanimals that have been killed at Huntingdon LifeSciences.Let's also remember our friends that are in prisonbecause of their advocacy and compassion for animals. Do it for them. I know they would appreciate it.Reposted from SHAC UK:Novartis Global Week of Action - Day 2=============================Today's alert comes in two parts, firstly we need tocontact the Swiss Societyof Industrial Pharmacists (GSIS board) in whichNovartis have board members.Also on the board are people from Actellion, anotherHLS customer, and Roche(ex customer).The GSIS board have written a code of ethics whichstates that animalscientists must have proper regard for the safety,health, environment andcomfort of animals. Working with HLS surely goescompletely against their codeof ethics! HLS have

been exposed punching beaglepuppies in the face!For the second part of the alert we would like you tocontact "Novartis Pets"On their website, http://pets.novartis.com they claimto be "committed to thewellbeing of your dog" they talk about lovingcreatures and the importance ofkeeping pets happy and healthy. What they fail tomention is the abhorantcruelty they are supporting at HLS, they don't seem toadvertise that on theirwebsite... I wonder why?!Again, just like yesterday there are sample lettersfor any one who needs them.================Part One, GSIS alert:SAMPLE LETTER:================DearI am writing to you because you are on the GSIS boardand to draw to yourattention Huntingdon Life Sciences, (HLS) who areEurope's largest animaltesting laboratory. They are also the most exposedlaboratory

in the world.I draw this to your attention because your code ofethics states thatprofessional animal scientists should have properregard for the safety health,environment and comfort of animals. Your code ofethics is completelymeaningless when your board members include peoplefrom companies whocommission tests at Huntingdon Life Sciences, inparticular Novartis andActellion.HLS were first exposed on national TV in 1997 whenworkers went undercover inthe laboratory and filmed workers punching dogs. AfterHLS assured the worldthis was a one off, they have been exposed yet againfor the same appalling actin 2005. You can read about this here:http://www.shac.net/MISC/Inside_HLS.htmlThis year they have also faced embarrassment as an exworker, a seniorscientist, has filed a lawsuit against the lab when hewas

fired from his jobafter refusing to falsify data.I am urging you to take a stand against HuntingdonLife Science. Roche hasalready turned it's back on them, and would like tosee Novartis and Actellionto follow suit. Please use your position on the GSISto help this happen.[your name here]-------------------------GSIS Boardmarc.cadisch (AT) babs (DOT) admin.ch- Presidentstephan.buchmann (AT) actelion (DOT) com- Secretaryaudrey.luginbuehl (AT) roche (DOT) com- Treasurerhubert.moll (AT) pharma (DOT) novartis.com- Adjunct Membersilvio.inderbitzin (AT) spirig (DOT) ch- Adjunct Memberlorenz.meinel (AT) novartis (DOT) com- Adjunct Memberuwe.jocham (AT) cslbehring (DOT) com- President of GSIA Foundationsven.inaebnit (AT) roche (DOT) com- SAV DelegateAll of the emails featured in this alert:marc.cadisch (AT) babs (DOT) admin.ch,stephan.buchmann (AT) actelion (DOT) com,audrey.luginbuehl (AT) roche (DOT) com,hubert.moll (AT) pharma (DOT) novartis.com,silvio.inderbitzin (AT) spirig (DOT) ch,lorenz.meinel (AT) novartis (DOT) com,uwe.jocham (AT) cslbehring (DOT) com, sven.inaebnit (AT) roche (DOT) com-------------------------Part Two, Novartis Pets alert: pets.information (AT) novartis (DOT) comSAMPLE LETTER:==============Dear Sir/MadamI am writing to you about the research which Novartisis commissioning at Europe's largest animal researchfacility, Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS)On your website, you attempt to give off an impressionthat you care about animal welfare. You say thatNovartis is committed to the well-being of petdogs and talk about the importance of their health.This is a stark contrast to the cruelty you aresupporting

at Huntingdon Life Science who have beencaught on camera, punching beagle puppies in the face.You can see this for yourself,http://www.shac.net/HLS/exposed/broughton.htmlHLS has not only been caught doing that in 1997 butagain in 2005. This exposure has revealedincompetence, negligence, vicious cruelty to animalsanda disregard for the law. Please read for yourself theaccount written by workers from HLS:http://www.shac.net/MISC/Inside_HLS.htmlThere is a catalogue of cruelty spreading across adecade and it is appalling that you would condone thistype of behaviour. You do not mention on yourwebsite about the cruelty you are sponsoring becauseyou know that the people buying your products wouldnot want them if they knew you supported such barbaricacts at

HLS.I urge you to withdraw your support of HLS, and toturn your back on animal abuse, it is an outrage thatyou would condone such aggressive behaviour towardsanimals whilst promoting pet care.[your name here]===========================DISCLAIMER AND INFORMATIONAll details in this action alert are provided forinformational purposes only, and should not be usedfor any illegal activities as defined by thejurisdiction you live in. SHAC are not involved in,and do not encourage, any form of harassment orillegal action. Nothing in this action alert has thepurpose of inciting such behaviour. Please keep allcommunications polite.For general information on the campaign againstHuntingdon Life Sciences please visit the websitewww.shac.net, or alternatively call Stop HuntingdonAnimalCruelty on (UK) 0845 458 0630.Please feel free to forward on this action

alert.---------------------End of SHAC UKpost----------------------------Visit the WAR Calendar for future events:http://calendar./winanimalrightsVisit the WAR MySpace page: http://www.myspace.com/winanimalrightsVisit the WAR CrueltyFree.com page:http://www.crueltyfree.com/winanimalrightsFor more info contact Win Animal Rights at:winanimalrights (AT) optonline (DOT) netCall: 646.267.9934 or visit the WAR website at:http://war-online.orgW.A.R. (WIN ANIMAL RIGHTS) is an independentnon-profit organization not affiliated or associatedwith SHAC, SHAC USA or any other group

or organizationand does not conduct or incite any illegal activity.The above information is not meant to incite orrequest any illegal actions or illegal activities ofany kind. If you have any questions about thelegality of any act, we encourage everyone receivingthis (or the) action alert(s) to check your local lawsand ordinances before proceeding to do anything. http://pets.Fortheanimals7/join http://www.myspace.com/fortheanimals7

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