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Week against Novartis - Ciba Vision - please email

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****Cross Post Freely***** Please take a moment to write a short email to the blocks at the bottom. Note from WAR: Let's give this week long campaign against Novartis, a good solid week of effort. Many of you have written to us asking how you can be involved in this campaign without an active local group in your eara. If you cannot travel to protests, this is how you can lend your support. Take a few minutes to make some contacts to reach Novartis. Remember that the activists that are hitting the streets and protesting at various Novartis locations around the world need your support. They need you to get active. Today's alert focuses on CIBA Vision who are the eye care unit of Novartis,they are well known as being the producer of Focus

Dalies contact lenses. Thereare regular CIBA demo's as part of the Novartis campaign, but now it's yourturn to take part.Again, just like yesterday there are sample letters for any one who needs them.===============SAMPLE LETTER:===============Dear Sir / MadamI am writing to you because I am outraged that Novartis is condoning acts ofanimal cruelty at Europe's largest animal testing facility, Huntingdon lifeSciences (HLS).For a decade now HLS have been exposed time and time again for cruelty toanimals, falsifying data, incompetence, negligence, criminal behaviour andsloppy procedures. They have been filmed punching dogs in the face, cuttingopen primates without anesthetic, drug dealing has taken place on site, andwhen HLS was given their licence back after it was revoked for animal crueltythey breached it again within one month during testing in primates. Novartis are condoning

and encouraging this lawbreaking and cruelty by theircontinued financial support of HLS. This is day three of a global day of actionso I am urging you to take part by speaking to the directors of your companyand encourage a boycott of Huntingdon Life Sciences.For information on the latest expose of HLS, visit:www.shac.net/MISC/Inside_HLS.html[your name here]------There are a lot of e-mails in this alert, so they are split into blocks ofabout 20 for your convenience.ea.roelants, mechie.wouters,david.dowd, community.relations,enquiry.sg, tariq.aziz,informacion.cv, corporate.communications,dwight.akerman, charles.bailey,romy.houston, jason.ng,rick.weisbarth, alicia.plesnarski,mechie.wouters, hr.tuas,juergen.vogt, pauline.choy,jinyu.huang, ute.mueller,michael.wittmann,mimi.czako, glenis.williams,fred.goldstein, sameena.haque-khan,karen.wright, kevin.roe,mechie.wouters,john.hedgcock,ann.johnson,gbsh.easy, sally.dillehay,layna.mendlinger, paul.shenk,marc.de_nivervill, bruno.byer,mechie.wouters, gabriella.erdelyi, Lynn.winterton, sally.dillehay,sam.salituro, liem.ferryanto,vivian.rodriguez, tom.kartovicky,karin.schnoedt, regina.frangen,gabriella.gyovai-dome, brian.spiller,susanne.gartner, alberto.vargas,corporate.communications, erica.hughes,marketing.benelux, eleanor.cheng,karin.schnoedt, vita.contact,sandra.cho, lisbeth.wallgren,eszter.radocz, cv.szemrevalo,judit.eszenyi http://pets.Fortheanimals7/join http://www.myspace.com/fortheanimals7

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