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--Today for you 38 new articles about earth's trees! (353rd edition)

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In this issue:







--Washington: 1) 90 acres saved in Lily point, 2) Wild sky signed, 3)

Madrone trees,

--Oregon: 4) 10's of millions of bd. ft. sold and no enviros stopping

them, 5) Logger falls in love with Sasquatch, 6) Biscuit logging was a

waste of time, money, and ecology, 7) Enviros sue Elliot State Forest

over spotted owl protections, 8) State wants more control of federal

land logging, 9) More old growth logging plans in McKenzie river


--California: 10) Maxxam has left the building, 11) Selling carbon

credits that aren't yet worth anything, 12) Ancient tree felled as

part of fire mop up, 13) Latter-day saints to destroy their own


--Idaho: 14) Feds change roadless plan but Bush is likely to ignore changes

--Montana: 15) Mountain Bark Beetles kill 2 million in 2006

--Colorado: 16) Wild Connections sponsors " Roadless Roadshow "

--Illinois: 17) Tree-climbing competition, 18) Road widening to

destroy 900 trees,

--Pennsylvania: 19) Allegheny NF uses incongruent policies for oil &

gas approvals

--USA: 20) Rewriting species protection behind closed doors, 21)

Senate & House bills, 22) Roadless Area Conservation Act,

--UK: 23) Logging too many in Hampshire woodland, 24) Prince's new

rainforest website, 25) Woodland actions for biodiversity and water,

26) No wind farms on forestland, 27) Offwell Woodland Education

Centre, 28) Toxic forestland closed,

--Spain: 29) Animal dispersed tree seeds survive better than wind

dispersed seeds

--Ethiopia: 30) Three Trees in the Third Millennium

--Uganda: 31) 88 year-old man can't stop planting trees, 32)

War-caused regeneration

--Tanzania: 33) Carbon funds for forests

--Ghana: 34) Industry wants pooling of resources to be competitive,

35) Forest Watch, --Congo: 35) Plans to designate between 13 and 15

million hectares of preserves

--Palestine: 36) Israel's wall for genocide kills another 440 ancient

olive trees

--Pakistan: 37) Gov plans 1% increase in forests, 38) Deforestation history,





1) A push by residents on both sides of the border has netted success.

The Whatcom Land Trust was successful in its efforts to raise enough

money to purchase 90 acres of undeveloped marine shoreline and 40

acres of tideland in the Lily Point area of Point Roberts. The effort

to purchase the privately-owned parcel was picked up by South Deltans

and other Lower Mainland residents who regularly visit the area.The

Land Conservancy in B.C. also stepped up to help the trust raise the

$3.5 million needed to seal the deal. Lily Point sits at the

intersection of Boundary Bay and Georgia Strait, in the southeast

corner of Point Roberts.The area boasts a dynamic assembly of

ecological features: It has reefs and tidelands swept by

nutrient-filled currents, riparian forests providing shade, perches

and insects to the coastal environment, and eroding cliffs supplying

sand and gravel for spawning forage fish and beach replenishment. The

area is said to be a crucial part of the Boundary Bay ecosystem. The

Whatcom Land Trust is planning on turning Lily Point into public

parkland and a protected ecological site. To celebrate the purchase,

the trust has planned an event today to dedicate the new Point Roberts

park. http://www.whatcomlandtrust.org


2) On May 8, 2008, President Bush signed S. 2739, a package of

Wilderness and land management bills. Included in this package was the

Wild Sky Wilderness bill, which designates 106,000 acres of mature and

old-growth forest in Washington State as Wilderness. The designation

of the Wild Sky Wilderness area in Mount Baker-Snoqualmie National

Forest follows eight years of efforts to grant it protection as

Wilderness, the highest level of protection given public lands. The

Wild Sky Wilderness Act passed unanimously in the Senate during the

past three Congresses and was passed by the House of Representatives

on April 17, 2007. This beautiful forest includes trees that stand

more than 200 feet tall and are more than 300 years old. These

old-growth stands include habitat for many endangered and sensitive

species. http://www.americanlands.org and click on Eye on Congress.


3) For more than 10 years, though, the madrones in our Washington

State neighborhoods have been suffering from a host of maladies. Some

are fungal in nature and others involve root rots called

phytophthoras. Canker can also attack the tree. More than 21 fungi

have been identified as using madrone as their host plant. Some

researches say there are more than 39 fungi that invade madrone.

Arbutus menziesii can grow 50 to 100 feet in the wild and in our

developed gardens will grow to at least 20 to 50 feet. The trees lean

out on the edge of forests, hold banks together and love sun. They're

native to California, Oregon and British Columbia. Flowers appear in

March through May, depending on the region. Berries follow next and

each year the tree sheds — first the flowers, then the berries and

what seems like hundreds of leaves. Their growing region is from

shorelines up to as high as 5,000 feet above sea level. Over the past

several years we've received quite a few calls from local gardeners

about the madrones in their gardens encountering problems. Several

articles have been written citing property development as one of the

causes. Madrones do not like to have their roots and soil structure

disturbed. Marianne Elliot from University of Washington College of

Forest Resources has studied madrones extensively and has quantified

and examined the diseases, fungi and cankers that attack madrones. The

fungi that is the most noticeable is exhibited by spots on the leaves,

which over time completely cover much of the foliage, turning it a

charcoal black. Some trees die from this condition. Others will lose

limbs to it, yet survive. The best way to handle this condition is to

rake up and dispose of the foliage on the ground. Prune off the dead

branches. If the madrone dies completely, cut it down. It will often

resprout sending up new shoots from the base of the stump. The new

growth often escapes the fungal disease for many years until the tree

begins to mature again into a towering height. New seedlings often

escape the fungi too. If you're fortunate enough to have a healthy

Arbutus menziesii in your garden or neighborhood enjoy it as long as

you can. Remember too, that many species will change over time to

overcome the diseases that are affecting their predecessors. Let's all

hope for the best for our native madrones.





4) The Wallowa-Whitman National Forest, for instance, has sold tens of

millions of board-feet of timber during the past several years without

a single lawyer stepping into a courtroom. The main reason for this

lack of litigation is that, 15 years ago, national forests in Eastern

Oregon stopped cutting live trees larger than 21 inches in diameter —

the practice that spurred dozens of appeals and lawsuits during the

1980s and early 1990s. Since then, most trees cut on public lands in

this part of Oregon have been smaller, younger ones rather than the

old-growth ponderosa pines that were felled in their thousands during

the previous few decades. Although environmental groups routinely

object, in their written comments, to aspects of these " commercial

thinning " projects, they haven't often filed lawsuits to stop the

work. Environmentalists have on occasion even complimented Forest

Service officials for designing logging jobs that will help the

remaining trees reach old-growth status faster than if logging didn't

happen. The Grant County deal is significant, though, because it

involves cutting trees burned in a wildfire. These fire salvage timber

sales are nearly as unpopular with many environmentalists as

old-growth logging is. Salvage sales have precipitation several

appeals and lawsuits since 1990. The settlement in Grant County, by

contrast, proves that it's possible for two camps with dramatically

different goals can agree that it's possible to not only selectively

log scorched forests without exacerbating the damage the flames

caused, but that such careful cutting can hasten a forest's recovery

and — not incidentally — benefit local economies. That breakthrough

was made years ago on so-called " green " timber sales — ones in

unburned forests. We hope the Grant County agreement is a similar step

ahead for burned forests.



5) Things are not going well for logger Russ T. Sawyer: His wife left

him for an environmentalist, he's unemployed and now attracted to a

new female acquaintance. In Pentacle Theatre's new production, that

female is " Betty the Yeti, " in Jon Klein's " eco-fable. " A mix of

satire and realism, set in an old growth forest on the banks of the

Santiam River, the play puts Sawyer (Ed Schoaps) into a dilemma:

Protect nature (and Betty, a female sasquatch) or the lives of those

who depend on the harvesting of lumber. " They call it an eco-fable,

but it is a comedy, " director Larry Roach said. " Throughout the

rehearsal, I've been learning about the logging industry and

environmentalism. " Good points are made on both sides, and there are

silly things on both sides. " Sawyer's dilemma, in a sense, is the

audience's dilemma, as we also encounter the issues of coho salmon,

the spotted owl and the marbled murrelet. " I really like the show that

puts the audience on the horns of a dilemma, " said cast member Erika

Zuelke. The character names give a hint of the play's sense of humor.

In addition to Betty, played by Betty Ann Prior in a hair suit, there

is Sawyer's ex-wife, Terra (Zuelke), an activist now engaged to

uptight and ecologically and politically correct Trey Hugger (Rob

Sim). Kimm Nguyen is Iko, a ranger with the Forest Service, and Debbie

Neel plays Clare Kutz, a logging contractor. There are varying levels

of characterizations, some verging on stereotypes.




6) A new report released today by scientists, former Forest Service

employees, and conservation groups indicates that logging within the

Biscuit fire area of southwest Oregon is costing the public both

ecologically and economically. According to the report, the Forest

Service has lost approximately $14 million in sale preparation and

administration costs on the Biscuit fire area. Biscuit timber sold for

about 70 percent less than the agency projected in its planning

documents due primarily to low bid values received and driven by

expensive helicopter logging operations. The study team found

extensive damage to the area's regenerating forest, especially in the

Fiddler Late-Successional Reserve (previously set aside for old-growth

values), due to excessive logging. Of special concern was the loss of

larger trees in logged stands, as these trees are the building blocks

for future forests and are critical to fish and wildlife species. The

cumulative effects of yarding, hauling, and fuels treatment on

wildlife habitat, soils, and water quality will likely persist for

decades. According to one of the report's authors, Dr. Dominick A.

DellaSala, a forest ecologist with the World Wildlife Fund, " this

report demonstrates that the ecological and economic science behind

post-fire logging is shaky at best. " " The public needs to know that

post-fire logging is a lose-lose proposition; the taxpayer loses by

footing the bill and the environment loses by damaged soils and

degraded fish and wildlife habitat, " said DellaSala. The report

demonstrates that at least for the Biscuit logging project, expediting

logging would not have made a difference in dollars and cents because

the Forest Service was limited by expensive helicopter logging

operations conducted in steep terrain with difficult access. "




7) Environmentalists are prepared to go to court over logging in an

Oregon state forest and its impact on the northern spotted owl. Three

groups say they filed notice Tuesday. They say the federal government

should reconsider permission it gave in 1995 for logging in the

spotted owl's habitat within the Elliott State Forest northeast of

Coos Bay. Since then, they argue, the barred owl has begun showing up

in spotted owl territory in the state forest. The spotted owl prefers

old-growth forest and is protected as an endangered species. But the

barred owl has begun crowding it out. Proceeds from the logging go to

Oregon schools. An official of one group, Noah Greenwald, says the

state could use thinning operations instead of old-growth logging to

keep school revenue intact. " The Elliott could be managed to balance

preservation of old forests and protection of the spotted owl with the

need to provide funds for Oregon's schools, " said Josh Laughlin,

conservation director of Cascadia Wildlands Project. " The current

management of the Elliott, however, does not achieve this balance. "


& storylist=orloc

al & http://www.cascwild.org


8) Of the 30 million acres of forestland in the state, roughly 60

percent are owned by the federal government and are basically out of

the Oregon government's jurisdiction. These forests nonetheless have a

direct effect on Oregon's economy and environment. Not surprisingly,

the state would like to have a say in how they're managed. Under

current conditions, federal forests in the state are facing threats

from both the environmental and economic perspective, according to a

preliminary report from an advisory committee to the Oregon Board of

Forestry. " Problems like uncharacteristic wildfire, modified

hydrologic regimes, climate change and insect epidemics may result in

the loss of key ecological components, " according to the Federal

Forestland Advisory Committee's report outline. At the same time,

insufficient timber harvests have also " resulted in diminished forest

industry infrastructure with unintended economic and social losses to

rural communities, " according to the outline. The committee presented

its conclusions to the Oregon Board of Forestry at a joint meeting

June 3. For these reasons, the committee is advising the state to

develop a " bottom up " program that would speed up harvest projects on

federal land by smoothing out controversies and coming up with a plan

before " top down " management decisions are made. The program's

" facilitators " would essentially work with various groups and

government agencies to avoid the legal disputes that often arise when

large-scale harvest projects are planned. Large projects are needed to

curb the overstocked forests and inadequate timber supply that have

been the result of small-scale oriented management, said Ralph

Bloemers, committee member and attorney for the Crag Law Center, a

natural resources advocacy group. " You can't do it postage stamp by

postage stamp, " he said. The committee plans to have the full report

complete by January 2009, but that may not leave enough time to draw

up a funding request for the facilitation program before the Oregon

legislature meets next year. For that reason, members are mulling the

possibility of crafting legislation before the report is complete.

http://www.capitalpress.info/main.asp?SectionID=94 & SubSectionID=801 & ArticleID=42\

050 & TM=31450.42


9) Willamette National Forest: On the chopping block right now is " Two

Bee " (with some logging planned only yards from the world-famous

McKenzie River Trail), the " Trapper " logging sale (spotted owl haven),

the deceptive " Bridge Thin, " and something the Forest Service is

calling " Big Blue " (more on this at a later date...). On Saturday,

June 7 join Native Forest Council and Cascadia's Ecosystem Advocates

for a hike through a unit of the proposed " Trapper " logging sale at

Wolf Rock (the largest rock monolith in Oregon!) and a unit of the

already-logged " Blue River Face " -- to see what could happen to

" Trapper " without public resistance. Please bring water, lunch,

raingear and boots. RSVP at info or 541-302-0159.




10) After 23 long years of fighting Maxxam's destructive policies in

Humboldt, we can finally wave goodbye to Charles Hurwitz. The

opportunity is ripe this summer to rekindle a movement in Humboldt to

protect our natural legacy. http://www.wildcalifornia.org U.S.

Bankruptcy Court Judge Richard Schmidt announced his decision to

confirm Mendocino Redwood's reorganization plan for the more than

140-year old timber company to attorneys in his Corpus Christi, Texas

courtroom today. He also said he would not confirm a plan by

bondholders to auction off the timberlands that secure their $714

million debt. " The credible and persuasive evidence at the

confirmation hearing establishes that the reorganized entities are

reasonably expected to be stable, creditworthy, able to pay their

debts as they mature, able to comply with all non-bankruptcy

environmental laws with regard to the regulatory approvals of

ownership and operation, and assume all environmental obligations, "

Schmidt wrote in his ruling.

The judge did require some changes to the Mendocino plan filed jointly

with Palco creditor Marathon Structured Finance Fund. Among them,

Schmidt told attorneys that he wanted Mendocino to leave Palco's

litigation against the state over the Headwaters Forest deal with the

bondholders. Mendocino Redwood Chairman Sandy Dean said lawyers were

going through the judge's 119-page ruling to make sure they understand

the changes. " We're very pleased that the judge ruled in favor of our

plan, " Dean said. In ruling against the bond holders' plan, Schmidt

said it was infeasible, and laden with conflicts of interest between

the largest noteholder - billionaire investor Andy Beal's Beal Bank -

and the other noteholders. He also said the plan doesn't provide

enough certainty, or whether regulatory approval could be attained by

the potential future buyer.



11) The Pacific Forest Trust and BeGreen Carbon Offsets, the carbon

offset division of Green Mountain Energy Company, are pleased to

announce that as of today, individuals everywhere can purchase

verified emissions reductions (VERs) sourced exclusively from the Van

Eck Forest Project. Van Eck is the first emissions reductions project

registered and independently verified under the California Forest

Protocols - the rigorous accounting standards adopted by the

California Air Resources Board to help meet the state's ambitious

greenhouse gas reduction goals. Through BeGreen's website

(www.begreennow.com) consumers can calculate their household's carbon

footprint and offset their emissions with the purchase of Van Eck

VERs. " BeGreen takes pride in offering consumers and businesses this

easy option for reducing their carbon footprintsby purchasing verified

emissions reductions that meet the most stringent standards in the

market today, " says Gillan Taddune, chief environmental officer of

Green Mountain Energy Company. " The Van Eck Forest Project will not

only help protect our planet from harmful carbon emissions, but also

preserve this magnificent forestland for future generations. " The

2,200-acre Van Eck Forest in Humboldt County, Calif., is a working

redwood forest owned by the Fred M.Van Eck Forest Foundation and

managed by the Pacific Forest Trust to permanently reduce more than

500,000 metric tons of C02 emissions over a 100-year period. " This is

a wonderful partnership for us, " says Connie Best, managing director

of the Pacific Forest Trust. " We've been contacted by so many people

who have worked hard to reduce their carbon footprint and want to

offset what remains with Van Eck Forest emissions reductions. They

have a lot of confidence in these offsets because of the stringent

rules used to produce and verify them. The Forest Protocols govern

certification of the Van Eck Forest Project to ensure that these

reductions have real and lasting climate benefits. "



12) As part of their mop up operations, CAL FIRE is felling 'hazard'

trees. According to Rich Sampson, CAL FIRE RPF heading the Felton

Resource Management office and heavily involved in the Summit Fire

response, burned trees that could fall on public roads and houses are

being cut and left in place. Trees that were still on fire (several

days ago) were also being cut down. Most 'hazard trees' were knob cone

pines with some madrone and oak thrown in for good measure. The

majority of the severely burned and cut trees I saw alongside Eureka

Canyon Road and Ormsby Trail were small diameter. However, one old

growth (estimated to be 175 years) Douglas fir with a fire scar (new?)

was felled and left as large downed wood along Eureka Canyon. What a

shame. This live tree was sited on the upslope side of the public

road, but if I had to put money on it, I would argue that it would

have stood for a very long time to come. And helped stabilize the road

bank as well by drinking a goodly amount of water. Jodi Frediani -

Chair, Forestry Task Force Santa Cruz Group Ventana Chapter, Sierra

Club JodiFredi



13) The Latter-day Saints have resubmitted their Timber Harvest Plan

(THP) Land Bountiful, under the guidance of RPF, James Hildreth. The

plan previously submitted by Roy Webster was returned. The 222 acre

THP is adjacent to Big Basin State Park and situated in the headwaters

of Scott Creek. The plan has two age classes of trees: 100 years old

and 16 years old. The plan will be tractor and cable yarded with

ground based equipment operations on unstable soils or slide areas,

slopes over 65% and slopes over 50% with high or extreme Erosion

Hazard Rating. The plan proposes winter operations, including timber

falling within WLPZs and ELZs of Class II and III watercourses. The

plan proposes 18 watercourse crossings. Did I mention that Scott Creek

is a coho stream? The plan proposes hauling 6-8 loads of logs per day

for 6-8 weeks, using Empire Grade to Hwy 1 and Highway 236 to Mt.

Herman to Hwy 17. That is a maximum of about 320 loaded log trucks

with over 600 log truck trips total.


Jodi Frediani - Chair, Forestry Task Force Santa Cruz Group Ventana

Chapter, Sierra Club JodiFredi




14) KETCHUM — An official with an environmental group that was one of

50 organizations to attack Idaho's proposed roadless plan in March

says recent changes made to the plan by a federal advisory committee

are an improvement but will mean little because they will likely be

ignored by the Bush administration. " I think the administration will

ignore any recommendations from the advisory group and go ahead with

their mission to hand over the keys of millions of acres of national

forests, " said Paul Spitler, public lands director for the Tucson,

Ariz.-based Center for Biological Diversity. The federal Roadless Area

Conservation National Advisory Committee, in a May 30 letter to U.S.

Department of Agriculture Secretary Edward Schafer, suggested moving

200,000 acres in Idaho out of the general forest category and into the

more protective " backcountry restoration " category. " Management

flexibility for protecting communities from fire is important, " the

committee wrote. But environmental groups say backcountry restoration

is a catchall term that could allow logging and other uses because it

allows temporary road building to protect public health and safety " in

cases of significant risk or imminent threat of flood, fire or other

catastrophic event. "





15) Foresters say that Mountain Bark Beetles have killed more than two

million tress, spread over hundreds of thousands of timberland

acreage, in 2006. During a Thursday meeting at the University of

Montana, researchers warned that the problem is only going to get

worse if changes aren't made. There's almost 10 million acres of

federal, state and privately owned timberland actively harvested in

Montana, but how to protect it from the bark beetle is the question.

" With climate change the bark beetle has become an aggressive predator

on Montana's timber resources, " said Montana Governor Brian

Schweitzer. " We believe that through history, the pine beetle ebbs and

flows, and unfortunately we are in a position where they are flowing. "

Diana Six is a Professor of Forest Entomology and Pathology at the

University of Montana in Missoul who's worked on the beetle problem

for nearly two decades. " When I bring up that I work on bark beetles

everybody's like, 'Oh yeah I know about those guys,' but I just think

people want more information about how to manage them. " Six says years

ago, bark beetles would emerge in mid-July and fly for two to three

weeks, so they would time when the trees were attacked. But now, Six

says it's not one peak season with the beetles surviving several

months and even into winter. Millions of trees are dying in Montana

and Governor Brian Schweitzer says there are two choices, either let

the land burn and threaten communities, or harvest the trees and

restoring health forests and creating jobs.





16) In June, Wild Connections is sponsoring a " Roadless Roadshow " in

seven Colorado communities. The Roadshow includes a free, public

slideshow presentation on the Roadless Areas of Pike-San Isabel

National Forest in Colorado. The presentation will discuss ecological

values of Roadless areas, explain current management of these areas,

and provide trails and hiking information. For dates and more

information, go to http://www.wildconnections.org.




17) When the first such competition started in 1976, bragging rights

were part of the motivation, though organizers agreed it might be nice

to encourage arborists to learn to save injured co-workers stuck in

trees. Sponsors suspended the competition in 1987 when no one would

insure it. When the contest resumed in 1989, it included a new safety

waiver and required competitors to use rock-climbing techniques, like

roping themselves to trees. Europeans arrived in 1994 with alpine

climbing influences and more efficient climbing tools. Twenty years

ago, climbers were supposed to untie and retie six knots each time

they moved to a new spot in a big tree, said Eduardo Medina, safety

instructor for Davey Tree Co. Naturally, they didn't and, naturally,

they fell out of trees a lot. Now they can clip and unclip a

mountaineering carabiner instead. By 2000, recreational tree climbing

had taken off as a subculture in the rock-climbing world, and

thrill-seekers boasted about bagging California sequoias in terms

formerly reserved for Himalayan peaks. " It's a profession that's

become a sport, " said Brian King, a Peoria arborist who is also

competing Saturday. " There's a lot of people doing it. " Greg Manning,

59, a retired Ohio chemist, took up serious tree-climbing only a few

years ago. On Friday, he stood wearing a plastic helmet beneath a

towering white oak at the Morton Arboretum, helping climbers in its

branches set up an aerial obstacle course. The Illinois Arborist

Association's Tree-Climbing Championship includes five events that

mimic rope work used by modern arborists: rope-throwing into branches

for accuracy, roped speed climb up a trunk, speed climb up a hanging

rope, aerial rescue and the obstacle course called the " work climb. "

On Friday, judges fixed ropes and climbing tackle and tested the

routes––tricky in 25 m.p.h. winds that sent branches swaying 5 feet in

both directions. It will be a fast course because white oaks have

knobby bark with good footing, said competition chairman Norm Hall. It

takes confidence to let go of one branch and swing on a rope for

another one 10 feet away and 3 feet down when both branches are at

least 40 feet high. The best make it look easy. Less adept climbers

make it look horrifying.





18) The Cook County Highway Department could seek money to widen a

road through the oldest Cook County forest preserve by cutting down

900 trees, under a measure approved this week. The Forest Preserve

District Board approved a resolution to allow the Highway Department

to seek $3.5 million in federal grants to widen Quentin Road through

the Deer Grove Forest Preserve, said Cook County Commissioner Gregg

Goslin, who chairs the committee. If the Highway Department receives

the grant, it would have to hold public hearings on the plan. It then

would have to be approved by the board, which is unlikely to pass it

in its current form, Goslin said. " This is extensive; it's about 12

acres of land that would be lost, " Goslin said. The two-lane road

would become a 4-lane highway under the highway department proposal,

but alternatives such as increasing the capacity of other nearby roads

and adding only one lane for left turns would be more likely to pass

muster with the board, Goslin said. The district bought the land as

its first natural area in 1916, a year after incorporating.






19) Last month, the Allegheny Defense Project (ADP) claimed that the

Allegheny National Forest (ANF) staff implements different policies to

regulate oil and gas drilling than other national forests. In

particular, the Allegheny does not require that environmental

assessments be conducted before issuing notices to proceed to oil and

gas drillers in the forest, while national forests in West Virginia,

Michigan, and Arkansas routinely assess environmental impacts of

proposed oil and gas wells. While ADP wrote the chief of the US Forest

Service, regional forester, and ANF supervisor in May asking that

notices to proceed be halted until the policy is clarified, the ANF

could not say when the Forest Service would respond. Ryan Talbott,

Forest Watch Coordinator for ADP, said in his letter to the Forest

Service officials, " It is becoming increasingly clear that the

Allegheny Forest Service stands alone in its ridiculous assertion that

National Environmental Policy Act regulations do not apply. " Not only

does NEPA require that environmental assessments be conducted, but

also that public hearings be held before proposed drilling can occur.

To read the full article or for more information, go to





20) Acting behind closed doors, the Bush administration is rewriting a

key policy manual for management of endangered, threatened, and other

special-status species found on federal lands that would eliminate key

protections currently given to the most at-risk wildlife and plants.

Among the sweeping changes proposed to the Bureau of Land Management

Special Status Species Manual are new policy directives that would

undermine protections for endangered and threatened plants, limit

efforts to protect those species officially awaiting protection under

the Endangered Species Act, allow the Bureau of Land Management to

sell or trade public lands designated as critical habitat, and

eliminate some protections for state-protected species found on

federal lands. " These changes are a cynical attempt to undermine

conservation on our public lands, " said Lisa Belenky, staff attorney

with the Center for Biological Diversity. " Last month the Bush

administration claimed it would not push through last-minute

regulatory changes without full public review, but at the same time

they were working behind the scenes to erode protections for imperiled

species on public lands through changes in the management manual. " The

policy changes would eliminate the requirement that the Bureau of Land

Management treat all species identified as threatened or endangered by

the states as BLM " sensitive species, " which are managed for

conservation. In western states with large areas of federal public

lands, this change could significantly undermine state conservation

efforts. " The Bush administration's short-sighted proposal would

eliminate the BLM's guidelines to conserve at-risk species on public

lands at the very time when proactive management is most likely to be

effective — before they decline to the point that they need to be

listed under the Endangered Species Act, " said Josh Pollock, interim

executive director at the Center for Native Ecosystems. " Failing to

conserve state-recognized species undoes the good work the states have

started. " http://www.biologicaldiversity.org/


21) US Senate: S. 2833 would designate more than 517,000 acres in the

Owyhee-Bruneau Canyonlands of southwestern Idaho as Wilderness and

nearly 315 miles of wild and scenic rivers. It would establish a

science review panel to address management issues of rangelands in

Owyhee County and closes 200 miles of roads and routes near the

proposed Wilderness areas to motorized vehicle use except in

emergencies. In exchange, about 190,000 acres of BLM designated

Wilderness Study Areas would be subject to " soft release, " opening the

door to increased off-road vehicle use, mining, and grazing following

BLM land-use evaluations. S. 1380 would designate parts of the Rocky

Mountain National Park as Wilderness and adjust the boundaries of the

Indian Peaks Wilderness and Arapaho National Recreation Area in

Colorado's Arapaho National Forest. S. 570 would create several new

Wilderness areas in Virginia's Jefferson National Forest as well as

designate 11,000 acres as National Scenic areas. S. 2379 would provide

for the end of livestock grazing on the Cascade-Siskiyou National

Monument in southwest Oregon, establish the 24,000-acre Soda Mountain

Wilderness, and provide for a land exchange within the National

Monument that protects habitat for the endemic Jenny Creek sucker. HR

5151 would add about 37,000 acres of Wilderness in West Virginia's

Monongahela National Forest through expansions of the Dolly Sods,

Cranberry, and Otter Creek Wilderness areas as well as protecting

three new Wilderness areas across the forest. S. 868 would designate

40 miles of the Taunton River as Wild and Scenic, from the headwaters

all the way to Mount Hope Bay in Fall River, Massachusetts.

http://www.americanlands.org and click on Eye on Congress.


22) In Roadless news, Rep. Jay Inslee (D-WA) circulated a letter to

Members, asking cosponsors of the Roadless Area Conservation Act to

sign a letter opposing recent attempts by the Bush administration to

weaken protections in some of our nation's most pristine and intact

national forests - Idaho, Colorado, and Alaska's Tongass National

Forest. The letter was signed by 46 Members of Congress. Support for

the Roadless Area Conservation Act of 2007 continues to gather steam

in both the House and Senate. At present there are 149 cosponsors of

HR 2516 in the House and 19 cosponsors of the Senate version S 1478.

These bills seek to provide lasting protections for all inventoried

roadless areas in the United States. Click to see if your

Representative and Senators are cosponsors of this important

legislation. If not, click here to send them a letter:

http://americanlands.org/issues.php?subsubNo=1113510651 & article=1184861319

http://www.americanlands.org and click on Eye on Congress.




23) Forestry Commission chiefs have moved to reassure people about the

future of a Hampshire woodland after growing fears over tree felling

operations. Former tree surgeon William Patterson was worried after he

noticed a dramatic increase in the number of trees earmarked for

felling. But the Forestry Commission say their tree felling operations

at Stoke Park Wood, Bishopstoke, are part of their long term

commitment to preserve the woodland which covers more than 220 acres.

Area manager Nick Hazlitt said: " Local people should not be alarmed by

the thought of trees being cut down in Stoke Park Wood. The planned

harvesting work is an element of our continual and ongoing forest

management. Mr Patterson, 45, who lives in Eastleigh and has been

visiting the woods for more than 40 years, said he has always been

passionate about trees. He fears that if the felling continues it will

have a devastating impact on an area which has always been a haven for

wildlife. Mr Patterson took the Daily Echo into a wooded glade where

many tree trunks had been marked with a circle of orange paint.

Pointing to one he said: " There is nothing wrong with this tree. It

has got another 100 years left. Once these trees are gone they will be

gone forever. "




24) Today I am launching the website for my Rainforests Project. On it

are three films, together with the findings of some new research. The

films, which The Daily Telegraph is hosting on its website today make

use of compelling images from the world's rainforests, as well as

animation, to describe some of the stark facts and implications of

tropical deforestation. In a little less than my lifetime, we have

lost 50 per cent of the world's rainforests. Every year, 32 million

acres - an area the size of England - is destroyed or degraded. The

message is clear: our world is in grave danger of losing its

life-support system. These forests, which straddle the equator in a

belt around the world, contain not only some of the richest

biodiversity known to science, which is crucial to human health and

survival in the future, but are also home to millions of the world's

poorest people, whose livelihoods depend on them. They also play a

crucial role in cooling and cleaning the atmosphere and providing

fresh water and rainfall. At a time when shortages of food are being

experienced the world over and population continues to rise, this

rainfall is more important than ever before. Amazonia's forests alone,

for instance, help to store the largest body of flowing freshwater on

the planet, and they release 20 billion tonnes of water vapour into

the atmosphere every day. http://www.princesrainforestsproject.org


25) Trees are known to absorb carbon dioxide, but their parallel

abilities to improve water quality and prevent flooding are sharply

defined in a new report commissioned by the Woodland Trust from Forest

Research and the University of Newcastle – with a warning that there

is no time to waste. 'Woodland actions for biodiversity and their role

in water management' analyses world wide literature - the first report

of its kind - to highlight the often-unheralded role that woodland can

play in overall water management, a role that should be seized upon by

water and land managers alike, says the Trust. The review assesses the

impact of trees and woodland on water resources. It spells out how

protecting, restoring and increasing native tree cover can help tackle

threats posed by climate change, intensive farming and development. At

present 93 per cent of river water bodies in England and Wales, and 45

per cent in Scotland, risk failing to reach their required 'good'

status under new Water Framework Directive legislation. The annual

cost of removing harmful pesticides and nitrates from drinking water

is put at £7 for every water customer. Woodland creation in the right

place can reduce pollution entering water courses by as much as 90%

without putting additional strain on water resources, says the report.

Sites where ancient woodland is being restored through conifer removal

can also reduce nitrate concentrations by up to 90% and increase local

water quantity by 20-50 per cent. As an example, 99% of nitrates

draining from arable fields in southern England during winter were

retained by the first five metres of woodland planted with poplar

trees – with tree buffers shown to also reduce sediment, phosphate and

pesticide concentrations. With flooding continuing to make headlines -

and the cost of UK flood risk management put at a colossal £800m for

2010/2011 alone - there is a timely suggestion that creating woodland

at bottlenecks on floodplains could significantly reduce major flood

events by absorbing and delaying water flows. In addition simply

retaining existing woods would continue to provide a natural

prevention measure against small floods, says the Trust.

http://www.farminguk.com/index.asp?show=newsArticle & id=7516


26) Welsh Conservatives will today call on the Assembly Government to

abandon plans for wind turbines on Forestry Commission land. The party

claims this will " open the floodgates for more major wind farm

developments on some of the most beautiful parts of Wales " . However,

the Conservative stance was condemned by Friends of the Earth Cymru.

It warned the Conservatives were in danger of losing credibility as

opponents of climate change. Last October, First Minister Rhodri

Morgan said the administration would release government-owned land for

the development of wind farm projects. Conservative Shadow Assembly

Environment Minister Darren Millar said: " The Assembly Government is

clearly at odds with itself over its sustainability and environmental

strategic objectives. On the one had it is handing over significant

tracts of Government-owned forestry land to wind farm developers for

it to be felled. Yet on the other ministers are stressing the

importance of maintaining Welsh forests because of their value to the

Welsh economy and in tackling climate change.. " He insisted the party

was not opposed to wind energy, saying: " What we are opposed to is the

imposition of large-scale wind farms against the wishes of local

people, which have a devastating impact on communities and the local

environment. "





27) Offwell Environment Link has donated over £31,000 to Offwell

Woodland Education Centre since 2005, but fears the rate of its

fundraising abilities will not be able to match that in years to come.

The centre, which boasts Forestry Commission woods and a Victorian

lake, is run by Offwell Woodland and Wildlife Trust, which, since its

inception, has managed to find over £1 million to develop facilities

and create and maintain habitats. The Princess Royal visited the

centre in 2005, when the centre faced a financial crisis. Gill Graham,

secretary of Offwell Environment Link, fears another cash crisis is

looming. Led by director Steve Lawson, they have set up an impressive

educational resource, one that appeals to expert naturalists as well

as school children and walkers. Hits on their website, a recognised

educational resource across the globe, has now exceeded 1.5 million a

month. Mrs Graham said Offwell Environment Link raised over £30,000

through voluntary contributions. She is keen to encourage more people

to join the organisation, hoping the Link's ageing membership can be

swelled with young blood and people keen to fundraise or make

voluntary contributions. Mr Lawson, she said, had been a visionary,

seeing the potential for the centre and bringing it to fruition. He,

and others, had worked hard to help the centre. They have developed

hand-held computers that take school children and walkers on a guided

tour of the site. It includes pictures and videos and is being

developed all the time. It is hoped the concept can one day be

marketed to other organisations. Funding for an extension to one of

the two log classrooms at the site has already been secured. Promoting

the woodland and finding regular income are the keys to the centre's

future, said Mrs Graham and Mr Tilbury.

http://www.midweekherald.co.uk/midweekherald/news/story.aspx?brand=MDWOnline & cat\

egory=news & tBra

nd=devon24 & tCategory=newsmdw & itemid=DEED03%20Jun%202008%2013%3A44%3A54%3A307


28) The Friends of Newtonhill group have also pledged to challenge the

validity of an investigation carried out at the site which revealed

hot spots of heavy metals, arsenic and asbestos in the soil and

surface water and led to the woodland's closure in March. The moves

were agreed following a well-attended public meeting held at Mackay's

Hotel in Wick on Monday night. It was organised by the group to

discuss the future of the Newtonhill Community Woodland - a former

landfill site which is owned and operated by the Highland Council. A

number of options were suggested for the woodland's future including a

complete restoration plan which would see the site levelled, safely

capped with soil and other materials, and the start of a replanting

programme. But it was agreed that this could be a lengthy and costly

process, with an early estimated price tag running into millions of

pounds, and one which could offer no " cast-iron guarantees " against

future problems. Some members of the public who attended the meeting

felt the woodland should remain open on the basis that users were made

aware of the risks involved. But the Friends of Newtonhill group's

chairman Billy Nicolson said that this idea had already been explored

by the group which had been told by local authority officials that

this would not be an option. Mr Nicolson explained: " They said they

have a duty to protect the public and they can't just allow the public

to decide for themselves whether to take that risk with these

particular contaminants, and levels, that they've found. "







29) Trees which rely on animals rather than the wind to disperse their

seeds have a significantly higher chance of surviving deforestation, a

study has shown. Being eaten and later excreted by animals, or getting

entangled in fur or feathers to drop off later, guarantees the seeds

reach locations better suited to their needs than the wind-blown

varieties which are more likely to end up on barren ground. Trees with

seeds dispersed by animals were shown by researchers from Spain and

the United Kingdom to grow in greater numbers than wind-borne species

in surviving or regenerated woodland. Researchers reached their

conclusions after assesssing woodland in the Iberian Peninsula in

Spain where deforestation has taken place over thousands of years.

They said that their results, published by the journal Science,

suggested that trees and other plants dependent on the wind were are

greater risk of extinction in other parts of the world. " The

differences in species responses to local forest cover are to a large

extent driven by the dispersal vector used by trees, " they concluded.

" Whatever the mechanisms involved, the finding that animal-dispersed

tree species are more robust to the effects of deforestation has an

obvious implication for conservation. " It might be expected that

deforestation in other regions is more likely to threaten a given

wind-dispersed, than an given animal-dispersed, plant species. "





30) This year's campaign to be named Three Trees in the Third

Millennium is expected to mobilize more people who will be able to

plant more trees the rest of the Ethiopian new year. The millennium

Secretariat, in collaboration with Wise-Up, a local NGO working on

HIV/AIDS, engaged over two hundred female commercial sex workers who

devoted a half day planting trees around Entoto Mariam. Wise-UP

designated a theme for the campaign : " One Earth, One Life Don't Waste

it!! " to go along to that of World Environmental Day (WED). The idea

behind the female commercial sex workers planting tree seedlings was

that it would help remind everyone that not only should one endeavour

to protect himself or herself from contracting HIV/AIDS and other

sexually transmitted diseases using condoms only but strive to save

mother earth from all its peril by planting trees, Henock Alemayehu,

the director of Wise-up said. Henock added that the organization

sponsored 223 female commercial sex workers to plant trees at the

Entoto site. The female sex workers on the planted three trees to

symbolize the launch of the project together with the other

dignitaries. http://allafrica.com/stories/200806060744.html




31) At 88 years old, one would think Melchior Bakamuturaki would not

consider investing in a forest that will mature when he is 100-if he

makes it. But for this Bushenyi district Green, the passion for the

environment is just beginning. While many Ugandans shun tree business

from which they believe they will never benefit in their lifetime,

Bakamuturaki has planted six acres of trees and is looking for more

land. " I always had a liking for forests and now I have fulfilled my

dream by planting a forest, which will mature in at least 20 years. "

But there is an immediate gain from the investment. Bakamuturaki will

make money from a new scheme in which farmers earn money from trees in

a programme championed by a charity, the International Small Group and

Tree-Planting. " We have been working with farmers to plant trees that

absorb carbondioxide emissions and reduce the risks of global

warming, " said Pauline Kalunda, the executive director. " In return,

the farmers earn money since their trees act as sinks for waste gases

emitted by polluting industries, " Kalunda says. The Bamuturaki

initiative is good news as Uganda commemorates the World Environment

Day today. Last year, Bakamuturaki earned sh100,000 from the

international tree planting group. He hopes for bigger fruits in

future. " In future these trees will be wanted very much by people, "

Bamuturaki says. Right now, however, the scarcity of land in Bushenyi

worries him and he hopes the National Forestry Authority can bail him

out. In Uganda, over 200 small-scale farmers are working with

Eco-Trust to plant trees. The number is likely to double following the

success of the pilot project in Bushenyi.



32) In times of war, what concerns people most are the effects of the

insurgency on the people, not its effects on the environment among

others things. The war however, in northern Uganda has had severe

effects on the environment, says a new report. Due to the conflict,

there has been a change in the land cover over the last 18 years. The

remote sensing analysis report shows that small-scale woodland covers

have increased in the area in the past years. According to the 2005

report, the woodland vegetation cover increase occurred in the

districts of Kitgum, Gulu, Pader, Adjumani and Moyo while a

significant decline in the woodland cover was registered in the

districts of Apac, Kotido, Lira and Moroto. Mr Samuel Okello the

environment officer in Gulu District noted that the increase in the

woodland vegetation occurred in places where the Lord's Resistance

Army (LRA) activities took place since the villagers feared to venture

to such places, while the places people were able access saw a decline

in the woodland. " Because people feared the LRA, you find that there

was an increase in woodland in areas that the rebels tended to hide

while in places where the people had access lost its woodland " , Okello

said. http://allafrica.com/stories/200806031165.html




33) Recently four villages, two in Morogoro district and one each in

Babati and Muheza districts, managed to obtain a total of Sh8 million

from a programme under the Kyoto Protocol for sale of carbon dioxide

sequestered through participatory management of their village forests.

The villages are Mangala and Gwata in Morogoro district, Handei in

Muheza, Tanga region and Ayasanda in Babati district in Manyara

region. The programme is called Kyoto; Think Global, Act Local

(K:TGAL) and is one of the efforts being done to sell carbon dioxide,

one of the greenhouse gases, sequestered through participatory

management of village forests. Contracts defining roles of the

villages and K:TGAL programme were signed with the village governments

and the money is in the process of being transferred to the villages'

bank accounts. The programme has been coordinated by Prof Rogers

Malimbwi and Mr Eliakim Zahabu, both academicians working with the

Faculty of Forestry and Nature Conservation at the Sokoine University

of Agriculture. Prof.Malimbwi said the programme involved

participatory forest management (PFM) and entailed involvementg of

local communities in the management of natural forests that would

otherwise degrade or be deforested as a result of carbon emissions.

The government supports PFM in an effort to reduce the current 17

million hectares or 50 per cent of the total forest land in the

country which is prone to deforestation and degradation during

agricultural expansion, charcoal making and timber harvesting

activities. K:TGAL is a research and capacity building programme that

involves research teams in three regions; East Africa, West Africa and

the Himalayas and coordinates the work of local non-government

organisations and conducts experiments with them in villages that are

already engaged in PFM. http://allafrica.com/stories/200806030771.html




34) Professor Nii Ashie Kotey, Chief Executive of the Forestry

Commission, said on Thursday that current trends in the country's

timber industry required strategic innovations including the pooling

of resources in order to remain competitive on the global market. He

as a result, he lauded the rebirth of the Ghana International

urnitureand Woodworking Industry Exhibition (GIFEX) which aims at

showcasing products that would propel the Ghana timber industry to the

level of fully utilising forest resources through increased

utilisation of diversified wood species. Prof. Kotey said these at the

launch of the 12th GIFEX at Takoradi. This year's GIFEX is scheduled

to take place at the Ghana International Trade Fair Centre in Accra

between 17th and 26th October, 2008 on the theme: " 100 years of

Forestry in Ghana: Networking partnership for sustainable

development " . GIFEX, a yearly exhibition introduced in 1985 to

highlight activities of the furniture and woodworking industry came to

a halt in 1997. Prof. Kotey said the rebirth of GIFEX among others was

an opportunity to bring key stakeholders in the industry together for

networking with relevant partners to share knowledge and experience in

order to make individual concerns more competitive in the world wood

products trade. " Local industrialists would also have the opportunity

to see and learn new developments in the industry in line with the

changing dynamics in the industry, " he said.

Prof. Kotey said Western Region had been the largest producer of logs

for the industry and urged companies in the region to participate in

the forthcoming exhibition.



35) Forest Watch Ghana (FWG), the umbrella body of civil society

organizations operating in the forestry industry has pointed out that

state complicity is to blame for massive corruption in the country's

timber sector. " Out of 600 timber concessions, only five meet the

requirements for timber license and I have always maintained that 100%

of all the timber that leave the shores of Ghana are illegal; and in

all these the State is an accomplice in the massive corruption, " says

Mr. Tweretwie Opoku, a legal practitioner and a member of FWG. Mr.

Opoku made these scathing attacks last Friday at a civil society

consultative forum on the recent Government and European Union (EU)

Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) negotiation. He was speaking on

Legal Standard in reference to the VPA. He said the corrupt practices

have contributed to making the timber sector ungovernable and

regretted that a lot of the personnel in the forestry sector do not

even know the laws of the sector. The meeting was under the aegis of

the World Wide Fund for Nature-West Africa Regional Programme Office

(WWF-WARPO), International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN)

and FWG, and brought together chiefs, lumber brokers, chain saw

operators, timber merchants, NGOs, the media, among others. In

December 2006, Ghana and the EU formally initiated the process of

negotiations on the VPA. This agreement, an important component of the

Forest Law Enforcement Governance and Trade (FLEGT), when finalized,

will put in place measures to ensure good governance practices in

Ghana as well as reduce the trade in illegal logs between producer

countries such as Ghana and the EU markets. The VPA requires the

Government of Ghana to ensure that timber products entering the EU

market meet legality standards agreed on by both parties. A road map

for the VPA negotiation process has been developed with and it is

expected that Ghana and the EU will conclude negotiations by the end

of July 2008. http://allafrica.com/stories/200806021247.html




36) The government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) plans

to designate between 13 and 15 million hectares of the Earth's second

largest rainforest region as new protected areas. The forests of the

Congo Basin in Central Africa are the Earth's second largest

continuous rainforest and have a unique biodiversity. The largest part

of the Congo Basin forests lies in the DRC. The entire forest area of

the country, including dry forests, covers around 1 million km²

(larger than the combined area of France and Germany). These forests

are a treasure trove for biodiversity. They house some of the world's

rarest and most remarkable species, including the bonobo (the closest

living relative of the human species) and the okapi (a unique forest

giraffe) as well as the rare mountain gorilla. More than half of the

720 mountain gorillas left in the world live in Eastern DRC. But this

biodiversity is under threat as a result of the decades of instability

which has racked the country. The instability has taken a severe toll

on the region's natural resources and wildlife, and the situation has

been exacerbated by factors including poor capacity to enforce

existing wildlife laws; widespread poaching; and rapidly increasing

mining activities and opening up of forests which are facilitating

access to previously remote forest areas. In 2007, seven of the highly

endangered mountain gorillas were killed in eastern DRC. Virunga

National Park, which is at the heart of the current tensions and

conflicts, has also seen its hippo population drop from an estimated

29,000 to a herd of just a few hundred. Besides combating illegal

logging, for the conservation of the Congo Basin forest and its

abundant biodiversity it is essential to introduce principles of

sustainable management and a protected area regime for these

species-rich forests. At present, 9 per cent of Congolese territory –

corresponding to 22,000 km² - is conserved in various categories of

protected areas. The government of DR Congo aims to extend this area

by up to 15 million hectares (150,000 km²).




36) The Israel Defense Forces and the Civil Administration have

decided to relocate some 440 olive trees belonging to Naalin residents

to a nearby area, due to the construction of the separation fence in

the area. The Palestinians have protested this decision, claiming that

it would badly harm their livelihood. " A tree, particularly an ancient

one, will not survive if you move it from one place to another at this

time of the year. Thus, we estimate that 90% of the relocated trees

will not be able to bear fruit anymore, " said Ibrahim Aahad Khawaja, a

member of the village's anti-fence committee. The IDF plans to

relocate the olive trees under the supervision of a Civil

Administration officer, but Naalin's residents do not intend to

cooperate with the move, as they reject any act related to the

construction of the fence. " They are moving the trees, but what about

the land? Our experience with the Israeli occupation is not positive, "

Khawaja told Ynet, noting that the village residents would fight the

decision and hold an anti-fence procession on Wednesday. Security

sources told Ynet that the separation fence was being built according

to law and that the State was doing all it could to minimize the

damage caused to the Palestinian life fabric. The defense

establishment is coordinating the entire construction process with the

local population, they stated. " There are always those who will not

approve of the State's decisions, including Israeli citizens, and will

do all in their power to break the law and stop the fence

construction, " a security official said.





37) Minister for Environment, Hamid ullah Jan Afridi on Wednesday

informed the National Assembly that the government has formulated a

plan to increase one percent forestation by 2015. " Under this plan,

forests will be grown over one million acres of land, " he said while

responding to various queries during " Question Hour. " He said that the

increase in forestation will have positive impact on the living

standards of the people. The Minister also informed the Lower House

that effective measures are being taken to control environmental

pollution. He said that policies have been made to control

deforestation and ensure sanitation.

http://www.app.com.pk/en_/index.php?option=com_content & task=view & id=40393 & Itemid\



38) At the time of independence, Sindh had an area of about 500 square

miles under forest. These forests were mainly on both sides of the

River Indus right from Kashmore to Karachi. There were about 87

forests extending from Kashmore to the middle delta i.e. up to

Karachi. These forests were narrow strips of quarter to two and from

two to three miles in breadth; 25 on the western and 61 on eastern

bank of the river. The larger ones were Mari, Khanot, Laikpur, Bhorti,

Saduja, Andadal, Shahpur, Shikarpur, Unarpur, Viran and Buto. Besides,

this government-controlled woodland, there were also some

privately-owned forest especially in Khairpur. The wood of these

forests comprised Babul (Acacia Arabica), Bahan (Populus cupharatica),

Tali (Dalbergia sissu) though not considered indigenous and Kandi

(Prosopis spicigera). Besides, there were Neem and Pipal which is a

staple tree in the forest of lower Sindh. Some foreign species were

also introduced by the forest department in the region such as Acacia

dealbata, A. Lopantha and A. melanoxylon Trapa natans, Emblica

officinalis and creatonia siliqua. During the British period, these

riverine forests were looked after by the Sindh Forest Department

headed by a conservator supported by full-fledged technical and

non-technical sub-ordinate staff. Beside, providing jobs and habitat

to millions of household living within its bound, the forests also had

seasonal crops. The fertility of soil in these forests was proverbial;

it provided livelihood to millions. These woodlands were sanctuaries

to variety of wildlife, flora and fauna, and great source of fresh

milk, honey besides wood for furniture, buildings and fuel. After the

Independence however, like other government organisations forest

department also gradually gave in to corruption and inefficiency. The

decline that started in the 1960's was accelerated in the 1980's when

the forests became hideouts of dacoits and the special interests got

an opportunity to cleanse them. With the passage of time, the role

forest department also changed from conservation to collaboration.

Gradually, these forests have been completely destroyed by the builder

mafias interested in cheap wood; influential lands lords interested in

the virgin lands. Now 90 per cent of forests are either under

unauthorised possession or leased to local influential on nominal

government rates as Katcha land.


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