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--Today for you 32 new articles about earth's trees! (373rd edition)

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In this edition:






--Alaska: 1) Enviros file suit on 4 Tongass NF timber sales, 2) Save

Roadless areas / Martens, 3) Tongass carbon sequestration


--Washington: 4) Clearcuts cause landslides / destroy public trust, 5)

Cont. 6) Newspaper's landslide measuring methods, 7) Elect Goldmark

for public land's commissioner, 8) No wolves in the Olympics means no

predators for small tree eating critters, 9) Why we don't want road

repair in the Dosewallips, 10) Beetle wars with Pheromones, 11) Forced

to destroy fish shade along levees to keep Fed dollars,

--Oregon: 12) Dissolution of a state's county is the result of over

overlogging, 13) Save Oswald West's campground trees, 14) Dems more

dangerous to forests than Reps.,

California: 15) Sudden oak death at Crystal Springs, 16) UC Berekely

treesit, 17) Save Liberty Canyon Oak trees,

--Arizona: 18) Long Walk2 as related to San Francisco peaks

--Montana: 19) Plum's newest fed swindle won't be disclosed to county

gov, 20) Obama on Plum's swindle,

--Michigan: 21) Detroit fails to save itself by turning the N. woods

into biofuels

--Wisconsin: 22) Global warming caused Tree migration limited by

farms, ranches, etc.

--Indiana: 23) I-69 arrests / protests continue

--Ohio: 24) Wayne NF plan fails to maximize public benefits

--New Jersey: 25) Aerial survey results regarding Gypsy moth damage

--USA: 26) Habitat destruction means nation's bird population is

collapsing, 27) Wal-Mart hires WWF as its newest greenwasher, 28)

Logging doesn't really increase water flows so much as it degrades

water flows 29) Famers wiping out conservation reserves, 30) Only good

loggers need is exemption from the law / categorical exclusions, 31)

What the heck is a FLAME act? 32) Forest issues roundup from

Washington D.C.,






1) Environmental groups sued the U.S. Forest Service in federal court

today arguing that the agency has concealed impacts of old-growth

logging to the environment and to subsistence hunting in four Tongass

National Forest timber projects. At issue is whether environmental

impact statements have thoroughly evaluated the effect of the projects

on Sitka black-tailed deer – a species that is key to viability of the

" Islands Wolf " (Alexander Archipelago wolf) and is among the most

important subsistence foods in the area. The plaintiffs are Greenpeace

and Cascadia Wildlands Project, both of which have offices in Alaska.

They say the Forest Service has violated bedrock environmental laws by

deliberately ignoring their legitimate criticisms of how impacts to

deer were assessed in the decision process and not providing a " full

and fair discussion " of their concerns. While not a plaintiff in the

suit, the Alaska Department of Fish & Game has repeatedly challenged

these same flaws. " The Forest Service has misapplied the science and

has stonewalled all challenges, " said Greenpeace forest campaigner

Larry Edwards. " We have sought resolution for years. Now the courts

are the only recourse. " The lawsuit demands that the four logging

projects be stopped and that supplemental analysis be ordered to

fairly evaluate their impacts. Combined, the projects would take 33

million board feet of timber from 1,700 acres of old-growth forest and

construct 9.5 miles of new, permanent logging roads. " Ancient forest

logging reduces the ability of the forest to sustain deer in winter, "

said Gabe Scott, Alaska field representative for Cascadia Wildlands

Project in Cordova. " When old-growth forests are logged, deer become

more vulnerable to population collapses during hard winters, and the

Tongass has had recent record-setting snowfalls consistent with

climate change factors for the region. Deer are a vital food source

both for residents of the region and the Islands Wolf. " The Tongass,

America's largest national forest, has been a flashpoint of

controversy for decades. It is the world's largest remaining temperate

rainforest that is still relatively intact. Even so, viability of

Tongass wildlife species – the Islands Wolf prominent among them – is

a well acknowledged concern. In 1997, the Forest Service avoided a

'threatened' listing of the Islands Wolf under the Endangered Species

Act by including a protective standard in its then new Tongass Forest

Plan. The standard was intended to protect both the wolf's " viability

and wide distribution " and the needs of families that depend on deer

for food on the table. http://www.sflorg.com/ear/?p=200


2) Help us save martens and other forest wildlife! Urge U.S. Forest

Service Chief Gail Kimbell to protect roadless areas and old-growth

forests in the Tongass National Forest - and the martens and other

forest wildlife that live there. Take action now at:

http://action.defenders.org/site/R?i=ITXKAtZc3XGBT4HV09cUDg. The Bush

plan sets the stage for logging 5 times the timber currently cut on

the Tongass - including habitat for martens and many of the

undisturbed old-growth stands that form the heart of the Tongass's

still trackless expanses. Logging deals a severe blow to martens,

which cannot live in fragmented forests or cleared areas. Marten

experts believe that these special forest mammals cannot live in areas

without at least 50-60% canopy cover - a far cry from what would be

left after a clearcut. But these unique coastal martens aren't the

only species threatened by the Bush plan for the Tongass. Giant

grizzly bears, thriving salmon runs, bald eagles, Queen Charlotte

goshawks, and the elusive Alexander Archipelago wolf would all lose

important habitat under the plan. Speak out for wildlife in the

Tongass. Send your message to the Forest Service now. Take action

online at: http://action.defenders.org/site/R?i=7eZAfQUNBxMt3tCoURRzuQ.

Defenders and its environmental partners have filed appeals asking the

Forest Service to reconsider the Tongass plan, include protections for

old-growth forests and roadless areas and acknowledge the impacts of

climate change. The public comment period for demanding these

protections ends on Tuesday, July 15th.



3) The Tongass National Forest (Tongass) is the largest national

forest and largest area of old-growth forest in the United States.

Spatial geographic information system data for the Tongass were

combined with forest inventory data to estimate and map total carbon

stock in the Tongass; the result was 2.8 ± 0.5 Pg C, or 8% of the

total carbon in the forests of the conterminous USA and 0.25% of the

carbon in global forest vegetation and soils. Cumulative net carbon

loss from the Tongass due to management of the forest for the period

1900–95 was estimated at 6.4–17.2 Tg C. Using our spatially explicit

data for carbon stock and net flux, we modeled the potential effect of

five management regimes on future net carbon flux. Estimates of net

carbon flux were sensitive to projections of the rate of carbon

accumulation in second-growth forests and to the amount of carbon left

in standing biomass after harvest. Projections of net carbon flux in

the Tongass range from 0.33 Tg C annual sequestration to 2.3 Tg C

annual emission for the period 1995–2095. For the period 1995–2195,

net flux estimates range from 0.19 Tg C annual sequestration to 1.6 Tg

C annual emission. If all timber harvesting in the Tongass were halted

from 1995 to 2095, the economic value of the net carbon sequestered

during the 100-year hiatus, assuming $20/Mg C, would be $4 to $7

million/y (1995 US dollars). If a prohibition on logging were extended

to 2195, the annual economic value of the carbon sequestered would be

largely unaffected ($3 to $6 million/y). The potential annual economic

value of carbon sequestration with management maximizing carbon

storage in the Tongass is comparable to revenue from annual timber

sales historically authorized for the forest. " Effects of Management

on Carbon Sequestration in Forest Biomass in Southeast Alaska " --

Wayne W. Leighty, Steven P. Hamburg, and John Caouette




4) PE ELL, Lewis County — Last December's big storms left Highway 6 in

bad shape. A logged slope above the highway cracked and gave way,

destroying one home, damaging another and blocking the road. The state

Department of Transportation (DOT) spent $3.3 million and three months

cleaning up the mess from the landslide, eventually hauling away

10,000 truckloads of debris from the road that links this southwest

Washington town to the coast. For DOT geologists, the slide

exemplified their frustration with state oversight of logging around

the highways of southwest Washington, a region rife with unstable

hillsides.The state Department of Natural Resources (DNR), which

enforces forestry rules, can restrict clear-cutting when geological

reviews indicate landslides could put public safety or public

resources at risk. But near Highway 6 and other roadside logging

sites, state foresters often have opted to skip these reviews when

approving logging permits. DOT geologists never knew about the plans

by a small landowner to log above Highway 6, so they never pushed for

a site visit by a geologist certified by DNR as a qualified expert in

unstable slopes. But they have raised concerns about logging at 20

other sites along state highways, asking the Natural Resources

Department to require geological reviews, according to a DOT official.

That happened at about half those sites, and state DOT geologists

continue to spar with state foresters about logging plans above

highways. " I don't feel that there is a burden of responsibility that

is taken seriously, " said Tom Badger, a DOT geologist. " I really think

there is a systemic problem. "



5) When Weyerhaeuser began clear-cutting the Douglas firs on the

slopes surrounding Little Mill Creek, local water officials were on

edge. Some of these lands had slid decades ago, after an earlier round

of logging. They worried new slides could dump sediments into the

mountain stream and overwhelm a treatment plant. Those fears came true

last December when a monster storm barreled in from the Pacific,

drenching the mountains around the Chehalis River basin and touching

off hundreds of landslides. Little Mill Creek, filled with mud and

debris, turned dark like chocolate syrup. More than three months

passed before nearly 3,000 valley residents could drink from their

taps again. " I have never seen anything like this before, and I hope I

never do again, " said Fred Hamilton, who works for the Boistfort

Valley Water Corp. State forestry rules empower the Department of

Natural Resources (DNR) to restrict logging on unstable slopes when

landslides could put public resources or public safety at risk. But in

Little Mill Creek and elsewhere in the Upper Chehalis basin, a Seattle

Times investigation found that Weyerhaeuser frequently clear-cut on

unstable slopes, with scant oversight from the state geologists who

are supposed to help watchdog the timber industry. The December storm

triggered more than 730 landslides in the Upper Chehalis basin,

according to a state aerial survey. Those slides dumped mud and debris

into swollen rivers, helping fuel the floods that slammed houses,

barns and farm fields downstream. Weyerhaeuser officials are hoping

this was a rare, freak storm that won't be seen again — at least in

this corner of Southwest Washington — for hundreds of years.



6) First, the Seattle Times obtained data on clear-cuts and landslides

from the Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR). Using

mapping software, we overlaid the clear-cut sites with the landslides

from the December 2007 storm. In the Upper Chehalis River and Stillman

Creek watersheds, 732 landslides were identified from the storm. We

analyzed where each of those slides occurred in the two watersheds,

using landslide inventory data gathered in DNR aerial surveys. Nearly

three-quarters (73 percent) of the landslides appear to have started

near logging roads or in areas clear-cut in the last 15 or so years.

(There are limitations to DNR's surveys. Aerial surveys likely missed

some landslides, especially in more heavily forested areas where

landslides are harder to spot.) We then looked at some of the steepest

clear-cuts in the watersheds by overlaying maps of " hazard zones, "

which were drawn up during an analysis of the watersheds in the 1990s

by scientists from Weyerhaeuser, the state and elsewhere. That

analysis assigned each zone a high, moderate or low rating for

landslide risk. We limited our analysis to 87 clear-cuts that had at

least half of their acreage in a moderate- to high-hazard zone. Nearly

half those sites had landslides during the storm. Despite making up

only 8 percent of the total acreage in the two watersheds, these 87

sites accounted for 30 percent of the total landslides.



7) One of the races I haven't paid nearly enough attention to this

election season is Peter Goldmark's incredibly strong challenge of

two-term Commissioner of Public Lands Doug Sutherland

(R-Weyerhaeuser). Goldmark is a farmer, rancher, molecular biology

PHD, and former state Agriculture Director and WSU regent, who is not

only exceptionally well qualified (and simply a great guy) but a rare

opportunity for folks on the other side of the mountains to put one of

their own in a statewide elected office. Sutherland, on the other

hand, has proven himself to be a lax manager who has clearly sided

with timber and mining interests over those of us ordinary citizens

who actually own the public lands in his charge. Sutherland's failure

to effectively manage public lands and protect public resources and

public safety was highlighted last December, when torrential rains led

to over 730 landslides in the Upper Chehalis Basin alone, that wiped

out roads, destroyed homes and contributed to flooding that caused

more than $57 million in property damage in Lewis County. And as the

Seattle Times reports in an extensive multi-part investigative series,

30% of the landslides were produced from steep sites that had been

clearcut without proper oversight from Sutherland's Department of

Natural Resources (DNR). " State forestry rules empower the Department

of Natural Resources (DNR) to restrict logging on unstable slopes when

landslides could put public resources or public safety at risk. But in

Little Mill Creek and elsewhere in the Upper Chehalis basin, a Seattle

Times investigation found that Weyerhaeuser frequently clear-cut on

unstable slopes, with scant oversight from the state geologists who

are supposed to help watchdog the timber industry. "



8) Olympic National Park was created in 1938, in part " to preserve the

finest sample of primeval forests in the entire United States " – but a

new study at Oregon State University suggests that this preservation

goal has failed, as a result of the elimination of wolves and

subsequent domination of the temperate rainforests by herds of

browsing elk. The extermination of wolves in the early 1900s set off a

" trophic cascade " of changes that appear to have affected forest

vegetation and stream dynamics, with possible impacts on everything

from fisheries to birds and insects, the scientists wrote in their

report, just published in the journal Ecohydrology. Members of the

Press Expedition, hiking in 1890 through what is now Olympic National

Park, found the banks of the upper Quinault River " so dense with

underbrush as to be almost impenetrable, " they wrote at the time. Logs

jammed the rivers, dense tree canopies shaded and cooled the streams,

and trout and salmon thrived along with hundreds of species of plants

and animals. " Today, you go through the same area and instead of dense

vegetation that you have to fight through, it's a park-like stand of

predominantly big trees, " said Bill Ripple, a co-author of the study

and forestry professor at Oregon State University. " It's just a

different world. " That world may still be quite beautiful with its

jagged, glacier-covered peaks and towering old-growth trees. But it's

not the same one that so impressed President Theodore Roosevelt in

1909 that he created Mount Olympus National Monument – in large part

to help protect elk herds that had been decimated by hunting. The

Roosevelt elk, a massive animal that now bears his name, can weigh

more than 1,000 pounds. With protection from hunters and extermination

of wolves not long after that, elk populations surged, and OSU

researchers say that in the intervening decades the very nature of

Olympic National Park has changed dramatically. " Our study shows that

there has been almost no recruitment of new cottonwood and bigleaf

maple trees since the wolves disappeared, and also likely impacts on

streamside shrubs, which are very important for river stability, " said

Robert Beschta, lead author of the study and professor emeritus of

forest hydrology at OSU. " Decreases in woody plant communities allow

river banks to rapidly erode and river channels to widen. "



9) Out of hundreds of hikes in Olympic, few are less traveled these

days than the Dosewallips (pronounced doh-see-WAH-lips) Trail in the

southeast corner of the park. The trailhead sits at the end of

Dosewallips River Road near the tiny town of Brinnon. In 2001, violent

storms washed out a 300-foot section of the road just west of milepost

10, leaving a nearly 5-mile gap between the washout and the start of

the trail. Because visitors now must walk those extra miles, many opt

for more accessible hikes. Those fainthearted adventurers don't know

what they're missing. Including the extra miles, the main trail

follows the verdant Dosewallips Valley and climbs 20 miles to Hayden

Pass, a spine of rotting shale named for Gen. John Hayden, who

commanded Puget Sound's harbor defenses in the early 20th century. On

a visit last summer, I dragged a college buddy, Dave, up the

Dosewallips for a three-day, guys-only escape. After obtaining our

backcountry camping permits from the visitor's center outside Port

Angeles, we left my truck in a makeshift parking lot just east of the

washout and tromped a surprisingly easy 12.5 miles to Camp Marion, a

well-sheltered campground along the far side of burbling Deception

Creek. Along the way, as we passed through stands of western white

pine and Alaska cedar, we spied marmots, bald eagles and dozens of

black-tailed deer. One species that was noticeably absent: humans.



10) On the Chelan Ranger District, forest officials this spring

dropped pheromone-soaked flakes on 100 acres of ponderosa pine trees

weakened by last year's Domke Lake Fire. The chemical is a hormone

that the mountain pine beetle gives off to signal other beetles that a

tree is already infested. Others get the message to fly on and find

their own host trees, says Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest

entomologist Connie Mehmel. The protection will only last for one or

two years, but that will give the trees a chance to get stronger and

withstand the next attack, she says. In some areas, the Forest Service

is thinning ponderosa pine tree stands so they aren't as stressed by

lack of water and nutrients in a densely packed forest. They're also

thinning young tree stands to help prevent later attacks. On state

Department of Natural Resources land, managers are attempting to

integrate other species in the lodgepole pine forests to prevent the

cycle of a massive beetle kill followed by wildfires, state officials

say. " The DNR and the Legislature have recognized forest health as a

problem that exists on too big a scale for us to do piecemeal

solutions, " says Aaron Everett, DNR's forest health policy specialist

in Olympia. He says the DNR has about $1.3 million to fight insects

and diseases on the state's forests during the 2007-09 biennium. Part

of it will fund a pilot program in DNR's northeast region in Colville

to: 1) Look for ways to recognize where pine beetles and other insects

might strike next. 2) Provide help to local landowners with bug

problems. 3) Work on insect control with other agencies with lands

that border DNR's.




11) Chop down riverside trees that provide shade for young salmon or

lose millions in federal support to fix aging levees -- that's what

the Army Corps of Engineers is telling King County. In the wake of

Hurricane Katrina and devastating Midwest floods, the corps is taking

a conservative approach to levee maintenance, forcing cash-strapped

local governments to pull out the chain saws. King County officials

would love to fix 14 damaged levees on their own, sparing hundreds of

trees and protecting threatened salmon runs. But they can't afford

to. " It's hard for us to walk away " from the federal money, said Steve

Bleifuhs, the county's manager for rivers and floodplains. Levees --

reinforced riverbanks built extra tall -- can be all that stand

between bloated rivers and disastrous floods. The county believes the

best way to protect residents and businesses from flooding -- plus

help save salmon -- is to plant native trees on the sloping

riversides. During heavy rains when swollen rivers creep up their

banks, it's not the levees planted with native trees that are most

damaged -- it's the ones covered in blackberry brambles, grass or not

much at all, county officials say. " Vegetation on river banks is

desirable, " said Andy Levesque, a senior engineer with the county's

Water and Land Resources Division. " Properly designed, it can

strengthen. " With risks so high, corps officials say their strict

standards are needed to ensure safety. Look to the recent events on

the Mississippi and Missouri rivers to see the tremendous damage

possible when levees are topped. Or New Orleans in 2005 and the

lasting devastation caused by Katrina.





12) How did Oregon arrive at a point where the dissolution of one or

more of its counties is being contemplated and planned? The problem is

tied to the state's wealth of federal forests. For more than a century

the federal government shared timber receipts with local governments,

which rely in large part on property taxes to pay for services.

Federal land is exempt from local property taxes. Following the

decline of public lands logging in the 1990s, Congress passed the

Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act, which

expired in 2007 but was renewed for one year. The 33 Oregon counties

covered -- three are not -- under the law received their last payments

seven months ago. Starting next month, Oregon's counties will be out a

combined $206 million a year in federal money. School districts will

lose $31 million. Statewide, that means a cut of 12 percent to county

discretionary general funds, which pay for programs such as sheriff's

patrols and libraries, and a 28 percent cut to road programs. But some

counties will fare far worse than others. Coos, Curry, Douglas and

Josephine counties will each lose at least half of their general

funds, while others such as Union or Washington, will lose only about

1 percent. Many counties have already eliminated jobs or shut

libraries in anticipation of the loss, although Oregon's congressional

delegation is still fighting for a renewal.


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13) The closure is prompted by an ongoing review of the trees in and

around the campground. Some trees are 200-400 years old and have been

damaged by past storms or are simply near the end of their natural

lives. One such tree—an 11-foot diameter spruce—fell without warning

on June 24. No campers were injured, though the tree did fall across

several campsites. OPRD natural resource staff have been reviewing the

forested campground area, and made an initial judgment this week that

a significant number of other mature trees are in declining health.

" Closing the campground while we study the situation is a responsible

precaution, " says John Potter, OPRD assistant director of operations.

" We need time to figure out what's best for the forest and for camper

safety. " The campground closure will be effective until further notice

while the agency completes an in-depth study on the health of the

trees near the campground. The study will look at both the need to

protect the old growth forest and the habitat it provides, and the

kinds of recreation the park can support. OPRD plans to assess the

situation and develop alternatives for public review. The 2,474-acre

park was opened in 1931 near the border of Tillamook and Clatsop

counties. Oswald West State Park is named for Oregon's 14th governor

(1911-1915), who protected the ocean shore for public use. The park

hosted more than 15,000 campers and just under a million day visitors

in 2007. Campers already in the park will be offered any available

space at Fort Stevens, Nehalem Bay and other north coast state park

campgrounds. Hiking, surfing and beachcombing are the most popular

daytime activities. The campground closure will not affect any trails

or access to the beach. http://www.kval.com/news/24272639.html


14) " The Democrats now represent a far greater danger to the

environment than Republicans, " asserts Tim Hermach, director of the

Native Forest Council in Eugene, Oregon. " Clinton and Gore damaged our

cause more in eight years, than the Republicans did in twelve. "

Similar sentiments course through the campfire conversations of

environmental activists across the West, a region that has lacked a

true environmental champion in the Congress since the defeat of

Senator Frank Church in 1980. Green activists aren't alone in their

disgust with the two-party system. A poll in the Los Angeles Times

disclosed that 54 percent of American voters support the rise of a

third party. The support is strongest among liberals (64 percent) and

Westerners (60 percent). Ironically, it took the end of divided

government and the election to the presidency of a politician who came

of age during the ascendancy of environmentalism as political force to

fuel a discontent that had been smoldering for years. Most greens

greeted the election of Bill Clinton and Al Gore with a queasy

optimism. While the Clinton/Gore campaign placed environmental

protection and public lands reform near the top of the agenda, Bill

Clinton was something of a known quantity. His record as governor of

Arkansas, fused with his neo-liberal rhetoric, suggested a

governmental posture that would sacrifice environmental quality for

political expediency or the appeasement of corporate backers. Even so,

the pro-environment themes, expertly deployed during the 1992 campaign

by Al Gore, played well across the country, particularly in the West,

where Clinton captured seven crucial states. The Western Strategy,

which proved pivotal to Clinton's election, was decidedly green in

tone. It appealed to the changing demographics of the New West:

suburbanized, soft-tech, mobile and capitalizing on the environmental

amenities, and not the extractable commodities, of the Western

landscape. Within months of taking office, the Clinton administration

began to beat a hasty retreat from its commitment to environmental

protection. In March 1993, at the first hint of opposition from

old-style Democratic politicians in the West, the administration

backed off of its already timid proposal to reform archaic mining,

timber and livestock grazing policies. An agitated Jay Hair, the

usually temperate director of the National Wildlife Federation,

condemned the betrayal as a case of political " date rape. "





15) For reasons nobody quite understands, the disease known as Sudden

Oak Death has colonized the forests surrounding Crystal Springs

Reservoir with greater brutality than other areas of the county that

also contain trees susceptible to the disease, such as Woodside,

Portola Valley, or the county parks in the hills above Pescadero.

Biologists have detected only a handful of affected trees in those

areas, whereas hundreds of trees are visibly affected throughout the

Crystal Springs watershed — and absent a cure, the number continues to

increase. Experts have noticed the problem gaining momentum in San

Mateo County this year in particular, Moore said. The results are

there for all to see. " When you're in there on the trail and you see a

dead tree, that's one thing. But if you're on Highway 280 and you're

looking at the watershed, you see pockets, patches of dead trees. It's

summer — it's not like they're supposed to be dropping their leaves, "

he said. One of the most insidious aspects of Sudden Oak Death, which

is thought to have spread from imported European nursery plants in

Marin and Santa Cruz counties in 1994, is that its symptoms do not

always manifest themselves until the very end, which makes it hard to

stop it from spreading to other trees. And once a tree has contracted

the disease, it cannot be cured. Short of clear-cutting whole sections

of forest, there is not a whole lot that officials can do other than

monitor the problem, Naras said. Right now he is particularly worried

about dead branches raining on the heads of trail users and the fact

that the dead trees provide excellent tinder for a forest fire. The

Crystal Springs watershed has not had a large-scale burn in 50 years,

and Naras says it is due. Forest officials have one tool available to

them in the fight against Sudden Oak Death: a product called Agri-Fos

developed in the laboratory of Matteo Garbelotto, a forest pathologist

at UC Berkeley. The product, applied either to the bark or the roots

of a tree, is designed to boost that tree's natural immune system in

the event it comes into contact with the disease. The San Francisco

Public Utilities Commission singled out a small grove of healthy

tanoaks in a remote southwestern corner of the Crystal Springs

watershed and applied the product this spring. It is too expensive to

spray on an entire forest but can be used to protect choice species

and heritage trees.



16) BERKELEY ― UC, Berkeley officials adjusted the type of food they

are providing to tree sitters Wednesday in response to dietary

recommendations made by the campus' medical director, a university

spokesman said. Each day, each of the tree-sitters will receive 1,800

calories, given in the form of three energy bars that contain 2,400

calories apiece, according to UC Berkeley spokesman Dan Mogulof.

Campus medical director Dr. Brad Buchman determined the tree-sitters

each need that amount to meet " essential requirements, " Mogulof said.

" While we want sustaining the protest to be difficult for them ... we

don't want it to be dangerous, " Mogulof said. The oak trees have been

occupied by tree-sitters since Dec. 5, 2006, when a UC Board of

Regents committee approved building a training center next to the

football stadium near the grove of oak trees. The plan calls for

cutting down many of the trees. Three of the four remaining sitters

have been in the trees for at least several months. The fourth

protester joined the ranks Sunday by climbing up a telephone pole near

the barricade and over into a tree south of the tree where the three

other protesters are living, according to Doug Buckwald, a spokesman

for the tree-sitters. The newest protester, a man in his 30s who goes

by the name Jeff, brought a backpack of supplies with him but

accidentally dropped the backpack while climbing into the tree,

Buckwald said. Jeff then yelled to the other protesters, who coached

him on how to move over to the platform in their tree. Jeff made it to

the platform Monday after several hours of careful climbing across the

grove, according to Buckwald. Mogulof said he is glad the tree-sitters

are in one tree. " We'd much rather have them in a single tree than

spread out among the grove, " Mogulof said. " It's safer if they're not

traversing back and forth between the trees. " The food and water being

provided to the tree-sitters has not increased since Jeff joined the

group; the only change was in the brand of energy bars they are being

given, according to Buckwald.



17) A landmark oak tree on Liberty Canyon Road which just a few weeks

ago had been facing the ax in order to make room for an office and

medical center will most likely be spared. In May, the Agoura Hills

City Council appealed the planning commission's approval of a

commercial development at Liberty Canyon and Agoura roads. Rather than

deny the project, the council kept the public hearing on the project

open until Aug. 13 to allow Behr Browers Architects of Woodland Hills

to change its design and save the tree. The development calls for a

new 9,660squarefoot, onestory office building, a 20,000square-foot

two-story medical building, and the remodel of an existing building on

the site. The design requires the removal of 12 oak trees, including

the old heritage oak on Liberty Canyon. Another 27 trees would be

affected by the development, said Mike Kamino, director of community

development. " The beauty of that oak cannot be replicated by 12 young

ones, " Councilmember Harry Schwarz said. " It's a sculpture we want to

look at. " Although 48 oak trees would be planted on the site and

elsewhere in the city to make up for the loss of the existing trees,

many residents want to save the oldest, largest oak tree that fronts

Liberty Canyon homes, condominiums and town houses. The project

requires Liberty Canyon Road to be widened to accommodate a driveway

into the complex. Even if the street widening was decreased from 26

feet to 20 feet, the oak tree's root system still would be

compromised, said Kay Greeley, an environmental consultant. Although

the tree is healthy, a seam found in the trunk indicates a structural

defect, she said. That, coupled with encroachment, would make the tree

vulnerable to sudden limb breakage, Greeley said, which would pose a

hazard to drivers. Architect Francisco Behr said the city's General

Plan requires the road to be widened.





18) In 1978, the original Longest Walk raised awareness about the

threat to the San Francisco Peaks, a sacred site to over 13 Nations

throughout the Southwest and culturally significant to another 22 or

more Nations. This sacred mountain has significant spiritual and

cultural values; it is the home of deities, the origin of human

beings, the place of creation and emergence, and a place in which

special offerings are made and rare medicinal herbs gathered. The holy

mountain is a single living entity in which the health of the whole is

dependent on the well being of each individual part. Thirty years

later, the San Francisco Peaks are still threatened by the Arizona

Snow Bowl ski resort, which is attempting to expand and utilize

treated sewage effluent to make artificial snow. Snow Bowl operates

the ski area by a permit issued by the U.S. Forest Service, which

supports snowmaking and the plan to clear cut, grade, stump and smooth

more than 100 acres of rare alpine ecosystem. The plan includes

14.8-mile long pipeline from Flagstaff to a 10-million-gallon storage

pond used to create 205 acres of tainted snow. A study of Flagstaff's

" reclaimed water " known as the Endocrine Disrupter Screening Project

found the presence of human and veterinary antibiotics, caffeine,

codeine, oral contraceptives and other hormones, steroids,

anti-seizure medication, solvents, disinfectants, flame retardants,

moth and mosquito repellants, wood preservatives and cancer-causing

agents such as Afrizine. And the list continues. As many Natives

consider the Holy Mountain to be living, such contamination is clearly

unacceptable. All along its journey, the Longest Walk 2 encountered

many rivers, lakes and streams affected by the contamination caused by

the logging industry. This industry affects the environment in

multiple ways. In Virginia, the Occaneechi Saponi Tribe identified

both logging and the logging industry's reforestation practices as

major problems. Local Tribal members compared the devastation of the

loggers to that of a bomb detonation. They denounce the fact that

non-indigenous tree species are being preferred by the industry over

native species, to the extent that Virginia and other states are

rapidly becoming one big pine plantation.







19) Deputy Missoula County Attorney D. James McCubbin on Thursday

appealed refusal by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which includes

the Forest Service, to expedite processing of an information request

the county filed on June 25 under the federal Freedom of Information

Act. McCubbin said expedited handling was necessary for the county to

share time-sensitive information with the public. The requested

information includes records relevant to discussions between Plum

Creek and Agriculture Undersecretary Mark Rey, who oversees the Forest

Service. " We have determined that your request does not qualify for

expedited processing because you have articulated no threat to public

safety and because there has already been considerable publicity about

the easements, " Rita Morgan, the USDA's Freedom of Information Act

officer, wrote on June 26.The private negotiations involve easements

under which Plum Creek uses federal forest roads to access company

timberlands. Representatives of some western Montana counties,

including Missoula, say they worry the negotiations between the

company and the Forest Service's chief overseer will foster conversion

of timberland into residential subdivisions, increasing the cost of

rural services such as fire protection. Under the Freedom of

Information Act, anyone has the right to request access to federal

agencies' records or information. Agencies must disclose records not

covered by exemptions set forth in the law. It says agencies shall

respond to requests within 20 business days, a period that begins when

the request is received by the appropriate office. But an agency is

not required to send documents by the 20th day; they can be released

within " a reasonable time afterward, " according to the FOIA Reference

Guide. In a telephone interview Thursday, McCubbin said county

officials worry that the USDA will take more than 20 days to provide

records, and that easement provisions discussed by Rey and Plum Creek

will become final before the public can get information to which it is

entitled. http://www.summitdaily.com/article/20080710/NEWS/777166544



20) " At a time when Montana's sportsmen are finding it increasingly

hard to access lands, it is outrageous that the Bush administration

would exacerbate the problem by encouraging prime hunting and fishing

lands to be carved up and closed off, " Obama said in a written

statement. " We should be working to conserve these lands permanently

so that future generations of Americans can enjoy them to hunt, fish,

hike and camp. " As first reported by the Missoulian in April,

Agriculture Undersecretary Mark Rey has been meeting with Plum Creek

officials behind closed doors to redefine the timber company's future

use of easements across Forest Service lands. Those easements were

thought to be limited for use by loggers - so the timber company could

drive across public land en route to its own timber stands. Now,

though, Plum Creek has reorganized itself as a real estate investment

trust. So the negotiations are looking at whether the company can use

the easements for other purposes, such as accessing subdivisions and

backcountry homes. Plum Creek is the largest private landowner in

Montana. The vast majority of the easements involve company timberland

in western Montana. Rey, whose duties include oversight of the Forest

Service, told the Washington Post last week that he expects to

finalize the deal next month. Some state and county political leaders

and others have come out against the negotiations, arguing they should

have been conducted in public, for they deal with how vast acreages of

western Montana will be used in the future. Some sportsmen also have

come out against the change, saying they fear that placing homes on

lands that were used temporarily for logging would harm fish and

wildlife habitat and close public access to hunting and fishing

grounds. U.S. Sen. Jon Tester, D-Mont., has asked the investigative

arm of Congress to examine the negotiations to make sure they are

legal. On Tuesday, Obama said he would support the use of tax

incentives and other mechanisms to encourage private landowners to

restore and protect wildlife habitat. About 320,000 acres of Plum

Creek land will be protected through a provision that U.S. Sen. Max

Baucus included in the latest farm bill, which has $250 million to

back bonds to buy Plum Creek lands eyed for development. So far, the

company has sold only 3,000 acres in Montana over the past five years.





21) Michigan may have lost a lot of auto manufacturing over the past

few decades, but much talent to develop a new generation of vehicles

remains. Detroit's automakers, which have been producing

gasoline-powered vehicles for more than 100 years, are now turning

their attention to developing cars and trucks that run on biofuels,

electricity and talent. Boston-based Mascoma Corp. announced last

month it plans to build a $250 million cellulosic ethanol plant in the

Upper Peninsula, using a $15 million state grant. The plant, the first

in the country, would produce 40 million gallons of ethanol a year by

2012. Mascoma's $15 million state grant will come from the new Centers

of Energy Excellence program, which was signed into law by Gov.

Jennifer Granholm on Tuesday. But aren't we in danger of again wiping

out the forests by producing fuel from trees? No, says Steve Pueppke,

director of the Office of Biobased Technologies at Michigan State

University. Pueppke says only about 30 percent of new forest growth

annually is harvested, resulting in a rising inventory of forest land

in the state. " Nobody's talking about clear cutting forests, " he told

me. " There's an awful lot of room for the sustainable harvesting of

trees for biofuels. " The Great Lakes have long served as an efficient

transportation source for commodities such as lumber, grain and iron

ore. Pueppke says the lakes could be used to ship Michigan-made

ethanol to major ports, giving the state a logistical advantage over

Iowa and other land-locked ethanol-producing states. Ethanol can't be

shipped through petroleum pipelines.


40.xml & coll=6




22) UW-Madison scientist David Mladenoff has been warning for years

that some trees common to northern Wisconsin -- balsam fir, spruce and

jack pine -- could disappear from the state as the climate warms. But

now Mladenoff and fellow UW forest ecologist Robert Scheller are

adding that it will be difficult for southern Wisconsin species --

oaks and hickories for instance -- to move northward to replace them.

Why? Not only is warming expected to outpace the speed at which

southern trees can migrate, but barriers to dispersal such as

agricultural lands and urban areas also will delay progress, Mladenoff

said. Consequently, the standing amount of forest up north could

decrease. Currently filled-out forests could thin. " The trees that are

there now will be experiencing less than optimal conditions, and the

southern species aren't going to fill in as quickly as we'd like, "

Mladenoff said. Trees move into new areas by producing seeds, which

are carried over short distances by wind, birds or mammals. Under the

right conditions, dispersed seeds then grow into seedlings and

eventually mature trees, which produce their own seeds. It's a slow

process, but dispersal becomes even slower when forests are fragmented

-- broken up by farms, cities or suburbs. It can be difficult for

seeds to cross such gaps. A wide band of agricultural land that runs

across the middle of the state would be a major obstacle, he warned.

Inter-species competition also might be a factor, with hemlock

reducing dispersal of less shade-tolerant southern species. Scheller

and Mladenoff used satellite information and forest inventory data to

predict how landscapes will respond to climate shifts. They used

climate predictions to examine probable forest succession, seed

dispersal and tree growth during the 200 years since 1990, and their

findings were published in the current issue of Climate Research.





23) This morning, over 20 people opposed to the construction of

Interstate 69 shut down work at the Haubstadt Asphalt Yard belonging

to Gohmann Asphalt & Construction, Inc. Five of the opponents locked

themselves together in a circle at the yard's gate, accompanied by

five others dedicated to keeping them as comfortable as possible in

the face of summer heat and the threat of police violence. With

construction slated to begin this week, opponents are demanding that

Gohmann immediately drop their contract for work on I-69. Additionally

they demand that Gohmann and their accomplices, Riverton Trucking,

Inc., drop a spurious civil suit brought against the only I-69

opponent arrested at a previous lock-down at Gohmann Asphalt's

Haubstadt facility. Gohmann A & C is the primary contractor with the

Indiana Department of Transportation for the construction of the first

1.77 miles of Section 1 of the proposed highway from Evansville to

Indianapolis. Several weeks prior, five opponents chained themselves

to a truck leaving Haubstadt Asphalt Yard belonging to Gohmann Asphalt

& Construction, Inc.. The five-accompanied by twenty-five

supporters-demanded that Gohmann drop their contract with INDOT or

face continued opposition and work stoppages. The Indiana Department

of Transportation is having a secret groundbreaking ceremony for I-69

this week. If you're reading this, you're probably not invited. The

I-69 Listening Project and Roadblock Earth First! are putting on a

counter-party to speak against the construction of this highway and

work towards the construction of community. Landowers and activists

will speak about how and why the construction of I-69 will be so

destructive and about the seventeen-year-old campaign against this

road. Come listen, learn, and spend time with us! We'll set up a

barbeque and bring a selection of side dishes and dessert. Bring food

to throw on the grill and to share! Logistical info: July 20, 2008, 3

pm, at Werth Park on SR-64, just west of SR-57 near Oakland City.





24) A new study commissioned by the regional forest protection

organization Heartwood concludes that the U.S. Forest Service's

15-year management plan for southern Ohio's Wayne National Forest

(WNF) ––Ohio's only national forest––does not maximize net public

benefits as required by law. Assessing costs and benefits of the plan,

the 200-page study by GreenFire Consulting Group, LLC, concludes, " It

is questionable whether the Wayne Management Plan provides any net

benefits to the public. " The study's authors, economist Christine

Glaser, PhD, and Karyn Moskowitz, MBA, found that proposed management

activities have substantial economic costs to the public while

providing questionable public benefits. " The sum of extractive and

destructive activities proposed in the 2006 Forest Plan will lessen

the attractiveness of the forest and will negatively impact tourism.

They will also diminish the capacity of the WNF to deliver 'ecosystem

services,' such as water purification performed by the natural

filtration systems of the earth and carbon sequestration provided by

the trees and other forest plants. These ecosystem services have a

much higher value to society than the timber that is taken out. "

Calculations based on a wide body of literature put the value of

forest ecosystem services––which also include air purification, water

flow regulation, biodiversity, and recreation––at an average of $1,800

per acre per year compared to timber's value of $250 or less per acre

per year. Based on a value of $1,800 per acre per year, the study

estimates that Wayne ecosystem services could be worth $381 million

per year. (pp. 12-13) These services are diminished by the Plan, which

designates 70 percent of the Wayne's 238,000 acres suitable for

logging and proposes to log 18,441 acres and burn more than 68,000

acres (over a quarter of the Wayne) over the next decade. 46,215 acres

will be burned " for an unproven 'oak regeneration' program and 21,904

acres to reduce questionable 'hazardous fuels' risks. " (p. 9) The

study critiques these burn programs and finds them economically as

well as environmentally unsound.



New Jersey:


25) The state Department of Agriculture announced the results of an

aerial survey Monday that revealed 339,240 acres of trees defoliated

by gypsy moth caterpillars this spring, compared to 320,610 acres in

2007. This yearÕs defoliation encompasses the largest total acreage

since 1990, when more than 431,000 acres of trees lost their leaves to

the hungry moth larvae. A number of southern counties, however,

including Gloucester County saw a reduction in defoliation this year.

" Our gypsy moth aerial spray program to suppress the avid caterpillars

is working in the towns that participated in the program, " said New

Jersey Secretary of Agriculture Charles M. Kuperus. " We are seeing

less damage in the areas that were sprayed and have seen a shift in

the gypsy moth population from South Jersey to northwest areas of our

state. " Every spring, gypsy moth eggs hatch and the young

caterpillar-like larvae begin devouring a variety of plant species.

Two to three consecutive years of significant defoliation, which is

defined as 75 percent or more, can kill an otherwise healthy tree.

Last yearÕs defoliation resulted in the death of as many as 14,000

acres of trees due to consecutive defoliation by gypsy moth

caterpillars, according to the state Department of Agriculture. In an

effort to combat the hungry pest, about 94,000 acres in 17 counties

were treated this year with the biological insecticide Bacillus

thuringiensis, or Bt. Bt is a non-chemical, " minimal risk " insecticide

that only kills caterpillars. It does not harm other insects, animals

or humans, Kuperus said.

http://www.nj.com/news/gloucester/index.ssf?/base/news-3/1216095933253020.xml & co\





26) Hundreds of species of birds, including many once-common songbirds

such as the meadowlark and bobwhite, are in severe decline in the

United States, falling in population by as much as 90 percent since

the 1960s, scientists, government officials and conservation groups

told Congress on Thursday. The chief cause is destruction of habitat,

scientists told the House subcommittee on fisheries, wildlife and

oceans. They said rising food prices and the push for alternative

fuels are putting intense pressure on farmland set aside for

conservation. Other killers include invasive plant species that take

over native seed and nesting sources, wind turbines located near

critical flyways, lighted and glass-encased buildings, lighted

cell-phone towers, domestic cats, disease, pesticides and climate

change, which also is shrinking habitat ranges.Farmers racing to plant

corn for ethanol, which is subsidized by the federal government, and

livestock feed are pulling millions of acres out of the nation's

largest private land conservation program, the 32 million-acre

Conservation Reserve Program, in which the government pays farmers

under 10- and 15-year contracts to keep fragile lands out of

production. Rising food and energy prices are leading to political

pressure from Congress on the Bush administration to allow farmers to

break their conservation contracts without penalty. Even " green

building " codes that aim to make structures environmentally

friendlier, mainly by conserving energy, pay no attention to bird

destruction, said Karen Imparato Cotton, a bird crash specialist at

the American Bird Conservancy. Cotton said as many as 975 million

birds are killed by crashing into buildings each year. Many migrating

species of neotropical songbirds, which breed in North America and

winter in the Caribbean and South America, are attracted to internal

and external building lights as they migrate at night. " The light

fields entrap night-migrating birds, " Cotton said. " They seem to be

reluctant to leave these lit areas and tend to circle within them. As

they pile up in the light field, circling the structure, they collide

with each other, with the building, or they collapse from exhaustion. "

New green building codes often call for increased natural lighting

that includes more glass, which also induces fatal bird crashes.

Neither the private U.S. Green Building Council nor a new Senate bill

that aims to promote green building by the federal government includes

safe bird design features.

http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2008/07/11/MNO511N21T.DTL & type=\



27) Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. joined the Global Forest & Trade Network

(GFTN), World Wildlife Fund's (WWF) initiative to save the world's

most valuable and threatened forests, WWF announced today. By joining

the GFTN, Wal-Mart has committed to phasing out illegal and unwanted

wood sources from its supply chain and increasing its proportion of

wood products originating from credibly certified sources - for

Wal-Mart stores and Sam's Clubs in the United States. Wal-Mart's

commitment to promoting responsible forestry builds on the company's

collaboration with WWF. Earlier this year, Wal-Mart committed to

purchasing 100 percent of its wild caught salmon seafood sold in the

U.S. from sources certified by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC)

within four years. About World Wildlife Fund For more than 45 years,

WWF has been protecting the future of nature. The largest

multinational conservation organization in the world, WWF works in 100

countries and is supported by 1.2 million members in the United States

and close to 5 million globally. WWF's unique way of working combines

global reach with a foundation in science, involves action at every

level, from local to global, and ensures the delivery of innovative

solutions that meet the needs of both people and nature. Go to

worldwildlife.org to learn more.



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28) A report out today by the National Academy of Sciences says that

there's a surprising amount we don't know about how doing things like

cutting down vast swaths of a forested watershed affects the water

supply downstream. Requested by the U.S. Forest Service and the Bureau

of Reclamation -- which have to make decisions all the time about

forests and the water supply they provide -- offers: " Recent increases

in fire, insects, and disease in forests have spurred adoption of

forest management practices, such as thinning and salvage logging,

whose effects on hydrology have received little study. The hydrologic

effects of many of the new management practices and (best management

practices) have not been studied, and dynamic forest conditions make

it important to understand how contemporary practices influence water

resources. " I didn't realize until I read the report that there's a

notion that cutting down the forest increases the water supply

downstream. The panel, which included input from enviros and

scientists and the timber industry (did I forget anybody? let's just

say all the sides are represented) addresses this idea: " While it is

possible to increase water yield by harvesting timber, water yield

increases from vegetation removal are often small and unsustainable,

and timber harvest of areas sufficiently large to augment water yield

can reduce water quality. " Climate change, cumulative effects, and

more all need careful study if we're to keep our forests producing the

water supply we all need, the panel concluded: " Forests are essential

for the sustainable provision of water to the nation. It is incumbent

upon scientists, policymakers, land and water managers, and citizens

to use the lessons of the past and apply emerging research,

technology, and partnerships to protect and sustain water resources

from forested landscapes. "



29) At issue is the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP), under which

the government has paid farmers to stop growing row crops, such as

corn and soybeans, on 34 million acres across the country. Designed in

the mid-1980s to hold down production and bolster commodity prices,

the $1.8 billion-a-year program has turned into a major boon for

conservation, with much of the acreage planted with perennial grasses

or trees, or restored to wetlands. But the ethanol boom, widespread

flooding and high prices for feed crops have changed the equation.

Livestock producers have been howling about the high price of animal

feed. Pork producers say they are losing $30 per pig. " We need more

corn. That's all there is to it, " said Dave Warner, spokesman for the

National Pork Producers Council, one of many agricultural trade groups

pressuring Agriculture Secretary Ed Schafer to change the rules of the

conservation program to release land into production. Industry

observers expect Schafer to announce his decision imminently. Whatever

he decides is certain to be controversial. Environmentalists are

decrying the idea of renewing farming on the land, saying that the

program represents a huge taxpayer investment in conservation and that

expanded cultivation might exacerbate future flooding. " He's got to

choose between agriculturalists and environmentalists, and I'm not

sure he wants to make that choice, " Sen. Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa)

said. Grassley has met with Schafer and urged him to let farmers out

of their CRP contracts without paying a penalty, while also, as he put

it in a letter to Schafer, protecting " the most environmentally

sensitive lands. " Environmentalists argue that the short-term gains

from additional row crops would be outweighed by long-term

environmental damage. " The reason it's in the Conservation Reserve

Program, it's environmentally fragile, it's highly erodible land, and

we've invested a hell of a lot of money in getting cover on this land

and putting it to bed, basically, " said Ralph Heimlich, an

environmental consultant to the Environmental Defense Fund and a

former deputy director at the USDA.





30) U.S. Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources: 47:22:

Salazar: Let me just say to you Undersecretary Rey and to Chairman

Binghamton that I hope it is something that we can do, we have

legislation from the Colorado delegation and Senator Binghamton does

as well and maybe this is one of those issues that certainly is not a

Republican or Democratic or political issue this is just a reality of

a huge infestation that we have to deal with on the ground. 48:41:

Craig: Chairman, thank you very much. Senator Salazar, with the help

of the U.S. Forest Service and their scientists, and the whole other

group of folks, we've prepared a set of amendments for the climate

change bill that obviously is dead on arrival so it won't happen. With

what you're asking and what we can do and will do in the future, is

bulletproof in part categorical exclusions so we can do some of these

things. Because, you know, the great untold story of my state and your

state, when we took away the authority of the Forest service and gave

it to the courts to manage our land was that what is green in a climax

environment turns brown and dies. And if somebody's not there to take

it away, and create a new dynamic in the forest, Mother Nature comes

along and burns it. And that's what's going to happen in your country,

if we don't get categorical exclusions so you can go in and clean up

those watersheds and protect them and replant them. And create, assist

mother nature in the cycle.

http://energy.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=Hearings.Hearing & Hearing_ID\




31) Assistance, Management and Enhancement (FLAME) Act. The passage of

this bill is an important step towards establishing a federal

emergency fund for the suppression of large and costly wildfires that

often have devastating impacts on forests and communities. The fund

will also allow federal land management agencies to reestablish more

reliable funding for other vital land management programs. Costs

associated with fire suppression have escalated dramatically in recent

years. This trend is only likely to continue to grow as a result of

hazardous fuels build-up, climate change, and increasingly populated

wildland-urban interface areas. Wildfire suppression costs for the US

Forest Service (USFS) have exceeded 1 billion dollars in six of the

last eight years. The proportion of the USFS budget devoted to

wildfire management activities increased steadily from thirteen

percent of the total USFS budget in 1991 to forty-eight percent

projected for fiscal year 2009. As wildfire suppression costs have

escalated, other program funds have been dramatically reduced. As a

result, funding has decreased for important land management activities

such as forest restoration, reforestation, and community capacity

building. According to American Forests' Vice President, Gerry Gray,

" funding for these types of programs is essential to address our

current forest health crisis and the associated threats to communities

over the long term. "



32) On July 10, the Forest Landscape Restoration Act (HR 5263) was the

subject of a hearing before the House Natural Resources Committee.

This legislation, introduced by Public Lands Subcommittee Chairman

Raul Grijalva (D-AZ), aims to restore damaged forest ecosystems by

establishing a collaborative, science-based forest landscape

restoration program that would prioritize and fund ecological

restoration treatments for forest landscapes. --- Companion

legislation (S. 2593) passed through the Senate Energy and Natural

Resources Committee by unanimous consent in May and is now included in

the Omnibus Public Lands Package of 2008. --- S. 2593, as passed by

Committee, includes many important ecologically protective provisions

that American Lands was able to secure. The House version of the bill

does not yet incorporate those changes, but House Resources Committee

staff assures us that those changes will be made when the bill is

" marked-up " (amended) in Committee. --- The Omnibus Public Lands

Package of 2008, S. 3123, is over 700 pages long and includes

wilderness designations, land conveyances, wild and scenic river

designations, and National Park Service authorizations, amongst many

other public lands bills. Click here for a complete list of all the

bills included in the massive package. Also included in the bill is

the Senate version of the Forest Restoration Landscape (S. 2593),

referenced above. --- The Omnibus bill has been purposefully crafted

to not include any controversial provisions, so that it can pass

through the Senate without delay. Senator Jeff Bingaman (D-NM) would

like to see the package move before the August recess, but insiders

say that it is not a priority for Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV),

and until it becomes so, movement of the bill is unlikely. At present

there are 149 cosponsors of HR 2516 in the House and 19 cosponsors of

the Senate version S 1478. These bills seek to provide lasting

protections for all inventoried roadless areas in the United States.

Click to see if your Representative and Senators are cosponsors of

this important legislation. If not,

http://americanlands.org/issues.php?subsubNo=1113510651 & article=1184861319

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