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--Today for you 35 new articles about earth's trees! (375th edition)

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In this edition:


Latin America





--Mexico: 1) Mangrove protection keeps fishing industry afloat

--Brazil: 2) New forest monitoring satellite in 2011, 3) Minister lies

about deforestation increases, 4) Xenophobia spreads among gov.

leaders, 5) Pact for Legal and Sustainable Timber, 6) 'self-suspended'

FSC certifier loses court decision,

--Guatemala: 7) Mel Gibson speaks on Mirador Basin Project, 8)

Carmelita forest concession, 9) Alternative forest products,

--Guyana: 10) Sawmill reacts to Gov fines by firing 300 people /

shutting down, 11) Lost Land of the Jaguar,

--Russia: 12) WWF says their the world's biggest illegal logger /

affects trade talks,

--Asia: 13) Systems Regional Aircraft is studying Asia's rainforests

--India: 14) Save Calcutta's trees, 15) Wettest place in the world is

drying up, 16) 12 hectares to be lost to Himachal Pradesh-Haryana

border road widening, 17) Plant mini-forests, 18) eco groups organize

to protect Western Ghats, 19) 'Save Dhanori lake,'

--Vietnam: 20) Forest Inventory and Planning Institute, 21) Yok Don

National Park,

--Philippines: 22) Typhoon tests reforestation efforts, 23) Why

Mangrove restoration failed, 24) Multi-sectoral participation is the

key strategy, 25) Citizens' body to fight continued illegal logging in

the Sierra Madre,

--Borneo: 26) Ambitious initiative to conserve the richness of the forests

--Hawaii: 27) What's a Lasagna forest and why is it good for water quality?

--Papua: 28) 2/3 of all logging areas poorly managed

--Malaysia: 29) Secret report about China's 12 dam plan

--Australia: 30) Save Wielangta Forest in south-east Tasmania, 31)

Save Cooroy State Forest, 32) Ancient Baobab transplanted? 33) More on

Cooroy forest, 34) Arboretum on Curtis Reserve rejected, 35) Tarkine

National Coalition opposes road,







1) A study of the fishing industry off the west coast of Mexico has

measured the financial consequences of mangrove forest destruction.

The scientists behind the study say this is the first detailed

research to put a dollar value on the potentially irreparable damage

being done to these coastal ecosystems. Mangrove trees form forests

that grow at the edge of the sea, and provide a home for a wide

variety of species. Octavio Aburto-Oropeza of the Scripps Institution

of Oceanography in La Jolla, California, and his colleagues selected

13 marine regions around the Gulf of California and on Baja

California's lower Pacific Coast. Baja California is sparsely

populated, and the mainland Gulf states of Sonora, Sinaloa and Nayarit

largely have natural coastlines, where fishing is a vital source of

food and income. Within these 13 regions, the authors looked at

fisheries records of about 9,150 fish landings between 2001 and 2005.

The crucial zone within these regions is the seaward 'mangrove

fringe', just 5–10 metres wide, where tide-flooded red mangrove plants

(Rhizophora mangle) provide feeding grounds or nursery habitats for

many species. During that period, fishermen averaged annual hauls of

10,500 tonnes of fish and blue crab, worth US$19 million for the 13

regions combined. Roughly one third of all the small-scale fisheries

landings in the area were of fish species which rely on mangroves as a

habitat. This economic value reinforces the need for governments to

preserve mangroves, the researchers say. " Without a coastal mangrove

ecosystem, the cost of food can only increase, " says Aburto-Oropeza.

In the past, the Mexican government has sold mangrove areas for around

$1,000 per hectare. Yet the study by Aburto-Oropeza et al. shows that,

on an annual basis, mangrove zones produce a median value of $37,500

per hectare. " And governments need to think about a generational

value, " adds Aburto-Oropeza. His team estimated that, considered over

a 30-year-period, the mangroves should be valued at more than $600,000

per hectare. http://www.nature.com/news/2008/080721/full/news.2008.966.html




2) Brazil will launch a satellite in 2011 to monitor deforestation and

urban expansion around the world, it has been announced. Amazônia-1

will carry a UK-made high resolution camera. The United Kingdom—Brazil

collaboration was announced last week (14 July) at the 60th Annual

Meeting of the Brazilian Society for Progress in Science. It is part

of the continuing UK—Brazil Partnership in Science and Innovation, and

stems from discussions between governments and research partners that

began in 2007 during the UK—Brazil Year of Cooperation on Science and

Technology. Amazônia-1 will orbit the Earth 14 times a day at a

distance of 400 miles, collecting images of several countries. It will

have three cameras in total, two of them made in Brazil and one made

in the UK. The UK camera, RALCam 3, will be made by the Rutherford

Appleton Laboratory based in Oxfordshire, and will provide images with

each photo pixel showing ten metres of actual terrain — a technology

without precedent in a Brazilian satellite. The photos will aid

environmental observation and inform natural resources management. It

will be easier, for example, to identify illegal activity in forests,

particularly in the Amazon and Congo rainforests, the two largest in

the world. Other applications include mapping of remote areas, and

coastal and disaster monitoring. 'A few weeks after the launch, the

satellite will start sending information,' Thyrson Villela, director

for satellites and applications at the Brazilian Space Agency, told

SciDev.Net. The data will then be freely available to Brazilian

research centres and those in countries all over the world. Having

access to this information will help other tropical forest countries

to fight their environment issues.

http://www.environmental-expert.com/resultEachPressRelease.aspx?cid=4791 & codi=34\

575 & idproduct

type=8 & level=0


3) The environment minister on Tuesday revised downward the forecast

for Brazilian Amazon rain forest deforestation in 2008, based on a

slight slow-down in May statistics. But independent government experts

said the May data were inconclusive because clouds obscured more than

half the forest from satellite images. A preliminary analysis by the

government's Space Research Institute showed 423 square miles (1,096

square kilometers) of rain forest were cut down in May, down from 440

square miles (1,140 square kilometers) in April. At a news conference

in Brasilia, Environment Minister Carlos Minc estimated that

deforestation in 2008 would reach about 5,000 square miles (13,000

square kilometers) of rain forest cleared, down from earlier forecasts

of between 5,400-5,800 square miles (14,000-15,000 square kilometers).

Brazil's Amazon lost 4,250 square miles (11,000 square kilometers) of

rain forest in 2007. The Space Research Institute warned, however,

that it was too early to say whether rain forest destruction was

slowing because 53 percent of the rain forest was obscured by clouds

in the satellite photos taken in May.




4) With Amazon deforestation accelerating, Brazilian politicians and

senior officials are increasingly portraying foreign groups working in

the forest as a threat to national security that need to be reined in.

Invading armies, theft of medicinal plants, spying and land grabs are

among the specters being raised by officials in Brasilia to justify

tougher measures such as limits on land ownership and restrictions on

environmental groups' activities. Nationalists, especially in military

and intelligence circles, have long harbored conspiracy theories that

foreigners are scheming to take Amazon resources. But in recent months

-- a period that has coincided with a spike in destruction of the

world's largest forest -- they have become louder and more public.

Some legislators are concerned about foreign businesses buying land in

the Amazon. " The growing acquisition of land by foreigners in the

Amazon is a threat to our national security, we need to impose

restrictions now, " Sen. Joao Pedro told Reuters. The government

accuses some non-governmental organizations of biopiracy -- stealing

medicinal plants for pharmaceutical purposes -- but has provided

little evidence. The government said this month it could shut down

foreign NGOs that fail to provide detailed accounts of their

operations. They must register with half a dozen authorities,

including the Federal Police, and reveal the qualifications and

residence of their directors. " We want to separate the wheat from the

chaff, " said Secretary of Justice Romeu Tuma Junior. " The state has

the right to demand that those wanting to operate in an area of

national interest open their books publicly, " said Tuma.

Conservationists say they are being scapegoated and worry about

potential censorship.



5) Building on the fruitful cooperation between civil society and

industry that produced the July 2006 Brazilian soya moratorium, in

which major traders agreed to stop trading in soya grown on newly

deforested land, the " Pact for Legal and Sustainable Timber "

recognises the importance of voluntary agreements that combine

economic production with environmental protection. " In a country where

intention and action don't always meet, the implementation of this

agreement by industry and Government will be vital for establishing

effective protection for the forests while preserving jobs. It will

benefit local communities and promote legal and sustainable logging

activities " , said Paulo Adario, Greenpeace Amazon Campaign Director.

The agreement is a major step towards creating the governance system

necessary for reducing deforestation and forest degradation by the

Amazon logging sector. Furthermore, the pact meets several long-time

Greenpeace demands calling for law enforcement, combined with positive

incentives for local communities and to that part of the industry

committed to environmental sustainability. Pará is the source of 45%

of Brazilian Amazon's sawed timber and is notorious for its high rates

of illegal timber activity. It is expected that the pact will

strengthen international measures to halt illegal logging, including

the recent US decision to ban illegal wood imports (including a wide

range of forest products) as part of the Lacey Act. It is also hoped

that it might influence current discussions by the European Commission

regarding legislation to ban illegal timber from the European market.

Some 63% to 80% of the timber produced in the Amazon is illegal. Not

only does illegal and intense timber exploitation destroy the

livelihoods of local peoples, but it is a major contributor to climate

change. Recent science has shown that destruction of tropical forests

is responsible for about one-fifth of global greenhouse gas emissions.

Brazil is currently the fourth largest emitter of Greenhouse gases

worldwide, primarily due to the Amazon deforestation.



6) A final blow has been dealt to the credibility of the now

'self-suspended' FSC certifier SGS, by a Brazilian Federal court

decision that nearly one hundred thousand hectares of eucalyptus

plantation owned by SGS-certified company Veracel were planted

illegally and will have to be torn down within 12 months. The company

has also been ordered to pay $12 million in fines for causing

environmental damage. Given the seriousness of the failures with the

Veracel certification, combined with what have evidently been gross

certification failures in other countries including Guyana, Spain and

Poland, FSC-Watch believes that the FSC Secretariat should now impose

a global and indefinite suspension on SGS's FSC accreditation. The

painstaking process should then begin of investigating all SGS-issued

certificates to check for other major failures of SGS's certification

systems, and cancelling them where necessary - starting with Veracel

itself, which as of today's date remains FSC certified. We provide

below, in Portguese, the full press statement of July 10th from the

Federal Court, preceded by a summary in English, provided by a

contributor. http://www.fsc-watch.org/archives/2008/07/14/Millions_of_FSC_cert





7) Hollywood actor and producer Mel Gibson flew across the world to

speak about his passion – the Mirador Basin Project. Unknown to many,

the Mirador Basin in Guatemala is the last tract of virgin rainforest

remaining in Central America. More importantly, it is home to the

largest and earliest cities of the Maya world. " This is indeed the

biggest 'green' project that I've stepped into and I am very

passionate about it. " I am absolutely in love with the project and

struck by wonders of what can be found, " said Gibson, who is here to

address Malaysian corporate leaders and environmentalists on the

project as well as to raise funds and create awareness. " It is not

developed and there are no roads. It is good that there are no roads

so people will not be able to burn the landscape and log, " he said.

Gibson, who is chairman of Foundation for Anthropological Research and

Environmental Studies (Fares), is already working with local company

Petra Group and the Sekhar Foundation to further develop the project.

http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2008/7/18/nation/21845829 & sec=nation


8) Today we interviewed Juan Trujillo of Rainforest Alliance, current

acting mayor of Carmelita, former president of the Carmelita forest

concession. Trujillo describes himself as a skeptic-turned-believer in

the concessions concept over the 11-year evolution of Carmelita's

concession. The concession, with its assembly, committees and elected

leaders, is a much a political body as an economic cooperative for the

harvesting and marketing of forest products. Trujillo says that he is

in favor of the development of a large archaeological park in Peten,

if and only if local concessions are given a stake early in process.

If communities are trained and financially supported so that locals

can lead ecotourism businesses, and if additional educational

resources are provided granting locals access to university education

in fields such as archaeology, the development of ecotourism could be

a huge boon for the region, he maintains. However he warns that the

creation of a no-cut zone canceling existing sustainable logging

rights could backfire, leading people who now survive through

sustainable logging enterprises to practice slash-and-burn agriculture

or ranching. Trujillo also reports that talks are underway to try to

secure carbon sequestration income for the concession areas. In

partnership with Rainforest Alliance, community concessions are

seeking compensation for their prevention of deforestation in the

region. This income would supplement the current revenue from

sustainable logging practices and the harvesting of non-timber forest

products. It would not require the end of logging activities. No

carbon sequestration dollars have yet been received. As I learn more

about the various options for economic development in the region, I am

reminded how much long-term planning matters in the struggle to meet

immediate economic needs.



9) UAXACTÚN — Everyone in this village down a muddy, rutted road, 23

km past the world-famous Maya archaeological site of Tikal, knows how

to " xatear. " The verb, which would stump most Guatemalans, means " to

cut xate, " a decorative plant used in floral arrangements in the

United States and elsewhere. But as obscure as the word may sound to

outside ears, it's a core activity for most of this village of fewer

than 1,000 people. On Friday we accompanied two teams of xate

harvesters out into the thick forests that surround Uaxactún who were

equipped with not much more than rubber boots, two kinds of knives and

large bundles for trudging home the delicate leaves. What struck me

was that at least in one village, the hope of sustainable development

through low-impact forest product harvesting was possible, as many of

the the environmental activists were saying. Villagers earn about US

$10 a day cutting the plant when it's in season, and supplement that

with the collection of breadnut, chicle for chewing gum and allspice.

During the spring they also cut some timber. But the village's

NGO-monitored sustainable logging community timber concession has

managed to keep the area more than 90 percent forest, an

accomplishment that many other nearby timber concessions cannot point

to. Some of those neighboring concessions are in such bad shape, with

the spread of illegal fires, large-scale farms and cattle ranching,

that the environmental nonprofit organizations that helped set them up

are trying to close them down, hoping their failure won't drag down

the good name of the success stories.






10) Toolsie Persaud Limited has closed its forestry and sawmilling

operations, sending home 300 workers. The company announced the

indefinite closure in a notice in the press, yesterday. This comes in

the wake of the Guyana Forestry Commission (GFC) sanctioning the

company for breaches of forestry regulations. The company had obtained

a court order restraining the GFC from acting on a cease work order

placed on Toolsie Persaud Limited, after forestry breaches were

discovered. In April this year, the Ministry of Agriculture said an

audit in the latter part of 2007 revealed that the company was guilty

of harvesting in at least 27 blocks for which complete inventory

information were not submitted to nor approved by the GFC. The company

was also said to have breached the guidelines by harvesting in two

blocks which were not stated in Annual Operation Plan for 2007. The

notice in the press said: " It is very much regretted that due to

circumstances beyond our control, TPL Georgetown Sawmill and Manaka

Logging Concession [have] been forced to shut down operations with

immediate effect, until further notice. " The company also said that a

further announcement will be made " as soon as we are in a position to

resume operations.




11) The BBC's new wildlife series, Lost Land of the Jaguar starting

later this month, brings an international team of scientists, climbers

and film-makers to the Guyanese rainforest in search of elusive

wildlife including Jaguar and Giant River Otter. Journey through

breathtaking rainforest in search of rare mammals and colourful

birdlife, swim under cascading waterfalls, travel in dug-out canoes

and meet Amerindian communities during Trips Worldwide's

off-the-beaten-track, 14–day Guyana Nature Experience. Locally named

'The Land of Many Waters' Guyana has few roads, so small plane or

riverboat is the only way to access most of the country – of which 80%

is covered by virgin rainforest. From Georgetown, transfer to Cara

Lodge for an initial 2-nights. Enjoy a day trip to Kaieteur Falls -

five times the height of Niagara Falls, and enjoy a natural Jacuzzi at

Orinduik Falls - made from solid jasper. Transfer by plane over

rainforest, and boat along Essequibo River, to Iwokrama Field Station.

Search for elusive Jaguar in Iwokrama forest, an area rapidly gaining

international repute for increasing populations of the world's

third-largest feline. Journey to Turtle Mountain (360m) for

breathtaking views over the forest canopy and visit Kurupukari Falls

to see the Amerindian petroglyphs (dependent on the water level). View

the forest from 35m up in the canopy at Iwokrama Canopy Walkway before

continuing on to Surama where escorted walks allow for further

explorations in the surrounding forest and opportunities to meet local

people. Take a dawn walk across the savannah and climb Surama Mountain

where breakfast is enjoyed from a look out point offering incredible

views across to the Pakaraima Mountains. Visit Karanambu Ranch, home

of Diane McTurk, known for her work rehabilitating orphaned Giant

River Otters. Finally, return to Georgetown for a tour of the city's

sights including St. George's Cathedral, the famous Stabroek Market

and the National Museum, before homeward flights.





12) Industry and Trade Minister Viktor Khristenko has canceled a

planned meeting with Finnish officials this weekend intended to ease

tensions over Russian timber duties and cross-border transportation

problems, the Finnish government said Wednesday. The canceled visit

came a day after the World Wildlife Fund, a multinational conservation

organization, wrote in a report that Russia constituted the world's

largest source of illegal timber. The country is also in the lead in

terms of the quantity of illegal wood being sent to the EU, said Anke

Shulmeister, WWF's forest policy officer. Russia exported more than 10

million cubic meters of illegally logged timber to the European market

in 2006, she said. Yelena Kulikova, director of the fund's forestry

program in Russia, said the situation had not changed substantially

since then. The Forestry Code " ignores the issues of legality or

illegality of Russian wood and fails to address control operations, "

Kulikova said. In May, the Federal Forestry Agency submitted to the

State Duma a list of proposed amendments to the Forestry Code, she

said, adding that only a few " relatively insignificant " amendments had

been approved so far. She said she did not expect the Duma to get to

all of the amendments until September or October, when most of the

deputies will be back from vacation. A spokesperson at the Federal

Forestry Agency declined to comment on the WWF report. Calls to the

Industry and Trade Ministry went unanswered Wednesday. Because of the

impasse, a number of European companies, in cooperation with the WWF,

have taken it upon themselves to mitigate the problem. " Members of the

Finnish Forest Industries Federation are cooperating with WWF Russia

and WWF Finland to improve the wood-tracking system in Russia, " said

Anders Portin, Finnish Forest Industries Federation senior vice

president. http://www.themoscowtimes.com/article/600/42/369146.htm




13) A BAE Systems Regional Aircraft regional jet is flying over Asia

to improve understanding of how equatorial rain forests influence

climate change. The BAe 146 atmospheric research aircraft (146ARA) is

being used at Kota Kinabalu in a four-week operation supporting

academic research into the way emissions from vegetation effect

concentrations of ozone and methane. Researchers will check results

against current scientific models with an eye toward enhancing

climate-change predictions. The 146ARA, which began life as the first

146-100 and was subsequently used in 146-300 development, flies at

heights ranging from " tree-top level " up to 26,000 feet. Scientists

from UK universities and research agencies use on-board equipment to

measure the photochemical composition of reactive trace gases and

particles for comparison with data gathered at the Malaysian

Meteorological Department's 330 ft-high global atmospheric watch

station in the forest at Bukit Atur, Sabah. BAeRA said the 146ARA

flies some 500 hours a year on scientific research work. British

operator Directflight flies the aircraft under a contract to the

manufacturer. Britain's natural environment research council and the

UK Meteorological Office (UKMO) task the aircraft, mainly in response

to university or UKMO bids. Research programs are implemented by the

UK Facility for airborne atmospheric measurements, which arranges with

BAeRA to install mission-specific equipment. For example, upon return

from Malaysia later this month, the 146ARA will be fitted with a Buck

hygrometer to measure atmospheric dew and frost points.








14) Scores of trees are being felled in Calcutta every month to make

way for billboards, according to the West Bengal forest department.

Last week, four full-grown trees — each almost 15 feet tall — were

felled on Central Avenue in front of Medical College and Hospital,

allegedly by Group-D staffers of the hospital. The trees were cut to

make some illegally erected billboards on the premises more visible.

In May, residents of Green Valley, a residential complex on Tangra

Road, lodged a complaint with the forest department that local goons

were felling trees to make way for billboards. " They axed eight trees

at night. Within days, billboards came up where the trees used to

stand. This is the handiwork of local goons, " said Rajan Hatiramani, a

resident of the complex. The forest department — the green guardians

of the city — has been flooded with similar complaints from various

localities. " The number of complaints are more from areas like central

Calcutta, EM Bypass and VIP Road, where billboards fetch a huge

revenue, " said an official. On Central Avenue, between Girish Park

Road and Esplanade, a billboard fetches anything between Rs 25,000 to

75,000 a month, depending on its size and location. " In the past two

months, more than 25 trees have been cut down between Medical College

and Hospital and Ganesh Chandra Avenue, " said Jahangir Molla,

treasurer of Janaswastha Committee. The NGO has been working for the

green cause in Calcutta since 1992. " To protest against the billboards

on the Medical College campus, we smeared them with black paint, but

they were coated with white again, " Molla added.



15) The town of Cherrapunjee, in the north-eastern Indian state of

Meghalaya, is reputed to be the wettest place in the world. But there

are signs that its weather patterns may be being hit by global climate

change. " Not without reason has Cherrapunjee achieved fame as being

the place with the heaviest rainfall on earth, " wrote German

missionary Christopher Becker more than 100 years ago. " One must

experience it to have an idea of the immense quantity of rain which

comes down from the skies, at times day and night without a stop. It

is enough to go a few steps from the house to be drenched from head to

foot. An umbrella serves no purpose. " But according to Cherrapunjee's

most renowned weather-watcher, Denis Rayen, the climate of the town is

changing fast. This year the rains did not arrive until June, and the

reason for that he says could be man-made. " During the last few years,

I have seen the forests vanish in front of my eyes, " said Mr Rayen. " A

combination of global warming and intensive deforestation is taking a

heavy toll in this, one of the most beautiful areas of India. " Because

it now rains heavily over a shorter time period, crops are destroyed

and there is intensive soil erosion. The lack of woodland means that

the water flows faster from Meghalaya into the Bangladesh delta, only

400km (249 miles) away. " Mr Das says that parts of Meghalaya are " at

risk from desertification " because of a combination of increasing

urbanisation and industrialisation on the one hand and deforestation

and shortages of ground water on the other. " Because the capacity of

the soil to hold water is lost, there is a real possibility that the

wettest place in the earth may soon be facing water shortages, " he

says. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/7511356.stm


16) Traffic snarls on the Himachal Pradesh-Haryana border may ease

soon, as the Environment Ministry has given its nod to the National

Highway Authority (NHAI) to cut down 12 hectares of forests for an

11-km-long bypass. Work on the Parwanoo-Pinjore bypass can now begin

this September, Himachal Pradesh officials said. The bypass will be

completed within two years, the officials said. The new road link will

start from Timber Trail hotel in Himachal Pradesh's Parwanoo and end

near Yadvendra Gardens at Pinjore in Haryana. It will skip Kalka town

in Haryana, the main traffic bottleneck on the road. At present, the

bumpy and uncomfortable drive through a narrow road from Parwanoo to

Pinjore via Kalka is a motorist's nightmare. Himachal Pradesh Chief

Minister Prem Kumar Dhumal has proposed a six-lane expressway between

Shimla and Parwanoo. At a recent meeting, officials of the NHAI had

proposed four-laning the entire road but Dhumal insisted that it

should be made a six-lane highway. The volume of traffic on the

Shimla-Parwanoo highway is estimated to be around 23,000 vehicles per


http://www.mumbaimirror.com/net/mmpaper.aspx?page=article & sectid=3 & contentid=200\




17) The publication Tathaastu: So Be It is collaborating with Swami

Ramdev, the renowned yoga guru, in creating a green environment with

the " Mini Forests " project. In one of the first steps in this project,

Swami Ramdev planted the first tree in South Brunswick, New Jersey on

July 5. " Mini Forests " Project aims to create areas of green in India,

primarily in industrialized areas or places where forests and greenery

is sparse. This is the initial phase of the project which eventually

aims to go worldwide. Georgy Bhaala, Chairman of Tathaastu Group said,

" We feel we are past the stage of preserving forests. We are close to

depleting our natural resources and we desperately need to create new

forests. Tathaastu is committed to mobilizing its resources to create

mini forests. " http://www.indiajournal.com/pages/event.php?id=3912



18) In a development of significance, a number of eco activist groups

in Karnataka have requested the Government of Karnataka to set up a

committee empowered to study the measures needed to protect and

conserve the ecologically diverse and biologically rich Western Ghats,

which, in recent years has been showing up the strains of

environmental disruption brought about by widespread deforestation and

plunder of the natural resources through illegal mining activities.

These environmental organisations have also urged the Government of

Karnataka to impose a blanket ban on mining activities in the region.

Further, they have urged the Karnataka Government not to go ahead with

the construction of the thermal power station at Tadadi in Uttara

Kannada district as it could pose a serious threat to both the

highland and coastal belt of the State. The need to conserve Western

Ghats stems from the fact that it is one of the 25 biodiversity

hotspots in the world with more than 4,000 plant varieties thriving in

its rich, dense forests. A recent survey of Western Ghats has revealed

that 80% of the floral varieties of Western Ghats are economically

important species. This five-year-long survey meant to document the

floral wealth of the Western Ghats has been funded by the National

Biodiversity Resources Development Board. " The area covering Western

Ghats in Uttara Kannada and North Kerala is quite rich in rare plant

population and needs preservation. The relocation of human settlements

from the core areas of the Western Ghats could be a solution but the

process is quite tedious, " says a researcher associated with the

survey. Meanwhile, efforts are on to get the Western Ghats declared as

a World Heritage site by UNESCO. " Western Ghats is a very unique area

as far as biodiversity is concerned and it has everything needed to be

accorded the status of a World Heritage site, " says a researcher from

the Dehra Dun-based Wildlife Institute of India (WWI).




19) The nascent 'Save Dhanori lake' public movement gathered momentum

on Sunday as almost 300 Puneites gathered at the lakeside to sign a

joint memorandum addressed to the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC)

demanding that the lake be saved. This was the first public show of

strength organised jointly by the Dhanori Citizens Forum (DCF) and the

National Society for Clean Cities (NSCC) which received a very

enthusiastic response. The Sunday meeting was reminiscent of a similar

public movement, which had successfully saved the Model Colony lake

from being turned into a concrete jungle in the 1990s. Dhanori lake

came in the spotlight after residents of Ambanagari society, bordering

the lake, began observing large-scale dumping activity into the lake

by city-based builder Synergy Realty. This prompted the Dhanori

Citizens Forum (DCF) to successfully procure a 'stay order' from the

Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) two months ago, restraining the

builders from carrying out activity on the lake. Later, citizens

action group, Pune Tree Watch (PTW) carried out an extensive survey of

the lake and submitted a detailed report to the Pune municipal

commissioner on April 9, stating that the builders were contravening

the Environment Protection Act 1986 by dumping rubble and diesel into

the lake, as well as pumping water in large quantities. The NSCC wrote

to Pravin Pardeshi, the PMC commissioner, on June 30 asking him to

take cognizance of PMC's Development Control rule number 11.1.b which

gives full power to the PMC to prevent anybody from damaging or

destroying water bodies. The public meeting saw several naturalists

and environmentalists emphasising the need to save the lake. Rekha

Tingre, the local Congress corporator, promised the people of Dhanori

area that she would do her utmost to save the lake. However, when Amit

Lunkad, director, Synergy Realty, took the stage the people, who were

in a combative mood, indicated that they were unwilling to listen to

his long-winded explanations. Lunkad finally said, " We are open for a

dialogue with the PMC, the DCF, ourselves and the NSCC to sort out

this issue. "






20) Some of the zoned land for protective forests has also been

encroached by farmers for crop cultivation and aquaculture, the

ministry has said. Protective forests are used to prevent soil erosion

along embankments and coastal areas, and act as windbreaks in sandy

areas. According to the Forest Inventory and Planning Institute,

Vietnam has currently 1.4 million ha of land zoned for planting new

protective forests. From 2006-07, only 98,700ha of new forested areas

were considered protective, although MARD's target was 50,000ha each

year from 2006 to 2010. MARD said it would focus on planting

protective forests in coastal and border areas in the future. It has

also asked the Government to recommend that wages of forestry workers

be raised from VND25,000 to VND50,000-70,000 a day. MARD said it would

work with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and other

agencies to prevent farmers or companies from encroaching the land

zoned for protective forests. In the first half of this year, only

12,500ha, or 18 per cent, of 68,900ha of newly planted forests were

protective forests, according to MARD. From 1998-2006, a total of 1.3

million ha of forest land were planted, with 50 per cent of it

protective. http://english.vietnamnet.vn/tech/2008/07/795097/


21) At 115,545 hectares, Yok Don National Park in Dak Lak Province is

Vietnam's largest national park. But cam lai (barian kingwood) and

several other tree species are becoming increasingly rare due to

illegal loggers thirst for the precious lumber. Nguyen Con, deputy

head of the Yok Don Forest Warden's Office, said some 300 cases of

illegal logging had been exposed by the rangers since the end of 2007.

That's nearly two cases per day, but Con noted that there were surely

hundreds more that had gone unreported. Even local farmers have been

cutting down trees illegally as they could earn much more selling

timber than they could selling their coffee and rubber crops, he said.

But catching individual loggers does not solve the problem as those

doing the cutting are backed by black market wood dealers who supply

the capital and equipment for the endeavor. The dealers make money

hand over fist selling the illegal wood for profit, while the loggers

themselves may make only VND100,000 for two days work sometimes. After

receiving an order, the dealers hire and equip a group of loggers,

often referred to as " worker bees, " with electric saws, vehicles and

provisions before sending them off into the forest. One or two members

in the group will work as lookouts at the edge of the forest and along

roads, checking for park rangers. Anytime the loggers are caught and

their equipment is seized by the rangers, the dealers hardly blink an

eye, often buying new equipment immediately as their earnings far

outweigh their investment. A second hand electric saw, for example,

costs about VND1 million (US$60) but dealers can sell a single log of

wood for at least VND30 million ($1,800). When loggers agree to work

for the dealers they also agree to an unwritten law that no logger may

ever implicate his boss when caught.

http://www.thanhniennews.com/features/?catid=10 & newsid=40253





22) Engr. Jardeleza gave an analysis of the flooding situation during

the wake of Typhoon Frank where he said that reforestation efforts may

have improved the watershed areas but the forest cover was not thick

enough to prevent erosion. " The trees in the areas reforested did not

have main roots or undergrowth. Reason for this is that they were

imported trees, not fitted for reforestation in that area. We may have

plenty of trees planted, but we only had a tree plantation, not a

forest cover, " Jardeleza said. He said that without undergrowth, the

trees did not have protection from the ground, hence, run off was

high, as what happened during typhoon Frank where uprooted trees were

strewn anywhere the flooded watershed areas. On the other hand,

Jardeleza also said that sound land use planning can mitigate impact

of big floods like that brought by typhoon Frank. He admitted that

errors have been committed as many flood prone areas have been

converted into residential subdivisions which have been constricting

the natural flow of water. He cited land use data in Iloilo, which

indicated that to date, about 57.35 percent is used for residential,

4.37 percent agricultural, 8.21 percent commercial, 3.36 percent

industrial and about 26.81 percent for other purposes. Even free

zones, where no structures are supposed to be erected, have been set

aside for many uses and this has made the situation vulnerable to

calamities, like heavy flooding, which will still be recurring every

now and then, for no one can prevent flood. Jardeleza further admitted

that people like him, and all other development planners, should learn

lessons on urban planning through the experience brought about by

typhoon Frank, and these will be spring board for closer


http://www.pia.gov.ph/default.asp?m=12 & r= & y= & mo= & fi=p080721.htm & no=10



23) Over the past century, the islands that make up the Philippines

have lost nearly three-quarters of their mangrove forests. The

trees--which grow in brackish coastal waters on leggy roots--create

key habitats for fish and shellfish. But settlers routinely cleared

the flooded forests for development and ponds for fish farming. To

reverse the trend, conservation groups began fanning out across the

archipelago 2 decades ago, planting 44,000 hectares with hundreds of

millions of mangrove seedlings. Many of those trees were doomed to die

quick deaths, according to biologists Maricar Samson and Rene Rollon

of the University of the Philippines in Quezon City. In the current

issue of Ambio, the researchers report that surveys of more than 70

restoration sites often found mostly dead, dying, or " dismally

stunted " trees. The major problem, they say, is that planters didn't

understand the mangrove's biological needs and placed seedlings in

mudflats, sandflats, or sea-grass meadows that can't support the

trees. Some of these areas have inadequate nutrients; in other places,

strong winds and currents batter the seedlings. What's worse, the

failed plantings sometimes pack a double ecological whammy, as

restoration activities disturbed or damaged otherwise healthy

habitats. To get mangrove restoration back on track, Samson and Rollon

say planters need better guidance on where to place the seedlings.

Typically, the researchers say, the best locations are on gently

sloping hill bottoms that are above mean sea level and flooded by the

tides less than one-third of the time. The team says the Philippine

government also needs to make it easier to convert abandoned or

unproductive fish ponds back to mangrove swamps. But Samson admits

this is a thorny legal and political issue, because landowners are

reluctant to give up potentially valuable shorefront. As a result, the

researchers write that they are " pessimistic about the 'voluntary

surrender' of these pieces of wetlands back to nature. " The

Philippines's dismal experience with mangrove restoration is not

unique, says Roy " Robin " Lewis III, a prominent expert in the field

and director of Lewis Environmental Services, a private restoration

firm in Salt Springs, Florida. His studies have shown that mangrove

restorers around the globe routinely fail to understand the tree's

biology and that conflicts with landowners and political leaders can

doom projects. Too often, he says, " ignorance and greed rule. "



24) Multi-sectoral participation is the key strategy in forest

management. The participation of all direct and indirect local

stakeholders in sustainable forestland conservation, management, and

development shall be required. Equitable sharing of the benefits

derived from forestlands shall be ensured at all times. A

community-based forest management strategy should endeavor to allow

" forest resident or forest dependent families, local communities, and

indigenous peoples to undertake the management and development of

appropriate forestland resources on a sustainable basis... " However,

the CBFM Strategy should not or in any way adopt Executive Order No.

263, series of 1995, because of the gross abuse on timber harvesting

from natural forest that transpires under this instrument. The group

is open to the formulation of new forest tenure instruments for local

stakeholders other than the current policy. Since all natural forests

are considered protection forests, timber harvesting within areas

covered by the proposed instrument shall not be allowed. However,

non-timber forest products may be harvested. Further, partnerships

between the private sector and forest-based communities shall be

promoted to support sustainable community forest management activities

like " Adopt-a-Mountain " models. Forestry research, education, and

training should be repurposed for the conservation of forests. The

DENR, specifically the Environment Research and Development Board

(ERDB) should be strengthened and provided funds for research and

development of methods for sustainable forest management from the

Sustainable Forest Development Fund (SFDF) and other sources. This is

in accordance with Article 14, Section 10 of the Philippine




25) President Macapagal-Arroyo and forest protection advocates have

agreed to form a citizens' body to fight continued illegal logging in

the Sierra Madre mountain ranges, the head of a Church-based forest

protection watchdog said Tuesday. The move, according to Fr. Pete

Montallana, came in the wake of the apparent failure of the Department

of Environment and Natural Resources and other government agencies to

stop illegal logging in the area. Montallana heads the Task Force

Sierra Madre (TFSM). He said Bishop Rolando Tria Tirona and a

delegation from northern Quezon met with Ms Arroyo last month in

Malacañang and voiced serious concern on continued illegal logging in

Sierra Madre. Montallana said the delegation " related to the President

what's really happening in Sierra Madre. " He said logging continued

despite the replacement of community environment and natural resources

officers in three towns – Real, Quezon and Dingalan in Aurora province

– from where loggers get access to Sierra Madre. During the meeting,

he said, Ms Arroyo, Environment Secretary Joselito Atienza and the

delegation agreed to form two Citizens Independent Investigating Teams

(CIIT) to prevent further logging in the mountains. One team would be

assigned to Quezon and the other to Aurora. Montallana said he

believed that connivance between officials and employees of the DENR

and logging syndicates had been a major factor in the continued

destruction of the mountain. Tirona, head of the Prelature of Infanta,

also blamed the DENR for the continued destruction of Sierra Madre.

Last week, the TFSM wrote Atienza and submitted names of nominees to

compose the citizens' bodies. The group also asked the DENR chief to

empower the investigating teams.







26) Uncontrolled illegal logging could harm the Heart of Borneo (HoB)

project, an ambitious initiative to conserve the richness of the

forests that was undertaken by Brunei Darussalam, Malaysia and

Indonesia. Mr Hugh Blackett, a forestry consultant at the training

workshop on " Timber Verification of Legality System " held at the

Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources yesterday, in an interview

said, " The Heart of Borneo project can face an uphill task if illegal

logging continues in the island of Borneo, especially in Indonesia.

" The Heart of Borneo project is an inter-government project supported

by WWF. It's a very good and important idea because there is still a

lot of forest cover in the Heart of Borneo and many wildlife habitats

need to be conserved. It will require a lot of cooperation between

governments particularly Malaysia and Indonesia. " Describing the

problem of illegal logging in the region, Mr Blackett said, " Illegal

logging happens in remote areas and it's difficult to exercise

control. Therefore making money from harvesting timber is very easy

and gives a quick return. A lot of people have taken advantage of weak

government controls. Unfortunately, there are some instances of

corruption being allow it to happen. " If logging is uncontrolled, and

people take out too much of timber (from the forests), it will destroy

the forest environment, the animal habitat, erosion control and

subsistence for local community, as well as the future access to raw

materials in the timber industry, " he said. On countering illegal

logging, he said, " NGOs specifically in Europe have been actively

campaigning against people using tropical timber and demanding them to

take a responsible attitude to ensure that the timber purchased is not

from illegal logging. So there is a huge pressure to try to find ways

on improving control in a country like Indonesia where there is a high

incidence of illegal logging, making sure that the law is applied.






27) What's special about Hawaiian native forests as opposed to, for

instance, woodlands of non-native species? One way to determine this

is to walk through a woodland in Hawai'i. The planted loblolly pine

forests of KÅke'e on Kaua'i have very little other growth under them.

Eucaluptus stands in Maui's Upcountry area prevent other species from

coming up in their shade. Miconia forests on the Big Island are often

nearly entirely miconia, with very little other vegetation able to

survive. When a heavy rain pounds these woodlands, muddy water can

flow from them, as the rain erodes the unprotected soil below. By

contrast, a healthy native Hawaiian forest can be layered like a dish

of lasagne. As a raindrop is driven by gravity toward the ground, it

first encounters an upper layer of canopy trees, like koa and 'Åhi'a.

And then it encounters the shorter trees growing below, the mehame and

'Äla'a. And then the ferns like hÄpu'u and shrubs like 'a'ali'i. And

then the ground ferns, mosses and the dense layers of roots, leaves,

rotting branches and the rest. The upshot, according to botanists, is

that all the gravity-fed power of that raindrop to slam into the

ground and break up soil particles is gone. Instead of muddy water

seeping into streams, the water drips clear from springs and saturated

mosses. Those dense forests also inhibit the ground-level winds that

suck moisture out of the landscape, and block the evaporative powers

of the sunshine.






28) According to a recently unveiled assessment by independent bodies,

approximately two-thirds of concessionaires in Papua are poorly

managing the region's forests. This heightens the widespread

perception of failure on the part of Indonesia's forest management

services. Even as some forests have been exploited at a far greater

rate than they can regenerate, many of the forests that remain face

further pressure from logging One therefore has to wonder about the

effectiveness of existing forest stewardship programs, of both the

regulatory and market-based variety. With respect to the former,

Indonesia's government has promulgated various laws and regulations,

supposedly to ensure the wise use of forest resources. The government

has also prescribed standards and guidelines for use in managing

forests as well as sanctions and penalties for noncompliance.

Unfortunately, such a regulatory approach requires both resources and

enforcement capacity, both of which are argued to be clearly lacking

in this country. Various policies introduced have been under heavy

criticism, the strongest claim being that the governmental regulatory

approach remains a " paper tiger " . As a result, a market-based approach

involving forest certification -- often nicknamed " green labeling " --

has gained global momentum with its promise of market incentives for

price premiums. The idea is that as global awareness around forest

loss and degradation grows, contemporary society -- principally wood

product consumers -- will begin to buy products only from (certified)

sustainably managed forests. More importantly, green labeling assumes

that consumers will eventually accede to paying premium prices for

their wood products.Unfortunately, certification has not yet gained a

strong foothold, even in regions where green markets are thought to

have been developed, such as Europe. As a result, it has yet to

contribute significantly to forest stewardship, for the following


http://www.sumatranorangutan.org/site_mawas/UK_GE/ALL/pag/page.php?niv1=3 & niv2=2\

& language=uk & n

ewsid=1573 & news=detail





29) The confidential document, " Chinese Power Plants in Malaysia —

Present and Future Development " , was accidentally published on a

Chinese web site. It details power projects planned for construction

in Sarawak, between now and 2020, including two coal fired power

plants and a dozen hydropower dams across Sarawak's rainforest.

According to Bruno-Manser-Fonds, a Malaysian NOG, " the dams could

possibly submerge several Penan, Kelabit and Kenyah villages,

potentially displacing at least a thousand people. One of the proposed

dams, Tutoh dam, raises questions on whether Mulu National Park will

be able to maintain the UNESCO World Heritage Site status as the dam

may submerge parts of the national park. " Gurmit Singh, the chairman

of Malaysia's Centre for the Environment, Technology & Development

(CETDEM), said that the plans reflect inconsistencies in the country's

energy and environment policies. " It illustrates an energy planning

strategy that is supply driven and inconsistent with the principles of

sustainable development, " he said. " At the same time, it fails to

adequately factor in impending environmental threats such climate

change, which is projected to cause water scarcity and ecosystem

disruptions... We simply cannot mortgage our children and our

grandchildren's future for the sake of short-term gains. "

http://news.mongabay.com/2008/0723-sarawak.html - Sarawak plans to

build 12 hydroelectric dams to meet its future industrialisation

needs.The move has got environmentalists up in arms, questioning the

need for the dams and the planned development of the state. They also

suggested that Sarawak's national park may be threatened. However,

Deputy Energy, Water and Communications Minister Datuk Joseph Salang

Gandum said the dams were necessary to meet energy demands. They will

be located at Ulu Air, Metjawah, Belaga, Baleh, Belepeh, Lawas, Tutoh,

Limbang, Baram, Murum and Linau rivers. The plan will also see an

extension to the Batang Ai dam. All these are in addition to the

2,400MW Bakun dam and will push the total generating capacity in the

state to 7,000MW by 2020, an increase of more than 600% from the

current capacity.






30) The chainsaws are poised to enter Wielangta Forest in south-east

Tasmania, despite ongoing community opposition and a long legal battle

led by Greens senator Bob Brown. Eighty people attended a public

meeting in Hobart on July 11 to hear about the struggle to preserve

Wielangta Forest. The gathering was addressed by Bob Brown, legal team

head Roland Brown and Margaret Blakers, a campaign co-ordinator and

member of the Green Institute. In 2003, Bob Brown decided to turn to

the courts to stop Forestry Tasmania from logging the 10,000 hectare

Wielangta Forest. In May 2005, he applied to the Federal Court for an

injunction to stop logging, which was refused, but Forestry Tasmania

agreed to stop most logging until after the court had made its ruling.

In December 2006 the Wielangta battle appeared to have been won when

logging was stopped by the Federal Court, which found that Forestry

Tasmania's Regional Forest Agreement (RFA) was damaging to the natural

habitat of the swift parrot, the Wielangta stag beatle and the

Tasmanian wedgetail eagle — all endangered species. Environmentalists

celebrated the court decision. However, instead of the logging

industry changing their practices to meet the law, they managed to

change the law to meet their practises! Two months after the logging

ban, then-PM John Howard and Tasmanian premier Paul Lennon (since

resigned) simply changed the RFA, undermining the Federal Court

finding by agreeing that Forestry Tasmania's management plan did in

fact protect the endangered species. In November 2007, the full bench

of the Federal Court overturned the ban on logging. While agreeing

that the species were at risk, the judges effectively ruled that the

RFA alteration, which had no parliamentary approval, overrode the 2006

judgement and made logging exempt from the provisions of the

Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) Act. Bob

Brown owes around $200,000 in court costs from the 2007 Federal Court

proceedings. http://www.greenleft.org.au/2008/759/39232


31) Premier Anna Bligh has ordered a stop work on logging in West

Cooroy forest. Her decision came after angry residents voiced concern

about the impact on sensitive koala and other wildlife habitats. Ms

Bligh issued the order yesterday after meeting with independent Member

for Nicklin Peter Wellington who raised residents' concerns. Logging

started on Monday and Old Ceylon Road resident Evelyn Schueltze said

more than 50 mature trees had already been felled with many more

marked for the chop She described the halt order as wonderful news,

even though it stops logging activity only until a meeting between the

premier, loggers and Mr Wellington at 2pm today. Mr Wellington said

the loggers had been relying on the Regional Forestry Agreement to

proceed in what was a sensitive wildlife corridor. " The federal

government is wanting comment on how to protect and preserve koala

habitat and this logging goes on with no community consultation, " Mr

Wellington said. " Government departments have been aware that this was

going to happen since early May. " I'm happy Ms Bligh has listened to

our concerns and not ignored them. " I just hope common sense will

prevail. " Mr Wellington said any chainsaws any resident heard this

morning would be work being done only on trees that had already been

felled. http://www.thedaily.com.au/news/2008/jul/18/premier-orders-loggers-stop/


32) Australian Aboriginals replanted an ancient boab tree on Sunday

after it was driven thousands of kilometres with a police escort to

save it from destruction. A road widening scheme meant the tree,

estimated to be 750 years old, had to be uprooted from its home in

Western Australia and moved 3,200 kilometres (1,900 miles) by truck to

a park in state capital Perth. " Everyone is hoping that the tree will

live for another 750 years, " said horticulturalist and project

coordinator Patrick Courtney. " We are giving it the best chance it

would ever have got. " The bottle-shaped tree can can live for up to

2,000 years and is a native of the remote northern Kimberley district

of Western Australia state. It weighs 36 tonnes, stands 14 metres (46

feet) high and is 2.5 metres (eight feet) in diameter. The tree played

a significant role in the traditions of the local Gija people, who

have given it to the Nyoongar people, the traditional owners of

Perth's King's Park area. The Gija held a ceremony to see the tree off

on its marathon six-day journey to its new home, and on Sunday, a

traditional ceremony to welcome the tree and replant it was held in

Perth. The move would have cost around 120,000 Australian dollars

(117,000 US), but once the tree's plight was known, contractors

offered their services for free, Courtney told AFP. As the tree was in

its dormant stage in the tropical dry season, few special measures

needed to be taken to keep it alive during the journey. It will be in

the company of another 14 young boab trees, which seem quite happy in

the more temperate climate of the Perth region, Courtney said.




33) Nicklin MP Peter Wellington says he has been left stunned and

disappointed by the attitude of government officials in charge of

controversial logging operations in the West Cooroy forest. During a

meeting in Brisbane on Friday, the independent MP and community

representatives hoped to resolve the impasse over logging of the

15-hectare site which has upset residents. They say they were not

consulted and sensitive wildlife is being put at risk. Instead of

being offered a solution on Friday, Mr Wellington and the community

members were told that if the 15 hectares could not be logged another

200 hectares of forest would have to be cleared somewhere to replace

the volume of timber lost. " It really was a case of subtle blackmail –

if we didn't sit quietly and allow the 15 hectares to be logged we

stood to lose 200 hectares in the same area or somewhere else, " Mr

Wellington said. " We were hoping alternatives would be put on the

table but we were simply briefed about why it was so imperative these

15 hectares be logged. " The loggers have been relying on the Regional

Forestry Agreement drawn up 10 years ago to proceed with tree felling

in the sensitive wildlife corridor. Although the logging has been

stopped until premier Anna Bligh makes a decision, Mr Wellington said

he was stunned to find out how little the government stood to make in

royalties from the timber. " I was stunned when I was told the

royalties would only be $180,000, which is not much when you think of

the amount of staff and equipment that is involved. When I asked them

why they had not consulted with the community, they said 'we contacted

the immediate neighbours who we thought would hear the chainsaws'. "



34) Plans by several Shoalhaven Heads residents to create an arboretum

on Curtis Reserve have been rejected by a Shoalhaven City Council

committee. The proposal sought to turn a section of the western side

of the reserve into an arboretum, however staff deemed the proposed

number of plants as an overdevelopment of the site. " A number of the

proposed trees are very large rainforest trees with large canopies, " a

report to the committee revealed, which may have a detrimental impact

on the reserve and adjoining properties " by extensive root systems

seeking water when grown to maturity " . Council staff were also

concerned the proposal may become a cost burden " should the volunteers

not be able to continue with the ongoing maintenance during the

growing period of the trees " . The applicants were encouraged by staff

to find a more appropriate site for the project, however the residents

said it would not be feasible for them. Recreation planning manager

Lila Sawko said the tree management officer assessed the site and

found several sections of the reserve had already been planted on,

with about 15 trees appearing on the sloping section of the reserve.




35) PRISTINE rainforest would be bulldozed if Forestry Tasmania's

Tarkine Drive tourist loop road plan went ahead, an environmental

group believes. The Tarkine National Coalition opposes the road which

the State Government will consider funding from a $23 million war

chest for Tarkine tourism. " It wouldn't just be environmental groups

that would be unhappy, " Tarkine National Coalition president Phill

Pullinger said yesterday. " If all the money got taken away from the

tourism industry and given to a pet project for Forestry Tasmania, a

lot of people would be unhappy. " It proposes bulldozing four sections

through pristine rainforest, more than 10km of new roads including

roads in really remote sections ... " There's a whole myriad of

environmental issues when you open up untouched areas and push roads

through bulldozing untouched rainforest. " He said the money would be

better spent improving and providing basic infrastructure at entrance

points to the Tarkine. " Bulldozing roads into pristine wilderness

areas is not what nature-based tourists want. " The Cradle Coast

Authority will soon release a report on Tarkine tourism, informed by

input from 15 stakeholder groups including the Tarkine coalition. CCA

executive chairman Roger Jaensch said it would not propose or oppose

the Tarkine Drive plan. He said it would be framework which could be

used as a tool to help guide Tarkine-related development.




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