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--Today for you 32 news articles about earth's trees! (423rd edition)


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In this edition:


Not so site-specific news related to the world's trees






1) World Bank's Forest Carbon Partnership Facility to expand to more

countries, 2) RAN gets product manufactures to not use Palm Oil, 3)

Forest Messthics questionnaire, 4) Wildlife corridor research, 5) Half

of world's forest are gone, 6) Nature Conservancy now on governing

board of Forest Carbon Partnership Facility, 7) Monoculture madness

must end! 8) First-ever criteria for a Red List of threatened

ecosystems, 9) Forest Certification overview, 10) Donors pledge $100

million to the World Bank's new initiative, 11) Essential Old-growth

forests are not protected by international treaties, 12) Economic

escalations can't be sustained, 13) How to best map 'boreal', 14) New

trade agreements a threat to forests, 15) WWF released a new report on

climate change, 16) All forest from age 15 to 800 years sequester

carbon, 17) Oslo Conference discussed Four Foundations of Effective

Investments, 18) Consumption of resources is rising rapidly and

biodiversity is plummeting, 19) Barriers to data sharing, 20) To

target and fix poverty as cause of deforestation, 21) A major power

shift is needed! 22) Save the world for just $3.35 per hectare, 23)

What's the dollar value of a species? 24) RAN will 'study' if it needs

to give up it's old growth destroying ways, 25) Rights-based

approaches is necessary and cost-effective, 26) World Rainforest Week,

27) International effort to put a price on the rainforests, 28)

GeoEye's satellite, 29) We will never again support ancient forest

logging! 30) Forest carbon credits create land grab for forests, 31)

Voluntary carbon markets are the testing ground, 32) Click here to

save the forest,




1) With more than 40 developing countries asking to become part of the

Forest Carbon Partnership Facility, the FCPF has announced that it

aims to expand its expected number of developing country participants

from 20 countries to 30. The World Bank, which acts as the secretariat

for the FCPF, announced that it would underwrite the US$2.3 million

start-up expenses for the Facility. The developing countries accepted

into the Facility include 10 in Africa (Cameroon, the Democratic

Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar,

Republic of Congo and Uganda); 10 in Latin America (Argentina,

Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guyana, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama,

Paraguay and Peru); and five in Asia and the South Pacific (Lao PDR,

Nepal, Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu and Vietnam). " The Congo Basin

countries consider the FCPF as an opportunity to validate reducing

forest degradation as a climate change mitigation instrument. With the

FCPF, forests will find their true role as carbon pools and providers

of social and economic well-being, " said Etienne Massard K. Makaga, General of Environment and Climate Focal Point of Gabon. and

one of the REDD country participants in the FCPF. He added, " The FCPF

is not a solution in and of itself. It must remain a structuring tool

that will allow us to achieve the objectives of reducing emissions

from deforestation and forest degradation. " The FCPF aims to reduce

deforestation and forest degradation by compensating developing

countries for greenhouse gas emission reductions. The partnership

became functionally operational on June 25, 2008. Tropical and

sub-tropical countries will receive grant support as they build their

capacity to tap into future systems of positive incentives for REDD,

in particular by establishing emissions reference levels, adopting

REDD strategies, and designing monitoring systems. In addition,

indigenous peoples will benefit from one of the first decisions of the

FCPF Participants Committee, elected this week in meetings in

Washington. Made up of 10 donor and carbon fund participants and 10

developing country participants, the committee approved a Capacity

Building Program for forest-dependent indigenous peoples and other

forest dwellers—a US$1,000,000 `small grants' program to build

effective links with forest-dependent indigenous peoples and other

forest dweller communities on REDD through the FCPF. " The FCPF is an

essential initiative, " said Dr. Pham Manh Cuong, Vietnam's National

Focal Point for Climate Change in the Forestry Sector and another of

the FCPF's REDD country participants. " The cooperation between the

FCPF and the UN-REDD Programme enhances.



2) Thirty-one food, cosmetic, and consumer goods companies – and one

palm oil supplier – have signed a Rainforest Action Network (RAN)

pledge to support a moratorium on the expansion of palm oil

plantations into tropical forests, according to an Oct. 22 press

release. L'Occitane, Organic Valley, Ciranda, and several other

businesses agreed to urge agribusiness giants Archer Daniels Midland

(ADM), Bunge, and Cargill to produce more sustainable palm oil. In

mid-August, RAN contacted more than 350 companies that use palm oil in

their products to inform them of the widespread rainforest destruction

caused by the proliferation of palm oil plantations in tropical

rainforests. " We applaud those companies who have signed our pledge

and committed to source palm oil in a way that does not destroy

rainforests, " said Leila Salazar-Lopez, director of RAN's Rainforest

Agribusiness Campaign. " However, we are extremely disappointed that

eco-friendly companies like Whole Foods, the Body Shop, and Ben &

Jerry's remain on the fence while forests are burned and communities

are forced from their homes. " http://www.eponline.com/articles/68767/


3) There are dozens of reasons we do the work we do. Endangered

Forests provide clean air and water, store vast amounts of carbon, are

integral to the livelihoods of indigenous communities, and much more.

We all have our own reasons why we're involved in this work. What are

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same page. Do our programs line up with your reasons for taking action

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4) " Human beings tend to think in terms of regular, symmetrical

structures, but nature can be much more irregular, " said UC Davis

postdoctoral researcher Matthew Holland, the study's lead author. " We

found that symmetrical systems of corridors may actually do less good

for natural communities than designs with some randomness or asymmetry

built in. " The new study, titled " Strong effect of dispersal network

structure on ecological dynamics, " is scheduled to be published online

on Sunday, Oct. 19, by the journal Nature. The research was supported

by the National Science Foundation. Corridors are physical connections

between disconnected fragments of plant and animal habitat. A corridor

can be as big as a swath of river and forest miles wide that links two

national parks, or as small as a tunnel under an interstate highway.

Without such connections, animals cannot travel to food, water, mates

and shelter. Plants cannot disperse their pollen and seeds to maintain

healthy, genetically diverse populations. Designing and implementing

corridors (sometimes called corridor ecology or connectivity

conservation) is a new subfield in environmental science. Holland's

research is among the first to help land managers and community

planners designing corridors to know what will work and what will not.

Holland's co-author is UC Davis theoretical ecologist Alan Hastings.

Hastings is one of the world's mostly highly regarded experts in using

mathematical models (sets of equations) to understand natural systems.

His analyses have shed light on environmental issues as diverse as

salt marsh grass invasions in San Francisco Bay; climate change and

coral reefs; and marine reserves and fish populations. In 2006,

Hastings received the Robert H. MacArthur Award, the highest honor

given by the Ecological Society of America. Additional information:

Full text of study (DOI number: 10.1038/nature07395)




5) Half the world's tropical and temperate forests are now gone. The

rate of deforestation in the tropics continues at about an acre a

second, and has for decades. Half the planet's wetlands are gone. An

estimated 90 percent of the large predator fish are gone, and 75

percent of marine fisheries are now overfished or fished to capacity.

Almost half of the corals are gone or are seriously threatened.

Species are disappearing at rates about 1,000 times faster than

normal. The planet has not seen such a spasm of extinction in 65

million years, since the dinosaurs disappeared. Desertification claims

a Nebraska-sized area of productive capacity each year globally.

Persistent toxic chemicals can now be found by the dozens in

essentially each and every one of us. The earth's stratospheric ozone

layer was severely depleted before its loss was discovered. Human

activities have pushed atmospheric carbon dioxide up by more than a

third and have started in earnest the most dangerous change of all —

planetary warming and climate disruption. Everywhere, earth's ice

fields are melting. Industrial processes are fixing nitrogen, making

it biologically active, at a rate equal to nature's; one result is the

development of hundreds of documented dead zones in the oceans due to

overfertilization. Freshwater withdrawals are now over half of

accessible runoff, and water shortages are multiplying here and

abroad. http://www.e360.yale.edu/content/feature.msp?id=2075



6) The Nature Conservancy this week was appointed to serve on the

governing panel of the World Bank's Forest Carbon Partnership Facility

(FCPF) – joining more than a dozen countries from across the globe

that will work together to develop the financial tools and incentives

needed to make forest conservation a powerful tool against climate

change. The Conservancy is the only non-governmental organization

serving on the panel. The appointment came during the FCPF's first

annual meeting in Washington DC. At the meeting policy leaders and

government representatives from around the world came together to

launch innovative programs and funding mechanisms that will help

develop a credible global carbon credit market that recognizes forest

protection. Despite the world's current financial crisis, FCPF members

pledged more than $160 million to the Facility during this week's

inaugural meetings. With this funding, the FCPF will implement and

evaluate pilot incentive programs, purchasing emissions reductions

from developing countries that have taken action to reduce

deforestation and forest degradation. " It is heartening to know that

despite the current financial situation, countries around the world

understand that we cannot delay action on battling climate change, "

said Mark Tercek, president and CEO of The Nature Conservancy. " Forest

protection is one of the most cost-effective methods available to

fight climate change. If we don't take action now, climate change

ultimately will have a much greater impact on the global economy and

the natural resources we all depend upon for survival. "



7) " Plantations are monocultures, created from seemingly endless rows

of identical trees. They suck the water out of nearby streams and

ponds and lower the water table, leaving little or no water for people

living near the plantations. They deplete soils, pollute the

environment with agrotoxics and eradicate biodiverse local ecosystems.

Activists in Brazil call them the green desert because of the way they

destroy local people's livelihoods and environments. But what's almost

as bad as the plantations themselves is that this sort of plantation

is given a green seal of approval by the Forest Stewardship Council. "

This comes from a new World Rainforest Movement briefing titled " FSC

certification of tree plantations needs to be stopped " . The briefing

is timed to coincide with the FSC's General Assembly, which will take

place from 3-7 November 2008 in South Africa. Despite the fact that

FSC has been carrying out a " Plantations Review " for the past four

years, FSC continues to certify some of the most destructive

plantation operations in the world. In an attempt to change this, a

number of organizations from countries impacted by FSC-certified

plantations have written an open letter to FSC members. If you wish to

support local communities struggling against tree plantations, please

sign on to the letter by filling out the form on WRM's website or by

sending an email to support before 31 October 2008.



8) A wildlife Trust Alliance motion to create the first-ever criteria

for a Red List of threatened ecosystems! The resolution adopted at the

IV World Conservation Congress in Barcelona, Spain, marks a strong

victory for the leadership of Wildlife Trust Alliance scientists and

their allies around the world. Establishing global standards for

biodiversity is no longer just species-specific. " Creating a Red List

for endangered ecosystems goes hand-in-hand with the need to protect

at-risk species that live in such areas as the Brazilian Atlantic

rainforest, South Africa's grasslands, and Indonesian lowland tropical

forest, " said Dr. Mary C. Pearl, President of Wildlife Trust. The

resolution presents a pragmatic way to look at and classify threatened

ecosystems at the regional, national and global level. " A key element

of this proposal is that it calls for a clear separation of risk

assessment – a fundamentally scientific process – from the definition

of conservation priorities, a societal undertaking which must take

into account factors such as ecological distinctiveness, costs,

logistical practicalities, likelihood of success and public

preferences, " said Dr. Jon Paul Rodríguez, Founder and Board Member of

Provita. " The motion to move forward on this critical piece of

conservation science creates a win-win situation for both wildlife and

people. Helping society better understand levels of risks to the

ecosystems we depend on opens the door to creating sustainable

solutions we can all adopt, " said Dr. Andrew Taber, Executive Vice

President of Programs for Wildlife Trust. " Everyone deserves to live

in a viable ecosystem. The challenge facing us every day as

conservation scientists is to look at issues holistically and develop

solutions that make sense and are accepted by local communities. This

is how Wildlife Trust Alliance scientists work in their own countries

around the world, " noted Dr. Mary C. Pearl. Wildlife Trust empowers

local conservation scientists worldwide to protect nature and

safeguard ecosystem and human health. Wildlife Trust is a conservation

science innovator and leverages research expertise through strategic

global alliances. Wildlife Trust pioneered the field of Conservation

Medicine, a new discipline that addresses the link between ecological

disruption of habitats and the effects on wildlife, livestock and

human health. ramos


9) Among others, the major certification organizations operating in

North America are: Forest Stewardship Council (FSC); Sustainable

Forestry Initiative (SFI); American Tree Farm System (ATFS); and

Canadian Standards Association (CSA). FSC is a sprawling international

not-for-profit with affiliates in various countries and varying

standards for different forest types and regions. It manages an

international standard for tracking and certifying products from well

managed forests, and also addresses ecological functions, old-growth

forests, plantations, restoration, native habitats and indigenous

people's rights. While highly regarded among environmental groups

generally, it is sometimes thought to be too lenient. In North

America, it has only a small amount of certified forest. SFI is the

main competitor to FSC in the United States. SFI has made its current

standard (2005-2009) more rigorous and now addresses most of the

issues in the FSC. However, FSI is generally less prescriptive than

FSC, a source of criticism in the environmental community. ATFS

certifies primarily small forest tracts for non-industrial owners.

Certification is conducted by independent foresters accredited by

ATFS. It doesn't have its own certification logo but SFI allows its

logo on ATFS-certified forests. It has little impact on the

environmental building products. CSA created an ISO style

process-based standard called the Sustainable Forest Management

certification system which is the dominant certification in Canada,

where there's a large proportion of timberland that is publicly owned.

It has evolved to be similar to the FSI system, but unlike FSC and FSI

it is not a performance-based standard. Performance-based standards

have pros and cons according to a Yale University study. They place a

lot of power in the hands of logging companies to interpret the rules

in favor of short-term resource extraction. On the other hand they can

allow more flexibility for foresters to achieve superior environmental

protection. What this all means to consumers of wood-based building

materials is a matter of ongoing industry monitoring. It may well

become more contentious as environmental awareness in the forest

sector continues to rise. In the meantime, green building will be most

impacted by which standard(s) the United States Green Building Council

(USGBC) recognizes in its widespread LEED program. Currently LEED

recognizes only FSC-certified wood, although the USGBC-commissioned

Yale study may change this. And then, of course, as I noted in a

recent post, there is the new initiative by the National Wood Flooring

Association (NWFA) to develop its own certification program.



10) Donors meeting this week in Washington D.C. pledged more than $100

million to the World Bank's new initiative for conserving tropical

forests. In addition to the $100 million in donations, the World Bank

announced that more than forty developing countries have asked to join

the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility — the Bank's foray into the

emerging market for forest carbon credits. 25 countries have so far

been selected to participate in the initiative, which builds capacity

for countries to earn compensation through the carbon markets for

reducing greenhouse gas emissions by reducing deforestation and forest

degradation (REDD). Experts say the mechanism could eventually lead to

the transfer of billions of dollars per year to fund conservation and

rural development in tropical countries, while at the same time

helping fight climate change. Deforestation and land use change

presently accounts for around a fifth of anthropogenic emissions. The

developing countries accepted into the facility include 10 in Africa

(Cameroon, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana,

Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Republic of Congo and Uganda); 10 in Latin

America (Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guyana, Mexico,

Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay and Peru); and five in Asia and the South

Pacific (Lao PDR, Nepal, Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu and Vietnam). " It

is heartening to know that despite the current financial situation,

countries around the world understand that we cannot delay action on

battling climate change, " said Mark Tercek, president and CEO of The

Nature Conservancy. " Forest protection is one of the most

cost-effective methods available to fight climate change. If we don't

take action now, climate change ultimately will have a much greater

impact on the global economy and the natural resources we all depend

upon for survival. " " Right now, developing countries can generate more

money from cutting down their forests than from keeping them

standing, " Tercek continued. " The Forest Carbon Partnership Facility

will bring developed and industrialized countries together - along

with forest communities, indigenous groups, the private sector and

civil society - to establish a financial value for the carbon stored

in standing forests. " http://news.mongabay.com/2008/1023-fcpf.html


11) Old-growth forests of the northern hemisphere act as global carbon

sinks but are not protected by international treaties, according to

new EU-funded research published in the journal Nature. The

international group of scientists' findings indicate that old-growth

forests in the northern hemisphere account for at least 10% of global

net uptake of carbon dioxide. This contrasts with the commonly

accepted view that these forests are carbon neutral, a hypothesis

based mainly on a single study from the 1960s. The new research builds

on 519 plot studies and shows that carbon accumulation continues in

forests that are centuries old. Nevertheless, the Kyoto Protocol does

not call for forests to be left intact, instead demanding changes to

the carbon stock by afforestation, reforestation and deforestation.

Old-growth forests have been accumulating carbon for centuries, yet

much of it will be lost to the atmosphere if disturbed, the study

warned. The researchers therefore conclude that " the carbon-accounting

rules for forests should give credit for leaving old-growth forest

intact " . Deforestation is widely considered to be a key driver of

global warming as tropical and other forests absorb CO2, thus

mitigating the effects of emissions on the climate. But EU

policymakers are struggling to define rules to keep trees standing

(EurActiv 11/09/08). source




12) From 1981 to 2005 the global economy more than doubled, but 60

percent of the world's ecosystems -- for example fisheries and forests

-- were either degraded or over-used. " That's the balance sheet of our

planet right now, " he said. A successor to the Kyoto Protocol, the

pioneering global pact to fight climate change, set to be agreed in

Copenhagen by the end of next year appears more remote than a year

ago, Steiner said. " We're further from a deal in Copenhagen than we

were at the end of the Bali conference, " he said, referring to the

launch of talks on the successor pact last December in Indonesia. " But

does that mean we will not have one? No. " The difficulty is that there

is no deal based on national interest alone. Quite frankly the levels

of financing being discussed right now are totally inadequate to allow

such a deal to emerge. " Environment Minister Hilary Benn, hosting the

launch, said the UNEP proposal was right in tune with the thinking of

Roosevelt, from whom he quoted approvingly: " 'The nation that destroys

its soil destroys itself.' "



13) How best to map 'boreal' or northern forest with spaceborne radar

is the focus of an ESA campaign currently underway in northern Sweden.

By answering this question, the campaign addresses one of the key

objectives of the candidate Earth Explorer BIOMASS mission. BIOMASS is

one of six candidate Earth Explorer missions that has just completed

assessment study and will be presented to the science community at a

User Consultation Meeting in January 2009. Up to three of the missions

will subsequently be selected for the next stage of development

(feasibility study), leading to the eventual implementation of ESA's

seventh Earth Explorer mission. Covering about 15% of the Earth's land

surface, boreal forest plays an important role in the global cycling

of energy, carbon and water. The boreal region forms a circumpolar

band throughout the northern hemisphere that extends through Russia,

northern Europe, Canada and Alaska. The great expanse and large

quantity of carbon contained in vegetation and soil make the boreal

biome the world's largest terrestrial carbon reservoir. Since forest

biomass is half carbon, the BIOMASS mission, if selected, is expected

to greatly improve our knowledge of how much carbon is being stored,

where it is being stored and better quantify carbon fluxes between

land and the atmosphere - important for understanding more about the

global carbon cycle and climate change. To achieve this goal, the

mission will exploit the longest radar wavelength available for

satellites observing the Earth from space - P-band. This wavelength is

uniquely sensitive to mapping biomass from space.




14) The much-hyped trade and development agreements currently under

negotiation between the EU and African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP)

countries could put forests and the livelihoods of communities

dependent on them at serious risk, argues a new report by Friends of

the Earth. The NGO warns that the Economic Partnership Agreements

(EPAs) designed by former EU Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson would

impose an economic model on developing countries based on the export

of raw materials that could seriously devastate their forests and

wildlife. One of the most controversial elements of the agreements

highlighted in the report is an obligation for developing country

signatories to lift rules limiting the export of logs and other raw

materials. This already seems to be happening in Côte d'Ivoire and

Cameroon, which have initialled interim EPAs, according to the report.

In addition, a requirement to liberalise investment in the forestry

and agricultural sectors would give European corporations improved

access to ACP natural resources, potentially leading to deforestation

and the expulsion of small farm owners in favour of more

export-oriented agriculture. Although the EU has acknowledged the

adverse environmental effects of trade liberalisation in previous

Sustainability Impact Assessments (SIA), any mention of the impact on

forests is conspicuously absent from SIAs of EPAs, Friends of the

Earth points out. The bloc is overlooking " some very serious

environmental and social concerns " by prioritising access to natural

resources in order to safeguard European competitiveness and is

sacrificing its commitment to sustainable development in the process,

it states. The NGO urges the EU to seriously rethink its trade

strategy towards the developing world after new Trade Commissioner

Baroness Ashton takes over (EurActiv 21/10/08). It believes that now

is the right moment to act, as the passing of the 2007 deadline for

the EPA negotiations and reluctance to sign off the ACP with little to

gain mean that the political pressure to continue has diminished. " The

EU needs a new trade strategy which takes into account the needs of

poor countries and allows them to protect their economies and

environment from the worst excesses of the market, " concluded Friends

of the Earth's trade campaigner Sarah-Jayne Clifton.



15) WWF has released a new report entitled " Climate Change: faster,

stronger, sooner " , which concludes what many of us have known for some

time, that " global warming is accelerating [ark] at a faster rate than

climate change experts had previously predicted " . Ever since the

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [search] (IPCC) released

their Fourth Assessment Report in 2007, the latest science shows the

Arctic Ocean is losing sea ice 30 years earlier than expected, sea

level rise is double the previous maximum estimates, and temperature

increases are already leading to a reduction in global yields of

wheat, maize and barley. WWF notes that " even with a 2°C target, the

IPCC says that emission reductions between 25 and 40% compared to 1990

are needed by 2020 from developed countries. " Abrupt climate change is

happening now and the world is no where near these short and mid-term

targets. Incredibly, WWF sounds the alarm on abrupt, run-away climate

change while actively supporting FSC's stamp of approval for ancient

forest logging. First time logging of primary forests accounts for at

least 20% of atmospheric carbon releases. New science finds old-growth

forests are " carbon sinks " and when logged release 40 percent of their

carbon. This discredits decades of thought strongly advocated by WWF

that primary forests can or should be " sustainably " logged. Given

WWF's new found sense of urgency, it is astoundingly reckless for them

to continue their support for Forest Stewardship Council's [search]

logging of ancient forests. It is long past due for WWF to join

Greenpeace, Rainforest Action Network and Friends of the Earth in

reviewing and/or ending their greenwashing of FSC's ancient forest

logging. Meanwhile, we are left to ponder whether WWF's failure to

work to stop carbon releases from ancient forest logging is because of

corporate corruption or just ignorance?




16) An international team of scientists led by Sebastian Luyssaert at

the University of Antwerp in Belgium reviewed the literature and

existing databases for forests between 15 and 800 years old. They

found that all forests, from the youngest to the oldest, show positive

net ecosystem productivity; i.e., they are growing and hence

sequestering or accumulating carbon [1]. Over 30 percent of the global

forest area is unmanaged primary forest and this area contains the

remaining old growth forests. Half of the primary forests (covering

600 million ha) are located in boreal (near the Arctic) and temperate

regions in the Northern Hemisphere. These forests alone sequester

about 1.3 + 0.5 Gt of C per year. This 15 percent of the global forest

area currently not considered when offsetting increasing atmospheric

CO2, provides at least 10 percent of the global net ecosystem

productivity. Old-growth forests accumulate carbon for centuries and

contain large quantities that will move back into the atmosphere if

these forests are disturbed or cut down, especially tropical forests

[2, 3] (Saving and Restoring Forests Saves Far More Carbon Emissions

than Biofuels, SiS 37) .Net ecosystem productivity and age of forests.

Net ecosystem productivity (NEP) is the net carbon balance of the

forest ecosystem as a whole, and is the difference between CO2 uptake

by photosynthetic assimilation and losses through plant and soil

respiration. Tropical forests were excluded from the study because of

the lack of data, and only 12 sites were found for which NEP and age

estimates are available.Read the rest of this article here:




17) The Oslo Conference discussed the Four Foundations for Effective

Investments in Climate Change: 1) Recognize rights - establish an

equitable legal and regulatory framework for land and resources; 2)

prioritize payment to communities – ensure that benefits and payments

prioritize indigenous and local communities, according to their

potential role as forest stewards; 3) establish independent advisory

and auditing processes to guide, monitor and audit investments and

actions at national and global levels; and 4) monitor more than carbon

to keep track of the status of forests, forest carbon, biodiversity

and impacts on rights and livelihoods. Secure a role for indigenous

peoples in monitoring of emissions, making full use of their knowledge

of the state of forest ecosystems, something which could be

particularly relevant to keep track of forest degradation. -- During

the first day of the conference, participants concluded that

indigenous peoples and forest dwellers have often proven their

capacity for sustainable forest management and successful adaptation

with only minimal support from the state. Traditional knowledge

systems and resource management practices are a valuable resource.

That said, the winners who will benefit most from the " forest

billions " flowing into climate change mitigation will be those with

information and resources. Indigenous peoples and forest dwellers have

neither, and will lose out.




18) Consumption of resources is rising rapidly, biodiversity is

plummeting and just about every measure shows humans affecting Earth

on a vast scale. A growing band of experts are looking at figures like

these and arguing that personal carbon virtue and collective

environmentalism are futile as long as our economic system is built on

the assumption of growth. The science tells us that if we are serious

about saving Earth, we must reshape our economy. This, of course, is

economic heresy. In recent weeks it has become clear just how

terrified governments are of anything that threatens growth, as they

pour billions of public money into a failing financial system. It has

taken all of human history for the economy to reach its current size.

On current form it will take just two decades to double. In this

special issue, New Scientist brings together key thinkers from

politics, economics and philosophy who profoundly disagree with the

growth dogma but agree with the scientists monitoring our fragile

biosphere. The father of ecological economics, Herman Daly, explains

why our economy is blind to the environmental costs of growth ( " The

World Bank's blind spot " ), while Tim Jackson, adviser to the UK

government on sustainable development, crunches numbers to show that

technological fixes won't compensate for the hair-raising speed at

which the economy is expanding ( " Why politicians dare not limit

economic growth " ). Gus Speth, one-time environment adviser to

President Jimmy Carter, explains why after four decades working at the

highest levels of US policy-making he believes green values have no

chance against today's capitalism ( " Champion for green growth " ),

followed by Susan George, a leading thinker of the political left, who

argues that only a global government-led effort can shift the

destructive course we are on ( " We must think big to fight

environmental disaster " ). For Andrew Simms, policy director of the

London-based New Economics Foundation, it is crucial to demolish one

of the main justifications for unbridled growth: that it can pull the

poor out of poverty ( " The poverty myth " ). And the broadcaster and

activist David Suzuki explains how he inspires business leaders and

politicians to change their thinking ( " Interview with an environmental

activist " ). Just what a truly sustainable economy would look like is

explored in " Life in a land without growth " , when New Scientist uses

Daly's blueprint to imagine life in a society that doesn't use up

resources faster than the world can replace them. Expect tough

decisions on wealth, tax, jobs and birth rates. But as Daly says,

shifting from growth to development doesn't have to mean freezing in

the dark under communist tyranny. Technological innovation would give

us more and more from the resources we have, and as philosopher Kate

Soper argues in " Nothing to fear from curbing growth " , curbing our

addiction to work and profits would in many ways improve our lives.

http://www.newscientist.com/channel/opinion/mg20026786.000?promcode=nletter & DCMP\

=NLC-nletter & nsref=mg20026786.000


19) On Monday 6th October 2008, The Conservation Commons Secretariat

organized an alliance workshop at the IUCN World Conservation Congress

(WCC) in Barcelona, Spain to address barriers to data sharing. The

workshop was organized in collaboration with Conservation

International, Global Biodiversity Information Facility, IUCN,

National Geographic Society, The Getty Research Institute, The Nature

Conservancy, and UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre. The

purpose of this workshop was to draw attention to the barriers faced

by the conservation community which limit access to biodiversity data

and information, and to identify efforts to collectively address these

challenges. The workshop supported the " Safeguarding the Diversity of

Life " Stream of the Forum. Speakers and participants from sectors both

within and outside the traditional conservation community were asked

to consider key questions in relation to accessing biodiversity data

or information; legal and technical data standards; and cultural

challenges often faced in accessing the best available data and

information. The audiences were challenged to think beyond current

limitations and paradigms in order to develop innovative solutions to

these challenges. The workshop concluded after a short open

discussion. http://www.conservationcommons.org For background

materials, presentations and full report of the meeting see the

Conservation Commons Workspace:



20) The conventional solution aims to target and fix poverty which

they consider to be the cause of deforestation. The government,

together with various organizations, sees development as the main key

to cure. Ironically speaking though, industrialization and further

city developments are also one of the causes of deforestation. This

happened to be the reason why the government has been buffeted by

issues with regards to the solutions that they tried to provide.

Nevertheless, here are the proposed (and mostly unrealistic) solutions

the government has to offer: Tropical Forest Action Plan (TFAP) is one

of the anticipated problem solutions by the government. It operates

through strategically implementing to the people the value of our

forests. This plan has failed many times for obvious reasons. In fact,

the government (as they say) should have created a much clever plan to

truly eradicate the problem. Bringing up nonrealistic items over the

table is just considered to be a waste of time. Sustained Yield

Forestry is one of the projected ways to minimize the output of timber

in its yearly harvest. Issues have hovered around corrupt officials

who permit excess timber counts in exchange for money. This solution

therefore needs honest and responsible professional men to lead along

the way to change. The question is, when and where will you see

dignified men these days especially with the color of money around?

Read more Solutions To Deforestation - Are There Really Any?




21) A major power shift is needed in the way the planet's biological

resources are managed, from top-down systems that marginalise the poor

to community-centred approaches that sustain local livelihoods, says a

report published today (9 October) by the International Institute for

Environment and Development (IIED). The call - aimed at governments,

businesses, international agencies and conservation groups - comes as

thousands of delegates from these groups gather in Barcelona, Spain

for the 4-yearly congress of the International Union for the

Conservation of Nature on 5-14 October. The report recommends ways to

improve the governance of biodiversity - how it is managed and how

decisions about it are made - to deliver more benefits to people and

planet. It includes detailed new case studies from India, Peru and

Tanzania which show that while some local initiatives are working for

both biodiversity and livelihoods, the overall regimes tend to exclude

the poor from decision making. Biodiversity - the variety of living

genes, species and ecosystems - is key to the livelihoods of millions

of the world's poorest and most vulnerable people. It underpins the

ecological systems that provide the clean water, food, medicines and

stable climate that are essential for human well-being. " Biodiversity

is being lost faster than at any other time in human history, " says

lead author Krystyna Swiderska. " The current system of top-down

governance favours powerful elites such as governments and businesses

but is failing to protect diversity and promote social development. It

is time to pass power to communities that are able custodians of the

biological resources key to their lives and livelihoods. "

Historically, biodiversity was under various forms of community

management but today rules devised and imposed by government agencies,

Western scientists and conservation organisations in a top-down manner

can often harm local livelihoods - as when people are excluded from

performing traditional practices when areas become protected, despite

their knowledge relating to the conservation and sustainable use of





22) The study was launched today at the Rights, Forests and Climate

Change conference in Oslo, Norway. It estimates that just 3.35 dollars

per hectare could implement legal and regulatory frameworks ensuring

land ownership and habitation rights for forest communities. The

estimate includes the direct costs associated with demarcating

territory, registering land, raising awareness and resolving local

disputes. By comparison, the estimated costs of setting up and

implementing the REDD programme could be up to 3,500 dollars per

hectare each year for the next 22 years. " The idea of the study is to

put things in perspective, " said Jeffrey Hatcher, the report's author

and an analyst at the Rights and Resources Initiative, a coalition of

conservation groups. " There is strong evidence that local people are

good at forestry management. So even if REDD does not come about, if

you at least recognize people's rights you will get a good outcome and

reduced emissions, " he added. The UN-REDD programme was launched in

September this year with 35 million dollars from the Norwegian

government, and is still taking shape. Under the programme,

governments would be paid by the international community to preserve

forests in global efforts to combat climate change. But campaigners

have warned that unless the proposals take greater account of the

rights of forest-dwelling communities to live, manage and take

resources from the land, the plans will fail, and could provoke

corruption and land grabs. According to Erik Solheim, Norway's

environment and international development minister, " Indigenous

peoples are rightly concerned about how these new investments could

affect their access to the forests that they depend on for their

livelihoods. " " These rights need to be respected, not just for moral

reasons, although that is vital. It is also a matter of pragmatism and

effectiveness, " he added






23) What price would you place on the beautiful, musical and probably

extinct ivory-billed woodpecker? Of course, all the world's gold

couldn't bring the bird back. But suppose you could time travel back

60 years to the shrinking Southern swamps, where the last pairs were

definitively seen. And suppose you made an economic argument for

saving the birds' habitat. How much would you say the ivorybill was

worth? Come on, let's hear a bid for the bird. Environmental

economists do these calculations all the time. They might point out

that the ivory-bill helps local economies by attracting tourists who

spend an average of $250 a day on food and lodging. They might find

scientific data suggesting that the ivory-bill liver contains a

treatment for brittle nails. And the resulting hand cream might net

annual sales of $32 million. The idea of fixing a dollar value on a

species offends those who regard preserving our natural heritage as a

moral imperative. It would seem akin to listing one's children on

eBay. " To evaluate individual species solely by their known practical

value at the present time is business accounting in the service of

barbarism, " Harvard biologist Edward O. Wilson wrote in The Wilson

Quarterly. If providing numbers persuades the cost-benefit freaks to

save these creatures and plants from extinction, let's make tons of

printouts. Environmentalists need every weapon in the arsenal. In an

article titled " What is Nature Worth? " Wilson doesn't dismiss such

calculations out of hand. But he finds that today's economic-value

assessments make for a crude measuring device. They tend to lowball

the worth of a species over the long haul.




24) Bowing to a global pressure campaign spearheaded by Ecological

Internet (EI), the Rainforest Action Network (RAN) has publicly

announced they are reviewing their support for the Forest Stewardship

Council (FSC), over concerns regarding FSC's greenwashing of ancient

forest logging. In a statement to Ecological Internet, and on their

web site, RAN announced they find " certification of logging in such

forests extremely problematic " and have " raised the matter with the

FSC " . RAN has embraced EI's goal of working to end ancient forest

logging [search], written to FSC with their concerns and to request

more data, and indicated that FSC's continued certification of ancient

forest logging is problematic and threatens their membership. Based

upon this progress, Ecological Internet has temporarily suspended the

protest campaign. If RAN fails in its commitment to work within FSC in

coming months to end its certification of ancient forest logging, and

refuses to resign from FSC at that time, EI's campaign will resume

immediately. " Global ecological sustainability depends critically upon

protecting and restoring large, unfragmented, and intact forest and

other terrestrial ecosystems across the globe to maintain all species,

climatic processes, human habitat and the biosphere's functioning. To

this end, Ecological Internet's demands to RAN, and other long-time

appeasers of FSC's ancient forest destruction, remain simple: either

use your membership to get FSC to eliminate their sourcing of

certified timbers from old-growth and primary forests, or resign

immediately from FSC in protest and to end your complicity in ancient

forest greenwash, " explains EI President Dr. Glen Barry.





25) New research shows rights-based approaches necessary and

cost-effective; call for independent advisory and auditing to support

UN action on climate change. Unless based on respect for the rights of

indigenous peoples and forest communities, efforts by rich countries

to combat climate change by funding reductions in deforestation in

developing countries will fail, and could even unleash a devastating

wave of forest loss, cultural destruction and civil conflict, warned a

leading group of forestry and development experts meeting in Oslo this

week. The experts are gathering in Oslo with policymakers and

community leaders for a conference on rights, forests and climate

change. The conference was organized by two non-profits, Rainforest

Foundation Norway and the US-based Rights and Resources Initiative

(RRI). Speaking at the meeting, Norway's Minister of Environment and

International Development, Erik Solheim, says efforts towards reduced

emissions from deforestation in developing countries should be based

on the rights of indigenous peoples to the forests they depend on for

their livelihoods, and provide tangible benefits consistent with their

essential role in sustainable forest management. " In addition to

reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, early

action, pilot projects and demonstrations should safeguard

biodiversity, contribute to poverty reduction and secure the rights of

forest dependent communities in order to achieve any degree of

permanence, legitimacy and effectiveness, " said Solheim. Deforestation

is responsible for about 20 percent of global greenhouse gas

emissions, and reducing it is seen as one of the quickest and cheapest

ways of cutting emissions. " Moves to finance reductions in tropical

deforestation and forest degradation are necessary and welcome, " said

Andy White, Coordinator of RRI. " But on their own they won't solve the

problem. Poorly devised, they could even make it worse. If such

initiatives are well designed they can not only secure carbon but

present a global opportunity to address the underlying causes of

poverty and conflict in many developing countries. "





26) October 13 through 19 2008 is World Rainforest Week. WRW is an

annual holiday created by the Rainforest Action Network to highlight

and celebrate how important rainforests are for the health of people

and our planet. As rainforests continue to be endangered by old

threats such as logging, and by new threats such as the expansion of

agribusiness, WRW 2008 is a particularly vital time to stand up for

the rainforest! Throughout this week, we invite you to take action

with us to support this global treasure and ensure that future

generations will benefit from the clean air, biodiversity and climate

control that the rainforests provide. Take action to protect forests

1) Organize a fundraiser for the Protect-an-Acre Program àRAN's

Protect-an-Acre program gives small grants to the indigenous and

frontline forest communities that are some of the most powerful

players in keeping the rainforest alive and healthy. Check out our

Protect-an-Acre program and make a donation or organize a fundraiser

in support of Indigenous rights and forest protection! - - Fundraising

101 -How to throw a house party 2) Stick it to Palm Oil! Join us in

highlighting the rainforest destruction lurking in your Halloween

candy by signing up to take part in the Rainforest Agribusiness

campaign's Palm Oil week of action!




27) So why is there such a growing international effort to put a price

on the rainforests? Well, as well as the carbon they store and the

role they play in our rainfall, tropical forests are home to more than

half the world's animal and plant species, and provide 25% of our

medicines. WWF-UK is among the many environmental campaign groups that

have welcomed the Eliasch review. Emily Brickell, Forests and Climate

Policy Officer at WWF-UK, told Sky News Online: " This review is a

welcome recognition of the need to reduce emissions from deforestation

as part of the overall package to tackle dangerous climate change. " As

with all of these things the devil will be in the detail. WWF is

calling for sufficient and long term funding for developing countries

to reduce deforestation and for assurances that local communities

should enjoy continued access to and benefits from forests resources. "

Today's report is unlikely to provide a definitive solution, but it

is, apparently, a further sign that the UK government, along with many

others, now firmly believes that the easiest way to fight climate

change, is to stop deforestation. Today, after a year analysing how

international finance mechanisms can pay to preserve the forests, Mr

Eliasch will reveal his findings. He will recommend that a

multi-billion pound fund is set-up, to reward those countries which

agree to protect their rainforests and the vast stores of carbon

dioxide, animals and plants contained within them. Deforestation is

responsible for nearly a fifth (18%) of the world's man-made carbon

emissions, more than the whole transport sector. The Eliasch review

will recommend that those emissions are included within an

international cap and trade system. It says: " Forests will need to

form a central part of any global climate change deal. "





28) The satellite has been undergoing calibration and check-out since

it was launched on Sept. 6 from Vandenberg Air Force Base in Calif.

The Company will begin selling GeoEye-1 imagery products later this

fall. Matthew O'Connell, GeoEye's chief executive officer, said, " We

are pleased to release the first GeoEye-1 image, bringing us even

closer to the start of the satellite's commercial operations and sales

to our customers. This is a remarkable achievement, and I want to

thank all of our employees, customers, especially the National

Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, strategic partners, vendors and

investors for their support. " GeoEye-1 simultaneously collects

0.41-meter ground resolution black-and-white imagery in the

panchromatic mode and 1.65-meter color (multispectral). This first

image showing Kutztown University located midway between Reading and

Allentown, Penn. was produced by fusing the satellite's panchromatic

and multispectral data to produce a high-quality, true-color

half-meter resolution image. Though the satellite collects imagery at

0.41-meter ground resolution, due to U.S. licensing restrictions,

commercial customers will only get access to imagery that has been

processed to half-meter ground resolution. Bill Schuster, GeoEye's

chief operating officer, said, " We are bringing GeoEye-1 into service

within four years of our contract award with no contract cost

overruns. The entire program which includes the satellite, launch,

insurance, financing and four ground stations was less than $502

million. That's the amount established and agreed to four years ago. "

He further noted, " GeoEye-1 is an excellent fit to meet the U.S.

Government's important requirements for mapping and broad area

space-based imagery collection over the next decade. " Brad Peterson,

GeoEye's vice president of operations, said, " This image captures what

is in fact the very first location the satellite saw when we opened

the camera door and started imaging. We expect the quality of the

imagery to be even better as we continue the calibration activity. "





29) Ecological Internet calls upon all organizations including

governments, companies and most particularly NGOs -- starting with RAN

and FSC -- to stop their support for ancient forest logging to address

converging global climate, biodiversity and economic crises. Failure

to do so will lead to intensifying protest including targeting these

organization's funders. ast week forest defenders rallied at New

York's Bluestocking Bookstore to denounce the Rainforest Action

Network (RAN) for their support of industrial logging of primary

forests. RAN is the focus of a global campaign to end ancient forest

logging, starting with getting the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC),

of which they are a founding and leading member, to stop falsely

certifying first time industrial primary forest logging as being

environmentally beneficial. When questioned, Mike Brune, RAN's

Executive Director, stated again that RAN does not support industrial

logging of old growth forests, but does support FSC. This transparent

doublespeak was met by laughter from the audience. Due to Ecological

Internet's campaign, forest conservationists are increasingly aware

FSC's existence depends upon ancient forest logging. Further protest

actions are expected, and the email protest continues.Some progress

has been made, as RAN recently stated in their blog that they " have

begun undertaking a strategic review of the Forest Stewardship

Council's (FSC's) benefits and costs... " and whether " ...RAN can

continue supporting the FSC. " However, no firm, time-bound commitments

were made. The campaign continues until RAN makes written promises to

use their FSC membership to get FSC to stop certifying old-growth, and

if this fails, to resign from the organization. This impasse comes as

a new study finds forest loss costs some $2-5 trillion a year in terms

of lost services provided by healthy ecosystems, many times the cost

of the current financial crisis. The benefits to be realized by a few,

including RAN and FSC in terms of undeserved goodwill, from cutting

down ancient forests are no match for the long term ecosystem services

that are gone forever. Ecological Internet's President, Dr. Glen

Barry, notes " RAN has wasted over a year ignoring our concerns, and

now they bury in a short blog entry their intention to review FSC.

Meanwhile FSC continues with plans to certify hundreds of millions of

hectares of new ancient forest logging. Failure to end this matter now

and make explicit commitments will show RAN is more concerned with

throwing lavish parties and Amazon cruises, than quickly ending FSC's

enabling of ancient forest logging. "





30) Owen Espley, a forests campaigner with Friends of the Earth in the

UK welcomed the decision to avoid deforestation credits: " The

commission is right not to introduce forest credits into the Emissions

Trading Scheme. Forest carbon credits would create a land grab for

forests and would give industry an excuse for failing to reduce their

climate-changing emissions. " The Forests and the European Union

Resource Network (FERN) and Global Witness, a human rights NGO, went

further in response to the commission suggestions, saying they " have

real concerns about the ability of carbon markets to halt climate

change, the addition of cheap forest carbon credits to the market can

only make matters worse. " " Entrusting the future of the planet to the

markets, in the light of recent financial turmoil, veers between

irresponsible and mad, " said Patrick Alley of Global Witness. " Carbon

trading and forest protection are not compatible. Government funding

is the most appropriate source of finance to pay for combating

deforestation, " said Mr Alley. However, green campaigners would like

to see the commission be more ambitious in its goals for funding

anti-deforestation efforts, saying five percent of ETS auction

revenues is not enough. By contrast, the European Parliament's

environment committee recently proposed that 12.5 percent of auction

revenues be allocated to saving forests.




31) While the role of REDD in both the international and emerging US

regulated systems is being hammered out, the voluntary carbon markets

are serving not only as a testing ground for the development of REDD

carbon credits, but also building up expertise and generating

immediate action. This publication is designed to introduce

practitioners to the carbon markets, in particular the voluntary

markets, and the current climate for reforestation, afforestation and

REDD projects generating carbon credits. It is a collection of

articles and one book chapter commissioned by the Ecosystem

Marketplace.The Ecosystem Marketplace is a web-based, non-profit

information service created three years ago to help spur the

development of environmental markets worldwide. It is a leading source

of information on markets and payments for ecosystem services such as

water quality, carbon sequestration, and biodiversity. The

organization is built on the belief that by providing reliable

information on prices, regulation, science, and other market-relevant

factors, markets for ecosystem services will one day become a

fundamental part of our economic system, helping give value to

environmental services that, for too long, have been taken for

granted. The Ecosystem Marketplace is a project of the DC- based

non-profit Forest Trends. These articles were compiled to serve as

context and provide background for the Tanzania Katoomba conference,

held in Dar-es-salaam, Tanzania from September 16-18, 2008. The

conference is the thirteenth in a series of Katoomba conferences

designed to stimulate and strengthen environmental markets around the

world. Launched in Katoomba, Australia, in 1999, the Katoomba Group is

an international working group composed of leading thinkers and

practitioners from academia, industry and government, all committed to

enhancing the integrity of ecosystems through market solutions that

are efficient, effective and equitable. The group is a sister project

of the Ecosystem Marketplace and is also sponsored by Forest Trends.

http://ecosystemmarketplace.com/pages/article.news.php?component_id=6069 & compone\

nt_version_id=9120 & language_id=12



32) Make the Rainforest Site, www.therainforestsite.com, the home page

you start from every day. Then just click where it says " Click here to

give — it's FREE. " And with that simple action, you've preserved just

over a square meter of the world's rainforests, the lungs of the

planet that can absorb back much of the CO2 'exhaled' by our burning

of fossil fuels. It's not much, but those square meters add up — over

35,000 people click the site every day, and over 40,000 acres have

been preserved so far. If everyone receiving this Green Idea clicked

daily, we alone could preserve an area the size of a soccer field

every week. The land is paid for by sponsors who advertise on the

Rainforest Site. If you visit, you'll also see similar sites in

support of breast cancer, hunger, literacy and more — all causes you

can support with the simple click of a mouse. You can make The

Rainforest Site your home page by going to it, then clicking Tools —

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