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425 - Asia & SE Asia Tree News

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--Today for you 31 news articles about earth's trees! (425th edition)


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In this edition:


Asia & SE Asia Tree News




--Russia: 1) Partnership between WWF and for-profit timber company

wins a prize, 2) Fifth of the world's forested land wants liquidators

pronto, 3) Huge forests near minsk,? 4) Virgin Komi Forests,

--China: 5) Security Guards beat and kill forest protestors in riot,

6) Riot erupts after forest plantation company swindles investors,

--Kashmir: 7) Log smugglers go unchecked for 18 years, 8) Villagers

say survival depends on smuggling logs, 9) Beerwah Forest Range being


--India: 10) Save the western purple-faced langur, 11) Compensatory

Afforestation Bill, 12) Assigning economic value to forests, 13)

Timber theft finally addressed after chief minister complains, 14)

Rakas Reserve Forest,

--Bhutan: 15) Summary of forest use

--Thailand: 16) Villagers win community forest award

--South East Asia: 17) Six Nations meet about future of Mekong river

--Vietnam: 18) Farmers take over and destroy Teak plantations

--Cambodia: 19) 80 minority families file lawsuit against military and

big business' plantation making,

--Korea: 20) Government Delegation studies forest fire fighting in California,

--Philippines: 21) Rampant logging inside 5,676 hectare Aurora

Memorial National Park, 22) Thwarting logger plan to kidnap gov.


--Borneo: 23) A broad river called the Kinabatangan, 24) A 186-mile

logging road to the top of the Bario highlands is a road to ruin,

--Malaysia: 25) Dragon Blaze - the luxury lifestyle company promises

preservation, 26) Save Lebir forest reserve, 27) Kota Damansara Forest

Reserve, 28) Destroying rubber tree forest to drive up prices, 29)

Suspension of issuing timber-harvesting permits in communal areas of

the Kavango region, 30) Selangor Forestry Department will no longer be

allowed to issue permits, 31) Orang Asal survival and identity as a

people is linked tospecific ecological niche,






1) Vladivostok – For the first time ever, a partnership between WWF

and a for-profit timber company has been awarded a " conservation

concession " to restore approximately 10% of the critically endangered

Amur leopard's habitat. The Forest Department of Primorskii Province

in the Russian Far East has leased out a forest area of 45,000ha in

the south-west of Primorye, which straddles Vladivostok and the

Chinese boarder, to the Nerpinskoye Cooperative Society (also known as

Nerpinskii rybcoop) for the next 25 years. The last remaining viable

wild population of Amur leopard, estimated at less than 40

individuals, is found in this area and WWF and Nerpinskii rybkoop plan

to implement a project that will increase biodiversity by selectively

removing oak trees, which will open the forest canopy and make way for

the more valuable and native spruce, Korean pine and Manchurian fir

trees. " Deer and wild boar do much better in a diverse forest with a

smattering of nut crops that come into season at different times

throughout the year – that's a good thing for the Amur leopard, " said

Dr. Darron Collins, the managing director for the WWF US Amur program.

" By recreating the biodiversity of the area, WWF and Nerpinskkii are

making it more valuable for humans and species alike. " Funds generated

from the small scale extraction of timber will be reinvested in the

fire prevention and careful tending of forest stands required to

improve the ecological integrity of these forests. The project hopes

to increase the coverage of mixed coniferous and broadleaved forests

by 33% over the next 40 years. " Only lease holders with long term

rights to forest resources on forest use would be prepared to invest

the time and energy to restore the forest. We've been looking for a

reliable partner for this project for many years, " said Denis Smirnov,

head of Forest Program of WWF Russia's Amur Programme. " Nerpinskii

rybcoop, a well-known enterprise in Khasanskii district of Primorye,

has become such a partner. " The restoration project will also provide

income to local communities in the area through employment in forestry

and the sale of Korean pine nuts and charcoal. In such a case,

restoration takes on a much larger meaning as forests and communities

are restored.



2) Russia, holder of a fifth of the world's forested land, wants to

attract 2.2 trillion rubles ($84 billion) of investment by 2020 as it

shifts from exporting whole logs to producing paper and finished

products. Papermakers including Finland-based UPM Kymmene Oyj are

expanding in Russia and China, where paper and board demand was

forecast to grow 4.5 percent annually compared with a flat to

declining western European market. ``There are some indications that

demand in Russia will slow down in the future as a result of the

financial crisis,'' Smushkin said. ``We can't rule out the possibility

of having to adjust our business plan if the crisis persists and lasts

longer than six months.'' Russia's benchmark Micex stock exchange has

halted trading repeatedly in the last month as share prices plunged

amid the country's worst financial crisis since the 1998 default on

its debt. ``If the situation calms down within a year, everything is

going to be OK,'' Smushkin said. The company forecasts Russian per

capita consumption of paper products to increase to 100 kilograms in

2020 from 46 kilograms in 2007, even taking into account the global

economic slowdown and the effect of rising Internet use. Ilim earnings

added 8 cents a share to International Paper's returns of 54 cents a

share in the second quarter. The Memphis, Tenn.-based papermaker

agreed to pay $650 million for half of Switzerland-based parent

company Ilim Holding SA last year, to create the biggest joint venture

in Russia's forestry industry. Ilim Group plans to expand production

by 20 to 25 percent by 2014, including a new $1 billion pulp line at

its Bratsk mill in Siberia to supply China, where it gets about 60

percent of sales. Prices in China are being pushed down by oversupply,

and ``we hope they will recover within several months'' Smushkin said.

http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601085 & sid=ajJmgybCTpxk & refer=europe


3) Largely untouched by the excesses of Western capitalism – though

the capital, Minsk, has both a McDonald's (ironically on Lenin Street)

and an underground shopping mall – it boasts huge forests, covering a

third of the country, 21,000 rivers and 11,000 lakes and is the only

nation in Europe where visitors stand a chance of seeing bison in the

wild. Most of its 79,923 square miles are taken up with grass, trees

or water, meaning it is easy to escape into the Great Outdoors. And,

most importantly, it's cheap. With the average monthly wage £250,

restaurants, shops and bars cannot afford to charge too much. Our trip

began in the capital, Minsk, 80% of which was destroyed during World

War II. The city was rebuilt by the USSR and, though not the most

aesthetically pleasing of capitals – it can be summed up in one word:

'Soviet' – there is an abiding sense of history throughout. Major

building projects are underway across Minsk, including the new arena

which will host football and swimming. The site has already been

visited and praised by Uefa chairman Michel Platini. A great location

to fully appreciate Minsk's slow transformation is from the 22nd floor

of the three-star, 1970s Hotel Belarus which towers over the city. The

floor to ceiling windows on both sides of its restaurant offer 180

degree vistas of the capital's industrial sites and the forests

beyond. Minsk prides itself on being at the centre of Europe (if

Russia is included in the continent). It's safe to assume Russian

Prime Minister and ex-president Vladimir Putin doesn't agree with that

geographical assertion. A four-sided pyramid stands in October Square,

next to the Palace of the Republic listing distances to other





4) The Virgin Komi Forests (61°25'-65°45'N, 57°27'-61°20'E) are a

World Heritage Site located in the north-western region of the Komi

Republic on the western slopes of the Northern Ural Mountains. It is

located in the biogeographical province of the West Eurasian Taiga,

within the boundaries of Russia. 3,280,000 hectares (ha), with the

main elements being Pechoro-Ilychsky Reserve and Biosphere Reserve

(730,000 ha), Yugyd Va National Park (1,900,000 ha) and a buffer zone

of 650,000 ha. The eastern area of the forest is dominated by the

North Ural mountains which are orientated in a north-south direction.

They are characterized by mountain-glacier formations, of which the

southernmost glaciers occur within the Telpossky massif. The

dissolution of limestone along the foothills has resulted in the

formation of a karst landscape with subterranean caves, craters and

river beds which are seasonally flooded. Weathering in the Ilych,

Podcherema, Shchugora and Bolshaya Syn basins has resulted in the

formation of columns and residual mountain structures. These are

protected as nature monuments. Many of these features are remnant reef

structures, the oldest of which date back to the Ordovician Period.

The undulating terrain to the west comprises marshes, lowlands and

several hills which also give way to mountains. The area to the west

comprises marshes and floodplain islands. Low altitude wetter areas

such as Sphagnum bogs support Sphagnum moss with cranberry Vaccinium

oxycoccus, bilberries and cloudberries. The floodplain island terraces

are dominated by willow Salix spp., rowan Sorbus aucuparia,

blackcurrant Ribes nigrum and bird cherry Prunus padus. Boreal forest

extends from the marshes into the Ural's foothills and predominantly

comprises pine Pinus sylvestris and larch Larix sibirica forest, the

latter of which is found in higher areas. Ground cover consists of

cowberry Vaccinium vitis-idaea ®, bilberry V. myrtillus and reindeer

mosses Cladonia spp.. Extensive spruce Picea abies, fir Abies sibirica

and pine Pinus sylvestris forests are found in the valleys. The Virgin

Komi Forests is the only place in Europe where the Siberian pine Pinus

sibirica grows. Boreal forest is superseded by subalpine scrub

woodlands, meadows, tundras and bear rock areas.





5) Police in east China have arrested eight security guards allegedly

involved in a riot triggered by a dispute between a timber company and

villagers, state media said Monday. The riot, which broke out Thursday

last week in a disagreement over rent paid by a forestry company in

Jiangxi province to farmers for their land, involved almost 200 people

and 15 were injured, Xinhua news agency said. The Hong Kong-based

Information Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, which regularly

issues reports on social unrest in China, earlier said two people were

killed and hundreds injured in the violence in Daduan town. It said

the riots were triggered when two villagers were killed by employees

hired by Lu Hai Forestry Co to guard timber lands in local Tonggu

county after it began to suspect locals had been illegally harvesting

its timber resources. But police denied there had been any deaths in

the riot, Xinhua said. The report said around 150 Daduan residents

confronted 30 security guards from the company and attacked the

offices of the firm. Police were dispatched and three were injured,

Xinhua said, adding that four police cars were overturned. Authorities

were still looking for other security guards but no villagers were

wanted, Xinhua said. " The security guards were vicious -- they hit

anyone they saw, " Chen Shilin, 57, who suffered three knife wounds on

his back, four on his head and a broken rib, told Xinhua. China sees

thousands of such disturbances each year as marginalised segments of

society rise up against what they see as the heavy-handed practices of

local governments or powerful businesses.




6) Hundreds of people in Beijing scuffled with police outside a

government office on Monday, demanding help recovering money from a

get-rich-quick scheme involving tree plantations to stem

desertification. More than 30,000 investors, mostly retirees, sunk 1.3

billion yuan (109 million pounds) into a company's tree-planting

scheme in the arid northern region of Inner Mongolia, lured by

promises of huge returns within eight years. Authorities seized the

company's plantations and sued its directors for false advertising

after the project was exposed as a failed pyramid scheme, state media

reported earlier this year. Police in Beijing detained several

protesters for putting up a banner outside the government office, as

angry investors from across the country complained of dead trees and

lost life savings. Protesters complained the tree plantations on land

transferred for the scheme had been left to wither and die after the

company was investigated and its assets seized. " (The company) planted

trees in the desert in Inner Mongolia, then sold them to us. It was

supposed to green the desert, " said a Beijing resident surnamed Li,

who lost about 100,000 yuan in the scheme. " The company planted about

720,000 mu (48,000 hectares), but about 40 percent died, " Li added.

The scheme, which saw some farmers transfer their land to the company

to use for its plantations, has shone the spotlight on China's recent

rural reforms, which will allow farmers to transfer their land-use

rights. China's rural residents own the product of their land but not

the land itself and were barred from trading their land-use rights.

The state-owned land system, a hangover from the huge collective

communes set up under Mao Zedong, is routinely abused by local

governments who often seize rural plots to sell to factories or

developers, often paying only minimal compensation to farmers.





7) Handwara: For last 18 years the timber smugglers are having a field

day in the thick and dense forests on outskirts of this north Kashmir

township with forest department hardly paying any heed to calls of

residents to stop wanton loot of the green gold. Residents of

Machipora, Zachaldara and other areas told Greater Kashmir that

smugglers are chopping precious Deodar and Kail trees in the forests

from last 18 years 'in connivance with forest officials'. " Day in and

out they are cutting trees. The forest officials are hand in glove

with smugglers, " said Nazir Ahmed, a resident. They said that

smugglers chop off trees during day tome and transport it in night on

horsebacks and carts to Handwara township to sell it to band saw mills

owners. Taking advantage of situation during June, July and August in

valley, locals said that the felling of trees and smuggling of timber

increased enormously in this period. " Every day in this period dozens

of trees were cut by smugglers and ferried in trucks and tractors from

the area. I have never seen such type of lot from ten years, " said

Javaid Ahmed, a resident. Pointing towards stretch of burnt stumps, a

local wishing anonymity said that forest officials deliberately set

them on fire to conceal their 'misdeeds'. " They set them ablaze to

hide their misdeeds, but these pa rtially burnt expose them, " he said.

An forest official at Machipora blamed the villagers for the

destruction of forests and added that " smuggling without help of

locals is not possible. " " They are also paid for their job by the

mafia, " he said. The villagers alleged that after 1990 troops also

indulged in chopping of trees. " They were forcing carpenters to make

furniture from this timber which was later ferried in convoy vehicles

to outside the state, " said a resident wishing anonymity. Conservator

Forests, North Circle Sopur, Manzoor Ahmed couldn't be contacted for


http://www.greaterkashmir.com/full_story.asp?Date=23_10_2008 & ItemID=58 & cat=21


8) " Please do ask the forest officials to take some measures to stop

the wanton loot of forests. We are dependent on forest for our

survival, " said the villagers. The Divisional Forest Officer of Pir

Panjal, Javaid Andrabi told Greater Kashmir it was impossible for the

department to protect every single tree. " We depend for information on

people to take action, " he said.The inaction on part of the forest

officials has emboldened smugglers in this range who are chopping

prized deodar, fur and kail trees on daily basis turning the dense

forests into an open fields. " At least 200 to 300 timber smugglers are

active in this range. Every day at least 30 to 40 trees are chopped,

sliced and ferried to the market on hundreds of horses and even in

trucks in connivance with forest officials, " said a group of villagers

at Gogaldara here. Besides Gogaldara, Badrakote and Ferozpur are the

other two forest areas where the smugglers are having a field day.

According to the villagers, the government should intervene and hold

all those officers accountable where deforestation has taken place.

" The smuggling continues unabated as no official from Forest

Protection Force or forest department is visible to protect the green

gold, " said Ghulam Rasool, a retired government official. " Whatever is

happening is wrong. We can't see the vandalization of our forests, " he

added. At Badrakote, villagers alleged that the forest officials are

encouraging the smuggling. " The timber smuggling has increased for the

past 8 to 10 months. We are not ready to buy the argument that such

massive loot could be possible without the official connivance. The

timber smugglers give a fair share of their earnings to forest

officials, " said a youth, wising not to be named. He said the

smugglers have developed their own " intelligence " mechanism. " Wherever

the smugglers work they depute their men all along the forests to

signal them. The network is supported by the forest officials, " he

alleged. The villagers at Badrakote said the smugglers usually cut the

trees during the day and smuggle the logs during night. The villagers

said deodar and kail trees are being felled regularly by the

smugglers. The destruction of forests is evident as huge columns of

smoke could be seen billowing from the forests indicating the presence

of smugglers in the forests. " The smoke is emanating from the stumps

being burnt by the smugglers to wipe out any evidence, " said Shabir

Ahmad, a villager. At Ferozpur, locals said the smugglers don't fell

trees at one spot. " Instead smugglers have resorted to sporadic

felling of trees to prevent detection by forest officials, " said Abdur

Subhan, a villager.

http://www.greaterkashmir.com/full_story.asp?Date=16_10_2008 & ItemID=26 & cat=1


9) Beerwah, Oct 14: Hundreds of stumps of freshly felled trees in the

Beerwah Forest Range indicate the cutting of trees by timber smugglers

is going on unchecked. The villagers living around these forests

suspect nexus between forest officials and smugglers. The villagers

told Greater Kashmir that nearly 400 timber smugglers were active in

this forest belt. " Everyday we see scores of horses carrying timber

which is sold in areas as far as Narbal, Soibugh, Bemina, and even

Rambagh, " Ghulam Rasool, a senior citizen and a retired government

official. The villagers said the smugglers work in groups. Such

massive destruction of forests cannot take place without the

connivance of officials of the Forest Department and Forest Protection

Force, they added. Deodar, which is preferred in construction of

window caskets, doors, panelling, and furniture, has almost vanished

from the Beerwah Forest Range, the villagers said. Smugglers have now

turned the axes on Kail and Fir. Loot of green gold has been more

wanton in Zogoo, Sitharan, Shuglipora, and Drang forest compartments

of Beerwah Range, also known as SPSP Range. Mushtaq Ahmad, a Mushroom

cultivator in Shuglipora, said the smugglers cut at least 20 to 30

trees everyday in Shuglipora and Sitharan villages. Stumps are burnt

to wipe out the evidence, he said. " Till few years ago the forest

officials used to act promptly when the villagers would inform them

about the activities of smugglers, but now they don't care, " said

Shamim Ahmad, a laborer. The Divisional Forest Officer, Javaid

Andrabi, had said the officials were trying to check the cutting and

smuggling of trees. Besides Zoogo, Sitharan, Shuglipora and Drang,

Andrabi said, there were a few other areas where smugglers were

active. " The areas are prone to timber smuggling. It is a chronic

problem, " he said. Andrabi said the Forest Protection Force and Police

were not cooperating fully with the department to check the smuggling.

http://www.greaterkashmir.com/full_story.asp?Date=15_10_2008 & ItemID=41 & cat=21




10) A study recently published in Endangered Species Research focuses

on a Sri Lankan primate species. The western purple-faced langur is

listed as critically endangered - the highest rating given by the IUCN

Red List. Endemic to the island nation, the population has been

affected by habitat fragmentation. Their natural habitat is shrinking.

Since the 1950s, forested areas have been removed for agriculture,

leaving a few isolated forest islands under conservation protection.

Logging, grazing, and development have further encroached on habitat.

Many remaining groups are small and confined to urban areas - like

large gardens and plantation groves - where further growth is

impossible. In addition, as monkeys come into more contact with

people, there has been escalating conflict. Urban langurs raid gardens

and plantations for food, resulting in aggression as overt as shooting

and attacks by dogs. To add to the problem, some poaching also occurs

with langurs used for traditional medicine and food. Past populations

must have been much larger. In fact, forest cover has undergone

dramatic changes over the past century or so. Estimated at about 80%

of Sri Lankan land in 1880, closed canopy (dense) areas dropped to 25%

by 2001 and is further declining. In the specific region crucial to

langurs, known as the Wet Zone, only 2% of undisturbed forest is

intact. Instead, the landscape is covered with a variety of

agricultural ventures - from tea and rubber to cinnamon, cardamom, and

rice. Then there are the settlements and small crop patches. Part of

the problem is that the langurs are arboreal, preferring to keep to

trees rather than travelling on the ground. Where some species would

merely walk (or run) from one covered areas to the next, the western

purple-faced langur requires a corridor of trees to pass between

patches. In the absence of trees sometimes they will resort to hanging

on power lines, with lethal effects. Within a group's home range,

individuals will walk along very short stretches of pathway - often

roads or fields.



11) The Union government of India has drafted the Compensatory

Afforestation Bill, 2008 to establish a compensatory afforestation

fund. Revenues collected from agencies that divert forests (even

protected ones) for non-forest use will be pooled into this corpus.

Net present value (NPV) has been adopted as an economic tool to

calculate the compensatory fiscal value of diverted forests. But there

are two question marks over the move. Firstly, can forests, especially

the protected ones, which provide vital ecological and cultural

services, be assigned an economic value in lieu of their diversion?

Second, is NPV an appropriate fiscal tool to calculate the

'compensatory' value of functioning physical entities such as forests?



12) Let us first consider the issue of assigning economic value to

forests. The issue at hand here is assigning a monetary value to goods

and services provided by forests. Forest products mentioned in the

bill include non-timber forest produce and water, and the services

mentioned include grazing, wildlife protection; carbon sequestration

and flood control. The bill also takes note of the cultural and

educational services of forests. But can monetary compensation make up

for the diversion of these services? Take the Shola-grassland

ecosystem of the upper Nilgiri Plateau. Here evergreen forests occur

amidst the folds of vast undulating stretches of grasslands. Post

monsoons these Sholas release stored rainwater and regulate its flow

to the Kongu plains below. If these grasslands or sholas were diverted

for development could their complex structure and functions be

compensated for by money alone? Past actions in diverting grasslands

for eucalyptus plantations that fed pulp for paper factories have

irreversibly upset the hydrological dynamics of the Nilgiri plateau.

Wild grass and insect diversities have declined remarkably. Since

these grasslands also served for centuries as material and cultural

pastures for the Toda people, conversion into plantations also had

implications for their subsistence and rituals.



13) The forest department had always known that timber theft

statistics in the district was worrying but it took one letter from a

village headman to chief minister Tarun Gogoi for it to spring into

action. Last week, village headman of Hatikhali, A.K. Hagjer, sent a

memorandum to Gogoi that the forest monitoring system was slack, which

was helping a large number of illegal saw mills to flourish. In his

three-page memorandum, Hagjer said if deforestation continued at the

current rate, " the teak plantation would be wiped out within three to

four months and the district would be left without trees. " The

government has spent crores on plantation drives in the three reserve

forests of Langting Mupa, Kruming and Borail. Though a security system

is in place to arrest timber smuggling, a group of unscrupulous

businessmen have acquired permits to set up sawmills in the forests

and were siphoning off wood to Nagaon and Lumding. North Cachar Hills

district council authorities said they had already received the letter

from the village headman and were preparing a strategy to face the

crisis, as the allegations " were true. " An urgent meeting has been

called on October 21 to discuss security arrangements. Doulogapo said

the district has 10 sawmills with permits, but even these have been

directed to stop sawing timber by a special order on September 12.

Villagers, however, allege that the number of illegal sawmills running

inside the reserve forest could be more than a hundred. " Taking

advantage of the mysterious silence of the forest department, the

situation has taken a turn for the worse in the past few years, " a

villager said. A source in the Hojai forest department said more than

3,000 cubic metres of teak and 200 tonnes of medicinal tree parts were

seized last year. " Officials attribute this slack forest vigilance to

'fear of militants'. If they cannot guard the forests for fear of

militants, why do they spend money on plantation? We want a high-level

inquiry of the utilisation of forest department funds in the

district, " said a Zeme Naga youth of Mandardisa.




14) COMMUNITY INITIATIVE for forest protection: The Rakas Reserve

Forest under Angul forest division covers an area of 571.422 hectare

of forestland that is protected by the villagers since 1971. On

27.11.1998, the said forest protecting committee was converted to

Rakas Van Sarkshman Samiti (VSS) by virtue of an agreement with Forest

Department. Accordingly 171.8 Hectare of forest land was allotted to

Rakas VSS for protection and management. The forest is predominantly a

Sal forest and the trees are yet to attain the maturity/exploitable

girth. This forest inhabits many wild animals such as wild boar, black

bear, mongoose, elephant and many varieties of birds and animals. In

addition to this the forest also includes an elephant path and a

stream for which the elephants come to that place to quench their

thirst. Violation of Forest Laws: Around 58.096 Hectare of forestland

from this well protected Rakas Reserve Forest was diverted for coal

mining in favour of Mahanadi Coal Field Ltd. in Angul District of

Orissa through a forest clearance letter from MoEF dated November 9,

2005. Interestingly when the permission for forest clearance was

sought, nearly 30 heactres of forest land was already broken up for

mining. This shows that the mining operation in forest land took place

without prior approval of Ministry of Environment and Forest which is

in violation of Section 2 of Forest Conservation Act 1980. Though it

is clearly mentioned in the forest clearance letter that the forest

area diverted for mining purpose should be clearly demarcated with RCC

pillars of 4 feet height but no such demarcation line is noticed in

the spot. The VSS members complain that they are kept in ignorance

regarding the extent of land utilized for coal mining from the VSS

protected area. Also they complain that they were not being informed

of the valuation of trees present in the diverted area of their

protected forest. As per the MoU signed between the forest department

and the VSS committee, the committee is supposed to get half of the

total valuation of the tree growth.





15) With 5,662 households involved in forestry spread over a total

land area of 13,660.62 hectares, community forests seem to be making

it large for the rural population of the country. Chado Tshering, the

chief forestry officer at the Social Forestry Division (SFD), Ministry

of Agriculture, said that in the long run, community forests could

generate income for rural households through commercialisation of

timber as well as non-wood products such as lemon grass, cane, bamboo

and mushrooms. According to present norms, community forestry plots

must measure 2.5 hectares but, for non-wood products, it could even

cross this limit, Chado said. " At present, most of the community

forests are being used for the benefit of the household as fuel, " said

Chado Tshering, adding that community forests in the southern region

had more timber varieties and so had better commercial potential.

" Once they start marketing, they will get better values. " It is

expected that community forests could begin economically benefitting

the rural population in the next five years. Today, 103 community

forests are spread across 20 dzongkhags with Punakha having 18, which

is the most from all dzongkhags. Punakha is followed by Trashiyangtse

with 10 community forests and Lhuentse with eight. The SFD provides

technical support by training people in various aspects of management

and operation of community forests. " We want the communities to

function as an association so that there is better networking and

marketing facility, " said Chado. He said that the division was also

looking into product development especially with regard to te non-wood

forest products. Presently, according to Chado, lemon grass is

exported to foreign countries such as USA, Germany, Belgium and Japan

via Bio Bhutan as an organic product. Chado also stressed that

community forests could address the problem of poverty. He added that

as 69 percent of the Bhutanese population was in the rural areas,

community forests also helped the majority of the population. A

comparative study done on three community forests in Yakpugang,

Drametse and Masangdaza in Mongar shows how the funds generated from

the community forests made the forests key economical assets for the

communities. According to the study, a total fund of Nu 226,727 was

generated from the three community forests. Deducting a total

expenditure of Nu 90,810 from the total fund, the three community

forest management groups were left with a cash balance of Nu 135,917.






16) PHUKET : Villagers at Ban Pa Klok village in Thalang district have

won the Community Forest award for two decades of efforts to protect

their forests. They have managed to conserve 450 rai of land and

mangrove forests. But they suffered tragedy as one villager was killed

as he helped others protect the forests against poachers and loggers.

The victim was an elder brother of Jarun Ratchapol, deputy chairman of

Ban Pa Klok conservation group. Despite his brother's death, Mr Jarun

said he is not discouraged and will fight on. ''We will continue to

conserve the forests for Their Majesties the King and Queen with our

lives,'' Mr Jarun said after the award ceremony, held by the Royal

Forest Department. The villagers were earlier allowed by the

department to use certain natural resources in the protected forests,

but they are also required to protect the complex ecology, ranging

from coral reefs and sea grass to the land forest environment. The

practices are under the concept of the community forest. Calling their

forests a ''food bank,'' Mr Jarun said the village had set its own

rules to ensure the sustainability of both nature and the community.

Besides protecting the forests against encroachers, residents who cut

down one tree need to replant 10 to replace it, for example. Their

efforts have borne fruit as the marine and coastal ecology at the

village is so abundant that at least 20 rare dugongs have come to feed

on the sea grass, he said. However, Mr Jarun is worried about a marina

construction project on the resort island, which he said would have a

negative impact on marine life. ''Why don't we restore our natural

resources instead?'' he said.



South East Asia:


17) Experts from six Mekong River nations yesterday agreed that

preserving forests was one of the most effective measures to fight the

impacts of global climate change. The representatives from Viet Nam,

Cambodia, Thailand, China, Laos and Myanmar discussed ways of reducing

greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation and degradation at a

workshop that opened in Ha Noi. The workshop, co-hosted by Ministry

for Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) and the University of

Queensland in Australia, also drew presenters from non-Asian countries

and international organisations. At the meeting, which will run for

four days, participants noted that the earth was getting hotter

because of rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. This is

largely caused by a dramatic increase in burning fossil fuels to

produce energy. Viet Nam is one of the five countries that will be

worst affected by climate change. If greenhouse gases are not slashed

within the next 50 years, sea levels are expected to rise by one

metre. The Hong (Red) River and Mekong River deltas, which contain

most of the Vietnamese population, would also be affected, according

to the Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Hua Duc

Nhi. He said that about six million people living in these areas would

face flooding as sea levels rose, pushing delta river levels higher.

Pham Minh Thoa, deputy head of MARD's forestry department, said the

ministry was building a national framework for sustainable forestry as

part of activities to stop deserts forming. She said this had received

positive response from the World Bank, the International Fund for

Agricultural Development, the Global Environment Facility and the

United Nations Development Programme. Other participants explained how

the world community was trying to build a sustainable forest

management model that would increase the absorption of carbon dioxide.

Joe Leitmann, environmental co-ordinator for the World Bank in

Indonesia, said the bank had set up a carbon-finance mechanism to

counter some of the effects of deforestation and degradation on a

trial basis in several countries, including Viet Nam. This had enabled

large industrial concerns to plant forests or pay for their

establishment to counter the release of polluting carbon dioxide and

other gases from their factories.





18) The Management Board of Tan Phu Forest in Dinh Quan District said

more than 12,000 teak trees had been destroyed by humans so far this

year. They said the trees had been poisoned with an extremely toxic

herbicide. Most of the trees were at least 15 years old with trunks up

to 30 centimeters in diameter. Director of Tan Phu Forest Management

Board, Nguyen Van Huyen said the illegal deforestation was first

detected in July last year. " They made cuts in the trunks and applied

strong herbicide to the wounds, " said Nguyen Binh Minh of Tan Phu

Management Board . " The trees were dead within a few days. " Minh said

the only greenery left in the formerly lush teak forest in section No.

83 of the forest were crops of beans, corn, papaya and coffee planted

by local residents. He said authorities had allowed locals to plant

some crops in the forest but the residents had begun destroying the

trees to clear land for more crops. An official from the forest's

Protection Station A, Nguyen Hoang Tho, said: " The protective force

was too thin, allowing the locals to easily poison the trees. They

also worked at night to avoid our inspection. " Local resident Vo Van

Minh is about to stand trial in the People's Court of Dinh Quan

District on " destruction of property " charges. Minh was allegedly

caught poisoning 44 teak trees, valued at VND35 million (US$2,100),

with herbicide. Around 7,000 trees had been poisoned in the area but

Minh was the only person caught in the act, a forest management

official said. Last month, Dinh Quan District People's Committee

demanded an investigation into illegal deforestation in Tan Phu

Forest. However, related authorities refused, saying it was too

difficult to estimated losses and identify suspects.

http://www.thanhniennews.com/society/?catid=3 & newsid=43042




19) Nearly 80 minority families in Ratanakkiri province filed suit in

provincial court Monday, alleging that a military official and

businessman had deforested state land to install a plantation. The 79

families, from Lumphat district, alleged through two representatives

that since 2003, Khim Khengchou, 50, a military official, colluded

with local businessman Sman Slesh, 51, to produce 600 hectares of

rubber and bean plantation. The two cut down trees in protected

forest, near where the families live, according to the complaint. In a

brief statement by phone Tuesday, Sman Slesh denied the accusations.

Khim Khengchou could not be reached for comment. Deputy provincial

prosecutor Ros Saram said he had received the complaint, which was

filed with the help of the human rights group Adhoc, and would act on

it soon. His office was backlogged with many other complaints, he

said. Adhoc meanwhile is planning a march in Ratanakkiri town Oct. 27

to demand further implementation of the law and a crackdown on

deforestation in the province. The Ministry of Interior on Tuesday

agreed to permit the march.






20) California is not alone. Record numbers of fires and burned

acreage in the past decade has also been an issue for the Republic of

Korea. That's why it makes a lot of sense for one country to learn

from the other. That came to fruition October 13–15 when a Republic of

Korea delegation came to California for a Study Tour of Fire and

Aviation Management. Twenty–one Korean Forest Fire Officers and

Assistant Directors spent three days learning about fire in California

and how the U.S. Forest Service Incident Command System works. They

also experienced an Aviation Flight Simulator Demonstration, how the

U.S. Forest Service works with other state and federal agencies, and

many other fire management topics. In addition to the presentations

that took place at the U.S. Forest Service McClellan Wildfire Training

Center, the delegation also visited the Cal Fire Aviation Facility,

Sacramento County Office of Emergency Services and California Office

of Emergency Services in Sacramento. On their final day the group

traveled to the Eldorado National Forest. The field trip included a

site visit of the 2004 Fred Fire near Kyburz, Calif., the Big Hill

Fire Lookout Tower, a Fuels Reduction Project, a Forest Fire Cache and

finally the Camino Interagency Dispatch Center where the delegation

received an overview of the Fire Safe Council Program and Fire

Prevention Program used on the Eldorado National Forest. The Korean

delegation also enjoyed checking out all the various equipment used at

the Forest Fire Cache in Camino, Calif. where they also were able to

get a full tour of a fire engine.





21) Illegal logging has gone rampant inside the 5,676 hectare Aurora

Memorial National Park with illegal loggers, many of whom heavily

armed, imposing their will on law enforcers. A provincial board member

said that illegal loggers have feasted on forest products inside the

park, sneaking out thousands of board feet of logs, particularly at

nighttime. During the regular session of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan

at the provincial Capitol Tuesday afternoon, Board Member Mariano

Tangson decried that illegal loggers have invaded the park without

being detected by the Philippine National Police and the Department of

Environment and Natural Resources. " Grabe na talaga ang illegal

logging (Illegal logging has gone worse), " he said before the SP

presided by Vice Gov. Gerry Noveras. Tangson, also decried that

illegal logging goes on unabated despite the presence of a DENR

sub-office and police detachment in Sitio Dimani, Barangay Villa.

Barangay Villa has become notorious due to illegal logging after

calamities in 2004 triggered flash floods that destroyed a steel

bridge and killed 13 people. The SP earlier summoned PNP provincial

director, Senior Superintendent Romeo Teope and other police, DENR and

barangay officials to shed light on the rampant illegal logging at the

AMNP. On Monday night, authorities recovered 1,000 board feet of

abandoned logs at Dimani. Two weeks ago, a truckload of logs fell on

its side because it was heavy wit logs, also in Dimani. Illegal

logging was also blamed for the two-day brownout which struck Ma.

Aurora town over the weekend when cut logs fell into  power lines

Saturday. Tangson, a former three-term mayor of San Luis town, said

the PNP appears helpless in stopping logging at the park, even with a

police contingent assigned at the site. " It's so brazen, it's an

eyesore that in Aurora, vehicles loaded with illegal logs pass through

the checkpoints of the DENR and the PNP and they don't see it. I don't

know if they don't see it or they are playing blind to what is

happening), " he said. Last month, Tangson said in a privilege speech

that an average of 70,000 to 80,000 board feet of illegal logs are

being spirited out of the park monthly. They are being loaded in

kolong kolong (tricycles) particularly during nighttime, he said.

Citing unnamed sources, he said around 130 illegal loggers are

involved in the massive destruction of forest resources inside the

park. Teope said illegal loggers at the park are heavily armed. He

said the police force should be augmented by producing more warm

bodies to form a united front against the perpetrators. " If you have

only a few bodies to man the park, it's like feeding them to the

wolves, " he said, adding that they are outnumbered by the illegal

loggers. Inspector Michael Amio, Ma. Aurora police chief, said while

they were bent on stopping illegal logging, they could not do so

without the cooperation of barangay folk. Victorino Supsup, barangay

chairman of Villa, said illegal loggers have devised ways to avoid

detection by police. He said chainsaws used in felling down logs are

equipped with silencers. Afterwards, the chainsaws are being buried in

pits and covered with soil to avoid getting confiscated by




22) LA PAZ, Agusan del Sur - The suspects armed with high-powered

firearm were allegedly planning to kidnap the foresters after the

foresters were investigating and seen taking pictures of huge volume

of abandoned logs worth millions of pesos cut by local residents in

the area. Allegedly a logging firm paid the locals to illegally cut

the timber mostly restricted hard wood species within the 56,745

hectares ancestral domain area of the Manobo Indigenous Community

People in La Paz and Loreto towns. The act of cutting restricted wood

species in public timberland areas is not only a wanton violation of

environmental laws but IPRA or Indigenous People's Rights Act laws

also. The kidnapping attempt was confirmed by Private Foresters Jundie

Canen, DENR Forester Benito Licayan, MENRO Claro Perez and the survey

team's helpers named only as Yonyong and Junjie. Forester I Benito

Licayan who is working with the Forest Development and Protection

Section of the DENR Caraga regional office even jokingly told his

companions and Rolando Coguit that if the kidnap-attempt took place,

it was his second time experience to be kidnap. Licayan was kidnapped

along with four DENR foresters and forest rangers inspecting an

alleged illegal logging and mining activities in the forest in the

boundary of Agusan del Sur and Surigao del Sur last year. Licayan

admitted to his friends, DENR allegedly paid ransom money of P60,000

for his release. According to Licayan, the armed men got irked when

they took photos of huge volumes of abandoned logs in the area. This

time Manobo Indigenous People Community member tribesmen headed by its

tribal chieftains Bae Merlyn Coguit-Hernandez and her brother Rolando

Coguit saved the lives of six foresters in kidnapping attempt by still

unidentified armed group last Friday in Sitio Kalampangan, Barangay

Kasapa II of this town. Tribal warrior chieftain Rolando Coguit

admitted in an affidavit that he and wife, Imelda and his men went to

Sitio Kalampangan some 17 kilometers away from Poblacion La Paz to

fetch La Paz Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Officer

(MENRO) Claro Perez, DENR forester Benito Licayan and four other

private foresters after his group received reports unidentified armed

men were out to kidnap the foresters. http://mindanao.com/blog/?p=5548




23) The day starts well before dawn with the lunatic hooting of

gibbons, the rain forest's alarm clock, lovers and rivals wooing and

warning each other from the treetops in an urgent ape language that I,

their terrestrial relative, can only guess at. From my camp a

creekside trail leads into forest past trees whose massive trunks rise

a hundred feet to the lowest branches. As sunlight makes its feeble

way through the dense green canopy, another primate, a long-tailed

macaque, walks along the stream below, hoping for a breakfast of fish

or frog. Whether it's successful or not, its expression of perpetual

irritation will never change. No sooner has the monkey disappeared

upstream than a pair of short-tailed mongooses bound down to the bank,

seemingly more intent on fun than food. At a clearing, a pair of

rhinoceros hornbills fly to a fruiting tree on loud-whooshing wings

and begin to feed. Mostly black, nearly the size of turkeys, they have

huge red-and-yellow casques on their bills that gleam in the sun like

polished lacquer. The birds outshine everything else in the forest

until a hand-size shape flits erratically past at waist level, deep

velvety black, but also crimson and electric green, screaming neon

green, a color as gaudy as the name of this creature: Rajah Brooke's

birdwing. At almost seven inches across, it's one of the largest

butterflies in the world. If the rhinoceros hornbill doesn't take your

breath away—if the Rajah Brooke's birdwing doesn't—have someone hold

your wrist and check for a pulse. Later I take a small boat down a

broad river called the Kinabatangan, then up a side channel as narrow

as an alleyway. A troop of proboscis monkeys climb through the

branches overhead, where they will spend the night in tall trees

beside the water. The potbellied male, ridiculously outsize nose

hanging from his face like a ripe fruit, is so ugly he's endearing, in

a kind of bibulous-old-uncle way. Most of the pointy-nosed females

under his watch cradle young at their breasts. Silvered leaf monkeys

look down from above, and a bearded pig stands just inside the forest

to watch us pass. As the boat drifts below an overhanging branch, a

four-foot-long water monitor lizard drops into the water. A Borneo

pygmy elephant enters the river and swims in front of the boat,

blowing like a whale. " Pygmy " it may be in comparison to other

elephants, but when it emerges dark and shining on the opposite bank,

it's as if an island is rising from the sea. I see where it's going: A

herd of around 30 animals—a long-tusked bull, many adult females, and

various young—munch tangled vines beside the main river,

expressionless as statues and only marginally more animated.



24) A 186-mile (300-km) logging road to the top of the Bario highlands

in northern Sarawak puts the state's increasingly rare natural forest

at risk, warns the Borneo Resources Institute, a grassroots

environmental group. As reported by the Malaysian Star, the road was

constructed by Samling Corporation, a timber company, to open up the

interior to industrial logging. " From what I know, the road was

constructed by a timber company, not by the Government, " Raymond Abin,

Sarawak coordinator for the Borneo Resources Institute, told the Star.

" Does this mean that the timber firm has been given the right to

harvest the timber in the forests where the logging road runs through?

" Our institute is worried that the construction of this logging road

is merely a front for the opening of the whole Bario highlands for

timber extraction, " he continued. " The Bario highlands is a very

ecologically-important region. The ecosystem and the weather system

there is very fragile. " http://news.mongabay.com/2008/1022-borneo.html




25) Dragon Blaze - the luxury lifestyle company - has announced today

a unique initiative to ensure that the preservation of existing

rainforest is both sustainable and financially viable, without

government or public funding. Dragon Blaze, through a subsidiary, has

acquired over 800,000 acres of Amazonian rainforest, which is

sufficient to offset the carbon emissions of the equivalent of between

24 million and 40 million typical US households (on the basis that

they use electricity from coal 's8211; fired generation, and drive a

car an average of 10,000 miles per annum at 25mpg.) It is Dragon

Blaze's view that: 1) Preserving the rainforest through charitable

donations or subsidies from governments or state bodies is not

sustainable in the long term, and that without securing them, and

ensuring that deforestation does not take place, preserving notional's

blocks of rainforest, will not work. Satellite photographs alone do

not stop burning, logging and other forms of deforestation. They

simply record it. 2) The rainforest must pay for itself in order to be

sustainable. This means that its commercial value must be

unlocked.Dragon Blaze has committed to: 1) Ensuing that all of its

activities 's8211; commercial or otherwise will have a zero carbon

footprint at a minimum. 2) Working with its highly influential and

wealthy Private Members and their business associates to increase the

sales and profitability of their own private enterprises/endeavours by

ensuring that their products and services have a zero carbon

footprint. 3) Investing in research into renewable and sustainable

rainforest produce to create high value natural healthcare and

medicinal products, which will further attribute real commercial value

to the rainforest. -- Rainforest Capital SA, a Luxembourg-based

associated company of Dragon Blaze, has announced that it is issuing

Eurobonds, backed by carbon credits from the rainforest owned by

Dragon Blaze, to finance additional acquisitions of rainforest and to

fund sustainable preservation programmes. According to Robert Clarke,

General Manager of Rainforest Capital SA, 's8220;At present,

Governments have their hands full funding their own flagging banking

systems, so we can hardly rely on them. It is time that private money

ensures that the remaining rainforest we still have is preserved on a

renewable and sustainable basis. About Dragon Blaze: Dragon Blaze is

part of a privately owned group of companies with other interests in

Eurobonds, medical research and technology. The Group is also one of

the largest private owners of rainforest in the world. Dragon Blaze

has created an exclusive world, redefining notions of seamless luxury

and individualized perfection. A flawlessly tailored experience is

limited to only 50 Private Members, provided by an organisation

dedicated to the pursuit of perfection: http://www.dragonblaze.com



26) GUA MUSANG - The Kelantan government was today urged not to

approve logging in the Lebir forest reserve as this could cause

serious environmental damage to the Kuala Koh national park. Gua

Musang Umno Youth chief Bazlan Baharuddin alleged that a private

company was doing land clearing work at the reserve for receiving logs

and had also built kongsi houses for logging workers there. " We do not

want the state government too be hasty in approving logging in the

reserve. The park is a precious environmental heritage, " he told

reporters here today.

http://www.bernama.com.my/bernama/state_news/news.php?id=367121 & cat=et


27) Tourism, Consumer Affairs and Environment Committee chairman

Elizabeth Wong said that the Kota Damansara Forest Reserve nearly

became a victim of development recently. She said the state had

prevented several possible attempts by stopping the degazetting of

121.4ha of the area given to Permodalan Negeri Selangor Bhd (PNSB)

several years ago. Wong said the state was also in the process of

recovering a further 121.4ha from the Selangor Development Corporation

(PKNS) and several other companies that were given verbal assurances.

Wong, who was officiating at the Canon Goes Green event at Padang Kota

Damansara yesterday, also said the state hoped to increase the

percentage of forest reserves to 40%. She said the move had been

suggested in discussions with the state Forestry Department and the

Town and Country Planning Department but no decision had been made

yet. According to her, the state was looking into re-acquiring land

and restoring logged areas as some of the steps to achieve this.

" Menteri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim has mentioned that some

5,000ha of forest reserve land has disappeared in the past five years

and the state has to put its foot down to stop illegal deforestation, "

she said. More than 700 people turned up as early as 7.30am to plant

tree saplings at the public park comprising 4.04ha of forested area

and 3.24ha of open fields The event was organised by Canon Marketing

(M) Sdn Bhd, the Global Environment Centre (GEC), the Petaling Jaya

City Council (MBPJ) and the Selangor Forestry Department. Wong urged

individuals and corporations to commit themselves to long-term

environmental conservation efforts. She said that corporations were

displaying increased concern but had not taken a pro-active role in

minimising the negative impact their operations had on the


http://thestar.com.my/metro/story.asp?file=/2008/10/20/central/2321447 & sec=centr\



28) Malaysia plans to reduce rubber supplies by chopping down old

trees in a bid to boost prices from three-year lows. The country

expects to remove as much as 38,000 tons a year from the market by

accelerating its replanting program involving 32,000 hectares of

existing rubber land, Minister of Plantation Industries and

Commodities Peter Chin said in a statement today. Thailand, Indonesia

and Malaysia, the top three producers, will meet in Bangkok tomorrow

to discuss a so-called Agreed Export Tonnage Scheme to co-ordinate

export marketing, the statement said, without elaborating. They are

seeking to boost prices that have plunged 52 percent from a 28-year

high in June. Speeding replanting ``is the quickest way to cut

supply,'' said Ben Santoso, a plantation analyst at DBS Vickers

Securities in Singapore. ``Still, the government has to come up with

incentives to encourage farmers to do that.'' Malaysia produces 1.2

million tons a year, according to the Ministry of Finance. About 20

percent of its trees are more than 25 years old, the plantation

ministry said. The government will pay 7,000 ringgit ($1,950) a

hectare to farmers as compensation for felling trees, said Low Yew

Eng, director at the ministry's rubber division. ``Many farmers are

still tapping trees that are already so much older than 25 years, so

they are no longer productive,'' Low said in a telephone interview.

``They can use the money for land clearing and to buy new seeds during

the replanting period, which is about four to six years,'' he said.

Thailand may cut down rubber trees to reduce production by 100,000

tons next year, the Bangkok Post said Oct. 24, citing Luckchai

Kittipol, president of the Thai Rubber Association. Indonesia will

urge growers to reduce the frequency of tree tapping to curb

production and boost prices, Agriculture Minister Anton Apriyantono

said Oct. 16.

http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601080 & sid=amk0F_IO3tfI & refer=asia


29) RUNDU, Oct 14 (Bernama) -- The suspension of issuing

timber-harvesting permits in communal areas of the Kavango region has

remained in force for almost a year now, Namibian news agency, NAMPA,

reported. The decision to stop issuing timber-harvesting permits came

into effect in November last year, and forms part of minimising the

excessive harvesting of trees in the region. It was prompted by the

increasing cases of illegal logs, and non-compliance of permit

holders. Rundu District Forestry officer Mwiikinghi Jonas told Nampa

on Monday that the permit decision is still on, and that this

suspension will not be lifted anytime soon. Jonas explained that theate of Forestry is not in favour of the transportation of raw

materials such as timber from this region to elsewhere, saying such

activities are depleting natural resources and also not benefiting the

communities. " Nobody is allowed to harvest timber in communal areas

because it's not adding value to the communities " , he stressed. He

said those wishing to apply for timber harvesting permits should do so

with the Community Forestry Offices, and not with the District

Forestry office any longer. There are currently about five gazetted

community forestry settings in the region. They are the Ncumgara

community forestry, Ncaute, Ncamagoro, Mbeyo and Hansi Kanyinga

community forestry. Last year alone, about 40 cases of illegal logging

of timber were reported to the District Forestry office. A person

found in possession of illegal forestry products like timber is liable

to a fine of up to N.dollars 8000 (RM3,063.41) or two years

imprisonment, or both.



30) The Selangor Forestry Department will no longer be allowed to

issue permits for agriculture, logging and quarry activities in forest

areas, Menteri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim said. He said

although applications for such permit could still be made through the

department, the approval would be decided by the Selangor Economic

Action Council and state executive councillors. Abdul Khalid said the

decision was to ensure that forest reserves were managed properly.

" There are already areas earmarked as forest reserve and nothing

should be done to jeopardise the reserve. " Due to the loose

arrangement before, there are occasions where discretionary approvals

were given to villagers to use fringes of the forest for vegetable

planting, " he told reporters after chairing a weekly executive

councillors' meeting here today. Abdul Khalid said the move was not

meant to increase bureaucracy but merely to safeguard the forest

reserve. As such, he said, those who had received permits from the

Forestry Department to farm in forest reserves should vacate the area

or apply for fresh permits to continue their activities. Should their

applications be rejected by the state government, they would be given

sufficient time to vacate the area, he said.





31) First, it is important to appreciate that the one distinctive

feature that differentiates indigenous peoples from others is their

special attachment to their traditional territories. In fact, Orang

Asal survival and identity as a people is very much linked to the

specific ecological niche that they call their nenggirik, adat land or

native customary land. The elements of Orang Asal identity – their

spirituality, their customs, their culture, their traditions and their

worldview – owe its conceptualisation to the Orang Asal's attachment

to this particular territory. Consequently, any change in the nature

and extent of the traditional territory (whether through its physical

ruin or whether the Orang Asal are involuntarily relocated away from

it) will have significant impact on their identity and survival as a

people. The indigenous peoples of Malaysia are not a homogenous group.

In Peninsular Malaysia, they are distributed culturally and

linguistically among 19 distinct ethnic groups (e.g. Semai, Jakun,

Temiar, Mah Meri and Orang Kanaq) and are collectively called Orang

Asli. They number 145,000 today i.e. only 0.5 per cent of the national

population. In Sabah, the indigenous communities are a majority in the

state, making up 85 per cent of the state population of 2 million. The

39 ethnic groups – including Kadazan, Dusun, Murut, Paitan and Bajau –

are collectively referred to as Anak Negeri or natives of the state.

In Sarawak, the indigenous groups, now commonly referred to

collectively as Dayak and Orang Ulu, account for 44 per cent of the

state population of 2.2 million. The Dayak groups include the Iban,

Melanau and Bidayuh while Orang Ulu groups include the Penan, Ukit,

and Kenyah. The threats to Orang Asal lands today come from a variety

of sources: development projects (such as dams, highways, golf

courses, universities and housing projects) as well as from logging

and agricultural expansion schemes. Invariably it is frequently

businesses that encroach on, and often appropriate, indigenous

traditional territories on a large scale. The Sarawak government, for

example, recently revealed that as of 1st December 2004, 38 forest

plantation licences covering a total of 2.4 million hectares had been

issued. And most of the areas are lands claimed by the native peoples




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