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--Today for you 31 news articles about earth's trees! (431st edition)


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--Pacific Northwest: 1) Economic reality,


--British Columbia: 2) Fish Hearts fail due to lack of streamside

shade, 3) Pine Beatle and carbon sequestration, 4) Illegal community

forest planning, 5) Letter to Minister Bell regarding forest issues,

6) Corporations make money off REDD,


--Washington: 8) Logging in Mount Spokane Park,9) Lake Whatcom Landscape Plan,


--Oregon: 10) Misusing forest science to argue for logging old growth,

11) Cont. by Gerge Wuernther, 12) State board to rewrite plan for more

logging, 13) Industry and enviros agree? 14) Economy a threat to small

woodlot owners, 15) Senator-elect Jeff Merkley speaks, 16) Note

scrawled on a loader leads to terror scare, 17) WOPR treesit protest

in Salem, 18) BARK is in the news again,


--California: 19) Green Diamond plans for 5000 houses on forestland,

20) UCSC treesit celebrates one year of resistance,21) Cont. 22) Save

the Redwoods this Christmas, 23) 20 acres of old growth protected, 24)

New Land acquisition in Humboldt county, 25) More park bond measures,

26) State's official recommendations regarding fires in Santa Cruz,

27) 235-acre Timber Harvest Plan


--Montana: 28) 9th Circuit rejects enviro challenge of first healthy

forest restoration act timber sale, 29) State wildlife officials

propose removing insect-damaged trees from Mount Haggi,


--Colorado: 30) Lynx plan will reduce logging


--Southwest: 31) Mexican Spotted Owl




Pacific Northwest:


1) Thanks to the recent financial crisis, somewhat an encore of a very

similarly structured one that followed the transPacific lending,

logging, building boom of the 1980s, and one with a lot of similarity

the financial crises for Japan and America in the 1990s. I've been

putting together a primer and field guide for anyone seeking answers

to Kipling's classic questions of what, when, where, why, how, and

who. The Economist once asked whether we make the same financial

mistakes again and again, or is each unique? The answer in both cases,

The Economist concluded, is yes. We make the same mistakes over and

over again, and every encore is unique. I think that's so. But I also

think that the basic script, played out on stages on both sides of the

North Pacific and beyond, is a persistently repeated and spectacle

where the forests fall first, and the banks fall just later enough to

make the connection from forest to finance extremely difficult for the

casual observer to perceive. This drama is escalated to boom scale by

massive infusions of capital from the lending industry, and brings

down banks galore. Knowing what I know or think I know about this

drama after the past couple decades of watching and taking notes, I

thinks it's good enough for everyday discourse to say that the forests

may as well fall directly on banks. But we all know that the crushing

consequences have never stopped there. As became especially clear to

Americans with the collapse of U.S. President George W. Bush's

much-touted " ownership society, " the forests may as well have also

fallen directly on the dreams of millions of homebuyers, would-be

retirees who knowingly or otherwise pinned their aspirations on the

financial economy, and the millions ultimately forced to bail out

fractured financial systems.For some, the very idea of any important,

potent connection from falling forests to failing banks will forever

be preposterous. I've done no credible poll, but my strongest hunch is

that logging industry chieftains will likely insist that they had no

reason whatever to suspect that, first from 1981 through 1988, and

then again circa 2001 through 2008, the wood they were selling was

headed straight for a debt-financed construction binge, and that there

were risks to the finances of nations lurking out there on the

horizon. Now, a sawyer or feller-buncher out in the woods might have

high credibility if denying guilty knowledge of home foreclosures and

bank rescues coming down the road. Well, I wouldn't be at all

surprised if the crème de al crème in the elite corner offices of

logging empires attempt the same confession of ignorance.



British Columbia:


2) UBC study establishes formula for predicting climate change impact

on salmon stocks University of British Columbia researchers have found

a way to accurately predict the impact of climate change on imperilled

Pacific salmon stocks that could result in better management

strategies. The findings, among the first to quantify a relationship

between river temperature and salmon mortality rate, are published in

the current issue of the journal Physiological and Biochemical

Zoology. While climate change and rising river temperatures have been

linked to dwindling salmon stocks, other factors have made it

difficult to measure the exact impact – these including diseases,

fisheries and man-made structures such as dams and fish ladders.

" Calculating the affect of climate change on animal fitness has been

particularly challenging for scientists, " says lead author Farrell, who is jointly appointed in the Dept. of Zoology and the

Faculty of Land and Food Systems. " Animals have a thermal window, or

high and low temperatures between which they are at their best for

aerobic activities. Our study has shown that high temperatures push

certain sockeye salmon stocks beyond their thermal window, resulting

in cardiovascular failure and death, " says Farrell. Led by Farrell and

Prof. Scott Hinch in the Dept. of Forest Sciences and the Institute

for Resources, Environment and Sustainability, the UBC team has been

studying Pacific salmon using biotelemetry trackers for a decade. They

have identified the optimal thermal windows for several species of

Pacific salmon, which coincide with the historic temperatures the fish

would have encountered while migrating in the river. In 2004,

unusually warm river temperatures and earlier entry into the Fraser

River system contributed to the " disappearance " of 70 per cent of the

Weaver Creek sockeye stock. " We analyzed river temperature data and

the sockeye's migration dates and found that almost half of the

population likely experienced temperatures that would cause a complete

collapse of aerobic scope, " says Farrell. " In contrast, the Gates

Creek sockeye stock, which have a higher thermal window, experienced

few problems with the same high river temperatures that year. " In

further investigations, the UBC team captured and placed individual

fish in holding tanks of varying temperatures to simulate traversing

different river temperatures before releasing them simultaneously back

to the migratory run. Fish released from a high holding temperature

were half as successful as those from colder environments at reaching

their spawning grounds. In a separate study, fish were intercepted

during migration and implanted with biotelemetry trackers. None of the

tracked salmon survived after release at river temperatures above the

thermal window (at 19.5 degrees Celsius). Fish released at a cooler

river temperature – one within the thermal window – later in the

summer had much greater survival rates. " This study shows that an

increase over the past 50 years of 1.8 degrees Celsius in the Fraser

River's peak summer temperatures is too much too fast for some salmon

stocks, " says Farrell. Contact: Brian Lin brian.lin



3) For many decades, he and thousands of others in this part of

central B.C. have drawn their livelihoods from the forests, but those

forests are dying. With the mountain pine beetle killing off virtually

all of the pine in the area, Mr. Long calculated that the annual

allowable cut will drop by 50% in coming years. His business as a

forest policy consultant was at risk of dying with the trees. He

needed something new, and others in the area did, too. So Mr. Long

teamed up with a small group of colleagues and competitors to look for

ways to resurrect profit from the forest carnage. What they came up

with makes them the latest in a small but growing group of Canadians

to spot opportunity in global warming. With the help of Jeff Calvert,

an MBA student who devised the plan, Mr. Long and eight other industry

players -- including foresters, tree-planters, auditors and

consultants -- formed Borealis Carbon Offsets Ltd. Their mission: to

sell their trees' ability to suck greenhouse gases from the atmosphere

into the fast-growing voluntary offsets market. " If you look at the

amount of sales in carbon it's skyrocketing. It's so bright you don't

have to wear shades. You gotta wear welding goggles, " said Duane Maki,

a partner in Borealis who serves as CEO of tree-planting company

Spectrum Resource Group. " So we see lots of opportunity. And we

believe this is going to take right off. " Reckitt Benckiser Group Plc,

the British maker of products like Lysol and Clearasil, paved the way

with a similar project in the area -- it plans to plant two million

trees over 15 square kilometres. And Borealis is not the first

Canadian company to attach its hopes to the multi-billion-dollar

market, which has leapt to prominence as companies seek to escape

carbon penalties and burnish their environmental images. North

Vancouver-based Ecosystem Restoration Associates Inc., (ERA) which

plants trees in the province's Lower Mainland and sells offsets to Air

Canada, rock bands and movie studios, is perhaps the best-known

domestic competitor. Some carbon experts are skeptical of the claims

made by those tree-planting for carbon -- especially since the risk of

fires and pests make it difficult to guarantee the carbon will really

be sucked up over eight decades.





4) We would like to comment on a recent article in the Creston Valley

Advance (Community Forest Gets License Upgrade) concerning the Creston

Valley Forest Corporation. It concerns your administration's issuance

of a contentious 99-year community forest license agreement within the

boundaries of four community watersheds and Watershed Reserves, a

license which we have reported on, criticized, and objected to for ten

years. Two and a half years ago, in your prior portfolio as Minister

of Agriculture and Lands, you received a copy of our book, From Wisdom

to Tyranny: A History of B.C.'s Drinking Watershed Reserves. You were

the only Minister, aside the Ministers of Forests and Environment, who

sent us a written reply: " The exhaustive amount of effort you have put

into this work is admirable. I have forwarded it to staff in the

ministry for their review and reference. " (June 28, 2006) Within the

book are copies of old Forest Atlas and Legal Survey maps of the

Watershed Reserves (pages 113, 114) that are now within this community

forest license. These Reserves, numbered at over three hundred in the

early 1980s, were to legislatively protect community drinking

watersheds from all dispositions, the same legislation that protected

and protects the provincial Ecological Reserves. In fact Arrow Creek,

which now makes up the majority of the community forest license

tenure, was, under the banner of " No Timber Sales " , fortified under

three separate protections: a Watershed Reserve; a Game Reserve; and a

Health District. Sometime in the 1960s the designations of Game

Reserve and Health District, which prevented human access,

mysteriously disappeared under the Social Credit administration. Much

of the scandals and controversies regarding the invasion of the

provincial Watershed Reserves established under the Land Act are

detailed in Chapter 8 of the book, details which derive from

Ministries of Forests' and Environment records. In that chapter is

also a discussion of the regional planning process behind the East and

West Kootenay Boundary Land Use Plans conducted in the early 1990s, in

which new logging objectives in all the affected and protected

community watersheds were set, including those community drinking

water lands now held by the Creston Valley Forest Corporation. We

discovered that provincial government planners who sat at the Land Use

planning tables, who were legally bound to bring all information

forward, secretly kept some information from reaching the planning

table, by failing to inform the public about the Watershed Reserves.

What we infer from this neglect, intentional or otherwise, that it

rendered the Land Use Plans and related management planning illegal,

from the perspective of lands bounded by these Reserves.



5) Old growth forests on the southern BC coast have already been

reduced to below the minimum required to maintain biodiversity and

keystone habitat, and everyone living in reality recognizes that by

now, I hope. The trouble is, this has immensely increased the pressure

to harvest the second growth forests at lower elevations long before

they have reached maturity, and this is perhaps an even greater

economic and ecological disaster than the dwindling old growth. Why?

Because second growth forests are also the future source of potential

old growth habitat at low elevations, and the quality of wood needed

for value-added manufacturing, at least the kind of value-added

manufacturing that employs skillful woodworkers, continues to plummet.

It's impossible to make traditional high-value wood furniture,

windows, doors, boats, etc. out of the sappy young wood now being

harvested in immature plantations. Since I make my living with wood, I

really do see that the state of our forests continues to be one of

incremental decline: not only in the quality of wood being produced by

younger forests, but also in the amount of carbon being sequestered

and stored per hectare, a crucial factor in combating the dangerous

climate changes looming on the horizon. Young trees and understory

vegetation simply do not absorb as much CO2 as more mature forests, in

spite of what Rick Slaco or the BC Competition Council says. After

all, that's what the forestry term " culmination age " really means.

This on average is at least around 125+ years in managed Douglas Fir,

somewhere around 250+ in managed Red Cedar. But Industry is now

chopping it all down at 60 or less, eliminating the very best years of

tree growth entirely, disturbing and eliminating carbon sinks, and

dismantling critical forest structure for biodiversity as well. This

is a crime of immense proportions, inflicted against present and

future generations. Until government and industry make a strong legal

commitment to end this premature extraction, and grow more mature

forests on longer ecological rotations, we will continue to go rapidly

downhill, both economically and ecologically, until the once-great

forests of coastal BC are as thin as green paint. David Shipway,

Secretary - Cortes Ecoforestry Society - cortecos


6) Robert Falls, CEO of Ecosystem Restoration Associates Inc., says he

believes that his firm will get a major boost from a September meeting

in New York -- Protecting Rainforest Communities and Our Climate,

which focused on the impact of deforestation on global warming. " The

initial thing that came out of this is that it's finally recognized

that greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation is larger than

emissions from vehicles, aircraft, ships and trains combined, " Falls,

who attended the two-day event, said in an interview. " And we're in

the business of restoring and protecting forest ecosystems. This is

critical for our company. " Falls said the event, which gathered

together many global leaders (including two Nobel laureates: former

U.S. vice-president Al Gore and and Wangari Maathai, founder of the

Green Belt Movement), reinforced the idea that in addressing the

challenge of climate change, " forest restoration and forest protection

play an essential role in climate change mitigation. " Essentially,

Falls said, his company ERA provides a " truly green climate solution "

by implementing a system that generates carbon offsets through

ecosystem restoration for local governments or organizations. The

process, he said, combines tree planting and other land-restoration

measures to increase biodiversity, remove invasive species and restore

water systems without using taxpayer dollars. ERA maintains their work

is important because the United Nations estimates that deforestation

accounts for about 20 per cent of annual global greenhouse gas

emissions. " The most viable way to remove large amounts of carbon from

the atmosphere is through the photosynthetic action of healthy forest

ecosystems, " Falls said. " ERA restores degraded forests and protects

them for the long term. "






8) Forest " doctors " are using chainsaws this fall to improve the

health of Mount Spokane State Park. The work is designed to enhance

habitat while removing forest fuels that can cause dangerous

wildfires. " We had a meeting up here Monday to show interested people

what we were doing and that eased their fears, " said Steve

Christensen, park manager. " They thought we were logging, but we're

just thinning, primarily small grand fir that's taking over in some

places. " Washington State Parks officials have been planning the

forest health project in the 13,821-acre park since 2006, said Rob

Fimbel, the agency's chief of natural resource stewardship. Although

only 50-60 acres will be treated this fall, plans call for thinning on

about 1,000 acres primarily on the southwest side of the mountain,

Fimbel said. " Most people won't even know we've been in there, " Fimbel

said. " Primarily, we're removing small grand fir less than 5 inches in

diameter that create a potential ladder for fire to climb into the

forest canopy. " We'll leave patches untouched with the goal to

maintain or improve wildlife habitat as we go. " The planning effort

surveyed 4,200 acres of the park, by about 75 percent of that area was

considered too rugged or inaccessible to treat, he said. " Basically,

we might cause more problems than we would solve by going in there, "

he said. " In the future, we might prescribe small areas for fire. "

First snow: Tuesday marked the first work day of the season for Mount

Spokane State Park snow plows. " We had to get out and clear about

three inches of snow off the roads, " Christensen said. Washington

Sno-Park permits will be required on vehicles at park trailheads

starting around Thanksgiving, he said. Nordic trail helpers: There's

still time to join volunteers meeting today at Mount Spokane starting

at 9 a.m. and working into the afternoon for one last stab at clearing

brush from the park's cross-country ski trails before winter. The

Spokane Nordic Ski Education Foundation has organized numerous work

grips this fall to cut firewood and prepare the 30 kilometers of

trails for snow-cat grooming.



9) In a more rational world, the Lake Whatcom Landscape Plan would be

less controversial and no school district would have had to scramble

for a slightly larger piece of a clearly inadequate pie. Nor would

anyone try to tie the future of education - which seems likely to

become more and more important - to the future of logging - which does

not. The Lake Whatcom plan would be less controversial because. 1)

Although the lands granted to Washington by the federal government

must generate money for schools and other public institutions, I

believe they don't have to do so exclusively, to the detriment of

environmental and other values. Article XVI of the Washington

constitution states: " All the public lands granted to the state are

held in trust for all the people. " That must mean something. Do you

think the framers of our constitution really wanted the state to

endanger a municipal water supply or the safety of its citizens in

order to squeeze a few more bucks from timber that people of their era

wouldn't have bothered cutting? 2) The framers of the constitution did

not expect those granted lands to produce maximum revenue. They

received two petitions asking them to require maximum revenue. The

framers of other state constitutions did. Ours didn't. 3) Certainly,

no one expects the granted lands to produce maximum revenue right now.

A Chelan County Superior Court said unambiguously that " nothing in the

law . . . requires the Department (of Natural Resources) to maximize

current income. " 4) Forest board lands are a different story, of

course - just not quite the story that some people assume. Net income

from those lands must go to local government, but generating money for

local government isn't the purpose of the lands, The purpose is

growing trees. You can look it up. The 1921 law allowing the state to

take over forest lands from the counties said its purpose was to

further the " acquirement [sic] and designation of lands . . . to be

used for the development and growth of timber. " A similar law passed

two years later referred to " the acquiring, seeding, reforestation and

administering of lands for state forests. " Even in the good old days,

the forests have never fully supported public schools. Washington's

forests made a lot of people rich, but they never made Washington

public schools rich. And neither has anything else. This state has

never managed to put its money where its mouth is.





10) Industry is misusing the Spies et al. paper for their agenda. No

surprise. Bu the paper explicitly addresses only DRY forests and those

dry forests in the NWFP are slivers of owl habitat on the east side of

the Cascades and forests in Southern OR and N Calif - both areas that

have had LOTS of fire. The thinning called for is important to owls

who do not hunt easily in old stands packed with young trees. –Tom

stumpsdontlie (AT) googl (DOT) com Threats to old-growth trees in the

region's federal forests have changed over the decade and a half since

the Northwest Forest Plan went into effect in 1994. While logging of

the big, old trees has dropped dramatically since the plan, wildfires

are now consuming more acres of the valuable habitat. That switch,

reinforced by numbers from a new study by U.S. Forest Service

scientists and others, means forest managers need to take action

across the landscape to reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfires,

according to the authors. " There's a widespread recognition of that

need, but it needs to be repeated again and again, because there's a

lot of inertia, " said Tom Spies, a research forester with the U.S.

Forest Service's Pacific Northwest Research Station in Corvallis.

" It's not enough to go out and treat a few acres here and a few acres

there; it has to be done in a pretty broad, strategic way. " The study

is part of the Northwest Forest Plan's monitoring program, Spies said,

to gauge the success of the plan, which outlined how federal forests

should be managed for the protection of spotted owl habitat as well as

timber production. The researchers, including people from other

federal research stations and Oregon State University, used satellite

images from between 1972 and 2002 to track what was happening to

forests with trees bigger than 20 inches across. They found that

loggers cut an increasing amount of large trees on federal lands from

the late 1970s to the late 1980s, but then activity abruptly fell off

after the late 1990s. In the East Cascade region, which includes the

western slice of the Deschutes National Forest, the researchers didn't

find a big drop in harvest rates since there wasn't much to start

with, the study stated. But in that East Cascade region, as well as in

Southern Oregon, there was a noticeable difference in the number of

fires — especially with 2002's Biscuit Fire in southwest Oregon.

" There's been a dramatic increase in fire in the last decade, both in

absolute terms and in relation to areas lost to harvest, " Spies said.

Before the plan, he said, the area of large trees lost to wildfire was

a small fraction of that lost to logging on federal lands. But in the

decade after the plan went into effect, that flipped and wildfires

caused 2.2 times as many acres of big, old trees to be lost than chain

saws did. " We're looking at the landscape, trying to prioritize where

our treatments should go, " Allen said.


89/1041 & nav_category=


11) kramsayer Dear Kate: Saw your article

reporting that fires are now burning up more old growth than logging.

I wanted to provide you some perspective on this issue. I'm the editor

of Wildfire: A Century of Failed Forest Policy and an ecologist. I

disagree with the TNC representative about the fires. We NEED large

fires. What we are finding now is not unusual. The forests are

readjusting to changed climatic conditions. When someone like the TNC

person says crown fires are bad or not the way it used to be--she is

looking in a rear view mirror. That WAS the way fires burned, but that

is not the way forests are today. The new climatic conditions are

changing fire regimes in the West. There are some ecologists today

that will tell you that we don't have enough fires. That we need more

snags. More dead trees, and so on.The major value of " old growth "

trees is not the age of the trees, but the ecological function of the

forest. It is the large boles, the snags, etc. that are the prime

value of old growth. So long as we don't salvage log, we will still

have most of this function intact. Plus the view that fires are

killing more old growth is a consequence of our short term

perspective. If you take a long term view, the fires are we are seeing

today are not out of the ordinary according to many long term studies.

We are stuck looking back a few hundred years for the most part, but

if you take a longer view (using other techniques to look at

forest/fire history) you find that large crown fires are actually the

" norm " A second thing to keep in mind is that most fires do not kill

all trees. They burn in a mosaic so while we are seeing more crown

fires, it's not like all the trees are being killed inside the bounds

of any burn area. So in some ways that study is misleading and over

estimates the impacts of fires. George Wuerthner



12) SALEM -- Oregon's Board of Forestry agreed Thursday to rework a

blueprint for the Tillamook and Clatsop state forests that hasn't

provided near the logging revenue that strapped coastal counties and

the timber industry expected when the board adopted it more than seven

years ago. That will officially reopen debate over how much logging is

reasonable in the forests of the Coast Range that also provide a

recreational playground for Portland and vital habitat for wildlife

from salmon to the northern spotted owl. State officials also noted

new interest in employing the forests to soak up greenhouse gases and

as possible sites for wind farms. " You're going to have to rebalance

all those competing interests, " State Forester Marvin Brown told the

board, noting that the forest management plan created in 2001 took

years to develop. He cautioned that logging to create more revenue

could leave less opportunity to promote large, older forests that

serve as important habitat But board members did not specify how they

would adjust the plan. They did not agree on whether to set new

logging targets and did not endorse a recommendation by the Oregon

Department of Forestry to boost logging slightly by relaxing some

wildlife habitat goals. Most agreed they need to act quickly, however.

The state forests have been in the center of a tug of war for years,

with attempts in the Legislature to push logging levels up and a

ballot measure trying to set more land aside for wildlife and other

needs. Neither made much headway, but Gov. Ted Kulongoski has pushed

the Board of Forestry to decide what to do with the troubled forest





13) The timber industry and environmental groups find themselves in

the strange position of agreeing that the Bush administration failed

to follow the Endangered Species Act when it developed a plan to boost

logging on federal lands in Western Oregon. The American Forest

Resource Council is afraid that the U.S. Bureau of Land Management's

failure to go through formal consultation with federal scientists over

the potential harm to northern spotted owls and salmon will " derail "

the Western Oregon Plan Revision, said Tom Partin, president of the

timber industry group. The industry group filed a recent motion asking

the U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C., to uphold a 2003

agreement with the Bush administration that calls for increasing

logging on 2.6 million acres of BLM lands in Western Oregon. Deadline

for the plan is Dec. 31, just weeks before the Bush administration

leaves office. The motion argues that failing to do the formal

consultation will ultimately lead to a court ruling blocking the plan,

making it unlikely for BLM to meet the deadline for completion set in

the 2003 agreement. " We think there are going to be efforts (by

conservation groups) to derail it, " Partin said. " We want to make sure

we are operating in a positive manner so they don't get derailed. It

might look like we are working in a way to show it isn't going to get

implemented, but that certainly isn't our bottom line. " Kristen

Boyles, an attorney for the conservation public interest law firm

Earthjustice, said the cases cited in the timber industry motion are

the same cases conservation groups would be citing to make the same

argument. " I think it's an indication that Whopper is flawed — legally

and scientifically — when groups as usually opposed as the

environmental community and the timber industry are asking for the

same thing, " she said, using the nickname giving to the Western Oregon

Plan Revision. The Endangered Species Act requires that federal

projects like timber sales be formally reviewed by the U.S. Fish and

Wildlife Service and NOAA Fisheries Service for whether they will harm

threatened and endangered species.

http://www.oregonlive.com/newsflash/index.ssf?/base/news-27/122610834485220.xml & \



14) The state forests of Northwest Oregon are money in the bank in

more ways than one. As it considers changes in policy, the Oregon

Board of Forestry must keep the whole picture well in mind. Literally,

the Clatsop and Tillamook state forests represent stored-up monetary

value that benefits the two counties. Viewed as a harvestable natural

resource, the trees of the Coast Range are tangible assets that belong

to taxpayers. Though both counties fortunately also contain a lot of

expensive real estate, there is no underestimating the importance of

forests as a way of funding vital public services. Also on the

economic side of the equation, even in these days of mechanized

logging, forest management, harvest and processing provide some

good-paying jobs. We need all the employment opportunities we can get,

now more than ever. In a different sense, healthy forests are key to

natural salmon production and to the well-being of an entire web of

life in watersheds and coastal estuaries. It is probably safe to say

that you can't have truly thriving salmon runs without well-managed

forests. Lucrative fisheries rely on the cool and clean waters that

forests nurture. Humans, too, need the good drinking water that

forests insure. Finally and maybe most critically, our forests are

intrinsically valuable as natural habitat - for people and wildlife

alike - and as a vast storage vault for carbon. Gone are the days when

the only good tree was a harvested commercial log. It's no secret that

the market for logs has gone to the dogs in the past year. Not only

has the national housing market collapsed, but there also is a glut of

timber and pulp stemming from last year's grossly destructive storms.

It would be a classic mistake to try to play catch-up with falling

prices by harvesting more, resulting in long-term changes in the

composition and age-mix of the forests. As The Daily Astorian reported

last week, state forestry research revealed that logging has already

increased beyond the level deemed sustainable under the 2001 targets

for fish and wildlife habitat protection.

http://www.dailyastorian.info/main.asp?SectionID=23 & SubSectionID=392 & ArticleID=5\

5893 & TM=6341.735


15) Senator-elect Jeff Merkley speaks to a gathering Monday at the

Higher Education Center in Medford, where he discussed his plans and

hopes for his first term in Congress.Jim Craven November 11, 2008

Damian Mann By Damian Mann Mail Tribune Fresh off his campaign victory

against Oregon Sen. Gordon Smith, Jeff Merkley vowed Monday that in

his first year in office he would push to open national forests to

sensible logging and continue a federal program to support

timber-dependent counties. The Oregon Senator-elect appeared before

about 50 campaign volunteers and Democratic leaders at the Higher

Education Center in downtown Medford. State Sen. Alan Bates, an

Ashland Democrat, introduced Merkley, saying his friend and colleague

in the Legislature fought great odds in defeating an incumbent and

even mortgaged his house to help finance his campaign. Statewide,

Merkley won 49 percent of the vote to Smith's 46 percent and in

Jackson County, 43 percent to Smith's 51 percent. Merkley said his

priority would be to support President-elect Barack Obama's efforts to

improve the economy and the nation's infrastructure. In his first

year, Merkley said, he wants to see legislation that would protect

old-growth forests while devising a way to thin overgrown forests to

help the economy as well as protect against wildfires and disease.

" I've gone through so many stands where I say, 'This is a disaster,' "

said Merkley, who describes himself as an avid hiker. " Let's find a

way to thin those forests. "



16) The U.S. Forest Service is investigating a threatening note

scrawled in red marker on a road grader at a logging site west of

Sisters - signed with a heart and the letters ELF, which might

indicate ties to the eco-terror group, the Earth Liberation Front.

Ryan Wolfenbarger of the Lebanon-based logging firm Wolfco reported

the discovery Tuesday to Deschutes County sheriff's deputies and the

U.S. Forest Service at a logging site near state Highway 242 and

Forest Road 1012, also known as Cold Springs Road. The note, written

in red felt marker, threatens damage to equipment if debris at the

site is not cleaned up. It is signed " ELF, " said sheriff's Deputy Sean

Bell. However, no damage was found to the logging gear or elsewhere in

the site, Bell said. " We're not discounting " the threat, said

sheriff's Sgt. Vance Lawrence. " But based on prior training and

knowledge, they (ELF) usually act, then take credit. That doesn't mean

it's not (them), but it would be atypical for them to leave a note

with a heart on it. " According to Wikipedia, the Earth Liberation

Front (ELF), also known as " Elves " or " The Elves, " is the collective

name for anonymous and autonomous individuals or cells who, according

to the now-defunct ELF Press Office, use " economic sabotage and

guerrilla warfare to stop the exploitation and destruction of the

environment, " commonly known as ecotage or monkeywrenching. The ELF

was founded in Brighton in the United Kingdom in 1992 and spread to

the rest of Europe by 1994. It is now an international movement with

attacks reported in over a dozen countries and is widely regarded as

the Animal Liberation Front's younger sister, because of the

relationship and cooperation between the two movements.



17) A 2005 North Salem High School graduate and current University of

Oregon student of general science and landscape architecture,

Zimmer-Stucky also is a member of the Eugene chapter of environmental

group Rising Tide. When she descends Friday, it will be to join a noon

rally at the Capitol. Activists hope to draw attention to the Western

Oregon Plan Revisions (WOPR), which they regard as a " last gasp Bush

administration plan " that would increase logging on federal Bureau of

Land Management land in Oregon by 436 percent. About 15 to 20

organizers are involved with the Capitol-grounds pine-tree

demonstration. The local spectacle is among numerous worldwide through

Rising Tide, an international group based in the United Kingdom that

is dedicated to drawing attention to and addressing climate-change

issues. Topics include public transportation and cap- and-trade

permits, among other broad issues. The Oregon group primarily is

concerned with large-scale logging and the use of unliquefied natural

gas. This event clearly is directed at timber policies. " We feel that

WOPR provides a short-term gain for the few at the expense of

long-term environmental and economical sustainability for all

Oregonians, " Rising Tide organizer Samantha Chirillo said. Organizer

Malcolm " Trip " Jennings III said the group would like to urge Gov. Ted

Kulongoski to examine his 12-point plan regarding emission reductions

and juxtapose those with the realities of opening up federal lands to

increased logging. " We think that if he looks at it on paper right

next to each other, he will see that (logging) and his goals don't

comply, " Jennings said. Jennings and Chirillo feel that money

generated through harvesting timber is limited and short-sighted. They

said longer-term solutions are vital to the economic well-being of

Oregon counties hurt by diminishing timber revenues. Jillian Schoene,

a spokeswoman for the governor, said that the logging plan has been

presented to Kulongoski and it is being reviewed regarding its

consistency with the governor's 12-point plan, which includes goals of

implementing forest strategies that are congruent with goals of

reducing carbon emissions and protecting endangered species and fish

and wildlife habitat. Schoene said the governor has 60 days to review

the plan, a time span that ends sometime in early to mid-December. He

will present his findings at that time. Meanwhile, Zimmer-Stucky, who

is the daughter of former Salem City Councilors Rick Stucky and

Jacqueline Zimmer, is bundling up against wind and rain to remind the

governor and any passersby about concerns with the environmental

aspects of the BLM plan.



18) If you haven't already picked up today's Willamette Week, find one

at your nearest newsstand and read about Bark's very own Amy Harwood,

winner of the prestigious Skidmore Prize! Or visit the Give!Guide

online to see Amy's feature and to show your support for Bark. If you

want to stop the Palomar Pipeline from clearcutting 40 miles across

Mt. Hood National Forest… If you want to hold the Forest Service

accountable for how it manages our public land... If you want to see a

new administration stop logging Mt. Hood National Forest and start

protecting our clean drinking water, recreation opportunities, and

wildlife… Then please support Bark through the Give!Guide. In addition

to enabling Bark to aggressively protect Mt. Hood National Forest, you

receive great membership premiums in return.






19) A local timber company has submitted a proposal to the Humboldt

county planning department that calls for construction of 5,000 new

homes and two major roads near Eureka. New logging plans submitted by

Green Diamond, formerly Simpson Timber, reflect the company's

intention to convert existing North Coast forestland to residential

development. The latest plan is for a forested area just west of the

property known at the planning department as the McKay Tract. The

timber harvest plan encompasses the lower Ryan Creek watershed on the

east side of Eureka. The new plan calls for 49 acres of clearcutting

and comes on the heels of a plan to log 60 acres adjacent to Cutten.

Much of the 500-acre McKay Tract has already been slated for

conversion from Timber Production Zone (TPZ) to residential

development, including a proposal recently submitted by Green Diamond

to develop 85 acres adjacent to Winship Middle School in Cutten. The

company owns " Mid McKay " and " South McKay, " totaling 240 acres, which

have already been removed from TPZ zoning. The McKay tracts are in the

Ryan Creek water shed just above where the creek enters Ryan Slough.

Fisheries biologists recognize Ryan Creek and Ryan Slough—which flow

into Freshwater Slough—as the remaining coho overwintering habitat in

the Humboldt Bay area. Green Diamond's road system has been the

subject of much restoration work to improve culverts and reduce

sediment, all for the improvement of fish habitat. This work has been

successful, with more than 220 adult coho observed in 2002 and nearly

5,000 coho smolts estimated in spring 2004. Conversion of the Ryan

Creek forest to housing development could threaten this Coho

population with ongoing erosion and impacts from residents, including

leaching of garden and other chemicals used around homes. Ryan Creek

also supports steelhead and coastal cutthroat trout. The watershed

supports at least four northern spotted owl nest sites, as well as

peregrine falcons, osprey, and other sensitive birds. These and other

species are known to leave areas impacted by development. From

EcoNews, November 2008 http://yournec.org/



20) A year after demonstrators climbed 75 feet into redwood platforms

amid a clash with university police, UC Santa Cruz officials and

protesters opposed to campus growth are still reluctant to answer how

far they're willing to go to end the standoff. See past video of UCSC

tree sitters As early as the spring, work could begin to prepare

Science Hill for construction of a new biomedical facility, which

would require the felling of redwoods currently occupied by tree

sitters and a certain breaking point for the protest. The university

is not willing to say whether or how it will forcibly remove the

demonstrators, and tree sitters have not said whether they will leave

voluntarily if it seems they have no other choice. Demonstrators

hosted a small celebration Friday to commemorate the one-year

anniversary of the tree-sit. The crowd of less than 100 supporters was

a far cry from the hundreds who marched in protest against the UCSC

Long-Range Development Plan on Nov. 7, 2007, when the tree-sit was

launched. Still, tree-sit spokeswoman Jennifer Charles said new

students have joined the effort to halt campus development and that,

by staying in the trees, " this is a group of people who are not going

to be intimidated. " She said the tree-sit has drawn attention to the

impacts of growth plans on native habitat, animals and water supply,

and does not believe UCSC's recent settlement with the city to limit

impacts of expansion goes far enough. " Santa Cruz can't grow

indefinitely, " she said of the campus, adding that UC should place

more students at other campuses as it grapples with an increasing

demand to educate the state's graduating high schoolers and community

college transfer students. Last year, police arrested several people

during the march as protesters took over a parking lot below the grove

of redwoods, where demonstrators already had erected three platforms

similar to those built in oak trees on the UC Berkeley campus. Over

the next several weeks, police made further arrests of a professor and

others who brought pies, coffee and equipment to the Science Hill

site. In March, a judge granted an injunction against the tree-sit and

anyone sending up food or equipment to the tree sitters. But the

protesters did not leave and the university stopped patrolling the

site regularly in the spring and summer, which created relative calm

until classes began in recently. On Oct. 13, Scott Aposhian, 20, of

San Diego, was arrested for refusing to identify himself to an officer

and for violating the court order after he attempted to climb a tree,

campus spokesman Jim Burns said. MacKenzie O'Brien, a 21-year-old UCSC

student, was cited three days later for dumping a 5-gallon bucket of

urine from tree sitters into the soil near the Science and Engineering

Library. She was charged with illegal waste disposal and violating the

court order. http://www.santacruzsentinel.com/ci_10934442


21) " We haven't had a relationship with the people in the trees, " UCSC

spokesperson Jim Burns told City on a Hill Press in an e-mail. " They

are not affiliated with the campus, and are knowingly violating a

court order that clearly defines their actions as illegal. " Jennifer

Charles, the go-between for the tree-sitters and the community, said

that communication has improved. " We've talked a lot to faculty, " she

said. " The faculty are amazing, radical people. " And while many claim

that the development plan will put the city, as well as the student

population, in jeopardy, Burns points out that the plan passed after

settlements with county, city and citizen groups. " Our LRDP — reached

after seven months of discussions — addressed community concerns about

enrollment growth, and provided very specific ways in which the campus

would mitigate its impacts on such issues as housing and traffic, "

Burns said. " The tree-sitters were obviously not at the table for

those discussions. "




22) This holiday season, Save the Redwoods League and California State

Parks make it possible for shoppers to give a gift that gives back to

the environment for years to come. For a donation of $50 to Save the

Redwoods League, gift-givers can have a redwood seedling planted in

honor of a loved one in a California state park. Save the Redwoods

League delivers a commemorative card featuring a photograph of an

ancient redwood forest to the recipient to showcase the gift. All

dedicated trees support forest restoration efforts in California State

Parks. " With many shoppers looking to spend their dollars in a way

that makes a positive impact, dedicating a redwood seedling is a

meaningful way to support the environment this holiday season and

beyond, " said Ruskin Hartley, executive director, Save the Redwoods

League. " In addition, this partnership will allow us to restore and

rejuvenate our forestlands that were once overharvested. " In 1850,

there were nearly 2 million acres of ancient coast redwood forests in

California. Today, less than 5 percent remains. Save the Redwoods

League and California State Parks are leading a new movement to

restore the complexity, diversity and ecological values of the

remaining young redwood forest stands throughout their natural range

so that one day they can begin to resemble an ancient redwood forest.

" Once these fragile saplings are planted in a state park, they will

always be protected so that they can grow strong and be still standing

hundreds of years from now, " said Director Ruth Coleman of California

State Parks. " In addition to providing shade and habitat, they reduce

atmospheric carbon that contributes to global warming. New this year,

we're proud to expand the seedling program to include planting of

other tree species, as needed, to best support healthy and diverse

ecosystems within our parks. " Steve Horvitz, superintendent of North

Coast Redwoods District at California State Parks, will ensure that

genetically similar trees are planted together so that the delicate

redwood forest can be restored as naturally as possible. While redwood

seedlings are the first to be planted through the program, other trees

species such as western hemlock, Sitka spruce, red alder, Douglas-fir

and big leaf maple will be planted if no additional redwood seedlings

are needed in an area. California State Parks staff will determine

where trees will be planted to effectively promote the health and

diversity of state park forests.



23) Land Conservation Agreement Protects 20 Acres of Ancient Redwoods!

With members' financial support, Save the Redwoods League recently

completed a land conservation agreement with The Annapolis Milling

Company to protect a 20-acre stand of ancient redwoods in northern

Sonoma County (pictured). This new conservation agreement will ensure

that the redwoods, just south of Soda Springs Reserve, are permanently

protected from possible timber harvest and vineyard conversion. The

agreement is progress toward our goal of ensuring permanent protection

for all old-growth redwood forest in the central region of the redwood

coast. http://www.savetheredwoods.org/


24) New Land Acquisition Preserves View in Humboldt: Thanks to our

members' contributions, Save the Redwoods League recently acquired

about 46 acres surrounded by Humboldt Redwoods State Park. The

acquisition preserves the view along US Highway 101 for all to enjoy

and protects the watershed and wildlife habitat in and around the

park's historic Bolling Grove (pictured). We protected the ancient

Bolling redwood grove in 1921, one of the first of our more than 300

transactions that built the state park. Of course, there are still

thousands of acres of unprotected ancient redwood forests and many

more acres of redwood connecting lands that still need protection.

Please see savetheredwoods.org/give to support our continued

preservation work



25) Voters in East Bay Area counties showed the rest of America how to

run a park district by passing Measure WW with a 71 percent yes vote.

The measure allocates $500 million to the East Bay Regional Park

District over the next 20 years, with 67 expansion and improvement

projects already earmarked for funding. The projects include funding

the Bay Trail along the shoreline of San Francisco Bay from Fremont to

Martinez, buying land to expand parks already in place near Walnut

Creek, Pleasanton and Sunol, and improving access to the unique Vasco

Caves, which few people even know exist, among dozens of projects. The

likely key to voter approval is that the measure did not increase tax

rates, but extended a similar 1988 measure. That measure led to the

purchase of 34,000 acres of open space and parkland, and funded

hundreds of local park projects, including building more than 100

miles of new trails. The East Bay Regional Park District now has 65

parks, 98,000 acres and roughly 1,100 miles of trails, including 29

trails that connect parks. To pay for it, homeowners pay $10 per year

per $100,000 assessed value, so owners of a home assessed at $500,000,

for instance, would pay $50 per year. In turn, most of the parks have

no entrance fees, so annual budgets are not at the mercy of

fluctuations in visitation, such as with the state park system, or the

state budget issues. This funding structure has become a model for

park districts across America. " This is a major endorsement of the

East Bay Regional Park District, " said Pat O'Brien, general manager of

the park district. " Approval of this measure during this time of

severe economic problems make this approval even more significant. "

For information: http://ebparks.org


26) Just a quick note, I was told recently that CAL FIRE is still

finding hot spots in the Summit Fire area, even after the first rains.

The State Emergency Assessment Team (SEAT) report on the 2008 Summit

and Martin fires was prepared by the State Office of Emergency

Assessment (OES) at the request of Santa Cruz County. The mul

ti-agency team conducted an intensive two-week field review using the

federal government's Burned Area Reflectance Classification (BARC),

provided by the US Forest Service Remote Sensing Application (aerial

flyovers) as a starting point for gathering information. In true

governmental fashion, the report makes a number of recommendations to

both private landowners and the county, yet no funding is provided to

implement any of these recommendations. Here is an excerpt from DFG's

input: Abbreviated recommendations: 1) Control sediment delivery into

watercourses, erosion control measures on disturbed and burned slopes

draining into watercourses should be conducted where feasible. 2)

Existing season roads or new roads that were widened for dozer access

should be monitored for the presence of invasive non-native plants. 3)

To maintain fisheries resources, burned trees within 50 feet of a fish

bearing stream should be retained for future large woody debris

recruitment and to decrease solar radiation of stream waters. 4) In

burned forested areas, burned large old tress should be retained.

These trees provide habitat for many species, reduce soil erosion, and

aid soil formation in a post fire environment. Additionally, 1)

Monitor roads and skid trails, 2) Monitor and control non-native

plants, 3) Culverts should be monitored, 4) In-stream woody debris

should not be removed unless there is a risk of imminent threat of

damage to life and/or property. 5) DFG should be contacted for a

permit prior to any work that would affect bed, bank or channel of any

stream. 6) Structures with in streams to control sediments are

generally not recommended. Jodi Frediani, Chair, Forestry Task Force,

Santa Cruz Group Ventana Chapter, Sierra Club JodiFredi



27) This 235-acre Timber Harvest Plan (THP) in the Santa Cruz

Mountains was rejected by CAL FIRE when first submitted, then accepted

for filing on October 9, in spite of the fact that it neglected to

include and review coho salmon, an endangered species, which have been

found to occur in Soquel Creek downstream of the proposed harvest.

Since then, at the urging of NMFS and DFG, the Registered Professional

Forester (RPF) has agreed to abandon the idea of crossing the creek

with temporary culverts, agreeing instead to use temporary bridges.

However, the Pre-Harvest Inspection (PHI) is to be held tomorrow,

November 14, even though the RPF has not yet responded to the First

Review Questions, which included a request for new maps since the

submitted maps are unintelligible. What a waste of agency time, going

into the field without having been able to review the project area in

advance. The RPF has had more than a month in which to prepare and

submit his responses and new maps. CAL FIRE needs to insist that the

RPF's response to First Review Questions be submitted in advance of

PHIs or they will be rescheduled. Jodi Frediani, Director Central

Coast Forest Watch, JodiFredi




28) HAMILTON - The 2½ -year legal saga of Montana's first Healthy

Forest Restoration Act fuel reduction project may be over. A

three-judge 9th Circuit Court of Appeals panel on Thursday affirmed a

Missoula District Court ruling that rejected a challenge by two

environmental groups. Wildwest Institute and Friends of the Bitterroot

sued the U.S. Forest Service in April 2006 to stop the Middle East

Fork Hazardous Fuel Reduction Project. That plan involved thinning

trees on about 5,000 acres of national forest lands about two miles

east of Sula. The project was designed to reduce wildland fire threats

to the Middle East Fork community and treat areas affected by a

Douglas fir bark beetle epidemic. The groups claimed the agency

violated federal law by: 1) Committing resources to the project before

a decision was made, 2) Censoring contrary science, 3) Selectively

excluding the public, 4) Not fully considering logging impacts to

soils and some wildlife species. - Bitterroot National Forest

Supervisor Dave Bull signed off on the project in March 2006. After

U.S. District Court Judge Donald Molloy refused an initial request for

an injunction, the agency sold the first of three stewardship timber

sales included in the project. Molloy rejected the groups' claims in a

December 2006 ruling. The groups appealed to the 9th Circuit Court of

Appeals. The groups could petition for another review from the appeals

court or ask to take the matter to the Supreme Court.





29) HELENA - Proposed logging project advances Mont. (AP) State

wildlife officials propose removing insect-damaged trees from the

Mount Haggin area south of Anaconda. Money from sale of the timber,

perhaps several hundred thousand dollars, would be used to improve

habitat in the state-owned Mount Haggin Wildlife Management Area. A

consultant hired by the Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks

identified about 700 acres for logging. State officials say the timber

money would help fund shrub and forest improvements beneficial to

wildlife such as moose, deer and elk. State wildlife commissioners

have supported the proposal. Preparation of an environmental

assessment is among steps that must precede a final decision.





30) SUMMIT COUNTY — Loggers will face tighter restrictions on

clear-cutting and thinning as the U.S. Forest Service implements a new

rule to protect threatened lynx. " It changes the mindset within the

Forest Service on how they do vegetation management, " said Kurt

Broderdorp, a federal biologist responsible for making sure lynx can

thrive in Colorado and the rest of the southern Rockies. The new rule

is part of a sweeping amendment to forest plans for the region,

released by the Forest Service last week after eight years of

preparation. It's subject to a 45-day appeal period, and conservation

groups may challenge the agency based on what they say are significant

loopholes in the conservation plan. In initial reviews, conservation

advocates said the rule is an improvement from an earlier draft,

especially with regard to timber management. But the latest version

waters down some protections for lynx by whittling away strict

forest-plan standards — considered mandatory rules for forest managers

— and replacing them with guidelines, which don't have quite the same

regulatory clout. The same conservation groups that initially forced

the federal government to list lynx as threatened will carefully

scrutinize the latest Forest Service plan and potentially challenge

the draft rule if they believe it's lacking, said Dave Gaillard, of

the Predator Conservation Alliance. " We'd like to see something more

over-arching, " said Page Bonaker, a staff biologist with the Center

for Native Ecosystems, calling on the federal government to add parts

of Colorado to the areas deemed critical habitat for lynx.

http://www.summitdaily.com/article/20081110/NEWS/811099975/1078 & ParentProfile=10\

55 & title=New%20lynx%20plan%20changes%20logging%20rules


South West:


31) In February 2008, a federal judge reinforced a U.S. Fish and

Wildlife Service decision to designate 8,600,000 acres (34,800 km2) in

Arizona, Utah, Colorado and New Mexico as critical habitat for the

owl. The decision had been challenged by the Arizona Cattle Growers'

Association, but Judge Susan Bolton upheld the designation. Unlike

most owls, Mexican spotted owls have dark eyes. The Mexican spotted

owl is an ashy-chestnut brown color with white and brown spots on its

abdomen, back and head. Its' spots are bigger than the spots of the

other two cousins, California and Northern spotted owls, making the

Mexican spotted owls appear lighter than their relatives. Their brown

tails are marked with thin white bands. This owl is one of the largest

owls in North America. Called the " owl of the west " and found from

southern Utah, Colorado, through the mountains of Arizona, New Mexico,

and Texas and the mountains of Central Mexico. Nearly 90% of known owl

territories exist on Forest Service administered-lands in Arizona and

New Mexico. The favorite foods of this owl include wood rats, mice,

voles, rabbits, gophers, bats, birds, reptiles and arthropods. The

owls prefer the coolest part of the forest, often choosing nest trees

on the northern or eastern facing slopes. Nests on cliffs in Texas are

at 5,000 to 7,000 feet elevation in deep, cool canyons. Most owlets

(baby owls) leave the nest in June, about 35 days after hatching.

Owlets are unable to fly very well when they first leave the nest, and

their parents continue to feed them until they become fully

independent, usually by October. The spotted owl has long served as

symbol for environmentalists across the nation, and the Mexican

spotted owl is the Southwest's most famous old-growth resident. The

species' numbers are still declining as it continues to lose habitat

to logging, development, mining, wildfire, starvation, roadbuilding,

and other forest development. It has also been negatively impacted by

domestic livestock grazing and the widespread devastation grazing has

had on the rare and invaluable ancient old growth riparian forests of

the Southwest. Worsening the situation, the Forest Service and Fish

and Wildlife Service and federal government have failed to develop and

implement long-term population monitoring studies of spotted owl

populations so no one knows how many owls exist today or what its

population density is. The Mexican spotted owl is threatened by the

loss of old growth forests (its preferred habitat) throughout its

range, starvation and fire. They are also affected by Barred Owl

encroachment, great horned owl predation, low reproductive success and

low juvenile survival rates and logging, grazing and animal trade.

loggers, cattle grazers, developers, and other organizations whose

activities can affect forest cover.



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