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434 - World Wide Tree News

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--Today for you 33 news articles about earth's trees! (434th edition)


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In this edition:


Not so site-specific news related to the world's trees




--World-wide: 1) People increase threat of landslides, 2) Forest

Carbon Partnership Facility, 3) UNEP establishes new panel on

biodiversity, 4) REDD will fuel human rights abuses 5) New word in

lexicon of forestry: Sequester, 6) FSC is in Shambles, 7) Fungus and

Clearcuts, 8) If nature is where humans aren't, does it really exist?

9) Nature is good for you, 10) Forests produce climate healing

atmospheric aerosol, 11) Maathi urges protection, 12) Plantations are

not forests, 13) More on FSC fraud disclosure, 14) New Earth Rising

newsletter, 15) Palm oil craving may finally decline, 16) FSC support

is rapidly ending, 17) Palm oil folks just can't seem to find a way to

fool us, 18) Who owns the world's forests? 19) 2008 Living Planet

Report, 20) Prince wants long-term eco-bonds, 21) UN forest policy

started in 1992, 22) Stopping deforestation, 23) Tell 20 companies to

stop using oil palm, 24) Another climate friendly reason to save

ancient forests, 25) Big tropical logger gathering figures ways to

thwart government, citizens and ecosystems, 26) Cheap forest products

make expensive ones possible, 27) Greenpeace still logging of the last

old growth as long as FSC thinks it's ok, 28) 3,600 organizations

denounce FSC, 29) Ageing forests continue to accumulate carbon, 30)

Peat Lands emission more than expected, 31) More on REDD-ripoff, 32)

Nitrogen in leaves increases carbon absorption, ) 33) Voluntary Carbon





1) Climate change is likely to increase landslides, but it isn't thing

that will increase landslides the most. The culprit, the biggest

driver of landslide events, is a more basic, says Professor Dr David

Petley. It's the growth of cities. While scientists and governments

puzzle over how climate change will impact rainfall and the number of

landslide events in a year, this engineering geologist from the

International Landslide Centre at Durham University warns about

serious and more easily visible problems. " Climate change is terribly

important and we have to find ways of reducing carbon dioxide

emissions quickly or we will face a very dire situation. " But that's

not the only crisis we are facing. " What's likely to increase

landslides the most, are cities moving out into more and more marginal

land. " If this is poorly planned or poorly constructed housing

development, it poses a real threat in terms of landslides, " said

Petley who delivered keynote address on the subject at the

International Conference on Slopes 2008. Petley said this is evident

to some extent in Kuala Lumpur and that's why the proposed National

Slope Masterplan is so important. " As KL expands and slopes are

developed, having a policy and body that makes sure that development

is done properly is critically important. " The second key factor, said

Petley, is deforestation. Though not as great a concern in Malaysia as

in other Asian countries, the country is still likely to be impacted

by the conversion of forests into other uses. " There will be more

pressure to turn land into palm oil plantations in order to generate

oil and that can lead to degradation of the environment. " We've seen

in many places that deforestation and conversion to plantation are

environmentally very serious. " Petley also linked the issue of

deforestation to what he termed Asia's " next great threat " : population

growth. As population density goes up, each fatal landslide incident

is likely to claim more lives, he explained. The United Nations

Habitats Programme projects that between 2000 and 2030, the population

of Asia would increase by about 1.2 billion people, the most in South

Asia, which is expected to gain 700 million inhabitants.




2) An initiative to fight deforestation in developing economies by

tapping emissions trading markets will commence in full swing shortly,

involving a World Bank-managed facility financed in part by Japan. The

Forest Carbon Partnership Facility to finance projects to curb

slash-and-burn farming and other forms of forest degradation will

begin soon in Vietnam, Madagascar and 23 other countries formally

selected at the facility's first meeting in the United States in late

October, the sources said. The facility will sell on market credits

for carbon dioxide emissions that would have been generated without

the projects. Sales of the credits will then finance more projects for

forest preservation. Reducing CO2 emissions by way of curbing the

degradation of forests did not receive attention in the Kyoto Protocol

on climate change, even though CO2 emissions from slash-and-burn and

other forms of forest degradation account for an estimated 20 per cent

of global greenhouse gases. The sources said that if the initiative,

dubbed Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation, is

successful, it will help to combat global warming and preserve the

environment. Japan has a $10m stake in the facility currently worth

$170m. The World Bank and other parties are aiming to raise around

$300m for the facility. Funds from the facility will be used to

monitor illegal logging and to establish forest sanctuaries.

Mechanisms will also be developed to compute the amount of CO2

emissions that would be curbed as a result. The facility could also be

used to buy emissions credits.




3) The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) has established the

Inter-governmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services

(IPBES) with the goal of saving the remaining global biodiversity in a

regime of protection that likewise promotes economic gain. " The value

of services generated by the world's 100,000 protected areas is

estimated to be worth over $5 trillion annually, " UNEP said in a

statement. There is great economic benefit in biodiversity. For one,

mangroves are valued at more than $900,000 per square kilometer, while

coral reefs cost as much as $100,000 to $600,00 per square meter.

Reefs in Indonesia are worth $1 million per square kilometer, based on

the cost of maintaining sandy beaches, and pollination services of

insects such as bees and animals like bats are worth up to $90 billion

annually. The IPBES is now looking at capital-generating incentives to

boost biodiversity conversation, in the same way that the

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has given its support

to mechanisms such as carbon trading under the Kyoto Protocol. " A

similar bridge between the scientific and political worlds may be the

solution to the decline of the planet's natural assets, " UNEP said.

The IPBES is also considering its engagement in a worldwide education

project such as informing people of the role of animals, plants, and

other organisms in the ecosystem. This initiative aims to orient

consumers on the loss of economies from " dead zones " in the sea or in

forests, as reported by the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment and UNEP's

Global Environment Outlook-4. " We are facing a serious challenge to

nature-based assets. Global GDP (gross domestic product) has more than

doubled in the past quarter century. In contrast, 60 percent of the

world's ecosystems have been degraded, " said UNEP executive director

Achim Steiner.In the past, the Convention on Biological Diversity,

Convention on Migratory Species (CMS), Convention on International

Trade in Endangered Species (CITES), and the Ramsar convention on

Wetlands have attempted to solve global biodiversity degradation. UNEP

said, however, that such initiatives were either inadequate or

inappropriate. Having said this, UNEP mentioned some of the

consequences for the lack of programs responding to biodiversity. By

2025, for instance, close to two billion people are likely to live

with absolute water scarcity.



4) Plans to pay developing nations millions of pounds every year not

to cut down forests will fuel corruption and human rights abuses,

according to environmental organisations. 1) Johan Eliasch, Gordon

Brown consultant, fined for illegal Amazon logging 2) Save the planet?

Buy it 3) Tory treasurer to advise Gordon Brown The controversial

Eliasch Review was presented to the Prime Minister as a way of using

free market economics to slow climate change. The report suggested a

'forest emissions trading system', where credits are given to

rainforest nations for limiting CO2 through protecting existing

forests and planting more trees. These credits can then be sold to

developed nations that need to offset the amount of carbon they are

producing. By 2030 the market will be generating enough money to

ensure the world's rainforests are protected. However in the

intervening years the world community will have to find up to $19

billion (£11 billion) annually to pay the rainforest nations, most of

which are in the developing world, to protect their forests. There was

immediate concern about the money going into the hands of corrupt

governments or logging companies and leading to human rights abuses as

indigenous people are driven off now valuable land. In the long run it

is feared the forest credits will provide richer nations with a " get

out jail free " card so that they can go on producing carbon emissions

by buying offsets from developing nations. The author of the report

Johan Eliasch, a former Tory donor who runs the sports business Head,

is a controversial figure in the environmental world. Earlier this

year one of his companies was fined for illegally cutting down Amazon

rainforest. Although the report was welcomed by the new Department of

Energy and Climate Change, that could use the new credits to help meet

impending targets, it was criticised in the development sector for

being a kind of " green colonialism " by paying poorer nations to tackle

climate change.




5) A new word has emerged in the forestry lexicon: sequester or

sequestrate. In legal terms sequester means " to seize and hold (a

debtor's property), until legal claims are satisfied. " In like terms

with forest landowners, it means seizing atmospheric carbon, then

storing it in trees, and potentially earning revenue for the service.

How does it work? It works through " carbon markets " that help to fund

greenhouse gas offset projects. The Chicago Climate Exchange is one

example, serving as a CO emission registry. Manufacturing firms in the

U.S. that are members of the CCX make a voluntary but legally binding

commitment to lower their greenhouse gas emissions. Known as " cap and

trade, " CCX members have a CO emission quota. If this quota is

exceeded, they must offset the excess by purchasing carbon credits

from sources that sequester carbon, such as forests. Only forestlands

that have been third-party certified are eligible to participate. This

requires a forest stewardship plan and third-party verification.

Several third-party forest certification systems in the U.S. have been

recognized as credible, most commonly: Sustainable Forestry

Initiative, Forest Stewardship Council and American Tree Farm.

Landowners must work with a qualified professional forester to conduct

a " carbon " inventory that establishes the baseline carbon stocks. The

data is submitted to a registered carbon aggregator who, in turn, uses

a model to artificially grow the forest into the future. The model

predicts the carbon sequestration rate, a figure that varies by forest

and largely a function of stocking, species and site index. Periodic

payments are made to landowners based on the predicted carbon

sequestration.Landowners are required to give an annual update if any

changes been made to the forest that would alter the carbon stock

(e.g., harvesting, reforestation, catastrophic events, etc.). A carbon

inventory at the conclusion of the contract quantifies the actual

amount of sequestered carbon and allows for final settlement.



6) A new report from Greenpeace published this month confirms what

this website has been warning for nearly two years: that the FSC's

so-called Controlled Wood Policy is a shambles, and is allowing wood

from highly unacceptable sources into the FSC certified chain of

custody. The report, called 'Out of Control' (available here - pdf

file, 3Mb), follows detailed investigations into several logging

operations in Finland over the last two years, during which all major

paper companies have been audited against the FSC Controlled Wood

standard. The studies revealed " clear violations " of the Controlled

Wood Standard, including abuse of indigenous peoples rights, and

exploitation of High Conservation Forest. Some of the wood entering

FSC certified chains had been cut illegally inside protected areas,

and where endangered wildlife habitat had been destroyed. Greenpeace

looked into the sources of wood supply of companies Metsäliitto, Stora

Enso and UPM. They found that all had obtained wood from areas that

should have been excluded under the Controlled Wood policy. For

example, according to the report, Metsäliitto had carried out " several

controversial operations " in the Kytaja high conservation value forest

area in South Finland. In 2008, the company " logged four habitats of

the legally protected flying squirrel and a connecting forest between

them. The habitats and the connecting forest had been defined to be

protected by environmental authorities prior the logging and logging

them was clearly against the law. Areas had been marked on the ground

and Metsäliitto was informed of the protection decision. " Greenpeace

reports that the incident is under police is investigation. Close to

the same area in 2006-2007, Metsäliitto destroyed high conservation

values in a Natura 2000 protected area. According to Greenpeace " this

operation was against the EU's Habitats Directive " . Greenpeace

concludes that the Controlled Wood Policy should be 'phased out'

within five years, or converted into a new scheme leading to a

requirement for full FSC certification of all products carrying the

FSC label. http://www.fsc-watch.org/archives/2008/11/14/Greenpeace_exposes_F


7) " As a mushroom grower, I have seen habitats whose decomposition

cycles influence subsequent successions of organisms. Nowhere is this

more apparent than in clear-cut forestlands. Once the trees are

killed, mycorrhizal fungal communities die back. After loggers haul

trees away, vast debris fields remain behind: stumps, brush, and

downed small-diameter or otherwise unmarketable trees. Until this wood

debris decomposes, its biomass is locked away from the food web and is

therefore unavailable to bacteria, protozoa, insects, plants, animals,

and fungi, some of which would dismantle the cellular structure of the

wood, freeing nutrients. In order to stimulate decomposition and

trigger habitat recovery, we can selectively introduce keystone

mushroom species such as saprophytic fungi, the first species to feed

on dead wood. Making wood debris fields more fungus friendly speeds up

decomposition and helps the decomposition cycles become more balanced.

To help nature recalibrate after logging, fungi must be brought into

close contact with the dead wood so that the forest floor can act as a

springboard for saprophytic and other fungi, which are instruments of

the forest's immune system, ready to heal its wounds. For several

years after a forest has been cut, the mycosphere survives

underground, with an increasing loss of diversity over time unless

plant communities and debris fields are renewed. " Jodi Frediani Chair,

Forestry Task Force Santa Cruz Group Ventana Chapter, Sierra Club



8) A number of weeks ago, Nature published an editorial on the meaning

of " nature. " If defined as anything absent humans, the authors argued,

then nature no longer exists. Man is everywhere! How can we ever

manage wilderness, when our very act of management would make it no

longer nature by definition? Then they got a response from Fern

Wickson that basically called it out as nonsense: " if we define nature

as including humankind, the concept becomes so all-encompassing as to

be practically useless. " So if nature is everything without humans,

nature doesn't exist on Earth. If nature includes humans as embedded,

or a part of, nature, everything on Earth is natural. Neither seem

terribly useful. I think it helps to think of all conservation actions

as having clear objectives. Nobody's trying simply to restore a place

" to nature " — there are specific species, or processes, or services

that we want to protect, preserve, conserve or restore. In that way,

our actions as humans are (tautologically) natural, and our objectives

have rationales beyond just " because that's what's natural. "

Conservation for its own purpose. Personally, I find this article from

Orion on protecting the silent places in the United States ( " One

Square Inch of Silence " ) particularly inspiring for my own vision of

what we want to save, but we try to have a big tent here at a

Conservation Blog. Now if you'll excuse me, it's hard to type with my

gaze firmly embedded at my navel.



9) In particular, being in natural settings restores our ability to

exercise directed attention and working memory, which are crucial

mental talents. The basic idea is that nature, unlike a city, is

filled with inherently interesting stimuli (like a sunset, or an

unusual bird) that trigger our involuntary attention, but in a modest

fashion. Because you can't help but stop and notice the reddish orange

twilight sky—paying attention to the sunset doesn't take any extra

work or cognitive control—our attentional circuits are able to refresh

themselves. A walk in the woods is like a vacation for the prefrontal

cortex. Strolling in a city, however, forces the brain to constantly

remain vigilant, as we avoid obstacles (moving cars), ignore

irrelevant stimuli (that puppy in the window) and try not to get lost.

The end result is that city walks are less restorative (at least for

the prefrontal cortex) than strolls amid the serenity of nature. In a

very similar vein, there was a epidemiological study published in

Lancet last Friday that found that living near parks, playing fields,

or forests can have dramatic effects on your health—both by

alleviating stress and by allowing more physical activity. The

researchers went on to suggest that it might be possible to narrow the

health gap between the rich and poor by creating more green space in

urban areas. (Hey, maybe this even helps explains that recent finding

about how Republicans tend to be much healthier than Democrats, seeing

as how the latter are more likely to live in cities and have less

green space, no? Eh, okay, there are probably better explanations...)

--Bradford Plumer




10) Previous studies have concluded that boreal forests warm the

climate because the cooling from storage of carbon in vegetation and

soils is cancelled out by the warming due to the absorption of the

Sun's heat by the dark forest canopy. However, these studies ignored

the impacts of forests on atmospheric aerosol. We use a global

atmospheric model to show that, through emission of organic vapours

and the resulting condensational growth of newly formed particles,

boreal forests double regional cloud condensation nuclei

concentrations (from approx. 100 to approx. 200 cm-3). Using a simple

radiative model, we estimate that the resulting change in cloud albedo

causes a radiative forcing of between -1.8 and -6.7 Wm-2 of forest.

This forcing may be sufficiently large to result in boreal forests

having an overall cooling impact on climate. We propose that the

combination of climate forcings related to boreal forests may result

in an important global homeostasis. In cold climatic conditions, the

snow–vegetation albedo effect dominates and boreal forests warm the

climate, whereas in warmer climates they may emit sufficiently large

amounts of organic vapour modifying cloud albedo and acting to cool

climate. This work has important policy implications. Previous studies

have suggested that climate mitigation through forest expansion in the

boreal zone would warm climate. Our study questions this conclusion.

Climate model studies that comprehensively evaluate all of the

influences of forests on climate are now required. Our study focused

on the impacts of forest terpenes on aerosol, but other biogenic

aerosol and trace gas sources may also be important. We propose that a

combination of climate forcings may result in boreal forests acting to

help stabilize regional and global temperatures. During cold climatic

periods, a dominant snow–vegetation albedo forcing results in boreal

forests warming climate. In warm climatic periods, this forcing

becomes less important and the forest–aerosol–cloud albedo forcing may

dominate, resulting in boreal forests cooling climate. This impact of

boreal forest on aerosol and clouds represents an important climate

feedback process that must be included in climate models in order to

make realistic predictions.




11) Nobel laureate Wangari Maathai on Wednesday urged upcoming talks

on climate change to focus on protecting forests, especially rich

treelands in the Congo Basin, Amazonia and Southeast Asia. " I've been

hoping that this time, in the negotiations, forests will be

protected, " Maathai told reporters during a trip to Paris. " African

countries have to prioritise these issues, " she added. " African

environment ministers are working closely to come up with one African

position. " Deforestation accounts for around a fifth of global

emissions of heat-trapping greenhouse gases. This problem was not

addressed in the UN's 1997 Kyoto Protocol for tackling climate change.

Campaigners hope that in talks to frame its successor deal, which will

take effect from the end of 2012, new mechanisms will be set in place

to encourage forest conservation, including financial rewards.

Negotiations unfold in Poznan, Poland, from December 1 to 12 as a

prelude to a final haggle in Copenhagen in December 2009. Maathai is

to attend the Poznan talks as a " goodwill ambassador " for the forests

of the Congo Basin, but she also spoke about the importance of the

rainforests of Amazonia and Southeast Asia. " These three blocks are

extremely important, and I hope the post-Kyoto negotiations will

include the issue of forests, especially these three forests. "



12) Throughout the world, governments are actively promoting the

expansion of large-scale monoculture tree plantations, despite the

serious social and environmental impacts already witnessed on existing

plantations. The promoters of this model claim that plantations are

forests, which simply is not true. Plantations are not forests.

Unfortunately, many of our colleagues in the forestry sector support

this model, and our teaching institutions continue to train new

generations of forestry professionals to perpetuate and expand this

type of forestry model, aimed at seeing forests where they do not

exist. This is why we feel the need to publicly state not only that

monoculture tree plantations are not forests, but also that these

plantations result or have resulted in the destruction of our native

forests and of other equally valuable ecosystems that they replace.

Those who know the most about this issue are the local populations who

directly suffer the impacts of plantations, such as: 1) Loss of

biodiversity (and the resulting loss of food, medicines, firewood, and

materials for housing construction and crafts, among others). 2)

Changes in the water cycle, resulting both in the decrease and

depletion of water sources and the increase of flooding and

landslides. 3) Decreased food production. 4) Soil degradation. 5) Loss

of indigenous and traditional cultures that depend on the original

ecosystems. 6) Conflicts with forestry companies over the ownership of

land in indigenous territories and those of other traditional

communities. 7) Decreased sources of employment in traditionally

agricultural areas. 8) Expulsion of rural populations. 9) Destruction

of the natural landscape in tourism areas. -- For reasons like these,

we forestry professionals who strive for the conservation of forests

and recognise the basic rights of the peoples who live there must take

the side of those who truly defend the forests – the local communities

– and oppose the expansion of monoculture plantations.




13) An FSC label on paper products should ensure that the paper is

produced from " environmentally responsible, socially beneficial and

economically viable management of the world's forests " . At least

that's what it says in the introduction to FSC's Principles and

Criteria. The unfortunate reality is that FSC has certified some of

the most egregious industrial tree plantations in the world. I'm

currently putting the finishing touches to a report for the World

Rainforest Movement looking at Europe's role in supporting the

expansion of industrial tree plantations and the pulp and paper

industry in the global South. One section of the report looks at some

of the actors who are helping the industry to expand. Through its

certification of industrial tree plantations, FSC has become one of

the actors helping to promote the expansion of the industry in the

South. When FSC was formed, it did not accept funding from industry.

Since 2002, however, FSC has accepted money from the companies it is

supposed to be regulating, " as long as no restrictions are attached

which would affect the independence or integrity of FSC " . Pulp and

paper giant Mondi was the " gold sponsor " of the recent General

Assembly in South Africa. One of FSC's certifying bodies, SGS, was

another sponsor. It is difficult to see how this does not affect the

independence and integrity of FSC. Six years after announcing that it

would carry out a Plantations Review, FSC has started to amend its

Principles and Criteria. Based on the evidence so far, these

amendments will make it even easier for FSC to certify industrial tree

plantations. Criterion 6.3 should exclude the certification of any

industrial tree plantations. It states: Six years after announcing

that it would carry out a Plantations Review, FSC has started to amend

its Principles and Criteria. Based on the evidence so far, these

amendments will make it even easier for FSC to certify industrial tree

plantations. Criterion 6.3 should exclude the certification of any

industrial tree plantations. It states: Ecological functions and

values shall be maintained intact, enhanced, or restored, including:

a) Forest regeneration and succession. b) Genetic, species, and

ecosystem diversity. c) Natural cycles that affect the productivity of

the forest ecosystem. -- Industrial tree plantations have nothing to

do with " Forest regeneration and succession " . They have nothing to do

with " ecosystem diversity " and there are no " natural cycles " in

plantations consisting of exotic species that are clearcut and

replanted with rows of identical seedlings.



14) New Earth Rising is a new e-zine from Ecological Internet

committed to biocentric thought and action (read the press release).

Through thoughtful original essays and other creative works based upon

both ecological science and intuition, we link what is known regarding

the true extent of global ecological crises with specific personal and

social transformations necessary to achieve global ecological

sustainability. New Earth Rising is grounded in the ethics of

biocentrism, deep ecology and political ecology -- and is concerned

with equity and justice, as well as global ecological sustainability.

The publication emphasizes the need for ecological science and

rationalism in formulating environmental public policy; examination of

the seriousness of ecological and related social issues; proposes

necessary, sufficient and workable solutions involving global

citizens, society and governments; and is skeptical regarding secular

and religious ideologies. The e-zine will initially publish

bi-monthly, and reader submissions are welcome. You can also

to be notified of new issues. Ecological Internet generally depends

upon tax-deductible user donations to fund our modest operations. We

have recently chosen to accept a small amount of advertising to

diversify our funding. We have limited control over the ads, and

different people see different ads. Please help us, and should a

greenwashing, or otherwise inappropriate, ad appear, let us know and

we will consider blocking it immediately. On balance, there are some

good green messages and products being advertised that you may be

interested in investigating. http://www.newearthrising.org/


15) It would almost be humorous, if it weren't so pathetic. After

years of so-called 'greenwashing' tactics to downplay the

environmental degradation caused by expanding oil palm plantations

(see also related post here), falling world palm oil prices may just

be the thing needed to curb the greed. As a side note, I recently

visited China and now realise where a good proportion of the oil palm

is going - while the food was fantastic, the amount of oil used in

almost everything is a bit over the top. For a 'developing' nation,

there sure were quite a few fatties on the street. Convincing China to

eat less oil will also reduce demand for oil palm and save SE Asia's

dwindling biodiversity.




16) On the basis of very different worldwide circumstances have arisen

massive doubts about the certification system or the certification

practise of the FSC which have found her expression in extensive lists

of questions to the FSC which I send to your knowledge as a layout. An

extract from the enclosed list of questions was brought by me by the

distributed flyer on the abovementioned event (see layout) to the

participans to the knowledge. Now I've got to know that the " FSC Team

Germany e.V. " has sent an open letter from August this year to the

participants of the abovementioned event in which supposedly should be

answered in the distrubuted by me flyer questions. However, absurdy is

the fakt that this open letter of the " FSC team Germany e.V. " from

August, 2008 is just the basis for in the enclosed list of questions

or in the flyer raised questions and cann't be valued as an answer of

these questions. Rather is the statement allowed that the " FSC team

Germany e.V. " as well as the FSC International gGmbH refuses to answer

this in critical form raised questions until now. Not only this fact

but also the event from the 23.10.2008 have strengthened my entitled

doubts about the certification system or the certification practise of

the FSC. Among the rest answered the manager of the " FSC team Germany

e.V. " , Dr. Sayer, on my question how the FSC can guarantee the

legality of the certificated wood.



17) The plutocrats of palm oil are in trouble. The makers of Wall's

ice cream and Dove soap and Flora margarine are worried you'll get the

idea that these products are being produced at the expense of the

rainforests of southeast Asia. Because they are. And, so far, efforts

to rebrand palm-oil plantations as oases of sustainability have proved

about as convincing as those old ads that insisted you couldn't tell

the difference between butter and margarine. In late November, the

Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) will hold its sixth annual

meeting in on the Indonesian island of Bali. Food manufacturers,

commodity traders and plantation owners will applaud the " first

trickle " of palm oil certified as wildlife and climate-friendly and

definitely not grown on recently deforested land. Sadly, this will

underline how, after six years of trying to identify sustainable

sources of palm oil, the RSPO has to admit that 99% of the ubiquitous

edible oil – found in a third of all the products on supermarket

shelves – cannot be shown to have been produced sustainability. In the

chair in Bali will be Unilever's director of sustainable agriculture,

Jan Kees Vis. The Anglo-Dutch conglomerate Unilever (purveyors of the

Wall's, Dove and Flora brands) began life as Lever Brothers,

obliterating the forests of west Africa a century ago to create palm

oil plantations. Today, it buys more than a million tonnes of the oil

annually from deforested Malaysia and Indonesia.



18) Who owns the world's forests? When Andy White and Alejandra Martin

posed and answered this question in their 2002 report by the same

name, they found that 77 percent of forests worldwide were

administered by governments. The good news was that the forested area

owned and designated for use by local communities and indigenous

peoples was rising. This year, William Sunderlin and colleagues

updated the numbers in their report, From Exclusion to Ownership?

Challenges and Opportunities in Advancing Forest Tenure Reform. Their

findings are sobering for those who hoped to see an upsurge in

community control over forests. Sunderlin found that only a few of the

30 most forested countries in the tropics had made significant changes

in forest tenure since the 2002 study. Most are in Latin America.

Brazil alone is responsible for much of the global progress, with an

increase of 56 percent in the forest area designated for use or owned

by communities and indigenous peoples. Peru and Bolivia recorded

significant increases. Columbia also posted a small increase. In

Africa, communities made small gains in Tanzania, Sudan and Cameroon.

But Zambia and the countries of the Congo Basin registered virtually

no change at all. In Asia, India added more than five million hectares

to the forested area designated for use by communities and indigenous

peoples. Indonesia recorded no gains. Even in the few countries that

have reformed forest tenure, the granting of rights has not guaranteed

their realization. In Peru, for example, the government has allocated

forested areas for oil, gas and mining exploration in violation of

indigenous land titles in the Amazon. In Brazil, the government has

failed to prevent illegal incursions into extractive reserves by

loggers, ranchers and miners. Even when there's a will to recognize

rights, there's not necessarily a way: meaningful tenure reform

requires administrative capacity, expertise and financial resources to

demarcate and enforce community rights.



19) The 'Living Planet Report 2008' released last week by conservation

and scientific organisations – WWF, Zoological Society of London (ZSL)

and the Global Footprint Network (GFN) – give a stark warning about

the state of Mother Earth and a very bleak future for humanity. The

report says the world is heading for an " ecological credit crunch as

human demands on the world's natural capital reach nearly a third more

than earth can sustain. " The report also points to a dramatic loss in

our natural wealth driven by deforestation, land conversion and land

degradation particularly in the tropics. It says pollution,

over-fishing and destructive fishing in marine and coastal

environments are taking a considerable toll on the earth. The report

makes a comparison with the global financial crisis, but adds that the

consequences of a global ecological crisis are even graver than the

economic meltdown. Global statistics, such as the 30 per cent decline

in animal and plant species since 1970, may seem too remote for the

ordinary person here in Fiji. But we do contribute to the ecological

credit crunch. Our bad consumption habits such as overuse and misuse

of our forest and marine resource do add up to the crunch. We often

talk about pollution and industrial waste happening in foreign

metropolises, but this is happening at our very door step. The toxic

Qawa River in Labasa – the 'Dead River' a friendly northerner once

commented – is a case in point. Many years of poor litter management,

negligible standards and selfish dumping of toxic waste has killed

this river that was once teeming with a rich array of marine, bird and

plant life. Last month we heard the Fiji Sawmillers Association

whinging about the increased royalties implemented by the government

on native timber. This group has not done anything remotely

constructive towards re-forestation and assisting the national

environmental agenda. Everyday our mangrove forests and other natural

wetlands have been swallowed by urbanisation and unchecked reclamation

projects. Deforestation and dwindling fish stocks in our islands are

issues that need to be elevated to the level of national policy and

governmental action. The attention being given to the Department of

Environment in this regard is commendable. Creating awareness on and

enforcing the Environment Management Act 2005 is a step in the right

direction, in particular the initiative to get industries and

businesses to acquire permits on waste management.



20) Britain's Prince Charles has called for the establishment of an

international agency to issue long-term environmental bonds to provide

emergency funding to rainforest nations and protect the world's

endangered forests. During a visit to Indonesia on Monday, the Prince

of Wales said the proceeds of such a fund would be used to reduce

developing nations' reliance on industries such as palm oil and

logging, which lead to the destruction of forests. Users in developed

economies, he said in a speech in Jakarta, should be buying the bonds

to pay developing countries for using their forests " in the same way

as [consumers] pay for our water, gas and electricity " . Prince Charles

said long-term environmental bonds could be an emergency fund-raising

tool. He said the bonds would be guaranteed by developed countries to

make them attractive to investors. He claimed to have already lined up

some interested buyers, having worked closely with the P8, a group of

10 leading global pension funds which account for more than US$2,000bn

(€1,573bn, £1,260bn) under management. " I know that there is an

appetite for quality, long-term investments that would help combat

climate change, " Prince Charles told an audience including Indonesia's

president, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. But, it is unclear whether such

bonds would be attractive to developed countries in the grip of the

financial crisis. Past attempts to reach a deal by which rich

countries pay for poor countries to preserve their forests have


The issue is complicated by the difficulty of ensuring that forests

are protected and not cut down illegally as well as the fact that

preserving one section of forest from loggers can merely lead them to

move to another area. Countries have mooted awarding carbon credits to

forests that could be traded in the world's emissions trading schemes,

but traders are concerned that such credits would flood the market,

bringing the price of all credits drastically low.



21) The U.N. Conference on Environment and Development, or the Earth

Summit, in 1992 adopted the " Statement of Forest Principles " for the

sustainable use of forests. Unlike a formal international treaty, the

Forest Principles are not legally binding but represent the first-ever

global agreement on forests. Since then, efforts to protect forests

have been made across the world under these principles. One example

involves countries and regions being organized into nine groups

according to their natural conditions and social backgrounds, such as

whether they have temperate or tropical forests and whether they are

located in the northern or southern hemispheres.Each of these groups

has established its own standards concerning such issues as

biodiversity, soil and preservation of water resources. They have

initiated efforts to shift to sustainable forest management according

to these standards.A total of 149 countries belong to at least one of

the nine groups. Thanks to such efforts, the total areas of temperate

forests in regions such as East Asia, including Japan, and Europe have

started to show an increase. What is disturbing is the fact that

tropical forests continue to decrease rapidly in the Amazon of South

America, and in Southeast Asia and Africa. Industrial countries in

temperate zones have the funds and the ability to take effective

measures to protect their forests. But developing countries, where

tropical forests are concentrated, lack the money to take up new

approaches to forest management. The question confronting the world is

how to provide developing countries with funds necessary for forest

conservation. In addition to aid by industrialized nations and

international organizations, a program known as Reducing Emissions

from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD) is now attracting growing

attention. http://www.climateark.org/shared/reader/welcome.aspx?linkid=109704


22) Perhaps one of the greatest tragedies and threats of all time is

deforestation. Since our rainforests provide us with various living

means, any form of peril to it should never be disregarded. Thus,

focusing on the issues and planning more for solutions to

deforestation is definitely a must. Like all other problems, solutions

come in a wide array of choices. However, you get to pick one first at

a time and see if it's capable to yield good answers or not. In

deforestation, it is admittedly quite difficult to find solutions to

the dilemma mainly because of the huge scope that it encompasses.

Remember, this act and its effects are directed not only at a specific

area. All other parts of the world have gone through such act and all

else have experienced how nature got back at them. The conventional

solution aims to target and fix poverty which they consider to be the

cause of deforestation. The government, together with various

organizations, sees development as the main key to cure. Ironically

speaking though, industrialization and further city developments are

also one of the causes of deforestation. This happened to be the

reason why the government has been buffeted by issues with regards to

the solutions that they tried to provide. Nevertheless, here are the

proposed (and mostly unrealistic) solutions the government has to

offer: Tropical Forest Action Plan (TFAP) is one of the anticipated

problem solutions by the government. It operates through strategically

implementing to the people the value of our forests. This plan has

failed many times for obvious reasons. In fact, the government (as

they say) should have created a much clever plan to truly eradicate

the problem. Bringing up nonrealistic items over the table is just

considered to be a waste of time. Sustained Yield Forestry is one of

the projected ways to minimize the output of timber in its yearly

harvest. Issues have hovered around corrupt officials who permit

excess timber counts in exchange for money. This solution therefore

needs honest and responsible professional men to lead along the way to

change. The question is, when and where will you see dignified men

these days especially with the color of money around? Reserve

Strategies are also one of the seemingly impossible ways of treating

the problem. Hording of resources and keeping them for future use is

quite an impractical thing to do. It needs more practice, and thus

should be disregarded in cases where abrupt changes could be made.

Remember, the deforestation process is widely accelerating in number

now, and plans which are time bounded should be followed. Lastly,

International Biodiversity Program is also one of the seen

probabilities by the government to finish the problem of

deforestation. However, it works almost the same as TFAP which is also

proven to be non-beneficial. Traditional based planned strategies are

all government solutions to deforestation. It is up to your own

criticism now as to which will be judged the best.




23) It's time to show the worst companies that you won't stand for the

destruction of rainforests, communities or the climate for palm oil.

The use of palm oil in soaps, cosmetics, food products and other

consumer goods is a primary driver of human rights abuses, tropical

deforestation, endangered species habitat destruction, and climate

change. 20 companies that stand out as the worst of the worst, either

for the amount of palm oil they use, or for their lack of interest or

response to our requests need to hear from you. With just one click

you can send a letter to all 20 companies and tell them that they need

to take a stand against the rainforest destruction they are supporting

when they buy their palm oil. Your voice can make a difference.



24) New research in Royal Society journal Philosophical Transactions A

" suggests that chopping down forests could accelerate global warming

[ark] more than was thought, and that protecting existing trees could

be one of the best ways to tackle the problem. " The report quantifies

how the release of the chemical terpene from forest canopies [search]

leads to cloud formation that cools the climate. Given ancient

forests' massive canopies, the findings further clarify intact forest

wildernesses' critical role in maintaining an operable atmosphere.

Much remains to be learned regarding Gaia's workings, forests'

interaction with climate, and the need for ecologically sufficient

policy-making, yet it is gratifying to see formal science continue to

catch up with Ecological Internet's biocentric campaigns. Given

additional recent scientific findings that old-growth forests continue

to remove atmospheric carbon indefinitely, and primary forests lose

much of their carbon permanently when first logged, there is no longer

any justification for destruction of ancient forests. And presenting

" sustainable " logging of such sacred and life-giving primeval

treasures as having environmental benefits is ecologically bereft and

criminally negligent (you know who you are, and we are coming for

you). Through a combination of ecological science and intuition,

Ecological Internet and predecessors have long known that loss of

intact forest habitats is the key cause of climate change, as well as

general biodiversity, ecosystem and biosphere collapse. We know that

ending humanity's cutting and burning of itself to death is key to our

shared survival. In particular, global ecological sustainability is

going to require giving up timbers accessed from ancient forests, and

restoring old-growth forests worldwide. Ecological Internet is going

to keep on saying this, confronting those that say otherwise, whatever

the costs, because it is the ecological truth necessary to sustain

being. http://forests.org/blog/2008/10/science-regarding-forests-clim.asp


25) A meeting of global forest companies and timber trade

associations, representing more than 10,000 companies in total, has

tackled the way in which the industry can rise to legislative and

consumer demands for legal wood and well-managed forests. The meeting,

organised by the Tropical Forest Trust (TFT), included discussions on

effective global communication, harmonised demand from importers and

governments, and giving value to standing timber to stop forests being

clear felled for alternative land uses. " With 20% of greenhouse gas

emissions coming from deforestation, we need to act now and build

value in standing forests, to stop the clearing of forest for

alternative uses, " said Scott Poynton, executive director of the TFT.

" Eliminating illegal wood from the market place evens the playing

field so that responsible producers don't have to compete with

low-cost, illegal producers. " Amendments to the US Lacey Act and new

legislation proposed by the European Commission will effectively ban

the trade and sale of illegally logged wood within two of the largest

markets for tropical timber.

http://www.ttjonline.com/story.asp?sectioncode=17 & storycode=57509 & c=2


26) It is the lower revenue, high volume uses such as mulch, firewood

or pulp for paper that drive significant native forest logging. These

activities provide the cash flow that support any higher value added

uses such as structural timbers and furniture. In the case of

forestry, the negative environmental impacts can be addressed by

sustainable, best-practice, plantations. But the aforemented forestry

products are non-durable by nature, genuine consumables. Whereas, for

white goods, electronics, apparel etc., they are - or are supposed to

be - more long lived, durable products that have been manufactured for

obsolescence. The solutions here then must be based around extended

producer responsibility and 'cradle to cradle' principles.



27) Today Greenpeace International released a report entitled " Holding

the Line with FSC " [1] which reaffirms Greenpeace's unflinching support

for the Forest Stewardship Council's (FSC) past and on-ongoing

industrial first-time logging of hundreds of millions of hectares of

primary and old-growth forests. Greenpeace and other " forest

protection " groups like the Rainforest Action Network and WWF continue

to provide crucial greenwash for the false premise that ancient forest

logging is desirable and can ever be considered " well- managed " .

Greenpeace was the target of a series of protests in 2007 led by

Ecological Internet, as Greenpeace held FSC's international

chairmanship, regarding their continued support for ancient forest

logging given widespread irregularities. At that time they agreed to

review problematic FSC certifications, and to respond to criticism

regarding FSC's dependence upon ancient forest logging. Their new

report fails miserably on both counts. " Greenpeace today released a

one page report, with no mention by name of any specific failed FSC

certification (of which there are many); and a 12 page, 80 item

laundry list of bureaucratic measures to try, yet again, to make

acceptable destroying millions of year old primeval forests for throw

away consumer products, " notes Dr. Glen Barry, Ecological Internet's

President. " The review's only reference to primary forests is that

better training manuals are needed for their destruction[2]. All

primary forests are of high conservation value, and it is pathetic and

tragic that Greenpeace continues to greenwash ancient forest logging. "



28) More than 3,600 organisations and individuals have signed on to

World Rainforest Movement\'s letter

http://www.wrm.org.uy/actors/FSC/Assembly.html to FSC members

demanding that FSC should stop certifying industrial tree plantations.

FSC-Watch looks forward to seeing FSC's response to the letter -

preferably a decision to stop certifying environmentally and socially

destructive monocultures. Today, WRM released the following press

release: The General Assembly of the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)

is meeting in Cape Town, South Africa, from 3-7 November. Coinciding

with the opening of the event, an open letter is being distributed to

FSC members, calling on the FSC " to urgently resolve the serious

problem of FSC certification of monoculture tree plantations. " Wally

Menne, from the South African Timberwatch Coalition explains that " the

Forest Stewardship Council was created for the certification of

forests. Plantations have nothing in common with forests and should

have therefore never been within the mandate of the FSC. The time has

come for the FSC to decide to stop certifying them. " Another South

African activist - Philip Owen from Geasphere- adds that " timber

plantations have resulted in the depletion of scarce water resources,

making them prone to devastating fires such as those recently

experienced in South Africa and Swaziland, with the result of a number

of people dead or homeless. " " Those plantations - he emphasises - were

FSC certified! "



29) It has long been thought that ageing forests do not accumulate

carbon. In fact, the authors of a paper recently published in Nature

(Luyssaert et al., 2008) write that " a decline in net primary

production is commonly assumed in ecosystem models, " and they say that

this assumption " has led to the view that old-growth forests are

redundant in the global carbon cycle. " But is this long-held view

correct? The eight researchers, who hail from six different countries

(the UK, USA, Belgium, France, Germany and Switzerland), decided to

investigate the perceived wisdom of the day as it pertains to this

subject. In doing so, they compiled and analyzed real-world data from

519 forest-plot studies (approximately 30% boreal and 70% temperate)

where the studied trees had not been subjected to experimental

treatments such as fertilization and irrigation. This effort revealed,

in their words, that in forests of 15 to 800 years of age, net

ecosystem production (NEP, the net carbon balance of the forest

including soils) " is usually positive; that is, the forests are CO2

sinks. " What is more, they indicate that in contrast to the fact that

real-world data " consistently indicate that carbon accumulation

continues in forests that are centuries old, " young-growth forests

" are very often conspicuous sources of CO2 [our italics] because the

creation of new forests (whether naturally or by humans) frequently

follows disturbance to soil and the previous vegetation, resulting in

a decomposition rate of coarse woody debris, litter and soil organic

matter that exceeds the net primary productivity of the regrowth. " The

international team of scientists also notes that " old-growth forest

stands with tree losses do not necessarily become carbon sources, "

because " the CO2 release from the decomposition of dead wood adds to

the atmospheric carbon pool over decades, whereas natural regeneration

or in-growth occurs on a much shorter timescale, " and this latter

phenomenon more than compensates for the slower and smaller carbon

losses from the decaying trees. As for the significance of their

findings, Luyssaert et al. indicate that under the Kyoto Protocol,

leaving forests intact was not perceived as an anthropogenic activity

to be rewarded. However, they write that " because old-growth forests

steadily accumulate carbon for centuries, they contain vast amounts of

it, " and they say that these forests " will lose much of this carbon to

the atmosphere if they are disturbed. " Hence, they make a strong case

for the proposition that " carbon-accounting rules for forests should

give credit for leaving old-growth forest intact. "



30) Historically, northern peatlands have functioned as a carbon sink,

sequestering large amounts of soil organic carbon, mainly due to low

decomposition in cold, largely waterlogged soils1, 2. The water table,

an essential determinant of soil-organic-carbon dynamics3, 4, 5, 6, 7,

8, 9, 10, interacts with soil organic carbon. Because of the high

water-holding capacity of peat and its low hydraulic conductivity,

accumulation of soil organic carbon raises the water table, which

lowers decomposition rates of soil organic carbon in a positive

feedback loop. This two-way interaction between hydrology and

biogeochemistry has been noted3, 5, 6, 7, 8, but is not reproduced in

process-based simulations9. Here we present simulations with a coupled

physical–biogeochemical soil model with peat depths that are

continuously updated from the dynamic balance of soil organic carbon.

Our model reproduces dynamics of shallow and deep peatlands in

northern Manitoba, Canada, on both short and longer timescales. We

find that the feedback between the water table and peat depth

increases the sensitivity of peat decomposition to temperature, and

intensifies the loss of soil organic carbon in a changing climate. In

our long-term simulation, an experimental warming of 4 °C causes a 40%

loss of soil organic carbon from the shallow peat and 86% from the

deep peat. We conclude that peatlands will quickly respond to the

expected warming in this century by losing labile soil organic carbon

during dry periods.



31) Landowners are concerned they will not see proceeds from the

carbon trading mechanism the government has been instrumental in

pushing at international climate talks. Under REDD (Reducing Emissions

from Deforestation and Degradation), countries like Papua New Guinea

would receive funds for cutting emissions that result from

deforestation and land use change. The funds would come from pool of

money paid into by industrialized nations. REDD has been championed by

a diverse array of interests — including scientists, governments,

development agencies like the World Bank, and even some

conservationists — because the system has the potential to pay for

rainforest conservation while delivering benefits to rural

populations. But concerns remain, especially on how funds will be used

and distributed. There are worries that REDD could exacerbate disputes

over land, especially where title is poorly established or the

government has a poor record of managing resources for the benefit of

local communities. This is particularly an issue in Papua New Guinea

where the government recently asserted its authority over all

transactions involving forest carbon, even on private land. The

position effectively blocks landowners signing private deals with

carbon traders. http://news.mongabay.com/2008/1117-png.html


32) While scientists have long known that nitrogen-rich foliage is

more efficient at pulling carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere, this

new discovery suggests that nitrogen plays an important additional

role in the Earth's climate system that has never before been

considered. When Ollinger noticed that the overall reflectivity of

forest canopies (also known as albedo) rose and fell in conjunction

with leaf nitrogen, he realized he had made a new disocvery. " Bits and

pieces of evidence for this have been around for years but nobody put

them together before because it's a question we hadn't even thought to

ask, " Ollinger said. " Scientists have long been aware of the

importance of albedo, but no one suspected that the albedo of forests

might be influenced by nitrogen, " he added. Specifically, trees with

high levels of foliar nitrogen have a two-fold effect on climate by

simultaneously absorbing more CO2 and reflecting more solar radiation

than their low-nitrogen counterparts. Ollinger and UNH colleagues

Andrew Richardson, Mary Martin, Dave Hollinger, Steve Frolking, and

others, stumbled upon the discovery while poring over six years worth

of data they collected from research sites across North America. The

study involved a novel combination of NASA satellite- and

aircraft-based instruments, along with meteorological towers from the

AmeriFlux network and leaf-level measurements to analyze various

aspects of forest canopies. The newly discovered link between foliar

nitrogen and canopy albedo adds an interesting new twist to the

understanding of the climate system and raises intriguing questions

about the underlying nature of ecosystem-climate interactions. Changes

in climate, air pollution, land use, and species composition can all

influence nitrogen levels in foliage, and all of these may be part of

a climate feedback mechanism that climate models have not yet




33) A new standard for carbon trading will help link forestry and

agriculture projects into a million-dollar market to help fight global

warming, backers said on Tuesday. Under rules set by the Voluntary

Carbon Standard (VCS), projects such as reducing the rate of tropical

deforestation could get tradable credits for a voluntary market aimed

at companies and individuals and worth $330 million in 2007, they

said. " For the first time ever investors can rely on robust rules for

crediting agriculture, agriculture and other land use projects, " David

Antonioli, chief executive of the London-based VCS Association, said

in a statement. Trees absorb heat-trapping carbon dioxide as they grow

and release it as they burn or rot. Emissions from current rapid

deforestation in tropical nations account for about a fifth of

emissions from human activities, led by burning of fossil fuels. Talks

on a new U.N. climate treaty due to be agreed by the end of 2009 are

seeking ways to grant developing nations incentives to let trees

stand. But there is a lack of rules for assessing forests and their

carbon stocks. " This is an important day for world forests, " said Toby

Janson-Smith, a director of Conservation International, a leading

environmental group, of the new VCS. The system would make credits

from carbon stored in forests interchangeable with other voluntary

carbon credits, generated by emissions from energy use or industry.

Under the rules, forestry projects could use historical national data

on deforestation rates to estimate the amount of carbon preserved.


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