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ACTION ALERT- GA - Arrogant Georgia Rednecks Who Killed GAS CHAMBER Bills - PLEASE SIGN PETITION !!

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Susan Hayley <sugull (AT) bellsouth (DOT) net>Monday, March 9, 2009 10:22:11 PMArrogant Georgia rednecks who killed the gas chamber bills






Chamblee Abernethy [chamblee. abernethy@ hotmail.com] Monday, March 09, 2009 9:38 PMArrogant Georgia rednecks who killed the gas chamber bills


If you'd like to tell these folks what you think of their actions to stop the gas chamber bill from moving to the House or the Senate for a vote, be my guest: Senator John Bulloch, Chairman of the Senate Ag Committee: arrogantly professed to one of the drafters of the bill that he would kill it because 1) we introduced it too late, 2) our sponsors were no good (an admitted lesbian, a hot head and several bleeding-heart liberals), 3) he's a farmer and a hunter and comes from five generations of farmers and 4) he hates PETA and HSUS. Seriously, no kidding, those were his reasons, and he was not reluctant to share them last Friday. Senator Bulloch's email is: john.bulloch@

senate.ga.gov Representative Gene Maddox, DVM (a goddamn veterinarian! ): Secretary of the House Committee on Agriculture who killed the bill last year because 1) animals don't suffer in the gas chambers, though he never used one in his county's shelter when he was the county's vet, and 2) the AVMA says gas chambers are ok [he refuses to acknowledge that the AVMA says lethal injection is the preferred method and that gas chambers are ok only when operated within certain guidelines; none or very few of GA's chambers are operated within the guidelines, but Maddox won't investigate for himself because he wants to use the AVMA as a scapegoat]. A GA AVMA representative testified today saying that most all vets prefer lethal injection... but GVMA and AVMA won't take an official position on the bill

because they have no jurisdiction or regulatory power over licensed shelters. Dr. Maddox's email is: topdrawer@ mchsi.com Agriculture Commissioner, Tommy Irvin, and his entire staff at GDOA are opposed to the bill to ban the gas chambers. Why??? You tell me. I guess they don't want to have to do any extra work with licensing, inspections, etc. They're just lazy, and Tommy is an arrogant [insert explitive] who thinks he determines everything that happens with animals in the State of Georgia... no animal activists are going to tell him what to do. Commissioner Irvin stood up from the audience at last year's hearing and yelled and pointed his finger at one of the men who testified in favor of the bill, telling him to "go back to Habersham County."

tirvin@ agr.state.ga. us and his loyal assistant Mary Greene: mgreene@ agr.state.ga. us Cindy Wiem, President of the GA Association of Animal Control: testified against the bills at the hearings today because animal control officers need to be able to shoot vicious dogs in the field to protect themselves.

cindywiem@ Carolyn Danese, President of the Humane (yes, "Humane") Association of Georgia (HAGA) who testified against the bill at last year's hearing because, among other ridiculous reasons, the State of Georgia might run out of the lethal injection solution, as she claims it did in 1999.. and who is known for her close relationships with Tommy Irvin and other individuals in the GA Dept of Agriculture. ... and who has not endorsed the bill to ban the gas chambers, yet attended the hearings today. Carolyn.Danese@ turner.com




herbdiane@ msn.comRE: Petition/Graces Law GA and Bad News.Mon, 9 Mar 2009 17:01:06 -0400Call the Congress men/women and Senators - we need to tell these people that they aren't going to get re-elected unless they keep their butts home and govern to the entire community.




Mon, 9 Mar 2009 13:43:54 -0700wheelerville2@ sbcglobal.netPetition/Graces Law GA and Bad News.






CROSSPOST!~Folks, In case you didn't hear yet , the wonderful redneck gov't in the state of Georgia killed BOTH anti gassing BILLS today.


Sign the damned thing anyway and never quit!


There will be another day...


















See the link at the bottom of the message, please click on to sign the petition, as mentioend below, it may be easier than calling.






Thanks goes out to Robin Rohleder. She took a moment and found a website for everyone to log into regarding the petition in Georgia in case the telephone call was not an option. Please take a moment and voice either by phone or email.


Thanks again Robin!!!!!

Three cheers for you!!! Yvette McCoy Lighting & Gear Coordinator/ Baltimore Shepherd Electric Supply 7401 Pulaski Highway Baltimore, MD 21237-2529 (410) 866-6000, x329 (410) 866-9038, Fax Email: ycmccoy@ shepherdelec. com

robin rohlleder has just read and signed the petition: Please Pass Grace's Bill to outlaw Gas chambers in GAYou can view this petition at: http://www.thepetit ionsite.com/ tell-a-friend/ 3391545 Message from robin rohlleder: ----- Hi, I signed the petition "Please Pass Grace's Bill to outlaw Gas chambers in GA". I'm asking you to sign this petition to help us reach our goal of 1,000 signatures. I care deeply about this cause, and I hope you will support our efforts.

----- ThePetitionSite. com provides tools and empowers individuals to make a difference and effect positive change through online activism. Get connected with the causes you care about, take action to make the world a better place, and start your own petition at http://www.ThePetit ionSite.com!ThePetitionSite. com is powered by Care2, the largest and most trusted information and action site for people who care to make a difference in their lives and the world. www.care2.com


Robin Rohleder [oriole3344@ ] Friday, March 06, 2009 11:02 AMYvette McCoyRe: site


I figured it would be hard for people to call so I've sent you a link so they can sign a petition.









Yvette McCoy <Ycmccoy@shepherdele c.com>Friday, March 6, 2009 10:45:06 AMFW: Please make a phone call to end Gas euthanasia in shelters in the south


Ok….My 4-Legged Friend Lovers…….

Please read below and help stop this cruelty to animals. Just think of how awful the last few minutes of these animals lives are and what an inhumane way to do it. This is definitely cruelty to animals and an appalling source of euthanasia. How cruel! So please jump on the band-wagon with me and voice your opinion by making this brief phone call. Then, when you’re finished, please take a moment and pass this email on to everyone you can and, help these innocent lives and end any additional heart-ache they’re already suffering. Let’s all be their voice. Let’s pay it forward!!!!! Please, Please help!!! “Happy Endings†Yvette McCoy Lighting & Gear Coordinator/ Baltimore Shepherd Electric Supply 7401 Pulaski Highway Baltimore, MD 21237-2529 (410) 866-6000, x329 (410) 866-9038, Fax Email: ycmccoy@ shepherdelec. com


Karen Reese [k.reese@ manaliveinc. org] Friday, March 06, 2009 10:05 AM'Rose Quinn'; 'Yvette McCoy'; 'Hannah Flaks'; 'Hollis Jackson'FW: Please make a phone call to end Gas euthanasia in shelters in the south

Please make these phone calls. Thank you; it takes 2 seconds. Karen Reese, M.A., CAC-AD Executive Director Man Alive, Inc. 2117 Maryland Avenue Baltimore, MD 21218 (410) 837-4292x1301 (410) 234-0013 (fax) 443-415-4993 (cell) To see what is right and not to do, is want of courage-- Confucius PRIVACY/CONFIDENTIA LITY WARNING: This message is intended for the use of the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain information that is privileged and confidential, the disclosure of which is governed by 42CFR, Part 2, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) and other applicable federal and state law. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible to deliver it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this information is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. If you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately and destroy the related message.

Catalina Stirling [catalinasti rling ] Thursday, March 05, 2009 9:25 PMPlease make a phone call to end Gas euthanasia in shelters in the south





Dear friends,Recycled Love Rescue takes animals from a shelter in GA at times because they put dogs down by gassing them in a room. They do not have humane euthanasia.


There is a bill that needs to pass and only your phone calls to representatives will help.


Please speak for those who cannot and make a phone call to end the gassing of dogs in Georgia. This should be outlaw all over the United Sates.Thank you for taking the time. Numbers and contact info is below. It will just take 5 min. and your call means a lot.Thank you again.Catalina


Recycled Love Rescue








I just called the 2 state senators office in Georgia imploring them to support and pass on March 12, the Georgia State.. Bill 606 Anti-Gas Chamber Bill which will end euthanizing innocent animals by gassing them to death.. They told they they've received only about 20-30 phone calls so far. Considering how important this bill is for the animals I don't think that number is going to be of any influence in the rigid minds of gov't representatives in supporting and passing this anti-gassing bill..


Those 2 simple phone calls may just make the difference for millions of animals suffocating to death in these barbaric gassing facilities.


No euthanization method is humane....I PRAY ONE DAY our innocent animals will finally be granted the same rights to their lives as we humans are.



















Georgia house bill 606 anti gas chamber billGrace's Lawnamed after a dog that survived the gas chambervote is march 12th. need phone calls NOW.rep tom mc call404 656 5115rep ellis black404 656 0287







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Kristy Grieco <kgrieco (AT) bellsouth (DOT) net>Monday, March 9, 2009 11:49:04 PMOUTLAW gas chambers in GA! SIGN THIS PETITION NOW BEFORE IT's TOO LATE!!!! Let's stop this cruel practice of euthanasia.. ......... .......




Signatures are needed before 3/12/2009





Below is the link to a petition to support Grace's Bill - Georgia House Bill 606 - this is a bill that would outlaw the use of gas chambers for euthanasia by Georgia's animal control facilities.




The bill is named after a dog who survived the horror of an "unsuccessful" gas chamber event.Some try to argue that these gas chambers are a kind and gentle method to euthanize animals - but believe me, it's quite the opposite - it is an excruciating, agonizing, terrifying death for these poor creatures - If you have any doubts about the barbarity of this practice, watch this video: http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=iMR9scfrsx0Only ONE PERCENT of all shelters in the U.S. still use this horrific method (15 shelters in Georgia still use gas chambers). Georgia needs to come into the 21st century,

and MUST stop literally torturing animals to death.


Even though this petition is only seeking 1,000 signatures, it's falling short. The petition is being addressed to Representative Tom McCall (404 656 5115) and Representative Ellis Black (404 656 0287) - who have a lot of influence.




Please take a moment to sign the petition and tell these Representives how important it is that this House Bill 606 be passed. Then, please send this email to others (You don't have to be a GA resident to sign the petition and help stop this barbaric and torturous practice).



http://www.thepetit ionsite.com/ 1/please- pass-grace39s- bill-to-outlaw- gas-chambers- in-ga




THANK YOU from all the innocent ones!!











Hannah Tostensen [gavoters@ darientel. net] Monday, March 09, 2009 9:50 PMUndisclosed RecipientsMacon Telegraph Coverage of Today's Hearings


The article below was written by Travis Fain of The Macon Telegraph, who covered the two hearings this morning held at the Capitol on HB 606 and SB 232.

I attended both hearings and, like others in attendance who support a total ban on Georgia’s gas chambers, was disappointed that no action was taken on either the House or the Senate version of the bill.

While it my understanding that neither bill is “dead†and can be reintroduced in the first week of next year’s 2010 legislative session, it is unconscionable that thousands more animals will experience horrific deaths in Georgia gas chambers before January of next year, gasping for their last breaths.

On 3/9/09 3:57 PM, "Fain, Travis - Macon" <tfain (AT) macon (DOT) com> wrote:

This will be in tomorrow's paper. ANIMAL GAS CHAMBERS BILLS STALL

A pair of bills that would outlaw the gas chamber for stray animals apparently wont' be going anywhere this year.

House Bill 606 and Senate Bill 232 would both outlaw the practice, which is currently used in Macon, statewide. Advocates say it's inhumane, that animals suffer when Carbon Monoxide is used to gas them, and that sometimes they don't even die. They would prefer lethal injections, but that can be more expensive, since doses have to be administered one at a time.

Neither bill has passed committee, though a hearing was held on Senate Bill 232 Monday.

"These animals howl, they scream, they cough, they scratch to try to get out," said Linda Cordry, of Liberty County. One dog that survived the process in Liberty County came out "alive, covered in (vomit), fecal matter and urine," she said.

The bill was heard in the Senate Agriculture and Consumer Affairs Committee. Chairman John Bulloch said people on both sides of the issue might think it's simple, "but it's not." He said more time was needed to study the issue, and that a bill might move next year, but not this year.

The House version of the bill hasn't been scheduled for a hearing, leaving it one step behind the Senate bill.Macon currently uses the gas chamber, but plans to switch to lethal injections July 1, City Councilman Larry Schlesinger said Monday. Schlesinger attended the Senate committee hearing and said the gas chamber "definitely" should be outlawed statewide.


Hannah deSoto Tostensen

Darien, Georgia


"You must be the change you wish to see." Ghandi







Please click to feed dogs and cats in shelters !http://www.theanima lrescuesite. com/clickToGive/ home.faces? siteId=3

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http://babyseals. care2.com

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http://www.imom. org/To better the lives of sick, injured and abused companion animals. We are dedicated to insure that no companion animal has to be euthanized simply because their caretaker is financially challenged.http://www.imom. org/pin/general/ reba-pupa. htm


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