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Tommy Irvin Ignores Decades of Cruel Killings in GA Animal Shelters

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United States Animal Protection - Animal Shelter Reform



Tommy Irvin Ignores Decades of Cruel Killings in GA Animal Shelters


United States Animal Protection-Animal Shelter Reform is requesting a cease and desist on all Georgia Shelters that are still gassing animals today.This is pursuant to the Georgia 1990 Humane Euthanasia Act of July 1, 1990. O.C.G.A. 4-11-5.1(b)(1) Co- authored by Former Georgia House of Representatives Chesley Morton. .

We're asking for a public announcement to stopping all gassings in the state of Georgia forthwith , and a reasonable time line of no more than 3 months from receipt of this letter to implement humane standards of euthanasia. This is the only acceptable and credible action that will be tolerated.. This has been ignored for 19 years. It's way past time for Commissioner Tommy Irvin to do his job, and stop ALL inhumane euthanasia. This includes IP and IC injections done improperly.

Prior to the 1990 Law, it was considered inhumane to gas the sick, injured, pregnant, seniors or under the age of four months. Gassing animals without sedation would also constitute animal cruelty.

We have absolute proof of sick, injured, under age and pregnant animals being gassed in a Georgia shelter today. We have acquired the audio tape of a shelter employee stating no injection has ever been used at this particular shelter. These audio tapes will be released to key players within our organization, national organizations, as well as the local Atlanta media, if this practice doesn't cease immediately.

The violation of O.C.G.A.4-11-5.1(b)(1) bannishing gassing, and the equally horrible incorrect use of IP and IC injections without anesthsia that is still being used in so many shelters in Georgia will be released locally and nationally. Animals being killed by these methods are dying slow agonizing deaths. U.S. Animal Protection proved this in past cases in Walker County when open records were requested on euthanasia methods. These records showed animals being killed routinely by IP injection and the improper dose of Sodium Phenobarbital. U.S. Animal Protection proved animals had been buried alive. We made these reports to the animal protection division of the Georgia Department of Agriculture. These reports were ignored. These records were easily obtainable by the GA DOA that proved inhumane killings and were reported to Tommy Irvin, Ray Deluka and Mary Greene. The GA DOA staff ignored these reports and animals continued to be buried alive.

Only when a meeting was held with Commissioner BeBe Heiskell did we finally put a stop to some of the inhumane killings in this shelter. This could have been stopped years ago if only the GA DOA animal protection division would have taken the time to look at the records. The animal protection of the GA DOA is useless and a waste of tax payer dollars. The cruelty was even reported to Richard Rice, previously with HSUS, now with Atlanta Humane Society. The cruelty was proven, yet again ignored.

People around the world are demanding humane treatment of shelter animals in Georgia. We ask that the Animal Protection Division of the Georgia State Department of Agriculture do the job they're are paid for, and that this office is required, by law, to do. Protect the animals. This office has continually breeched their contract and has never protected the shelter animals of Georgia from inhumane death.

U. S. A. P. has supplied proof many times to this office, including audio tapes and open records of improper euthanasia attempts. GDOA employees Mary Greene, Ray Deluka and Vanessa Sims Greene and have repeatedly chosen to ignore the evidence. Immediate removal of those responsible for years of inhumane killings of shelter animals is appropriate.

The problems that exist with the Georgia State Department of Agriculture animal protection division far exceed even the gassing chambers and inner peritoneal and inter cardiac injections. Other issues with this office include puppy mills, illegal sales of animals by unlicensed breeders and brokers, illegal confiscation of animals from legitimate rescues and pet stores found to have sick and dying animals, auctioning of these animals as well as improper investigations of these facilities. There has been no accountability from this office. (The GSDA) The Humane Euthanasia Act states that there should be records from every single shelter of all euthansia’s for a period of one year. As Tax Payers, we want to have public access to all of these State and County controlled facilities. All euthanasia statistics and methods of euthanasia, as well as adoption numbers should be available to the public. That is the only way these facilities can and will be held accountable.

We at United States Animal Protection are requesting an investigation into misuse of power and lack of responsibility. Why has this been allowed by the Georgia Department of Agriculture, and specifically Tommy Irvin, to continue for decades.

We have confirmed by GA DOA that 22 GA counties and cities including Bulloch County, Butts County, Cobb County, Clayton County, Haralson County, Pulaski County, Henry County, Lanier County,Lowndes County,Mitchell County,Rockdale County,Chatham County,Spalding County,Sumter County,City of Ashburn,City of Barnesville,City of Calhoun,City of Cordele,City of Colbert,City of Vienna,City of Macon,and the city of Warner Robbins, that are still gassing.

USAP is demanding an immediate cease and desist on gassing of animals in Georgia. We also request inspection and review of all shelters that are using IP & IC on a routine method of euthanasia in a timely fashion.

We must stop inhumane killing of Georgia's shelter animals.



Since this report was released Clayton has stopped gassing but did not follow the AVMA's preferred method of euthanasia and switched to IC injection (heartstick)


It has been reported by witnesses Clayton was found to be killing inhumanely by IC injection on more than one occasion. Witnesses saw the animal get up after being injected and walk around. Chrissy Ware has responded to us at US Animal Protection and the allegations and letters make it clear ic injections were done improperly.


It has been reported recently the Macon GA. Animal Shelter is burying animals alive after gassing. Witnesses are available and have made reports to the Georgia Department of Agriculture Animal Protection Division and willing to speak to media. The reports have been once again ignored by the GADOA.















Dawn Taylor Bechtold Hillarie Allison







President and Founder President & Founder

United States Animal Protection Rescued Unwanted Furry Friends Foundation

Atlanta GA. a.k.a. R.U.F.F.F. Golden Valley, AZ

www.USAnimalProtection.org www.rufffhouse.org





























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