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Onion Butter Without Butter recipe vegan

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Onion Butter Without Butter


This has so many uses I'm sure you will find a bunch.


dark sesame oil

10 medium onions, finely diced

1 pinch sea salt



Place a small amount of dark sesame oil in a heavy pot and heat up.

Add the onions and a small pinch of sea salt.

Saute the onions, stirring constantly, for 3 to 5 minutes until the onions are


Add enough water to just cover the onions.

Bring to a boil, reduce the flame to low, and simmer several hours until the

onions become dark brown in color and very sweet in flavor.

Occasionally during the cooking process, you may need to add small amounts of

water to prevent burning.

When the onions butter is done,.

allow to cool completley before placing it in a tightly sealed jar and


Use immediately or store.

Instead of using onions, finely chopped carrots, squash, apples, or other fruits

and vegetables may be used.

To avoid the use of oil, the water-sauteeing method may be used instead.

At the end of cooking, tamari or pureed miso can be used for a different flavor.

Makes 2 cups.



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yes Amy I have done it that way its allot easier lol



" Amy " <sandpiperhiker


Friday, April 28, 2006 12:48 PM

Re: Onion Butter Without Butter recipe vegan



> Think this could be made in a crockpot?? It sounds delicious...


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Awesome! Thanks, AJ


, " AJ " <coolcook wrote:


> yes Amy I have done it that way its allot easier lol


> -

> " Amy " <sandpiperhiker


> Friday, April 28, 2006 12:48 PM

> Re: Onion Butter Without Butter recipe




> > Think this could be made in a crockpot?? It sounds delicious...

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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