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Digest Number 1885

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Thanks a lot for your good,useful, immediate response.Please keep it up.With

best wishes!



There are 25 messages in this issue.


Topics in this digest:


1. Re: ~ * May 2006 Roll Call * ~

" Meg " itszen4me

2. Re: OT: Gas question

" Meg " itszen4me

3. QOTW: Was your Mom a good cook?

" ~ PT ~ " patchouli_troll

4. Re: Test--My Wife virus

" ~ PT ~ " patchouli_troll

5. Gas Question Boogie

" cuppa_2u " cuppa_2u

6. Re: coffee mugs

" ~ PT ~ " patchouli_troll

7. Re: I guess a little background is in order...

" Erin " truepatriot

8. Re: Peanut Butter Balls ~ thanks Lorri & a question

" ~ PT ~ " patchouli_troll

9. Re: I guess a little background is in order...

" ~ PT ~ " patchouli_troll

10. Re: QOTW: Was your Mom a good cook?

" Meg " itszen4me

11. Re: Gas Question Boogie

" linda " lindai81

12. Re: Soyrizo Mexican Pizza

" ~ PT ~ " patchouli_troll

13. Re: QOTW: Was your Mom a good cook?

" linda " lindai81

14. Easy quick Alfredo Sauce

" wwjd " jtwigg

15. Re: QOTW: Was your Mom a good cook?

" artichoke72x " artichoke72x

16. timing/Meg

" linda " lindai81

17. Re: timing/Meg

" Meg " itszen4me

18. Re: (Recipe re-review w/variation) Hot and Sour Soup

" artichoke72x " artichoke72x

19. Re: OT: Gas question

" Samantha Lea " saml

20. Re: QOTW: Was your Mom a good cook?

" Mary Payne " mfp55smiles

21. chick peas

" Meg " itszen4me

22. Re: OT: Gas question

" Paula K Ward " paulakward

23. Recipe(s) request for brand new mum

" Kathy " treegrrl29

24. ~ * New Recipes Added To Files * ~

" feralvegetarian_moderators " feralvegetarian_moderators

25. Re: QOTW: Was your Mom a good cook?

" Paula K Ward " paulakward





Message 1

" Meg " itszen4me

Mon May 8, 2006 4:47am(PDT)

Re: ~ * May 2006 Roll Call * ~


1. Name?



2. Location?

orlando, fl


And just for fun:

Are they supposed to match? With 4 kids I don't have much matching


Let's see, some are dark blue, some are white, some are plastic with

cartoon characters, my favorite are plastic with fish on them.

I have my grandmother's set that are white with a purple flower and gold

edging, but we don't use those, ever.







Message 2

" Meg " itszen4me

Mon May 8, 2006 5:00am(PDT)

Re: OT: Gas question


We don't normally drive more than 10 miles a day, we live in a city

where nothing is more than a few miles away, but it's not walking or

biking friendly and it's too much of a hassle and too expensive to ride

the bus with all of us. We sold our 2nd vehicle last year so we only

have the mini van now. We need a larger vehicle since there are 6 of

us, soon to be 7. We're probably going to trade it in for a small

conversion van when we move later this month and hubby has to get his

own vehicle again for work purposes.


While we don't normally drive more than 10 miles a day we will be in the

next few weeks as we're moving to another state, but once we get there

we wont be more than 13 miles or so from hubby's work. I'll be driving

a bit more to get my kids to and from their homeschool activities and

dance classes and stuff because of the more remote location. OTOH, we

are also going to be paying less in house payments and have double the

house size, so it's really going to be same-same in the end.


The gas prices were hurting us because my husband was unemployed, but

honestly, he was unemployed for a long time so if gas was still $1.99 a

gallon it would still have hurt us. The only difference was at $3.00 a

gallon we could only get 4 gallons of gas, versus at $2 a gallon we

could get 6 gallons....so really, that's not a huge difference in our lives.








Message 3

" ~ PT ~ " patchouli_troll

Mon May 8, 2006 7:05am(PDT)

QOTW: Was your Mom a good cook?


Mother's Day [in the US that is] is coming right up, so

naturally she will be the focus of this week's group questions. :)


QOTW [questions of the week] for May 7th - 13th:


1. When you were living home, would you say your Mom was

a good cook or skilled in the kitchen?


2. On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the best, how would you rate

the food served in your home when you were growing up?


[if another family member did most of the cooking, who were

they and how would you rate their cooking?]


3. Did this person [Mom or who ever] cook anything that you

would consider their signature dish or family favorite that to

this day just the thought of takes you back to being a kid again?


4. Did your Mom teach you how to cook any special meal, dish or

dessert? [hint: we'd all love the recipe if it is vegetarian or you

have adapted into a vegetarian item]










Message 4

" ~ PT ~ " patchouli_troll

Mon May 8, 2006 7:08am(PDT)

Re: Test--My Wife virus


That makes sense. Thanks for sharing this, Paula. :)


~ pt ~


Choose the willow of the streams,

Choose the hazel of the rocks,

Choose the alder of the marshes,

Choose the birch of the waterfalls,

Choose the ash of the shade,

Choose the yew of resilience,

Choose the elm of the brae,

Choose the oak of the sun.

~ Old Scottish rhyme for Beltaine


, Paula K Ward




> Hi--I noticed things were a bit slow yesterday also. Then it kind of

> picked up last night. The following message was posted by a member in

> another group I'm in. They said they had received it from . Paula


> >Hi Folks,Should have posted this earlier, but I wanted to let everyone

> know That we are aware of the delays in email delivery that are

> >affecting Many groups right now. The primary cause is the " My Wife virus

> (http://vil.nai.Com/vil/content/v_138027.htm ), which has caused a >Huge

> spike in the number of emails sent to . This spike Has gone

> beyond the capacity of our current systems to handle, which >Is causing

> the delays in email delivery. We have already taken two steps to address

> the issue,









Message 5

" cuppa_2u " cuppa_2u

Mon May 8, 2006 7:16am(PDT)

Gas Question Boogie


I wonder where the gas comes from

that makes all poot along

The cars, the trucks, the cabbage soup

--that lifts up my new thong


Locating gas--yes it's a must

both in the air and tank

To pinch yer nose, or kick the pump

A fuel for thought to thank




Okay Okay so this poem stinks! }{a }{a }{a









Message 6

" ~ PT ~ " patchouli_troll

Mon May 8, 2006 7:20am(PDT)

Re: coffee mugs


That is so cute, the image of you as a child sitting there

looking at the pictures on the set of mugs. What wonderful

memories and so nice that you own them now. :)


~ pt ~


Whenever the pressure of our complex city life thins my

blood and numbs my brain, I seek relief in the trail;

and when I hear the coyote wailing to the yellow dawn,

my cares fall from me.Ê I am happy.

~ Hamlin Garland


, " Shelly " wrote:


> What fun topics!


> My absolute favorite mugs are a set of four that I somehow managed

> to " borrow " from my mom. They have a country scene on them in all four

> seasons and they are sort of whimsical, not realistic. I loved looking

> at these mugs when I was little, turning the cups slowly looking at

> all the little details, trying not to spill my mom's tea. I use them

> all the time and I know I will just be crushed if I ever break one of

> these.


> Shelly












Message 7

" Erin " truepatriot

Mon May 8, 2006 7:29am(PDT)

Re: I guess a little background is in order...


Wow, Keith, you sound like a fascinating guy.

I reckon we would get along quite well. Where

do you live? A little veggie/vegan shop would

be so cool. I have that dream too. Funny to

hear you otherwise wanting to get out of the

culinary world. But, you've been there done

that, while I have not.













Message 8

" ~ PT ~ " patchouli_troll

Mon May 8, 2006 7:34am(PDT)

Re: Peanut Butter Balls ~ thanks Lorri & a question


Thanks for posting this recipe, Lorri.

One year i hosted 50+ people at my home for my husband's

office Xmas party, and some of us did a cookie exchange after

the dinner. This one lady brought these peanut butter balls,

but when asked she refused to share the recipe claiming it

was secret. *lol* Now i think i finally have it. ;)

Hey, do you think this will work using natural peanut butter,

like Admas brand? Or does it require a more commercial brand

like Jif? Thanks.


~ pt ~


Go shorn and come woolly,

Bear the Beltaine female lamb,

Be the lovely Bride thee endowing,

And the fair Mary thee sustaining,

The fair Mary sustaining thee.

~ 'Blessing for clipping sheep' Carmina Gadelica


, PunkinPie68 wrote:


> Peanut Butter Balls


> 1/2 cup butter

> 2 cups Peanut Butter

> 3 cups Rice Krispies

> 16 oz powdered sugar

> 12 oz chocolate chips


> In a large saucepan melt butter over low heat. Stir in peanut butter and

> heat until smooth. Remove from heat and stir in cereal and powdered

> sugar. Form into small balls ( tablespoon size). In a microwave or over

> hot water in a double boiler, melt the chocolate chips. Dip balls into

> the chocolate several times to coat well. Place on waxed paper to cool.

> Store in an airtight container.











Message 9

" ~ PT ~ " patchouli_troll

Mon May 8, 2006 7:43am(PDT)

Re: I guess a little background is in order...


i enjoyed your " rambling " . :)

That was wonderful you moved back in with the folks to help

your mom and dad while he was ill; glad also to here he is doing

better and you too... glad you are also on the mend.

Your plans for the future sound exciting~ keep us posted.



~ pt ~


The first rule is to keep an untroubled spirit.

The second is to look things in the face

and know them for what they are.

~Marcus Aurelius


, " Mr.Graves "



> ... for those who I've not yet made the acquaintence of...


> My name's Keith, I'm 30 yrs old, lived on my own since I was 18, the

> past year I've been back with my parents as per their request due to

> my father being ill, but his health is improving so I'll be out on

> my own again in a month or two.










Message 10

" Meg " itszen4me

Mon May 8, 2006 7:55am(PDT)

Re: QOTW: Was your Mom a good cook?


1. When you were living home, would you say your Mom was a good cook or

skilled in the kitchen?


My mother worked outside the home and had a long commute. Dinner was

mostly quick, a lot of stir fry and meatloaf in my memory. She made a

pot roast with carrots and onions every sunday to cook while we attended

church. We probably would have had a lot of take out and delivery

except we lived in the country and you had to drive 30 miles to get to

the nearest pizza joint and it would be cold by the time she got it home.


2. On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the best, how would you rate the food

served in your home when you were growing up?

I'd have to say 8 because i don't recall it being not good and I

obviously didn't go hungry :)


3. Did this person [Mom or who ever] cook anything that youwould

consider their signature dish or family favorite that to this day just

the thought of takes you back to being a kid again?


not my mom, really. My dad made beef stroganoff


4. Did your Mom teach you how to cook any special meal, dish or dessert?

[hint: we'd all love the recipe if it is vegetarian or you have adapted

into a vegetarian item]


nope, we never cooked together. Once I was 13 or so I was expected to

make dinner several nights a week, we usually had a salad or stir fry or

pasta, etc.








Message 11

" linda " lindai81

Mon May 8, 2006 7:56am(PDT)

Re: Gas Question Boogie


It was the thought that counted...at least that is what they tell me...does

it work for you? Now I suppose Shawn is going to have to try to out do you.



" cuppa_2u "


> I wonder where the gas comes from

> that makes all poot along

> The cars, the trucks, the cabbage soup

> --that lifts up my new thong


> Locating gas--yes it's a must

> both in the air and tank

> To pinch yer nose, or kick the pump

> A fuel for thought to thank




> Okay Okay so this poem stinks! }{a }{a }{a



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