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Compilation of Lavender Recipes

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Lavender is in bloom. I have cooked and baked

with it for years. I want to pass a huge selection

of recipes to you. Please give one of them a try.

I have not made all of these but I will say I have

never made a bad recipe using lavender.

For the spice lovers, toss some red pepper

flakes into the rubs, marinades and dressings.





Lavender Butter

Preparation time: 5 minutes

People often forget that lavender

is edible, though it should be used sparingly;

otherwise it becomes bitter.


Spread Storage


Cover and refrigerate the butter for up to 1 week.


Be sure to let it soften before spreading on the corn.




Makes 8 servings


1/2 cup sweet butter

1 tbsp. lemon juice

1 tbsp. chives

1 tbsp. chervil

1 tsp. lavender

Salt and pepper


Chop the herbs finely; in a fowl, combine all

the ingredients thoroughly with a fork;

Roll the mixture in a piece of aluminum foil

to form a cylinder about 1 ½ "


(3 cm) in diameter; refrigerate for one hour

or place in the freezer for 30 minutes.


To use, slice into rounds.




Lavender Vinaigrette


3/4 cup sour cream

1/3 cup rice wine vinegar

1/3 cup honey

1/3 cup olive oil or grape seed oil

1 tsp lime or lemon juice

1 tsp Herbs de Provence

1 1/2 tsp dried culinary lavender (ground to a fine powder in a coffee mill)

Combine all ingredients in a pint jar and shake well. Pour it on salad

greens or vegetables. Keeps for several days in the refrigerator and gets

better as it sits. "

Culinary lavender: All lavenders are edible, but not all lavenders are

desirable for your recipes. the best varieties are " English " lavenders, also

known as Lavandula Angustifolia because they are sweeter and have a lower

content of camphors.

Best culinary varieties: Sharon Roberts, Tucker's Early Purple, Hidcote and



Lavender-Blueberry Vinegar

1 1/2 cups lavender flowers, unsprayed

1 quart washed blueberries, gently crushed

1/2 gallon white vinegar or white wine vinegar (5 percent acidity)

Directions: Put all ingredients in a large glass jar such as a canning jar

or a sun tea jar. Stir well and place in a cool, dark place for 3-4 weeks,

stirring every few days to allow flavor to develop fully. Using a

cheesecloth-lined strainer, pour mixture into a large stockpot. Add 1/2-2

cups white sugar, depending on taste. Bring to a simmer for 5-7 minutes

until the sugar is dissolved. Allow to cool, then pour into bottles, adding

fresh whole blueberries or a sprig of lavender. Seal with wax and enjoy!


Lavender and Orange Salad

Serves 2

3 very ripe oranges, sliced, with the pith and membrane removed

1 teaspoon chopped fresh lavender flowers

3 teaspoons red wine vinegar

a very little chopped Spanish onion

Mix all the ingredients. Serve as a first course.


Plum-Lavender Chutney

Makes 3 pints

This recipe from Jerry Traunfeld of the Herb Farm in Fall City, Washington,

uses plums because they start to ripen at the same time as the lavender

blooms. Spread this chutney on a turkey sandwich, use as an appetizer on

crackers with blue cheese, 5 pounds nearly ripe red or purple pulms

1 medium onion, finely chopped

Grated zest and juice of 2 lemons

1 ½ tablespoons chopped fresh ginger

1 tablespoon whole yellow mustard seed

1 teaspoon hot red pepper flakes

¼ cup sherry vinegar

¾ cup firmly packed brown sugar

½ teaspoon salt

1 ½ tablespoons chopped fresh lavender flower heads

Cut the plums in half, remove the pits, and slice the fruit into ½-inch

wedges. Place in a heavy-bottomed sauce pan and add onion, lemon, ginger,

mustard seed, red pepper flakes, vinegar, brown sugar, and salt. Bring the

mixture to a boil, then turn the heat to low and simmer, stirring often,

until very thick, about 45 minutes. Stir in the lavender. Pack the chutney

in sterilized 1-pint or 8-ounce jars and seal according to the manufacture's

directions. The chutney will keep indefinitely. Or, if not canning, cool and

store in refrigerator up to one month.



Lavender Biscuits

125 g (4 ½ oz) butter or margarine

100 g (4 oz) sugar

1 egg

150-200 g (5-7 oz) self rising flour

1 level tablespoon dried English lavender flowers (Lavandula agustifolia).

It is essential to use English lavender with no camphor scent.

1 small cup (1/4 to 1/3 cup) chopped galce'ginger (optional)

Cream butter and sugar, add egg and beat well. Add dried lavender flowers

and mix well. Include ginger here if using. Finally add sieved self rising

flour and mix well. Place teaspoonfuls into a baking tray lined with

non-stick paper and bake in a pre-heated moderate oven (325 degrees) for

15-20 minutes. This makes approximately 30 biscuits.


Lavender Cake

Bake this summer scented cake to remind yourself of the days of Elizabeth. A

time when lavender was extremely popular not just for its fragrance but also

its distinct flavor. Serves as many as the number of slices you can cut the

cake into.

¾ cup unsalted butter, softened

¾ cup superfine sugar

3 eggs lightly beaten

1 ½ cups self-rising flour sifted

1 Tbls fresh lavender florets or 1 Tbls dried culinary lavender, roughly


½ tsp vanilla extract

2 Tbls milk or soy milk

½ cup confectioner's sugar, sifted

½ tsp water a few fresh lavender florets for decorations

Heat the oven to 350 degrees F. Lightly grease and flour a ring pan or a

deep 8-inch round, loose-bottomed cake pan. Cream the butter and sugar

together thoroughly until light and fluffy. Add the eggs one at a time

beating thoroughly between each addition, until mixture becomes thick and

glossy. Fold in the flour, lavender florets, vanilla and milk. Spoon the

mixture into the pan and bake for 1 hour. Let sit 5 minutes, then turn out

onto a wire rack to cool. Mix the confectioner's sugar with the water until

smooth. Pour over the cake and decorate with fresh lavender.


Lavender Martini

To your favorite Martini, add a small flower head of lavender as a garnish;

the lavender oils are quickly and subtly released by the alcohol. For a

stiffer lavender flavor, shake or stir your martini with a tiny drop of

lavender essential oil, and float a few lavender corollas across the top of

the drink. Salute!


Lavender Punch

Serves 2-6

Juice of 3 lemons

6 cups pineapple juice

1 teaspoon chopped lavender

1 small bottle ginger ale

sugar to taste (you may not need any)

Combine ingredients and serve cold.


Lavender Wine

Simple, just pluck 4 to 10 lavender corollas from a fresh flower head and

let them skate across you favorite white wine in a chilled glass. Or put a

stem with a small flower head into the glass with the stem delicately lying

over the rim like an upside-down swizzle stick.


To Scent a Room with Lavender Essence

-Place a bowl of lavender by the window in the sun to draw out the scent.

-Drop a little oil on the light bulb of a table lamp- it will evaporate and

fill the room with perfume.

-Keep a pot of lavender and water simmering on the stove.

-Throw bunches of lavender into a open fire.

-Place bowls of lavender-scented potpourri near doorways to help repel


-Place lavender oil in a porous jug so the perfume seeps into the room.

-Place sprig of lavender with other flowers in vases.

(Book of Lavender, Jackie French)



Luscious Lavender Night Cream

1 tablespoon avocado or apricot oil

1 tablespoon almond oil

3 tablespoons lanolin

1 teaspoon oil of lavender (see 'Medicinal Lavender for how to prepare)

If you work outside a lot this is the ideal answer to sore chapped hands and

weather-beaten skin. Put the lanolin in an ovenproof bowl and place in a

roasting pan full of hot water. Pour in the avocado and almond oils and beat

well to completely combine. Remove from the heat and continue to beat as the

mixture cools and thickens. Add the oil of lavender. Continue beating until

mixture is thick and creamy and cool. Pour into a small pot, cover and store

in the fridge. Vitamin E can be added by squeezing the contents of 2 or 3

capsules as the same stage as oil of lavender is added.



Lavender Sweet Breath Lozenges

egg white

icing sugar

lavender oil

These sweet lavender pastilles were once most fashionable among ladies as a

breath freshener after indulging in a little wine. A few drops of essential

oil of lavender were added to well sieved icing sugar and mixed thoroughly.

It was then bound with sufficient lightly beaten egg white to form a stiff

paste, and small portions shaped into lozenge shaped pastilles. These were

then set aside to dry and harden in a warm place. While these pastilles were

an emergency social measure, a mouth wash made from an infusion of sage

leaves was much favoured for everyday use, as was sage toothpaste.


Lavender Complexion Lotion

Simmer a large piece of comfrey root for 10 minutes. Add one cup of rose

hips and simmer another 10 minutes. Strain. Add a large bunch of lavender

flower, put the lid on, and simmer for about 3 minutes. Leave the lid on

while the mixture cools, then decant and keep well stoppered. Dab on the

lotion night and morning. This will help pimples, broken capillaries,

prominent veins, insect bites and enlarged pores.


Lavender Talcum Powder

It is simplest to begin with a commercial unperfumed talcum powder, but

arrowroot or cornflower can be used too. Use a mortar and pestle to

pulverise dried lavender flowers to as fine a powder as possible. Sieve

through a fine mesh. Mix together equal quantities of sieved lavender and

talcum powder or flour. Add a few drops of essential oil of lavender. Mix

thoroughly, sieve once more and bottle attractively.



Toilet Water for Easing Headaches

1 1/2 cups dried lavender flowers

1 pint cider vinegar

1 cup rosewater

Place lavender in glass jar, pour on vinegar and leave for a week in a cool,

dry place, shaking each day. After a week, strain through muslin and stir in

rosewater. Use on temples to give relief from headaches cased by fatigue.


Lavender and Oatmeal Bag for the Bath

Every mother knows oatmeal baths are good for the skin, as oatmeal softens

water. Add lavender and you have a bath that not only smells good but also

softens and soothes. Add whatever other herbs or flower petals you like to

the bag as well. 1 cup oatmeal ½ cup or so fresh or dry lavender flowers and

tops Another bunch of fresh herb such as rosemary, lemon balm, and thyme or

½ cup rose petals. Combine all ingredients and place in the center of a

square of cotton or muslin. Gather up the corners and tie tightly to make a

bag. Hold this under the running tap water while drawing your bath. While

bathing, rud the bag over skin to get extra benefits.



Lavender Foot Rub

Finish off the good work done by a lavender foot bath with a soothing foot

rub. This recipe is particularly good for joggers or enthusiastic walkers,

not only soothing tired muscles but helping to prevent blisters and adding

moisture to the skin to prevent cracking. ½ tablespoon apple cider vinegar

(no other) *30 drops essential oil of lavender *3 tablespoons of safflower

or sunflower or avocado oil *Both the essential oil and oil may be replaced

by 3 tablespoons of your own oil of lavender if you wish. Mix all the

ingredients together in a glass jar and stand in a roasting pan of hot

water. Stir and heat gently. Allow to cool. Place cap on bottle and shake

well. Remove the cap until the mixture is cold, then replace the cap. Shake

before use.




Three ways to use lavender in cooking



Measure 2 Tbsp Lavender buds for each cup boiling liquid (usually water or

milk). Steep for 30 min. Strain liquid. Lavender Infusion can be used to

flavor lavender lemonade, ice tea, cakes, cookies and sorbets. A Lavender

milk or cream infusion can be used to make Lavender Creme Brule, Lavender

Ice Cream, Lavender Cheese Cake, Lavender Scones and more.



Combine 2 cups sugar with 1 cup Lavender buds. After one week, strain out

the lavender. Substitute for regular sugar to add a wonderful aromatic





Use Lavender as you would rosemary in any meat, casserole, soup or bread

recipe. Chop flower buds for a finer texture. Rub a mixture of finely

chopped Lavender, garlic, salt and pepper on any vegetables

or tofu steaks before roasting or grilling.



Lavender and Honey Salad Dressing


6 Tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil

2 Tbsp Balsamic Vinegar

1 Tbsp Lemon Juice

1 crushed Garlic Clove

1 Tbsp coarse grain Mustard

2 Tbsp Honey or maple syrup

1 Tbsp Crushed Lavender

Whisk all ingredients together. Let stand for 30 minutes to allow flavors to

infuse. Whisk again and serve. This dressing will store in the fridge for up

to one week.


Sonoma Lavender Lemon Pepper


Aromatic Lavender flowers, zesty lemon peel and spicy black pepper combine

for a dynamic flavor sensation that's exciting on tofu steaks well as salads and


Add to dressings and sauces. Rub on grilled veggies, tofu, etc.

Mix with butter, mayonnaise or cream cheese for dips, and spreads.





1/3 c Olive Oil

3 Tbsp Lavender Lemon Pepper

3 Tbsp Cider Vinegar

1 Tbsp firmly packed Brown Sugar

1 Tbsp Dijon-style Mustard

1 Tbsp Worcestershire Sauce (veg. style)

1 Tbsp Water


Mix well, and marinate chicken, pork or fish in refrigerator for 2 to 4

hours. Discard marinade.




LAVENDER LEMON PEPPER VINIGRETTE Mix well and toss with salad:


1/3 c vegetable oil

1 Tbsp Red Wine Vinegar

1 Tbsp Lavender Lemon Pepper and 1 Tbsp Water

2 tsp finely chopped

Onion or Shallots



Herbs d' provence dipping sauce

A delicious dipping sauce for artichokes, this sauce is also great with


2/3 cup plain nonfat Yogurt

2 small Green Onions, chopped

1 Red Pepper, roasted, skinned and chopped

1 Tbsp chopped Chilies

3 Tbsp Mayonnaise of choice

1 Tbsp Herbes de Provence



Drain yogurt. Finely chop green onions in processor. Add half of roasted

peppers and chilies. Process until peppers are finely chopped, scraping down

sides of bowl occasionally. Add yogurt, mayonnaise and Lavender Herbes de

Provence and blend. Add remaining peppers and process slightly until peppers

are coarsely chopped. Season with salt and pepper. Transfer to bowl. Chill

at least 30 minutes and up to one day to blend flavors.

Makes 1-1/2 cups.


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