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Walmart / Sam's Club

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In a message dated 8/10/2006 4:14:22 PM Central Standard Time,

rkoloms writes:


Costco manages to have prices nearly as low as Sam's, yet is able to

pay employees a living wage and provide health insurance. Walmart's

clothing are almost all produced by slave labor; even those labeled

as " made in the US " are manufactured in the Mariana Islands.


We have the opportunity to vote with out dollars.



Exactly, there are companies that are operating in the US that do deliver on

well priced goods while treating their employees well.





Susie or Susan



Some Americans need hyphens in their names, because only part of them has

come over; but when the whole man has come over, heart and thought and all, the

hyphen drops of its own weight out of his name. ~Woodrow Wilson





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Costco manages to have prices nearly as low as Sam's, yet is able to

pay employees a living wage and provide health insurance. Walmart's

clothing are almost all produced by slave labor; even those labeled

as " made in the US " are manufactured in the Mariana Islands.


We have the opportunity to vote with out dollars.


Here is a link to an episode of Frontline shown on PBS:



Make you own decision.


Many do not eat meat for moral reasons. I don't give Walmart my money

for moral reasons.



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this is all fine and dandy & I truly appreciate all the views given

and the conversation...but would the ppl emailing me privately to tell

me i'm an idiot PLEASE stop (I'm asking nicely). After the 3rd nasty

email came offlist I stopped reading them anyhow. You are succeeding

in making an already grumpy, hormonal, pregnant, in constant pain and

hungry woman want to cry. Yes, I am playing the sympathy card but

really, it's just getting annoying people.


Like it or not walmart has a place in this world, even if it's a place

of loathing and protest. Everything has it's time and it's place,

including the sweatshops and the butcher shops and pesticides, slave

labor, child labor and the people who violate every fair trade

agreement ever written (NOTE that I am NOT saying they are morally

acceptable, just that they have a role in society). Something doesn't

have to be all roses and butterflies and pink and warm and fuzzy or

agree with your viewpoint to have it's role in the world. That is all

I was trying to sugar coat.


The only entity in the wrong here are the folks who would make the

concious move to email me offlist and call me names and cuss at me.

Hows about a little compassion for your human counterparts? Eesh!!!


Now! I shall enjoy my madras lentils & rice in peace I do declare!

Hubby took the kids upstairs to work on some secret gift thing (our

10th wedding anniv is tomorrow, yay us) and I have about 15 minutes to

myself for the first time in somewhere around 4 years.


Thank you and have a nice evening :)



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Oh, Meg! I am so sorry! I feel a little responsible for your getting private

mail!. You are being such sweetie, and though I disagree with alot of things

Inot everything though) you so don't deserve that. Especially when you are hot,

tired, hungry and VERY pregnant! Please accept my aplology, and have a

wonderful anniversary.




P.S. I second the thanks to PT, we are lucky to have such a great group



Meg <itszen4me wrote:

this is all fine and dandy & I truly appreciate all the views given

and the conversation...but would the ppl emailing me privately to tell

me i'm an idiot PLEASE stop (I'm asking nicely). After the 3rd nasty

email came offlist I stopped reading them anyhow. You are succeeding

in making an already grumpy, hormonal, pregnant, in constant pain and

hungry woman want to cry. Yes, I am playing the sympathy card but

really, it's just getting annoying people.


Like it or not walmart has a place in this world, even if it's a place

of loathing and protest. Everything has it's time and it's place,

including the sweatshops and the butcher shops and pesticides, slave

labor, child labor and the people who violate every fair trade

agreement ever written (NOTE that I am NOT saying they are morally

acceptable, just that they have a role in society). Something doesn't

have to be all roses and butterflies and pink and warm and fuzzy or

agree with your viewpoint to have it's role in the world. That is all

I was trying to sugar coat.


The only entity in the wrong here are the folks who would make the

concious move to email me offlist and call me names and cuss at me.

Hows about a little compassion for your human counterparts? Eesh!!!


Now! I shall enjoy my madras lentils & rice in peace I do declare!

Hubby took the kids upstairs to work on some secret gift thing (our

10th wedding anniv is tomorrow, yay us) and I have about 15 minutes to

myself for the first time in somewhere around 4 years.


Thank you and have a nice evening :)










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