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Sunny Pasta Salad ~ Vegenaise or Nayonnaise

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Yes, they sell Vegenaise brand vegan mayo in

the refrigerator case, so it must be refrigerated

at all times, unlike other vegan or regular mayos,

which only get refrigerated after opening.

I think it is because it has no preservatives.

Keeping Vegenaise cold is a must, so you probably

tasted it spoiled and that would be yucky for sure.

I really do like Vegenaise best, but then I was a

diehard Best Foods/Hellmans mayo person before

switching to a healthier version.

I have heard that if you enjoyed the tangy flavor

of Miracle Whip mayo-dressing spread, then you

would like Nayonaise or other vegan mayos better.

It is all a matter of what you are used to and your

tastebuds. :)


~ PT ~


As the soil, however rich it may be, cannot be productive

without cultivation, so the mind without culture can never

produce good fruit.

~ Seneca (4 BC-65 AD)


, diana scott <dianascot_33 wrote:


> Thank you. I have some Veganaise but don't like it.

> However, I have now read that it has to be

> refrigerated before opening which I didn't do. So

> maybe I'll try it again and the other vegan mayonaise.

> Diana

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, " ~ PT ~ "

<patchouli_troll wrote:


> I have heard that if you enjoyed the tangy flavor

> of Miracle Whip mayo-dressing spread, then you

> would like Nayonaise or other vegan mayos better.

> It is all a matter of what you are used to and your

> tastebuds. :)


That makes sense... I grew up on Miracle Whip and

prefer Nayonaise now.





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