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MIcrowave cooking and health

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MIcrowave cooking and health

Posted by: " Shirish Bhate " shirishbhate shirishbhate

Fri Sep 29, 2006 10:32 am (PST)

A friend who often contributes health related power point files, has

sent a photo album showing results of microwave radiated water on



Microwaved Water - See What It Does To Plants.

Below is a science fair project. In it she took filtered water and

divided it into two parts. The first part she heated to boiling in a

pan on the stove, and the second part she heated to boiling in a

microwave. Then after cooling she used the water to water two

identical plants to see if there would be any difference in the

growth between the normal boiled water and the water boiled

in a microwave. She was thinking that the structure or energy of the

water may be compromised by microwave. As it turned out, even she

was amazed at the difference. YOu can see the difference for

yourself, by going to photo section of the group website, clicking

on album 'Microwave Experiment'. The photos of the plant provided

there are taken every alternate day.


I have known for years that the problem with microwaved anything is

not the radiation people used to worry about, It's how it corrupts

the DNA in the food so the body can not recognize it. So the body

wraps it in fat cells to protect itself from the dead food or it

eliminates it fast. Think of all the Mothers heating up milk in

these " Safe " appliances. What about the nurse in Canada that warmed

up blood for a transfusion patient

and accidentally killed them when the blood went in dead. But the

makers say it's safe. Never mind then, keep using them. Ask your

Doctor I am sure they will say it's safe too. Proof is in the

pictures of living plants dying. Remember You are also Living. Take




Prepared By: William P. Kopp

A. R. E. C. Research Operations



Ten Reasons to Throw out your Microwave Oven

From the conclusions of the Swiss, Russian and German scientific

clinical studies, we can no longer ignore the microwave oven sitting

in our kitchens.

Based on this research, we will conclude this article with the


1). Continually eating food processed from a microwave oven causes

long term - permanent - brain damage by " shorting out " electrical

impulses in the brain [de-polarizing or de-magnetizing the brain


2). The human body cannot metabolize [break down] the unknown

by-products created in microwaved food.

3). Male and female hormone production is shut down and/or altered

by continually eating microwaved foods.

4). The effects of microwaved food by-products are residual [long

term, permanent] within the human body.

5). Minerals, vitamins, and nutrients of all microwaved food is

reduced or altered so that the human body gets little or no

benefit, or the human body absorbs altered compounds that cannot be

broken down.

6). The minerals in vegetables are altered into cancerous free

radicals when cooked in microwave ovens.

7). Microwaved foods cause stomach and intestinal cancerous growths

[tumors]. This may explain the rapidly increased rate of colon


in America.

8). The prolonged eating of microwaved foods causes cancerous cells

to increase in human blood.

9). Continual ingestion of microwaved food causes immune system

deficiencies through lymph gland and blood serum alterations.

10). Eating microwaved food causes loss of memory, concentration,

emotional instability, and a decrease of intelligence. Have you

tossed out your microwave oven yet? After you throw out your

microwave you can use a toaster oven as a replacement. It works

well for most and is nearly as quick.

The use of artificial microwave transmissions for subliminal

psychological control, a.k.a. " brainwashing " , has also been proven.

We're attempting to obtain copies of the 1970's Russian research

documents and results written by Drs. Luria and Perov specifying

their clinical experiments in this area.




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Thankfully, this story has been debunked:









, " greatyoga " <greatyoga



> MIcrowave cooking and health

> Posted by: " Shirish Bhate " shirishbhate shirishbhate

> Fri Sep 29, 2006 10:32 am (PST)

> A friend who often contributes health related power point files,


> sent a photo album showing results of microwave radiated water on

> plant.


> Microwaved Water - See What It Does To Plants.

> Below is a science fair project.



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Here is part of an interview with Dr. Masuro Emoto, a researcher who

photographs water molecules. Sure, all water molecules are H2O but

are they all the same? Are all people the same? In Newtonian

physics, microwaved water is okay. In particle physics, it would be

different. Below is the link for the entire interview. Other links

for scientific and other studies are included.






An Interview with Masuro Emoto

by Randy Peyser




As featured in the movie, " What the Bleep Do We Know, " scientific

researcher, Dr. Masaru Emoto, has gained international notoriety for

his groundbreaking work regarding the effect of words and feelings on

water. His newest book, " Hidden Messages from Water, " features

stunning photographs of water crystals that resulted when water was

exposed to specific words. Although this interview occurred just prior

to the tsunami, which has left much grief and devastation in its path,

Dr. Emoto additionally offers his thoughts about this natural

catastrophe, and makes a request of the reader.


Randy Peyser: You discovered that crystals formed in frozen water

change when specific thoughts are directed toward them. For example,

when water is frozen after being exposed to loving words, such as

'truth' or 'love,' the end result is a crystal with a snowflake

pattern that is complex in nature and quite brilliant. However, if

water is exposed to a negative thought, you discovered that it will

form an incomplete pattern or have no distinguishable pattern at all.

What do think is going on here?


Masaru Emoto: Water is a messenger of God.


RP: What is the message that God is wanting to tell us?


ME: Everything comes from a vibration. As the bible says, " In the

beginning there was the Word… " The words are our heart, and from this

heart the whole universe is made. God made water from this heart,

which is based on goodness, truth and beauty.


RP: How did you set up your experiments?


ME: I have a staff of six people. We typed words on pieces of paper

then wrapped them around bottles of water and put them in a freezer

that was -5 degrees centigrade (23 degrees Fahrenheit). When it was

frozen, we looked at the water specimens under special microscopes to

see if there would be any difference. We discovered that words like

" beauty, " " you're cute, " " thank you " and " wisdom, " created beautiful

crystals in the water. But words like " you fool!' and " you make me

sick; I will kill you! " produced incomplete crystals or no crystals at



RP: Have you found that words in certain languages have a stronger

affect on the formation of the crystals than words in other languages?


ME: No. Regardless of the language being spoken, the words will affect

the formation of the crystals. Water produces formations based on

circumstances, not because of a specific language. For example, if a

circumstance is good, the water will make a formation to reflect

goodness and beauty, and if a circumstance is evil, it will create a

formation that is ugly and evil-looking.


RP: Is there a difference in the formation of crystals when beautiful

music is played versus when discordant music is played?


ME: Yes. Anything that is of beauty, whether it be in the form of

music or words, produces a beautiful result. Anything that is negative

or discordant, such as heavy metal music or a negative phrase, such as

" I hate you, " will not form a recognizable crystal. Instead, an ugly

image will result.


RP: Have you ever experimented with cell phones or microwaves? I'm

wondering if those kinds of things or other electrical appliances have

an effect on the crystal structures.


ME: We took the words, " love and gratitude " and wrapped them around

various bottles of water which were placed near mobile phones,

computers, televisions and microwave ovens. What we found is that when

water is microwaved it produces an ugly ring that looks similar to the

structure we've found for the word, " satan. " The water placed next to

the computers and televisions produced an insignificant-looking,

blurry-edged ring, while the water placed near the mobile phones

wouldn't produce a crystal at all.


RP: Have you done any similar experiments using food?


ME: Actually, a family who followed my work did an experiment where

they cooked some rice and divided it into two glass jars. Every day,

both the parents and the children spoke to the rice and said, " Thank

you, " to one of the jars, and said " You fool! " to the other. At the

end of the month they opened the jars. The one that they had said

'thank you' to had a slightly fermented smell, but the jar that had

been shouted at had turned completely black and rotted.


RP: How long does it take to energize water?


ME: It depends if the water is exposed to music, words or praying,

since each of these requires a different length of time. For example,

when music is played for water, the water can be energized in about a

half hour. If words or language are used, then it takes 24 hours to

energize the water. Praying produces a beautiful pattern that is

almost immediate.


RP: That is an interesting observation. Since water is so responsive

to prayer, can prayer be used to help water that is polluted?


ME: Yes. Lake Biwa is in a part of Japan called Shiga. This lake was

badly polluted and the water was foul smelling and dirty. Every

summer, the surface of the lake would be covered with a species of

aquatic plant called, Kokanada Algae, which would putrify, creating a

very bad smelling odor. For twenty years in a row, there was a large

scale operation in place to remove all of it. However, one summer, the

aquatic plant hardly emerged at all. Nobody could explain why the

Kokonada had failed to return.


What they didn't know was that I led a group of 350 people to that

lake to pray for it and to pray for world peace as well. We assembled

by the shore and faced the surface of the water as the rising sun came

up. Then we chanted ten times: " The eternal power of the universe has

gathered itself to create a world with true and grand harmony. "


This chant is a powerful statement that not only can help water, but

can also help actualize world peace. By vocalizing this declaration,

which is infused with the eternal energy of the universe, it spreads

to surrounding things and penetrates them, resulting in greater

happiness, world peace, and the fulfillment of many wishes.


RP: What do you conclude from this experiment?


ME: Substances in nature, like water, respond to our human thoughts.

They can accept our thoughts to change their condition and quality. By

requesting harmony in our thoughts, we transformed the surface of the

lake into a clean state. Our thoughts not only curbed the very bad

smelling aquatic plant, but also changed the qualities of the grasses

and the water.


RP: Do the prayers of certain individuals affect the crystal shapes of

water more than others? For example, will the prayers of a monk affect

the shapes of the crystals more than the prayers of an ordinary person?


ME: It depends on each individual, however, it is not necessarily

dependent on whether one is a high-ranking monk or preacher. It works

best when people are pure, when they have what I call, " a very good

mind; " they're pure-minded. Their prayers create crystals that are

very beautiful and clear. In general, the most beautiful crystals

appear in response to the prayers of little children. The crystals

that form as a result of their prayers are much more beautiful than

that of the adults.


RP: Why do you think that is so?


ME: Because they are more pure. They are the most innocent.


RP: Have you ever put negative words on water, then exposed the same

water to positive words?


ME: Yes. The result was that the water changed according to the words

it was exposed to. When it was given negative words, it did not form

crystals. When it was given positive words it changed and beautiful

crystals formed. The words " love " and " thanks " produced the best

results. There was also a similar response when water was exposed to

the television. When the water was shown a wholesome film, the

crystals became more distinct and beautiful.


RP: What do you intend to do next? Are you researching something new

right now?


ME: I have many research themes going on right now, but I am most

concerned about all of the wars that are going on for religious

reasons. Whether the wars are between the Irish and English or

happening in the middle East or Africa, I am analyzing all of this and

hope to help conclude all these things eventually through the use of

the water crystal formations.


RP: Over one million people have seen the movie, " What the Bleep Do We

Know? " which features the work of many experts in the field of quantum

physics, including your work with the water crystals. How has this

movie made a difference for you since it premiered?


ME: About three years ago, I was approached by Will Arntz who was

producing this movie about quantum physics. My work matched their need

so they decided to include information about the water crystals in

their movie. A Japanese version of the movie was also created and Will

came to Japan for its release. 3500 people attended the premiere. As a

result of the movie, more and more people have learned about my work

and my research has become well-known throughout the world.


RP: At one point in the movie, the main character is shown your

research and discovers that water responds to words. A stranger walks

up to her and says something to the effect of, " If our thoughts can

change water, what are they doing to us?


ME: We are mostly made up of water. All our feelings and thoughts have

an effect on the world. If we send out thoughts and feelings that are

filled with fear, anger or negativity, we are contributing to the

destruction of the universe. If we emit thoughts of love, kindness and

beauty, we are contributing to the creation of a beautiful world. This

is what water crystals reveal.


RP: You believe that the words, " love and gratitude " form the most

beautiful and most complex crystals, and you conclude that love and

gratitude are the strongest vibrations in the world. You also believe

that gratitude outweighs love in its ability to create a pattern of

beauty in a crystal. Can you talk about that?


ME: Love and gratitude are in relationship to one another; love is

active and gratitude is passive. It is like a ratio where " love " is 1

and " gratitude " is 2. This one to two ratio is like H20 where you have

two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen. In this case, it is like

having two parts gratitude to one part love. I believe that water has

a message. Water teaches us that the world is linked together by love

and gratitude.


RP: You established a new foundation called " The Water of Life

Foundation. " Why did you start this organization and what is its purpose?


ME: I've studied water for a number of years and I want to reach a

worldwide audience and get the message out about this research. Last

year, I joined with the United Nations to help further this research

together. I have also started a " World Day of Love and Thanks to

Water " which is July 25. RP: And what is the message behind the research?


ME: We all have an important mission: to make water clean again, and

to create a world that is easy and healthy to live in. In order to

accomplish our mission, we must first make sure that our hearts are

clear and unpolluted.


Although this interview had come to an end, within a few weeks, the

devastating tsunami occurred. In response to this horrible

catastrophe, Dr. Emoto requests the following:


" To everyone in the world, let us offer a prayer of love to the Indian

Ocean rim countries! I feel terribly sorry for the loss that has been

caused by the biggest catastrophe from a tsunami in history. I am

utterly lost for words to offer for the deceased and their families. I

just pray to God that their souls shall rest in peace. The World

Health Organization has released a warning for the possible emergence

of epidemics, such as cholera. Many people could die from infectious

diseases as were killed by the tsunami.


As a Hado (vibration) researcher, I am truly worried about this

disaster. As well as the hygiene issue, I feel that the " vibrational

fields " of the countries have extremely deteriorated. The " fields, "

which are created by feelings of fear, grief, worry, lack of trust,

anger, loneliness, and helplessness, could energize the malevolent

microorganisms that prefer this kind of environment. People cannot

help but have these feelings, and their feelings of anger and

hostility can only multiply the negativity of the " field. " We have to

limit the negative " field " in any way possible.


What can we do? The only way is for people from all over the world to

pray for the recovery of the affected area. Our prayers will

definitely carry far with the purity of our Hado. Therefore, from

today, let's close our eyes for a few seconds before our meals and

send words of prayer to the countries. Let's send a prayer for them

before we go to sleep.


Through the research of the water crystal over the last ten years, I

have proven that people's pure energy of consciousness can change the

water in areas that people have prayed for, regardless of the

distance. Also, the most effective Hado prayer is the feeling of love

and thanks. Now is the time to send your feeling of love and thanks to

the earth's water.







, " Erin " <truepatriot wrote:


> Thankfully, this story has been debunked:


> http://www.snopes.com/science/microwave/plants.asp



> -Erin

> www.zenpawn.com/vegblog



> , " greatyoga " <greatyoga@>

> wrote:

> >

> > MIcrowave cooking and health

> > Posted by: " Shirish Bhate " shirishbhate@ shirishbhate

> > Fri Sep 29, 2006 10:32 am (PST)

> > A friend who often contributes health related power point files,

> has

> > sent a photo album showing results of microwave radiated water on

> > plant.

> >

> > Microwaved Water - See What It Does To Plants.

> > Below is a science fair project.


> [...snip...]


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I have just had a quick glance at the interview, but I have seen enough to

form an opinion that this is nothing to be taken seriously:


" Masaru Emoto: Water is a messenger of God. "




" ME: Actually, a family who followed my work did an experiment where

they cooked some rice and divided it into two glass jars. Every day,

both the parents and the children spoke to the rice and said, " Thank

you, " to one of the jars, and said " You fool! " to the other. At the

end of the month they opened the jars. The one that they had said

'thank you' to had a slightly fermented smell, but the jar that had

been shouted at had turned completely black and rotted. "


I respect everyone's right to believe in whatever they choose to, but

statements like the above are totally ascientific, to put it mildly. I

think this is utter nonsense.






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Welcome to Newtonian physics. I would check out Emoto's book where

you can actually see the pictures but of course some people do not

believe visual, audio or any other evidence.




, " Izaskun Fuentes Milani "

<Izaskun wrote:


> I have just had a quick glance at the interview, but I have seen

enough to

> form an opinion that this is nothing to be taken seriously:


> " Masaru Emoto: Water is a messenger of God. "


> and


> " ME: Actually, a family who followed my work did an experiment where

> they cooked some rice and divided it into two glass jars. Every day,

> both the parents and the children spoke to the rice and said, " Thank

> you, " to one of the jars, and said " You fool! " to the other. At the

> end of the month they opened the jars. The one that they had said

> 'thank you' to had a slightly fermented smell, but the jar that had

> been shouted at had turned completely black and rotted. "


> I respect everyone's right to believe in whatever they choose to, but

> statements like the above are totally ascientific, to put it mildly. I

> think this is utter nonsense.


> Iza




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Quantum mechanics has indeed encountered many a mind-blowing

discovery, such as light being simultaneously a particle and a wave.

I enjoyed the movie What The Beep and thought it's main point that

mysticism and/or spirituality may be somewhat supported by the new

physics was a good one. On the other hand, there are many parts that

are just pure bunk. I believe this is one of them. It is easy to be

persuaded by pseudo-science, and unfortunately, it is pervasive on

the internet. We must all learn to become discerning/critical

readers and seek to understand the differences between the types of

studies, their strengths and weaknesses, and to recognize when the

scientific method has not been applied at all.



href= " http://www.realmercuryfacts.org/about_research_studies/design_of

_studies.htm " >Scientific Study Designs</a>



href= " http://www.tinajuanfitness.info/articles/art032399.html " >Evaluat

ing Scientific Claims</a>


<a href= " http://www.abc.net.au/science/features/bleep/ " >Examining the

claims of What The Bleep</a>



Hope this helps,





, " greatyoga " <greatyoga



> Welcome to Newtonian physics. I would check out Emoto's book where

> you can actually see the pictures but of course some people do not

> believe visual, audio or any other evidence.


> GB


> , " Izaskun Fuentes Milani "

> <Izaskun@> wrote:

> >

> > I have just had a quick glance at the interview, but I have seen

> enough to

> > form an opinion that this is nothing to be taken seriously:

> >

> > " Masaru Emoto: Water is a messenger of God. "

> >

> > and

> >

> > " ME: Actually, a family who followed my work did an experiment


> > they cooked some rice and divided it into two glass jars. Every


> > both the parents and the children spoke to the rice and

said, " Thank

> > you, " to one of the jars, and said " You fool! " to the other. At


> > end of the month they opened the jars. The one that they had said

> > 'thank you' to had a slightly fermented smell, but the jar that


> > been shouted at had turned completely black and rotted. "

> >

> > I respect everyone's right to believe in whatever they choose to,


> > statements like the above are totally ascientific, to put it

mildly. I

> > think this is utter nonsense.

> >

> > Iza

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I tried to go to all the URL's you posted. The first would not come

up. The second was the scientific method. I agree that a lot of

these things need more testing. However, that is just what I am

saying. People think that just because something has not been

scientifically proven, then it does not work or is " bunk " . these

things do need more testing. One problem is that the microwave

industry is not likely to fund a study.They are the most likey

candidates to do it since they gain the most monitarily. If they ever

did a study, I would watch out for bias on their part. They have

nothing to gain from doing a study. No one has proved that God does

exist. Does that mean that God does not Exist? Show me the double

blind study/.


I did not see the movie " What the Bleep " . I probably will someday.

Some of the quotations I would not have used to support my idea of

quantum mechanics in this issue on microwaves. Studies will happen in

time. The meta will be taken out of metaphysical. Hertel and Blanc's

study is the only definitive study done on microwaves so far. I

started learning about this in the early '70s. I am not an expert but

I have learned a lot from my teachers and even more from my

experience. I do agree that we should be on the lookout for shams

and scams. I really have a hard time with Randy though. I disagree

with him on just about every issue. I have had personal experience on

many things that he considers " bunk " . From what I can see, he

considers everything bunk, unless it has 100 scientific studies behind

it. I would not be surprised if he supports anything on this veggie



Here is some more information. Many people may disagree but others

may learn. Everyone can make their own choice



Today, more than 90% of American homes have a microwave oven, used for

meal preparation. It is perhaps the most successful appliance

introduction of the 20th century. There's some evidence it might be

right up there with other 20th century miracles that, while solving

one problem, created others: miracles like processed foods, additives,

pesticides, and packaging. Some of these innovations were thrust upon

consumers without much thought about the longer-term problems they

create. The Russians have done thorough research on their biological

effects, and as a result, their use was outlawed there in 1976. Other

Eastern European scientists also reported the harmful effects of

microwave radiation and set up strict environmental limits for their

usage. The United States has not accepted the European reports of

harmful effects, even though the EPA estimates that radio frequency

and microwave radiation sources in America are increasing at 15% per

year. The Nazis originally developed microwave radiomissor cooking

ovens for use in their mobile support operations, to be used for the

invasion of Russia. By being able to utilize electronic equipment for

preparation of meals on a mass scale, the logistical problem of

cooking fuels would have been eliminated, as well as the convenience

of producing edible products in a greatly reduced time-factor.


Artificial vs. Natural Microwaves


Microwaves are very short waves of electromagnetic energy that travel

at the speed of light. Microwave ovens contain a magnetron, a tube in

which electrons are affected by magnetic and electric fields in such a

way as to produce micro wavelength radiation at about 2450 Megahertz

(MHz) or 2.45 Gigahertz (GHz). This microwave radiation interacts with

the molecules in food. All wave energy changes polarity from positive

to negative with each cycle of the wave. In microwaves, these polarity

changes happen millions of times every second. Food

molecules--especially the molecules of water--have a positive and

negative end in the same way a magnet has a north and a south

polarity. As the microwaves generated from the magnetron bombard the

food, they cause the polar molecules to rotate at the same frequency,

millions of times a second. All this agitation creates molecular

friction, which heats up the food. The friction also causes

substantial damage to the surrounding molecules, often tearing them

apart or forcefully deforming them. The scientific name for this

deformation is structural isomerism. By comparison, microwaves from

the sun are based on principles of pulsed direct current (DC) that

don't create frictional heat; microwave ovens use alternating current

(AC) creating frictional heat. A microwave oven produces a spiked

wavelength of energy with all the power going into only one narrow

frequency of the energy spectrum. The toxic effects of microwave

cooking are another in a long list of unnatural additives in our daily

diets. Artificially produced microwaves are based on the principle of

alternating current. Atoms, molecules and cells hit by this hard

electromagnetic radiation are forced to reverse polarity 1 to 100

billion times a second. Production of unnatural molecules is

inevitable. Naturally occurring amino acids undergo isomeric changes

(changes in shape morphing), as well as transformation into toxic

forms, under the impact of microwaves produced in ovens. There are no

atoms, molecules or cells of any organic system able to withstand such

a violent, destructive power for any extended period of time, not even

in the low energy range of milliwatts. Of all the natural substances,

which are polar, the oxygen of water molecules reacts most

sensitively. This is contrary to the conventional heating of food, in

which heat transfers convectionally from without to within. Cooking by

microwaves begins within the cells and molecules where water is

present and where the energy is transformed into frictional heat.


Effects on Cells


In addition to violent frictional heat effects (called thermic

effects), there are also athermic effects, which have hardly ever been

taken into account. These athermic effects also deform the structures

of molecules and have qualitative consequences. For example, the

weakening of cell membranes by microwaves is used in the field of

gene-altering technology. Because of the force involved, the cells are

actually broken, thereby neutralizing the electrical potentials--the

very life of the cells--between the outer and inner sides of the cell

membranes. Impaired cells become easy prey for microorganisms. Natural

repair mechanisms are suppressed, and cells are forced to adapt to a

state of energy emergency--they switch from aerobic to anaerobic

respiration. Instead of water and carbon dioxide, hydrogen peroxide

and carbon monoxide are produced. Any reversal of healthy cell

processes may occur because of a number of reasons, and our cells then

revert from a robust oxidation to an unhealthy fermentation. The same

violent friction and athermic deformations, that can occur in our

bodies when we are subjected to radar or microwaves, happens to the

molecules in the food cooked in a microwave oven.


A microwave oven decays and changes the molecular structure of the

food by the process of radiation. We've all been told that microwaving

food is not the same as irradiating it. The two processes are supposed

to use completely different waves of energy and at different

intensities. In fact, when food is microwaved, the oven exerts a power

input of about 1,000 watts or more. This radiation results in

destruction and deformation of molecules of food, and in the formation

of new compounds, called radiolytic compounds, unknown to man and

nature. Neither established science nor our government had conducted

tests--on the blood of the eaters--of the effects of eating various

kinds of cooked foods until Hans Hertel--the first scientist to

conceive of and carry out a quality study on the effects of microwaved

nutrients on the blood and physiology of humans. The conclusion was

clear: microwave cooking changed the nutrients so that significant

unhealthy changes took place in the blood of the participants who

consumed microwaved food--changes that could cause deterioration in

the human systems. These changes included a decrease in all hemoglobin

values and cholesterol values, especially the HDL (good cholesterol)

and LDL (bad cholesterol) values and ratios. Lymphocytes (immune

cells) showed a more distinct short-term decrease following the intake

of microwaved food than after the intake of all the other variants.

Each of these indicators, point in a direction away from robust

health, and toward degeneration. Additionally, there was a highly

significant association between the amount of microwave energy in the

test foods and the luminous power of luminescent bacteria exposed to

serum from test persons who ate the microwaved food. This led Hertel

to the conclusion that such technically derived energies may be passed

along to humans inductively via consumption of microwaved food.


Other Effects


There's some concern about the interaction between food and its

wrapping in the microwave oven. The FDA is investigating " heat

susceptor packaging, " which allows crusty foods like pizza to get

crisp. The temperatures within these containers reach 400° to 500°

F.--conditions not foreseen when the materials were originally

approved for food use. A 1988 FDA Memorandum of Conference described a

" breakdown " of the packaging, and states that " a considerable number

of volatile components of the heat susceptor packaging become indirect

food additives " from microwaving. The plastic wrap that works best in

microwave cooking, polyvinyl chloride (PVC), has been under suspicion

for some time. Apparently the migration of plasticizers from PVC films

to food is highest where there is direct contact between the film and

foods with a high surface-fat content. Plastic-wrapped microwaved

meats (specifically pork and chicken) measured the most contamination.

Like the susceptor packaging, plastic wraps were approved for food use

before microwave ovens were envisioned. Most recently it was

discovered that furans and dioxins migrate to food from microwaveable

paper trays such as those that hold prepared meat dinners.


Packaging problems aside, what about the potential hazard of the

microwaves themselves? Since 1971, microwave ovens have been required

to meet government standards that include door interlocks to prevent

operation if the door is open, and limits on the amount of microwaves

allowed to leave them. But all appliances eventually become worn or

malfunction. Microwaves can escape if the door seal is loosened, or is

disrupted by food debris or a paper towel. If a gas burner

malfunctions, you can see it or smell it. But there is no such

evidence if a microwave oven starts to emit radiation.


The story of microwave emission standards is a disquieting one.

According to a 1980 article in Science magazine, the standards were

established in the 1950s, when research on microwaves was just

beginning; by those concerned with military applications, where risk

is inherent and accepted, not by medical or environmental experts, who

strive for zero risk. Consumer Reports tests have shown microwave

leakages to be within government standards. The trouble, according to

editor Louis Slesin of Microwave News, is that " nobody knows where the

threshold for ill effects really is. In my opinion, microwaves play a

role in the development of cancer ... we don't know how little it

takes. " A 1988 report from the National Institute of Environmental

Health Science cited microwave ovens as one source of potentially

hazardous EMFs. The report states, " Exposure possibly may affect the

nervous system and susceptibility to chemical exposure. " The 1990

draft report from the EPA, sought to classify electromagnetic fields

as a " probable human carcinogen, " placing them in the same category as

PCBs, DDT, and formaldehyde. At this writing, that classification has

been deleted from the EPA report (for technical and possibly for

political reasons).




Carcinogens are formed in virtually all foods tested. In scientific

tests, no test food was subjected to more microwaving than necessary

to accomplish the purpose of cooking, thawing or heating to insure

sanitary ingestion. Microwaved foods caused stomach and intestinal

cancerous growths, as well as a general degeneration of peripheral

cellular tissues, with a gradual breakdown of the function of the

digestive and execrative systems. There is a binding effect to

radioactivity in the atmosphere, thus causing a marked increase in the

amount of alpha and beta particle saturation in foods. There is a

creation of cancer-causing agents within protein hydrolysate compounds

in milk and cereal grains (unnatural proteins that are split into

unnatural fragments by the addition of water). Microwaving prepared

meats sufficiently, to insure sanitary ingestion, result in the

formation of d-nitrosodienthanolamines, well-known carcinogens.

Microwaving milk and cereal grains converted some of their amino acids

into carcinogens. Thawing frozen fruits converted their glucoside

(hydrolyzed dextrose) and galactoside (hydrolyzed alcohol) containing

fractions into carcinogenic substances. Extremely short exposure of

raw, cooked or frozen vegetables converted their plant alkaloids into

carcinogens. Carcinogenic free radicals are formed within certain

trace mineral molecular substances in microwaved plants, especially

root vegetables. Due to chemical alterations within food substances,

malfunctions are observed within the lymphatic systems causing a

degeneration of the immune potentials of the body to protect against

certain forms of neoplastics (abnormal growth of tissue). Microwaved

foods cause a higher percentage of cancerous cells within the blood

serum (cytomas--cell tumors such as sarcoma).


Decrease In Nutritional Value


Russian researchers reported a marked acceleration of structural

degradation, leading to a decrease of 60 to 90% of the vital energy

field content in all foods tested. Among the changes observed were:

Decreased bio-availability of vitamin B-complex, vitamin C, vitamin E,

essential minerals and lipotropics factors in all food tested. There

is various damage to many plant substances, such as alkaloids,

(organic nitrogen based elements), glucosides, galactosides and

nitrilosides. The degradation of nucleo-proteins in meats was found.


Microwave Sickness


The Russians did research on thousands of workers who had been exposed

to microwaves during the development of radar in the 1950's. Their

research showed a breakdown of the human life-energy field, so serious

that the Russians set strict limits of 10 microwatts exposure for

workers and one microwatt for civilians. The first signs of microwave

sickness are low blood pressure and slow pulse. The later and most

common manifestations are chronic excitation of the sympathetic

nervous system (stress syndrome) and high blood pressure. This phase

also often includes headache, dizziness, eye pain, sleeplessness,

irritability, anxiety, stomach pain, nervous tension, inability to

concentrate, hair loss, plus an increased incidence of appendicitis,

cataracts, reproductive problems, and cancer. The chronic symptoms are

eventually succeeded by crisis of adrenal exhaustion and ischemic

heart disease. Changes are observed in the blood chemistries and the

rates of certain diseases among consumers of microwaved foods.

Lymphatic disorders were observed, leading to decreased ability to

prevent certain types of cancers. An increased rate of cancer cell

formation was observed in the blood. Increased rates of stomach and

intestinal cancers were observed. Higher rates of digestive disorders

and gradual breakdown of the systems of elimination were observed.


There is degeneration and destabilization of the external energy

activated potentials of food utilization within the processes of human

metabolism and of internal cellular membrane potentials while

transferring catabolic processes into the blood serum from the

digestive process. There is a degeneration and breakdown of nerve

electrical circuits and loss of energy field symmetry in the

neuroplexuses both in the front and the rear of the central and

autonomic nervous systems, along with a loss of balance and circuiting

of the bioelectric strengths within the ascending reticular activating

system (controls the function of consciousness). There is long-term

cumulative loss of vital energies within humans, animals and plants

that are located within a 500-meter radius of operational equipment.

There is long-lasting residual effects of magnetic " deposits " located

throughout the nervous system and lymphatic system. There is

destabilization and interruption in the production and maintence of

hormones in males and females by continually eating microwaved foods.


Continually eating food processed from a microwave oven, or using cell

phones, causes permanent brain damage by shorting out electrical

impulses in the brain (depolarizing or demagnetizing the brain

tissue). There is markedly higher levels of brainwave disturbance in

the alpha, theta, and delta wave signal patterns of persons exposed to

microwave emission fields, with a resultant negative psychological

effects, including loss of memory, loss of ability to concentrate,

suppressed emotional threshold, deceleration of intellective

processes, and interruptive sleep episodes. Microwaves cause long-term

depolarization of tissue neuroelectric circuits with irreversible

damage to the neuroelectrical integrity of various components of the

nervous system, in individuals subjected to continual range emissive

field effects of microwave apparatus, either in cooking apparatus, in

transmission stations, and PCS cell phones. The human body cannot

metabolize the unknown byproducts created in microwaved food.




Several reports have been published or radiation injury to the hand

and arm while stirring food or removing containers. It's debatable how

many injuries are caused by radiation exposure. Proof of an accident

is difficult because microwave burns don't produce skin destruction as

a fire burn does. The damage is to the peripheral nervous system

beneath the skin. The microwave industry defends itself on this " lack

of proof " basis. But at least two treating physicians report that

patients who received radiation burns during a brief exposure of about

5 seconds had persistent neurological damage to the area even after

the skin healed. In many homes, children are allowed to operate the

microwave without supervision because of their perceived safety as

compared to electric and gas stoves. But there's a danger of burns,

besides the unknown radiation dangers. In 1988, the Consumer Product

Safety Commission estimated 2,352 thermal burns and scalds from

microwave ovens. In sheer number, that's less than 1/6 of the burns

attributed to gas and electric ranges with ovens. But numbers don't

tell the whole story. According to Matthew Maley of the Shriner's Burn

Institute in Cincinnati, conventional cooking units are more broadly

distributed, are used more often, and are more often employed in

high-risk cooking. Maley's contention is that " oven users do not

understand that microwaves heat in a way completely different from

conventional heating appliances. This results in actions, which would

not be considered by someone using an ordinary cooker. Haste and an

attitude that microwave ovens are safer likewise results in injury. "


One safety problem that's unique to microwave ovens, described by the

Shriner's report, is the so-called eruption phenomenon. When clear

liquids are heated in glass, ceramic, or smooth plastic containers,

the liquid can become extremely hot even though it doesn't actually

boil, and can erupt violently when moved or stirred, or when something

(like a spoon or instant coffee) is added to it. How much exposure you

get, whether to microwaves themselves or to byproducts of packaging,

depends on the volume of use. Consider that the Food Safety and

Inspection Service (FSIS) tells us the industry projects 4.7 billion

" trays, cylinders, bowls, and cups " will be sold each year for use in

microwave ovens. That statistic, of course, brings up yet another

downside of microwaving--the solid-waste issue. Processed

microwaveable foods are among the worst culprits of over-packaging. If

you wanted to introduce an herbal supplement into the American

mainstream and make any health claims for it, you would be subjected

to exhaustive documentation and costly research. Yet the

microwave-oven industry had only to prove that the dangerous

microwaves could, be contained within the oven and not escape into the

surrounding area where the radiation could do damage to people. The

industry must admit that some microwaves escape even in the best-made

ovens. So far, not one thought has been given by the industry to the

possibility that the nutrients could be so altered as to be

deleterious to health. This makes sense in a land that encourages

farmers to poison crops and soils with massive amounts of synthesized

chemicals, and encourages food processors to use additives that

enhance shelf life of foods regardless of the potential for degrading

the health of the consumer.

In , " Erin " <truepatriot wrote:


> Quantum mechanics has indeed encountered many a mind-blowing

> discovery, such as light being simultaneously a particle and a wave.

> I enjoyed the movie What The Beep and thought it's main point that

> mysticism and/or spirituality may be somewhat supported by the new

> physics was a good one. On the other hand, there are many parts that

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I do not have conclusive data as to whether microwave ovens are safe or not

and, in the absence of such evidence, I am inclined to play it safe and

avoid them. Just because something has not been proved unhealthy does not

mean it is safe. This has nothing to do with thinking that anything not

scientifically proven is bunk. Having said this, however, I feel that any

serious thought on the matter should be based on data that one can take

seriously. Talking about rice that responds to insults or praise does not

say anything good or bad about microwave ovens, but it delivers an

inequivocal message that Dr. Masuro Emoto, the person making such claims, is

not an authoritative voice I would like to lend ears to when it comes to

scientific issues.






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I personally choose not to buy or use microwaves in my home. My

father never would let us get one growing up, so as I got older It

just never dawn on me to get one. I dont know the health facts in

regards to using microwaves, but I do know that the food comes out

much differently than if in the oven or stove. It doesnt sit will

with me that this appliance nukes the food, cant get with it, so Ill

stick with my oven, just my two cents (smile).


, " Izaskun Fuentes Milani "

<Izaskun wrote:


> I do not have conclusive data as to whether microwave ovens are

safe or not

> and, in the absence of such evidence, I am inclined to play it

safe and

> avoid them. Just because something has not been proved unhealthy

does not

> mean it is safe. This has nothing to do with thinking that

anything not

> scientifically proven is bunk. Having said this, however, I feel

that any

> serious thought on the matter should be based on data that one can


> seriously. Talking about rice that responds to insults or praise

does not

> say anything good or bad about microwave ovens, but it delivers an

> inequivocal message that Dr. Masuro Emoto, the person making such

claims, is

> not an authoritative voice I would like to lend ears to when it

comes to

> scientific issues.


> Iza




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Of course, it doesn't really " nuke " the food at all. That's an

unfortunately inaccurate colloquialism it has managed to pick up. I

only use it to heat water or reheat food, but the dangers of unevenly

cooked foods are at least absent in a vegetarian diet. :)






, " Jefani Edison "

<jefaniedison wrote:


> I personally choose not to buy or use microwaves in my home. My

> father never would let us get one growing up, so as I got older It

> just never dawn on me to get one. I dont know the health facts in

> regards to using microwaves, but I do know that the food comes out

> much differently than if in the oven or stove. It doesnt sit will

> with me that this appliance nukes the food, cant get with it, so


> stick with my oven, just my two cents (smile).


> , " Izaskun Fuentes Milani "

> <Izaskun@> wrote:

> >

> > I do not have conclusive data as to whether microwave ovens are

> safe or not

> > and, in the absence of such evidence, I am inclined to play it

> safe and

> > avoid them. Just because something has not been proved unhealthy

> does not

> > mean it is safe. This has nothing to do with thinking that

> anything not

> > scientifically proven is bunk. Having said this, however, I feel

> that any

> > serious thought on the matter should be based on data that one


> take

> > seriously. Talking about rice that responds to insults or praise

> does not

> > say anything good or bad about microwave ovens, but it delivers an

> > inequivocal message that Dr. Masuro Emoto, the person making such

> claims, is

> > not an authoritative voice I would like to lend ears to when it

> comes to

> > scientific issues.

> >

> > Iza

> >

> >

> >

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