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Overweight Curiosity

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Out of curiosity I would like to know how many of this group's member

consider themselves to be overweight. Also, have you ever had

experiences with overweight vegetarians?

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I am over weight and I have come across overweight vegans. Just because you are

vegan does not mean that you are thin or going to be thin. That would be like

saying all diabetics are thin, NOT. Hope that this helps.




Armin Solognier <asolognier wrote:

Out of curiosity I would like to know how many of this group's member

consider themselves to be overweight. Also, have you ever had

experiences with overweight vegetarians?








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I am overweight. Funny you should ask, as my husband was just asking if all

vegetarian are eating a healthy.

And, yes, I had a friend who ate no meat, no eggs, no dairy products. And

she was fat.






Armin Solognier

10/31/2006 10:07:43 AM


Overweight Curiosity


Out of curiosity I would like to know how many of this group's member

consider themselves to be overweight. Also, have you ever had

experiences with overweight vegetarians?








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Just thought I would answer your question about being 'overweight'. I

do not own a scales and have no idea what I weigh. I do not consider my

Vegetarian lifestyle(25 yrs) to be a 'diet'. I do know that I own two

sets of clothes..LOL..One set for when I feel like they are getting

tight and another for when they feel looser. I buy recycled

clothing,mostly cotton, from the ARC or Goodwill and my average size is

12-14 or medium. I am apx. 5'5 " tall and my age is 65. I have wondered

how many people in the group feel that being Vegetarian is a 'diet' and

I also wonder how many feel like they are 'overweight'.

Sending smiles and hugs




, Armin Solognier

<asolognier wrote:


> Out of curiosity I would like to know how many of this group's


> consider themselves to be overweight. Also, have you ever had

> experiences with overweight vegetarians?


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I am an overweight vegetarian.








Tue, 31 Oct 2006 8:37 AM

Overweight Curiosity



Out of curiosity I would like to know how many of this group's member

consider themselves to be overweight. Also, have you ever had

experiences with overweight vegetarians?





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> I'm overweight by about 10 pounds. Currently 185 and 6'2 " (male). Not a

vegetarian. Being a vegetarian, from what I can tell, is no guarantee of weight

loss or weight

> stability. It still comes down to calories in and calories out!





> asolognier


> Tue, 31 Oct 2006 8:37 AM

> Overweight Curiosity


> Out of curiosity I would like to know how many of this group's member

> consider themselves to be overweight. Also, have you ever had

> experiences with overweight vegetarians?


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I'm overweight now, but I just started eating vegetarian. Hopefully I will

lose weight.


On 10/31/06, TendrMoon <TendrMoon wrote:


> Out of curiosity I would like to know how many of this group's member

> consider themselves to be overweight. Also, have you ever had

> experiences with overweight vegetarians?


> For some people a vegetarian diet is not always a healthy diet. You can

> still be veggie and consume a lot of stuff that will pile on pounds. I was

> overweight prior to becoming vegetarian 18 years ago. I went to Weight

> Watchers, went vege and never looked back. I have not had any weight issues

> since and don't even own a scale anymore. As long as my size 10 jeans still

> fit I know that I'm doing okay.


> TM






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You still need to count calories, vegetarianism is not

a weight loss diet.

I have never been on a diet for one day, don't know

how. I;m not overweight and not wafer thin. I wear

the same size I did over 25 years ago when I wasn't a

vegetarian. I have overweight vegan friends and some

that are very slender, same with my vegetarian and

non-veg friends. All shapes and sizes.



--- Lynette Porter-Tinnel <lynette wrote:


> I'm overweight now, but I just started eating

> vegetarian. Hopefully I will

> lose weight.


> On 10/31/06, TendrMoon <TendrMoon

> wrote:

> >

> > Out of curiosity I would like to know how many

> of this group's member

> > consider themselves to be overweight. Also, have

> you ever had

> > experiences with overweight vegetarians?

> >

> > For some people a vegetarian diet is not always a

> healthy diet. You can

> > still be veggie and consume a lot of stuff that

> will pile on pounds. I was

> > overweight prior to becoming vegetarian 18 years

> ago. I went to Weight

> > Watchers, went vege and never looked back. I have

> not had any weight issues

> > since and don't even own a scale anymore. As long

> as my size 10 jeans still

> > fit I know that I'm doing okay.

> >

> > TM

> >

> >



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]






Love is like oxygen

You get too much you get too high

Not enough and you're gonna die

Love gets you high

Source - Love is Like Oxygen - Sweet






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Would like to be in better shape, but not overweight. my weaknesses involve not


to exercise regularly and sugar....but somehow I feel like my high veg

consumption makes

me a little better off than if I ate meat along with those other bad habits.

Most vegans I

know are on the thinner side, and I have met vegetarians of all body types and





, Donnalilacflower <thelilacflower



> You still need to count calories, vegetarianism is not

> a weight loss diet.

> I have never been on a diet for one day, don't know

> how. I;m not overweight and not wafer thin. I wear

> the same size I did over 25 years ago when I wasn't a

> vegetarian. I have overweight vegan friends and some

> that are very slender, same with my vegetarian and

> non-veg friends. All shapes and sizes.

> Donna


> --- Lynette Porter-Tinnel <lynette wrote:


> > I'm overweight now, but I just started eating

> > vegetarian. Hopefully I will

> > lose weight.

> >

> > On 10/31/06, TendrMoon <TendrMoon

> > wrote:

> > >

> > > Out of curiosity I would like to know how many

> > of this group's member

> > > consider themselves to be overweight. Also, have

> > you ever had

> > > experiences with overweight vegetarians?

> > >

> > > For some people a vegetarian diet is not always a

> > healthy diet. You can

> > > still be veggie and consume a lot of stuff that

> > will pile on pounds. I was

> > > overweight prior to becoming vegetarian 18 years

> > ago. I went to Weight

> > > Watchers, went vege and never looked back. I have

> > not had any weight issues

> > > since and don't even own a scale anymore. As long

> > as my size 10 jeans still

> > > fit I know that I'm doing okay.

> > >

> > > TM

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> > removed]

> >

> >

> >



> Love is like oxygen

> You get too much you get too high

> Not enough and you're gonna die

> Love gets you high

> Source - Love is Like Oxygen - Sweet







> Get your email and see which of your friends are online - Right on the New


> (http://www./preview)


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I've been considering whether or not to reply to this one but have decided to go

ahead. I've been vegetarian for over 20 years. Sweets and high fat foods are

not something I like/eat a lot of, but will have the occassional Resse cup.

One, that is, not one bag, ONE. I can go months without junk food. I also

exercise regularly and do what I call " aerobic house cleaning. " With over two

dozen cats and four large dogs sharing the domicile, it takes a lot of cleaning.


I am also obese. For a long time there, even while doing a totally vegan, no

junk food diet with calories under 1,000 a day, I was super morbidly obese at

almost 400 pounds. I had the Fobi gastric bypass (20 cc transected pouch with

125 cm proximal bypass.) I could not eat anything and I do mean ANYTHING,

including water, the first six weeks and lost a whopping 9 (nine) pounds (a

little over 4 kg). It took a year to loose 50 pounds and almost 3 to loose 100.

My diet is balanced better than my checkbook and I exercise daily (except the

three weeks in bed due to blood clot in lung.) But I am still overweight with

100 pounds to loose yet.


Our fourth son is a carnivore and junk food junkie who lives in front of the

computer or television. He occassionally goes out on the river in his kayak.

At 6'1 " and 125 pounds he is actually underweight despite a diet of Mountain

Dew, Doritoes, ice cream and Little Debbie snack cakes. His cholesterol is low

and his body fat is low normal.


Using the current nutritional beliefs he should be obese with high cholesterol,

borderline diabetic (both sides of the family are diabetic), and maybe with

heart trouble.


As others have said, there are fat vegetarians and thin vegetarians and in

between vegetarians. My point is that (in my opinion) vegetarianism or weight

loss surgery is not the " magic bullet " as far as weight loss goes. My opinion

is that vegetarianism is far healthier for me, if no one else, based on the fact

that I am still alive despite many medical problems. Hopefully some day the

powers that be in the medical world will finally come to the realization that

health needs to be what we are trying to gain, rather than fit our bodies into

approved numbers.


Sorry if I have peeved anyone, Love to all, Jeanne in Georgia






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Why would anyone be peeved? I have struggled with my weight all my life. I

have tried every diet known. I have lost the most weight on Weight Watchers

The same weight......3 times.

All I can say, is you are heading in the right direction. Congratulations

on the weight loss. You know how an alcoholic has " one day at a time " .

Well, that goes for those of us with weight problems also.

Hugs to you, Jeannne!


Sue....in the North Georgia Mountains




treazure noname

11/1/2006 7:56:53 AM


Re: Re: Overweight Curiosity


I've been considering whether or not to reply to this one but have decided

to go ahead.

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Going to respond from the other end of the spectrum--I am 5'4 " and

hover between 125-130 and wear a size 2. I usually hear the following

comment when I tell people I'm vegan: " Well, no wonder you're so

skinny! " But the thing is, I was thin before. The keys are a) your

metabolism b) how active you are and c) knowing how to eat. In fact

when I first went vegan I gained weight because I had to relearn how

to eat. Between that and my dairy allergy I've been on a diet to try

and get back down to where I was, which was at 120. Because of my

digestive issues and allergies, I have to keep a five pound leeway or

if I have an attack I won't be able to fit into my clothes. Having

IBS is no picnic and after it came into my life I had initially gained

a LOT of weight because of it.


Basically you can eat bad on any diet no matter what restrictions you

have. People picture veg*ns as people who only eat salads and

tofu--they have NO idea what's out there and our culture is so meat

and dairy dependent that they can't fathom how we eat.

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Like Donna, I am not overweight and never have been on a diet.

I rather run 6 miles early morning(each day) than face dieting.

Hunger pain in the stomach is not for me.


I think if one eats sensibly, all will be well albeit those that have special


Eat smaller portions(by replace your large plate for a smaller one) & refrain

from secoond


I only eat " to kill the hunger " (religiously)

I burn calories very fast because of the nature of work I do in the hospital and

when I am not

working in the hospital.


We must adapt and take care of ourself.



Wee :)






On 31 Oct 2006 at 15:34, Donnalilacflower wrote:


> You still need to count calories, vegetarianism is not

> a weight loss diet.

> I have never been on a diet for one day, don't know

> how. I;m not overweight and not wafer thin. I wear

> the same size I did over 25 years ago when I wasn't a

> vegetarian. I have overweight vegan friends and some

> that are very slender, same with my vegetarian and

> non-veg friends. All shapes and sizes.

> Donna

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I'm an overweight vege, I think I am going to do the McDougall plan. It

consisits of eating whole grains and starches along with veges and fruit. If

anyone is curious they have a website on vegsource. I have to do something I

need to shed 40 pounds. Judy H


glpveg4life wrote: I am an overweight vegetarian.








Tue, 31 Oct 2006 8:37 AM

Overweight Curiosity


Out of curiosity I would like to know how many of this group's member

consider themselves to be overweight. Also, have you ever had

experiences with overweight vegetarians?



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Hi Deanna, I just thought I would give my opinion for whatever it is not worth.

Vegetarianism is an eating option and a very healthy one. You can be an

overweight veg, I am living proof of that, or you can be a normal weight vege

like you appear to be. It is healthier not to have all kinds of animal products

running thru your system. I think you need to make wise food choices and not eat

junk vegetarian foods, because if we eat Fritos and soft drinks, true there is

no animal products in it, but also there is hardly any food value in it except

for corn that has been altered. So hopefully vegetarianism is a Healthy Style

for most people. Judy H


genny_y2k <genny_y2k wrote: Just thought I would answer your

question about being 'overweight'. I

do not own a scales and have no idea what I weigh. I do not consider my

Vegetarian lifestyle(25 yrs) to be a 'diet'. I do know that I own two

sets of clothes..LOL..One set for when I feel like they are getting

tight and another for when they feel looser. I buy recycled

clothing,mostly cotton, from the ARC or Goodwill and my average size is

12-14 or medium. I am apx. 5'5 " tall and my age is 65. I have wondered

how many people in the group feel that being Vegetarian is a 'diet' and

I also wonder how many feel like they are 'overweight'.

Sending smiles and hugs



, Armin Solognier

<asolognier wrote:


> Out of curiosity I would like to know how many of this group's


> consider themselves to be overweight. Also, have you ever had

> experiences with overweight vegetarians?









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This is true. I have a friend who asks me every few months if i'm a vegetarian

because i'm always talking about the many ways i cook many different veggies.

there's much more to being a vegetarian than eating veggies!


Andrea Berman <andrea.berman wrote:

Basically you can eat bad on any diet no matter what restrictions you

have. People picture veg*ns as people who only eat salads and

tofu--they have NO idea what's out there and our culture is so meat

and dairy dependent that they can't fathom how we eat.



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Well I'm a new veggie & have been struggling to lose weight. I can see how even

as a vegetarian it's still a challenge (even though it's falling off now, 4 lbs

last week!) I realize that I'm still going to be a cookie-holic & candy holic ;)

certain crackers & breads too.


I do weight watchers and I " m working on this weight!



Beth Renzetti <elmothree2000 wrote:

This is true. I have a friend who asks me every few months if i'm a

vegetarian because i'm always talking about the many ways i cook many different

veggies. there's much more to being a vegetarian than eating veggies!

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I agree with Jeanne, it's all about the health for me. Two years ago, I lost

80lbs on McDougall. Was a size 18-20, now 8-10. I don't think there's one

" right " plan for everyone. I'm greatful for the plan because it introduced me to

veganism. This helped my numbers (esp. cholestrol) at my last physical. I don't

exercise as much as I should.


For me giving up sugar was really the sugar. Calorie counting and having " just

one " cookie does not work for me. Sugar made me hungry for everything else.

There are a lot of diabetics in my family and I think it's just something I was

born with ( called syndrome X for those who want to google it :) I sneak chips

now and then and bread a little too often, but sugar is saved for my birthday

and Christmas. Then I have to " detox " for three days. I also make sure I'm home

because I will crash a few hours after sugar. ( If I was driving, I'd have to

pull over and nap, that's how strong sugar is for me now.)


IFor me the eating plan more than the weight loss itself changed my life. I

have the energy to do what I never thought possible. I drive to nursing school 2

hours each way and still can study when I get home. Sure, I'm tired by the

weekend, but I'm only able to do it because of the way I eat. I used to have a

family daycare and would have to nap with the kids!!! Now I wake up 3 hours

earlier and never nap!


Deanna in VT








Whitney <wskater wrote:

Well I'm a new veggie & have been struggling to lose weight. I can see how

even as a vegetarian it's still a challenge (even though it's falling off now, 4

lbs last week!) I realize that I'm still going to be a cookie-holic & candy

holic ;) certain crackers & breads too.


I do weight watchers and I " m working on this weight!



Beth Renzetti wrote:

This is true. I have a friend who asks me every few months if i'm a vegetarian

because i'm always talking about the many ways i cook many different veggies.

there's much more to being a vegetarian than eating veggies!







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Weight watchers is a good program, I know plenty of people that have lost weight

on it. Judy H


Whitney <wskater wrote: Well I'm a new veggie & have been

struggling to lose weight. I can see how even as a vegetarian it's still a

challenge (even though it's falling off now, 4 lbs last week!) I realize that

I'm still going to be a cookie-holic & candy holic ;) certain crackers & breads



I do weight watchers and I " m working on this weight!



Beth Renzetti <elmothree2000 wrote:

This is true. I have a friend who asks me every few months if i'm a vegetarian

because i'm always talking about the many ways i cook many different veggies.

there's much more to being a vegetarian than eating veggies!








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Impressive - good for you!!!


Deanna <drl8994 wrote: I agree with Jeanne, it's all about

the health for me. Two years ago, I lost 80lbs on McDougall. Was a size 18-20,

now 8-10. I don't think there's one " right " plan for everyone. I'm greatful for

the plan because it introduced me to veganism. This helped my numbers (esp.

cholestrol) at my last physical. I don't exercise as much as I should.


For me giving up sugar was really the sugar. Calorie counting and having " just

one " cookie does not work for me. Sugar made me hungry for everything else.

There are a lot of diabetics in my family and I think it's just something I was

born with ( called syndrome X for those who want to google it :) I sneak chips

now and then and bread a little too often, but sugar is saved for my birthday

and Christmas. Then I have to " detox " for three days. I also make sure I'm home

because I will crash a few hours after sugar. ( If I was driving, I'd have to

pull over and nap, that's how strong sugar is for me now.)


IFor me the eating plan more than the weight loss itself changed my life. I have

the energy to do what I never thought possible. I drive to nursing school 2

hours each way and still can study when I get home. Sure, I'm tired by the

weekend, but I'm only able to do it because of the way I eat. I used to have a

family daycare and would have to nap with the kids!!! Now I wake up 3 hours

earlier and never nap!


Deanna in VT








Whitney <wskater wrote:

Well I'm a new veggie & have been struggling to lose weight. I can see how even

as a vegetarian it's still a challenge (even though it's falling off now, 4 lbs

last week!) I realize that I'm still going to be a cookie-holic & candy holic ;)

certain crackers & breads too.


I do weight watchers and I " m working on this weight!



Beth Renzetti wrote:

This is true. I have a friend who asks me every few months if i'm a vegetarian

because i'm always talking about the many ways i cook many different veggies.

there's much more to being a vegetarian than eating veggies!



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