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Question of the week

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Hi Folks,

Here is our question of the week? Do you plant a fall garden and if so

what do you grow in it? If not, then what are your favorite fall grown

Veggies and fruit and memories of collecting, picking them.?


I love hearing from all of you. It is always such a neat mixture of

replies. Thanks for taking the time to answer.



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I've got some Mustard and Collard greens planted her along with some cilantro,

onions and two kinds of lettuce leaves. My tomatoes and green peppers are still

coming in. My Butternut squash has about played out. I still have a few left

coming in the garden. I may just have to go make some Roasted Butternut and

Carrot soup with them today. Yummmmmmm..


When we get a chance, we love to head up to the mountains of Alabama or Georgia

and pick some apples right off the tree or find a peanut farmer here in the

south to pick some peanuts off the roots of the peanut plant and then boil

them. I love making fresh applesauce. It sure makes the house smell wonderful.

It is good put over pancakes that are smeared with crunchy peanut butter.






Monday, November 06, 2006 6:58 AM

Question of the week



Hi Folks,

Here is our question of the week? Do you plant a fall garden and if so

what do you grow in it? If not, then what are your favorite fall grown

Veggies and fruit and memories of collecting, picking them.?


I love hearing from all of you. It is always such a neat mixture of

replies. Thanks for taking the time to answer.









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I would murder a garden :( I've killed spider plants, and that poor plant I got

for my housewarming gift is hanging on by a leaf LOL!!!


I grew up in the city, so I don't remember seeing much vegetation, or animals

for that matter, I think that's what took me so long to realize that my food was

actually connected to an animal, hard to make that correlation when all you ever

did was go to the supermarket! Now when I moved overseas and started seeing

cows & sheep everywhere, that's what started the ball rolling, then when I moved

here, that finished the ball :)


I do remember going blueberry picking when I was a kid & we got to go camping,

I never came back with any because I ate them all!



wwjd <jtwigg wrote:

Hi Folks,

Here is our question of the week? Do you plant a fall garden and if so

what do you grow in it? If not, then what are your favorite fall grown

Veggies and fruit and memories of collecting, picking them.?


I love hearing from all of you. It is always such a neat mixture of

replies. Thanks for taking the time to answer.










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OH wait now that I think of it, we used to make trips to go apple picking when I

was a kid. My dad's ex GF used to do stuff like that & she'd cook like




wwjd <jtwigg wrote:

Hi Folks,

Here is our question of the week? Do you plant a fall garden and if so

what do you grow in it? If not, then what are your favorite fall grown

Veggies and fruit and memories of collecting, picking them.?


I love hearing from all of you. It is always such a neat mixture of

replies. Thanks for taking the time to answer.










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Here in Southwest GA, the Brassica can grow all winter. So by the end of winter

our collards will look like a swarm of locusts have been at them because we just

pick leaves off and it keeps growing and growing. I might put some rutabagas

out and some Brussels Sprouts (from my alien veggie list). If I can spare the

cash, I'll probably get a few mums to put in the daylilly bed so it doesn't look

so forlorn. Jeanne in GA




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Ok What is Brassica? I haven't heard of this before. Is it a type of Collards?



treazure noname

Monday, November 06, 2006 8:43 AM

Re: Question of the week



Here in Southwest GA, the Brassica can grow all winter. So by the end of

winter our collards will look like a swarm of locusts have been at them because

we just pick leaves off and it keeps growing and growing. I might put some

rutabagas out and some Brussels Sprouts (from my alien veggie list). If I can

spare the cash, I'll probably get a few mums to put in the daylilly bed so it

doesn't look so forlorn. Jeanne in GA


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Oops, sorry Judy, Brassica is the genus of the veggie family containing

collards, cabbage, Brussels Sprouts, rutabagas, mustard, turnips, kohlrabi,

cauliflower, broccoli...I've probably left some out, but it is easier to think

Brassica than start listing the entire family, lol. MMm, kohlrabi.....it's been

a long time since I made that veggie, think it will go on my list this week!!

Jeanne in GA (I wanted to major in Botany, not post secondary math ed but none

of the colleges close by offered Botany, sigh)


wwjd <jtwigg wrote: Ok What is

Brassica? I haven't heard of this before. Is it a type of Collards?



treazure noname

Monday, November 06, 2006 8:43 AM

Re: Question of the week


Here in Southwest GA, the Brassica can grow all winter. So by the end of winter

our collards will look like a swarm of locusts have been at them because we just

pick leaves off and it keeps growing and growing. I might put some rutabagas out

and some Brussels Sprouts (from my alien veggie list). If I can spare the cash,

I'll probably get a few mums to put in the daylilly bed so it doesn't look so

forlorn. Jeanne in GA


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I don't have a garden and wish I did. I have been looking into square foot

gardening in raised beds. We have so many rocks in our soil, gardening is very

difficult. Thought I'd give one box a try next spring.








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Judy--I've already been on here recently bragging about my greens, but

since you asked......LOL


I have a fall garden this year which is mainly greens. Lots of

different kinds of swiss chard, 2 kinds of collards, some kale, a row

of beets, some turnips and lots of onion bulbs planted. I enjoy using

the green onion tops through the winter along with the tiny onions. I

also have cilantro and dill and arugula (both wild and cultivated).

Oh yeah, and garlic. I have a few tomatoes which might make it before

the first freeze and 3 loaded plants of green peppers. I like to let

the peppers turn red. We have a giant chili pequin bush which is

native that is also covered with tiny peppers. I leave those for the

robins and my husband. The chili pequin will freeze back but come

back out in the spring.


Here in central Texas the greens will last pretty much the entire

winter. I've had swiss chard plants live several years. A hard

freeze will kill the leaves sometimes, but the plants survive and keep

on producing.


Yeah, I'm loving all the greens!




, " wwjd " <jtwigg wrote:


> Hi Folks,

> Here is our question of the week? Do you plant a fall garden and

if so

> what do you grow in it? If not, then what are your favorite fall


> Veggies and fruit and memories of collecting, picking them.?


> I love hearing from all of you. It is always such a neat mixture of

> replies. Thanks for taking the time to answer.


> Judy


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i wish. i think i did a few years ago but sept is usually a slap in the face &

it's nonstop until june.


wwjd <jtwigg wrote: Hi Folks,

Here is our question of the week? Do you plant a fall garden and if so

what do you grow in it? If not, then what are your favorite fall grown

Veggies and fruit and memories of collecting, picking them.?


I love hearing from all of you. It is always such a neat mixture of

replies. Thanks for taking the time to answer.










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I plant all year round :)


Right now, in my Fall garden, I have Winter Lettuces and Purple Sprouting


brasica) and cabbages, all doing really well :)


All these are grown with tender loving care in my allotment with no use of

pesticide or

commercial fertiliser. I use well rotted horse manure & grass cuttings mixed

with old

newspaper(absorbed and retain moisture). All these work was done in the summer




Best Wishes,

Wee :)



On 6 Nov 2006 at 6:58, wwjd wrote:


> Hi Folks,

> Here is our question of the week? Do you plant a fall garden and

> if so

> what do you grow in it? If not, then what are your favorite fall

> grown

> Veggies and fruit and memories of collecting, picking them.?


> I love hearing from all of you. It is always such a neat mixture of

> replies. Thanks for taking the time to answer.


> Judy

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My GRAn had a huge gigantic guava tree and I would

pick guavas, they had a pet shop and the most gorgeous

Macaws lived in the tree.

I have a cactus garden and I grow epasote to dry and

use in my beans.



--- wwjd <jtwigg wrote:


> Hi Folks,

> Here is our question of the week? Do you plant a

> fall garden and if so

> what do you grow in it? If not, then what are your

> favorite fall grown

> Veggies and fruit and memories of collecting,

> picking them.?


> I love hearing from all of you. It is always such a

> neat mixture of

> replies. Thanks for taking the time to answer.


> Judy





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I don't plant a fall garden per se. I did freeze and can a lot of stuff

(just ask Donna how well it ships.....grrrrr). I'm hoping to do some window

herbs, since I didn't get them in the ground during the summer.


I am notably lacking in follow through with veggie gardens. We put in about

1/2 acre at our landscape nursery, but I can't spare the time during the work

day (mine is abbreviated due to the school schedule, I work around the kids),

and on the weekend being at my work place is the last place I want to be,

co-owner or not.


I need to get my garlic up and plant this fall's garlic. I have frozen some

herbs, squash and peppers, canned pickles and tomatoes. I am out of storage!J

My horseradish didn't come up at all... :-(

We're a little cold here to do much fall planting this late. So everyone

feel free to send me your excess!! LOL AmyF





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