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help - tacos TVP vs. Okara

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I've been making the following to use up okara as I experiment more

with making soy yogurt from homemade soy milk. This is cheap, healthy,

good and makes a lot (Danger guy-cooking). To make all the milk and

yogurt I want, I have a lot of okara to use. But this is easily

fridged and frozen or just scarfed up. I don't know really what to

call it except it is excellent as crumble, sandwich, soysage, pizza

topping, burger replacement -- and is really good in tacos. I never

make it twice the same way. I never have a batch that isn't delicious.

You can of course make less, add in sauces and seasonings that you

prefer. The idea is to just make it savory, let the okara soak up the

flavor and bake it.




2-3 T EVOO or other good quality oil

3-4 small to medium onions diced

2-3 cloves of garlic diced

3 stalks of celery diced

1 bell pepper diced (optional)

1/2 cup balsamic vinegar

1/2 cup soy sauce or bbq sauce

1-2 T of red pepper flakes

1-2 teaspoons fennel

1 pound mushrooms (canned or fresh)


3-4 pounds okara (soy bean bits left from making soy milk)

2-3 cups fresh whole-wheat flour

1-1/2 cup rough ground flax seed (could replace with mashed ...)

1-1/2 cup rough ground rye berries (beans or brown rice)

2-3 cups tomato sauce

2-3 T salt

1 cup dijon mustard

2-3 cups water -- adjust as you cook and stir, enough to make the

right burger consistency


8-10 rectangles of aluminum foil, 12 " x 14 " approx. the " release "

kind is helpful.


Pre-heat oven to 350 F.


At the bottom of a very large stock-pot, (mine is 12 quart) make a

savory sautee of the first 10 ingredients for 5 or 10 minutes. When it

really smells great, dump in the okara to absorb all that flavor! Turn

the heat down to low and stir in the other ingredients with a strong

metal or wooden spoon, finally adjusting the liquid as you mix to get

the right stick-together consistency without the mix being dripping wet.


Take the pot off the heat. Spoon the mix onto the rectangles of

aluminum foil, 2 or 3 fist sized dollops into the center of each

piece. Roll and fold over the tops and ends to make each into a closed

envelope for baking. Try to have each envelope firm and reasonably

uniform. After a time or two you can judge the right size to fit on

one layer in a middle rack of your oven, like logs. Bake for 1-1/2 to

2-1/2 hours. Higher temp may tend to burn the ends. Cooked logs should

be brown on the outside moist on the inside. Leave in the foil and

cool on a rack. Then stack in the fridge or freezer. Use as " meat. "

Makes about 8-10 pounds!







, " Celia Browne " <cbrowne



> Shelly,


> Yes, you can easily substitute TVP or frozen veggie crumbles in

place of ground beef for your tacos. I usually hydrate a cup of TVP

to 7/8 cup of water and 1 T. ketchup in the microwave (a couple of

minutes), then throw in a frying pan where I have browned a small

onion and a clove of garlic. Add a packet of taco seasoning and

whatever water they recommend, and cook it down until it reaches the

consistency you want. This is great in tacos, burritos and

enchiladas! Enjoy!!!


> Warm Regards,


> --Celia--



> help - tacos

> Posted by: " lifeisgood111301 " shelly lifeisgood111301

> Fri Nov 3, 2006 1:52 pm (PST)

> Hey everyone. I am new to meatless cooking, so please bear with

> me. ....

> - Does anyone have a good veggie taco recipe they would mind

> sharing?


> - I am also making veggie black beans, could I just use that

> instead of having a meat substitute?


> thanks so much,


> shelly



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