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cows milk or soy milk?

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I already asked this on another vegetarian group but thought I would

ask here too.


I have a 13 month old who I still breast feed but I feel like I need

to start weining her a bit. She still wakes me 3 or 4 times at night .

She does eat regular food

all day too so I just dont understand. Well my question is, im used to

switching to cows milk but since im trying to avoid that I was

wandering is it ok to give her soy milk instead of breast milk?


Thanks and all your opinions are appreciated.

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We put ours on soy milk at 12 months. Breast feed and enjoy the experience as

long as you and she wants it. I heard of some moms doing it until their children

were 3 before and were sad when the child was ready to give it up. She can

drink both ways.

I'm sorry she isn't sleeping well. Some things just seem to bring one baby

comfort longer than it does another and there is nothing wrong with that..

They grow up way to fast. Enjoy and linger to smell the roses in every stage.of

their life. It is such a gift to share life with your child. They will be

grown up and feeling independent, before you know what happened.





Monday, March 12, 2007 8:54 PM

cows milk or soy milk?



I have a 13th month old that I breast feed. She is my first breast fed

child. My others were on formula and then switched to cows milk when

they were 12 months. My question is this, do I switch to cows milk or

soy milk? I am wanting her to wein a little so shes not so clingy so I

can get some things done. She eats regular food just like we do so I

dont understand why she wants to breat feed so much. She still wakes up

like 3 or 4 times in the night, I dont get any sleep and neither does

she, yes she is sleeping with me. Sorry to go in on all that. Any how,

can I go ahead and put her on soy milk? Is this what vegetarians / vegans do?


Thanks so much, your opinions are greatly appriciated.







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It sounds to me like she's not so much wanting the breast milk as wanting

the mommy attached to the breast! What you switch her to is entirely up to

you. What kind of milk do you give the other kids? That's the milk to give

your baby. Get her a " big girl " sippy cup, make a big deal about it, make it

the most important thing in her world. Nurse her in the morning when she

wakes up and at night before bed and if you think she needs it, before her

nap too. The rest of the time, give her the cup. Everytime she gets the

sippy cup of milk, she cuddles with mommy. Slowly wean her off the breast

one feeding a week, but keep the cuddling with the cup. Slowly wean her off

the cuddling with the cup. This is not going to be easy and it's not going

to be quick. But you can do it!




----Original Message Follows----

" Tabitha " <kittywilbur



cows milk or soy milk?

Tue, 13 Mar 2007 01:20:43 -0000


I have a 13th month old that I breast feed. She is my first breast fed

child. My others were on formula and then switched to cows milk when

they were 12 months. My question is this, do I switch to cows milk or

soy milk? I am wanting her to wein a little so shes not so clingy so I

can get some things done. She eats regular food just like we do so I

dont understand why she wants to breat feed so much. She still wakes up

like 3 or 4 times in the night, I dont get any sleep and neither does

she, yes she is sleeping with me. Sorry to go in on all that. Any how,

can I go ahead and put her on soy milk? Is this what vegetarians / vegans



Thanks so much, your opinions are greatly appriciated.



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Very incouriging. We all drink soy or rice milk. I do use organic cows milk for

cooking though. I dont want to give up the cuddling but I do feel like shes

getting worse, well not worse, its hard to describe. I cant sweep, do dishes or

even laundry. I cant even hardly take a shower or use the restroom. The other

kids are feeling left out. I just feel like she needs to become a little more

independent, dont get me wrong, it makes me want to cry when I think about it.

She is my baby and if i could forget the other, not clean my house, and just

hang out with her in the bedroom all day, I would. She is my last child too, and

I think that at first I just didnt want to stop but things need to start getting

done. She really is an awsome baby but mommy needs a little bit of a break.












Elizabeth Jackson <hotmamatigger


Monday, March 12, 2007 10:46:01 PM

RE: cows milk or soy milk?


It sounds to me like she's not so much wanting the breast milk as wanting

the mommy attached to the breast! What you switch her to is entirely up to

you. What kind of milk do you give the other kids? That's the milk to give

your baby. Get her a " big girl " sippy cup, make a big deal about it, make it

the most important thing in her world. Nurse her in the morning when she

wakes up and at night before bed and if you think she needs it, before her

nap too. The rest of the time, give her the cup. Everytime she gets the

sippy cup of milk, she cuddles with mommy. Slowly wean her off the breast

one feeding a week, but keep the cuddling with the cup. Slowly wean her off

the cuddling with the cup. This is not going to be easy and it's not going

to be quick. But you can do it!




----Original Message Follows----

" Tabitha " <kittywilbur@ >



[vegetarian_ group] cows milk or soy milk?

Tue, 13 Mar 2007 01:20:43 -0000


I have a 13th month old that I breast feed. She is my first breast fed

child. My others were on formula and then switched to cows milk when

they were 12 months. My question is this, do I switch to cows milk or

soy milk? I am wanting her to wein a little so shes not so clingy so I

can get some things done. She eats regular food just like we do so I

dont understand why she wants to breat feed so much. She still wakes up

like 3 or 4 times in the night, I dont get any sleep and neither does

she, yes she is sleeping with me. Sorry to go in on all that. Any how,

can I go ahead and put her on soy milk? Is this what vegetarians / vegans



Thanks so much, your opinions are greatly appriciated.


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Hey. I get it! I'm preg with #3, due in just 10 weeks and my other two are

feeling it coming! My DD won't even be two years when the new baby comes and

she's already started cuddling more with me and fighting her big brother for

my attention! I wish I were as lucky as you to have nursed for so long. My

kids weaned themselves at 9 months and 7 months. My primary goal this time

is to get to 10 months, with a long term goal for one year. How can you put

the baby down just to mop the floor or fold some laundry? I don't think

they're fair trade offs for you or the baby! I really do get it! Today, both

kids were home and they play well together mostly so I got a lot done.

Tomorrow, DS will be at school and it will be a day for me and DD to hang

out and do nothing! Maybe watch some Cinderella (total chick flick!), do

some shopping, waddle into Starbucks, just kick back and chill. I will do my

best to make Tuesdays our days, just like Friday naps are my thing with DS.

(Well, now they've become Saturday post t-ball naps, but the point is I have

made something for us, something special.) I hope to get on a date schedule

soon, where I'll take DS out on a date once a month and DH will take DD out

on a date once a month, but we haven't finalized all the plans for that one





----Original Message Follows----

tabitha wilbur <kittywilbur



Re: cows milk or soy milk?

Mon, 12 Mar 2007 20:57:37 -0700 (PDT)


Very incouriging. We all drink soy or rice milk. I do use organic cows milk

for cooking though. I dont want to give up the cuddling but I do feel like

shes getting worse, well not worse, its hard to describe. I cant sweep, do

dishes or even laundry. I cant even hardly take a shower or use the

restroom. The other kids are feeling left out. I just feel like she needs to

become a little more independent, dont get me wrong, it makes me want to cry

when I think about it. She is my baby and if i could forget the other, not

clean my house, and just hang out with her in the bedroom all day, I would.

She is my last child too, and I think that at first I just didnt want to

stop but things need to start getting done. She really is an awsome baby but

mommy needs a little bit of a break.

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When my youngest child, now 13 was a baby, a woman once shared with me, that

her child that was most clingy and needing cuddles a lot, was the one that grew

up and called to check on her. She stayed in close, caring contact with herand

her husband(dad), while her other children, called far less often. That was a

very bright light that went off for me and totally changed my perspective. I

liked that idea and I took more time to enjoy those precious moments. Hope this





I dont want to give up the cuddling but I do feel like

shes getting worse, well not worse, its hard to describe.







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Soy milk is perfectly acceptable at her age. I also had a family bed and

getting them to wean while in that situation can be very difficult. My 2

girls didn't wean until they were moved to their own beds (around 15 to 18

months but any age you feel is acceptable is fine;-) There is a ton of

information on making that transition online if that is what you choose to

do. Another idea is a great book called " You just don't duct tape babies " It

was a wonderful book about child rearing written by a pediatrician. I loved

it. (The title wasn't bad either) But he deals with sleeping issues a lot in

the book. My thought is if you can both get a full nights sleep you both

will feel better and she will be in more of a mood to be more independent.

As a daycare provider I can tell you that in 90% of all the kids I watch I

can tell how much sleep they had based on how they are acting. This includes

excessive clinging.

Hope that helps. If you need more help feel free to email me off list.







tabitha wilbur

3/13/2007 12:06:47 AM


Re: cows milk or soy milk?


Very incouriging. We all drink soy or rice milk. I do use organic cows milk

for cooking though. I dont want to give up the cuddling but I do feel like

shes getting worse, well not worse, its hard to describe. I cant sweep, do

dishes or even laundry. I cant even hardly take a shower or use the restroom

The other kids are feeling left out. I just feel like she needs to become a

little more independent, dont get me wrong, it makes me want to cry when I

think about it. She is my baby and if i could forget the other, not clean my

house, and just hang out with her in the bedroom all day, I would. She is my

last child too, and I think that at first I just didnt want to stop but

things need to start getting done. She really is an awsome baby but mommy

needs a little bit of a break.



Elizabeth Jackson <hotmamatigger


Monday, March 12, 2007 10:46:01 PM

RE: cows milk or soy milk?


It sounds to me like she's not so much wanting the breast milk as wanting

the mommy attached to the breast! What you switch her to is entirely up to

you. What kind of milk do you give the other kids? That's the milk to give

your baby. Get her a " big girl " sippy cup, make a big deal about it, make it


the most important thing in her world. Nurse her in the morning when she

wakes up and at night before bed and if you think she needs it, before her

nap too. The rest of the time, give her the cup. Everytime she gets the

sippy cup of milk, she cuddles with mommy. Slowly wean her off the breast

one feeding a week, but keep the cuddling with the cup. Slowly wean her off

the cuddling with the cup. This is not going to be easy and it's not going

to be quick. But you can do it!




----Original Message Follows----

" Tabitha " <kittywilbur@ >



[vegetarian_ group] cows milk or soy milk?

Tue, 13 Mar 2007 01:20:43 -0000


I have a 13th month old that I breast feed. She is my first breast fed

child. My others were on formula and then switched to cows milk when

they were 12 months. My question is this, do I switch to cows milk or

soy milk? I am wanting her to wein a little so shes not so clingy so I

can get some things done. She eats regular food just like we do so I

dont understand why she wants to breat feed so much. She still wakes up

like 3 or 4 times in the night, I dont get any sleep and neither does

she, yes she is sleeping with me. Sorry to go in on all that. Any how,

can I go ahead and put her on soy milk? Is this what vegetarians / vegans



Thanks so much, your opinions are greatly appriciated.


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Hi Tabitha! I nursed my daughter for a VERY long time as well, longer than 13

months for sure! haha! It's a nurturing thing if you ask me. At 13 months,

she is ready for FOOD all the way. You could give her soy milk, or rice milk

(my fave). But - did you know that you really could ween her away from the

breast whenever you are ready now, without feeling obligated to give her milk at

all? She could try calcium rich foods or juices (do the juice slowly if she

hasn't had it yet). Anyway, remember this is my OPINION. But, I have read much

on the subject, and milk isn't really as needed as some think after about a year

- the one exception is of course breast milk - that is always great for your

children. You could research on your own - a couple great ideas are

vegfamily.com (LOVE that one!), and Mcdougall, or Fuhrman (doctors/authors)

Hope this helps! Have a great day! Jodee


Tabitha <kittywilbur wrote: I already asked this on another

vegetarian group but thought I would

ask here too.


I have a 13 month old who I still breast feed but I feel like I need

to start weining her a bit. She still wakes me 3 or 4 times at night .

She does eat regular food

all day too so I just dont understand. Well my question is, im used to

switching to cows milk but since im trying to avoid that I was

wandering is it ok to give her soy milk instead of breast milk?


Thanks and all your opinions are appreciated.








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I hope you don't mind me replying to your problem with feeding in the night

rather than the soy/cow milk question.....


My daughter was slow to give up her night feedings too, but the doc said it

was just a habit after 8 months, especially if they are eating solid in the day.

Who wouldn't want some attention and comfort when waking up in the middle of the

night? But you both need a good night's sleep! Unfortunately, the only way to

get this is to let her cry herself back to sleep. The first 2 nights of this are

horrible, but then....blessed sleep for all!


Hope this helps,



Tabitha <kittywilbur wrote:

I already asked this on another vegetarian group but thought I would

ask here too.


I have a 13 month old who I still breast feed but I feel like I need

to start weining her a bit. She still wakes me 3 or 4 times at night .

She does eat regular food

all day too so I just dont understand. Well my question is, im used to

switching to cows milk but since im trying to avoid that I was

wandering is it ok to give her soy milk instead of breast milk?


Thanks and all your opinions are appreciated.








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Hi all. I have a similar situation/resolution that may be helpful. My now 2yr

old daughter was also breast fed until recently I must admit. As are many Native

Americans, most of my kids are lactose intolerant and unable to digest milk

sugars/proteins. Sarah gagged dramatically over the soy however so I started the

acidophilus milk (lactaid) instead and she is digging on it. If you are having

questions about milk allergies, best to ask your ped but as an RN I can tell you

that after 12 mos. that most children can readily handly milk with no effects.

Milk sugar on teeth however, during pm feedings is out. It is the #1 cause of

dental decay in preschoolers. Just water is recommended for bed. Good luck and I

am feeling your night time pain!! This too shall pass...


Susan Cagney <susanxc wrote:

I hope you don't mind me replying to your problem with feeding in the

night rather than the soy/cow milk question.....


My daughter was slow to give up her night feedings too, but the doc said it was

just a habit after 8 months, especially if they are eating solid in the day. Who

wouldn't want some attention and comfort when waking up in the middle of the

night? But you both need a good night's sleep! Unfortunately, the only way to

get this is to let her cry herself back to sleep. The first 2 nights of this are

horrible, but then....blessed sleep for all!


Hope this helps,



Tabitha <kittywilbur wrote:

I already asked this on another vegetarian group but thought I would

ask here too.


I have a 13 month old who I still breast feed but I feel like I need

to start weining her a bit. She still wakes me 3 or 4 times at night .

She does eat regular food

all day too so I just dont understand. Well my question is, im used to

switching to cows milk but since im trying to avoid that I was

wandering is it ok to give her soy milk instead of breast milk?


Thanks and all your opinions are appreciated.



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Hi Sue:


I had the same thing with my son when He was 5 months old he was still

getting up twice during the night, and the doctor told me he was getting up out


habit, so we let him cry the first 2 nights he cried for an hour, it was

tough after that he slept thru. He is now 20 years old.



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--- Tabitha <kittywilbur wrote:


> I have a 13 month old who I still breast feed but I

> feel like I need

> to start weining her a bit. She still wakes me 3 or

> 4 times at night .

> She does eat regular food

> all day too so I just dont understand. Well my

> question is, im used to

> switching to cows milk but since im trying to avoid

> that I was

> wandering is it ok to give her soy milk instead of

> breast milk?


I don't have kids, but I do know that they make soy

based baby formula so I don't know why it wouldn't be

okay to give that to your daughter.


I hope you get some sleep soon!









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Why would you want to stop feeding your daughter at such a young age?

Not to criticize or anything, but wouldn't loosing sleep make up for

the nutritional value of your milk? Even though soy and rice milk are

good, they pail in comparison to breast milk. My mom fed me(breast

milk) until I was three years old and I was far healthier then the

average child that was not breastfed and was fed formula.




, " Tabitha " <kittywilbur



> I already asked this on another vegetarian group but thought I would

> ask here too.


> I have a 13 month old who I still breast feed but I feel like I need

> to start weining her a bit. She still wakes me 3 or 4 times at night .

> She does eat regular food

> all day too so I just dont understand. Well my question is, im used to

> switching to cows milk but since im trying to avoid that I was

> wandering is it ok to give her soy milk instead of breast milk?


> Thanks and all your opinions are appreciated.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Happy saturday Tabitha!


I'm new to this goup (in fact it's the first group I've ever joined) so please

let me know if I

overstep any boundaries. With that said, I'd like to share my experience with

my little one.

Tiger Lily nursed until she was 2 and a half. It wasn't always easy and

sometimes I wanted

to wean her but we persevered and I'm so grateful that we did. She was still

sleeping with

me at 13 months and that meant that neither she nor I was fully awakened for


feedings. This made night nursings much easier and we both got the sleep we

needed. I

felt that breastfeeding was still essential both nutritionally and emotionally.

While she

seemed to eat constantly during the day, when I actually took stock of the

amount of food

she ate it really wasn't that much considering the amount of energy she burnt.

I felt that

the night nursings were like her daily multivitamin and was very reassured by

that. Tiger

Lily self weaned and our nursing relationship ended on such a positive note.

Every child is

differentand you just need to do what you need to do. Your daughter is

fortunate to have

such a loving mom. good luck with your situation Tabitha! Keep us posted if

you wish,

I'm very curious. Have a beautiful day!


, " Tabitha " <kittywilbur wrote:


> I already asked this on another vegetarian group but thought I would

> ask here too.


> I have a 13 month old who I still breast feed but I feel like I need

> to start weining her a bit. She still wakes me 3 or 4 times at night .

> She does eat regular food

> all day too so I just dont understand. Well my question is, im used to

> switching to cows milk but since im trying to avoid that I was

> wandering is it ok to give her soy milk instead of breast milk?


> Thanks and all your opinions are appreciated.


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