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Movies with a vegetarian character/theme [?]

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The sort of off-topic movie discussion that

I had with Jim about K-PAX gave him a great

idea that he shared with me off-list yesterday.

Jim proposed we should start a new file folder

for the group to list movies we have seen that

have a vegetarian mention in the dialog [either

possitive or negative], a vegetarian main character,

vegetarian supporting character, or anything that

mentions vegetarianism. It is a pretty broad based,

but we thought it might be fun.


Please post the movie titles and maybe the actor's

name, if you can remember it here, and I will add

them [or you can] to the file folder Jim created:


It will be fun to see what we can come up with. :)


I have a few in mind:


1. Gosford Park (2001)


~ This film has a character that is an American that

claims to be a vegetarian but he " will eat fish " , so

he is really a pescatarian. His announcement causes

the host of this gathering a hardship because now

they have to re-think the menu to accomodate his

diet. The actor that plays the vegetarian is Bob Balaban.


2. K-PAX (2001)


~ In this film Kevin Spacey plays a man that believes

he is a visiting alien from the planet K-PAX. He is a

vegetarian and loves our planet's variety of fruits

the best.


3. Everything Is Illuminated (2005)


~ In this film Elijah Wood plays a vegetarian that takes

a trip to the Ukrain to find a woman that saved his

grandfather during WWII. Elijah's character finds it

difficult to be a vegetarian on his journey and his

diet perplexes his travel guides.


4. Babe (1995) and also Babe: Pig in the City (1998)



~ These films didn't have a self-proclaimed vegetarian

character, though maybe the hotel owner in the second

film was one, but the over-all animal friendly theme really

does make this film a vegetarian treat. Actor James Cromwell

became a vegetarian because of his role in this film, so that

in itself makes these films worthy of mention.


" If any kid ever realized what was involved in factory farming

they would never touch meat again. I was so moved by the

intelligence, sense of fun and personalities of the animals

I worked with on 'Babe' that by the end of the film I was a

vegetarian. " ~ James Cromwell, actor (1940- )


5. Super Size Me (2004)


~ This commentary/editorial-style film featured a proclaimed

vegan, Morgan Spurlock, that went off his chosen vegan diet to

illustrate " obesity in America and one of its sources - fast food

corporations " by eating nothing but McDonalds for one month.



These are all I can think of off hand. Please add some more

if you can think of some!


~ PT ~

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i found this from an old message board via google search...




A Civil Action

Jurassic Park

Green Card

Julia Roberts character in Notting Hill is a vegetarian (there is also a

fruitarian character in the movie)

*My Big Fat Greek Wedding*:

Toula's Aunt Voula to Ian: " You're a vegetarian? That's OK. I'll make lamb. "



*Pulp fiction*:


Well, if you like hamburgers give

'em a try sometime. Me, I can't

usually eat 'em 'cause my

girlfriend's a vegetarian. Which

more or less makes me a vegetarian,

but I sure love the taste of a good



*Friday The 13th*:

BRENDA is making a salad for herself. She is a vegetarian.


* " The Great Bamboosical " *:

World's First Vegetarian Musical Comedy Film

www.TheGreatBamboosical.com. <http://www.thegreatbamboosical.com./>


*Maybe Baby*:

Emma Thompson does a short turn as a benign vegetarian nut


*Shallow Grave*:

JULIET (VO) Alex is a vegetarian. Do you know why?


*Blood Diner*:

Flash forward twenty years. The boys have opened a diner in which they serve

the best vegetarian food in town. To prepare this vegetarian food the

brothers ruthlessly kill vegetarians, dismember and disembowel vegetarians

and cook the various vegetarians remains up to be served to their vegetarian

clientele. It's a viscious cycle but it makes for cheap overhead in the

operation of their restaurant business.


*The Bridges of Madison County*:

The hero of the best-selling book, The Bridges of Madison County, is a

muscular, sexy cowboy photographer who shocks chubby small-town farmers

because he won't eat the animals they raise. In the movie version, Clint

Eastwood cooks a meal with Meryl Streep, but any reference to his

vegetarianism is missing from the screenplay.


*Green Card*:

The other stereotype is exemplified by Andie MacDowell's mousy boyfriend,

who loses her to Gerard Depardieu in Green Card. Depardieu's appeal, in

contrast to the pale, skinny aesthete with whom MacDowell had been wasting

her time, apparently comes from his insistence on preparing her a beefy

dinner over her objections. Depardieu disparages his rival as " that

vegetarian " and teaches MacDowell a lesson of carpe diem expressed through

the holy trinity of sex, wine, and meat, as if the three were somehow



*Stray Voltage*:

MTV Films has purchased Patrick Ranahan and Todd Johnson's strange comedy

STRAY VOLTAGE about the true story of reports that dairy cows were

contaminated by stray voltage from power lines. The story follows a

vegetarian environmentalist who works for a power company and has been

assigned to a small Texas town to investigate these brownouts. This spec

script was purchased for the low-against mid-six figures and has Paul

Rosenberg lined up to produce.


*Death To Smoochy*:

It is the story of children's TV star Smoochy the Rhino -- think Barney the

Dinosaur -- whose alter ego is Sheldon Mopes (Edward Norton), an endlessly

polite vegetarian who has no idea what a dork he is.


*The Brothers McMullen*

One of his girl friends keeps wanting him to convert to Judaism and the

other describes herself as a pro-life, vegetarian, ex-Catholic.


*The Doors*:

They start getting rowdy and the Captain comes down and threatens them that

he'll have them arrested when they land. When he asks them if they have any

questions, Dog asks, " Who's flying the plane? " (verry funny scene). Also we

see Jim consoling a child who's crying. We see them getting arrested when

the plane lands at Miami. Cuts to the Dinner Key Auditorium where we see the

vegetarian guy with the lamb pleading with the crowd not to eat meat.

This entire scene was brilliant.


*Gosford Park*:

Bob Balaban plays a sensitive American vegetarian who winces and ducks

during the hunting party — all while wearing a garish fur coat.


*About A Boy*:

As an actress, Toni is also a very fine singer. She gets to sing but is

required to sing very badly, which she does very well, in her other latest

film About a Boy. In the movie, Toni plays a depressed, vegetarian, new age

hippy, single mum.


*Scooby Doo*:

As smoke rolls out of the sunroof of the Mystery Mobile and the words " primo

stuff " are uttered by a major character, finally, we're led to think,

someone is coming clean about Scooby-Doo's psychedelic roots.

It would explain a lot, from Shaggy's reefer-smoking demeanor to the talking

dog. Of course, no explanations are offered, only flirted with, as the next

shot reveals an in-van barbecue of vegetarian burgers shared by a boy and

his dog.


*The Van*:

Larry pushes his daughter's services into the business while Bimbo pleads

that he should have been consulted. When Larry's daughter must quit, Larry

blithely pulls his vegetarian son (who refuses to work with meat) into the



*Return of The Living Dead*:

Tagline:They're Back...They're Hungry....And They're NOT Vegetarian! "


* Wallace and Gromit: The Great Vegetable Plot*

Nick Park has been talking about the in development Wallace and Gromit movie

and specifically The Great Vegetable Plot subtitle " That was the working

title of the Wallace and Gromit feature. I can tell you that in the way we

often borrow movie references (Ealing comedies, Hitchcock, etc.), this one

borrows most from B-movie horror and British horror. But it's also about

vegetables, so we often describe it as a vegetarian horror movie. The rest

you'll have to imagine. "


*Ice Age*:

One of the vegetarian beasties says to the other, " You can't get fat on a

Vegan diet. "



" One day we'll turn our backs, " he warns, " and the next thing we know, he'll

be picking us out of his teeth. "


*Face Off*:

When Archer (as Troy) tells his wife about their first date, he remembers

that she's a vegetarian. Earlier in the film, though, she didn't say

anything about Troy (as Archer) cooking her lobster.

But the baby grows up to be a vegetarian iguanodon, which they name Aladar

(D.B. Sweeney).


*Burn, Hollywood, Burn*:

Producers James Edmunds (Ryan O'Neal) and Jerry Glover (Richard Jeni) want

to get their hands on Smithee and the master cut. Edmunds is a short-fused,

vegetarian bully, who calls blacks " shvartzer " and has a reputation for

causing mayhem wherever he goes.



Most of the truly gruesome is implied, at least early on. When the gore

takes center stage, " Hannibal " takes the final plunge into ludicrousness.

By that point, everything is a joke, even the vegetarian cookbook

prominently displayed as Hannibal and Clarice dance a deadly tango.


*The Animal*:

His antics get the attention of Rianna (Colleen Haskell) a volunteer at a

local animal shelter. A hardcore vegetarian, Rianna finds Marvin's ability

to catch a Frisbee with his mouth and regurgitate a worm for a motherless

baby turkey endearing.


*Shooting Vegetarians*:

His next film, Shooting Vegetarians with Didi Conn, is just starting to make

the festival rounds. According to Guillermo Diaz, " It's about this punk-rock

vegetarian who kills his father, chops him up, and sells the meat in his

butcher shop. "


*High Fidelity*:

Tim Robbins' cameo as Laura's new love interest- a new age, vegetarian Fabio


*Toil and Trouble With Fries on the Side*:

Of Walken's comic turn as the vegetarian detective, McDuff, Tierney quips,

" I don't know what drew him to the material. But I'm glad something did. "


*Citizen Ruth*:

But as this film moves up the economic ladder--first to the home of a

middle-class lesbian pro-choice couple (Swoosie Kurtz and Kelly Preston)

plastered with leftist and vegetarian slogans and filled with dresses from

Guatemala, then to the hotel room (and boy masseur) of a wealthy pro-life

minister (Burt Reynolds) and the helicopter of a wealthy pro-choice

celebrity (Tippi Hedren)--its derision never varies.


The Night We Never Met


It's about people who are time-sharing the same apartment and are assigned

different days. Sam Lester (Matthew Broderick) has a date with a militant

vegetarian (Brooke Smith) and she's portrayed as a wacky, new-age-y, sort of

disgusted, angry, holier-than-thou character. She won't drink the wine

because of the yeast, she divines that she's been in the apartment before

but not in this lifetime and says that her chiropractor feels it has

something to do with her alignment, and then flips out when Sam offers her

the veal he's made for dinner. I think he offers her something with eggs and

she says, " Eggs don't combine. I'm combining now. " I can see the humor in

blowing this stereotype out of proportion but the screenwriter managed to

offend me on just about every level (being the vegetarian, spiritual,

chiropractor-going person that I am)!


The Road to Wellville, about early (and rather famous) vegetarian Dr. John

Harvey Kellogg


But I'm a Cheerleader <http://us.imdb.com/Title?0179116>


Natasha Lyonne's character is suspected of being a lesbian in part because

she's a vegetarian.


Claire Danes' character in " Igby Goes Down " is a vegetarian


home for the holidays


holly hunter's charactor is vegetarian


" i dont eat meat mother "


" heart breakers "


starring jennifer loove hewlit



her mom is veg and makes comments about jennifer eating meat , mom also has

to eat meat in one scene


April Burns from *Pieces of April* is a vegetarian, but still cooks a turkey

for her family. There's also a pretty crazy vegan lady in the movie too.


Harvey Pekar from *American Splendor* says " there's an awfully a lot of meat

on this menu " and that " because he's so close to his cat, he finds it hard

to eat other kinds of meat. "


Don't forget Bruce the great white shark from *Finding Nemo*. ;P


Albert Brooks' character in " Mother " was vegetarian. There is some good

interaction on the topic, along the lines of 'just pick the meat out'

comments which we all can relate to, I'm sure.


Pecker's little sister, in *Pecker*, went from being a " sugarholic " to being

a vegan.


" sweet november " i think it was called with charlize theron and keanu

reeves, she plays a vegan.


Lenny the shark in *Shark Tales*


" Legally Blonde " . Both Elle Woods AND Bruiser are Gemini vegetarians (she

says so herself during campus orientation).


Josh Hartnett's character, as well as in life, is a vegetarian in Hollywood

Homicide. The whole movie is quite funny actually with tons of reference to

it, plus you get to see him do yoga on the table while being interrogated.


Daddy's Dyin - Who's Got the Will?


Judge Reinhold's character says that he " doesn't eat anything with a face " .


*Delicatessen*, a French comedy about a future world where meat is scarce,

and meat eaters resort to cannibalism (in a morbidly funny way... you gotta

see it). Anyway, the main character is a vegetarian who stumbles into this

bizarro apartment complex full of carnivores


Japanese director Hideaki Anno. He did the anime series " Evangelion " , and it

had a vegetarian character on it (as well as an annoying omni who would

always give her grief).


The main character and hero (Jay Hernandez) in " Hostel " was a vegetarian.

" Hostel " being, of course, a movie about crazy Europeans who pay money to

hunt *humans*.


Roger Corman's " The Raven " in which Vincent Price portrays the vegetarian

and pacifist sorceror Doctor Erasmus Craven.


Doctor Bedlo (Peter Lorre): " Do you have any bat's blood, jellied spiders,

dead man's hair? "


Doctor Craven: " We don't need any of those things! We're vegetarians! "


The " hitchhiker " character in *Transamerica* describes himself as a " level 4

vegan " and refuses the meat-laden food offered him, saying, " I only eat

things that don't cast a shadow. "


Tara Reid in Josie and the Pussycats.

Do not ask me why I find her so amusing in that movie, I think the

character's name is Mel. I haven't watched the movie in years. I just like

the part where the pussycats first watch the commercials with the subliminal

advertising and afterwards Tara Reid goes: " I want a big mac! " and Rosario

Dawson's character is like: " Mel...you're a vegetarian... "


*Barnyard* - in the film, the farmer is a vegan. The animals argue about the

definition of " vegan " , some confusing the term with with vegetarian, and

also vampire.





Drag queens are the rea-

Son I pluck my eyebrows. It's

The least I can do.


On Sun, May 4, 2008 at 12:54 PM, ~ PT ~ <patchouli_troll wrote:


> The sort of off-topic movie discussion that

> I had with Jim about K-PAX gave him a great

> idea that he shared with me off-list yesterday.

> Jim proposed we should start a new file folder

> for the group to list movies we have seen that

> have a vegetarian mention in the dialog [either

> possitive or negative], a vegetarian main character,

> vegetarian supporting character, or anything that

> mentions vegetarianism. It is a pretty broad based,

> but we thought it might be fun.


> Please post the movie titles and maybe the actor's

> name, if you can remember it here, and I will add

> them [or you can] to the file folder Jim created:

> Movies/

> It will be fun to see what we can come up with. :)


> ~ PT ~





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> Please post the movie titles and maybe the actor's

> name, if you can remember it here, and I will add

> them [or you can] to the file folder Jim created:

> Movies/

> It will be fun to see what we can come up with. :)



Here is another one I remembered:


Doctor Dolittle (1967)



Doctor Dolittle is a world-renowned veterinarian

who speaks a wide array of animal languages.

He sets off from his home in Puddleby-on-the-

Marsh, England, in search of the Great Pink Sea

Snail. In so doing, he and his friends meet such

exotic creatures as the Pushme-Pullyu and the

Giant Moon Moth. This musical is the source of

the hit song, " If I Could Talk To The Animals. "

Written by Randy Goldberg.

Also a funny song Rex Harrison sings about being

a reluctant vegetarian!

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