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[QOTW] What are your best money-saving tips?

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Time again for a new set of group questions of

the week. [qotw]

Please join in to share your replies when you can.


QOTW for June 8th - 14th :


Now that gas prices are so out of control, I thought

we could all share ways we have learned to save money.


1. What are some of your best money saving tips?


2. How far away are you from the nearest store where

you purchase most of your veggie supplies?


3. How often do you have to go shopping for food?

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We live hours from anything like Whole Foods so we order most of our

non-perishable staples from amazon.com groceries where you can have a

subscription to products like Loma Linda vegan meat substitutes and silken tofu.

We also keep a pantry full of dry ingredients like flour, rice, and beans - to

minimize depending on prepared vegetarian foods like veggie burgers. We make our

own soy yogurt and cheese.




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Sunday, June 8, 2008 8:59:11 AM

[QOTW] What are your best money-saving tips?



Time again for a new set of group questions of

the week. [qotw]

Please join in to share your replies when you can.


QOTW for June 8th - 14th :


Now that gas prices are so out of control, I thought

we could all share ways we have learned to save money.


1. What are some of your best money saving tips?


2. How far away are you from the nearest store where

you purchase most of your veggie supplies?


3. How often do you have to go shopping for food?





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QOTW for June 8th - 14th :


Now that gas prices are so out of control, I thought we could all

share ways we have learned to save money.


1. What are some of your best money saving tips?

Shop at local poduce stores


2. How far away are you from the nearest store where you purchase most

of your veggie supplies?

a couple of blocks

3. How often do you have to go shopping for food?

as needed...every couple days

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1. What are some of your best money saving tips?


do you mean in general or as far as cutting back on food costs? because as

far as saving money in general, i'm hopeless! for food costs i tend to watch

for sales as well as becoming an avid coupon-clipper. i do some of my

shopping in bulk for items that i use frequently such as rice, shelf-stable

juices, condiments, some dried spices and seasonings, sauces, etc.


2. How far away are you from the nearest store where you purchase most of

your veggie supplies?


i'm lucky in that i can pick up a good bit at the local grocery stores. i

think i'm 2-3 miles from the one i prefer, and about 1.5 from a Wegman's.

across from the local grocery store (not directly across, but still pretty

close - within .5 mile) is a natural grocer. i'm minutes from three

different farmers' markets as well. i'm thinking of trying mail-order as

well through the mail-order catalog for healthy


i have to coordinate my schedule to be sure i'm home on their delivery day

for frozen and refrigerated items.


3. How often do you have to go shopping for food?


we're a small family (me and my son, age almost 6, and he's with my parents

Friday through Monday whilst i'm at work). as it is now, i only really *need

* to go shopping twice a month. i may have to pop in from time to time when

we've run out of something or when one of us (and we're both guilty) have a

food jag or craving. luckily both a farmer's market and two chain grocers

are on the way home from work.





Drag queens are the rea-

Son I pluck my eyebrows. It's

The least I can do.




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Time again for a new set of group questions of

the week. [qotw]

Please join in to share your replies when you can.


QOTW for June 8th - 14th :


Now that gas prices are so out of control, I thought

we could all share ways we have learned to save money.


I passed a gas station today and reg. unleaded was $4.05 a gallon!


1. What are some of your best money saving tips?


..Buy what produce is in season.

..Check out sales and base your menu on what produce is on sale.

..Don't buy pre-packaged convience items (like shredded carrots, cut up fruit,

" baby " carrots, etc...), take the time and prep your food yourself.

..Don't buy products packaged in individual servings (like juice, chips and other

snacks - buy the big package and divide into smaller servings...it only takes 2

seconds to grab a handful of chips and put them in a ziploc bag).

..Use coupons, but don't buy an item just because you have a coupon - if you

don't use it, you are wasting money.

..Avoid processed food.

..Have lighter meals. Supplement meals with less expensive dishes like a bowl of

beans, homemade soups, and salads.



2. How far away are you from the nearest store where

you purchase most of your veggie supplies?


They built a super target about 3 minutes from us. the other stores i go to are

close to where i work. i'm a homebody and don't like getting out much. i try

to group my errands to make as few trips as possible.


3. How often do you have to go shopping for food?


usually 1 big trip a week...sometimes supplemented with a couple more for a few

items during the week.

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> QOTW for June 8th - 14th :

> 1. What are some of your best money saving tips?

-plan, plan, plan! take fewer trips and know what you have in the house for


planning meals ahead of time really helps me make less trips to the market.


> 2. How far away are you from the nearest store where

> you purchase most of your veggie supplies?

- I live pretty close to a few good stores, but just a bit too far to walk. I

really want to get a

bike with baskets for carrying groceries. Right now I just stop at the markets

on my way

home from work. That helps a lot.


> 3. How often do you have to go shopping for food?

- Once a week for major shopping. I stop at the market on the way home for the

little stuff

we run out of.

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QOTW for June 8th - 14th :


Now that gas prices are so out of control, I thought

we could all share ways we have learned to save money.


1. What are some of your best money saving tips?


<This is from John Kielty, a friend and coworker

who ran Sony-America in Palo Alto. A guy came

by selling ~ " Omaha Steaks. " Fancy stuff, at a

good price. He declined. Late he said his rule was,

" The idea has to originate with, me. "


This translates to:

Zero tolerance for Impulse buying.


2. How far away are you from the nearest store where

you purchase most of your veggie supplies?


<Purchase veggies. What a question for feral vegetarians...

ROTF! 3 blocks to 2 miles, if I bought veggies there or there.


3. How often do you have to go shopping for food?


Never have to. Chose to now and then, in weak moments

Flour mebe. Rice. Catfood. (Cats are carnivores, technically.)



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