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Hi Jeffkukz!


Welcome! I am Pam and I am vegan. My hubby isn't but he often buys and

cooks stuff for me and he eats it too! I am very interested in your

" fusion " . I am not the worlds greatest cook and most of my recipes are



I made a veggie curry one day that was so awful even I couldn't eat it!


I hope somebody can come up with some ideas to help you out.



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  • 3 years later...
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hi katherine


if you need a list of good places to eat in the usa just give me a heads

up...i'll be happy to oblige! Not sure where you've eaten 'american food' but

it sounds like all the wrong places.


cheers backatcha



K Alspaugh


Monday, May 10, 2004 12:26 PM

Introducing myself




Greetings veggie fans.


My name is Katherine. I am not a vegetarian. I just love the food. I went

vegetarian once for a year and didn't find it to my liking so I've continued to

have meat in my diet. I would probably be vegetarian but I love tucking into a

good steak now and then and I doubt God will strike me dead for that.


I like to patronize Asian and vegetarian restaurants because they know how to

cook vegetables making them tasty and nutritious. It seems the American palate

likes veggies boiled to a tasteless pulp, unless it's salad. I have learned to

cook many vegetarian dishes. My problem lately though is that I have several

vegetarian cookbooks and most of the recipes I try come out tasting so bland. It

always " needs something " that I can't quite put my finger on. On the other hand

I've had good success with experimentating with my own variations on those

recipes and invented a few of my own that I would enjoy sharing now and then. I

am also partnered with a filipina and found many ways to adapt Philippine

cuisine to vegetarian dishes. I adore tofu and am always trying new ways to

prepare it - some results are disasterous while others are out of this world.


I have found that Thai cuisine has the most to offer as far as vegetarian

dishes. If you are finding it hard to dine out and stay veggie that might give

you good success.


Look forward to exchanging recipes and food information with my fellow








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Hi Cathy


Thanks, and sure go ahead and give me some places in Houston.


An issue i have with restaurants that market themselves as " vegetarian " are

usually very expensive. That is another reason I patronize ethnic restaurants.

To them it's not vegetarisn - it's just food - so the price is reasonable

because lots of people will eat it.


But haven't you found that if you go out for " yuppie food " , someplace like TFI

Fridays or something that the vegetables are just mush? Bleh.




if you need a list of good places to eat in the usa just give me a heads

up...i'll be happy to oblige! Not sure where you've eaten 'american food' but

it sounds like all the wrong places.


cheers backatcha



K Alspaugh


Monday, May 10, 2004 12:26 PM

Introducing myself




Greetings veggie fans.


My name is Katherine. I am not a vegetarian. I just love the food. I went

vegetarian once for a year and didn't find it to my liking so I've continued to

have meat in my diet. I would probably be vegetarian but I love tucking into a

good steak now and then and I doubt God will strike me dead for that.


I like to patronize Asian and vegetarian restaurants because they know how to

cook vegetables making them tasty and nutritious. It seems the American palate

likes veggies boiled to a tasteless pulp, unless it's salad. I have learned to

cook many vegetarian dishes. My problem lately though is that I have several

vegetarian cookbooks and most of the recipes I try come out tasting so bland. It

always " needs something " that I can't quite put my finger on. On the other hand

I've had good success with experimentating with my own variations on those

recipes and invented a few of my own that I would enjoy sharing now and then. I

am also partnered with a filipina and found many ways to adapt Philippine

cuisine to vegetarian dishes. I adore tofu and am always trying new ways to

prepare it - some results are disasterous while others are out of this world.


I have found that Thai cuisine has the most to offer as far as vegetarian

dishes. If you are finding it hard to dine out and stay veggie that might give

you good success.


Look forward to exchanging recipes and food information with my fellow








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  • 5 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

welcome and salutations elise Elise Dec 2, 2004 12:41 PM Introducing myself Hello all....I just wanted to pop my head in and introduce myself. I am in Central NJ and have been vegetarian for ten years and made the move to veganism about 3 months ago. I am very frustrated with the state of this country right now and I am hoping to find some like minded souls to chat with and to vent with...:)Your green witch....graphic artist...earth loving...tree hugging...fellow vegan....:),love and light....EliseTo send an email to -





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Hi Elise


Welcome to the group.


I too am a 'green witch, Earth loving, tree hugger' but unfortunately

not an artist.




, " Elise " <curegirl@o...> wrote:


> Hello all....


> Your green witch....graphic artist...earth loving...tree hugging...

> fellow vegan....:),


> love and light....

> Elise

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Hug a tree for me!

Welcome witchy type woman, you would like my area ( geographically speaking!) , your arms would surely ache from all the trees around here!

The Valley Vegan......Elise <curegirl wrote:

Hello all....I just wanted to pop my head in and introduce myself. I am in Central NJ and have been vegetarian for ten years and made the move to veganism about 3 months ago. I am very frustrated with the state of this country right now and I am hoping to find some like minded souls to chat with and to vent with...:)Your green witch....graphic artist...earth loving...tree hugging...fellow vegan....:),love and light....Elise

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  • 2 years later...

Hi Catherine!


I too live with meat eaters. I have been a vegetarian for a year now.

It can be done! I do admit to cooking meat for them, sometimes I

just make extra side dishes & veggies for myself and eat that. Or

they eat veggie meals sometimes, it all depends. My family is good

about eating what I cook, but I also accomidate them because they

like what they like and it's not up to me to change them no matter

what, so I go with the flow. my kids are aware that I'm a vegetarian

and they show interest, but aren't ready to go all the way I don't

think, mostly because of my husband, he insists that I won't make

them into veggies :/ so we learned to live in a compromise.




PS. CONGRATS on your decision!


On Oct 12, 2007, at 9:06 PM, Catherine wrote:


> Hi All,


> I recently took the jump into vegetarianism. I've never been a big

> meat eater anyways and at my doctors recommendation figured I would

> give it a go. I read some books that a friend let me borrow. I'm

> working on trying new vegetables, fruits and grains that I hadn't

> gotten into before. I've enjoyed everything so far. Any

> recommendations for someone who lives with a meat eater would be

> great, since I'm now cooking his meat thing and my meatless thing. He

> has no interest in being without meat. I'm really just looking for

> some support since I'm from the meat and potatoes midwest and I'm

> worried about holidays and day to day with my significant other.

> Thanks for reading my rant.


> ~Catherine








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I live with meat eaters too. They are really supportive because they know

that I'm making dietary changes because I want to lose weight & try to get

my blood pressure in check. My ds is 21 & needs to lose weight too. He's

noticed what I've been eating for the past 2 1/2 months & is beginning to

get interested in going veggie too.

I'm not holding my breath on him making that decision though; however, I

think he would do some meatless days.




On 10/13/07, Whitney <patriotsjunkie wrote:


> Hi Catherine!


> I too live with meat eaters. I have been a vegetarian for a year now.

> It can be done! I do admit to cooking meat for them, sometimes I

> just make extra side dishes & veggies for myself and eat that. Or

> they eat veggie meals sometimes, it all depends. My family is good

> about eating what I cook, but I also accomidate them because they

> like what they like and it's not up to me to change them no matter

> what, so I go with the flow. my kids are aware that I'm a vegetarian

> and they show interest, but aren't ready to go all the way I don't

> think, mostly because of my husband, he insists that I won't make

> them into veggies :/ so we learned to live in a compromise.


> HTH,

> Whitney

> PS. CONGRATS on your decision!


> On Oct 12, 2007, at 9:06 PM, Catherine wrote:


> > Hi All,

> >

> > I recently took the jump into vegetarianism. I've never been a big

> > meat eater anyways and at my doctors recommendation figured I would

> > give it a go. I read some books that a friend let me borrow. I'm

> > working on trying new vegetables, fruits and grains that I hadn't

> > gotten into before. I've enjoyed everything so far. Any

> > recommendations for someone who lives with a meat eater would be

> > great, since I'm now cooking his meat thing and my meatless thing. He

> > has no interest in being without meat. I'm really just looking for

> > some support since I'm from the meat and potatoes midwest and I'm

> > worried about holidays and day to day with my significant other.

> > Thanks for reading my rant.

> >

> > ~Catherine

> >

> >

> >



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Hi Gigi!


Me! I've been reversing type 2 diabetes! I have been following a rather

strict vegan eating program since January of this year. In January my

A1c was 12.2. Last time it was checked (in July) it was 5.4. (Under

6.0 is considered normal.)


Additionally, my cholesterol has come down 85 pts, my blood pressure has

come down to low/normal range and pretty much all of my elevated blood

numbers (like my liver numbers) have fallen to normal ranges.


All of this without medication - just diet and exercise. Oh, I've lost

40 lbs since January (and over 75 overall) and I feel GREAT! :-)


I'm happy to talk to you offline about this, Gigi!




Gigi Kirk wrote:

> Hello everyone my name is Gigi and I live in NC and I have Type 2 Diabetes

> and I've been reading articles saying that those who ate vegetarian /vegan

> ended up reversing diabetes and were able to stop taking

> medication.Withthat being said I'm here to gain knowledged about

> both(vegetarian/vegan) and

> try different types of recipes.Can anyone tell me what you can do with

> Tofu,TVP and Jicama.I look forward to hearing from you all.



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  • 5 months later...
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You have come to the right place. My husband is a carnivore, too, and he is

quite happy eating vegetarian at night when I cook dinner. Durring the week,

when he goes out for lunch he can eat whatever he pleases.

He particularly likes the wide variety of vegetarian foods and the satisfied,

but not bloated way he feels after eating all he wants.

You may find yourself giving up fish, too. I know some fish are supposed to

be heart friendly, but with the mercury and other toxins from poluted waters,

they really aren't a healthy alternative. Get your protien from spinach and

brocolli instead.



Christina <florenceave wrote:

I recently moved to a more vegetarian lifestyle when at 28 my doctor

told me I had high colesterol...at 28!!! Then my fertility doctor said

that my polycistic ovarian syndrome could be helped by my diet and by

losing weight. So, moing vegetarian (with the exception of fish)I am 23

pounds lighter and I actually am ovulating. I am a firm beleiver in the

power of food and want to raise my future children on real, fresh food.

My biggest problem is my husbands eating habits. I need to find good,

soulfull vegetarian dishes that I can cook him and prove that

vegetarian does not have to mean raw veggies and tasteless,

unfullfilling meals.








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  • 10 months later...

Hi Everyone,


I've been lurking about for a short time.  This is a great list for a veggie



My name is Cathy, I'm an RN living in Oklahoma.  I was raised by a meatcutter

and a nurse and have always believed in and enjoyed eating meat.  Recently I had

a terrible thing happen to my pet goats and sorry, I don't want to go into

detail, but it put me off meat for about two weeks.  In that time I learned I

felt better and actually lost a little weight. 


I decided to try and keep up the new way of eating without a committed time

frame and it's been an interesting ride.  So far I've used tofu for the first

time, packaged veggie " meats " , many more fruits and vegetables, and am

continuing to use dairy products. 


My current purpose is to lose weight and be more healthy.  So far my energy and

strength levels are great, which I would not have expected.  I'm not hungry



Thank you all for the great recipes and as I learn maybe I'll have some to post

as well. 









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