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Detox Debate

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Detox Debate


Some people swear they get health benefits by cleansing their bodies

of toxins with special diets. But some experts doubt the claims.



For most of their lives they've heard warnings about unsafe drinking

water, environmental pollution and pesticide-laced food.

So it doesn't take much prodding for Sarah Lohmeier and Kristen

Snyder to seek out healthier ways of living - including detoxing

their bodies on a regular basis.


" It's definitely part of everyday life as far as avoiding things I

know will add to the toxins in my body, " Snyder, 24, said. " My

husband and I buy only organic, and we drink mineral-filled bottled

water. "


Lohmeier, 23, drinks four juiced carrots a day and uses Metagenics

products under the supervision of her boss, Tucson chiropractor David

Hancock, who offers the service to clients. " Carrots are really good

for detoxing the liver, and it helps with my acne. I still have scars

but no breakouts " since she's been on a program, she said.


Detox diets have become big business. There are hundreds of books,

pills and supplements that make up this multimillion dollar industry.

Among the most popular detox books are those by Anne Louise

Gittleman, " The Fat Flush Plan " and " The Fast Track One-day Detox

Diet. "


So just what is a detox diet, and is it healthy?


" Detoxification is giving the body permission and space and the

ability to be able to move out matter that's in the body that is

actually poisonous to it, " said David Rainoshek, a fasting coach at

the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center in Patagonia, who holds a

master's degree in live food nutrition. It supports the organs of

elimination and that includes lungs, the kidneys, the liver, the

gallbladder and the colon.


While the Tree of Life programs are not geared toward weight loss, it

is often a side effect, Rainoshek said.


Some people try these programs for weight loss, but many others

consider it an alternative way to treat digestive problems, muscle

and joint pain, fatigue, skin conditions and allergies, among other



" I feel good, " Lohmeier said. " Since I started detoxing, I haven't

been sick. I used to get sinus infections all of the time, and I

haven't gotten any colds or flus. You feel like brain fog is gone,

and you have so much more energy. "


(See how Body Plus reporter Sandra Valdez Gerdes did on her fruit

fast, How I Did It, Page 4)


While popular among users, however, critics say detox diets

are " unnecessary " and hogwash because there is no scientific evidence

to support the use of a detox diet.


Wanda Howell of the Nutritional Sciences Department at the University

of Arizona said, " There is no such thing as a detox diet. It is not a

standard of practice among dietitians and nutritional scientists. No

credible source will promote a detox diet. It is not legitimate. "

Often it can lead to a loss of lean muscle tissue, and any weight

lost comes right back. Many users report discomfort with fasting

plans and drinks they've done during their hectic schedules and find

it's easier to do a plan through a naturopathic doctor, who will

guide them toward a more healthful eating plan.


Erika Jaramillo, a firefighter with the Air National Guard, tried

a " fat flush " diet in November and lost about nine pounds but stopped

after a few weeks. The low-carb diet didn't agree with her strenuous

schedule. Instead, she watches her eating and has switched from bad

carbohydrates to good ones.


" Anything that promotes eliminating a food group or endorses eating

only one food is dangerous, " Howell said. " I don't agree with the

notion that processed foods stay in the body. The kidneys and liver

clean out that stuff through bile or urine. "


Rainoshek disagrees: " If that's true, if the processed food doesn't

stay in our bodies and we're not getting toxic, why is it that the

country that eats the most processed conventionally grown food in the

world has the highest rates of cancer, heart disease, obesity and

Type 2 diabetes?


" Why are we the sickest nation in the world, " spending $2.2 trillion

on medical care every year? she asked.


Despite the ongoing debate, Jason Aberbach, 37, credits juice fasting

and intestinal cleansing with clearing his eczema more than 10 years

ago during a stay at the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center. He went on

supervised spiritual fasting retreats and learned the value of juice

fasting, which he still does.


" When those things are removed from the system, it creates an overall

self sense of renewed energy and allows your system to focus on

healing and allows your body to function more efficiently. "




Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center

Viewpoint: Physical toxins accumulate in many ways: The food we eat,

the environment we live in and daily emotional stresses all

contribute to stored toxins in our system. We have found juice

fasting to be the best and safest method to allow for cleansing while

still maintaining energy and rejuvenation levels. These programs

promote autolysis, which involves the body digesting its own dead and

dying cells. Juice feasting (green juice) can help people who are

overweight, have arthritis, acid reflux, chronic pain, high

cholesterol, hypertension and heart disease.


Detox method: It specializes in vegan live food nutrition, spiritual

fasts and meditation. It also offers Personal Detoxification Programs

where guests can do medically supervised juice fasts and feasts.

Web site: www.treeoflife.nu and for more information visit



Dr. Bruce Sadilk

Tucson naturopathic physician

Viewpoint: Toxins are stored in fat cells. Detoxing lets some of this

toxin burden go and reduces stress on the liver and digestive system.

Detoxing without eliminating protein allows you to retain lean


Detox method: Diet modification by eliminating all common food

allergens from the diet, including dairy, gluten or wheat, corn

products and syrups and processed foods. Eat organic whenever

possible. Patients take a health assessment and body composition


Web site: www.drsadilek.com


Jay Robb


Viewpoint: Fresh fruit is nature's perfect cleansing food. It is high

in water content, fiber and natural slow-releasing sugars. The

nutrients in fruit help dissolve toxins, and the water and fiber

helps flush out toxins. The Fruit Flush 3-Day Detox provides a safe

way to keep your body fat levels low and energy levels high. Fruit

should make up the majority of the diet. The food pyramid should be

changed to fresh fruits on the bottom, followed by vegetables,

proteins and fats on top. Grains are used to beef up cattle and

(Americans) are beefing up on them.

Detox method: Three days of clean fruits and vegetables in limited

amounts. A nonaggressive detox compared with herbs or laxatives. It's

a semifast (about 900 calories per day) intended for short periods.

Otherwise the low caloric intake would slow the metabolism.

Web site: www.jayrobb.com


Charles Kane author/herbalist, Tucson Clinic of Botanical Medicine

Viewpoint: Dietary lifestyle problems lead to chronic illness. Proper

elimination (of waste) means that the colon and intestines, skin and

kidneys operate freely. You are not chronically constipated, you

sweat appropriately and you drink plenty of fluids and have no

urinary tract problems. If someone feels toxic, that's a symptom, not

a cause. The root cause is a lifestyle out of order, not getting

enough rest, high stress and not dealing with it properly, and poor

nutrition such as a high intake of artificial foods, hydrogenated

oils, saturated fats and eating on the run.

Detox method: Herbal therapies and products he collects and prepares.

Web site: www.tcbmed.com


Dr. David Hancock

Hancock Chiropractic & Hancock Natural Health Clinics of Tucson &


Viewpoint: Diet, stress and toxicity directly increase your risk of

cancer, heart disease, diabetes, gout, high blood pressure,

osteoporosis, weight gain, hormone imbalances and fatigue.

Detox method: Nutritional and diet consulting, body composition

analysis and intestinal detoxification programs. Health appraisal to

analyze more than 20 body systems. (Radio show, 8:30 a.m. Sundays on

KVOI 690-AM or noon Saturdays on KNST 790 AM.)

Web site: www.drdavidhancock.com



Melinda Johnson

Arizona spokeswoman, American Dietetic Association,

Viewpoint: The ADA doesn't stand behind any particular detox diet.

The ADA considers these fad diets, and many of them prey on people

using alarmist pitches. When you eat a balanced healthy diet that

includes whole fresh natural foods, your body is getting the

nutrients you need to detox. Diseases are often linked to a poor

diet, not to toxins. We don't eat grains just for the carbohydrates.

They also give us fiber, magnesium, iron, folic acid and vitamin E.

It's better to make healthy permanent changes to your diet. Buyer

beware when buying herbal remedies and supplements. Colon cleanses

add to the risk of dehydration.

Web site: www.eatright.org


Wanda Howell professor of nutritional sciences, University of Arizona

Viewpoint: Food won't build up in toxic levels in the body. It just

doesn't happen. Our body isn't made to hoard toxins, and anything

that is toxic is naturally removed through bowel movements and urine.

If a diet suggests eating a lot of fruits and vegetables, then it

promotes good bowel habits, because a good diet has 30 grams of



Dr. Andrew Weil

Viewpoint: There is no scientific evidence to promote the claims made

for detox diets, but there are things you can do to rev up the body's

own elimination system. I am not opposed to cleansing regimens such

as the Master Cleanse; however, they are not effective as weight-loss


Source: www.drweil.com


Dr. Victoria Maizes

Program in Integrative Medicine,

University of Arizona

Viewpoint: I don't think people can get all of their nutrition from

fruit. I have seen fasting to be helpful with some problems, such as

rheumatoid arthritis. Fasting has been in many healing systems and

spiritual practices, but then you would have to have a plan of how

your diet will look different as you start including more foods. The

body is good at detoxing if we are smart about what we put into it.

The problem with diets is people go off of them. The real trick is to

go on a healthy diet. We recommend the anti-inflammatory diet or

Mediterranean diet.


Mary Horn Director of Nutrition and Exercise Science, Miraval Life in


Viewpoint: Detoxing is very stressful on the body. Our internal

organs cleanse themselves and have through the ages. If you drink

plenty of water, then your body will be cleansed. You need 25 grams

of fiber per day, but eat your fiber because you get the nutrients

and you get the bulk into your system which cleanses you. Eating

clean is one thing, but fasting or cleansing is rapid loss of water

and muscle tissue. After deprivation, we will overeat because our

bodies are starved. You will put your weight back on and then some

because your metabolic rate has slowed down. By restricting foods,

the body will metabolize lean tissue, because it's not getting what

it needs. Any type of fasting or cleansing is hazardous to

chronically ill people, like those with diabetes who need to monitor

their blood sugar.

Web site: www.miravalresort.com




Anne Kaspar, C.A.P.H

Health and Wellness Consultant



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