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Candida - Some Great Info On It

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Millions of Americans are suffering from Candida and have no idea.

Just SOME of it's many symptoms are:


Gas, bloating, indigestion, heartburn or pain in the intestines

· Bowel irregularities, constipation or diarrhea or perhaps

alternating between both

· Food cravings especially for carbohydrates or sweets.

· Mood swings, depression or suicidal tendencies

· Headaches or migraines

· Menstrual problems, PMS or break through bleeding, endometriosis.

· Respiratory concerns, asthma frequent bronchial congestion

· Skin problems, dry, itchy or hives

· Finger or toe nail fungus

· Vertigo or balance problems

· Joint or muscle pain

· Bad breath In spite of good oral hygiene

· Allergies…air-born or food

· Malabsorption (might be indicated by vertical grooves in


· Vaginal yeast infections

· Itching or redness in body creases

· Acne on face, back or body

· Cravings for Chocolate, peanuts, pistachios or alcohol

· Adrenal or thyroid failure

· Hemorrhoids, fissure or rectal bleeding

· Insomnia

· Chronic fatigue

· Feeling cold and shaky

· Weight imbalances (over or under in spite of diet)

· Poor memory

· Puffy, dry or burning eyes

· Urinary tract problems (infections or incontinence)

· Premature ageing

· Chemical sensitivity (especially colognes or fabric dye)

· Blood sugar imbalances


If you:

· crave sweets

· feel sick all over

· have taken at least 1 serious round of antibiotics

· have seen many physicians and have not found help

.. have taken birth control pills

· developing food allergies

....among other tell-tale signs, like eaten a heavy conventional

animal product diet in your past or currently (laden with hormones

and antibiotics), then your health problems are probably yeast




From The Body Ecology Diet by Donna Gates


Candida overgrowth is a vicious cycle. Our diets are full of sugars

that feed the yeast. In women, pregnancy and the use of birth

control pills create hormonal changes that encourage yeast and

overgrowth. Antibiotics, found extensively in our food supply and

prescribed by doctors, kill not only bad bacteria but also the

friendly bacteria that normally inhabit our tissues, so this sets up

an environment where yeast can multiply uncontrollably. A normal,

strong immune system can keep yeast under control. But when yeast do

overgrow, they release toxins, which weaken the immune system. At

this point, the weakened immune system can no longer defend against

germs, bacteria, and viruses, so these organisms multiply and

quickly invade tissues and organs, causing infections. If you take

antibiotics to get rid of these infections, the cycle starts all



Some of the most important current medical research involves the

immune system and diseases related to a weak immune response, such

as AIDS, Epstein-Barr, cancer, and other serious conditions. Candida

is not a disease in itself; it is a condition indicating an internal

imbalance. Its symptoms may mask, overshadow or accompany the

presence of other diseases, such as AIDS and cancer. So if your

immune system is occupied dealing with candida, it does not have the

strength to fight these other critical illnesses. The good news is

that candida can be corrected naturally using an anti-yeast diet.

This is in fact the ONLY way to correct systemic candida.



A few people still regard candida as a " fad " or a fake disease, but

this misunderstanding is starting to clear up. Patients whose

recurring symptoms and complaints cannot be resolved by

traditionally-trained doctors and specialists often are referred to

psychologists for treatment. Yet when these patients begin a yeast-

control diet and lifestyle, they respond splendidly, and their

symptoms clear up.


Candida grows in your intestines. According to antibody studies done

at the Atkins Center , a yeast or fungal infection is involved in

more than 80% of all cases of Crohn's and Colitis.


When the immune system is weak, candida easily overruns the

intestinal tract and the vagina, sinuses and surfaces of the tongue.

It also can burrow deeper into various organs. A carpet-like mass

will wrap around the spinal cord and the nerves and often

accumulates at the base of the brain. It can mass around the heart

and the liver and it can affect the reproductive organs even causing

endometriosis in women.


Candida grows in your blood and is then called a systemic infection.

The fungus (yeast) thrive on your own nutrients (minerals, proteins,

and fats). This creates further deficiencies, especially for

minerals (iron, selenium, zinc, etc). Without minerals your blood

remains in an acidic condition.


The most important organs for creating energy are your adrenals and

your thyroid. They both need an ongoing steady supply of minerals.

When you are low in minerals you'll have very little energy. Feeling

exhausted, you then crave carbohydrates for short-term energy.

Trying to keep a level of balance in your bloodstream more minerals

are called from various places (bones, teeth) and a vicious cycle

develops. Your blood continues to become even more acidic and the

yeast infection escalates. Viral infections and cancer grow and

expand in this acidic condition.


Candida floods your body with a toxic by-product called

acetaldehyde. Acetaldehyde is the compound that produces the

symptoms of an alcohol hangover. This serious toxin poisons tissues,

is not easily eliminated and accumulates in your brain, spinal cord

and muscles. Remember your heart and your intestines are muscles.

You can now understand your symptoms of brain fog, muscle weakness

and even pain.


From Rob Cooper at www.FormerFatGuy.com:


Candida Yeast is a negative YEAST INFECTION that begins in the

digestive system and little by little spreads to other parts of the

body. It is a strong, invasive parasite that attaches itself to the

intestinal wall and becomes a permanent resident of your internal

organs. It is causing numerous health problems and discomfort for

over 30 million men and women every day and it is estimated that

nearly everyone has or will have a moderate to serious Candida

condition eventually in their lives.

It is a major contributing factor to the cause of:

Chronic Fatigue

Immune Weakness


Systemic Degeneration

A Candida yeast cell produces over 75 known toxic substances that

negatively poison the human body. These toxins contaminate the

tissues where it weakens the immune system, the glands, the kidneys,

bladder, lungs, liver and especially the brain and nervous system.

Candida yeast can become so massive and invasive that is enters the

FUNGAL form where it provides very long, root-like structures that

penetrate the mucous lining of the gastrointestinal wall. This

penetration breaks down the protective barrier between the

intestinal tract and bloodstream, allowing many foreign and toxic

substances to enter and pollute the body systemically. As a result,

proteins and other food wastes that are not completely digested or

eliminated can assault the immune system and cause tremendous

allergic reactions, fatigue and many other health problems. It also

allows the Candida Yeast itself and bacteria to enter the

bloodstream, from which it may find its way to other tissues,

resulting in far-ranging effects such as soreness of the joints,

chest pain, sinus and skin problems, etc. An autopsy done on a lady

who had died of heart failure for no apparent reason, found that her

heart was encased with Candida yeast. Vaginal yeast infections are

more prevalent today than ever, and they will never completely go

away until the Candida yeast has been cleared from the intestinal

area. To make matters worse, Candida can be sexually encouraged from

one person to another.



TERRAIN by Robert Young, PhD. (He also wrote THE PH MIRACLE).


A really good self-test is the SPIT TEST. Directions are available

HERE: http://www.adhdrelief.com/CandidaTest.html

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Out of the long list I have or often have the following:




Gas, bloating, indigestion, heartburn or pain in the intestines

· Bowel irregularities, constipation or diarrhea or perhaps

alternating between both

· Food cravings especially for carbohydrates or sweets.

· Mood swings, depression or suicidal tendencies

· Respiratory concerns, asthma frequent bronchial congestion

· Skin problems, dry, itchy or hives·

· Vertigo or balance problems

· Joint or muscle pain·

· Malabsorption (might be indicated by vertical grooves in


·· Acne on face, back or body

· Cravings for Chocolate, peanuts, pistachios or alcohol

· Adrenal or thyroid failure

· Insomnia

· Chronic fatigue

· Feeling cold and shaky

· Weight imbalances (over or under in spite of diet)

· Poor memory

· Puffy, dry or burning eyes

· Chemical sensitivity (especially colognes or fabric dye)

· Blood sugar imbalances

· crave sweets

· feel sick all over

· · have seen many physicians and have not found help






I will do what I can to get Grahms book and hopefully it will help me get back

some normalcy!












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I just wanted to thank Erica for her list of symptoms of

candida/yeast overgrowth and the link to the self-administered test.


At first, I looked at the list, recognised several symptoms in

myself, and thought, yeah...well, that just about covers 99% of the

population, and felt cynical. But then I remembered that it's quite

probable that 99% of us are in fact unwell. Also, I can see that

candida, like so many bacteria inside our bodies, is OK and shoud be

there, but it's the 'growing too much' that causes harm.


So I got up early this morning, and took the test. Husband did as

well. If the test is accurate, I have a severe overgrowth! My

husband (despite years of abusing his body in various ways!) is clear.


This makes sense for me. In fact, I did have thrush as a teenager

and 'candida' was diagnosed as the cause. Although I don't have that

now, I'm thinking that maybe the problem never really went away.

(Incidentally, just as an aside, you know the 'normal' discharge that

we've all been assured is healthy and natural? What if it's not?

Again, perfectly possible for 99% of us to be unwell! The world is

pretty upside-down, and (here comes the 'religion bit') I've heard

that Satan deceives the whole world!)


Although I didn't meat for 25 years, I did eat lots of other

processed foods, was on the Pill on and off for several years, and

have had antibiotics several times in the past. Also...at present

I'm 75% raw, and you know what food I've been clinging to? My

breakfast every day for the last 20 years? Cooked bread with yeast,

and Marmite (equally loved and reviled spread in the UK - yeast

extract!). Obviously, I'm going to review that...! (I'm still

experimenting with Essene bread).


The reason all this is making sense for me is that in my three months

of 75% raw, I have been plagued by a noisy tummy, 'popping', 'blowing

up', gas generally in the lower abdomen. I had at last managed to

pin it down to the days I ate fruit, fruit juice or dried fruit. I

can now see the possibility that's it not the fruit per se, but that

the fruit is drawing attention to the yeast overgrowth in my gut. I

wasn't a big fruit-eater before raw, so wouldn't have noticed this to

the same extent, but upping the fruit has meant upping the sugar,

which is feeding on the yeast overgrowth in my intestines,

fermenting, causing gas and making things 'rise'...!. So the

ingestion of fruit, while giving rise to these symptoms, has actually

done me a huge favour.


I've been looking at 'anti-candida' diets on the Internet, and, when

it comes down to it, yes they're pretty much the pure 100% raw food

diet! (Incidentally, the ingesting of fermented foods, such as soy

sauce, vinegar, appears a bit of a no-no - but of course they're not

raw anyway, and - boo-hoo - no alcohol at all - I had been clinging

to red wine).


The pure 100% raw food diet all makes sense. Yes, some candida

advisers say stop eating all fruit, but they also recommend re-

introducing it gradually after 12 weeks. Well, that makes sense.

While one HAS the overgrowth, fruit will result in a lot of

fermentation inside, but once the overgrowth is gone, it should be

fine to eat that wonderful fruit again.


This has all been quite a revelation...(and hopefully of interest to

anyone else out there with a noisy tummy!).


Thank you for this wonderful forum.




Debbie Took, Reading, Berks

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This made me chuckle:


This makes sense for me. In fact, I did have thrush as a teenager and

'candida' was diagnosed as the cause.


The candida is not the " cause " of the " thrush " , it IS the thrush. The word

" candida " come from both Greek and Latin roots meaning " white " .






rawfood [rawfood ] On Behalf Of


Thursday, May 10, 2007 11:45 PM


[Raw Food] Re: Candida - Some Great Info On It










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I would try eliminating the fruit, especially the dried fruit.


I know many on this board disagree, but it is the #1 part of every

other single anti-candida diet but the 80/10/10. Especially if for 3

months you are having digestive issues on all fruit.



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Candida = Thrush, but I have had dozens upon dozens of candida

symptoms, but NEVER thrush in all my life. So, it sounds like they

were implying thrush is candida-based and you had someone who could

correctly dx you. Good for you, wish I had that as a teenager.

Consider yourself lucky. I don't think this is a legit " criticism " of

the post, though....




> This makes sense for me. In fact, I did have thrush as a teenager and

> 'candida' was diagnosed as the cause.

> _____

> The candida is not the " cause " of the " thrush " , it IS the thrush.

The word

> " candida " come from both Greek and Latin roots meaning " white " .


> Best,

> Elchanan

> _____


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