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Candida - Some Great Info On It ... OR NOT

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Are you seriously suggesting that all these symptoms (listed below) are

caused by candida? Or merely that they often occur in a manner correlated

with candida?


In my experience, all of these symptoms share a few common causes ... and

all of those causes lie in our choices about diet, activity, rest, work, and

in our capacities for handling stress and the like. What you are saying

would require, at the very least, that any surplus of candida must occur

BEFORE these other symptoms, and this simply does not happen, at least not

with any frequency or consistency.


So I get some arm-waving sense of correlation, but this notion of causation

makes no sense to me at all. What strikes me is the intensity of the

language you and several others have used at points in this conversation.

There is such a strong " holding onto the diagnosis " , it really boggles my

mind. Why would anyone consciously choose to hold onto a label, when the

readily available alternative is simply to live healthfully?


And if what you say about causation is even marginally correct, then why can

I and others who share a similar perspective routinely get ALL of people's

so-called " blood sugar problems " to resolve completely within weeks, simply

by changing their diet TOWARD fruits and greens and away from everything

else, and by adding exercise and rest??


If what you say were correct, then the results we achieve would be

improbable at best, and more likely impossible, to attain. Yet attain them

people do, as several have written here during the past couple of days.


I'll close with this thought ... when I first learned about raw foods, I had

no earthly idea the degree to which I would eventually shift my beliefs and

understandings. Eventually, I simply admitted to myself that almost

everything I had every learned (about MANY topics :) was just plain wrong.

And I have learned and embraced, not simply new information, new treatments

in place of the old, but rather an entirely new way of perceiving " symptoms "

and of thinking about health and vitality. So while I agree that voluminous

information exists along the lines that you describe in your post, honestly,

I have learned that it is simply all incorrect ... and dangerously so.


We teach a way of eating and living such that candida and other so-called

" blood sugar disorders " simply vanish. EVERY other approach I have ever

heard of has people encountering the same problems again and again, year

after year. Does this not suggest that the problem was never resolved in the

first place? I have met SO many people who claim to be battling candida (and

other symptoms) for years. Yet it is SO easy to vanish them, now and

forever. Does not my (and others) saying this spark even the tiniest sense

of curiosity in you? I mean, WHAT IF WE REALLY ARE CORRECT ABOUT THIS?






rawfood [rawfood ] On Behalf Of


Thursday, May 10, 2007 1:04 PM


[Raw Food] Candida - Some Great Info On It



Millions of Americans are suffering from Candida and have no idea.

Just SOME of it's many symptoms are:


Gas, bloating, indigestion, heartburn or pain in the intestines

.. Bowel irregularities, constipation or diarrhea or perhaps

alternating between both

.. Food cravings especially for carbohydrates or sweets.

.. Mood swings, depression or suicidal tendencies

.. Headaches or migraines

.. Menstrual problems, PMS or break through bleeding, endometriosis.

.. Respiratory concerns, asthma frequent bronchial congestion

.. Skin problems, dry, itchy or hives

.. Finger or toe nail fungus

.. Vertigo or balance problems

.. Joint or muscle pain

.. Bad breath In spite of good oral hygiene

.. Allergies.air-born or food

.. Malabsorption (might be indicated by vertical grooves in


.. Vaginal yeast infections

.. Itching or redness in body creases

.. Acne on face, back or body

.. Cravings for Chocolate, peanuts, pistachios or alcohol

.. Adrenal or thyroid failure

.. Hemorrhoids, fissure or rectal bleeding

.. Insomnia

.. Chronic fatigue

.. Feeling cold and shaky

.. Weight imbalances (over or under in spite of diet)

.. Poor memory

.. Puffy, dry or burning eyes

.. Urinary tract problems (infections or incontinence)

.. Premature ageing

.. Chemical sensitivity (especially colognes or fabric dye)

.. Blood sugar imbalances








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Whoooooah, Elchanan. Honestly, I have a hard time making sense of

your post and am NOT sure where your upset truly stems from.


I'm sorry, I was posting GENERAL information taken from articles

written by health advocates, including Donna Gates, but information

you can read in ANY book on candida, that is general knowledge. The

post was not my writing, I thought that was evident by listing the

sources. However, I have no problem with how it is written. It is

not inciteful (although apparently in your case, that is not true),

it is informative.


OF COURSE one symptom can mean many different things. However, most

candida sufferers WILL identify with many of the OVER 100 symptoms

of candida. Candida is a fungus that can affect ANY PLACE in the

body, from your toes to your hair. I will say that a fungal

overgrowth will precede the symptoms of a fungal overgrowth, though.

Yes, that is exactly what I'm saying. Why? Because it's the logical

sequence of events.


Regarding blood sugar, I'm not surprised - I mean, I have helped

reverse full-fledged DIABETES in just a few weeks. Candida and

hypoglycemia, while often related, are TWO DIFFERENT THINGS, and

NOBODY has reversed severe, systemic candida in just a few weeks.

Perhaps mild non-systemic, though, sure. So why you brought that up

as some kind of argument to my generic post that I posted to assist

somebody who was inquiring about it, is beyond me.


Do you not think I know about the raw foods diet? I'm in this group,

aren't I? Do you not think I know that everything I was taught was

wrong as well? I think that speaks for most of us here, no? I guess

once again, I'm not sure I get what you are coming from.....



Geeze, I AGREE with you about clinging to a label. But if a newcomer

asks about candida, it is important for them to understand it. After

that, you can get into " advanced healing " theories about how if you

name it, you claim it, and psychnueroimmunology and the like. But a

basic understanding of what is going on in your body is necessary to

address it, no?


The reason why it is IMPORTANT and one will not necessarily just

respond 100% by " just living healthfully " is actually quite obvious.

One can go raw and still not rid themselves of their candida.


While I won't comment on other people's experiences with the

80/10/10, it is commmon knowledge that candida sufferers react to

sugars, even fruit sugars, and that even fruit sugars have been

known to feed candida. I totally respect that many have reversed

whatever they have, as they say, using Graham's book. I know it's a

good book and I respect Graham, but I can say 100% that MY candida

persisted on all raw, as well as everybody that I have seen at raw

institutes and more (when terribly systemic) when they ate fruit and

didn't take specific anti-fungals (which are in ADDITION to

just " living healthy " ). Robert Young, who has a PhD in pleomorphic

science and who has worked with fungal infections and had amazing

success - so much so that Dr. Gabriel Cousens devoted a whole

chapter of " Rainbow Green Live Food Cuisine " to his works, talks

much about this, and does NOT suggest fruit. Ditto for Donna Gates,

of the body ecology diet. It is specifically forbidden.


Obviously, a large issue is that most don't test accurately and we

are relying on our own assessments. There are TONS of fungi and

ZILLIONS of common parasites. We all say " candida - candida -

candida " , but it is NEVER just candida alone. That is why I guess I

would say many get different results - some self-assessed " candida "

sufferers really only have giardia (sp?) or one other of many common

aggravating critters that yes, a healthy lifestyle will conquer.


As far as a " healthy diet " just curing everything, that is a

dangerous and incorrect tune to sing. To CLARIFY, I 100% believe

AIDS, Fibromyalgia, anything IS reversible. But NOT on just food

alone. My best friend has had lymes for 40 years. She lives on 100%

raw superfoods, fasting, green smoothies, all raw, works out,

positive affirmations, and it keeps her far less symptomatic and not

bedridden. Due to ALL of the deficiencies she experiences, STILL, as

a result of her devastating Lymes, she SHOULD be bedridden (and was,

before raw). She works out, gets around, etc. Ditto, her husbands

migraines went away on raw. They both have more energy. Are

they " healed " ?


Absolutely not. Their Lymes counts are still through the roof. They

are using rife machines, natural IVs (garlic, Vit C) that are very

powerful (and difficult), infrared bloodwork and more. There is so

much more out there, and the fact that natural hygienists or raw

food community members would think she wasn't being " natural " or

whatever for choosing these routes is ridiculous. As a side note,

Lymes affects up to 50% of people in this country, it is estimated.

Another great friend and I would always discuss our " candida "

together, when trying to figure it out.... turns out she really has

LYMES (read: my point from above).


With regards to:


" If what you say were correct, then the results we achieve would be

improbable at best, and more likely impossible, to attain "


How did you EVER deduce that from the information I listed? I would

never say that or have never insinuated this. I AGREE with you that

lifestyle and diet ARE the answer. The information I posted is

CORRECT, and it DOESN'T mean that the results you achieved

were " impossible " at all. I'm sorry, I see no connection, you lost

me there.



" I first learned about raw foods, I had

no earthly idea the degree to which I would eventually shift my

beliefs and understandings. "


Once again, you speak for all of us, MYSELF included...?


" Does not my (and others) saying this spark even the tiniest sense

of curiosity in you? I mean, WHAT IF WE REALLY ARE CORRECT ABOUT



What on EARTH are you talking about? What if you are " correct " that

raw foods and healthy lifestyle can correct candida?? Gee, I had

never thought of that, I am only in a raw foods , run a

raw foods business and teach others about it. I only have hundreds

of books on it. Why didn't I think of that?


I'm sorry, but the nature of your post was really just in a vein

that just could have been less...less...incited, upset-sounding,

angry, etc. Really surprising.


Happy Friday,


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Hi Erica,




NOBODY has reversed severe, systemic candida in just a few weeks.

Perhaps mild non-systemic, though, sure.


is false, people have, people do. Again, I ask the simple question: are you

not the least bit curious ... what if I am correct? Wouldn't you wish to






rawfood [rawfood ] On Behalf Of


Friday, May 11, 2007 9:19 AM


[Raw Food] Re: Candida - Some Great Info On It ... OR NOT




Whoooooah, Elchanan. Honestly, I have a hard time making sense of

your post and am NOT sure where your upset truly stems from.


I'm sorry, I was posting GENERAL information taken from articles

written by health advocates, including Donna Gates, but information

you can read in ANY book on candida, that is general knowledge. The

post was not my writing, I thought that was evident by listing the

sources. However, I have no problem with how it is written. It is

not inciteful (although apparently in your case, that is not true),

it is informative.


OF COURSE one symptom can mean many different things. However, most

candida sufferers WILL identify with many of the OVER 100 symptoms

of candida. Candida is a fungus that can affect ANY PLACE in the

body, from your toes to your hair. I will say that a fungal

overgrowth will precede the symptoms of a fungal overgrowth, though.

Yes, that is exactly what I'm saying. Why? Because it's the logical

sequence of events.


Regarding blood sugar, I'm not surprised - I mean, I have helped

reverse full-fledged DIABETES in just a few weeks. Candida and

hypoglycemia, while often related, are TWO DIFFERENT THINGS, and

NOBODY has reversed severe, systemic candida in just a few weeks.

Perhaps mild non-systemic, though, sure. So why you brought that up

as some kind of argument to my generic post that I posted to assist

somebody who was inquiring about it, is beyond me.


Do you not think I know about the raw foods diet? I'm in this group,

aren't I? Do you not think I know that everything I was taught was

wrong as well? I think that speaks for most of us here, no? I guess

once again, I'm not sure I get what you are coming from.....


Geeze, I AGREE with you about clinging to a label. But if a newcomer

asks about candida, it is important for them to understand it. After

that, you can get into " advanced healing " theories about how if you

name it, you claim it, and psychnueroimmunology and the like. But a

basic understanding of what is going on in your body is necessary to

address it, no?


The reason why it is IMPORTANT and one will not necessarily just

respond 100% by " just living healthfully " is actually quite obvious.

One can go raw and still not rid themselves of their candida.


While I won't comment on other people's experiences with the

80/10/10, it is commmon knowledge that candida sufferers react to

sugars, even fruit sugars, and that even fruit sugars have been

known to feed candida. I totally respect that many have reversed

whatever they have, as they say, using Graham's book. I know it's a

good book and I respect Graham, but I can say 100% that MY candida

persisted on all raw, as well as everybody that I have seen at raw

institutes and more (when terribly systemic) when they ate fruit and

didn't take specific anti-fungals (which are in ADDITION to

just " living healthy " ). Robert Young, who has a PhD in pleomorphic

science and who has worked with fungal infections and had amazing

success - so much so that Dr. Gabriel Cousens devoted a whole

chapter of " Rainbow Green Live Food Cuisine " to his works, talks

much about this, and does NOT suggest fruit. Ditto for Donna Gates,

of the body ecology diet. It is specifically forbidden.


Obviously, a large issue is that most don't test accurately and we

are relying on our own assessments. There are TONS of fungi and

ZILLIONS of common parasites. We all say " candida - candida -

candida " , but it is NEVER just candida alone. That is why I guess I

would say many get different results - some self-assessed " candida "

sufferers really only have giardia (sp?) or one other of many common

aggravating critters that yes, a healthy lifestyle will conquer.


As far as a " healthy diet " just curing everything, that is a

dangerous and incorrect tune to sing. To CLARIFY, I 100% believe

AIDS, Fibromyalgia, anything IS reversible. But NOT on just food

alone. My best friend has had lymes for 40 years. She lives on 100%

raw superfoods, fasting, green smoothies, all raw, works out,

positive affirmations, and it keeps her far less symptomatic and not

bedridden. Due to ALL of the deficiencies she experiences, STILL, as

a result of her devastating Lymes, she SHOULD be bedridden (and was,

before raw). She works out, gets around, etc. Ditto, her husbands

migraines went away on raw. They both have more energy. Are

they " healed " ?


Absolutely not. Their Lymes counts are still through the roof. They

are using rife machines, natural IVs (garlic, Vit C) that are very

powerful (and difficult), infrared bloodwork and more. There is so

much more out there, and the fact that natural hygienists or raw

food community members would think she wasn't being " natural " or

whatever for choosing these routes is ridiculous. As a side note,

Lymes affects up to 50% of people in this country, it is estimated.

Another great friend and I would always discuss our " candida "

together, when trying to figure it out.... turns out she really has

LYMES (read: my point from above).


With regards to:


" If what you say were correct, then the results we achieve would be

improbable at best, and more likely impossible, to attain "


How did you EVER deduce that from the information I listed? I would

never say that or have never insinuated this. I AGREE with you that

lifestyle and diet ARE the answer. The information I posted is

CORRECT, and it DOESN'T mean that the results you achieved

were " impossible " at all. I'm sorry, I see no connection, you lost

me there.


" I first learned about raw foods, I had

no earthly idea the degree to which I would eventually shift my

beliefs and understandings. "


Once again, you speak for all of us, MYSELF included...?


" Does not my (and others) saying this spark even the tiniest sense

of curiosity in you? I mean, WHAT IF WE REALLY ARE CORRECT ABOUT



What on EARTH are you talking about? What if you are " correct " that

raw foods and healthy lifestyle can correct candida?? Gee, I had

never thought of that, I am only in a raw foods , run a

raw foods business and teach others about it. I only have hundreds

of books on it. Why didn't I think of that?


I'm sorry, but the nature of your post was really just in a vein

that just could have been less...less...incited, upset-sounding,

angry, etc. Really surprising.


Happy Friday,









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I know I am hoping that It can be reversed in a few weeks. I am already trying

to do it. So as long as I dont go bananas from eating all these bananas, we

will know soon if it can be done. I have suffered with candida for a LONG



I am going to eat bananas only for this week and then after that I hope to have

received Dr Grahms book (they said it wont mail out till next tuesday) so

hopefully after a week of bananas, I will be able to move to the next step, what

ever it might be. But I believe that if a person is committed to making the

change, and puts the effort into it, that it CAN happen!


So I guess time will tell.....




Elchanan <Elchanan wrote: Hi





NOBODY has reversed severe, systemic candida in just a few weeks.

Perhaps mild non-systemic, though, sure.


is false, people have, people do. Again, I ask the simple question: are you

not the least bit curious ... what if I am correct? Wouldn't you wish to












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" .... is false, people have, people do. Again, I ask the simple

question: are you

not the least bit curious ... what if I am correct? Wouldn't you wish to

know? "


I have waterfasted for 34 days before, much longer than " a few weeks " ,

among other protocols. Candida was still present. What I would say to

you is the following:


1) What if you are right about WHAT? That raw fruits and veggies - a

raw foods diet - will eventually balance out terrain? I already believe

that, so STILL not sure what you are getting at--??


2) With regards to your post, scientifically it is virtually impossible

for debilitating candida to be gone in a few weeks, just like cancer.

This is an autoimmune issue. THEY DON'T GET THAT WAY IN A FEW WEEKS AND

THEY AREN'T GONE IN A FEW WEEKS. If it IS gone in a few weeks, it

clearly WASN'T debilitating, severe systemic candida, I'm sorry.


POINT TO CONSIDER: While I have personally had pretty intense terrain

testing from one of the few doctors who does it accurately, honestly,

candida is usually a pretty vague reference to a class of symptoms that

can be caused by any variation of pleomorphic bacteria, parasites and

fungi and just about nobody, no matter how severe, has had it tested

scientifically to " prove " the stage they were in prior and before, etc,

so what is the point of really debating whether severe systemic candida

can be gone in a few weeks? Basically, because it is unprovable,

scientifically. Some symptoms may be alleviated, of course. Entirely

believable. Water fasting FELT great, but the candida was still there.

My point is that there are ALL different levels of fungal loads. So who

is to say which is what and how long it will take to overcome it? Only

God knows, honestly. But common sense indicates it didn't crop up

overnight and won't leave that fast, sorry.


I think it is actually irresponsible to indicate that debilitating,

systemic candida can be gone in 3 weeks. It cannot. Or it wasn't

debilitating. I would NEVER tell someone with major cancer or lupus or

lymes that it would be gone in a couple of weeks either, for the exact

same reason.


My friend with debilitating lymes, that raw foods is helping so much?

Who eats phenomenally and does so much great OTHER stuff? Her RAW and

VEGAN naturpath who is guiding her and specializes in Lymes actually

said it would be about FOUR YEARS til she started feeling super good,



I have nothing to be curious about. I want to say my candida and it's

symptoms have improved GREATLY. I haven't gotten tested, so I won't

call it gone, but I certainly don't notice it, whereas before it was

totally debilitating. In fact, the only way I would say it was

possible to overcome severe, debilitating systemic candida in a few

weeks is if they were using a reputable rife machine daily. THEN I'd

say hell yeah!

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Hi Dobby,


I will be happy to stay in this conversation with you for a bit, as you gain

knowledge and self-confidence on this part of your journey. The next stage

is fairly conservative (not surprisingly) ... I'll tell you when we arrive.

And I wish to acknowledge you for being willing to share this experience in

plain view for all to see ... thank you!!!


Best to all,


PS: I publish most of my posts in the PathOfHealth Group.




rawfood [rawfood ] On Behalf Of

Dobby the house elf

Friday, May 11, 2007 5:12 PM


RE: [Raw Food] Re: Candida - Some Great Info On It ... OR NOT



I know I am hoping that It can be reversed in a few weeks. I am already

trying to do it. So as long as I dont go bananas from eating all these

bananas, we will know soon if it can be done. I have suffered with candida

for a LONG time.


I am going to eat bananas only for this week and then after that I hope to

have received Dr Grahms book (they said it wont mail out till next tuesday)

so hopefully after a week of bananas, I will be able to move to the next

step, what ever it might be. But I believe that if a person is committed to

making the change, and puts the effort into it, that it CAN happen!


So I guess time will tell.....







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