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From Dr. Doug Graham RE: Day 4 of going bananas (Dobby)

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Hi Dobby and all,


One thing I haven't mentioned, until now, is that I've been quietly copying

Dr. Doug Graham on our interactions. Doug's and my agreement is that when he

wishes to add something, he will, and I will share it with everyone. And

that is exactly what has come to pass. :) Please read on ...


Best to all,




Doug Graham Tuesday, May 15, 2007 2:48 AM


Re: XPOST: [Raw Food] Day 4 of going bananas (Dobby)



I am curious how many bananas Dobby is eating each day.


I would like to make it clear that the leaves of the celery are not to be



Also, I would put forth the concept that fasting and eating will typically

not yield the same results. Many people say that eating will get you to the

same place as fasting, it just takes longer. I have not found that to be the

case. For truly deep cleansing, restorative efforts, fasting does what

eating will not. I have seen this again and again in long-time raw fooders,

Hygienists, and even in folks that have followed 811 for several years. I

actually do believe that almost everyone would benefit by fasting.


I agree, however, with Elchanan, that fasting for more than just a few days

should definitely be properly and professionally supervised, in order,

partially, to prevent the exact scenario that Elchanan describes. In a

supervised setting, proper eating can be assured after the fast. This is a

time when supervision is often more necessary than during the fast itself.



In health,

Dr D

_ _____

On May 14, 2007, at 8:06 PM, Elchanan wrote:



Hi Dobby, Wow, you're doing just great!!! Sounds like those " shakes " you

mentioned a couple of days ago have disappeared, as you are learning to eat

more. That's just wonderful.


Remember at the beginning, I mentioned that after the first 7 days there

would be more steps to consider??? Well, I sense that it's time for me to

share a next step with you.

During your second week, I suggest that you continue eating primarily

bananas, and let's add one or two additional foods. For your next food, I

suggest either tender leafy greens, or perhaps celery. Either will likely

work just fine. The celery will bring more " crunch " into your life, and the

leaves are a richer source of minerals, phytonutrients, etc. Both will add

fiber, and neither will have much impact in terms of caloric intake.


Note that we are keeping the digestive workload VERY low. This allows your

system to continue allocating energy and other resources for cleanup and

restoration activities. And notice that, in contrast to fasting on water

alone, you are able to continue your normal daily activities ... at least

that is my understanding, yes?


Just for general edification, fasting is indeed a viable choice here, but

with one large caveat. Eating and fasting are unrelated activities,

particularly in the human psyche. How we eat before we fast is likely to be

how we resume eating after we fast, or within a few days following. So if we

eat poorly, fast, then resume eating poorly, we create for ourselves a VERY

demoralizing experience. I know personally that this feels just miserable,

and I wouldn't wish it upon anyone. So I typically suggest first, get to a

healthful, stable diet, THEN fast, if fasting is desired. And in most cases,

fasting is not necessary, just a very deep form of rest that allows the body

to accelerate many cleanup activities. (In certain circumstances, fasting

may be necessary or nearly so. Example: when STDs are present, or with Lupus

symptoms. These are just examples, nothing more.)


Best to all,




Dobby the house elf < <dobeythehouseelf%40>


Mon May 14, 2007 11:01 am


Well I am on my 4th day of my banana experiment!


I tell ya what...I'M GLAD I DID IT!


I can feel a difference in how I feel already.


Although yesterday I had a dull, not too bad, headache almost all day, and I

was up to use the bathroom 4 times in the middle of the night (all that



Other than that, its been pretty easy to deal with.


I wasn't eating enough the first two days, so I upped my banana count the

last two days, and that has helped.


I have come down 10 pounds in 4 days. I know its water weight, but to think

that I had 10 pounds of water just sitting there not doing anything is weird

to realize.


But the nice thing is I dont feel bloated like I did a few days ago. My

favorite pair of shorts are lose on me now! That was cool to discover. When

only 5 days ago, I couldn't even button them....


But I FEEL, amazingly better. I am not near as tired as I had been, and I

dont feel as cranky!


I will continue to do the banana thing, and look forward to getting my 811

book in the mail...(they aren't mailing till tomorrow..bummer..lol) But

hopefully by the time it gets here, I can have my body in a more favorable

condition to begin it.


I have done the Master Cleanser (lemonade diet) and I prefer this banana

thing. You don't fell as hungry, and I feel more stable on it!


Thanks Elchanan for suggesting it.


This is truly the best I have felt in a while.




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