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recent online interactions

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Hi all,


In light of the recent interactions with others in this group, I am

making some changes.


I was led to the raw lifestyle through my intuition, spiritual

connection and the natural hygine research I did 30 years ago and

returned to in the past couple of years.


Like many others, I was very thrilled to meet others striving to live

this or similar lifestyles, especially here online. Recently (for

around 3 months) my interest in online groups and on the internet have

been losing thier appeal. I've heard lots of 'leaders' selling or

promoting thier way as the truth w/a capital T. My experience shows

and tells me that we all can come to these same truths by simply,

simplifying and going within.


I have enjoyed being able to share my experiences with others and by

getting feedback from others experiences I often got confirmation

through the experiences others shared, of the truths I had discovered

or learned.


I have been disappointed in real life as well as online with some

people's behaviors. Especially those who profess to come with good

intentions and live from truth, some actually do seem to live this way

and some don't. After having lived through some rather serious abuses

in life, I have learned to trust myself, my intuition and the universe

above all.


It appears that one of my aquaintences has chosen to believe thier

thoughts over asking questions. I can't condone that ideal/idea nor

can I have the same level of respect that I have held in the past.


I would like nothing more than to be able to see clearly into the

genuineness of the people who pass through my life. When we are

disconnected, I feel sadness and often pain, though it is my

responsibility to care for myself and move on.





Personal & public note to Margret: In my most recent post to you I was

asking you questions to more clearly understand what you ment and where

you were coming from. If those questions came across differently, I'm



To the other: Your chastisement, threats and comments have been

noted. I checked and re-checked myself and my posts, I used

appropriate language, included 'I feel...' and 'I need...' statements

as well as asked questions. My question within the past 2 wks was not

the same as months ago, I was contacted privately by others who

answered me from thier experience. I will make my own decisions. It

is my belief that it is dangerous for one to hold any one human being

in too high a reguard. The universe provides us all with the same




" Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and

you feed him for a lifetime. " Chinese Proverb

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After I read your post, the first thing that came to mind




What are you trying to say exactly? What changes are you making and in light of

what recent interactions with others in this group?


Have you had bad experiences? If so, I'm sorry to hear that.


What is it that you can't condone?






your time is the most cherished gift of all, tomorrow is promised to no one.





Lesa <ljbn


Monday, June 11, 2007 7:39:06 AM

[Raw Food] recent online interactions



Hi all,


In light of the recent interactions with others in this group, I am

making some changes.


I was led to the raw lifestyle through my intuition, spiritual

connection and the natural hygine research I did 30 years ago and

returned to in the past couple of years.


Like many others, I was very thrilled to meet others striving to live

this or similar lifestyles, especially here online. Recently (for

around 3 months) my interest in online groups and on the internet have

been losing thier appeal. I've heard lots of 'leaders' selling or

promoting thier way as the truth w/a capital T. My experience shows

and tells me that we all can come to these same truths by simply,

simplifying and going within.


I have enjoyed being able to share my experiences with others and by

getting feedback from others experiences I often got confirmation

through the experiences others shared, of the truths I had discovered

or learned.


I have been disappointed in real life as well as online with some

people's behaviors. Especially those who profess to come with good

intentions and live from truth, some actually do seem to live this way

and some don't. After having lived through some rather serious abuses

in life, I have learned to trust myself, my intuition and the universe

above all.


It appears that one of my aquaintences has chosen to believe thier

thoughts over asking questions. I can't condone that ideal/idea nor

can I have the same level of respect that I have held in the past.


I would like nothing more than to be able to see clearly into the

genuineness of the people who pass through my life. When we are

disconnected, I feel sadness and often pain, though it is my

responsibility to care for myself and move on.





Personal & public note to Margret: In my most recent post to you I was

asking you questions to more clearly understand what you ment and where

you were coming from. If those questions came across differently, I'm



To the other: Your chastisement, threats and comments have been

noted. I checked and re-checked myself and my posts, I used

appropriate language, included 'I feel...' and 'I need...' statements

as well as asked questions. My question within the past 2 wks was not

the same as months ago, I was contacted privately by others who

answered me from thier experience. I will make my own decisions. It

is my belief that it is dangerous for one to hold any one human being

in too high a reguard. The universe provides us all with the same




" Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and

you feed him for a lifetime. " Chinese Proverb






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here we go again. I do not mean to be rude but lately I suddenly feel like I

have been transported back to grade school. Someone hurt my feelings, made me

mad,etc so I am leaving the group.If I ran away everytime someone said something

I didn't like or didn't believe what I believed I sure would be an awfully

lonely person. I hate for anyone to have a 'bad' experience but perhaps 'we' are

a bit too sensitive sometimes.


jeannieh h <jeannieh99 wrote: Lesa,


After I read your post, the first thing that came to mind



What are you trying to say exactly? What changes are you making and in light of

what recent interactions with others in this group?


Have you had bad experiences? If so, I'm sorry to hear that.


What is it that you can't condone?






your time is the most cherished gift of all, tomorrow is promised to no one.



Lesa <ljbn


Monday, June 11, 2007 7:39:06 AM

[Raw Food] recent online interactions


Hi all,


In light of the recent interactions with others in this group, I am

making some changes.


I was led to the raw lifestyle through my intuition, spiritual

connection and the natural hygine research I did 30 years ago and

returned to in the past couple of years.


Like many others, I was very thrilled to meet others striving to live

this or similar lifestyles, especially here online. Recently (for

around 3 months) my interest in online groups and on the internet have

been losing thier appeal. I've heard lots of 'leaders' selling or

promoting thier way as the truth w/a capital T. My experience shows

and tells me that we all can come to these same truths by simply,

simplifying and going within.


I have enjoyed being able to share my experiences with others and by

getting feedback from others experiences I often got confirmation

through the experiences others shared, of the truths I had discovered

or learned.


I have been disappointed in real life as well as online with some

people's behaviors. Especially those who profess to come with good

intentions and live from truth, some actually do seem to live this way

and some don't. After having lived through some rather serious abuses

in life, I have learned to trust myself, my intuition and the universe

above all.


It appears that one of my aquaintences has chosen to believe thier

thoughts over asking questions. I can't condone that ideal/idea nor

can I have the same level of respect that I have held in the past.


I would like nothing more than to be able to see clearly into the

genuineness of the people who pass through my life. When we are

disconnected, I feel sadness and often pain, though it is my

responsibility to care for myself and move on.





Personal & public note to Margret: In my most recent post to you I was

asking you questions to more clearly understand what you ment and where

you were coming from. If those questions came across differently, I'm



To the other: Your chastisement, threats and comments have been

noted. I checked and re-checked myself and my posts, I used

appropriate language, included 'I feel...' and 'I need...' statements

as well as asked questions. My question within the past 2 wks was not

the same as months ago, I was contacted privately by others who

answered me from thier experience. I will make my own decisions. It

is my belief that it is dangerous for one to hold any one human being

in too high a reguard. The universe provides us all with the same




" Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and

you feed him for a lifetime. " Chinese Proverb



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most intriguing....


im sorry lesa..i dont know what youve suffered, its none of my business,

do what you have to do..life is too short to spend it suffering even for a









On 6/11/07, Terry Bakhtiari <pablobully wrote:


> here we go again. I do not mean to be rude but lately I suddenly feel like

> I have been transported back to grade school. Someone hurt my feelings, made

> me mad,etc so I am leaving the group.If I ran away everytime someone said

> something I didn't like or didn't believe what I believed I sure would be an

> awfully lonely person. I hate for anyone to have a 'bad' experience but

> perhaps 'we' are a bit too sensitive sometimes.


> jeannieh h <jeannieh99 wrote: Lesa,


> After I read your post, the first thing that came to mind

> was...................HUH????


> What are you trying to say exactly? What changes are you making and in

> light of what recent interactions with others in this group?


> Have you had bad experiences? If so, I'm sorry to hear that.


> What is it that you can't condone?


> .


> Jeannie


> your time is the most cherished gift of all, tomorrow is promised to no

> one.



> Lesa <ljbn

> rawfood

> Monday, June 11, 2007 7:39:06 AM

> [Raw Food] recent online interactions


> Hi all,


> In light of the recent interactions with others in this group, I am

> making some changes.


> I was led to the raw lifestyle through my intuition, spiritual

> connection and the natural hygine research I did 30 years ago and

> returned to in the past couple of years.


> Like many others, I was very thrilled to meet others striving to live

> this or similar lifestyles, especially here online. Recently (for

> around 3 months) my interest in online groups and on the internet have

> been losing thier appeal. I've heard lots of 'leaders' selling or

> promoting thier way as the truth w/a capital T. My experience shows

> and tells me that we all can come to these same truths by simply,

> simplifying and going within.


> I have enjoyed being able to share my experiences with others and by

> getting feedback from others experiences I often got confirmation

> through the experiences others shared, of the truths I had discovered

> or learned.


> I have been disappointed in real life as well as online with some

> people's behaviors. Especially those who profess to come with good

> intentions and live from truth, some actually do seem to live this way

> and some don't. After having lived through some rather serious abuses

> in life, I have learned to trust myself, my intuition and the universe

> above all.


> It appears that one of my aquaintences has chosen to believe thier

> thoughts over asking questions. I can't condone that ideal/idea nor

> can I have the same level of respect that I have held in the past.


> I would like nothing more than to be able to see clearly into the

> genuineness of the people who pass through my life. When we are

> disconnected, I feel sadness and often pain, though it is my

> responsibility to care for myself and move on.


> Simply,

> Lesa


> Personal & public note to Margret: In my most recent post to you I was

> asking you questions to more clearly understand what you ment and where

> you were coming from. If those questions came across differently, I'm

> sorry.


> To the other: Your chastisement, threats and comments have been

> noted. I checked and re-checked myself and my posts, I used

> appropriate language, included 'I feel...' and 'I need...' statements

> as well as asked questions. My question within the past 2 wks was not

> the same as months ago, I was contacted privately by others who

> answered me from thier experience. I will make my own decisions. It

> is my belief that it is dangerous for one to hold any one human being

> in too high a reguard. The universe provides us all with the same

> information.


> L.

> " Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and

> you feed him for a lifetime. " Chinese Proverb



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Jeannie & Terry,


I didn't leave the group. Didn't say I was going to leave the group

either. Said I was going to make changes - I did. I will stay and

respond differently. I will take EVERYONE's posts at equal value,

consider and make up my own mind. I will RETURN to doing my own



It has been my experience that other's, especially in this

posting/email/electronic world, don't always understand me or what

I'm asking or where I am coming from. I had a background of being

raised in a strict christian religous cult and it's been awfully easy

for me to begin listing to others and believing what they say

is 'gospel' w/o (without) checking for myself. Often when I do this,

I get in trouble b/c (because) I haven't checked to see if I believe

it, if the information is correct or anything. It's a habit that I

have worked many years to change and in times when I'm stressed

especially I forget to check myself on this... I HAVE to make

learning for myself a higher priority.


and yes, I was speaking of Elchanan. I like him, appreciate him and

the knowledge he has. I don't need or appreciate his 'correcting' or

chastising or whatever it's called that he does in private emails off

post. If you are going to BE an authority figure then why not BE

yourself in the open? Okay, now I'm going to hear all the 'it's not

polite' comments - well, in my case, maybe it's not polite but I'm

past polite - I'm into GET REAL. I might not agree with you, you

might not understand, other's don't want to hear all this...

whatever. There are parts of what we do, in private interactions

that can be a problem for others and yes, I lost a large part of my

respect for E recently due to the way he handled a situation that, in

my opinion, he did not understand fully. I would have prefered that

I be asked more questions rather than to be 'corrected' as if I was

an infant without the capability of understanding. Nuff said. I'm

done with that.


Now, I still read some of his posts. He still has some good info and

I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO glad that Anna has lightened up the board

with some humor. I tried humor out here a year ago and got slammed

for that - with time it all changes. Humor is a good thing. So is

learning to play. And the humor exchanged recently helps us to see

the humanness in those involved -- I can't say thanks enough.


Sooooo - ccccchhhhhanges... (the old song playing in some elevator


as my life takes yet another 'I wonder what's happening now' major



Smiling and




PS thanks to all of you for being here, cause even tho I don't post

often, you are a part of my life and raw life, the posts do keep me

focused even when I'm not involved directly.


rawfood , Terry Bakhtiari <pablobully



> here we go again. I do not mean to be rude but lately I suddenly

feel like I have been transported back to grade school. Someone hurt

my feelings, made me mad,etc so I am leaving the group.If I ran away

everytime someone said something I didn't like or didn't believe what

I believed I sure would be an awfully lonely person. I hate for

anyone to have a 'bad' experience but perhaps 'we' are a bit too

sensitive sometimes.


> jeannieh h <jeannieh99 wrote: Lesa,


> After I read your post, the first thing that came to mind



> What are you trying to say exactly? What changes are you making and

in light of what recent interactions with others in this group?


> Have you had bad experiences? If so, I'm sorry to hear that.


> What is it that you can't condone?


> .


> Jeannie


> your time is the most cherished gift of all, tomorrow is promised

to no one.



> Lesa <ljbn

> rawfood

> Monday, June 11, 2007 7:39:06 AM

> [Raw Food] recent online interactions


> Hi all,


> In light of the recent interactions with others in this group, I am

> making some changes.


> I was led to the raw lifestyle through my intuition, spiritual

> connection and the natural hygine research I did 30 years ago and

> returned to in the past couple of years.


> Like many others, I was very thrilled to meet others striving to


> this or similar lifestyles, especially here online. Recently (for

> around 3 months) my interest in online groups and on the internet


> been losing thier appeal. I've heard lots of 'leaders' selling or

> promoting thier way as the truth w/a capital T. My experience shows

> and tells me that we all can come to these same truths by simply,

> simplifying and going within.


> I have enjoyed being able to share my experiences with others and


> getting feedback from others experiences I often got confirmation

> through the experiences others shared, of the truths I had


> or learned.


> I have been disappointed in real life as well as online with some

> people's behaviors. Especially those who profess to come with good

> intentions and live from truth, some actually do seem to live this


> and some don't. After having lived through some rather serious


> in life, I have learned to trust myself, my intuition and the


> above all.


> It appears that one of my aquaintences has chosen to believe thier

> thoughts over asking questions. I can't condone that ideal/idea nor

> can I have the same level of respect that I have held in the past.


> I would like nothing more than to be able to see clearly into the

> genuineness of the people who pass through my life. When we are

> disconnected, I feel sadness and often pain, though it is my

> responsibility to care for myself and move on.


> Simply,

> Lesa


> Personal & public note to Margret: In my most recent post to you I


> asking you questions to more clearly understand what you ment and


> you were coming from. If those questions came across differently,


> sorry.


> To the other: Your chastisement, threats and comments have been

> noted. I checked and re-checked myself and my posts, I used

> appropriate language, included 'I feel...' and 'I need...'


> as well as asked questions. My question within the past 2 wks was


> the same as months ago, I was contacted privately by others who

> answered me from thier experience. I will make my own decisions. It

> is my belief that it is dangerous for one to hold any one human


> in too high a reguard. The universe provides us all with the same

> information.


> L.

> " Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish


> you feed him for a lifetime. " Chinese Proverb



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Thanks Neal,


And I did notice and do appreciate your statement:

" p.s. and I always state don't believe anything I tell you.

> (consider it, examine it, but don't 'just' believe it.

> Find if it is true for you) "


Reading that often has given me even more incentive to do just that -

and to remember where I took the left turn when I should have gone

straight ahead... ;)




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I think this group is made up of many, different people. All with different

minds and ideas. In online groups there will always be the occassional mishaps,

mis understanding, and because one can't really see inflections it is easy to

get the wrong idea.


I say, at the end of the day, it is just a computer...just an email...so

.....relax....don't let the printed word, or anything get you down. It is a great

thing that brings us together to share. As Raw Foodies...we are working on

getting stronger.


Nevertheless.............it is a good group, and everyone is as important as the

next. Some do tend to post way more than others (I'm one lol)but if you are out

there throw your 2 cents in. This is like a " think tank " . We get great ideas




I'm happy you are here.





your time is the most cherished gift of all, tomorrow is promised to no one.





Lesa <ljbn


Tuesday, June 19, 2007 6:15:45 AM

Re: [Raw Food] recent online interactions



Jeannie & Terry,


I didn't leave the group. Didn't say I was going to leave the group

either. Said I was going to make changes - I did. I will stay and

respond differently. I will take EVERYONE's posts at equal value,

consider and make up my own mind. I will RETURN to doing my own



It has been my experience that other's, especially in this

posting/email/electronic world, don't always understand me or what

I'm asking or where I am coming from. I had a background of being

raised in a strict christian religous cult and it's been awfully easy

for me to begin listing to others and believing what they say

is 'gospel' w/o (without) checking for myself. Often when I do this,

I get in trouble b/c (because) I haven't checked to see if I believe

it, if the information is correct or anything. It's a habit that I

have worked many years to change and in times when I'm stressed

especially I forget to check myself on this... I HAVE to make

learning for myself a higher priority.


and yes, I was speaking of Elchanan. I like him, appreciate him and

the knowledge he has. I don't need or appreciate his 'correcting' or

chastising or whatever it's called that he does in private emails off

post. If you are going to BE an authority figure then why not BE

yourself in the open? Okay, now I'm going to hear all the 'it's not

polite' comments - well, in my case, maybe it's not polite but I'm

past polite - I'm into GET REAL. I might not agree with you, you

might not understand, other's don't want to hear all this...

whatever. There are parts of what we do, in private interactions

that can be a problem for others and yes, I lost a large part of my

respect for E recently due to the way he handled a situation that, in

my opinion, he did not understand fully. I would have prefered that

I be asked more questions rather than to be 'corrected' as if I was

an infant without the capability of understanding. Nuff said. I'm

done with that.


Now, I still read some of his posts. He still has some good info and

I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO glad that Anna has lightened up the board

with some humor. I tried humor out here a year ago and got slammed

for that - with time it all changes. Humor is a good thing. So is

learning to play. And the humor exchanged recently helps us to see

the humanness in those involved -- I can't say thanks enough.


Sooooo - ccccchhhhhanges... (the old song playing in some elevator


as my life takes yet another 'I wonder what's happening now' major



Smiling and




PS thanks to all of you for being here, cause even tho I don't post

often, you are a part of my life and raw life, the posts do keep me

focused even when I'm not involved directly.


rawfood , Terry Bakhtiari <pablobully



> here we go again. I do not mean to be rude but lately I suddenly

feel like I have been transported back to grade school. Someone hurt

my feelings, made me mad,etc so I am leaving the group.If I ran away

everytime someone said something I didn't like or didn't believe what

I believed I sure would be an awfully lonely person. I hate for

anyone to have a 'bad' experience but perhaps 'we' are a bit too

sensitive sometimes.


> jeannieh h <jeannieh99 wrote: Lesa,


> After I read your post, the first thing that came to mind



> What are you trying to say exactly? What changes are you making and

in light of what recent interactions with others in this group?


> Have you had bad experiences? If so, I'm sorry to hear that.


> What is it that you can't condone?


> .


> Jeannie


> your time is the most cherished gift of all, tomorrow is promised

to no one.



> Lesa <ljbn

> rawfood

> Monday, June 11, 2007 7:39:06 AM

> [Raw Food] recent online interactions


> Hi all,


> In light of the recent interactions with others in this group, I am

> making some changes.


> I was led to the raw lifestyle through my intuition, spiritual

> connection and the natural hygine research I did 30 years ago and

> returned to in the past couple of years.


> Like many others, I was very thrilled to meet others striving to


> this or similar lifestyles, especially here online. Recently (for

> around 3 months) my interest in online groups and on the internet


> been losing thier appeal. I've heard lots of 'leaders' selling or

> promoting thier way as the truth w/a capital T. My experience shows

> and tells me that we all can come to these same truths by simply,

> simplifying and going within.


> I have enjoyed being able to share my experiences with others and


> getting feedback from others experiences I often got confirmation

> through the experiences others shared, of the truths I had


> or learned.


> I have been disappointed in real life as well as online with some

> people's behaviors. Especially those who profess to come with good

> intentions and live from truth, some actually do seem to live this


> and some don't. After having lived through some rather serious


> in life, I have learned to trust myself, my intuition and the


> above all.


> It appears that one of my aquaintences has chosen to believe thier

> thoughts over asking questions. I can't condone that ideal/idea nor

> can I have the same level of respect that I have held in the past.


> I would like nothing more than to be able to see clearly into the

> genuineness of the people who pass through my life. When we are

> disconnected, I feel sadness and often pain, though it is my

> responsibility to care for myself and move on.


> Simply,

> Lesa


> Personal & public note to Margret: In my most recent post to you I


> asking you questions to more clearly understand what you ment and


> you were coming from. If those questions came across differently,


> sorry.


> To the other: Your chastisement, threats and comments have been

> noted. I checked and re-checked myself and my posts, I used

> appropriate language, included 'I feel...' and 'I need...'


> as well as asked questions. My question within the past 2 wks was


> the same as months ago, I was contacted privately by others who

> answered me from thier experience. I will make my own decisions. It

> is my belief that it is dangerous for one to hold any one human


> in too high a reguard. The universe provides us all with the same

> information.


> L.

> " Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish


> you feed him for a lifetime. " Chinese Proverb



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Great advise Neal! I love that everyone contributes here. This group is so





your time is the most cherished gift of all, tomorrow is promised to no one.





neal <kneel.pardoe


Tuesday, June 19, 2007 9:32:02 AM

Re: [Raw Food] recent online interactions



Hi Lesa,


On Tuesday 19 June 2007 11:15, Lesa wrote:

> Jeannie & Terry,


> I didn't leave the group. Didn't say I was going to leave the group

> either. Said I was going to make changes - I did. I will stay and

> respond differently. I will take EVERYONE's posts at equal value,

> consider and make up my own mind. I will RETURN to doing my own

> research.


Good. well done on returning to your senses. ;)


sometimes it can be good ignoring our own best advice, it is a reminder of why

it was best advice in the first place. LOL.


> It has been my experience that other's, especially in this

> posting/email/electronic world, don't always understand me or what

> I'm asking or where I am coming from. I had a background of being

> raised in a strict christian religous cult


I had a background of a human being born on earth. the detail may be different

but the conditioning (i.e.building a belief system) isn't.


> and it's been awfully easy

> for me to begin listing to others and believing what they say

> is 'gospel' w/o (without) checking for myself. Often when I do this,

> I get in trouble b/c (because) I haven't checked to see if I believe

> it, if the information is correct or anything. It's a habit that I

> have worked many years to change and in times when I'm stressed

> especially I forget to check myself on this... I HAVE to make

> learning for myself a higher priority.


How about the highest priority? What could be more important?


> and yes, I was speaking of Elchanan. I like him, appreciate him and

> the knowledge he has. I don't need or appreciate his 'correcting' or

> chastising or whatever it's called that he does in private emails off

> post.


So complain to the moderator and post the harrassment to the list for all to

see. Make it clear you do not wish to receive these and if they continue,

continue to complain and just set a filter that deletes the offenders mails

as you receive them.


> If you are going to BE an authority figure then why not BE

> yourself in the open? Okay, now I'm going to hear all the 'it's not

> polite' comments - well, in my case, maybe it's not polite but I'm

> past polite - I'm into GET REAL. I might not agree with you, you

> might not understand, other's don't want to hear all this...

> whatever. There are parts of what we do, in private interactions

> that can be a problem for others and yes, I lost a large part of my

> respect for E recently due to the way he handled a situation that, in

> my opinion, he did not understand fully. I would have prefered that

> I be asked more questions rather than to be 'corrected' as if I was

> an infant without the capability of understanding. Nuff said. I'm

> done with that.


I find it is best to ignore who says what, otherwise it becomes about

personality. If something is stated that is judged to have relative truth,

what does it matter who said it?


Also it is too easy to then believe everything that 'trusted' person says when

judging this way.


> Now, I still read some of his posts. He still has some good info and

> I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO glad that Anna has lightened up the board

> with some humor. I tried humor out here a year ago and got slammed

> for that - with time it all changes. Humor is a good thing. So is

> learning to play. And the humor exchanged recently helps us to see

> the humanness in those involved -- I can't say thanks enough.


> Sooooo - ccccchhhhhanges... (the old song playing in some elevator

> somewhere)

> as my life takes yet another 'I wonder what's happening now' major

> turn!


> Smiling and

> simply,

> Lesa


> PS thanks to all of you for being here, cause even tho I don't post

> often, you are a part of my life and raw life, the posts do keep me

> focused even when I'm not involved directly.




p.s. and I always state don't believe anything I tell you.

(consider it, examine it, but don't 'just' believe it.

Find if it is true for you)





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Hi Lesa,


On Tuesday 19 June 2007 11:15, Lesa wrote:

> Jeannie & Terry,


> I didn't leave the group. Didn't say I was going to leave the group

> either. Said I was going to make changes - I did. I will stay and

> respond differently. I will take EVERYONE's posts at equal value,

> consider and make up my own mind. I will RETURN to doing my own

> research.


Good. well done on returning to your senses. ;)


sometimes it can be good ignoring our own best advice, it is a reminder of why

it was best advice in the first place. LOL.


> It has been my experience that other's, especially in this

> posting/email/electronic world, don't always understand me or what

> I'm asking or where I am coming from. I had a background of being

> raised in a strict christian religous cult


I had a background of a human being born on earth. the detail may be different

but the conditioning (i.e.building a belief system) isn't.


> and it's been awfully easy

> for me to begin listing to others and believing what they say

> is 'gospel' w/o (without) checking for myself. Often when I do this,

> I get in trouble b/c (because) I haven't checked to see if I believe

> it, if the information is correct or anything. It's a habit that I

> have worked many years to change and in times when I'm stressed

> especially I forget to check myself on this... I HAVE to make

> learning for myself a higher priority.


How about the highest priority? What could be more important?


> and yes, I was speaking of Elchanan. I like him, appreciate him and

> the knowledge he has. I don't need or appreciate his 'correcting' or

> chastising or whatever it's called that he does in private emails off

> post.


So complain to the moderator and post the harrassment to the list for all to

see. Make it clear you do not wish to receive these and if they continue,

continue to complain and just set a filter that deletes the offenders mails

as you receive them.


> If you are going to BE an authority figure then why not BE

> yourself in the open? Okay, now I'm going to hear all the 'it's not

> polite' comments - well, in my case, maybe it's not polite but I'm

> past polite - I'm into GET REAL. I might not agree with you, you

> might not understand, other's don't want to hear all this...

> whatever. There are parts of what we do, in private interactions

> that can be a problem for others and yes, I lost a large part of my

> respect for E recently due to the way he handled a situation that, in

> my opinion, he did not understand fully. I would have prefered that

> I be asked more questions rather than to be 'corrected' as if I was

> an infant without the capability of understanding. Nuff said. I'm

> done with that.


I find it is best to ignore who says what, otherwise it becomes about

personality. If something is stated that is judged to have relative truth,

what does it matter who said it?


Also it is too easy to then believe everything that 'trusted' person says when

judging this way.


> Now, I still read some of his posts. He still has some good info and

> I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO glad that Anna has lightened up the board

> with some humor. I tried humor out here a year ago and got slammed

> for that - with time it all changes. Humor is a good thing. So is

> learning to play. And the humor exchanged recently helps us to see

> the humanness in those involved -- I can't say thanks enough.


> Sooooo - ccccchhhhhanges... (the old song playing in some elevator

> somewhere)

> as my life takes yet another 'I wonder what's happening now' major

> turn!


> Smiling and

> simply,

> Lesa


> PS thanks to all of you for being here, cause even tho I don't post

> often, you are a part of my life and raw life, the posts do keep me

> focused even when I'm not involved directly.




p.s. and I always state don't believe anything I tell you.

(consider it, examine it, but don't 'just' believe it.

Find if it is true for you)

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you didnt address this to me but im a pushy cuban so ill say a few words..


im glad you arent leaving, i thought you were going to too....


and im glad i could lighten things up around here...i didnt know it was so

serious when i joined..everyone seems pretty cool to me, except for a

few folks which i guess had some gripes...i guess everyone is entitled

to their opinion,,,sometimes they clash...


but im glad youre here..!





On 6/19/07, jeannieh h <jeannieh99 wrote:


> Great advise Neal! I love that everyone contributes here. This group is

> so cool.


> Jeannie


> your time is the most cherished gift of all, tomorrow is promised to no

> one.





> neal <kneel.pardoe

> rawfood

> Tuesday, June 19, 2007 9:32:02 AM

> Re: [Raw Food] recent online interactions



> Hi Lesa,


> On Tuesday 19 June 2007 11:15, Lesa wrote:

> > Jeannie & Terry,

> >

> > I didn't leave the group. Didn't say I was going to leave the group

> > either. Said I was going to make changes - I did. I will stay and

> > respond differently. I will take EVERYONE's posts at equal value,

> > consider and make up my own mind. I will RETURN to doing my own

> > research.


> Good. well done on returning to your senses. ;)


> sometimes it can be good ignoring our own best advice, it is a reminder of

> why

> it was best advice in the first place. LOL.


> > It has been my experience that other's, especially in this

> > posting/email/electronic world, don't always understand me or what

> > I'm asking or where I am coming from. I had a background of being

> > raised in a strict christian religous cult


> I had a background of a human being born on earth. the detail may be

> different

> but the conditioning (i.e.building a belief system) isn't.


> > and it's been awfully easy

> > for me to begin listing to others and believing what they say

> > is 'gospel' w/o (without) checking for myself. Often when I do this,

> > I get in trouble b/c (because) I haven't checked to see if I believe

> > it, if the information is correct or anything. It's a habit that I

> > have worked many years to change and in times when I'm stressed

> > especially I forget to check myself on this... I HAVE to make

> > learning for myself a higher priority.


> How about the highest priority? What could be more important?


> > and yes, I was speaking of Elchanan. I like him, appreciate him and

> > the knowledge he has. I don't need or appreciate his 'correcting' or

> > chastising or whatever it's called that he does in private emails off

> > post.


> So complain to the moderator and post the harrassment to the list for all

> to

> see. Make it clear you do not wish to receive these and if they continue,

> continue to complain and just set a filter that deletes the offenders

> mails

> as you receive them.


> > If you are going to BE an authority figure then why not BE

> > yourself in the open? Okay, now I'm going to hear all the 'it's not

> > polite' comments - well, in my case, maybe it's not polite but I'm

> > past polite - I'm into GET REAL. I might not agree with you, you

> > might not understand, other's don't want to hear all this...

> > whatever. There are parts of what we do, in private interactions

> > that can be a problem for others and yes, I lost a large part of my

> > respect for E recently due to the way he handled a situation that, in

> > my opinion, he did not understand fully. I would have prefered that

> > I be asked more questions rather than to be 'corrected' as if I was

> > an infant without the capability of understanding. Nuff said. I'm

> > done with that.


> I find it is best to ignore who says what, otherwise it becomes about

> personality. If something is stated that is judged to have relative truth,

> what does it matter who said it?


> Also it is too easy to then believe everything that 'trusted' person says

> when

> judging this way.


> > Now, I still read some of his posts. He still has some good info and

> > I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO glad that Anna has lightened up the board

> > with some humor. I tried humor out here a year ago and got slammed

> > for that - with time it all changes. Humor is a good thing. So is

> > learning to play. And the humor exchanged recently helps us to see

> > the humanness in those involved -- I can't say thanks enough.

> >

> > Sooooo - ccccchhhhhanges... (the old song playing in some elevator

> > somewhere)

> > as my life takes yet another 'I wonder what's happening now' major

> > turn!

> >

> > Smiling and

> > simply,

> > Lesa

> >

> > PS thanks to all of you for being here, cause even tho I don't post

> > often, you are a part of my life and raw life, the posts do keep me

> > focused even when I'm not involved directly.

> >

> neal.


> p.s. and I always state don't believe anything I tell you.

> (consider it, examine it, but don't 'just' believe it.

> Find if it is true for you)





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