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Waste as byproduct; Metabolic recapture and recycling; Leaching of alkaline-forming minerals (WAS: Use urine??? (WAS: A painful lesson)

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Hi Caron,


All living organisms are designed to recapture and recycle as much material

as they can reuse. So whatever is eliminated is either


(a) unusable material, which is typically acidic, or

(b) alkaline-forming material added by the body to reduce the acidity of the

unusable material.


The amount of alkaline-forming material added is in direct proportion to the

amount of damage the acid waste would do if it were not (relatively)

neutralized. In other words, the stronger, the more toxic, the waste

byproduct, the greater the quantity of alkaline material added.


When we eat and live very healthfully, the waste byproduct is typically mild

.... you can tell this because urination always feels comfortable. When we

eat and live unhealthfully, the waste byproducts is typically more strongly

acidic ... you can tell this because urination may burn a bit, or feel

somewhat irritating.


In the former case (predominantly healthful diet and lifestyle), the body

need not add much alkaline-forming material to the urine. This is a " good

thing " , as that material is part of the body ... it comes primarily from our

bones, as well as from other structures.


In the latter case (predominantly less healthful diet and lifestyle), the

body commits alkaline-forming material almost continually, in order to

protect its own tissues from acid burns prior to and during elimination.

Over time, this leaching process depletes the body, in response to which all

the treatment-oriented types recommend different ways to infuse minerals

back into the body. But if one simply adopts a healthful diet and lifestyle,

the body replenishes itself ... and none of the other " treatments " works

particularly well. How can you know this? Just go and find someone who

actually claims that his/her treatment reinfuses minerals into the bone

structures of your system.


I imagine that the reason Neal's comment about byproducts seemed confusing

to you is that ALL " waste " products are byproducts of something. For

example, when humans drink a case of soda or beer, part of the " waste "

product consists of empty bottles and/or cans, cardboard packaging, and the

like. In a metabolic context, many byproducts can be reused; these are

typically recaptured and recycled by the organism (whether human or

otherwise). And those byproducts that cannot be reused by THAT organism are

released back into Nature (eliminated), where they become food and raw

material for other, smaller organisms (typically bacteria, molds, fungi, and

the like).


Ammonia is a rather strong alkaline-forming material manufactured by the

body primarily in the presence of acid overload. For more information about

ammonia in the body, please see posts # 16196 and 29499.


I'll discuss skin some other time.


And as I wrote in some post yesterday, as I recall, your child has many

symptoms ... why this focus on a little rash or skin irritation? Seems to me

a bit like the tail wagging the dog, so to speak.






rawfood [rawfood ] On Behalf Of


Wednesday, June 13, 2007 11:15 PM


Re: [Raw Food] Use urine??? (WAS: A painful lesson)



- Elchanan

2. Urine is predominantly acidic ... of course it would burn the skin, and

particularly the very thin and delicate skin of someone quite young.

Compare the texture of a sunflower sprout with that of a full-grown

sunflower green. Get the picture?


This is what I've seen in my boy, and why I was very hesitant to use it. I

have zero knowledge or experience with using urine to heal or clean, but tea

tree oil is known for its anti-something properties (some say anti fungal,

some say anti bacterial, I can never remember which, but it does work), and

zinc is known for healing, but both give my boy 3rd degree burns, which is

far worse than any rash he's had, or even any wound he's had, so there's

obviously no way I'd use them again. It's like using a medication with a

list of side effects longer than my arm - why use a " cure " that's worse than

the original illness??


Anyway, I've been thinking about skin, and how different his is to mine (eg,

my face is sensitive, but my arms are less so, and my feet the complete

opposite, whereas when he was born, the skin on his feet was the same as

anywhere else on his body, and even now, the only difference is a slight

dryness compared to the rest, and staining from walking on dirt barefoot.

And I wondered, are we humans more like marsuipials (kangaroos, koalas, etc)

just missing our pouches? One of those weird, random thoughts I have at odd



3. Urine contains the collected aggregate of all that the body finds of no

use whatsoever -- the sum total of our metabolic waste + nonmetabolic

foreign matter the body is able to release now -- along with some alkalizing

components to prevent acid burns on the way out. Why anyone would

administer urine to the body is beyond me. Also, the alkalizing components

are only noticeable in quantity when the urine is highly acidic.


I haven't investigated the chemical composition of urine, though my studies

and my medical history have told me that extras like protein, sugar, and so

on, are not good to have. However, my thinking was similar to yours, which

is why Neal's statement that it's not a waste product but a byproduct threw

me for a loop. I know the kidneys filter the blood, and just assumed that

the stuff that was filtered out was sent out with the urine, but then

started wondering if maybe it goes out into the bowel. I have no idea, but

it's now on my list of things to study. I feel a need to retake my anatomy

and physiology, and biochemistry classes, from the point of view of raw food

being ideal. I have a feeling I'd understand things much better.


4. The presence of ammonia, a strong alkaline substance, directly indicates

that the underlying waste product is HIGHLY acidic. The body makes ammonia

in noticeable quantities only when this is so.


Can you please expand on this? This is something I've been trying to get my

head around since he started getting those burns, and there's quite a few

other mums in the nappy group who have had similar problems with their

babies. The common assumptions include: food allergies, bacteria in the

nappies, dehydration, and age of infant (it usually occurs shortly before

the child is out of night nappies, but this happens at different ages, so my

guess is that the correlation is between the burns and tt'ing, not age and

burns). I'm sure there's more to it though, and would love to understand it



Thanks Elchanan,






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that was very interesting...


thank you.



On 6/14/07, Elchanan <Elchanan wrote:

> Hi Caron,


> All living organisms are designed to recapture and recycle as much material

> as they can reuse. So whatever is eliminated is either


> (a) unusable material, which is typically acidic, or

> (b) alkaline-forming material added by the body to reduce the acidity of the

> unusable material.


> The amount of alkaline-forming material added is in direct proportion to the

> amount of damage the acid waste would do if it were not (relatively)

> neutralized. In other words, the stronger, the more toxic, the waste

> byproduct, the greater the quantity of alkaline material added.


> When we eat and live very healthfully, the waste byproduct is typically mild

> ... you can tell this because urination always feels comfortable. When we

> eat and live unhealthfully, the waste byproducts is typically more strongly

> acidic ... you can tell this because urination may burn a bit, or feel

> somewhat irritating.


> In the former case (predominantly healthful diet and lifestyle), the body

> need not add much alkaline-forming material to the urine. This is a " good

> thing " , as that material is part of the body ... it comes primarily from our

> bones, as well as from other structures.


> In the latter case (predominantly less healthful diet and lifestyle), the

> body commits alkaline-forming material almost continually, in order to

> protect its own tissues from acid burns prior to and during elimination.

> Over time, this leaching process depletes the body, in response to which all

> the treatment-oriented types recommend different ways to infuse minerals

> back into the body. But if one simply adopts a healthful diet and lifestyle,

> the body replenishes itself ... and none of the other " treatments " works

> particularly well. How can you know this? Just go and find someone who

> actually claims that his/her treatment reinfuses minerals into the bone

> structures of your system.


> I imagine that the reason Neal's comment about byproducts seemed confusing

> to you is that ALL " waste " products are byproducts of something. For

> example, when humans drink a case of soda or beer, part of the " waste "

> product consists of empty bottles and/or cans, cardboard packaging, and the

> like. In a metabolic context, many byproducts can be reused; these are

> typically recaptured and recycled by the organism (whether human or

> otherwise). And those byproducts that cannot be reused by THAT organism are

> released back into Nature (eliminated), where they become food and raw

> material for other, smaller organisms (typically bacteria, molds, fungi, and

> the like).


> Ammonia is a rather strong alkaline-forming material manufactured by the

> body primarily in the presence of acid overload. For more information about

> ammonia in the body, please see posts # 16196 and 29499.


> I'll discuss skin some other time.


> And as I wrote in some post yesterday, as I recall, your child has many

> symptoms ... why this focus on a little rash or skin irritation? Seems to me

> a bit like the tail wagging the dog, so to speak.


> Best,

> Elchanan

> _____


> rawfood [rawfood ] On Behalf Of

> Caron

> Wednesday, June 13, 2007 11:15 PM

> rawfood

> Re: [Raw Food] Use urine??? (WAS: A painful lesson)



> - Elchanan

> 2. Urine is predominantly acidic ... of course it would burn the skin, and

> particularly the very thin and delicate skin of someone quite young.

> Compare the texture of a sunflower sprout with that of a full-grown

> sunflower green. Get the picture?


> This is what I've seen in my boy, and why I was very hesitant to use it. I

> have zero knowledge or experience with using urine to heal or clean, but tea

> tree oil is known for its anti-something properties (some say anti fungal,

> some say anti bacterial, I can never remember which, but it does work), and

> zinc is known for healing, but both give my boy 3rd degree burns, which is

> far worse than any rash he's had, or even any wound he's had, so there's

> obviously no way I'd use them again. It's like using a medication with a

> list of side effects longer than my arm - why use a " cure " that's worse than

> the original illness??


> Anyway, I've been thinking about skin, and how different his is to mine (eg,

> my face is sensitive, but my arms are less so, and my feet the complete

> opposite, whereas when he was born, the skin on his feet was the same as

> anywhere else on his body, and even now, the only difference is a slight

> dryness compared to the rest, and staining from walking on dirt barefoot.

> And I wondered, are we humans more like marsuipials (kangaroos, koalas, etc)

> just missing our pouches? One of those weird, random thoughts I have at odd

> moments...


> 3. Urine contains the collected aggregate of all that the body finds of no

> use whatsoever -- the sum total of our metabolic waste + nonmetabolic

> foreign matter the body is able to release now -- along with some alkalizing

> components to prevent acid burns on the way out. Why anyone would

> administer urine to the body is beyond me. Also, the alkalizing components

> are only noticeable in quantity when the urine is highly acidic.


> I haven't investigated the chemical composition of urine, though my studies

> and my medical history have told me that extras like protein, sugar, and so

> on, are not good to have. However, my thinking was similar to yours, which

> is why Neal's statement that it's not a waste product but a byproduct threw

> me for a loop. I know the kidneys filter the blood, and just assumed that

> the stuff that was filtered out was sent out with the urine, but then

> started wondering if maybe it goes out into the bowel. I have no idea, but

> it's now on my list of things to study. I feel a need to retake my anatomy

> and physiology, and biochemistry classes, from the point of view of raw food

> being ideal. I have a feeling I'd understand things much better.


> 4. The presence of ammonia, a strong alkaline substance, directly indicates

> that the underlying waste product is HIGHLY acidic. The body makes ammonia

> in noticeable quantities only when this is so.


> Can you please expand on this? This is something I've been trying to get my

> head around since he started getting those burns, and there's quite a few

> other mums in the nappy group who have had similar problems with their

> babies. The common assumptions include: food allergies, bacteria in the

> nappies, dehydration, and age of infant (it usually occurs shortly before

> the child is out of night nappies, but this happens at different ages, so my

> guess is that the correlation is between the burns and tt'ing, not age and

> burns). I'm sure there's more to it though, and would love to understand it

> better.


> Thanks Elchanan,


> Caron




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Twenty-five cents please. Please deposit twenty-five cents.








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rawfood [rawfood ] On Behalf Of

Anna Bishop

Thursday, June 14, 2007 8:36 AM


Re: [Raw Food] Waste as byproduct; Metabolic recapture and

recycling; Leaching of alkaline-forming minerals (WAS: Use urine??? (WAS: A

painful lesson)




that was very interesting...


thank you.



On 6/14/07, Elchanan <Elchanan@pathofheal

<Elchanan%40pathofhealth.org> th.org> wrote:

> Hi Caron,


> All living organisms are designed to recapture and recycle as much


> as they can reuse. So whatever is eliminated is either


> (a) unusable material, which is typically acidic, or

> (b) alkaline-forming material added by the body to reduce the acidity of


> unusable material.


> The amount of alkaline-forming material added is in direct proportion to


> amount of damage the acid waste would do if it were not (relatively)

> neutralized. In other words, the stronger, the more toxic, the waste

> byproduct, the greater the quantity of alkaline material added.


> When we eat and live very healthfully, the waste byproduct is typically


> ... you can tell this because urination always feels comfortable. When we

> eat and live unhealthfully, the waste byproducts is typically more


> acidic ... you can tell this because urination may burn a bit, or feel

> somewhat irritating.


> In the former case (predominantly healthful diet and lifestyle), the body

> need not add much alkaline-forming material to the urine. This is a " good

> thing " , as that material is part of the body ... it comes primarily from


> bones, as well as from other structures.


> In the latter case (predominantly less healthful diet and lifestyle), the

> body commits alkaline-forming material almost continually, in order to

> protect its own tissues from acid burns prior to and during elimination.

> Over time, this leaching process depletes the body, in response to which


> the treatment-oriented types recommend different ways to infuse minerals

> back into the body. But if one simply adopts a healthful diet and


> the body replenishes itself ... and none of the other " treatments " works

> particularly well. How can you know this? Just go and find someone who

> actually claims that his/her treatment reinfuses minerals into the bone

> structures of your system.


> I imagine that the reason Neal's comment about byproducts seemed confusing

> to you is that ALL " waste " products are byproducts of something. For

> example, when humans drink a case of soda or beer, part of the " waste "

> product consists of empty bottles and/or cans, cardboard packaging, and


> like. In a metabolic context, many byproducts can be reused; these are

> typically recaptured and recycled by the organism (whether human or

> otherwise). And those byproducts that cannot be reused by THAT organism


> released back into Nature (eliminated), where they become food and raw

> material for other, smaller organisms (typically bacteria, molds, fungi,


> the like).


> Ammonia is a rather strong alkaline-forming material manufactured by the

> body primarily in the presence of acid overload. For more information


> ammonia in the body, please see posts # 16196 and 29499.


> I'll discuss skin some other time.


> And as I wrote in some post yesterday, as I recall, your child has many

> symptoms ... why this focus on a little rash or skin irritation? Seems to


> a bit like the tail wagging the dog, so to speak.


> Best,

> Elchanan

> _____


> rawfood@ <rawfood%40> .com

[rawfood@ <rawfood%40> .com] On

Behalf Of

> Caron

> Wednesday, June 13, 2007 11:15 PM

> rawfood@ <rawfood%40> .com

> Re: [Raw Food] Use urine??? (WAS: A painful lesson)



> - Elchanan

> 2. Urine is predominantly acidic ... of course it would burn the skin, and

> particularly the very thin and delicate skin of someone quite young.

> Compare the texture of a sunflower sprout with that of a full-grown

> sunflower green. Get the picture?


> This is what I've seen in my boy, and why I was very hesitant to use it. I

> have zero knowledge or experience with using urine to heal or clean, but


> tree oil is known for its anti-something properties (some say anti fungal,

> some say anti bacterial, I can never remember which, but it does work),


> zinc is known for healing, but both give my boy 3rd degree burns, which is

> far worse than any rash he's had, or even any wound he's had, so there's

> obviously no way I'd use them again. It's like using a medication with a

> list of side effects longer than my arm - why use a " cure " that's worse


> the original illness??


> Anyway, I've been thinking about skin, and how different his is to mine


> my face is sensitive, but my arms are less so, and my feet the complete

> opposite, whereas when he was born, the skin on his feet was the same as

> anywhere else on his body, and even now, the only difference is a slight

> dryness compared to the rest, and staining from walking on dirt barefoot.

> And I wondered, are we humans more like marsuipials (kangaroos, koalas,


> just missing our pouches? One of those weird, random thoughts I have at


> moments...


> 3. Urine contains the collected aggregate of all that the body finds of no

> use whatsoever -- the sum total of our metabolic waste + nonmetabolic

> foreign matter the body is able to release now -- along with some


> components to prevent acid burns on the way out. Why anyone would

> administer urine to the body is beyond me. Also, the alkalizing components

> are only noticeable in quantity when the urine is highly acidic.


> I haven't investigated the chemical composition of urine, though my


> and my medical history have told me that extras like protein, sugar, and


> on, are not good to have. However, my thinking was similar to yours, which

> is why Neal's statement that it's not a waste product but a byproduct


> me for a loop. I know the kidneys filter the blood, and just assumed that

> the stuff that was filtered out was sent out with the urine, but then

> started wondering if maybe it goes out into the bowel. I have no idea, but

> it's now on my list of things to study. I feel a need to retake my anatomy

> and physiology, and biochemistry classes, from the point of view of raw


> being ideal. I have a feeling I'd understand things much better.


> 4. The presence of ammonia, a strong alkaline substance, directly


> that the underlying waste product is HIGHLY acidic. The body makes ammonia

> in noticeable quantities only when this is so.


> Can you please expand on this? This is something I've been trying to get


> head around since he started getting those burns, and there's quite a few

> other mums in the nappy group who have had similar problems with their

> babies. The common assumptions include: food allergies, bacteria in the

> nappies, dehydration, and age of infant (it usually occurs shortly before

> the child is out of night nappies, but this happens at different ages, so


> guess is that the correlation is between the burns and tt'ing, not age and

> burns). I'm sure there's more to it though, and would love to understand


> better.


> Thanks Elchanan,


> Caron




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elchanan are you single? ;-D


On 6/14/07, Elchanan <Elchanan wrote:

> Twenty-five cents please. Please deposit twenty-five cents.




> .




> Oh, wait, wrong script!




> :-)




> _____


> rawfood [rawfood ] On Behalf Of

> Anna Bishop

> Thursday, June 14, 2007 8:36 AM

> rawfood

> Re: [Raw Food] Waste as byproduct; Metabolic recapture and

> recycling; Leaching of alkaline-forming minerals (WAS: Use urine??? (WAS: A

> painful lesson)




> that was very interesting...


> thank you.

> a


> On 6/14/07, Elchanan <Elchanan@pathofheal

> <Elchanan%40pathofhealth.org> th.org> wrote:

> > Hi Caron,

> >

> > All living organisms are designed to recapture and recycle as much

> material

> > as they can reuse. So whatever is eliminated is either

> >

> > (a) unusable material, which is typically acidic, or

> > (b) alkaline-forming material added by the body to reduce the acidity of

> the

> > unusable material.

> >

> > The amount of alkaline-forming material added is in direct proportion to

> the

> > amount of damage the acid waste would do if it were not (relatively)

> > neutralized. In other words, the stronger, the more toxic, the waste

> > byproduct, the greater the quantity of alkaline material added.

> >

> > When we eat and live very healthfully, the waste byproduct is typically

> mild

> > ... you can tell this because urination always feels comfortable. When we

> > eat and live unhealthfully, the waste byproducts is typically more

> strongly

> > acidic ... you can tell this because urination may burn a bit, or feel

> > somewhat irritating.

> >

> > In the former case (predominantly healthful diet and lifestyle), the body

> > need not add much alkaline-forming material to the urine. This is a " good

> > thing " , as that material is part of the body ... it comes primarily from

> our

> > bones, as well as from other structures.

> >

> > In the latter case (predominantly less healthful diet and lifestyle), the

> > body commits alkaline-forming material almost continually, in order to

> > protect its own tissues from acid burns prior to and during elimination.

> > Over time, this leaching process depletes the body, in response to which

> all

> > the treatment-oriented types recommend different ways to infuse minerals

> > back into the body. But if one simply adopts a healthful diet and

> lifestyle,

> > the body replenishes itself ... and none of the other " treatments " works

> > particularly well. How can you know this? Just go and find someone who

> > actually claims that his/her treatment reinfuses minerals into the bone

> > structures of your system.

> >

> > I imagine that the reason Neal's comment about byproducts seemed confusing

> > to you is that ALL " waste " products are byproducts of something. For

> > example, when humans drink a case of soda or beer, part of the " waste "

> > product consists of empty bottles and/or cans, cardboard packaging, and

> the

> > like. In a metabolic context, many byproducts can be reused; these are

> > typically recaptured and recycled by the organism (whether human or

> > otherwise). And those byproducts that cannot be reused by THAT organism

> are

> > released back into Nature (eliminated), where they become food and raw

> > material for other, smaller organisms (typically bacteria, molds, fungi,

> and

> > the like).

> >

> > Ammonia is a rather strong alkaline-forming material manufactured by the

> > body primarily in the presence of acid overload. For more information

> about

> > ammonia in the body, please see posts # 16196 and 29499.

> >

> > I'll discuss skin some other time.

> >

> > And as I wrote in some post yesterday, as I recall, your child has many

> > symptoms ... why this focus on a little rash or skin irritation? Seems to

> me

> > a bit like the tail wagging the dog, so to speak.

> >

> > Best,

> > Elchanan

> > _____

> >

> > rawfood@ <rawfood%40> .com

> [rawfood@ <rawfood%40> .com] On

> Behalf Of

> > Caron

> > Wednesday, June 13, 2007 11:15 PM

> > rawfood@ <rawfood%40> .com

> > Re: [Raw Food] Use urine??? (WAS: A painful lesson)

> >

> >

> > - Elchanan

> > 2. Urine is predominantly acidic ... of course it would burn the skin, and

> > particularly the very thin and delicate skin of someone quite young.

> > Compare the texture of a sunflower sprout with that of a full-grown

> > sunflower green. Get the picture?

> >

> > This is what I've seen in my boy, and why I was very hesitant to use it. I

> > have zero knowledge or experience with using urine to heal or clean, but

> tea

> > tree oil is known for its anti-something properties (some say anti fungal,

> > some say anti bacterial, I can never remember which, but it does work),

> and

> > zinc is known for healing, but both give my boy 3rd degree burns, which is

> > far worse than any rash he's had, or even any wound he's had, so there's

> > obviously no way I'd use them again. It's like using a medication with a

> > list of side effects longer than my arm - why use a " cure " that's worse

> than

> > the original illness??

> >

> > Anyway, I've been thinking about skin, and how different his is to mine

> (eg,

> > my face is sensitive, but my arms are less so, and my feet the complete

> > opposite, whereas when he was born, the skin on his feet was the same as

> > anywhere else on his body, and even now, the only difference is a slight

> > dryness compared to the rest, and staining from walking on dirt barefoot.

> > And I wondered, are we humans more like marsuipials (kangaroos, koalas,

> etc)

> > just missing our pouches? One of those weird, random thoughts I have at

> odd

> > moments...

> >

> > 3. Urine contains the collected aggregate of all that the body finds of no

> > use whatsoever -- the sum total of our metabolic waste + nonmetabolic

> > foreign matter the body is able to release now -- along with some

> alkalizing

> > components to prevent acid burns on the way out. Why anyone would

> > administer urine to the body is beyond me. Also, the alkalizing components

> > are only noticeable in quantity when the urine is highly acidic.

> >

> > I haven't investigated the chemical composition of urine, though my

> studies

> > and my medical history have told me that extras like protein, sugar, and

> so

> > on, are not good to have. However, my thinking was similar to yours, which

> > is why Neal's statement that it's not a waste product but a byproduct

> threw

> > me for a loop. I know the kidneys filter the blood, and just assumed that

> > the stuff that was filtered out was sent out with the urine, but then

> > started wondering if maybe it goes out into the bowel. I have no idea, but

> > it's now on my list of things to study. I feel a need to retake my anatomy

> > and physiology, and biochemistry classes, from the point of view of raw

> food

> > being ideal. I have a feeling I'd understand things much better.

> >

> > 4. The presence of ammonia, a strong alkaline substance, directly

> indicates

> > that the underlying waste product is HIGHLY acidic. The body makes ammonia

> > in noticeable quantities only when this is so.

> >

> > Can you please expand on this? This is something I've been trying to get

> my

> > head around since he started getting those burns, and there's quite a few

> > other mums in the nappy group who have had similar problems with their

> > babies. The common assumptions include: food allergies, bacteria in the

> > nappies, dehydration, and age of infant (it usually occurs shortly before

> > the child is out of night nappies, but this happens at different ages, so

> my

> > guess is that the correlation is between the burns and tt'ing, not age and

> > burns). I'm sure there's more to it though, and would love to understand

> it

> > better.

> >

> > Thanks Elchanan,

> >

> > Caron

> >

> >

> >

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Wait, I'll check my watch .






rawfood [rawfood ] On Behalf Of

Anna Bishop

Thursday, June 14, 2007 9:43 AM


Re: [Raw Food] Waste as byproduct; Metabolic recapture and

recycling; Leaching of alkaline-forming minerals (WAS: Use urine??? (WAS: A

painful lesson)




elchanan are you single? ;-D


On 6/14/07, Elchanan <Elchanan@pathofheal

<Elchanan%40pathofhealth.org> th.org> wrote:

elchanan are you single? ;-D


On 6/14/07, Elchanan <Elchanan@pathofheal

<Elchanan%40pathofhealth.org> th.org> wrote:

> Twenty-five cents please. Please deposit twenty-five cents.


> Oh, wait, wrong script!





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wwwhhhoooaaa thaaats wwrrooonnggg!!




On 6/14/07, Elchanan <Elchanan wrote:

> Wait, I'll check my watch .




> _____


> rawfood [rawfood ] On Behalf Of

> Anna Bishop

> Thursday, June 14, 2007 9:43 AM

> rawfood

> Re: [Raw Food] Waste as byproduct; Metabolic recapture and

> recycling; Leaching of alkaline-forming minerals (WAS: Use urine??? (WAS: A

> painful lesson)




> elchanan are you single? ;-D


> On 6/14/07, Elchanan <Elchanan@pathofheal

> <Elchanan%40pathofhealth.org> th.org> wrote:

> elchanan are you single? ;-D


> On 6/14/07, Elchanan <Elchanan@pathofheal

> <Elchanan%40pathofhealth.org> th.org> wrote:

> > Twenty-five cents please. Please deposit twenty-five cents.


> > Oh, wait, wrong script!





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Hi Elchanan,


Thanks for the explanation re the ammonia and urine. Very informative.


As for my wagging my son's tail, the actual point of my original post was, " I

know this is bad for him, so don't let him eat it, he ate it anyway, and now HE

knows it's bad, because of this rash which is a direct, and very visible (and

painful) result of what he ate. " I had read and listened to your information

about symptoms, and from my own experiences, knowledge and imagination, came to

the conclusion that it is true. My son unknowingly proved it in real time. THAT

was my only intention of posting what I did, to share an anecdote. A few quotes

from the story I told:


" Unfortunately, the lesson was my son's, but I hope he learned it well. " and " I

feel soooo sorry for it [should have read " him " ], because it looks so painful,

specially around his mouth. I really hope he learned from this (I've been

reinforcing that it's because he ate the chips), and never touches the junk

again. " I didn't ask how to treat it, or suggest that it was too much for him to

bear, just that it was a hard lesson for a little guy.


In response, I had a couple of people say I was too hard on him in my response,

a couple of people say I reacted appropriately, and a few others suggest ways of

alleviating his discomfort. I wasn't looking for parenting tips - I know I'm not

perfect, which is why I'm learning, both from his responses (good or bad), from

the results I get (good or bad), and from other people's experiences and

results, and allowing my parenting style to evolve, which still keeping

consistancy, or explaining any changes to avoid confusion and thus rebelion, but

that wasn't my purpose in posting. I wasn't looking for remedies, though I did

appreciate those who posted, taking the time to do so, as I have my own

remedies, and I usually let symptoms run their course - not out of cruelty, or

wanting him to learn his own hard lesson (though in this case it was a benefit),

but because I know that interference often makes the situation worse, or

directly intervenes with what the body is trying to do. I've copped a lot of

flack from people for allowing a fever to run its course, while continuing to

breastfeed him, and monitoring his reactions, because without the fever, the

body cannot fight whatever infection is present - as soon as they start to bring

the fever down, they have to prescribe antibiotics, to get rid of the infection.

I know the dangers that can result from a high fever, which is why I watch

closely for any adverse effects, but the dangers from antibiotics just as real,

and I'd rather avoid them all. He's also allergic to paracetamol (the active

ingredient in tylenol), which is invariably the drug of choice for reducing



I AM still concerned about his other symptoms, and HAVE figured out that the

cause of them is what we're eating, which is why I've been trying to find out

WHAT exactly we should be eating. I know what I need to learn, but trying to

find the answers is difficult at best. Which is why I'm still asking. " tender

greens " and " sweet fruits " means very little to me, as I've never heard them

refered to by these terms. It's like explaining that a ball is a ball - no

doubt, but it doesn't tell me what it is, or what to do with it, or how. I know

everyone here is as busy as I am, if not more so, we all have lives. I also know

that all this is second nature to most of you, you know what you're talking

about. But I don't. As far as I've learned, veges are potatoes and pumpkin,

salad is a side, and all fruits are sweet, in that they have sugar; I've also

learned that we need milk for strong bones and teeth, meat is the main part of

the meal, and essential for getting protein. I -know- my perceptions are

incorrect, and I -know- what I don't know. Reinforcing that is fine, but at the

same time, I'd appreciate being informed of what IS correct, or at least being

told where I can find the information for myself, without having to spend hours

wading through erronous information put out by people who just want to sell the

product they have (which is also valid, but I'm looking for health, not



I do appreciate the time you've all taken to answer me.









Friday, June 15, 2007 12:54 AM

[Raw Food] Waste as byproduct; Metabolic recapture and recycling;

Leaching of alkaline-forming minerals (WAS: Use urine??? (WAS: A painful lesson)



Hi Caron,


All living organisms are designed to recapture and recycle as much material

as they can reuse. So whatever is eliminated is either


(a) unusable material, which is typically acidic, or

(b) alkaline-forming material added by the body to reduce the acidity of the

unusable material.


The amount of alkaline-forming material added is in direct proportion to the

amount of damage the acid waste would do if it were not (relatively)

neutralized. In other words, the stronger, the more toxic, the waste

byproduct, the greater the quantity of alkaline material added.


When we eat and live very healthfully, the waste byproduct is typically mild

... you can tell this because urination always feels comfortable. When we

eat and live unhealthfully, the waste byproducts is typically more strongly

acidic ... you can tell this because urination may burn a bit, or feel

somewhat irritating.


In the former case (predominantly healthful diet and lifestyle), the body

need not add much alkaline-forming material to the urine. This is a " good

thing " , as that material is part of the body ... it comes primarily from our

bones, as well as from other structures.


In the latter case (predominantly less healthful diet and lifestyle), the

body commits alkaline-forming material almost continually, in order to

protect its own tissues from acid burns prior to and during elimination.

Over time, this leaching process depletes the body, in response to which all

the treatment-oriented types recommend different ways to infuse minerals

back into the body. But if one simply adopts a healthful diet and lifestyle,

the body replenishes itself ... and none of the other " treatments " works

particularly well. How can you know this? Just go and find someone who

actually claims that his/her treatment reinfuses minerals into the bone

structures of your system.


I imagine that the reason Neal's comment about byproducts seemed confusing

to you is that ALL " waste " products are byproducts of something. For

example, when humans drink a case of soda or beer, part of the " waste "

product consists of empty bottles and/or cans, cardboard packaging, and the

like. In a metabolic context, many byproducts can be reused; these are

typically recaptured and recycled by the organism (whether human or

otherwise). And those byproducts that cannot be reused by THAT organism are

released back into Nature (eliminated), where they become food and raw

material for other, smaller organisms (typically bacteria, molds, fungi, and

the like).


Ammonia is a rather strong alkaline-forming material manufactured by the

body primarily in the presence of acid overload. For more information about

ammonia in the body, please see posts # 16196 and 29499.


I'll discuss skin some other time.


And as I wrote in some post yesterday, as I recall, your child has many

symptoms ... why this focus on a little rash or skin irritation? Seems to me

a bit like the tail wagging the dog, so to speak.






rawfood [rawfood ] On Behalf Of


Wednesday, June 13, 2007 11:15 PM


Re: [Raw Food] Use urine??? (WAS: A painful lesson)


- Elchanan

2. Urine is predominantly acidic ... of course it would burn the skin, and

particularly the very thin and delicate skin of someone quite young.

Compare the texture of a sunflower sprout with that of a full-grown

sunflower green. Get the picture?


This is what I've seen in my boy, and why I was very hesitant to use it. I

have zero knowledge or experience with using urine to heal or clean, but tea

tree oil is known for its anti-something properties (some say anti fungal,

some say anti bacterial, I can never remember which, but it does work), and

zinc is known for healing, but both give my boy 3rd degree burns, which is

far worse than any rash he's had, or even any wound he's had, so there's

obviously no way I'd use them again. It's like using a medication with a

list of side effects longer than my arm - why use a " cure " that's worse than

the original illness??


Anyway, I've been thinking about skin, and how different his is to mine (eg,

my face is sensitive, but my arms are less so, and my feet the complete

opposite, whereas when he was born, the skin on his feet was the same as

anywhere else on his body, and even now, the only difference is a slight

dryness compared to the rest, and staining from walking on dirt barefoot.

And I wondered, are we humans more like marsuipials (kangaroos, koalas, etc)

just missing our pouches? One of those weird, random thoughts I have at odd



3. Urine contains the collected aggregate of all that the body finds of no

use whatsoever -- the sum total of our metabolic waste + nonmetabolic

foreign matter the body is able to release now -- along with some alkalizing

components to prevent acid burns on the way out. Why anyone would

administer urine to the body is beyond me. Also, the alkalizing components

are only noticeable in quantity when the urine is highly acidic.


I haven't investigated the chemical composition of urine, though my studies

and my medical history have told me that extras like protein, sugar, and so

on, are not good to have. However, my thinking was similar to yours, which

is why Neal's statement that it's not a waste product but a byproduct threw

me for a loop. I know the kidneys filter the blood, and just assumed that

the stuff that was filtered out was sent out with the urine, but then

started wondering if maybe it goes out into the bowel. I have no idea, but

it's now on my list of things to study. I feel a need to retake my anatomy

and physiology, and biochemistry classes, from the point of view of raw food

being ideal. I have a feeling I'd understand things much better.


4. The presence of ammonia, a strong alkaline substance, directly indicates

that the underlying waste product is HIGHLY acidic. The body makes ammonia

in noticeable quantities only when this is so.


Can you please expand on this? This is something I've been trying to get my

head around since he started getting those burns, and there's quite a few

other mums in the nappy group who have had similar problems with their

babies. The common assumptions include: food allergies, bacteria in the

nappies, dehydration, and age of infant (it usually occurs shortly before

the child is out of night nappies, but this happens at different ages, so my

guess is that the correlation is between the burns and tt'ing, not age and

burns). I'm sure there's more to it though, and would love to understand it



Thanks Elchanan,




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uh oh...maybe we could make a match here!?!?!


Anna Bishop <mowthpeece wrote: elchanan are you single? ;-D


On 6/14/07, Elchanan <Elchanan wrote:

> Twenty-five cents please. Please deposit twenty-five cents.




> .




> Oh, wait, wrong script!




> :-)




> _____


> rawfood [rawfood ] On Behalf Of

> Anna Bishop

> Thursday, June 14, 2007 8:36 AM

> rawfood

> Re: [Raw Food] Waste as byproduct; Metabolic recapture and

> recycling; Leaching of alkaline-forming minerals (WAS: Use urine??? (WAS: A

> painful lesson)




> that was very interesting...


> thank you.

> a


> On 6/14/07, Elchanan <Elchanan@pathofheal

> <Elchanan%40pathofhealth.org> th.org> wrote:

> > Hi Caron,

> >

> > All living organisms are designed to recapture and recycle as much

> material

> > as they can reuse. So whatever is eliminated is either

> >

> > (a) unusable material, which is typically acidic, or

> > (b) alkaline-forming material added by the body to reduce the acidity of

> the

> > unusable material.

> >

> > The amount of alkaline-forming material added is in direct proportion to

> the

> > amount of damage the acid waste would do if it were not (relatively)

> > neutralized. In other words, the stronger, the more toxic, the waste

> > byproduct, the greater the quantity of alkaline material added.

> >

> > When we eat and live very healthfully, the waste byproduct is typically

> mild

> > ... you can tell this because urination always feels comfortable. When we

> > eat and live unhealthfully, the waste byproducts is typically more

> strongly

> > acidic ... you can tell this because urination may burn a bit, or feel

> > somewhat irritating.

> >

> > In the former case (predominantly healthful diet and lifestyle), the body

> > need not add much alkaline-forming material to the urine. This is a " good

> > thing " , as that material is part of the body ... it comes primarily from

> our

> > bones, as well as from other structures.

> >

> > In the latter case (predominantly less healthful diet and lifestyle), the

> > body commits alkaline-forming material almost continually, in order to

> > protect its own tissues from acid burns prior to and during elimination.

> > Over time, this leaching process depletes the body, in response to which

> all

> > the treatment-oriented types recommend different ways to infuse minerals

> > back into the body. But if one simply adopts a healthful diet and

> lifestyle,

> > the body replenishes itself ... and none of the other " treatments " works

> > particularly well. How can you know this? Just go and find someone who

> > actually claims that his/her treatment reinfuses minerals into the bone

> > structures of your system.

> >

> > I imagine that the reason Neal's comment about byproducts seemed confusing

> > to you is that ALL " waste " products are byproducts of something. For

> > example, when humans drink a case of soda or beer, part of the " waste "

> > product consists of empty bottles and/or cans, cardboard packaging, and

> the

> > like. In a metabolic context, many byproducts can be reused; these are

> > typically recaptured and recycled by the organism (whether human or

> > otherwise). And those byproducts that cannot be reused by THAT organism

> are

> > released back into Nature (eliminated), where they become food and raw

> > material for other, smaller organisms (typically bacteria, molds, fungi,

> and

> > the like).

> >

> > Ammonia is a rather strong alkaline-forming material manufactured by the

> > body primarily in the presence of acid overload. For more information

> about

> > ammonia in the body, please see posts # 16196 and 29499.

> >

> > I'll discuss skin some other time.

> >

> > And as I wrote in some post yesterday, as I recall, your child has many

> > symptoms ... why this focus on a little rash or skin irritation? Seems to

> me

> > a bit like the tail wagging the dog, so to speak.

> >

> > Best,

> > Elchanan

> > _____

> >

> > rawfood@ <rawfood%40> .com

> [rawfood@ <rawfood%40> .com] On

> Behalf Of

> > Caron

> > Wednesday, June 13, 2007 11:15 PM

> > rawfood@ <rawfood%40> .com

> > Re: [Raw Food] Use urine??? (WAS: A painful lesson)

> >

> >

> > - Elchanan

> > 2. Urine is predominantly acidic ... of course it would burn the skin, and

> > particularly the very thin and delicate skin of someone quite young.

> > Compare the texture of a sunflower sprout with that of a full-grown

> > sunflower green. Get the picture?

> >

> > This is what I've seen in my boy, and why I was very hesitant to use it. I

> > have zero knowledge or experience with using urine to heal or clean, but

> tea

> > tree oil is known for its anti-something properties (some say anti fungal,

> > some say anti bacterial, I can never remember which, but it does work),

> and

> > zinc is known for healing, but both give my boy 3rd degree burns, which is

> > far worse than any rash he's had, or even any wound he's had, so there's

> > obviously no way I'd use them again. It's like using a medication with a

> > list of side effects longer than my arm - why use a " cure " that's worse

> than

> > the original illness??

> >

> > Anyway, I've been thinking about skin, and how different his is to mine

> (eg,

> > my face is sensitive, but my arms are less so, and my feet the complete

> > opposite, whereas when he was born, the skin on his feet was the same as

> > anywhere else on his body, and even now, the only difference is a slight

> > dryness compared to the rest, and staining from walking on dirt barefoot.

> > And I wondered, are we humans more like marsuipials (kangaroos, koalas,

> etc)

> > just missing our pouches? One of those weird, random thoughts I have at

> odd

> > moments...

> >

> > 3. Urine contains the collected aggregate of all that the body finds of no

> > use whatsoever -- the sum total of our metabolic waste + nonmetabolic

> > foreign matter the body is able to release now -- along with some

> alkalizing

> > components to prevent acid burns on the way out. Why anyone would

> > administer urine to the body is beyond me. Also, the alkalizing components

> > are only noticeable in quantity when the urine is highly acidic.

> >

> > I haven't investigated the chemical composition of urine, though my

> studies

> > and my medical history have told me that extras like protein, sugar, and

> so

> > on, are not good to have. However, my thinking was similar to yours, which

> > is why Neal's statement that it's not a waste product but a byproduct

> threw

> > me for a loop. I know the kidneys filter the blood, and just assumed that

> > the stuff that was filtered out was sent out with the urine, but then

> > started wondering if maybe it goes out into the bowel. I have no idea, but

> > it's now on my list of things to study. I feel a need to retake my anatomy

> > and physiology, and biochemistry classes, from the point of view of raw

> food

> > being ideal. I have a feeling I'd understand things much better.

> >

> > 4. The presence of ammonia, a strong alkaline substance, directly

> indicates

> > that the underlying waste product is HIGHLY acidic. The body makes ammonia

> > in noticeable quantities only when this is so.

> >

> > Can you please expand on this? This is something I've been trying to get

> my

> > head around since he started getting those burns, and there's quite a few

> > other mums in the nappy group who have had similar problems with their

> > babies. The common assumptions include: food allergies, bacteria in the

> > nappies, dehydration, and age of infant (it usually occurs shortly before

> > the child is out of night nappies, but this happens at different ages, so

> my

> > guess is that the correlation is between the burns and tt'ing, not age and

> > burns). I'm sure there's more to it though, and would love to understand

> it

> > better.

> >

> > Thanks Elchanan,

> >

> > Caron

> >

> >

> >

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i dunno...his single-ness is determined by the time of day!


dont know how long that would last......




On 6/15/07, Terry Bakhtiari <pablobully wrote:

> uh oh...maybe we could make a match here!?!?!


> Anna Bishop <mowthpeece wrote: elchanan are you single?

> ;-D


> On 6/14/07, Elchanan <Elchanan wrote:

> > Twenty-five cents please. Please deposit twenty-five cents.

> >

> >

> >

> > .

> >

> >

> >

> > Oh, wait, wrong script!

> >

> >

> >

> > :-)

> >

> >

> >

> > _____

> >

> > rawfood [rawfood ] On Behalf

> Of

> > Anna Bishop

> > Thursday, June 14, 2007 8:36 AM

> > rawfood

> > Re: [Raw Food] Waste as byproduct; Metabolic recapture and

> > recycling; Leaching of alkaline-forming minerals (WAS: Use urine??? (WAS:

> A

> > painful lesson)

> >

> >

> >

> > that was very interesting...

> >

> > thank you.

> > a

> >

> > On 6/14/07, Elchanan <Elchanan@pathofheal

> > <Elchanan%40pathofhealth.org> th.org> wrote:

> > > Hi Caron,

> > >

> > > All living organisms are designed to recapture and recycle as much

> > material

> > > as they can reuse. So whatever is eliminated is either

> > >

> > > (a) unusable material, which is typically acidic, or

> > > (b) alkaline-forming material added by the body to reduce the acidity of

> > the

> > > unusable material.

> > >

> > > The amount of alkaline-forming material added is in direct proportion to

> > the

> > > amount of damage the acid waste would do if it were not (relatively)

> > > neutralized. In other words, the stronger, the more toxic, the waste

> > > byproduct, the greater the quantity of alkaline material added.

> > >

> > > When we eat and live very healthfully, the waste byproduct is typically

> > mild

> > > ... you can tell this because urination always feels comfortable. When

> we

> > > eat and live unhealthfully, the waste byproducts is typically more

> > strongly

> > > acidic ... you can tell this because urination may burn a bit, or feel

> > > somewhat irritating.

> > >

> > > In the former case (predominantly healthful diet and lifestyle), the

> body

> > > need not add much alkaline-forming material to the urine. This is a

> " good

> > > thing " , as that material is part of the body ... it comes primarily from

> > our

> > > bones, as well as from other structures.

> > >

> > > In the latter case (predominantly less healthful diet and lifestyle),

> the

> > > body commits alkaline-forming material almost continually, in order to

> > > protect its own tissues from acid burns prior to and during elimination.

> > > Over time, this leaching process depletes the body, in response to which

> > all

> > > the treatment-oriented types recommend different ways to infuse minerals

> > > back into the body. But if one simply adopts a healthful diet and

> > lifestyle,

> > > the body replenishes itself ... and none of the other " treatments " works

> > > particularly well. How can you know this? Just go and find someone who

> > > actually claims that his/her treatment reinfuses minerals into the bone

> > > structures of your system.

> > >

> > > I imagine that the reason Neal's comment about byproducts seemed

> confusing

> > > to you is that ALL " waste " products are byproducts of something. For

> > > example, when humans drink a case of soda or beer, part of the " waste "

> > > product consists of empty bottles and/or cans, cardboard packaging, and

> > the

> > > like. In a metabolic context, many byproducts can be reused; these are

> > > typically recaptured and recycled by the organism (whether human or

> > > otherwise). And those byproducts that cannot be reused by THAT organism

> > are

> > > released back into Nature (eliminated), where they become food and raw

> > > material for other, smaller organisms (typically bacteria, molds, fungi,

> > and

> > > the like).

> > >

> > > Ammonia is a rather strong alkaline-forming material manufactured by the

> > > body primarily in the presence of acid overload. For more information

> > about

> > > ammonia in the body, please see posts # 16196 and 29499.

> > >

> > > I'll discuss skin some other time.

> > >

> > > And as I wrote in some post yesterday, as I recall, your child has many

> > > symptoms ... why this focus on a little rash or skin irritation? Seems

> to

> > me

> > > a bit like the tail wagging the dog, so to speak.

> > >

> > > Best,

> > > Elchanan

> > > _____

> > >

> > > rawfood@ <rawfood%40> .com

> > [rawfood@ <rawfood%40> .com] On

> > Behalf Of

> > > Caron

> > > Wednesday, June 13, 2007 11:15 PM

> > > rawfood@ <rawfood%40> .com

> > > Re: [Raw Food] Use urine??? (WAS: A painful lesson)

> > >

> > >

> > > - Elchanan

> > > 2. Urine is predominantly acidic ... of course it would burn the skin,

> and

> > > particularly the very thin and delicate skin of someone quite young.

> > > Compare the texture of a sunflower sprout with that of a full-grown

> > > sunflower green. Get the picture?

> > >

> > > This is what I've seen in my boy, and why I was very hesitant to use it.

> I

> > > have zero knowledge or experience with using urine to heal or clean, but

> > tea

> > > tree oil is known for its anti-something properties (some say anti

> fungal,

> > > some say anti bacterial, I can never remember which, but it does work),

> > and

> > > zinc is known for healing, but both give my boy 3rd degree burns, which

> is

> > > far worse than any rash he's had, or even any wound he's had, so there's

> > > obviously no way I'd use them again. It's like using a medication with a

> > > list of side effects longer than my arm - why use a " cure " that's worse

> > than

> > > the original illness??

> > >

> > > Anyway, I've been thinking about skin, and how different his is to mine

> > (eg,

> > > my face is sensitive, but my arms are less so, and my feet the complete

> > > opposite, whereas when he was born, the skin on his feet was the same as

> > > anywhere else on his body, and even now, the only difference is a slight

> > > dryness compared to the rest, and staining from walking on dirt

> barefoot.

> > > And I wondered, are we humans more like marsuipials (kangaroos, koalas,

> > etc)

> > > just missing our pouches? One of those weird, random thoughts I have at

> > odd

> > > moments...

> > >

> > > 3. Urine contains the collected aggregate of all that the body finds of

> no

> > > use whatsoever -- the sum total of our metabolic waste + nonmetabolic

> > > foreign matter the body is able to release now -- along with some

> > alkalizing

> > > components to prevent acid burns on the way out. Why anyone would

> > > administer urine to the body is beyond me. Also, the alkalizing

> components

> > > are only noticeable in quantity when the urine is highly acidic.

> > >

> > > I haven't investigated the chemical composition of urine, though my

> > studies

> > > and my medical history have told me that extras like protein, sugar, and

> > so

> > > on, are not good to have. However, my thinking was similar to yours,

> which

> > > is why Neal's statement that it's not a waste product but a byproduct

> > threw

> > > me for a loop. I know the kidneys filter the blood, and just assumed

> that

> > > the stuff that was filtered out was sent out with the urine, but then

> > > started wondering if maybe it goes out into the bowel. I have no idea,

> but

> > > it's now on my list of things to study. I feel a need to retake my

> anatomy

> > > and physiology, and biochemistry classes, from the point of view of raw

> > food

> > > being ideal. I have a feeling I'd understand things much better.

> > >

> > > 4. The presence of ammonia, a strong alkaline substance, directly

> > indicates

> > > that the underlying waste product is HIGHLY acidic. The body makes

> ammonia

> > > in noticeable quantities only when this is so.

> > >

> > > Can you please expand on this? This is something I've been trying to get

> > my

> > > head around since he started getting those burns, and there's quite a

> few

> > > other mums in the nappy group who have had similar problems with their

> > > babies. The common assumptions include: food allergies, bacteria in the

> > > nappies, dehydration, and age of infant (it usually occurs shortly

> before

> > > the child is out of night nappies, but this happens at different ages,

> so

> > my

> > > guess is that the correlation is between the burns and tt'ing, not age

> and

> > > burns). I'm sure there's more to it though, and would love to understand

> > it

> > > better.

> > >

> > > Thanks Elchanan,

> > >

> > > Caron

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Vut? U vanna lite a fayr?






rawfood [rawfood ] On Behalf Of

Terry Bakhtiari

Friday, June 15, 2007 4:19 AM


Re: [Raw Food] Waste as byproduct; Metabolic recapture and

recycling; Leaching of alkaline-forming minerals (WAS: Use urine??? (WAS: A

painful lesson)




uh oh...maybe we could make a match here!?!?!


Anna Bishop <mowthpeece (AT) gmail (DOT) <mowthpeece%40gmail.com> com> wrote:

elchanan are you single? ;-D


On 6/14/07, Elchanan <Elchanan@pathofheal

<Elchanan%40pathofhealth.org> th.org> wrote:

> Twenty-five cents please. Please deposit twenty-five cents.




> .




> Oh, wait, wrong script!




> :-)




> _____


> rawfood@ <rawfood%40> .com

[rawfood@ <rawfood%40> .com] On

Behalf Of

> Anna Bishop

> Thursday, June 14, 2007 8:36 AM

> rawfood@ <rawfood%40> .com

> Re: [Raw Food] Waste as byproduct; Metabolic recapture and

> recycling; Leaching of alkaline-forming minerals (WAS: Use urine??? (WAS:


> painful lesson)




> that was very interesting...


> thank you.

> a


> On 6/14/07, Elchanan <Elchanan@pathofheal

> <Elchanan%40pathofhealth.org> th.org> wrote:

> > Hi Caron,

> >

> > All living organisms are designed to recapture and recycle as much

> material

> > as they can reuse. So whatever is eliminated is either

> >

> > (a) unusable material, which is typically acidic, or

> > (b) alkaline-forming material added by the body to reduce the acidity of

> the

> > unusable material.

> >

> > The amount of alkaline-forming material added is in direct proportion to

> the

> > amount of damage the acid waste would do if it were not (relatively)

> > neutralized. In other words, the stronger, the more toxic, the waste

> > byproduct, the greater the quantity of alkaline material added.

> >

> > When we eat and live very healthfully, the waste byproduct is typically

> mild

> > ... you can tell this because urination always feels comfortable. When


> > eat and live unhealthfully, the waste byproducts is typically more

> strongly

> > acidic ... you can tell this because urination may burn a bit, or feel

> > somewhat irritating.

> >

> > In the former case (predominantly healthful diet and lifestyle), the


> > need not add much alkaline-forming material to the urine. This is a

" good

> > thing " , as that material is part of the body ... it comes primarily from

> our

> > bones, as well as from other structures.

> >

> > In the latter case (predominantly less healthful diet and lifestyle),


> > body commits alkaline-forming material almost continually, in order to

> > protect its own tissues from acid burns prior to and during elimination.

> > Over time, this leaching process depletes the body, in response to which

> all

> > the treatment-oriented types recommend different ways to infuse minerals

> > back into the body. But if one simply adopts a healthful diet and

> lifestyle,

> > the body replenishes itself ... and none of the other " treatments " works

> > particularly well. How can you know this? Just go and find someone who

> > actually claims that his/her treatment reinfuses minerals into the bone

> > structures of your system.

> >

> > I imagine that the reason Neal's comment about byproducts seemed


> > to you is that ALL " waste " products are byproducts of something. For

> > example, when humans drink a case of soda or beer, part of the " waste "

> > product consists of empty bottles and/or cans, cardboard packaging, and

> the

> > like. In a metabolic context, many byproducts can be reused; these are

> > typically recaptured and recycled by the organism (whether human or

> > otherwise). And those byproducts that cannot be reused by THAT organism

> are

> > released back into Nature (eliminated), where they become food and raw

> > material for other, smaller organisms (typically bacteria, molds, fungi,

> and

> > the like).

> >

> > Ammonia is a rather strong alkaline-forming material manufactured by the

> > body primarily in the presence of acid overload. For more information

> about

> > ammonia in the body, please see posts # 16196 and 29499.

> >

> > I'll discuss skin some other time.

> >

> > And as I wrote in some post yesterday, as I recall, your child has many

> > symptoms ... why this focus on a little rash or skin irritation? Seems


> me

> > a bit like the tail wagging the dog, so to speak.

> >

> > Best,

> > Elchanan

> > _____

> >

> > rawfood@ <rawfood%40> .com

> [rawfood@ <rawfood%40> .com] On

> Behalf Of

> > Caron

> > Wednesday, June 13, 2007 11:15 PM

> > rawfood@ <rawfood%40> .com

> > Re: [Raw Food] Use urine??? (WAS: A painful lesson)

> >

> >

> > - Elchanan

> > 2. Urine is predominantly acidic ... of course it would burn the skin,


> > particularly the very thin and delicate skin of someone quite young.

> > Compare the texture of a sunflower sprout with that of a full-grown

> > sunflower green. Get the picture?

> >

> > This is what I've seen in my boy, and why I was very hesitant to use it.


> > have zero knowledge or experience with using urine to heal or clean, but

> tea

> > tree oil is known for its anti-something properties (some say anti


> > some say anti bacterial, I can never remember which, but it does work),

> and

> > zinc is known for healing, but both give my boy 3rd degree burns, which


> > far worse than any rash he's had, or even any wound he's had, so there's

> > obviously no way I'd use them again. It's like using a medication with a

> > list of side effects longer than my arm - why use a " cure " that's worse

> than

> > the original illness??

> >

> > Anyway, I've been thinking about skin, and how different his is to mine

> (eg,

> > my face is sensitive, but my arms are less so, and my feet the complete

> > opposite, whereas when he was born, the skin on his feet was the same as

> > anywhere else on his body, and even now, the only difference is a slight

> > dryness compared to the rest, and staining from walking on dirt


> > And I wondered, are we humans more like marsuipials (kangaroos, koalas,

> etc)

> > just missing our pouches? One of those weird, random thoughts I have at

> odd

> > moments...

> >

> > 3. Urine contains the collected aggregate of all that the body finds of


> > use whatsoever -- the sum total of our metabolic waste + nonmetabolic

> > foreign matter the body is able to release now -- along with some

> alkalizing

> > components to prevent acid burns on the way out. Why anyone would

> > administer urine to the body is beyond me. Also, the alkalizing


> > are only noticeable in quantity when the urine is highly acidic.

> >

> > I haven't investigated the chemical composition of urine, though my

> studies

> > and my medical history have told me that extras like protein, sugar, and

> so

> > on, are not good to have. However, my thinking was similar to yours,


> > is why Neal's statement that it's not a waste product but a byproduct

> threw

> > me for a loop. I know the kidneys filter the blood, and just assumed


> > the stuff that was filtered out was sent out with the urine, but then

> > started wondering if maybe it goes out into the bowel. I have no idea,


> > it's now on my list of things to study. I feel a need to retake my


> > and physiology, and biochemistry classes, from the point of view of raw

> food

> > being ideal. I have a feeling I'd understand things much better.

> >

> > 4. The presence of ammonia, a strong alkaline substance, directly

> indicates

> > that the underlying waste product is HIGHLY acidic. The body makes


> > in noticeable quantities only when this is so.

> >

> > Can you please expand on this? This is something I've been trying to get

> my

> > head around since he started getting those burns, and there's quite a


> > other mums in the nappy group who have had similar problems with their

> > babies. The common assumptions include: food allergies, bacteria in the

> > nappies, dehydration, and age of infant (it usually occurs shortly


> > the child is out of night nappies, but this happens at different ages,


> my

> > guess is that the correlation is between the burns and tt'ing, not age


> > burns). I'm sure there's more to it though, and would love to understand

> it

> > better.

> >

> > Thanks Elchanan,

> >

> > Caron

> >

> >

> >

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Guest guest

LOL, very funny! Okay, I'll waive the twenty-five cents and take off the

watch. It's been broken for years, anyway. But don't tell anyone, it might

undermine my sales pitch.






rawfood [rawfood ] On Behalf Of

Anna Bishop

Friday, June 15, 2007 7:01 AM


Re: [Raw Food] Waste as byproduct; Metabolic recapture and

recycling; Leaching of alkaline-forming minerals (WAS: Use urine??? (WAS: A

painful lesson)






i dunno...his single-ness is determined by the time of day!


dont know how long that would last......




On 6/15/07, Terry Bakhtiari <pablobully (AT) (DOT)

<pablobully%40> com> wrote:

> uh oh...maybe we could make a match here!?!?!


> Anna Bishop <mowthpeece (AT) gmail (DOT) <mowthpeece%40gmail.com> com> wrote:

elchanan are you single?

> ;-D


> On 6/14/07, Elchanan <Elchanan@pathofheal

<Elchanan%40pathofhealth.org> th.org> wrote:

> > Twenty-five cents please. Please deposit twenty-five cents.

> >

> >

> >

> > .

> >

> >

> >

> > Oh, wait, wrong script!

> >

> >

> >

> > :-)

> >

> >

> >

> > _____

> >

> > rawfood@ <rawfood%40> .com

[rawfood@ <rawfood%40> .com] On


> Of

> > Anna Bishop

> > Thursday, June 14, 2007 8:36 AM

> > rawfood@ <rawfood%40> .com

> > Re: [Raw Food] Waste as byproduct; Metabolic recapture and

> > recycling; Leaching of alkaline-forming minerals (WAS: Use urine???


> A

> > painful lesson)

> >

> >

> >

> > that was very interesting...

> >

> > thank you.

> > a

> >

> > On 6/14/07, Elchanan <Elchanan@pathofheal

> > <Elchanan%40pathofhealth.org> th.org> wrote:

> > > Hi Caron,

> > >

> > > All living organisms are designed to recapture and recycle as much

> > material

> > > as they can reuse. So whatever is eliminated is either

> > >

> > > (a) unusable material, which is typically acidic, or

> > > (b) alkaline-forming material added by the body to reduce the acidity


> > the

> > > unusable material.

> > >

> > > The amount of alkaline-forming material added is in direct proportion


> > the

> > > amount of damage the acid waste would do if it were not (relatively)

> > > neutralized. In other words, the stronger, the more toxic, the waste

> > > byproduct, the greater the quantity of alkaline material added.

> > >

> > > When we eat and live very healthfully, the waste byproduct is


> > mild

> > > ... you can tell this because urination always feels comfortable. When

> we

> > > eat and live unhealthfully, the waste byproducts is typically more

> > strongly

> > > acidic ... you can tell this because urination may burn a bit, or feel

> > > somewhat irritating.

> > >

> > > In the former case (predominantly healthful diet and lifestyle), the

> body

> > > need not add much alkaline-forming material to the urine. This is a

> " good

> > > thing " , as that material is part of the body ... it comes primarily


> > our

> > > bones, as well as from other structures.

> > >

> > > In the latter case (predominantly less healthful diet and lifestyle),

> the

> > > body commits alkaline-forming material almost continually, in order to

> > > protect its own tissues from acid burns prior to and during


> > > Over time, this leaching process depletes the body, in response to


> > all

> > > the treatment-oriented types recommend different ways to infuse


> > > back into the body. But if one simply adopts a healthful diet and

> > lifestyle,

> > > the body replenishes itself ... and none of the other " treatments "


> > > particularly well. How can you know this? Just go and find someone who

> > > actually claims that his/her treatment reinfuses minerals into the


> > > structures of your system.

> > >

> > > I imagine that the reason Neal's comment about byproducts seemed

> confusing

> > > to you is that ALL " waste " products are byproducts of something. For

> > > example, when humans drink a case of soda or beer, part of the " waste "

> > > product consists of empty bottles and/or cans, cardboard packaging,


> > the

> > > like. In a metabolic context, many byproducts can be reused; these are

> > > typically recaptured and recycled by the organism (whether human or

> > > otherwise). And those byproducts that cannot be reused by THAT


> > are

> > > released back into Nature (eliminated), where they become food and raw

> > > material for other, smaller organisms (typically bacteria, molds,


> > and

> > > the like).

> > >

> > > Ammonia is a rather strong alkaline-forming material manufactured by


> > > body primarily in the presence of acid overload. For more information

> > about

> > > ammonia in the body, please see posts # 16196 and 29499.

> > >

> > > I'll discuss skin some other time.

> > >

> > > And as I wrote in some post yesterday, as I recall, your child has


> > > symptoms ... why this focus on a little rash or skin irritation? Seems

> to

> > me

> > > a bit like the tail wagging the dog, so to speak.

> > >

> > > Best,

> > > Elchanan

> > > _____

> > >

> > > rawfood@ <rawfood%40> .com

> > [rawfood@ <rawfood%40> .com] On

> > Behalf Of

> > > Caron

> > > Wednesday, June 13, 2007 11:15 PM

> > > rawfood@ <rawfood%40> .com

> > > Re: [Raw Food] Use urine??? (WAS: A painful lesson)

> > >

> > >

> > > - Elchanan

> > > 2. Urine is predominantly acidic ... of course it would burn the skin,

> and

> > > particularly the very thin and delicate skin of someone quite young.

> > > Compare the texture of a sunflower sprout with that of a full-grown

> > > sunflower green. Get the picture?

> > >

> > > This is what I've seen in my boy, and why I was very hesitant to use


> I

> > > have zero knowledge or experience with using urine to heal or clean,


> > tea

> > > tree oil is known for its anti-something properties (some say anti

> fungal,

> > > some say anti bacterial, I can never remember which, but it does


> > and

> > > zinc is known for healing, but both give my boy 3rd degree burns,


> is

> > > far worse than any rash he's had, or even any wound he's had, so


> > > obviously no way I'd use them again. It's like using a medication with


> > > list of side effects longer than my arm - why use a " cure " that's


> > than

> > > the original illness??

> > >

> > > Anyway, I've been thinking about skin, and how different his is to


> > (eg,

> > > my face is sensitive, but my arms are less so, and my feet the


> > > opposite, whereas when he was born, the skin on his feet was the same


> > > anywhere else on his body, and even now, the only difference is a


> > > dryness compared to the rest, and staining from walking on dirt

> barefoot.

> > > And I wondered, are we humans more like marsuipials (kangaroos,


> > etc)

> > > just missing our pouches? One of those weird, random thoughts I have


> > odd

> > > moments...

> > >

> > > 3. Urine contains the collected aggregate of all that the body finds


> no

> > > use whatsoever -- the sum total of our metabolic waste + nonmetabolic

> > > foreign matter the body is able to release now -- along with some

> > alkalizing

> > > components to prevent acid burns on the way out. Why anyone would

> > > administer urine to the body is beyond me. Also, the alkalizing

> components

> > > are only noticeable in quantity when the urine is highly acidic.

> > >

> > > I haven't investigated the chemical composition of urine, though my

> > studies

> > > and my medical history have told me that extras like protein, sugar,


> > so

> > > on, are not good to have. However, my thinking was similar to yours,

> which

> > > is why Neal's statement that it's not a waste product but a byproduct

> > threw

> > > me for a loop. I know the kidneys filter the blood, and just assumed

> that

> > > the stuff that was filtered out was sent out with the urine, but then

> > > started wondering if maybe it goes out into the bowel. I have no idea,

> but

> > > it's now on my list of things to study. I feel a need to retake my

> anatomy

> > > and physiology, and biochemistry classes, from the point of view of


> > food

> > > being ideal. I have a feeling I'd understand things much better.

> > >

> > > 4. The presence of ammonia, a strong alkaline substance, directly

> > indicates

> > > that the underlying waste product is HIGHLY acidic. The body makes

> ammonia

> > > in noticeable quantities only when this is so.

> > >

> > > Can you please expand on this? This is something I've been trying to


> > my

> > > head around since he started getting those burns, and there's quite a

> few

> > > other mums in the nappy group who have had similar problems with their

> > > babies. The common assumptions include: food allergies, bacteria in


> > > nappies, dehydration, and age of infant (it usually occurs shortly

> before

> > > the child is out of night nappies, but this happens at different ages,

> so

> > my

> > > guess is that the correlation is between the burns and tt'ing, not age

> and

> > > burns). I'm sure there's more to it though, and would love to


> > it

> > > better.

> > >

> > > Thanks Elchanan,

> > >

> > > Caron

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Guest guest



i chave kandles and zoffft muuzzikk bbuubuulla....


zzoo rromaaanntik....






On 6/15/07, Elchanan <Elchanan wrote:

> Vut? U vanna lite a fayr?




> _____


> rawfood [rawfood ] On Behalf Of

> Terry Bakhtiari

> Friday, June 15, 2007 4:19 AM

> rawfood

> Re: [Raw Food] Waste as byproduct; Metabolic recapture and

> recycling; Leaching of alkaline-forming minerals (WAS: Use urine??? (WAS: A

> painful lesson)




> uh oh...maybe we could make a match here!?!?!


> Anna Bishop <mowthpeece (AT) gmail (DOT) <mowthpeece%40gmail.com> com> wrote:

> elchanan are you single? ;-D


> On 6/14/07, Elchanan <Elchanan@pathofheal

> <Elchanan%40pathofhealth.org> th.org> wrote:

> > Twenty-five cents please. Please deposit twenty-five cents.

> >

> >

> >

> > .

> >

> >

> >

> > Oh, wait, wrong script!

> >

> >

> >

> > :-)

> >

> >

> >

> > _____

> >

> > rawfood@ <rawfood%40> .com

> [rawfood@ <rawfood%40> .com] On

> Behalf Of

> > Anna Bishop

> > Thursday, June 14, 2007 8:36 AM

> > rawfood@ <rawfood%40> .com

> > Re: [Raw Food] Waste as byproduct; Metabolic recapture and

> > recycling; Leaching of alkaline-forming minerals (WAS: Use urine??? (WAS:

> A

> > painful lesson)

> >

> >

> >

> > that was very interesting...

> >

> > thank you.

> > a

> >

> > On 6/14/07, Elchanan <Elchanan@pathofheal

> > <Elchanan%40pathofhealth.org> th.org> wrote:

> > > Hi Caron,

> > >

> > > All living organisms are designed to recapture and recycle as much

> > material

> > > as they can reuse. So whatever is eliminated is either

> > >

> > > (a) unusable material, which is typically acidic, or

> > > (b) alkaline-forming material added by the body to reduce the acidity of

> > the

> > > unusable material.

> > >

> > > The amount of alkaline-forming material added is in direct proportion to

> > the

> > > amount of damage the acid waste would do if it were not (relatively)

> > > neutralized. In other words, the stronger, the more toxic, the waste

> > > byproduct, the greater the quantity of alkaline material added.

> > >

> > > When we eat and live very healthfully, the waste byproduct is typically

> > mild

> > > ... you can tell this because urination always feels comfortable. When

> we

> > > eat and live unhealthfully, the waste byproducts is typically more

> > strongly

> > > acidic ... you can tell this because urination may burn a bit, or feel

> > > somewhat irritating.

> > >

> > > In the former case (predominantly healthful diet and lifestyle), the

> body

> > > need not add much alkaline-forming material to the urine. This is a

> " good

> > > thing " , as that material is part of the body ... it comes primarily from

> > our

> > > bones, as well as from other structures.

> > >

> > > In the latter case (predominantly less healthful diet and lifestyle),

> the

> > > body commits alkaline-forming material almost continually, in order to

> > > protect its own tissues from acid burns prior to and during elimination.

> > > Over time, this leaching process depletes the body, in response to which

> > all

> > > the treatment-oriented types recommend different ways to infuse minerals

> > > back into the body. But if one simply adopts a healthful diet and

> > lifestyle,

> > > the body replenishes itself ... and none of the other " treatments " works

> > > particularly well. How can you know this? Just go and find someone who

> > > actually claims that his/her treatment reinfuses minerals into the bone

> > > structures of your system.

> > >

> > > I imagine that the reason Neal's comment about byproducts seemed

> confusing

> > > to you is that ALL " waste " products are byproducts of something. For

> > > example, when humans drink a case of soda or beer, part of the " waste "

> > > product consists of empty bottles and/or cans, cardboard packaging, and

> > the

> > > like. In a metabolic context, many byproducts can be reused; these are

> > > typically recaptured and recycled by the organism (whether human or

> > > otherwise). And those byproducts that cannot be reused by THAT organism

> > are

> > > released back into Nature (eliminated), where they become food and raw

> > > material for other, smaller organisms (typically bacteria, molds, fungi,

> > and

> > > the like).

> > >

> > > Ammonia is a rather strong alkaline-forming material manufactured by the

> > > body primarily in the presence of acid overload. For more information

> > about

> > > ammonia in the body, please see posts # 16196 and 29499.

> > >

> > > I'll discuss skin some other time.

> > >

> > > And as I wrote in some post yesterday, as I recall, your child has many

> > > symptoms ... why this focus on a little rash or skin irritation? Seems

> to

> > me

> > > a bit like the tail wagging the dog, so to speak.

> > >

> > > Best,

> > > Elchanan

> > > _____

> > >

> > > rawfood@ <rawfood%40> .com

> > [rawfood@ <rawfood%40> .com] On

> > Behalf Of

> > > Caron

> > > Wednesday, June 13, 2007 11:15 PM

> > > rawfood@ <rawfood%40> .com

> > > Re: [Raw Food] Use urine??? (WAS: A painful lesson)

> > >

> > >

> > > - Elchanan

> > > 2. Urine is predominantly acidic ... of course it would burn the skin,

> and

> > > particularly the very thin and delicate skin of someone quite young.

> > > Compare the texture of a sunflower sprout with that of a full-grown

> > > sunflower green. Get the picture?

> > >

> > > This is what I've seen in my boy, and why I was very hesitant to use it.

> I

> > > have zero knowledge or experience with using urine to heal or clean, but

> > tea

> > > tree oil is known for its anti-something properties (some say anti

> fungal,

> > > some say anti bacterial, I can never remember which, but it does work),

> > and

> > > zinc is known for healing, but both give my boy 3rd degree burns, which

> is

> > > far worse than any rash he's had, or even any wound he's had, so there's

> > > obviously no way I'd use them again. It's like using a medication with a

> > > list of side effects longer than my arm - why use a " cure " that's worse

> > than

> > > the original illness??

> > >

> > > Anyway, I've been thinking about skin, and how different his is to mine

> > (eg,

> > > my face is sensitive, but my arms are less so, and my feet the complete

> > > opposite, whereas when he was born, the skin on his feet was the same as

> > > anywhere else on his body, and even now, the only difference is a slight

> > > dryness compared to the rest, and staining from walking on dirt

> barefoot.

> > > And I wondered, are we humans more like marsuipials (kangaroos, koalas,

> > etc)

> > > just missing our pouches? One of those weird, random thoughts I have at

> > odd

> > > moments...

> > >

> > > 3. Urine contains the collected aggregate of all that the body finds of

> no

> > > use whatsoever -- the sum total of our metabolic waste + nonmetabolic

> > > foreign matter the body is able to release now -- along with some

> > alkalizing

> > > components to prevent acid burns on the way out. Why anyone would

> > > administer urine to the body is beyond me. Also, the alkalizing

> components

> > > are only noticeable in quantity when the urine is highly acidic.

> > >

> > > I haven't investigated the chemical composition of urine, though my

> > studies

> > > and my medical history have told me that extras like protein, sugar, and

> > so

> > > on, are not good to have. However, my thinking was similar to yours,

> which

> > > is why Neal's statement that it's not a waste product but a byproduct

> > threw

> > > me for a loop. I know the kidneys filter the blood, and just assumed

> that

> > > the stuff that was filtered out was sent out with the urine, but then

> > > started wondering if maybe it goes out into the bowel. I have no idea,

> but

> > > it's now on my list of things to study. I feel a need to retake my

> anatomy

> > > and physiology, and biochemistry classes, from the point of view of raw

> > food

> > > being ideal. I have a feeling I'd understand things much better.

> > >

> > > 4. The presence of ammonia, a strong alkaline substance, directly

> > indicates

> > > that the underlying waste product is HIGHLY acidic. The body makes

> ammonia

> > > in noticeable quantities only when this is so.

> > >

> > > Can you please expand on this? This is something I've been trying to get

> > my

> > > head around since he started getting those burns, and there's quite a

> few

> > > other mums in the nappy group who have had similar problems with their

> > > babies. The common assumptions include: food allergies, bacteria in the

> > > nappies, dehydration, and age of infant (it usually occurs shortly

> before

> > > the child is out of night nappies, but this happens at different ages,

> so

> > my

> > > guess is that the correlation is between the burns and tt'ing, not age

> and

> > > burns). I'm sure there's more to it though, and would love to understand

> > it

> > > better.

> > >

> > > Thanks Elchanan,

> > >

> > > Caron

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Guest guest

Please send me a list of all your pseudonyms so I can check all your

pseudoreferences. Of course, I'll keep it all confidential, unless I use it

in a sales pitch.





rawfood [rawfood ] On Behalf Of

Anna Bishop

Friday, June 15, 2007 8:31 AM


Re: [Raw Food] Waste as byproduct; Metabolic recapture and

recycling; Leaching of alkaline-forming minerals (WAS: Use urine??? (WAS: A

painful lesson)





i chave kandles and zoffft muuzzikk bbuubuulla....


zzoo rromaaanntik....









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Guest guest

HAHAHAHA...ur killin me...!


was .25cents all you were gonna charge me?


and you waived that?


i am SSSOO flattered! And no watch!?.....this is luuvvvv!


it just might work!

<heavy sigh>

<images of floating hearts>


On 6/15/07, Elchanan <Elchanan wrote:

> LOL, very funny! Okay, I'll waive the twenty-five cents and take off the

> watch. It's been broken for years, anyway. But don't tell anyone, it might

> undermine my sales pitch.




> _____


> rawfood [rawfood ] On Behalf Of

> Anna Bishop

> Friday, June 15, 2007 7:01 AM

> rawfood

> Re: [Raw Food] Waste as byproduct; Metabolic recapture and

> recycling; Leaching of alkaline-forming minerals (WAS: Use urine??? (WAS: A

> painful lesson)




> LOL...


> i dunno...his single-ness is determined by the time of day!


> dont know how long that would last......


> 8-<>


> On 6/15/07, Terry Bakhtiari <pablobully (AT) (DOT)

> <pablobully%40> com> wrote:

> > uh oh...maybe we could make a match here!?!?!

> >

> > Anna Bishop <mowthpeece (AT) gmail (DOT) <mowthpeece%40gmail.com> com> wrote:

> elchanan are you single?

> > ;-D

> >

> > On 6/14/07, Elchanan <Elchanan@pathofheal

> <Elchanan%40pathofhealth.org> th.org> wrote:

> > > Twenty-five cents please. Please deposit twenty-five cents.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > .

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Oh, wait, wrong script!

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > :-)

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > _____

> > >

> > > rawfood@ <rawfood%40> .com

> [rawfood@ <rawfood%40> .com] On

> Behalf

> > Of

> > > Anna Bishop

> > > Thursday, June 14, 2007 8:36 AM

> > > rawfood@ <rawfood%40> .com

> > > Re: [Raw Food] Waste as byproduct; Metabolic recapture and

> > > recycling; Leaching of alkaline-forming minerals (WAS: Use urine???

> (WAS:

> > A

> > > painful lesson)

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > that was very interesting...

> > >

> > > thank you.

> > > a

> > >

> > > On 6/14/07, Elchanan <Elchanan@pathofheal

> > > <Elchanan%40pathofhealth.org> th.org> wrote:

> > > > Hi Caron,

> > > >

> > > > All living organisms are designed to recapture and recycle as much

> > > material

> > > > as they can reuse. So whatever is eliminated is either

> > > >

> > > > (a) unusable material, which is typically acidic, or

> > > > (b) alkaline-forming material added by the body to reduce the acidity

> of

> > > the

> > > > unusable material.

> > > >

> > > > The amount of alkaline-forming material added is in direct proportion

> to

> > > the

> > > > amount of damage the acid waste would do if it were not (relatively)

> > > > neutralized. In other words, the stronger, the more toxic, the waste

> > > > byproduct, the greater the quantity of alkaline material added.

> > > >

> > > > When we eat and live very healthfully, the waste byproduct is

> typically

> > > mild

> > > > ... you can tell this because urination always feels comfortable. When

> > we

> > > > eat and live unhealthfully, the waste byproducts is typically more

> > > strongly

> > > > acidic ... you can tell this because urination may burn a bit, or feel

> > > > somewhat irritating.

> > > >

> > > > In the former case (predominantly healthful diet and lifestyle), the

> > body

> > > > need not add much alkaline-forming material to the urine. This is a

> > " good

> > > > thing " , as that material is part of the body ... it comes primarily

> from

> > > our

> > > > bones, as well as from other structures.

> > > >

> > > > In the latter case (predominantly less healthful diet and lifestyle),

> > the

> > > > body commits alkaline-forming material almost continually, in order to

> > > > protect its own tissues from acid burns prior to and during

> elimination.

> > > > Over time, this leaching process depletes the body, in response to

> which

> > > all

> > > > the treatment-oriented types recommend different ways to infuse

> minerals

> > > > back into the body. But if one simply adopts a healthful diet and

> > > lifestyle,

> > > > the body replenishes itself ... and none of the other " treatments "

> works

> > > > particularly well. How can you know this? Just go and find someone who

> > > > actually claims that his/her treatment reinfuses minerals into the

> bone

> > > > structures of your system.

> > > >

> > > > I imagine that the reason Neal's comment about byproducts seemed

> > confusing

> > > > to you is that ALL " waste " products are byproducts of something. For

> > > > example, when humans drink a case of soda or beer, part of the " waste "

> > > > product consists of empty bottles and/or cans, cardboard packaging,

> and

> > > the

> > > > like. In a metabolic context, many byproducts can be reused; these are

> > > > typically recaptured and recycled by the organism (whether human or

> > > > otherwise). And those byproducts that cannot be reused by THAT

> organism

> > > are

> > > > released back into Nature (eliminated), where they become food and raw

> > > > material for other, smaller organisms (typically bacteria, molds,

> fungi,

> > > and

> > > > the like).

> > > >

> > > > Ammonia is a rather strong alkaline-forming material manufactured by

> the

> > > > body primarily in the presence of acid overload. For more information

> > > about

> > > > ammonia in the body, please see posts # 16196 and 29499.

> > > >

> > > > I'll discuss skin some other time.

> > > >

> > > > And as I wrote in some post yesterday, as I recall, your child has

> many

> > > > symptoms ... why this focus on a little rash or skin irritation? Seems

> > to

> > > me

> > > > a bit like the tail wagging the dog, so to speak.

> > > >

> > > > Best,

> > > > Elchanan

> > > > _____

> > > >

> > > > rawfood@ <rawfood%40> .com

> > > [rawfood@ <rawfood%40> .com] On

> > > Behalf Of

> > > > Caron

> > > > Wednesday, June 13, 2007 11:15 PM

> > > > rawfood@ <rawfood%40> .com

> > > > Re: [Raw Food] Use urine??? (WAS: A painful lesson)

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > - Elchanan

> > > > 2. Urine is predominantly acidic ... of course it would burn the skin,

> > and

> > > > particularly the very thin and delicate skin of someone quite young.

> > > > Compare the texture of a sunflower sprout with that of a full-grown

> > > > sunflower green. Get the picture?

> > > >

> > > > This is what I've seen in my boy, and why I was very hesitant to use

> it.

> > I

> > > > have zero knowledge or experience with using urine to heal or clean,

> but

> > > tea

> > > > tree oil is known for its anti-something properties (some say anti

> > fungal,

> > > > some say anti bacterial, I can never remember which, but it does

> work),

> > > and

> > > > zinc is known for healing, but both give my boy 3rd degree burns,

> which

> > is

> > > > far worse than any rash he's had, or even any wound he's had, so

> there's

> > > > obviously no way I'd use them again. It's like using a medication with

> a

> > > > list of side effects longer than my arm - why use a " cure " that's

> worse

> > > than

> > > > the original illness??

> > > >

> > > > Anyway, I've been thinking about skin, and how different his is to

> mine

> > > (eg,

> > > > my face is sensitive, but my arms are less so, and my feet the

> complete

> > > > opposite, whereas when he was born, the skin on his feet was the same

> as

> > > > anywhere else on his body, and even now, the only difference is a

> slight

> > > > dryness compared to the rest, and staining from walking on dirt

> > barefoot.

> > > > And I wondered, are we humans more like marsuipials (kangaroos,

> koalas,

> > > etc)

> > > > just missing our pouches? One of those weird, random thoughts I have

> at

> > > odd

> > > > moments...

> > > >

> > > > 3. Urine contains the collected aggregate of all that the body finds

> of

> > no

> > > > use whatsoever -- the sum total of our metabolic waste + nonmetabolic

> > > > foreign matter the body is able to release now -- along with some

> > > alkalizing

> > > > components to prevent acid burns on the way out. Why anyone would

> > > > administer urine to the body is beyond me. Also, the alkalizing

> > components

> > > > are only noticeable in quantity when the urine is highly acidic.

> > > >

> > > > I haven't investigated the chemical composition of urine, though my

> > > studies

> > > > and my medical history have told me that extras like protein, sugar,

> and

> > > so

> > > > on, are not good to have. However, my thinking was similar to yours,

> > which

> > > > is why Neal's statement that it's not a waste product but a byproduct

> > > threw

> > > > me for a loop. I know the kidneys filter the blood, and just assumed

> > that

> > > > the stuff that was filtered out was sent out with the urine, but then

> > > > started wondering if maybe it goes out into the bowel. I have no idea,

> > but

> > > > it's now on my list of things to study. I feel a need to retake my

> > anatomy

> > > > and physiology, and biochemistry classes, from the point of view of

> raw

> > > food

> > > > being ideal. I have a feeling I'd understand things much better.

> > > >

> > > > 4. The presence of ammonia, a strong alkaline substance, directly

> > > indicates

> > > > that the underlying waste product is HIGHLY acidic. The body makes

> > ammonia

> > > > in noticeable quantities only when this is so.

> > > >

> > > > Can you please expand on this? This is something I've been trying to

> get

> > > my

> > > > head around since he started getting those burns, and there's quite a

> > few

> > > > other mums in the nappy group who have had similar problems with their

> > > > babies. The common assumptions include: food allergies, bacteria in

> the

> > > > nappies, dehydration, and age of infant (it usually occurs shortly

> > before

> > > > the child is out of night nappies, but this happens at different ages,

> > so

> > > my

> > > > guess is that the correlation is between the burns and tt'ing, not age

> > and

> > > > burns). I'm sure there's more to it though, and would love to

> understand

> > > it

> > > > better.

> > > >

> > > > Thanks Elchanan,

> > > >

> > > > Caron

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

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Guest guest

ha ha!


Anna Bishop <mowthpeece wrote: LOL...


i dunno...his single-ness is determined by the time of day!


dont know how long that would last......




On 6/15/07, Terry Bakhtiari <pablobully wrote:

> uh oh...maybe we could make a match here!?!?!


> Anna Bishop <mowthpeece wrote: elchanan are you single?

> ;-D


> On 6/14/07, Elchanan <Elchanan wrote:

> > Twenty-five cents please. Please deposit twenty-five cents.

> >

> >

> >

> > .

> >

> >

> >

> > Oh, wait, wrong script!

> >

> >

> >

> > :-)

> >

> >

> >

> > _____

> >

> > rawfood [rawfood ] On Behalf

> Of

> > Anna Bishop

> > Thursday, June 14, 2007 8:36 AM

> > rawfood

> > Re: [Raw Food] Waste as byproduct; Metabolic recapture and

> > recycling; Leaching of alkaline-forming minerals (WAS: Use urine??? (WAS:

> A

> > painful lesson)

> >

> >

> >

> > that was very interesting...

> >

> > thank you.

> > a

> >

> > On 6/14/07, Elchanan <Elchanan@pathofheal

> > <Elchanan%40pathofhealth.org> th.org> wrote:

> > > Hi Caron,

> > >

> > > All living organisms are designed to recapture and recycle as much

> > material

> > > as they can reuse. So whatever is eliminated is either

> > >

> > > (a) unusable material, which is typically acidic, or

> > > (b) alkaline-forming material added by the body to reduce the acidity of

> > the

> > > unusable material.

> > >

> > > The amount of alkaline-forming material added is in direct proportion to

> > the

> > > amount of damage the acid waste would do if it were not (relatively)

> > > neutralized. In other words, the stronger, the more toxic, the waste

> > > byproduct, the greater the quantity of alkaline material added.

> > >

> > > When we eat and live very healthfully, the waste byproduct is typically

> > mild

> > > ... you can tell this because urination always feels comfortable. When

> we

> > > eat and live unhealthfully, the waste byproducts is typically more

> > strongly

> > > acidic ... you can tell this because urination may burn a bit, or feel

> > > somewhat irritating.

> > >

> > > In the former case (predominantly healthful diet and lifestyle), the

> body

> > > need not add much alkaline-forming material to the urine. This is a

> " good

> > > thing " , as that material is part of the body ... it comes primarily from

> > our

> > > bones, as well as from other structures.

> > >

> > > In the latter case (predominantly less healthful diet and lifestyle),

> the

> > > body commits alkaline-forming material almost continually, in order to

> > > protect its own tissues from acid burns prior to and during elimination.

> > > Over time, this leaching process depletes the body, in response to which

> > all

> > > the treatment-oriented types recommend different ways to infuse minerals

> > > back into the body. But if one simply adopts a healthful diet and

> > lifestyle,

> > > the body replenishes itself ... and none of the other " treatments " works

> > > particularly well. How can you know this? Just go and find someone who

> > > actually claims that his/her treatment reinfuses minerals into the bone

> > > structures of your system.

> > >

> > > I imagine that the reason Neal's comment about byproducts seemed

> confusing

> > > to you is that ALL " waste " products are byproducts of something. For

> > > example, when humans drink a case of soda or beer, part of the " waste "

> > > product consists of empty bottles and/or cans, cardboard packaging, and

> > the

> > > like. In a metabolic context, many byproducts can be reused; these are

> > > typically recaptured and recycled by the organism (whether human or

> > > otherwise). And those byproducts that cannot be reused by THAT organism

> > are

> > > released back into Nature (eliminated), where they become food and raw

> > > material for other, smaller organisms (typically bacteria, molds, fungi,

> > and

> > > the like).

> > >

> > > Ammonia is a rather strong alkaline-forming material manufactured by the

> > > body primarily in the presence of acid overload. For more information

> > about

> > > ammonia in the body, please see posts # 16196 and 29499.

> > >

> > > I'll discuss skin some other time.

> > >

> > > And as I wrote in some post yesterday, as I recall, your child has many

> > > symptoms ... why this focus on a little rash or skin irritation? Seems

> to

> > me

> > > a bit like the tail wagging the dog, so to speak.

> > >

> > > Best,

> > > Elchanan

> > > _____

> > >

> > > rawfood@ <rawfood%40> .com

> > [rawfood@ <rawfood%40> .com] On

> > Behalf Of

> > > Caron

> > > Wednesday, June 13, 2007 11:15 PM

> > > rawfood@ <rawfood%40> .com

> > > Re: [Raw Food] Use urine??? (WAS: A painful lesson)

> > >

> > >

> > > - Elchanan

> > > 2. Urine is predominantly acidic ... of course it would burn the skin,

> and

> > > particularly the very thin and delicate skin of someone quite young.

> > > Compare the texture of a sunflower sprout with that of a full-grown

> > > sunflower green. Get the picture?

> > >

> > > This is what I've seen in my boy, and why I was very hesitant to use it.

> I

> > > have zero knowledge or experience with using urine to heal or clean, but

> > tea

> > > tree oil is known for its anti-something properties (some say anti

> fungal,

> > > some say anti bacterial, I can never remember which, but it does work),

> > and

> > > zinc is known for healing, but both give my boy 3rd degree burns, which

> is

> > > far worse than any rash he's had, or even any wound he's had, so there's

> > > obviously no way I'd use them again. It's like using a medication with a

> > > list of side effects longer than my arm - why use a " cure " that's worse

> > than

> > > the original illness??

> > >

> > > Anyway, I've been thinking about skin, and how different his is to mine

> > (eg,

> > > my face is sensitive, but my arms are less so, and my feet the complete

> > > opposite, whereas when he was born, the skin on his feet was the same as

> > > anywhere else on his body, and even now, the only difference is a slight

> > > dryness compared to the rest, and staining from walking on dirt

> barefoot.

> > > And I wondered, are we humans more like marsuipials (kangaroos, koalas,

> > etc)

> > > just missing our pouches? One of those weird, random thoughts I have at

> > odd

> > > moments...

> > >

> > > 3. Urine contains the collected aggregate of all that the body finds of

> no

> > > use whatsoever -- the sum total of our metabolic waste + nonmetabolic

> > > foreign matter the body is able to release now -- along with some

> > alkalizing

> > > components to prevent acid burns on the way out. Why anyone would

> > > administer urine to the body is beyond me. Also, the alkalizing

> components

> > > are only noticeable in quantity when the urine is highly acidic.

> > >

> > > I haven't investigated the chemical composition of urine, though my

> > studies

> > > and my medical history have told me that extras like protein, sugar, and

> > so

> > > on, are not good to have. However, my thinking was similar to yours,

> which

> > > is why Neal's statement that it's not a waste product but a byproduct

> > threw

> > > me for a loop. I know the kidneys filter the blood, and just assumed

> that

> > > the stuff that was filtered out was sent out with the urine, but then

> > > started wondering if maybe it goes out into the bowel. I have no idea,

> but

> > > it's now on my list of things to study. I feel a need to retake my

> anatomy

> > > and physiology, and biochemistry classes, from the point of view of raw

> > food

> > > being ideal. I have a feeling I'd understand things much better.

> > >

> > > 4. The presence of ammonia, a strong alkaline substance, directly

> > indicates

> > > that the underlying waste product is HIGHLY acidic. The body makes

> ammonia

> > > in noticeable quantities only when this is so.

> > >

> > > Can you please expand on this? This is something I've been trying to get

> > my

> > > head around since he started getting those burns, and there's quite a

> few

> > > other mums in the nappy group who have had similar problems with their

> > > babies. The common assumptions include: food allergies, bacteria in the

> > > nappies, dehydration, and age of infant (it usually occurs shortly

> before

> > > the child is out of night nappies, but this happens at different ages,

> so

> > my

> > > guess is that the correlation is between the burns and tt'ing, not age

> and

> > > burns). I'm sure there's more to it though, and would love to understand

> > it

> > > better.

> > >

> > > Thanks Elchanan,

> > >

> > > Caron

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Guest guest

very funny! You know what I meant!


Elchanan <Elchanan wrote: Vut? U vanna lite a fayr?




rawfood [rawfood ] On Behalf Of

Terry Bakhtiari

Friday, June 15, 2007 4:19 AM


Re: [Raw Food] Waste as byproduct; Metabolic recapture and

recycling; Leaching of alkaline-forming minerals (WAS: Use urine??? (WAS: A

painful lesson)


uh oh...maybe we could make a match here!?!?!


Anna Bishop <mowthpeece (AT) gmail (DOT) <mowthpeece%40gmail.com> com> wrote:

elchanan are you single? ;-D


On 6/14/07, Elchanan <Elchanan@pathofheal

<Elchanan%40pathofhealth.org> th.org> wrote:

> Twenty-five cents please. Please deposit twenty-five cents.




> .




> Oh, wait, wrong script!




> :-)




> _____


> rawfood@ <rawfood%40> .com

[rawfood@ <rawfood%40> .com] On

Behalf Of

> Anna Bishop

> Thursday, June 14, 2007 8:36 AM

> rawfood@ <rawfood%40> .com

> Re: [Raw Food] Waste as byproduct; Metabolic recapture and

> recycling; Leaching of alkaline-forming minerals (WAS: Use urine??? (WAS:


> painful lesson)




> that was very interesting...


> thank you.

> a


> On 6/14/07, Elchanan <Elchanan@pathofheal

> <Elchanan%40pathofhealth.org> th.org> wrote:

> > Hi Caron,

> >

> > All living organisms are designed to recapture and recycle as much

> material

> > as they can reuse. So whatever is eliminated is either

> >

> > (a) unusable material, which is typically acidic, or

> > (b) alkaline-forming material added by the body to reduce the acidity of

> the

> > unusable material.

> >

> > The amount of alkaline-forming material added is in direct proportion to

> the

> > amount of damage the acid waste would do if it were not (relatively)

> > neutralized. In other words, the stronger, the more toxic, the waste

> > byproduct, the greater the quantity of alkaline material added.

> >

> > When we eat and live very healthfully, the waste byproduct is typically

> mild

> > ... you can tell this because urination always feels comfortable. When


> > eat and live unhealthfully, the waste byproducts is typically more

> strongly

> > acidic ... you can tell this because urination may burn a bit, or feel

> > somewhat irritating.

> >

> > In the former case (predominantly healthful diet and lifestyle), the


> > need not add much alkaline-forming material to the urine. This is a

" good

> > thing " , as that material is part of the body ... it comes primarily from

> our

> > bones, as well as from other structures.

> >

> > In the latter case (predominantly less healthful diet and lifestyle),


> > body commits alkaline-forming material almost continually, in order to

> > protect its own tissues from acid burns prior to and during elimination.

> > Over time, this leaching process depletes the body, in response to which

> all

> > the treatment-oriented types recommend different ways to infuse minerals

> > back into the body. But if one simply adopts a healthful diet and

> lifestyle,

> > the body replenishes itself ... and none of the other " treatments " works

> > particularly well. How can you know this? Just go and find someone who

> > actually claims that his/her treatment reinfuses minerals into the bone

> > structures of your system.

> >

> > I imagine that the reason Neal's comment about byproducts seemed


> > to you is that ALL " waste " products are byproducts of something. For

> > example, when humans drink a case of soda or beer, part of the " waste "

> > product consists of empty bottles and/or cans, cardboard packaging, and

> the

> > like. In a metabolic context, many byproducts can be reused; these are

> > typically recaptured and recycled by the organism (whether human or

> > otherwise). And those byproducts that cannot be reused by THAT organism

> are

> > released back into Nature (eliminated), where they become food and raw

> > material for other, smaller organisms (typically bacteria, molds, fungi,

> and

> > the like).

> >

> > Ammonia is a rather strong alkaline-forming material manufactured by the

> > body primarily in the presence of acid overload. For more information

> about

> > ammonia in the body, please see posts # 16196 and 29499.

> >

> > I'll discuss skin some other time.

> >

> > And as I wrote in some post yesterday, as I recall, your child has many

> > symptoms ... why this focus on a little rash or skin irritation? Seems


> me

> > a bit like the tail wagging the dog, so to speak.

> >

> > Best,

> > Elchanan

> > _____

> >

> > rawfood@ <rawfood%40> .com

> [rawfood@ <rawfood%40> .com] On

> Behalf Of

> > Caron

> > Wednesday, June 13, 2007 11:15 PM

> > rawfood@ <rawfood%40> .com

> > Re: [Raw Food] Use urine??? (WAS: A painful lesson)

> >

> >

> > - Elchanan

> > 2. Urine is predominantly acidic ... of course it would burn the skin,


> > particularly the very thin and delicate skin of someone quite young.

> > Compare the texture of a sunflower sprout with that of a full-grown

> > sunflower green. Get the picture?

> >

> > This is what I've seen in my boy, and why I was very hesitant to use it.


> > have zero knowledge or experience with using urine to heal or clean, but

> tea

> > tree oil is known for its anti-something properties (some say anti


> > some say anti bacterial, I can never remember which, but it does work),

> and

> > zinc is known for healing, but both give my boy 3rd degree burns, which


> > far worse than any rash he's had, or even any wound he's had, so there's

> > obviously no way I'd use them again. It's like using a medication with a

> > list of side effects longer than my arm - why use a " cure " that's worse

> than

> > the original illness??

> >

> > Anyway, I've been thinking about skin, and how different his is to mine

> (eg,

> > my face is sensitive, but my arms are less so, and my feet the complete

> > opposite, whereas when he was born, the skin on his feet was the same as

> > anywhere else on his body, and even now, the only difference is a slight

> > dryness compared to the rest, and staining from walking on dirt


> > And I wondered, are we humans more like marsuipials (kangaroos, koalas,

> etc)

> > just missing our pouches? One of those weird, random thoughts I have at

> odd

> > moments...

> >

> > 3. Urine contains the collected aggregate of all that the body finds of


> > use whatsoever -- the sum total of our metabolic waste + nonmetabolic

> > foreign matter the body is able to release now -- along with some

> alkalizing

> > components to prevent acid burns on the way out. Why anyone would

> > administer urine to the body is beyond me. Also, the alkalizing


> > are only noticeable in quantity when the urine is highly acidic.

> >

> > I haven't investigated the chemical composition of urine, though my

> studies

> > and my medical history have told me that extras like protein, sugar, and

> so

> > on, are not good to have. However, my thinking was similar to yours,


> > is why Neal's statement that it's not a waste product but a byproduct

> threw

> > me for a loop. I know the kidneys filter the blood, and just assumed


> > the stuff that was filtered out was sent out with the urine, but then

> > started wondering if maybe it goes out into the bowel. I have no idea,


> > it's now on my list of things to study. I feel a need to retake my


> > and physiology, and biochemistry classes, from the point of view of raw

> food

> > being ideal. I have a feeling I'd understand things much better.

> >

> > 4. The presence of ammonia, a strong alkaline substance, directly

> indicates

> > that the underlying waste product is HIGHLY acidic. The body makes


> > in noticeable quantities only when this is so.

> >

> > Can you please expand on this? This is something I've been trying to get

> my

> > head around since he started getting those burns, and there's quite a


> > other mums in the nappy group who have had similar problems with their

> > babies. The common assumptions include: food allergies, bacteria in the

> > nappies, dehydration, and age of infant (it usually occurs shortly


> > the child is out of night nappies, but this happens at different ages,


> my

> > guess is that the correlation is between the burns and tt'ing, not age


> > burns). I'm sure there's more to it though, and would love to understand

> it

> > better.

> >

> > Thanks Elchanan,

> >

> > Caron

> >

> >

> >

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How about quazipseudo references? You could be smooth enough to slip one in and

those of us that are incoherrent might not notice.




your time is the most cherished gift of all, tomorrow is promised to no one.





Elchanan <Elchanan


Friday, June 15, 2007 10:35:41 AM

RE: [Raw Food] Waste as byproduct; Metabolic recapture and recycling;

Leaching of alkaline-forming minerals (WAS: Use urine??? (WAS: A painful lesson)



Please send me a list of all your pseudonyms so I can check all your

pseudoreferences. Of course, I'll keep it all confidential, unless I use it

in a sales pitch.





rawfood [rawfood ] On Behalf Of

Anna Bishop

Friday, June 15, 2007 8:31 AM


Re: [Raw Food] Waste as byproduct; Metabolic recapture and

recycling; Leaching of alkaline-forming minerals (WAS: Use urine??? (WAS: A

painful lesson)





i chave kandles and zoffft muuzzikk bbuubuulla....


zzoo rromaaanntik....









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yea..cuz were tired...were not gettin it..


can someone draw us a picture?




On 6/15/07, jeannieh h <jeannieh99 wrote:

> How about quazipseudo references? You could be smooth enough to slip one in

> and those of us that are incoherrent might not notice.


> Jeannie


> your time is the most cherished gift of all, tomorrow is promised to no one.





> Elchanan <Elchanan

> rawfood

> Friday, June 15, 2007 10:35:41 AM

> RE: [Raw Food] Waste as byproduct; Metabolic recapture and

> recycling; Leaching of alkaline-forming minerals (WAS: Use urine??? (WAS: A

> painful lesson)



> Please send me a list of all your pseudonyms so I can check all your

> pseudoreferences. Of course, I'll keep it all confidential, unless I use it

> in a sales pitch.


> Elchanan

> _____


> rawfood [rawfood ] On Behalf Of

> Anna Bishop

> Friday, June 15, 2007 8:31 AM

> rawfood

> Re: [Raw Food] Waste as byproduct; Metabolic recapture and

> recycling; Leaching of alkaline-forming minerals (WAS: Use urine??? (WAS: A

> painful lesson)



> ooooooooo!..


> i chave kandles and zoffft muuzzikk bbuubuulla....


> zzoo rromaaanntik....


> gggrrrrrr....pppprrrrr.....


> 8-<>





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Guest guest

Yes, but if someone DID notice, the whole experience could turn out to be

quite a pisser.


Oh, no!!! Put him BACK in that cage NOW!!!




rawfood [rawfood ] On Behalf Of

jeannieh h

Friday, June 15, 2007 11:09 AM


Re: [Raw Food] Waste as byproduct; Metabolic recapture and

recycling; Leaching of alkaline-forming minerals (WAS: Use urine??? (WAS: A

painful lesson)



How about quazipseudo references? You could be smooth enough to slip one in

and those of us that are incoherrent might not notice.






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Guest guest



On 6/15/07, Elchanan <Elchanan wrote:

> Yes, but if someone DID notice, the whole experience could turn out to be

> quite a pisser.


> Oh, no!!! Put him BACK in that cage NOW!!!


> _____


> rawfood [rawfood ] On Behalf Of

> jeannieh h

> Friday, June 15, 2007 11:09 AM

> rawfood

> Re: [Raw Food] Waste as byproduct; Metabolic recapture and

> recycling; Leaching of alkaline-forming minerals (WAS: Use urine??? (WAS: A

> painful lesson)



> How about quazipseudo references? You could be smooth enough to slip one in

> and those of us that are incoherrent might not notice.


> Jeannie




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LOL, Apple juice anyone?




your time is the most cherished gift of all, tomorrow is promised to no one.





Elchanan <Elchanan


Friday, June 15, 2007 1:50:24 PM

RE: [Raw Food] Waste as byproduct; Metabolic recapture and recycling;

Leaching of alkaline-forming minerals (WAS: Use urine??? (WAS: A painful lesson)



Yes, but if someone DID notice, the whole experience could turn out to be

quite a pisser.


Oh, no!!! Put him BACK in that cage NOW!!!




rawfood [rawfood ] On Behalf Of

jeannieh h

Friday, June 15, 2007 11:09 AM


Re: [Raw Food] Waste as byproduct; Metabolic recapture and

recycling; Leaching of alkaline-forming minerals (WAS: Use urine??? (WAS: A

painful lesson)



How about quazipseudo references? You could be smooth enough to slip one in

and those of us that are incoherrent might not notice.






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