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Is pawpaw a melon?

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I think it's also called papaya. Just wondering if pawpaw is a melon, and if

it's best to eat in the morning, or if it can be eaten with other fruits?






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rawfood , " Caron " <carongroups wrote:


> I think it's also called papaya. Just wondering if pawpaw is a

melon, and if it's best to eat in the morning, or if it can be eaten

with other fruits?



> Caron



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The paw-paw is different than a papaya. But the paw-paw has a tropical taste.

Still no clue if it's a melon, but they look and are different than papayas.

Hope that helps!





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Right, it is its own beast:




However, papaya is often called pawpaw in other languages:




I've always read, as above, the seeds to be edible,

and so always eat them. They have a wonderful black

pepper taste. (And no, I haven't had unmentionable

side-effects. ??)







rawfood , School Of Rawk <schoolofrawk wrote:


> The paw-paw is different than a papaya. But the paw-paw has a

tropical taste. Still no clue if it's a melon, but they look and are

different than papayas. Hope that helps!

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rawfood , " Erin " <truepatriot wrote:


> Right, it is its own beast:


> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paw-paw


> However, papaya is often called pawpaw in other languages:


> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Papaya


> I've always read, as above, the seeds to be edible,

> and so always eat them. They have a wonderful black

> pepper taste. (And no, I haven't had unmentionable

> side-effects. ??)



I researched paw-paw seeds after I recovered (ha ha ha...er, yeah)

and every article talked about not eating them because they were

toxic. Are you sure you don't mean papaya? NOW this is getting

confusing. LOL! Hey, eat what you want, but EVERYBODY was puking

(yes, out of both ends) within 10 - 15 minutes. 100% of the unlucky

few who tried it before we realized. THANK GOD it was just the staff

and not the guests! It was in the Energy Soup I made....

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rawfood , " Erica " <schoolofrawk wrote:


> rawfood , " Erin " <truepatriot@> wrote:

> >

> > Right, it is its own beast:

> >

> > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paw-paw

> >

> > However, papaya is often called pawpaw in other languages:

> >

> > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Papaya

> >

> > I've always read, as above, the seeds to be edible,

> > and so always eat them. They have a wonderful black

> > pepper taste. (And no, I haven't had unmentionable

> > side-effects. ??)

> >


> I researched paw-paw seeds after I recovered (ha ha ha...er, yeah)

> and every article talked about not eating them because they were

> toxic. Are you sure you don't mean papaya? NOW this is getting

> confusing. LOL! Hey, eat what you want, but EVERYBODY was puking

> (yes, out of both ends) within 10 - 15 minutes. 100% of the unlucky

> few who tried it before we realized. THANK GOD it was just the


> and not the guests! It was in the Energy Soup I made....


I was speaking of papaya seeds, as that was what I believed

Caron's paw-paw to be (which she has since confirmed). I've

not had a paw-paw proper. <-- alliterations are cool




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